09x05 - Cops and Robber

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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09x05 - Cops and Robber

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "nypd blue"...

So, why the change?
You were on night watch
the last ten years, right?

I’m third‐grade still,
and we both know you don’t get a
grade bump working night watch.

That’s the rumor.
So, I put in the work like
everybody else.

Why shouldn’t I reap maximum
benefits? I gotta build up
my pension, right?

Andy, i’m assigned here now!


Lieu says you been slackin’.

Needed me to remind you
how it’s done.

What’s going on?
What’s with the bags?

You’re such a great
detective already,

I’m sure you can figure it out.
It’s time you left.

You don’t want
to talk this out?

You stayin’ at the 15th?


Then there’s nothing
to talk about.

And you don’t think that
this is taking it too far?



I didn’t have you
pegged for an early bird.

I didn’t sleep good.
Had nothing better to do.

I like to get through the papers
before the bustle.

It’s that or sneak
to reading in the can.

If someone’s mother
comes in asking

Did you collar
her son’s k*ller,

You can’t get caught
with your nose in page six.

You finish the pot,
you make the next one.

That’s the rule.

Coffee’s brewing, gibson.

And will be ready when?

When it’s ready.

Excuse me, but i’m exhausted off
this schedule adjustment,

And I need a cup
of coffee. You mind?

Morning to you, too.

Hey, john, your mustang parked
in the precinct parking lot?


Well, a couple of cars
got broken into.

That’s not funny.

I’m not playing.
You better come look.

Baldwin, my taurus?

Didn’t see.

[ Telephone ringing ]

someone gonna get that?

Aw, come on!

My car.

This guy’s got some balls
busting into cops’ cars.

I can’t believe this.
I can’t believe this!

Baldwin: what’d you lose?

[ Groans ]

All my clothes!

Is the trunk lock busted?

Pop it.

No, it looks intact...

But the trunk’s empty.

Oh, my god.

Yeah, the guy must’ve
opened it from inside.

All my clothes.
All my things.

What, are you living
out of your car?

No, i...moved out last night.

Son of a bitch!

John, john, john,
take it easy. Take it easy.

Now, we all got couches,
and if you need some clothes,

I’m in tight with a suit

There was a duffel in the trunk
and my shield was in it.

Your dupe?

The real one.

Ah, gibson got me
on the radio.

We got a homicide.

Ah, what a pain.

They take anything?

We’ll go talk to andy.

I’ll be right over.


What do you got?

Jason madeira ‐‐
two in the head.

Neighbor called it in.

Any witnesses?

None yet.
Andy’s doing a canvass.

We might need
to pull him off.

What’s up?

The kid could be in a jam.

I’ll fill you in
back at the house.


You gotta check
this guy’s crotch.

Probably a sock or something.

But if I dive in
and he’s built like a horse,

I’ll never stop
washing my hands.

[ Sighs ]
lucky for both of us.

The reason
that you get the dupe

Is so you can
safeguard the real one.

You didn’t need
to explain that.

Then why wasn’t it
in a safe‐deposit box?

I don’t have one yet.
Your dad has one.

Well, i’m not livin’
with him right now ‐‐

Can we concentrate
on the shield being gone?

Did you also have a g*n
in the bag?


Is that the truth?

I’ll report
that the shield was stolen

And i’ll take a 10‐day rip.

And maybe get dumped back
to uniform.

But they suggested
that I hold off.

We’ll give it
till the end of the day.

Go back to the house.
Check 61’s for car boosters.

Run guys who are known for it
and guys just out of jail.

What am I gonna tell the boss?

I’ll take care of the boss.

Just keep it quiet
so it stays in the squad.

Does the mouth know?

Not yet.
I’ll talk to him.

In the meantime,
you concentrate
on finding this skel.

If uniform or anticrime
gets to him first

And it’s in their paperwork,
you’re sunk.

All right, get out of here.


Morning, lieu.

How was your meeting
at the borough?

Always a picnic.

You get something
on the homicide?

This is on some cars
being broken into

In the station‐house lot.

Desk sergeant mentioned that.
He said you got hit.

