09x01 - Lies Like a Rug

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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09x01 - Lies Like a Rug

Post by bunniefuu »

Andy: previously
on nypd blue...

I thought you should know

About some developments
at that tailfeathers club.

You got an ear
in the place?

A stripper there ‐‐
kristen moore.

The girl we wired up.

She said the owners
wanted a word with me.

It turns out it was

To run their bartender
through bci.

I think they’re
trying to turn me out.

Did you say you’d do it?

I said i’d think
about it.

Go ahead and run
the bartender

And follow through
with the owners,

But keep it quiet till
you get the green light.

I’ll keep it entirely
to myself, andy included.

What’s with this kid?

Is he trying to give me
an ulcer here or what?

Do you want me
to page him again?

You paged him
five minutes ago.

So he’s an hour late.

I don’t care about him
being late.

I care about him
not calling to tell us.

What’s going on?

Danny’s, uh,
we don’t know where he is.

And that dancer kristen moore
who wore a wire for us ‐‐

She’s d.o.a.
At sorenson’s apartment.

So now what? We file
a missing persons report?


All right, tomorrow we pick up
and keep going.

We won’t stop looking,
and we hope for the best,

But we got to keep going.

[ Screaming ]

[ Sobbing ]


Yeah, all girls.

The oldest is 18,
the youngest is 12.

Baldwin: greg’s up there.

No one’s come forward,

But we haven’t started
a canvass yet.

Who called it in?

The mom. Works graveyard.

Anything from her?

She’s hysterical.
You talk to her at all?

I was waiting for her
to calm down.

You keep waiting,

They’ll have her sedated,
you won’t get nothing.

[ Sobbing ]

Would you let me
help her?

These two were facing
the sh**t.

Third one got it
in the back.

The youngest got it hiding
in the bedroom closet.

Whole place was ransacked
top to bottom.

No one heard anything?

Neighbor said the stereo was up
loud last night. That’s it.

Any men live here?

Nothing permanent.

Why don’t you start
a canvass?


Start looking
into boyfriends?


That’s what my first
partner called the projects:


That phone dump
come in yet?

I told the lieutenant.

John, did we hear
from taro yet or not?

The lieutenant’s been
answering the phones,

Detective, so I don’t know.

Remember to run the mom
through bci.

I’ll, uh,

I’ll check with crime scene
about prints.

Tony: baldwin,
you and greg ‐‐

g*nsh*t victim at bellevue.
Phone dump came back.

Last call in was 11:00 p.m.
From a maria feliciano ‐‐

Her cell phone.
Here’s her address.

Greg, you and baldwin
wrap this up.

Otherwise, i’m going to need
help from the borough.

Personal items
from the d. O. A.’S apartment.

I’ll go through them.

What is this,
a broom closet now?

Andy, give me a break.

Medavoy, keep your crap
on your desk.

I’m going to hit the head,

Then we’ll go pick
this maria up.

All right, we got
four girls dead.
Let’s go.

All right, enough
of this already.

Enough of what?

This whole department’s
been through hell

With the world trade center

And we’re all trying to
deal with it in our own way,

But just ’cause we’re
not walking around

Punching holes in walls ‐‐

I need to take a piss here,
if you don’t mind.

We lost 300 firefighters.
We lost dozens of cops.

We are still looking
for danny.

You don’t have a corner
on personal grief,

And it’s an insult, andy,

You treating us like

We don’t care as much
as you.

We’re still hurting, too.

Can I piss now?

[ Wolf whistles ]

Aren’t you guys
in enough trouble?


Clark, narcotics. That’s
maria feliciano, right?

Yeah, why?
What are you
bringing her in for?

Why do you want to know?

We got an "a" buy
into her boyfriend tino,

This scumbag club promoter
who’s been moving into sales,

And i’m just making sure,
that, you know,

We’re not getting
our wires crossed.

We’re not.

It’d be a real help

Knowing what you’re
bringing her in for.

We’re working
a homicide investigation.

Is that okay with you?

