07x08 - Everybody Plays the Mule

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x08 - Everybody Plays the Mule

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, stay away.

Stay away.

Stay away. Stay out.

Get away from me.

All right, all right.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Oh, brother.

I’m sorry, mary.


There was this fire.

I couldn’t get
the girls out.

Your sisters?

I couldn’t get them out.

Oh, man.

You know who didn’t
help at all?

Just stood there
bitching at me?


She was standing
outside the house.

I was in the hallway
outside the girls’ bedroom,

And I couldn’t
get through the fire.

My mom could have lifted
them right out the window.

Anyways, it’s just a dream.


You take good care of your
sisters in real life.

Anyways, good morning.

Good morning.

You’re off today, huh?


I thought I might attempt
my gnocchi extravaganza.

Yeah, huh?


No, not necessarily.

I mean, do it here
if you want.

You don’t really have
the facilities.

Look, I got to go to work.
Do what you feel like doing.

Why are you angry at me?

I didn’t make you
have a bad dream.



What have we got?

D.o.a. She’s really
m*nled under there.

The bus driver saw someone
throw her from a van.

That’s him there.


Oh, god.
She’s all torn up.



You were driving
the bus?

I hit a cat,

Took more than a year
to stop feeling sick.

Now I run over a girl.

What happened?

Some dude
in a van next to me,

He threw her face‐first
out the door

Right under my wheels,
like he was aiming.

Did you see the guy?

Not enough
to describe him.

I just saw this body
flying in front of me.

The thump I heard
going over her ‐‐

I knew
she had to have d*ed.

And you’re certain she was
thrown out of the car.

This was a dude throwing her
out of a van. I saw it.

Did you get
a license plate?

I didn’t think that quick.

It doesn’t sound like

You could have avoided
what happened, mr. Moore.

She’s still dead.

We’ll be back to talk
to you in a few minutes.

All right.

This was laying
on the street broken.

"Edie and luke forever."

Flatbed the bus,

See how much of the rest
of her we can find.

Is there someone
we can talk to?

A detective?

Detective jones?

Can I help you?

Is there another one?

I am leah shenkov.
This is my husband john.

Our children have been gone
for three days.

Leah, tell the truth.

They’re gone.

My sister has them.

This is all nonsense,
if you can understand.

What wouldn’t I be able
to understand, mr. Shenkov?

Nothing. Excuse me.
Never mind.

Would you mind
if these detectives

Talked with you also?

No. It’s preferable.

Detective sipowicz
and detective sorenson.


How do you do?

Come on back,
why don’t you?

Shows me something.

Mrs. Shenkov was saying

Their children have been missing
for three days.

Our boys are 4 and 7 ‐‐

Too young to be away
from home like this.

I took eric and james
to my sister nadia

After we had a fight.

What were you and your wife
fighting about?

Tell. It’s too stupid
for me to say.

I came home from work late.

John’s with the boys
having chinese food,

So I sat down,

Took one shrimp from
eric’s plate for myself,

And he goes crazy.

Why did you get upset?

It was on your son’s plate,
she can’t have a shrimp?

The food
did not belong to her.

We buy our food separately.


Yes, that’s right.

She buys food for herself,

I buy food
for me and the boys.

She has her own shelves,

We have shelves
for me and the boys.

Separate food.

What happened
after you went crazy?

I went to the bedroom.

Yeah, for more cudine.

What’s cudine?

What’s cudine?
You don’t know what’s cudine?

is expensive medicine.



Codeine. That’s right.

She went to the bedroom.
What did you do?

Got eric and james
in their coats,

Went to nadia’s.

And after that?

Look, i’m so busy
that three days ago,

It’s like a whole lifetime.

Well, did you go home
or go someplace else?

I came home.

And left your boys
with your sister.

If you sent them back
to russia, I will hate you.

My head’s k*lling me.
I’m leaving.

You don’t know
where your boys are?

I don’t know
where they are.

Or your sister?

I don’t know where she is,

But I know everyone’s fine,

And this is a waste
of a morning.

You got a picture
of your sons?

He doesn’t let me have
the picture of the boys.

I am not the one who worried
they’re abducted by aliens.

Write down your sister’s
name and address,

Okay, mr. Shenkov?

Just stupid.