Not too bad, I hope.

Not too bad.

Run that homicide?

You better wait
for mcdowell and gibson.

You weren’t at the scene?
I was at the scene,
but they’re more up to speed.

I had to stop at anticrime.

So, anticrime
is involved with this?

Not on the homicide.

So, we got four detectives
working the break‐ins

And two on the homicide?

Or are they working
the break‐ins, too?

We’re working the homicide.

Come on in.

And then you and I
need a minute.

[ Sighs ]

Doa was packed
and ready to travel.

Stolen car, bags in the trunk,
a one‐way ticket to vegas,

And 15 grand cash wadded up
in his crotch.

He have a rap sheet?

He’s on parole for a stickup.

His parole officer gave us
his home phone.

We reached a girlfriend,
francis pearson.

Same last name as the owner
of the stolen car.

We’re gonna grab her up.

When you’re back, check recent
robberies with big cash hauls.

Will do.

Oh, and, uh...

What’s with all the attention
on these break‐ins?

I think because cops
got ripped off.

What’d they lose?

We aren’t in the loop.

Nobody is today.

Yeah, close the door.

What’s going on?

You trust me?

Are you gonna tell me
what’s goin’ on?
You don’t wanna know.


Someone’s in a jam.
We’re helping them get out.


And this has to do with these
cars getting boosted?

Lieutenant ‐‐

I don’t like working this
when I really don’t like

Shortchanging a homicide

There’s no way i’d do that.

The homicide is first priority,

But mcdowell’s got it
under control.

[ Telephone rings ]

Lieutenant rodriguez.



There’s a robbery on essex.

Can I trouble you to handle it?

Whatever’s going on in there,

If it ain’t cleared up by
the end of the tour,

I want the whole story.



Junkie got ripped off
and cuffed to the fence.

He says a cop did it.

He says the guy
showed a shield.

Is he hurt?

Took a rap on the head.
He’ll live.

Are we keeping him cuffed
for show and tell?

E.s.u.’S on the way
with bolt cutters.

How are you doing, sir?
How’s he doing?

Looks superficial,
but he could use a c. T.

I don’t need that.
All I need is to be let free.

Okay, okay.
Can you tell us what happened?

I was walking down the street
when this guy grabbed me.

Did you get a look
at the guy?

He grabbed me from behind.

White, black?

I think white.

How tall?

I barely saw him.

Any tattoos, scars?
What was he wearing?

I barely saw him.

But you did see a badge.

Yeah, one hand was on my neck
shoving me in the alley,

And with the other, he put the
badge in my face.

What kind of badge?
What did it look like?

Like his.

You sure it was real?

I seen a few.

Now, am I gonna get
these cuffs off?

Yeah, soon. So, what happened
after he got you in the alley?

He said he was a cop, and
"spread ’em on the fence."

And then he emptied my pockets
and whacked me on my head.

What did he get?

20 Bucks.

And the dope
you just scored?

And you can give us
zero description?

I’ll make something up
if it’ll get these cuffs off.

They’re gonna help you out,

But keep trying
to remember details, okay?

It’s real important.

Yeah, I get it.

This is good.
This is great.

The guy just got some cash,
he got some dope.

Chances are he’ll hole up
and get high.

There’s no way that i’m gonna
let someone get hurt or k*lled

Because I couldn’t
face consequences.

So, are we buying it
was a real shield?

I don’t listen
to junkies much.

No, i’m asking do you
want me to notify i. A. B.
On the criminal impersonation?

You do the 61, we’ll
take care of notifications.

All right.

Take a seat, francis.

Then do I get to know
why I was kidnapped?

We don’t kidnap people,
especially little girls.

I’m 19.

14, If you’re a day.
And we’ll call your
parents to confirm.

I’m 15,

And if whatever i’m here
for involves my parents,

I have nothing to say
about it, I mean, nothing.

You’re here to answer some
questions about your boyfriend.

All I know is he’s a d*ck.
Is he in trouble?

When did you see him last?
Last night.

I take it he left
on bad terms.

I made him leave ’cause he
called me a dumb bitch.