It’s all yours.

He got sh*t last night.

Said he didn’t come in
right away

’Cause of no insurance.

Fred roberts.

Thank you.


Oh, man.

Why is this turning
into a deal?

Well, you show up
with a g*nsh*t wound,

We got to look into it.

Yeah, well,
it’s a wasted trip,

’Cause like I been
telling people,

This thing
came out of nowhere.

What’s your name?

Fred roberts.

I just want to get
this patched up

So I can get out of here.

How’d you get sh*t?

I was walking
down east 19th near park,

Near where I live,
and I got sh*t.

Didn’t see a damn thing.

Any idea who’d want
to sh**t you?

None. Nobody.

You got any warrants out,
which might explain why

You’re less than thrilled
to see us?

Hey, I got a right
to get sh*t

And not know anything
about it.

Oh, you’re right, you do.

And more importantly, we got
better things to be doing.

Then go, man.
I ain’t holding you back.

Shut up. Now, listen,
get straight with us right now,

We go our separate ways,
got it?

Yeah, okay.

What’s your name?

Mike graf ‐‐ one "f."

Got any warrants?

One ‐‐ possession.

My lame‐ass attorney gave me
the wrong court date.

With intent to sell?

No. I got pinched
trying to buy an 8‐ball.

All right,
we’ll check that out,

And if that’s all ‐‐
that’s all,
swear to god. Go check.

So, what’s up?

The reason we waited
till here to tell you

Was, uh, well,

We’ve got some bad news
and didn’t want to lay it on you

In front of your family.

What happened?

Teresa conseco was found
m*rder*d this morning,

Along with her
three sisters.

My god. Who did it?

We don’t know. That’s what
we wanted to ask you about.

How would I know anything?

You were friends, right?

Yes, but I can’t believe
they’re dead.

Do you know anybody in her life
who would do this?


Anybody like that?

When was the last time
you talked to her?

I don’t know.
A couple days ago, I guess.

There was a call in to their
apartment last night, 11:00,

From your cell phone.

That’s right.
I’m sorry. I forgot.

I’m just really
tripping out right now.

Well, what, uh,
what’d you talk about?

Just saying what’s up,

But wait a minute.

If you knew
that I called her last night,

Why did you just ask me?

Because we got
four people k*lled.

I didn’t have anything
to do with it.

What else did you talk about
besides, uh, what’s up?

That really pisses me off
that you just did that.

Maria, relax.

You relax.
Yours was the last call in

To the apartment
before the murders.

And now you just lied
about making the call.

Look, i’m just really
freaking out, okay?


So none of her friends

That you can think of
would be involved in this?

Any of your friends?


Any friends
of your boyfriend tino?

[ Grunts softly ]

See, no,
I don’t like this, okay?

I don’t like talking
to you guys.

You don’t need to.
Just answer the questions.

Well, I don’t know
who did it.

Can I leave now?

Yeah. Yeah, we’ll be in touch
if there’s anything else.

Who’s tino?

It’s her dealer boyfriend.

I got a tip from narcotics.

Go snatch him up.



Let me put it this way:

How many puerto rican
girls do you know

When hearing their friend
got m*rder*d

Would just sit there
saying, "oh, my god,
I can’t believe it"?

Do we like her or not?

She’s in the loop.

Any prints back yet?

Nothing. So what now?

Uh, this maria’s got
a dealer boyfriend

We’re going to
take a sh*t at.

All right, take a radio.

I got every white shirt
in the city up my ass,

And I need to be kept
up to speed.

A john clark from narcotics

Said to stop by downstairs
when you’re done.

This guy’s all worried about us
spearin’ his damn drug collars.

Don’t worry.
She didn’t say nothing

About her boyfriend
quitting the drug trade

And joining the navy
any time soon.

A stool of mine told me that
tino got ripped off last night

For 50 grand
out of his apartment.

Thought you should know.

When did you hear this?
This morning.

Why didn’t you tell me
when I was down here earlier?