I’ll bring a photo back
from the living room.

[ Mocking ] i’ll bring a photo
back from the living room.

Bring it back.

Waste more time.

If your kids aren’t
at your sister’s,

We’ll be talking
to you again.

Sure. I have plenty
talking to me already.


Morning, greg.

Look at this place
you brought me to.

What was that?

What was that?

What are
the glasses for?

Oh, eye refraction.
They dilated my eyeballs.

Take off those glasses.

I can’t, andy.

The optician says wear them
until the pupils are normal.

Which is how long?

Two hours from when
they put the drops in.

What just happened here?

Maybe the husband
told his sister

To take the kids somewhere
the wife don’t know about

To make the wife crazy.

What do you think happened?

If they’re alive,
probably that’s right.

He had the sister
take them away.

The wife said he maybe
sent them to russia.

He’s too involved
with those kids to send them

Unless he was going
to leave himself.

If he had a plan,

He wouldn’t have gone crazy
over their shrimp.

his sister’s address.

Probably an easier
interview for you.

You don’t know

If she’s prejudiced
like her brother.

Don’t anticipate.

It keeps you from seeing
what’s in front of you.

Come on.
Let’s take a ride.

Take those off
before you talk

To anybody
outside this building.

I got 22 minutes left,
and i’ll fudge if necessary.

that’s not a problem.

All right. Thanks.

Anything at the d. O. A.’S

We picked up this guy luke
who was living with her,

Presently puking in the john.

All we told him
is there’d been an accident.

How’d he take that?

Hard to tell.
He’s sick with the flu.

We’ll see how he takes
her being dead.

Did crime scene
put her back together?

They’re still
going over the bus.

If you buy
what the bus driver said,

The boyfriend’s a candidate
for throwing her.

This guy doesn’t look like
he could toss a beanbag.

Excuse me.

Come on in, mrs. Shenkov.

I only have a little break
from work.

This is last christmas.

Eric and james.

James is wearing the jacket now
in this picture ‐‐

Giant football jacket ‐‐

But eric dressed now
different from the picture.

What’s eric wearing now?

Brown jacket.

That’s real helpful,

And we appreciate you
coming back.

I also want to tell you
that john’s sister and me,

We take walks, we drink tea.

It’s just john doesn’t know.

He wouldn’t approve of you
and his sister being friends?

I’m telling you that
because nadia would not

Take my boys
and not tell me.

What kind of work
does john do?

of two apartment buildings,

But now, more and more,
day trading internet stocks.

Can you write down

The addresses
of the apartments?

Also my husband hears voices,

And he’s to the hospital
because of them.

He’s in the hospital now?

Yeah, because of
the headaches and voices.

Do they ever
sign him in?

Yes. Once.

With this new information,
we’ll talk to john again.

Don’t tell him the information
that nadia and me are friends.

No, we won’t
let on that.

Hold on.

John shenkov’s trying
to psycho himself.

We got to stop that.

The super let greg and jones
into his sister’s apartment.

The place is undisturbed ‐‐
no sign of her or the boys.

We got to keep this guy
out of the hospital.

please phone my work

If john says
where the boys are.

We’ll call you right away.

You know how to get down,
right, mrs. Shenkov?

We’re going to get
right out and see john.

I’m sorry
you’re feeling so lousy.

Yeah, this stomach flu
keeps coming back.

Here, have a seat.

We’ve, uh...

We’ve got unhappy news

To tell you
about edie, luke.

She didn’t make it?

She got k*lled
in that bus accident?


Oh, god.

She was the sweetest person.

Where are they taking her?

They need to do an autopsy.

Were you out with edie
at all this morning, luke?

No, i’ve been home, you know,
’cause i‐i feel so crappy.

Do you know
what she was doing out?

Going to work, I guess.

She’s part‐time
at this hair place,

Setting up appointments.

Do you know anyone who had
something against edie,

Wanted to see her hurt?

No. People loved edie.

Was edie involved
in anything

Might have gotten her
in trouble?

How does that relate
to a bus hitting her?

Either of you know someone
who owns a van?

I‐i don’t get
these questions.

[ Groans ]

Someone said they saw edie
thrown out of a van

In front of that bus, luke.


Said she was thrown
under the bus’ wheels.

