08x01 - Daveless in New York

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x01 - Daveless in New York

Post by bunniefuu »

where's your shirt?

I want to wear
my green‐striped shirt.

You wore your green‐striped
shirt the last two days.

Theo, honey, your green
shirt's in the wash.

I want to wear
my green‐striped shirt!


How about today you wear
your blue shirt?

You don't have to wear
that stinky old yellow one.

And I'll wash
your green shirt,

And you can wear it


Go put on
your blue shirt then.

He strikes
a hard bargain.

You think maybe
he's looking better,

I mean,
in terms of color?

I don't know, andy.

We all project
what we'd like to see.

I think
he looks more pink.

That's because he's not
wearing that yellow shirt.

Makes him look green.

You don't think
he looks better?

I don't know, andy.

They said if he wasn't
better in six months ‐‐

In five days, he'll have
his last blood tests.

I say he looks better now.
I can't wait anymore.

I'm serious, katie.
I won't make it.

What if he isn't better?

Theo: how's this?

That looks much better.

I'm ready to go
to school now.

Okay, squirt, let's go.

Bye, aunt katie.

Bye, honey.

Three ‐‐
all employees.

Number four survived,
and he's inside.

Is he going
to make it?

Yeah. It grazed him.

Put him unconscious,
but he's alert now.

Who called it in?

Morning shift found them
when they showed up at 6:00.

Dumpster diver
saw two black males

Walk out the front
about 2:30 a. M.

I'll take that.

My son works here,
and he hasn't come home.

His name's
darien callaway.

Ma'am, we're going
to find out what's going on.

Will you come back
and tell me?

As soon as we know

You better get
some more people up here.

Son of a bitch ernie
got hip to my route.

He's been getting first cr*ck.
I ain't here at 2:30.

That's when they
bring out the trash.

Was ernie here
when you showed up?


Did he ever
show up?

Forget about ernie,

What happened when you
got here last night?

No bags, I had a smoke,

And then I seen two black kids
come out the front door

And just walk away.

Get a good look
at these guys?

Help a guy out ‐‐

Next thing, ernie wants
to take your spot.

The dumpster to the door
is, like, 10 feet.

It's close enough
to see something.

As a favor
to those people

Who brought out your bags
every morning

And now will be unable
on account of they're dead,

Why don't you tell us
about those two guys?

I get here at 2:30
every morning.

They bring out the bags.

Oh...this guy's a beaut.

I'm going to get you
something to eat

And have you look
at some pictures.

Stay with him.

Yeah, it was
around 2:00, 2:15.

They made us lay down
on the ground over there.

Recognize them?

They just
started sh**ting.

All right.

Was one of the victims
darien callaway?

You're sure?

I got to go tell
his mom.

We need you, derek, okay?

Hang in there.

They're just kids.

Hey, I heard you caught
that triple.

Oh, yeah,
we're hip deep.

Can I reserve
a minute for later,

Because I'm still one shy

Of my 2‐minute‐a‐day

How about tonight?

I'm staying
at my sister's, remember?

Right. Then tomorrow night.

Okay. I'll make lasagna.
Pretend you deserve it.

Uh, give us
a minute.

Hey, john.

Andy: he's good.

That's why
I'm calling.

Even though my little guy
hates those sh*ts,

I was thinking maybe
I'd bring him in today

For the test

Because he really is
looking better.

No, I know
you're not the doctor.

Josh, can you stick this guy
in the coffee room?

Can't we keep the coffee room
for coffee?

Was that directed
at me?

Why don't you
sit here at my desk?

Let's just look
at some pictures.

How long will she be
in surgery?

Is she going
to check her messages?

Okay, I got you.

So I'll hear
from you soon, huh?

Okay, good.

We're still going to huddle
before you and I go to iab.

Right. We caught
a triple homicide.

Let me just run it
in front of the lieutenant.

I'll run all the employees
through bci,

See what comes up.

Good. I'll check
with the robbery squad,

See if they've got a pattern
with any other diners.

How is he today?

I guess that's about theo
on the phone, so ‐‐

Something with the doctor.

How you doing?

You mean with mary?

Yeah, I couldn't help

How's that going?

Not so good.