Did it make you mad enough
to do him harm?

That is hardly the worst
he’s ever called me.

Plus, he’s the father
of my baby.

You know of anyone he had a beef
with ‐‐ a friend, co‐worker?


Where’s he work?

What’s it matter?

Is it some big secret?

It’s just a really
weird question.

No, it ain’t.

I’d really like to know
what i’m doing here now.

Is your father named
carl pearson?


Do you know anything
about his car being stolen?

Is jason arrested?

jason was found hurt

In your father’s car
this morning.

If you have any idea how it
happened, speak up now

Or we’ll have to start
looking at you as involved.

How bad?

Answer my question.

You answer mine.

He didn’t make it.

Now, can we
stop wasting time?

You’re lying.

Come on, let’s sit down.

You’re a liar.
No way he’s dead.

No way.

Take it easy, kid.

You’re a liar. Liar!

Just calm down.


No! No!

No! It’s not true!

No! No!

[ Sobs ]

Hey, anything?

We found nothing in the 61’s

But we got word out to area
pawn shops.

And we’re gonna debrief all
collars in the division.

If this guy’s as low‐rent
as he sounds,

Someone will deal him up.

Uh, we talked
to madeira’s girlfriend.

Come on.

I’m sorry, but someone
from randy’s pawn

Is calling for
detective medavoy.

Shall I get him or does
someone want to take this?

I got it.

What’d you get
from madeira’s girlfriend?

Nothing, but, uh,
she got real hinky

When we asked where
the boyfriend worked.
Which is where?

I put in another call
to his parole officer,

And he gave us a liquor store
that went belly up
a few weeks ago.

The owner’s coming in.
All right.

The pawn shop has a guy
looking to sell a bracelet

That got boosted
out of clark’s car.

We’re thinking
about heading down there.

Did I ask?

Where’s the guy?

The place is empty.

I see that.



Hey, take it easy, pal.

You randy?
Push the button.

You randy?

Detective clark.
Where’s the guy who
was selling my bracelet?

He got itchy and split.

Didn’t I tell you
how important it
was to keep him here?

Did you get the guy’s name?

He wouldn’t give it,
and he wouldn’t show i. D.,

Just a detective badge.

Like this?


He said he was a cop

And I should buy his stuff
on faith ‐‐ wrong.

You keep the stuff?

I tried to, but he
snatched it and ran.

What did he look like?

Uh, white, druggie, scummer.

Where’s the surveillance tape?

Machine ran out yesterday.
Forgot to reload it.

Oh, how’s it going,
fellas? Sipowicz.

This is anticrime.

This is ray giacolone,
bobby marcellus.

John clark.

What brings you guys here?

Some lowlife broke into
the captain’s car,

Nabbed his wife’s movado.

You call us about a lady’s
movado watch?

Same guy
had the bracelet.

The guy split.

Clark lost a bracelet.
You got any line on this guy?

Young, white,
flashing a shield.

Where’d you hear
about the shield?

He told us on the phone.

Sounds like it was a dupe.

Looked real to me.

What do you know?

Either way,
the whole house is up on it.

Captain says two days off
whoever collars the guy.

Huh. How about that?

[ Radio crackles ]
hold on.

Woman over radio:
be advised we got one
over on the...

It’s gonna be the keystone cops
looking for this perp now.

Son of a bitch.

Looks like mackey and palmer
got the days off.

What does that mean?

Uniform did a sweep for pros,

And those two picked up a john
who had a shield on him.

Huh. Well,
tough break, fellas.

Andy: good luck.

I gotta call the lieutenant
from the road.

This is done. I gotta
tell him what happened.

No, not yet. Come on.

Thanks for coming in,
mr. Rose. Coffee?

Black. Please.

We understand jason madeira
worked at your liquor store.

We’d like you to tell us
a little about him.

I’ve been through this
with you guys!

With us? With police?
What are you talking about?

With detectives three weeks
ago ‐‐ the robbery.

Don’t you guys
exchange information?

Why don’t you fill us in?

Three weeks ago, my store
was ripped off for 30 grand,

And that turd was in on it.