I don’t know anyone
with a van,

And I don’t know
that she did.

I am sick about this,

I’ve been sick
for three weeks,

I’m dehydrated,
and I want to leave.

Okay, let us talk
to our boss,

And we’ll come back
and get you.

Why? Why do you have to
talk to your boss?

’Cause that’s how
we’re going to do this, okay?

Crime scene’s reassembled
all your d. O. A.’S viscera

Except the intestines.

Blood’s come back
loaded with heroin.

Drug mule.

One of the balloons breaks,
she o. D.’S,

They cut her open
for the rest.

Can you see the boyfriend

Taking a Kn*fe to her
like that?

It puts his stomach flu
in a different light.

Someone’s with him every
time he uses the toilet.

Hands for volunteers?

What did he say?

Are you using this?

I might be.

Just give us a holler.

You know
what a mule is, luke?

The animal?

Is that what you think
i’m talking about?

A drug mule?

You think edie
had heard of that ‐‐

Someone who swallows
condoms full of dr*gs,

Bringing them from
south america to kennedy?

She wouldn’t have
anything to do with that.

Edie had a massive amount
of heroin in her bloodstream.

It k*lled her,
and after she d*ed,

Someone cut her belly open
and gutted her like a fish.

Oh, my god!

Are you trying to tell us
that you didn’t know

Your girlfriend had been
out of the country?

I told you,
i’ve been sick in bed.

How long would she have
been gone, like 24 hours?

My partner and I both think

You know more than
you’re saying about this, luke.

I don’t. I swear I don’t.

For god’s sake,
I need to go home.

We need to find out what
happened to your girlfriend.

What reason would you have
not to hang around

Till we find out
what happened to edie?

Because i’m sick.

Jill: sick how, luke?

Stomach flu.

You know what’s good for that?
Push fluids.

Just let us know when you
need to use the facilities.

We’ll hook you right up.

Hazard pay, josh.

What’s going on?

This guy might be
passing smack balloons.

I got to break out
the basin?

You want to catch them

You dr. Thiel?


Detectives sipowicz
and sorenson.

Are you john shenkov’s

I’ve seen john before.

You haven’t
treated him today yet.

Not yet.

What’s his story?

He says he’s seeing
and hearing things.

Is that something you two
could take up later on?

He’s not in immediate
danger, right?

What are you after?

We need to question him.

We’re looking
into the disappearance

Of his two boys.

Will there be someone
with him at all times?

Every second.

He can come back later.

Okay. Thanks.

[ Door buzzes ]

Hi, john.

Terrible pains in my head
and the voices.

We’ll talk later.

These men are going
to talk to you now.

They’re talking
with your approval?

Yes. You talk
to them now, john.

You again.

Yeah, us. We got to talk.

You are here
about eric and james?

You won’t trust me
that nadia has them?


You can’t believe
sh**ting pains in my head

And the voices.

They’re bad, huh?


They’re talking again.

While they’re conversing
with you,

Your big job right now
is to stand up

And walk to the car.

Dr. Thiel is coming
to help me.

No, dr. Thiel is going
to be a little late.

Am I dying?

You’re not dying.
Clamp down.

I can’t.

Then shut your mouth.

Oh, he’s dumping.
He’s passing condoms.

They’re rolling out
the bottom of his pants.

I’ve got some rubber gloves
in my locker.

Stand guard on those
a second, would you, john?

Oh, god!

Basin’s under
the toilet seat?

Have any of them busted?

If any busted, you wouldn’t
be chatting with us, luke.

I’ll sh**t you for
who picks up in the hallway.

Odds. Once, twice,
thrice, sh**t.


Josh: once, twice,
thrice, sh**t.

Son of a bitch.

One small win
for the black man.


Don’t go anywhere. He’s going
to fill this thing up.

I need to know who put you
and edie up to this, luke.

[ Grunting ]

Were you and her dupes?

We were dupes.

Give a name.

Rico aguerro. Oh!

The basin’s full.
Stand up a second.

Okay, but i’m on a roll.


Just fly to bogota
and swallow these fingers

Right before getting
on the plane home,

And then we pass them
for rico,

We get 5,000 bucks each.

Where’s that damn basin?

The damn basin’s coming.

Nobody stopped you
at customs?