We don't get
that much time together.

Don't spend all yours living
everyone else's life, danny.

Does that make me the pot
or you the kettle? I forget.

Why don't you grab
a vacation day ‐‐

You and mary go to vermont
for a 3‐day weekend?

Why don't you and me
go to vermont

For that 3‐day weekend?

Don't joke like that.

Who said I was joking?

Seriously. It makes me

Hey, boss, d. And me
got this multiple.

Any chance I can put off
going to iab?

That was them now.
They still want you there.

Twisted ‐‐ those guys
at the rat squad.

Whose idea was it getting
cohen to represent you guys?

Union put his firm
on retainer

When he went
into private practice.

Diane figured him knowing us

Back when he was
with the d. A.'S office...

Yeah, and with that crush
he had on kirkendall...

Cohen helps to clear her,
he's definitely the hero.

You ought to get
a lawyer, too.

benevolent association

Is taking care
of that.

We got nothing to hide,
right, boss?

Let the rat squad
ask what they want.

They're expecting you
in an hour.

Before detective medavoy
and I go to iab,

Is there anything else
I should know?

I'm on your side.

I always felt you guys
were straight.

Like it matters to them
which side they're on.

Lawyers ‐‐
take cohen here.

Going over
to the dark side ‐‐

One more defense attorney
representing rapists...

And cops falsely accused
of drug trafficking,

But if you're uncomfortable
my representing you ‐‐

[ Sarcastically ] you're
perfect for the job.

Six months ago,
kirkendall told iab

Her ex‐husband don had taken
their kid hostage.

That's why you guys
took down him and denby.

Case was closed,
so why'd they reopen it now?

Rat squad
don't need a reason.

Has to be
they're getting squeezed.

Trial date's coming,
don's looking for a deal,

Throws out it's kirkendall
pulling the strings

With you guys in on
the activities and proceeds

And him the innocent dupe.

If I were his lawyer,
that's how I'd play it.

What about denby?
He's not

So how come iab is going
after greg first?

Probably like going
after the weak link.

Calling me
the weak link, andy?

I just meant you were
the least involved.

After today,
we'll have a better idea

Of what they've got and where
they're going with it.

Don't none of you worry.

They won't get squat
out of me.

With don quixote

And that little mexican dwarf
sidekick of his,

All they need is the mule.

Are you saying that's not
our best advance team?

Between kirkendall's ex
and this cohen,

It's her bad taste in men
got us in this jackpot.

♪ Like dat, y'all ♪

Hey. This derek mays ‐‐
I ran him through bci ‐‐

Kicked back one collar
for discount.

Yeah? Medavoy ‐‐
he'll be okay down there.


Yeah, he'll be fine.

That dumpster diver's

Andy sent him packing.

What I said before
about vermont ‐‐

It's okay.

No, no, just ‐‐

Being andy's so preoccupied
with theo these last months

And us working so close,
I'm just sorry

If I misread any signals
or the like.

I don't know
that you misread any signals

Or that I didn't
put any out there,

It's just, uh,
being the circumstances,

I think it's best
we left it alone.

Okay, because, you know,
the last thing I'd want

Is you to think that I'm
some jerk sniffing around

Who can't be your friend,
because I can.

I am. I never want to do
anything to screw that up.

Me either.

I collared
some junkie ‐‐

Half‐assed burglary
around 7:00 a. M. ‐‐

Name's cory tillman.
I'll talk to him.

You being swamped, I went
ahead and debriefed him.

I'm not that swamped
I can't do my job.

I just thought
with that multiple

And medavoy's
going to iab ‐‐

Bring the guy up
and throw him in the pokey.

I'll talk to him
like always.

So we're okay?

We're good.

Friends and colleagues
exclusively ‐‐ that's it?


Besides, I'm old enough
to be your mother.

So, when did you have me,
when you were 6?

Phil. Andy sipowicz again.

Is dr. Timmons back
from surgery yet?

She check in?

Okay, do me a favor.

Make sure that she knows
that I said

That theo
is looking 100% better,

And we can have that test
done today instead of waiting.

You got all that?

So, I'll be hearing
from you or her?

Oh, okay, got you.

I really
appreciate this, phil.