I was gonna, but you were
being a d*ck and walked away.

Actually, that was more me
being in a slight hurry

To find out who k*lled
four girls last night,

But if you want to see me
be a d*ck,

I can probably
throw something together.

All right, all right.

Okay, well,
i’m telling you now ‐‐

Tino got ripped off
last night.

You know where to find him?

I can give you
some places, sure.

You’re showing us.
Tell your boss.


Hey, eddie, tell the sergeant
I got to take care of something.

We got six more arrests
to process.

All right, then leave three
for me until I get back.

There’s a john clark works
homicide up in the bronx.

Yeah, that’s my dad ‐‐
john clark sr.

[ Sighs ]

Let’s go, junior.

Connie mcdowell.

Who’s he?


Tony: what was that
all about at bellevue?

Ah, some douche bag got sh*t
doing who knows what,

But he ain’t talking.

He had a failure
to appear out,

But we figured
you’d want us back here.

This guy got sh*t
in the left shoulder?


He got red hair,
Yeah. Yeah, why?

Connie and andy are looking
into a deal

That might have a connection
on this quadruple.

Tip was he got ripped off
last night

Out of his apartment
on 2nd and b for 50 grand.

I ran the address.

There was a sh*ts‐fired
911 call next door.

Bodega owner ran out,
saw a guy sh*t in the arm

Fitting the description
I just told you.

The guy booked when the owner
went to make the call.

We got a cop sitting
on this idiot.

Mike graf. Call down there,
make sure he stays with him.

Is mike graf the cop
or the idiot?

The idiot.


This one?

Yeah, right there.

Who else is in there?
A couple guys.

Come on, man.
I did my part.

You know what i’m gonna
do to you if this
is a hand job. Here.

Man, i’m insulted
you’d even think that.

Say you’re a friend
of yoda’s.

I got it handled.

Man: yeah?

Yeah, i’m a friend
of yoda’s, man.

[ Door unlocks ]

Where’s tino?


Get up, tino.

What’s going on?

Ah, we heard you got
ripped off last night.

We came by to help,
and look what we walked in on.

Just a little recreational
drug use party.

What are you,
attempting to lift off here?

Those? I didn’t take
any of those.

All right, come on,

Let’s see if we can find out
who ripped you off last night.

I’m over that.
Water under the bridge, man.

Oh, you got
a big heart, tino.

We gotta look into it.

Hey, two more collars
for you today, huh, junior?

Put yourself in
for a commendation.

You’re welcome.

Hey, doc.


Hey, what’s going on?
Why can’t I get out of here?

How long have you lived
in new york, mike?

Since i’m born.

Yeah? So how could you
confuse park avenue,

Where you told us
you got sh*t,

With 2nd and b,
where you did get sh*t?


A witness at the scene
identified you.

Okay. What difference
does it make?

I still don’t know
who sh*t me.

Probably the guy whose apartment
you ripped off, don’t you think?

Okay, now, that’s outrageous.
I didn’t rip off nobody.

We say you did,
and that’s all that matters.

Look, I was walking
down the street.

Two guys come busting
out of a building

And start running up 2nd.

Right after them
comes this other dude,

And he squeezes off a round
at him.

One of the guys running
fires back. That’s who hit me.

If that was the truth, you
would have told us that earlier.

I didn’t tell you becau‐‐

Because I recognized the guy
who sh*t me by mistake,

And I don’t want
to get involved,

Which I got a right to do.

Now, that’s the truth.
You gotta believe me.

Be cool, all right?
Be cool.

I don’t believe a word you say,
you little prick, okay?

Now, there’s no more

You tell us who sh*t you,
or you get charged

With armed robbery
and that possession collar

We let you slide on earlier back
when we had a sense of humor.

Yeah, you don’t
have to get involved.

Just tell us who did it,
and that’ll be the end of it.

Julian pisano.

That’s who sh*t me.

What about the other guys?

Don’t know them.

Word we got on you, tino,
is your thing

Is a little blow
here and there.