Why wasn’t he arrested?

He’s slick.

So, him being involved
is more of an opinion?

A scummer comes in,
holds a g*n on madeira,

And tells him
to open the till.

So what does he do?
Heads straight for the safe.

You always
keep 30 grand around?

Just happened to be
check‐cashing day,

Which i’m not licensed for.

So I got no insurance.

And now I got no business.

When was the last time
you saw madeira?

I fired him a few days
after the robbery.

At first, I thought
maybe he’s just gutless.

But then I do an inventory,

And I find a case of cristal
missing, and that was it!

You must’ve been furious.

He didn’t get no
goin’‐away party.

Where were you
early this morning, mr. Rose?


I got no job.

Can anyone vouch for you?

Because you’re looking good
for his m*rder, numbnuts.

What are you talking about?

Jason madeira was found
dead this morning.

You’re kidding!

No, we’re not, and you show
a little respect for the dead

Or you’ll get your teeth
smacked out!
Take it easy.

5:00 To 7:00,
I was off and on the phone

Talking to my kid in italy.

He’s in the army.
The base phone kept cutting out.

Who said madeira was k*lled
between 5:00 and 7:00?

7:00 To 8:30 I was reading
the paper in the noho diner.

Then I went to the park
and I played chess until noon.

You know what, mr. Rose?
You’re a little too well
accounted for.

For the time being, though,
we’ll take your word for it.

Tell us more
about the robbery.

Guy comes in
with a mask on, drives off

With some young‐looking
kid behind the wheel.

What kind of car?
Gray sedan.

You said a kid was driving.
Male or female?

Looked like a young boy.

He was wearing a wool hat.

Could you i. D. This kid?

Just got a glimpse.

Look, i’m not the kind laughs
at a guy getting k*lled,

But that madeira
was garbage, okay?!

Are we straight?

Thanks for coming in.

So, go with the girl
for being the driver?

Yeah, eddie, but seeing how
she’s such a twitch,

What do you say I take
the first swing alone?

What’s this?

You might have come off
a little strong earlier.

I got 28 years on the job.

I know how to handle
a little girl.

But seeing how she’s a teenager,
a runaway, and pregnant,

It’s a safe bet she’s got
problems with older men.

Oh, so now i’m a relic.

I’m saying father figures.
Could be.

I think there’s a better chance
she’ll respond to a soft touch.

Take a sh*t, but mark my words,
you got my years on the job,

They all get the crowbar.

[ Sighs ]

Thanks, lisa.

don’t forget those sodas.

Yeah, right.

I’m dying of thirst,

And i’m gonna need to pee again
in, like, a minute.

Raise your hand
when you’re ready.

Let’s talk about a robbery
that went down a few weeks ago.

I don’t know anything
about a robbery.

You know rose’s liquor
on 24th street?

Isn’t that
where jason worked?

I didn’t know the whole name.

The place got robbed,
and jason was involved.

The owner said the thief
took off in a car

Just like the one
stolen from your folks

Being driven by someone
who looked just like you.

He’s here to view a lineup.

Can I please have something
more to drink?

First tell me who jason
was working with.

I don’t know
about any robbery!


Is it safe to say you’ve
made some bad choices
in the past year ‐‐

Oh, come on!

Got knocked up,
you stole your folks’ car,

You moved in with a loser who
was skipping out on you.

Jason would never
go anywhere without me.

We found him with money,
bags, and a plane ticket.

Now is the time to ask
yourself ‐‐

Do you really need to be

An uneducated
teenage mother in jail,

Or should you go home
with your parents

And get your life together?

Do my parents need to know
that i’m here?

They already know.
They’re on their way in.

Great. That’s just great.

You know what?
I’m better off in jail.

Your baby
doesn’t deserve that.

You’re in a grown‐up world
here, francis.

Act like a grown‐up.


They never told me
anything before or after.

Jason just told me to drive r.j.
To the liquor store at noon

And wait for him in the car.

Then what?

I waited for him...

And then r. J. Ran out
screaming at me, all psycho.