Can we hurry this up?
I got places to be.

Where do you think
you are ‐‐ ihop?

Sit down!

My bad, my bad.
How rude!

It's just I need
to get back out there.

Cory, the odds
of you getting caught

On your first burglary
attempt ‐‐ that's nil.

So we got to check you
against every burglary

The last six months.

You come clean,

We package it up for the d. A.,
Get you in a program.

Yeah, but I need
to get out now.

I ain't doing
no other crimes,

But I got inside scoop
on something I was in on

For a hot second,

But I got out
before I was really in.

That grease the wheels
as far as me seeing daylight?

Oh, you see
how it works.

Takes two to mambo.

So lead.

I heard your cops

Talking about something
went down at zips.

Zips on 12th street?

Yeah. Zips.

Last night, I was
in sudden need

Of a cash infusion,

So I roll up on this dude
johnny d. ‐‐

Johnny got
a last name?
Johnny d.

Me and him
transacted once.

I say I'm looking for work,
he knows a guy will,

So he says
meet him back at 2:00 am.

Him and some clown jump in ‐‐
they zooted on something ‐‐

And tell me
to get to zips.

So you took them there.

Right. So we roll up,
and they all irritated

Because we're running late,

And johnny d. Say
he be back in five.

I wait 10,
and I hear sh*ts ‐‐ pop, pop!

Screw that. I ain't down
for nobody's turkey sh**t,

So I punch it, leave them
to their own nonsense ‐‐

They were irritated because
they were running late?

They had a schedule down

Off of them knowing some dude
on the inside.


Derek. "You sure derek's
not going to punk out

And call in sick?"

That's what the other one
asked johnny d.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what's up?

Andy: come on. We got
to check on something.

Wait. Not in here.

Come on, man, how long
that's going to take?

I got a family emergency!
Dude, dude, dude!


Hey, so far I haven't
recognized anybody yet.

How about
we start over, derek?

Johnny d.

Johnny d. What?

Lying to a cop when the cop
knows the truth ‐‐

It's an insult.

Johnny d.
And that other chump

Who busted in on zips
this morning,

And you were
the inside man.

Since you're all we got,
that puts you on the hook

For those three homicides.

Unless you give us
johnny d.

Oh, man, no, no.

Where are we going
to find this johnny d.?

And don't insult me.

I might as well
put a g*n to my head.

You're fearing
the wrong people, derek.

I'm talking about the people
you worked with ‐‐

Darien, filipé ‐‐

You ain't got
to keep reminding me.

Then give them some peace,
because if you don't,

You'll never get
a night's sleep

Without one of them
sneaking into your head,

Asking why you let
their K*llers go free.

It's them
you need to fear.

Now, derek!

John dellums ‐‐
he's my cousin.

And the other guy
is tyrie james.

Who pulled the trigger?

Both. Latitia kept begging
and pleading with them.

"Please don't k*ll us!"

And they kept telling her
to shut up,

But she just
went on and on.

They was already tweaking,

And things just got
out of hand.

Filipé had already shorted them
on the deposit bag,

And they knew
there was more money.

And latitia ‐‐ she kept
running her mouth,

And they just had
to take her out, that's all.

Then they said
everybody got to go,

And I begged them
not to do it.

They part your hair with
that b*llet to cover it up?

Yeah, man.

Darien just looked at me
right before they sh*t him.

He figured out
I was in on it.

Now they're going
to k*ll me, too.

You're going to be
the least of their problems.

Give us their places.

[ Knock on door ]

Your guy is flipping out
in the pokey.

Cory: hey! Hey!
Man, what's going on?

I help you out,
you throw me in a damn cage?

If you don't shut up, I'm
going to throw you in cuffs

And dump you at bellevue.

You looking to score
is not real high

On our priority list.

I have a family emergency.

We got three people
dead at zips.

I ain't had nothing
to do with that.

Other than chauffeuring
the sh**t there?

After that
I told you all about it.

Right after that cop
put you in handcuffs.

So now you can
forget about anything

That involves you leaving
this station house.

Diane: we need to find out
if you're telling the truth.

That's going to
take a while,

So you need
to find some patience.

The thing is, um,

I'm into this dealer
for, like, 5 large.