Yeah, I party a little bit.

So why’d you get
so messed up today?

You got something weighing
on your mind?

Just a little partying.

Connie: do you know
a teresa conseco?

Do you know
a maria feliciano?

Heard of her.

You heard
of your girlfriend?

I think I need
to lay down.


Why are you lying
about things you don’t
need to lie about, tino?

I’m old‐fashioned,
you know?

Keep the women out of it.

[ Sighs ]

What’s this?

These spots
on your jacket.

I don’t know.
It’s an old jacket.

Oh, doesn’t look old.

Take it off.


All right, all right.

That’s dried blood.

How’d you get blood
on your jacket, tino?

We’re gonna do tests
on this blood, tino.

And we’re gonna start
by matching against teresa

And her sister’s blood
from their apartment

Where they got k*lled
last night. Sit down!


Who’s ricky?
Talk to ricky.

Sit your ass back down.

Oh, man.

[ Groaning ]

All right, get
e. M. S. On the radio.
This guy’s in trouble.

Don’t put your fingers
in his mouth.

Use something else
to clear it.

Call e. M. S.!

All right, come on, tino.

Open up, open up.

You don’t seem that surprised
to see us, julian.

What are you guys,
mind readers now?

What’s up?

Where were you last night?

All over.


Julian, you can’t go
f*ring off sh*ts in the street.

I mean, come on.

You know how many people
we got saw what happened?

The good news is,
the guy you sh*t

After you robbed
tino’s place ‐‐ he made it,

So we’re not boxing you in
for a m*rder here.

No, but we got you
for everything else,

So treat us
with some respect,

And we’ll treat you
with respect right back.

I got month‐old twins.

That’s our problem?

They’re the reason I agreed
to go in on this score.

I got mouths to feed.
We don’t need to hear this.

What i’m saying is I can’t
go back to the joint.

I got a family now,

So ‐‐ so what can I do?

You tell us.

Well, the ‐‐
the other guy,

I mean, it was his plan.

He brought me in
as backup.

You got him in, huh?

What’s his name?

It’s gonna help me?

What’s his name?

Jimmy giglio.

Okay, okay, okay,
what does that do
for me now, hmm?

It helps,
but does it wash away

Armed robbery and sh**ting
some guy on the street?

We’ll get back to you
after we find this jimmy.

Get in the cage, julian.

I know where
a body’s buried.

Whose body?

I don’t know.

This is big,

What i’m telling you,

So I gotta know ‐‐
I need it written down

That I getta walk
if I give all this up.

Nothing is happening,
verbal or written,

Till you tell us
what you got.

All right. Okay.

About five months ago,
a guy I used to run with,

He calls me up
about 4:00 in the morning.

He tells me
to bring my van down

And some coke,
if I got any.

Me and him ‐‐
it was a rolled‐up rug,

But obviously there must have
been someone in it.

We throw it in the truck,

We go down to brooklyn,

And we bury it.

Gave me $500. That’s it.

Who’s this guy you helped?

See, now, that’s the part
that’s gonna mess me up, okay?

’Cause this guy’s connected.

What’s his name?

You needed me?

Yeah. Who’s ricky?

I don’t know. Who’s ricky?

Ricky. Tino kept saying,
"talk to ricky, talk to ricky,"

Before his eyes
rolled back in his head.

That’s ricky vargas.
That’s tino’s club partner.

You know where to find him?

Yeah, no problem?
He gonna live?

He’ll make it.
Listen, go grab this guy up.

Come on.

Andy, you need
to hear this.

We’re working the quadruple
here, medavoy.

What’s it about?


Tell him what you told us.

He’s here
to work out my deal?

Once you tell him
what happened, yeah.

All right,
like I told these two,

This guy I helped out
is very connected,

Big time, so,
I want relocation for me

And my family
if I cooperate.

Look, tell him, or you’re
going to piss me off!

About five months ago,

A guy named max legazi
hired me to bury a rug,

If you know what I mean.

And where’d you pick max
and this rug up at?