[ Grunts ]

No, we aced customs,

But edie didn’t look good
in the van

Coming back from the airport.

I mean, you can’t believe
the shaking she went into.

She was dead, like, so fast.

Rico cut her open

To get the balloons
that hadn’t burst.

Uh, I can’t say for certain.

So rico threw her
out of the van?

My eyes were closed
the whole time

With sickness and sadness
for edie.

You know my one problem
picturing you

A blind bystander
in this, luke?

If rico’s gutting edie
and throwing her

Out of the van,
who is it that’s driving?



They only let you
think you win.

All right, i’ll give you
where to find rico.

[ Grunts ]

Go ahead and scream.
Scream good and loud.

What are your voices
screaming, john?

Like the roar
from niagara falls.

Can you understand
that sound?

You’ll imprison me now?

Nobody’s imprisoning you.

We need help finding
where your boys are, john.

Ask my sister nadia.

Maybe your voices will help
find nadia and the boys.

Don’t count
on any favors from them.

John: she’ll be away
this afternoon.

Uh, can I give her
a message?

We’ve got shenkov
in the pokey.

Got his whole advisory
committee with him.

Greg and jones canvassed
one of the buildings

Shenkov manages,
brought in a tenant

Said he was behaving

The day after
the boys went missing.

I could almost imagine you
being a male model.

Shaking my booty
on the catwalk, huh?

Melanie here lives
at 2nd and houston.

John shenkov’s her super.

Why don’t you tell them
the experience you had

With mr. Shenkov
two days ago?

I went home at lunchtime.

This head case john
is in my place

Showering in the bathroom.

Is that nerve?

Why was he showering?

Because he’s crazy.

I asked him, "what the hell’s
going on here, john?"

He says,
"I need your shower, melanie.

Look at all the blood."

And I didn’t look down,
but I wouldn’t be surprised

If at that point
he was touching himself.

This blood he was referring to,
was there any?


Did you see any blood
on the towels?

If there had been blood
on my towels,

Don’t you think
I would have at least

Filed a formal complaint?

As opposed to walking in
on a stranger showering

In your place that tells you
he’s covered with blood,

And you don’t figure
that’s worth reporting?

He’s the building manager.

What does that mean,
he’s the building manager?

What, does that mean that
he could be covered with blood

And you don’t have
to report it?

He didn’t have
any blood on him,

And if I reported
john shenkov

For every strange thing
he ever did,

I wouldn’t have time
to hold down a full‐time job.

You know, melanie,
you did great here today.

You’ve been a big help.

doesn’t appreciate that.

Danny: did you
check the building?

The basement, garbage chute,
and common‐use areas.

We got to go at this guy.

Danny: thank you
for your help.

Wouldn’t be surprised
if he was touching himself.

He should take his bad mood
out on someone else.

It’s okay.

So, you want my address?

We got her address already,

And my eyes are k*lling me.

Son of bitch, me?
Son of a bitch, you!

Playtime’s over.

Yes, here comes the b*ating
squad you have sent.

John, whoever else you think
you’re in touch with

Ain’t going to put
the b*ating on you

You’re about to take from me,
so you need to listen up.

You can’t punish me.

I’ll listen
as hard as you want.

Where are them boys,
you twitchy geek?

Safe from you.

Safe where, john?

Just tell us where.

Don’t you wish I knew?

Then all our problems
are solved.

What blood did you think
you were washing off?

Is there blood
on your hands, john?

My blood is my own business

And who I keep
from suffering them.

Did the voices
make you hurt your boys?

Come on then, assholes.

Melanie’s building is blind.

I’m going
to fracture his skull.

Your other building,
is that blind, too?

Oh, if I cared, would you
think they could trap me?

Are your boys and sister
in that other building?

I permit them to hear.

Maybe eric and james
I take from your domination.

Let’s go. Let’s go
to that other building.

Screw you!

Die, you black devils.

Andy: we’re going to try
the second building

This wack‐job manages.

He give you reason to think
his boys might be there?

In wack language,
sounded like they could be.

Where were you?

Getting that woman
a cab.

Might be something
to you going at this guy.

He’s ranting
about black devils

And domination and so forth.

Want me to go in there
in tribal gear?