He gave me 24 hours
to come up with that

And he took my baby
as collateral.

My daughter!

And it's been more
than 24 hours.

The dealer's
got your daughter?

Tico sanchez, yeah.
I got to get out.

How old is she?

5 1/2.

Tico sees me and latanya
on the street, right.

He says there's no way
I could get his money

With me playing daddy,

So he's going to babysit
while I get his cash.

If this is a lie,

You seeing what sticks
against the wall

So you can get
back out on the street...

On my baby's life,
I swear!

You got to be careful, man.
This tico, he's an animal.

I want to find out
how big of a fight he put up

After this animal
took away his little girl.

That's why I broke
into that damn store

After that diner
went south.

It's my daughter.

I should leave right now.

Yeah, you go ahead.

we'll take care of this.

He ‐‐ yo, stop.

He don't know me, man.

All these bad things

That have been happening
to you lately ‐‐

How much it factor

In you being an all‐around
deadbeat scumbag?

Write where this guy
has your daughter.

Had derek mays give us some
places those sh**t could be.

So he's one
of the inside guys?

Figure on taking him out
as a tour guide.

Danny: this idiot
gave his 5‐year‐old up

As collateral to a dealer.
We may have a location on her.

Go. We'll head out
with derek,

Look for those sh**t.

Get your hands up!

Turn around
and lie face down on the bed!

Andy: all right,
get out of there!

Shut up
and get out here! Move.

Oh, my god.
What'd you eat, a yak?

Tico sanchez?
When was he here last?

Man: an hour ago.
Who was he with?

Javier and some little girl.

She wouldn't stop crying,
so they split.

Where do I find them?
I don't know. Anywhere.

Diane: tell me where.

There's about five years'
worth of heroin on that table.

None of that's mine.

I'm going to make it yours.

My boyfriend got me
in on this. Ask him.

You're going with the rest.

Where's tico sanchez?

I got nothing
to do with that psycho

And those ain't my dr*gs.

That stench
you hit me with,

You're lucky I don't
throw you off the roof.

Make sure
that stuff gets vouchered.

when were you made aware

Jill kirkendall's son

Was supposed to be
in some sort of danger?

I was not aware of that.


Uh, subsequent
to our apprehending

A man who turned out to be
detective kirkendall's

Former husband don,

Along with that
task force guy, uh ‐‐

For the record,
that would be detective denby.

Right. Uh...


It ‐‐ it was then
I became aware

That these guys
were holding

Detective kirkendall's
son frank hostage

Upstate in canandaigua.

Could you spell that?

Uh, c‐a‐n...


How much longer
are we going to be here?

As long as it takes.

So then you weren't
set up outside that bank

So you could rescue
detective kirkendall's son?

I wasn't aware why we were
set up on our location.

It wasn't my case.

Whose was it?

Detective sorenson.

Detective sorenson.

Who informed me
after we made the collar

That detective kirkendall's
son frank

Had been abducted
by her ex

And was being held
by a girlfriend of denby's

In canandaigua.

This supposed girlfriend
who no one's managed to turn up,

One of 10 holes in this story
that could also be explained

That you guys were a dirty squad
involved in trafficking dr*gs.

Look for all our frequent
flier mileage to bogotá,

All them weekend
mule trips.

Then prove me wrong.

Prove we're not
drug dealers?

We're willing to accept
that you were asked

To be a part of this
on a need‐to‐know basis.

Is there a question
in there?

He's letting me know
I'm off the hook

If I rat out my squad.

Hitch being
there's nothing to rat out.

If I was looking
to hang cops,

I could take all
of your shields right now.

I've got enough evidence
of wrong behavior

By your whole squad,
including the squad commander,

Before this supposed
hostage crisis even took place.

Where is this evidence
coming from, anyway?

Some drug‐dealing scumbag
sinks so low

As to kidnap his own son
to b*at a collar ‐‐

You take his word
over the word of good cops?

Yeah, it's me going
out of my way to jam you up.

My advice
to you good cops ‐‐

Find denby's girlfriend

Or someone
who can back up your story,

Or they're looking
at indictment.

Are we finished?

Let detective jones know

We're going to talk
to him next.

where is everyone?