It’s a strip club.

Take a walk.

Where are they going?

You get a look
at the body in the rug?

Julian: no.

This, uh, legazi
didn’t tell you anything

Who it might be?

No, when we were on our way
to bury it,

He was snorting up a storm.

He was screaming, cursing.
He’s kicking the dashboard. No.

And where’d you bury
the rug?

Yeah, nice try.

I’m not giving that up
until I get a deal.

Where’d you bury the rug?

You know what?
I’m done talking, okay?

Because I gave you a sample,
obviously you like the taste,

And now it’s time
for my deal, okay?

End of conversation.

Wrong, and the next thing
out of your mouth

Better be
where you buried that rug.

Are you with
the d. A.’S office?

I mean, who are you?

You get someone in here
who can work me out a deal.

Your deal is that I don’t
bust your skull open.

Now, where did you bury
the rug?

Get your hands off me,
or i’ll get amnesia quick.


That body you buried,

There’s a good chance
that was my partner.

Now, i’ll leave you dead
on this floor

If you don’t tell me
where you buried him!

Okay, okay,
i’ll tell you!

Where?! Where?!

It’s a vacant lot down
on the brooklyn waterfront.


John, notify the m. E.’S office.
I want them down there.

I got to take care
of this first.
Go. I got it.

I’ll have my radio.
All right, listen up.

U.c.i.’S bringing the video.
E. S. U.’S bringing
the equipment.

All right,
everybody shut up.

All right, andy and I are
going to go down to brooklyn.

You know where to find
this ricky?
Yeah, I got some places ‐‐

Fine. You and connie
go grab him up.

Greg and baldwin,
why don’t you go look

For this other guy julian did
the robbery with last night?

That turns into a dead end,
get in contact with connie.

Everybody monitor their radios
and keep me posted.

That’s it. Let’s go.

Hi. I’m sorry to keep...

Ricky! What’s up?

What’s up with you?

You doing some laundry?

Yeah, gotta do it.

Ricky, we need your help
with an i. D.

We heard this guy might have
worked at one of your clubs.

Move! Out of the way!


Get down off the fence!

This is a whole lot of trouble

Over us wanting to ask you
a couple questions.

I want a lawyer.

Oh, yeah?

What were you running for,

Man, didn’t you hear me?
I want a lawyer.

Yeah, you’ll get
your damn lawyer.

Yeah, we’re going to go see

What your partner tino
has to say.

Another unit
just grabbed him up,

Found him smoking rock
in some apartment.

Word is he’s nervous
and talkative.

You’re betting your life

That tino’s gonna
keep his mouth shut.

Say what you want,
but I ain’t saying d*ck,

And I want a lawyer.

Keep in mind,

That your half‐assed
legal aid attorney

Ain’t gonna be doing
your time for you.

Neither will you.

Hell with him.

Oh, you guys
still ink people?

Thought they had that
all on computers now.

Sit down.


Where were you last night,

You don’t even want to know.

Answer the question.

I got a hold
of some bad clams.

Ever had bad clams?

I was like a volcano
last night.

You know they could have
sacrificed a virgin on my ass?

We got people saw you
on 2nd and avenue b.

I wish. I tell you,

I didn’t stray 3 feet
from the john all night.

So, what else?

You know, we deal
with knuckleheads like you

Every day.

Knuckleheads pulling off
knuckleheaded robberies

Against other knuckleheads.

We get paid to do it, and most
days it’s not a problem.

Today, it’s a problem,

And we have no patience
right now,

’Cause you’re taking time
away from other things,

Other people.

So this is what’s
gonna happen, jimmy.

First you better lose
that smirk.

Lose the smirk.

Second, you’re either going to
tell us about robbing tino,

Or don’t, in which case
we toss you in the system

And go with julian’s version
how it was you

Who opened up on the street
and sh*t that pedestrian,

Who’s currently clinging to life
at bellevue, by the way.

Greg: that’s right.

Julian flipped on you.