"Drive away,
you stupid bitch!"

Who’s r. J.?

Robert jenkins ‐‐ r. J.

Write down
where to look for him.

Whose idea was it
to steal your folks’ car?

Jason said it would
take us to happiness.

And you bought that?

I was four months pregnant.
I didn’t have much of a choice.

So your folks don’t know?

They would’ve k*lled me.

They would’ve locked me up
in the basement.

Have you had
any prenatal care?

No, not really.

Now, can I please have a couple
of more sodas now, please?

Soda’s not good for the baby.

I’ll have someone run out
for juice.

You run along, connie.
I’ll keep an eye on her.

What the hell was that?!

What is going on?!

Just keep writing.

Says he found it
on the sidewalk.

All right.
Give us a minute.


Where’d you get this?

I just found it.

Tell the truth, and you’re
not a collar for it.

Lie, and i’ll put you
through the window.

Last winter, I grabbed it
out of a coat in a bar.

I carry it to impress chicks.

Where were you
this morning at 7:30?

I took my ma
to a foot clinic.

I’m really a decent guy.

Come on.

That’s it? Can I leave?

Shut up.

He’s not your guy.

What are you talking about?

He’s a collar for soliciting
the pros,

But he alibied out for
the car boost.
What about the shield?

We’re keeping the shield
to work on where he got it.

All that in 30 seconds?
What’s up with this?

We were looking
at two days off.

Which I will see that you get
when we collar the right guy ‐‐

Which this guy isn’t.

Hey, andy, john, we got a guy
we need to talk to.

Get him to the cells.

Maurice carlisle ‐‐
collared for dealing cr*ck.

Which is bull, seeing how I
didn’t have no cr*ck on me.

Uniform says he
ditched it in the sewer.

Where’d you get
this bracelet?

I bought it off a friend.

What’s your friend’s name?

We ain’t that close.

Where were you at 7:30
this morning?

Locked up, man.

You want to stay out,
you tell us the name.

Yo, yo, chief,
I didn’t have no cr*ck.

No matter what,
I will be staying out.

Restrain him.

Yo! Yo! Excuse me!

Get that roll of tape.

What the hell?!

That bracelet belongs
to this detective

Who lost some other items
he’d like returned.

So you tell us the name
of who you got it from,

Or I will
tape your mouth shut,

And after he beats
your ribs to dust,

We can rip off
that stupid mustache!

Man, you crazy!

Tape him up.

Yo, yo, figgis, man!
Jimmy figgis!

I traded him
for it for rock!
Where’d he get it?

He said he found it.
Not good enough.

If you got a car broke into,
that’s a sh*t.

He boosts cars, and he did
a bunch this morning.
And that’s all I know.

You’re taking us to him.
Come on.

Easy, brother!


No, thanks.

[ Sighs ]

So you know,
i’m a walking pharmacy ‐‐


Aspirin, anything you need.


You were right
working that girl alone.

I wouldn’t have been any help.

Glad it worked out.

You got kids?


Two sons ‐‐ 25 and 27.

And if either of them dares show
me the attitude that girl does,

They’d be picking their teeth
up off the floor.

Seems like a typical

That’s typical?

How do any of them survive
to be adults?

Guess we just do.

You’re saying you were
like them?

Not too far off.

That’s him.

That’s r. J.

[ Snores ]

Eddie, r. J.!

Freeze, r. J.!


What’s up?!

Where the hell
are you going?

You get the g*n?

Had to go pawing through a
dumpster for it,

Gonna wipe it all over
your ass!

That ain’t my g*n!

Save it!
I got him, kid.

Run ahead
and unlock the door.

Come on!
Get the door!

So, figgis, what year did you
come on the job?

I got this stuff
out of a dumpster.

Where’s the shield?

What are you talking about?

I’m talking about the detective
shield that was in his bags.

It’s not in the apartment.
Where is it?!

I don’t know.
I don’t know about a shield.

Get his shoes
and his pants off.

What are you doing?
Collecting stolen property.

My sweat pants!
That’s my sweat shirt!

Is this your underwear?