Detectives sipowicz,
sorenson, and russell

Are currently out attempting
to rescue a little girl.

The lieutenant went out
with detective jones.

The boss went out
in my place?

I believe they've
enlisted the help

Of the inside man
on that triple homicide

And that he's assisting them
in looking for the sh**t.

The boss went out on that?

Did he seem upset?

No. As a matter of fact,

He seemed quite eager
and invigorated.

He did, huh?


Hey, guys. I didn't
give them a thing.

We've still got problems.

Go ahead, danny.
Leo can fill me in.

I got to spell the boss.

Him and baldwin are set up
on those sh**t.

Get him out of harm's way,

Back to the safe confines
of his private office.

Tico wasn't there.
Neither was your girl.

I'll k*ll him, man,

Anything happen
to my baby.

This guy tico ‐‐
we ran his sheet.

Did you know
he took a collar

Assaulting his sister
with a pair of scissors?

Tico took latanya, man.
I ain't have no choice.

I'm looking at the bruises
you got from trying to stop him.

Tico left that apartment
with your daughter

And a puerto rican
named javier.

Don't know him.
Where are we
going to find tico now?

You could try paging him.

You got his pager number?

Yeah. That's how
we get in touch, man.


If he calls back,

There's only a 20% chance
it comes from a land line.

It's a cell phone,
we're screwed.

Had it this whole time.

So, uh, ahem,
when do I get out?

Factoring in
how I cooperated.

If you testify
in the diner killings,

That could go away.

As far as the burglary
and child endangerment,

You're still looking
at a year.

So, what happens
to latanya?

First we got to find her.
Where's her mother at?

She's still in the pound
in bentry hills.

My mom's in atlanta.
She'll take her.

Well, I'll tell that
to child services.

Hey, man, I really need
to see my little girl.

I'll do what I can.

Hey! Hey, man,
I come clean with you,

And what I get
is a year in the joint?

It got you cops
busting through doors

Looking for your daughter
who you put in this jam.

That's what it got you,

And you're welcome.

Hi. Uh, is this joyce?

This is andy sipowicz.
Do you remember me?

Right, right. Theo's dad.
How you doing?

Uh, listen, I wonder if you
could do me a little favor.

Theo's due for
his monthly blood test there

In about five days.

Yeah, I did talk to phil
about it.

Can I talk to you?

Oh. So she's still
in surgery. I see.

Uh, could you hold on
just a second?

I paged that tico
to the hello phone.

There's nothing yet.


Listen, uh, I really want
to bring my son in today.

Is there any way that you could
make that work for us, hmm?

Okay, so you'll call me
when you talk to the doctor?

No. No, I understand. Yeah.

What cohen said
definitely sounds like don

Claiming it was jill
behind the drug dealing

And we collared him and denby
to cover it up.

Rat squad told as much
to him and greg.

Seeing if we'll take the bait,
reach out to don?

They really think
we're dirty.

Bottom line ‐‐ we want to
prove we're not drug dealers,

Find that girl
who was watching frank.

Which means we got to
get to denby,

Being he's the only
connection to that girl.

This prick denby...
He sent me a letter.

What did it say?

I didn't read it.

It's probably
an amends letter.

Step 9 ‐‐ you make
a written amends

To all those people you hurt
when you were loaded.

So that's like
him hurting you,

Causing trouble
for you and jill?

That's probably in there,
plus some other behavior.

So, uh, denby's
working a program?

I hear he's been going.
I haven't seen him there.

Can't blame you,
you're not interested

what he's got to say.

Letter is in an envelope
from citiwide courier.

I think
he's driving a truck.

He's got to eat, being he's
waiting on his trial.

Let me have the letter.
I'll go talk to him.

No, I'll reach out.

You sure?

I'll call from the pay phone

[ Telephone ringing ]

Land line?


Give it to me.
I'll get an address.

[ Ring ]

[ With foreign accent ]
hello, sammy?

Sammy there?
Oh, don't tell me.

Get sammy on the phone.

I want to talk sammy.
Get ‐‐

[ Normal voice ]
they hung up.

Fourth stop.

They better be showing up
at this place.

Look, I ain't got
no crystal ball.