Third thing...
It’s gonna happen now,

And there’s a lot riding
for both of us

On your decision, jimmy,

’Cause if you waste
one more second of my time,

I’m gonna be out of a job,

And you’re gonna be out
about eight teeth,

So think it over

Very carefully

Before you speak.

Go ahead.

Look, I didn’t sh**t nobody,
all right?

It was julian
that sh*t that guy.

How do you know tino?
I don’t.

Then how did you know
there was 50 grand

Stashed in his apartment?

Look, his girlfriend maria,
all right?

Met her in a club.
Been banging her.

To keep me interested,

She gets to how
her limp‐d*ck boyfriend

Always has a couple of grand
stashed in the bedroom.

We work it out.
I show up at 10:00,

Maria’s gonna answer the door,
and we push in.

But she says not to worry
’cause tino’s soft.

He’ll give it up no problem.
But on the way out,

That crazy prick
comes chasing after us,

Out on the street,
f*ring his g*n.

But listen, it was julian
that fired back, all right?

Not me.

Now he can kiss my ass,
roll‐over rat prick.

Maria said tino kept a couple
grand around, but there was 50?

Yeah, I guess maybe that’s
what had him running out

In the street, throwing sh*ts
in his underwear.

Where’s the money now?

’Cause we could voucher it
in your name,

And you never know.

You might get it back.

It’s in my apartment.

Write the address.

So, what’s your history
with this legazi?

When it started out,
I thought we were friends,

But he mostly wanted me
to score dr*gs for him.

He’s made, so it’s like
beneath him or something

To get his hands dirty.

You still talk to him?

Well, no,
not like before.

I bump into him
once in a while.

Listen, um,
we’re going to need you

To re‐establish contact
with him.

Hey, what do you mean?

Well, to wear a wire

And get him to talk
about that night.

No. No. That’s not
part of the deal.

I said i’d testify,
that’s all.

There’s no deal yet,

All we got
is maybe a dead body,

And you’re the only one
who knows it was here.

So you’re going to wear
that wire

To prove you didn’t
do this m*rder on your own.

I should’ve never done this.
I don’t trust you guys at all.

You can trust us.
Now shut up.

How am I supposed to
get him to talk?

What, I take him out
for ice cream?

You’re going to call and you’re
going to tell this assh*le

That you came into some coke.

We will coach you
on the rest.

What if he quit using?

Do we need him
around here anymore?

Put him in the car.

I should have
never done this.

I should have
never done this!

We got something.

Right. I’ll get back
to help with the paperwork

As soon as I can.

Do what you got to do.
I got this.
Thanks, partner.

Last chance
to help yourself out, ricky.

Yeah, like talking to you
is gonna do me wonders.

Stick him in a cell.
Let’s go talk to tino.

Any word?

They, uh,
found danny’s body.


Well, uh,

We got ricky,
but he lawyered up,

So now I got to figure out
what the next move is.

Uh, is tino
out of i. C. U. Yet?


The guy behind the robbery

At tino’s place last night ‐‐

Name’s jimmy giglio.

He was banging
tino’s girlfriend maria.

She set it up.

Okay. I’ll, uh,
i’ll go back at her.

Yeah, I mean, i’m sure

She’s still at her parents’,
so that’s what i’ll do.

I’ll ‐‐
i’ll go talk to her.

Keep him company.

You get in touch
with agent boyd yet?

He should be here
any minute.

He’s gonna come here,

He’s gonna lock us down
with a bunch of b. S.

About indictments
and protocol and testaments.

So what do you want
to do, andy ‐‐

Go rogue and do it ourselves
before anybody notices, huh?

I got 15 other people
to update.

Theo’s sitter called.

[ Sighs ]

What’s going on with ricky?

He lawyered up,

But we got some info
to go back at that girl maria.
You’re on top of it?

Yeah. We got it.
All right, you and greg go.

Katie, it’s me.
Theo’s at his sitter’s.

I need you to go get him

And have him stay at your place
for a couple days.

Katie, look,
you got to do this for me.