Nothing i’ll wear again.


You’re going
in the system naked!

All the way
to central booking!

This is a joke, right?

Where’s the shield?!

I said I don’t know!

Where is the shield?!

I don’t know!

Come on!

Oh, jeez! Oh, god!

Grab his feet.
We’ll carry him.

If his head hits the wall,
that’s okay.

All right! All right!
Can we just go back in?!

Drop him.
All right, let’s go.

If this guy finds out I ratted,
he’ll k*ll me.


He’ll k*ll me!

I’ll k*ll you.

Deacon ames.

What’s his act?

He runs a sh**ting gallery.

He trades pros smack for sex.

Problem is, he doesn’t pay up
on his end.

Pros leave with their heads
caved in.

So you gave him a cop shield?!

What did you think he was gonna
do with it, show his mom?!

A while back, I dealt him
some weak dope.

He nearly b*at me to death.

So I gave it to him
as a peace offering!

As long as you’re
out of harm’s way.

If this ames lays a hand
on anyone, it lands on you,

And then he’ll know damn well
who ratted on him!

Can I get some clothes here?

Shut up!

No! The address.

The address!

The g*n’s gone
to ballistics, r. J.

Is there something you want to
get in front of

Before we hear back?

I found the g*n in an alley.

When did you
last see jason madeira?

It’s been a while.

We ran your cell phone.
You got a call from him
this morning.

’Cause we talked
don’t mean I seen him.

Tell us what went down
with jason.

We’ll work with you
on a statement.

Maybe there was a struggle.
Maybe there was an accident.

Could mean the difference
between no years and 30.

I don’t know what
went down with jason,
and that ain’t my g*n.

[ Sighs ]

Take it.

What’s up?!

Swab his hands
with the q‐tip.

The other one.

Give it to me.



You fire a g*n today?


This says different,
and unlike you,

This don’t know how to lie.

It’s a granule test, r. J.,

And it reacted with the
gunpowder on your hand,

And since every granule’s unique
to the b*llet it came from,

We’ll compare this
against the slugs from jason,

And scientifically prove
you k*lled him.

So...let’s start talking
about that statement again.

Start with ripping off
rose’s liquor store.

You know about that?

It was check‐cashing day.

Jason set it up.

R.j., You’re cooked.

We just wanted to give you
a chance to explain yourself...

Or not.

It was all jason.
I didn’t want nothing
to do with it.

What about his girl, francis?
How much was she involved?

She drove, but she
don’t know nothing.

She’s a dumb‐ass.

Let’s get to this morning.

He calls me asking if I
wanted this case of cris

That he ripped off.

So we meet,
and he starts jocking me

Over 50 bucks
on booze he stole.

How’d it go bad?

I pulled a gat
to settle the terms,

And still, he’s like, "250."

I’m saying, "200."

He goes, "250."

I go, "200."

"250." "200."

"250." "200."

Got it.

And then the fool
grabs the g*n

And, just like you said,
it was an accident.

The thing just went off.

Twice in his head, and then you
took the champagne.

It’d just go to waste.

Good enough, r. J.

Write it down.

[ Sighs ]


How’s that work again?

John: oh, uh, detective,

A carl pearson
returning your call.


You tied up, or can you
help us grab a dealer

Who’s got clark’s shield?

You need an extra man?

We need you in a pros outfit.

Can you get
something together?

Is something wrong?

[ Sighs ] no.

John, you get the girl
to the crib?

She’s sleeping.

See you check up on her.

I’ll go see what I can
pull together.

Let’s check your transmitter.

Testing, one, two, three.

All right, I hear you good.

The second it heats up in there,
we’re coming in.

You remember the word?


You okay?

Let’s go.

You forget something?

My friend wants to meet him.

Since me and him are back on
speaking terms, I thought ‐‐

Shut up.

Yo, d., Peckerhead’s back.

What you want?

She’s looking to score.

Is that right?

In the back.

b*at it.

[ Clears throat ]

Two decks.

For ladies like you, I like
to run the barter system.

I gotta see the stuff,

Don’t stress, baby.