Johnny d. Or tyrie's
girlfriend lives here?

Tyrie ain't got no girl.
Can't y'all loosen these cuffs?

Shut up.

Whose idea was it
to sh**t you in the head?

We needed a cover story.
Whose idea?

Me. Are you sure
they can't see me back here?

What did we tell you
last time?

That guy that sh*t you ‐‐
how far away was he standing?

I don't know.
Maybe a couple feet.

You put an apple
on your head first?

Apple on your he‐‐ wait.
What's that anyway, man?

Watch the street,
all right?

I just want to understand what
an apple on your head ‐‐ damn.

Blue and white bandanna ‐‐
that's johnny.

The guy in the tan jacket ‐‐
that's tyrie.

They can't see me
back here, right?


Get on your knees.
Get down.

Johnny d.

[ Siren wails ]

I got that, boss.

I got him, greg.

Man: police! Freeze!

Police! Police!

Freeze! Freeze!
Get down! Get down!

Freeze! Police!

Get down!

Don't do it!

All right, it's cool.

Everybody's cool.
I'm not.

Man: he's got the girl
in back!

That what this is?

This is about you.
They think I took you.

Tico, 10 seconds.

You don't know me
real good.

Took your daddy at his word
and look what he got me in!

Whoa. Whoa. Nothing's
going to happen here.

All we got is
a possession collar maybe.

Latanya, just sit still
for me, okay?

Is this cory's idea ‐‐

You babysit,
he gets your money?

He say different?
We're asking you.

Rips me off, lies,
sticks me with his kid,

And then tells the cops
I took her?

Your daddy's not
a very good friend.

Tico, it's your word
against his.

It's not like he's the pope.

You're partying and the cops
come busting in.

It's understandable,
you grabbing the kid up.

That's right.

But the longer
you hold on to her,

The more it seems like
it was cory telling the truth.

We're leaving here
with latanya, tico.

How you want to leave,
that's up to you.

Tell your daddy
I'll see him real soon.

Come here.
Come here, baby.

Tico, the Kn*fe.

Diane: hey.

How's the girl?

She's safe.
We've got a uniform

Bringing her from
getting checked at the e. R.

Any sign of abuse?

Past getting the wits
scared out of her,

It doesn't look that way.

As far as whose idea it was,
we got he said, he said.

Girl couldn't help you?

Probably used to staying
with strangers.

I thought I'd let her
see her dad

Before she goes
to child services.

Yeah, phil,
I haven't heard from you,

So I thought I'd call.

Oh, she's on her way back?
I'll tell you what.

We're just going to
come on down there.

No, no, I'm going to
bring him down, phil.

Yeah, we'll see you then.

[ Dials ]

I just got an appointment
for theo to take his blood test.

No, don't argue with me, katie.
I can't wait.

Can you meet me with him or not?

We'll see you there.

Let's do it
in the coffee room.

I don't want her
to see her dad in the cage.

Listen, I got to
take care of something.

Yeah, no problem, andy.
Hey, good luck.

Good night, andy.

Is that a bear?

Did they give you that

It's a rabbit.

It's a bunny rabbit?

Your daddy's here.


There she is.

Come here, boo.

It's okay.

How's my little girl, huh?

You're going to go stay
with grandma for a while.

Daddy's got some business
to take care of.

Latanya: like mommy?

Uh, no. Not like mommy.

I'm going to see you
real soon, baby.

Daddy loves you so much.

You love daddy?

♪ For 5 million miles ♪


And this time
I'm going to get it together,

Starting right now.

I swear to god.

You do that.

I'll let you know
how it goes with denby.

No problem.
You want me to come along?

No. I don't think he'll
open up if you're there.

You don't have to do this.
You got a past with him.

No, I don't have a past
with him.

He starts
any of this behavior,

Just walk away.


So, back in the bag
after all.

It's a very generous gesture,
you coming to see me.

Don't mention it.

Final resting place,

Purgatory for packages
that can't be delivered,

Incapable of completing
their destiny.

This is good for you.
You could use some humility.

Physical labor
does help clear the mind.

I got to tell you, diane,
being sober is a blessing.

I understand now.

Do you?

Your senses come alive.