Something came up with ‐‐
with danny,

And, uh,
I can’t do it right now.


Come on.

We found the body
of our guy.

Detective sorenson?


And we got the guy

Who drove the man
and helped bury the body.

He got the call
from a max legazi

At tailfeathers.

Legazi’s our guy.

You know max is the son
of a cop though, right?

I don’t care who he is. We
have a sh*t with his accomplice

To make contact to see if we
can get legazi to talk.

So your guy’s ready
to cooperate fully?

Today he is.
Tomorrow, who knows?

What are you asking me here?

We’re gonna have our guy
wear a wire

Against legazi tomorrow
at tailfeathers.

We need you to okay it.

Whoa, that’s big.

You write it up, and i’ll
run it for my superiors.

Did I tell you?

I’m confident you’re capable
of signing off on this

And reporting to your superiors
that you did so

Because time was
of the essence, which it is.

The indictments
you were waiting on

When sorenson and your agent
went missing,

The indictments for your
superiors that handcuffed us,

What did you end up
getting out of those?

Not a hell of a lot.

Legazi is the guy
who k*lled sorenson

And most likely
k*lled your agent

That you had undercover
at that club.

That agent was your friend,

All right.

Personnel, surveillance.

Let me know what you need.

It smells like puke
in here.

Recognize it?

What, the puke?
Yeah. It’s tino’s.

Bad case of the nerves

Off what happened
last night, I guess,

Plus finding out his girlfriend
set him up for a robbery

With the guy she was banging
behind his back.

That’s enough to make any guy
toss them up.

Where’s tino at now?

talking to detectives.

So is ricky.

And you should know,

They’re both pissed off
at you,

Saying things about your
involvement last night,

And i’m trying
to figure out if it’s true

Or if they’re just making
things up to get back at you.

What are they saying?
What’s ricky saying?

Because if anybody
shouldn’t be talking

About what they did
last night, it’s ricky.

I see it
all the time, maria.

The one person
who keeps their mouth shut,

Thinking the others
are doing the same,

They’re the one
who gets screwed.

What’s ricky saying?

I want your version
of what happened,

But I need it now

Before ricky and tino
get there first.

Look, I didn’t want
to go over there,

And it was not my idea.

Over to teresa’s.

Yeah. They were all
up in my face,

Screaming, "did you
open your mouth to teresa?"

And i’m like,
"I don’t know. Maybe."

I said it just so I could
breathe for a second.

Open your mouth about what?

About tino keeping money
in his closet.

He usually kept
only a couple grand,

But there was 50 last night.

And half of that
was ricky’s money

That tino was supposed to
give him later.

But when I found out

That ricky’s money
was stolen, too,

I knew
i’d really screwed up,

’Cause ricky’s...

He’s crazy.

So you told them you may have
mentioned it to teresa?

Just to get them
out of my face.

And you called her
on your cell phone

To make sure she was home.
They made me call her.

So you went over there.

I did not want this
to happen.

I swear to god.

But teresa gets all
up in ricky’s face,

Screaming at him
to get out

And swearing at him,

And i’m telling her
to calm down.

And then ricky just...

He k*ll all four girls?

Teresa, irma, lorena,

And then he puts the g*n
to tino’s head

And tells him
that he gotta sh**t dina

So that tino be
in on it, too.

And then they walked
back in the bedroom,

And I guess
that’s what tino did,

’Cause the look
on his face...

And then ricky
puts the g*n to my head,

And tino’s begging him
not to.

And i’m on my knees,

And I see teresa
on the floor.

And you know what?

I didn’t care if he
pulled the trigger.

I wish he did.

Can’t do it.

Yeah, you can.

This guy’s a k*ller,
man. I ‐‐

Julian, you’re gonna do this.

You’re gonna
pick up that phone,

And you’re gonna keep it
simple, like we rehearsed,

Or you’re gonna
go up for m*rder.

I’ll keep it simple.


There’s no answer.
Do I hang ‐‐ yo, max.