I’m gonna work you out so good,
the smack will be a comedown.

All right, just go easy.

That’s not the way I like it.

Hey, easy there, sugar!

Let’s go! Let’s go!

Let’s go! Let’s go!


Get down! Get down!

The shield’s around his neck.

You okay?!

Yeah. Son of a bitch
ripped my shirt.


Come on, get up.
Get up.

Hey, stranger.


Heard you collared up
on that car booster.

Yeah. You must be knee‐deep
in collars

With every cop out
playing bounty hunter.

Got me backed up 14 deep.


This, uh, phone tag seems
to be getting out of hand.

Yeah, i’ve been swamped.

Me too.

So, um ‐‐

So let’s find some time
when we’re both free.

How about tonight?
Late supper.

I’ll be here till 10:00,
and i’m already wiped.

How about tomorrow morning?

I know this great
omelet place in soho,

And i’ll buy you breakfast.

I have yoga tomorrow morning.

You know, a little spontaneity
every now and then

Never hurt anyone.

Baldwin, I ‐‐

I’m just saying.

I’ll call you.

Detective, the pearsons.

Oh, uh, connie mcdowell.

Nice to meet you.
Is our daughter here?
Is she okay?

She’s fine, mrs. Pearson.
Come this way.

Right here.

First off, we’d like to know
what she’s doing here.

Your daughter was brought in

As part of a homicide

How did she know anything
about homicide?

It was her boyfriend
who was m*rder*d.

Oh, my god.

Jason ‐‐ is that the guy
who got k*lled?

What’d I say about him?
I told her.

Can we see francis now?
Can we take her home?

Uh, when you reported your car
stolen four months ago,

Was that the last time
you saw your daughter?


Did you know
she was pregnant?

Oh, my god!

You mean
she was pregnant then?

How far along is she?

She looks
around eight months.

Could you get her, please?

Before I do, you need
to understand

How critical a time
in her life this is.

Excuse me?

The decisions you make
regarding her pregnancy

Will affect her for the rest
of her life.

Do we have to listen to this,
or can you get our daughter?!

Detective, please.

Come on.

Wait down here, please.

First thing tomorrow,

This shield goes
in a safe‐deposit box.

And, so you know, I don’t see
this happening again.

Neither do i.

Everything okay at home?

Yeah, we’re in
a transition period.

He throw you out?

It was time
to get my own place.

Did I factor into this?

Andy, it’s between me
and my dad.

You got a place to flop?

A buddy lives nearby.

You know, this storm cloud
i’ve been under,

It’s gonna lift.

I mean, this isn’t the way
I normally operate.

Everybody has trouble
now and again.

Yeah, and mine’s done.

In a year, you’ll say, "he got
it all out of the way."

So, you intend to stay
at least a year.

Let me get ames
to central booking. Thanks.

Just safeguard the shield.

[ Groans ]
I can’t be seeing this.

This isn’t real.

Could you just not give me
any trouble right now?

Don’t open your mouth,

Let’s all just take it easy.

Look at her.
Look at you.

Maybe we should all go
have a cup of coffee together.

You have no idea what this does
to me and your mother.

Leave me alone!

You have no idea what
a disgrace this is!

You keep your voice down.
I’m talking to my daughter!

Right now
you’re talking to me!

Get your hand off!

Touch me again,

And i’ll lock you up for
assaulting a police officer!

Why’d you come down here,
mr. Pearson?
To get my daughter.

To get her or
to scream at her?
How is this
any of your business?

I don’t want to see her
back here,

Which is where she’s headed
if she runs away again.

She will not run away again.

’Cause you run a prison,
or are you going
to work things out?

I understand she’s difficult,

But if you don’t find
a new way to deal with your
daughter and her child,,

I guarantee she’ll
be back here or wind up dead.

Can we go now?

Are you hearing me?

I hear you.

And she should see
a doctor soon.

She hasn’t had any
prenatal care.

Let’s go.

It’s all right if you type
the fives?

I spell like a third‐grader.

No problem.

Good work rollin’
with that granular test.

Could be a chance they’re
on the job for more
than window dressing.