Hey, you don’t want
to go at him,

That’s up to you.

I wouldn’t be
an ethnic asset

On this, baldwin.

I’m going to go
pick up my lenses,

If that’s okay, boss.


I might need
to pick up a cane as well.

You want me
to go in there?

Do you got
any tribal gear?

Don’t you
speak english yet?

Don’t you learn?

Don’t think I frighten
with your devil eyes.

I took care
from your domination.

No day trade here.

No mouse
for tricking me with

And say the voice through.

I don’t see you.

I don’t hear you.

My boys are safe.

Give them to me.

Oh, why do you
break me in two?

I cannot even
send them back home.

You take my money

And screaming inside
of my head.

Give them to me.
I’ll stop the screaming

And get you more money.

Give the boys to you?

Give them to me.


Dead, I told you.

Give them to me dead.

Tell me where they are.

I never tell you
where they are.

I k*ll them
against how you shame me,

So you don’t have power
to know.

[ Crying ]

Did you talk to him?

I said I come
to do the floors,

But i’ll come back later.

He says, no,
go on and clean them.

What else?

Well, it was unusual,

Because the floors
were pretty clean already.

There was a strong smell,
like bleach or something.

Did you ask john about it?

I didn’t want
to make conversation.

There’s the smell
i’m talking about.

Breathe through your mouth.

Where was shenkov sitting?

He was sitting right here
like this.

The other thing is,
he was holding a Kn*fe,

Kind of toying with it
back and forth.

Like he was going
to hurt himself?


Did any of this
make you consider

Calling the police?

Yes, but I really
need this job.

Oh, no.


Oh, god.

Jill: check out
rico’s body language.

Figures cutting a body up’s
just a health code violation.

What if luke’s girlfriend
was still alive

When you cut her open?

What if he told us
she was?

Then you’re looking
at a homicide collar.

I don’t find that credible,

That my friend luke

Would make himself
an accessory to m*rder

Saying his girlfriend
was still alive.

But you were there
in a van?

If I was there,

The lady had passed away.

The lady.

Listen to rico style.

Luke’s doing a flip
on rico,

But rico’s not flipping
on anybody.

Rico’s stand‐up.

While luke’s walking around,
rico wants to be looking

At his ricky martin poster
in slam.

Who’s that, baby?

Nobody, rico.

Ha ha.

What’s that,
a racial put‐down?

Hey, rico, our job makes us
go through the motions,

Treat you like you have a brain.
It’s just procedure.

Would you like
to hear something racial

About these two mutts
edie and luke?

They’re children.

They look good,
being white,

But they never learned
how to live.

They hear
they can get 5 grand each,

And their eyes just
light up.

[ High voice ] honey,
if we just do a few runs,

We could move.

We could build a big house
in vermont.

Ha ha.


They’re stupid
and you’re a scumbag.


Two white chumps ‐‐

You think
you get money like this

By doing something easy?

Hey, rico, you’re not
giving yourself enough credit.

All they had to do
was go through customs

Without looking sweaty.

Yeah, you had
to cut a girl’s guts out.

If I did that,
that would be the territory,

And I would understand that,
because i’m an adult.

And being an adult,
what’s tossing

A corpse under a bus
once you’ve disemboweled her?

You admit that she was dead,
calling her a corpse.

Whoops. He got you, jill.
You walked into that one.

If you admit
that she was a corpse,

I can stand the heat

For the health code

Of course, uh,

Glomming intestines loaded
with smack,

You did just put yourself
a participant in a felony,

But a tough guy like you

Can probably do the 15
standing on his head.

I withdraw everything
I just said.

Ever try squeezing
the toothpaste back

Into the tube, rico?

Where he’s telling you
he k*lled his kids, baldwin,

Definitely put I heard
shenkov say that also.

You heard it?

Oral confession ‐‐

You definitely want
a corroborative witness.

You heard it
from the observation room?


You going for a signed
statement from this maniac?

I’m going to try.

I don’t know
how it’s going to go.

I personally witnessed
the oral confession.

I heard
shenkov confess also,

But obviously if baldwin

Can get a written statement,
that would be preferable.

If you get him signing,
it’d be good

If you went for me and andy
giving him his rights.

And when would that
have happened?

Driving him here
from the hospital.