It’s julian.

What’s up, man?

Yeah, nothing.
I’m just checking in.

Yeah, listen, you know,

I thought i’d put it
out there to you,

I came into some wicked
schnight, if you know
what I mean,

So I put it
out there to you, and ‐‐

Okay. Cool.

How much?


Oh, yeah, sure,
i’ll be there.

So, then, uh,
how are things otherw‐‐

T‐tomorrow at tailfeathers,
when they open at 10:00.

Tony: see,
one easy step at a time,

With us right behind you.
That’s all it is.

Okay, so what?

Then I just ‐‐

I walk in there tomorrow
and what?

Tony: we’ll
work that all out.

What we’re going to do now
is put you up in a hotel

And get set up here
in the morning.

When do I get my deal?

Don’t ask that question again.
I swear to god.

All right,
who’s going in with me

When I go see max?

You’ll go by yourself.
We’ll be set up right outside.

No! No way!
Forget it.

I want somebody
in there with a g*n

Who’s watching my back!

We’ll get you
somebody. Now come on.

I want to call my girlfriend.
Later. Let’s go.

I want to call her
now, okay?!
Chill out!

I’m putting my life
on the line here!

I don’t know what’s going
to happen to me!

I want to talk to her.
I want to have her

Kiss my children for me.

All right,
call your girlfriend,

But you don’t mention anything
about what you’re doing,

And chill out.

Maria’s saying she didn’t
know they’d k*ll anybody.

Then why’d she give up
her friend?

She was scared.

Because she thought
they’d hurt her.

I guess.

If she thought they were
going to hurt her,

Then she knew they were
likely to hurt teresa.

Yeah. Okay, um...

I see where you’re going,
and that’s fine,

Because i’m ‐‐ i’m not invested
in this girl either way.

She’s a principal
m*rder one,

But use that to get her
to testify against the others,

’Cause, well,
we want them more, right?


How’s andy taking it?

I don’t know.

Thanks for coming.

You got to talk
to this idiot.

He won’t do this unless
he gets the witness program.

That’s federal.

I know, but you just walk in
there and show him your i. D.,

Stroke him.
He won’t shut up.

Coffee room?

He’s in there
with greg and baldwin.

Tony: i’m going
to strangle him.

He acting up?

He’s just, uh...

We should meet here at 7:00
instead of 8:00.

We got to coach him more.
He’s too shaky.

The more we coach him,
the more confused he gets.

Let’s just go
with what we got.

you asked for me?

Yeah, we need you tomorrow.

You got it.

We need you
to back up a witness

Who’s going
to be wearing a wire, okay?

You’ll pose as his friend.
Keep an eye on him,

But you won’t have to
be part of the conversation.

You have any problems
with what I just laid out?

Okay, we’ll meet here
tomorrow at 8:00 a. M.

You got this.

Yeah. See you tomorrow.

Okay, well,
i’ll be here.

All right.

Sorry to hear
about your guy.


Hey, andy.

Club soda with lime?


How’s it going?

All right.

Getting cool out there,


First i’ve seen you in here
by yourself.


I missed all those
riveting conversations

I had with bartenders.

Here he goes again.

He’ll be here all week,
ladies and gentlemen.

Mike dwyer got sober.

Did he?


Can’t even come by to say hi.

So these two lesbos
walk into a hardware store...

Tell you what, uh...

Just pour me a sh*t
of whiskey there

So I can smell it.

You sure
about this, andy?

What is this,
a church?

You sell booze here
or not?

Yeah, we sell booze.

Then pour it

And go breathe
down somebody else’s neck.

Diane said
I might find you here.

I got enough on my mind

Without having to worry
about you drinking.

Yeah, well, I got a couple
things on my mind, too.

What else can you do
right now,

Other than drink?

I’m thinking.

You can drink
if you want.


Why don’t you go home?

I’m not letting you drink.

Go home.

Then come home with me.

Don’t drink tonight.

Come on.

Let’s get out of here.

♪ ♪
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