Andy: gibson...

My notes.

See you tomorrow.

That lazy, no‐class ape.

Forget it.

We gotta work on this
with the lieutenant.

He can’t be dragging you
through the mud every day.

Let’s talk about it tomorrow.

[ Sighs ]

You need to head right home?

I gotta get theo.
What’s up?

Nothing. Forget it.

You want to talk
about something?

I’m all right.



Look, uh, why don’t you
come on over for dinner?

We can talk after.

You sure?

Yeah...as long as you
don’t mind fish sticks.

Once a week,
theo picks dinner.

It’s always fish sticks.

Clark: good night, guys.
Connie: good night, john.


Greg: hey.

I thought you were getting ames
to central booking.

Nah, they’re backed up
for about four hours.

Uniform’s gonna take him down.
I’ll catch up with him later.

So, this sudden change
of residence,

Is that you working
at the 15th or working
with andy?

It’s about me deciding
it’s time to be on my own.

You know, my parents kicked me
out of their house once.

Only lasted a day.

Yeah? What’d you do?

My mother had puritan values,

And she found a playboy

Stuffed between the mattress
and the box spring.

A whole day, huh?

Hey, kicked out
is kicked out.

It’s a little different.

Yeah, anyway, I was looking
to get my own place.


I got four hours to k*ll.
Anybody want to grab
a bite to eat?

I can’t.
I got my girls this week.

I’m going for a run, but i’ll
grab a bite after.

I got my gear.
Mind if I join you?

You saying I finally
got another running partner?

This guy
barely broke his shoes in.

Hey, I do my workout
at home.

Does it involved
those girlie magazines?

Oh, very funny.

Where do you run?

I start here ‐‐

All right, fellas.
I gotta head out.

Good night, greg.

I go down the fdr drive to
battery park, then back.

Yeah, that sounds good.

All right, then.
Let’s do it.

Clark: i’m with you.

You know, uh, i’m gonna bring
my shoes next week

And join you guys.

Yeah, I heard that before.


Good night.

Good night.

Good night, greg.

Last one.


Did you like your fish sticks?

Yes, I did.

They were delicious.

We have them every week, but we
should have them every day.

Well, it’s better to have them
every week, sweetheart.

That way, you can
look forward to them.

Daddy, can I watch tv?

Yeah, why don’t you
watch in the bedroom.


[ Giggles ]

Frequent topic
of conversation ‐‐
fish sticks.

He’s a sweet kid.

Yeah, he’s got a good spirit.


I should head out.

It’s late.

I thought we were gonna talk.

I’m all right.

Did it have anything to do

With getting in
that guy’s face today ‐‐

The girl’s father?

Well, he was being a jerk.

Doing the undercover
seemed to rub you wrong, too.

I was just feeling a little
vulnerable and...

I didn’t want to dress up
like a whore.

You should’ve said something.

It needed doing.

I don’t mention this
to a lot of people, but...

I got pregnant when I was 15.

My folks made me give her up
for adoption ‐‐

A baby girl.

And this girl brought it
to the forefront.

Well, it’s always there,

She made it hurt
20 times worse ‐‐

Her and her father.

So, now my thinking’s heading
a certain direction, and...

I need an opinion.

You’re thinking you want
to reach out.

Well, I made an inquiry five
years ago,

And the service said she was
fine and healthy.

And I nosed around and found out
she lives in brooklyn heights.

So, what’d you do about it?


But I really want to see her,
just to see if she’s okay.

[ Clears throat ]
don’t do it.

Well, I know that’s
the right thing, but i...

I wonder about her so much.

I’m sure she’s wondering
about you, too.

And when she’s ready,
she’ll make a step.

What if she’s never ready?

What you’re feeling now won’t
compare to how bad you feel

If you drop in out of the sky
and disrupt her life.

So, she’s probably a regular,
happy kid.

Sounds like it.

[ Clears throat ]

Why don’t you stay,
have some ice cream?

I should go.

Will you say good night
to theo?

Thanks for dinner, andy.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

Good night.

♪ ♪

( Violin playing )
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