The whole world tastes fresh.


I assume you came by
to talk about my letter.

Or did you happen to fall by
two tickets to "la traviata"?

I haven't read your letter.

Good. I prefer
to make my amends in person.

You see, most drunks,
when they get sober,

They have no problem getting
in touch with their guilt.

But not you.

I've got some misdeveloped
guilt mechanism.

I could remind you
of some things you've done.

Well, my memory's fine.

No more blackouts.

I must say,
looking at you

Through clear
undiminished eyes,

a very beautiful woman.

That's not why I called.

Your pal don spraying crap

Has got us jammed up
with iab.

We need to talk
to that girlfriend of yours.

I talked a good game,

But my follow‐through
was hit or miss.

I'd be willing
to make it up to you.

I'll take a pass.

You got someone else
in your life now?

Who is he? I'll k*ll him.

What I have or don't have
in my life

Is none of your business.

So that would be a no.

You're the same assh*le sober
as you were drunk.

You don't think people have
the capacity to change?

After all,
it was you who called me.

You're not even sober.
You're just dry.

And you're just
kidding yourself, diane.

In your prime,
all shut down.

That's not healthy.

You're a woman
with strong unmet needs,

And I am graciously
offering my services.

I can't stand you, denby.


That's what would make it
so damn fun.

Screw you.
We'll get this on our own.

Come on, come on,
hold up.

Her name's lauren,

The girl I had babysit
frank kirkendall.

She's who can confirm that.

You'd put me
onto this lauren?

I owe you
and your colleagues.

If I hadn't got collared,
my bottoming out

Could have had
a much less soft landing.

So is that a yes or a no?

I don't know where she is.

She and I
had a falling out.

I'll make a few phone calls,
see if I can locate lauren,

Maybe persuade her to help.

You come see me tomorrow.

Come on, diane.

You need this girl.

it'll give you a chance

To sleep on my offer.

I love you!

I told phil we were
on our way down.

But dr. Timmons is
with a patient.

If I could just
talk to her.

Phil, did you speak
with mr. Sipowicz

About bringing theo in?

I explained on the phone

I would get back to you.

How long does it take
to do the blood test?

I understand
your frustration.

You don't have a clue
about my frustration.

Come on, andy,
let's go home.

No. Theo's going to have
his blood test.

Mr. Sipowicz.

Hi, doctor.

Please, we come in early
for theo's blood test.

Could we do it now?

I explained to mr. Sipowicz
repeatedly ‐‐

Phil, phil, me and her
are talking now.

It's okay, phil.

He's really
been looking healthy.

Could you just check him?

Probably can't tell
from across the room.

Hi, theo.
You like to drive?


You look like a regular
mario andretti out here.

I have to be responsible here

And say I don't see
any significant change

In his color.

Well, you don't see him
every day.

We can give him
his blood test now,

But are you willing
to take this as dispositive?

Meaning what?
If we take blood today

And there's no change,
will you then agree

We'll start him
on chemotherapy tomorrow?

You said it could be
just a virus.

Or reaction
to medication.

We all need to understand
something here.

I said that six months ago.

It usually doesn't last
this long.

Andy, let's have
these five days.

We need to know now.

Theo, I have got
this cool new clown fish

In the big t*nk
in the other room.

No more sh*ts.


Come on, son.

I don't want
any more sh*ts, daddy.

I'll get one, too.

Come on,
we'll both get sh*ts.


[ Knock on door ]

Looking for 3b?

Uh, this is 4a,

And I didn't order
a pizza.

This is so embarrassing.

Aren't you supposed
to wear a cap?

That's it. I quit.
Can I use your phone?

Come on in.

How did it go with denby?

Oh, he, uh,
he was a prick as usual.

You okay?

I'm fine.

Denby's girlfriend's name
is lauren.

He says he doesn't know
where she is,

But he's finding out

Long as I come meet him
again tomorrow.

Why don't you let me
meet him tomorrow?

He's just
dicking you around.

I'm just worried for jill.

She didn't do
what they're saying, danny.

You don't have to
tell me that.

Maybe, uh,
maybe you better go.

Yeah, right. I got to
drop off that pizza warmer,

Or they'll take it
out of my severance check.


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