Is he going
to remember it?

Yeah, right after he recalls
his good reason

He took a hatchet
to his boys and his sister.


You’re reluctant
getting him to sign

For us giving him his rights,
no problem.

Yeah, we can go in
after you.

Did I say
I got a problem?


You want to cut out
reading my mind?


I’ve got the rapport.

And it’s your case.

When I got a problem,
you’ll know.

And I don’t want
anyone watching me.

I used
to have their rights

On a yellow
laminated card.

When i’d collar up,
i’d rub the card

In the skel’s eyes
a second.

I’d yell,
"you see this, you prick?"

Then I could testify
I gave him his miranda.

Years ago?

Oh, yes.

[ Crying ]

So this prints out

What the detectives
told you before,

Where you
can remain silent

And refuse
to answer questions.

Do you understand that?

Who would have thought
you became my friend?

Just mark "yes"
where it says "reply."

Yes, you are my friend.

Then it says,
"anything you say

Can be used against you
in a court of law."

Mark "yes"
if you understand that.

Yes, you are my friend.

"You can consult an attorney
before speaking

"To the police
and have an attorney present

"Before questioning now
or in the future.

"If you cannot
afford an attorney,

One will be provided
for you without cost."

"Yes" both places
if you understand.

Yes and yes.

Now that I have advised you
of your rights,

Are you willing
to answer questions?

I’ve answered
your questions.

Mark "yes"
that you understand.


And since
this is really

What the detectives
told you before,

Where it says "time,"
let’s put the time it was

When they talked to you
in the car.

Say 12:15 p. M.
And put your initials.



And not once
do the voices come.

You see that?

Thank god to you

That I thought
was a black devil.

Now you need
to write what happened

To your boys
and your sister.

All right,
my friendly friend,

If you think it’s best.

You’re thinking
of milton berle

On the "texaco star theater."


No? I guess you were right.
I can’t read your mind.

I’m going for a run.

You got a written statement.

A written statement and he
signed his miranda form.

Thanks for saving us
the trouble.

You go running
in 35‐degree weather,

Shows the building
can hold more

Than one headcase

I came to do squad work,
all right?

I got no problem doing
what I got to do.

We saw that
the first case you worked.

Someone disrespects me
in that room,

He gets dealt with
no problem,

But this here, it’s ‐‐

Bias unit, you didn’t deal
with the confession aspects.


Writing in your 5 your
partner heard a statement

When he didn’t,

Saying a guy got his rights
when he didn’t ‐‐


This is squad work.

Once you know
the guy did what he did,

You don’t owe him d*ck.

You’re working for the victims

And the people that could be
if he gets out.

All’s that’s going on
with me ‐‐

I’m learning the ropes.

Everyone takes that different.

Don’t worry how
i’m taking it, all right?

You’re taking it good.

No, ’cause I know you got
your doubts about us.

You see that?

Did he earn that from you?

I hear he earned it.

Not from you he didn’t,

Good work.

And I made a new friend
from russia.

Is that the new friend
you made?

Good night, partner.

Night, andy.

Good night, medavoy.



Arthur: yeah,
good night, andy.

Good night, andy.

Thanks for your help.

Think nothing of it.

Good work.


Hello, there.

Waiting for mary?

She’s not working today.


We had a beef
this morning ‐‐

Me being a jerk.

I’m meeting her
at my place.

I called her an hour ago
and asked her over.

I’ll tell you the truth,

I don’t know if i’m supposed
to be with anybody.

Do you want to be?

Very much,

But I don’t want
to hurt anyone.

You don’t seem hurtful
to me, danny.

I don’t want to be.
That’s my point.

When are you supposed
to meet her?

Yeah, soon.


I just wanted
to get your feelings.

Anyways, night.


[ Knock on door ]

Mary franco
with her casserole dish.

My gnocchi happened
to turn out excellent, pal.

Your gnocchi extravaganza?


Permit me
to take your coat

And stuff it
above my microwave.

Sorry, mary.

Here’s my attitude
about you, danny.

You like me,
I have feelings for you,

And there’s something else
that upsets you.

Mary, if I never
had another dream,

You wouldn’t hear
no bitchin’ out of me.

So here I am
with the gnocchi

I made for our dinner.


And it keeps well
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