06x01 - Top Gum

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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06x01 - Top Gum

Post by bunniefuu »

Bobby: whoa, you snuck up
on me there, patsy.

Yeah, I crept up on ya
like an indian.

You remember
i’m 1/8 mohawk.

Yeah, your grandpa,
he used to work
on those skyscrapers.

Raymond ferraro.

He was a half‐blooded
mohawk and a great
pigeon flier.

Now dead.

He taught you birds.

Yeah. How are
your pigeons, bobby?

Ah, they’re good,
you know?

I mean,
they’re doing good.

But I take it you’re
having problems
with your work?

I feel a little worried
about keeping my end up.

Take a deep breath
and explain yourself.

Do I take it
it’s grade school,

Some type
classroom problem?

I mean, not really.

Have I not told you that
at exactly your age,
in school,

My geography teacher
said the map I drew,

I’d smeared ink
the wrong direction

Showing ocean
from land‐‐

Patsy, i’m a grown man.
I’m out of grade school.

You’re not
in grade school?

Well, what did you
ask me up here for

If you’re not gonna

Look at all this crap
under the coop.

Did I ask you
to come up here?

Yes, you asked me
to come up here!

Well, you know
I appreciate your advice.

Take several
deep breaths.

Is that better or not?

Yeah, that’s better.

Heh heh.

Congratulations with
your wedding, bobby.

Thanks a lot, patsy.

How are things
in that regard?

Thank god,
we’re real happy.

Excludin’ birds...

That’s the only area

Breathe deep...and
that’s the end of it.

[Breathes deeply]

[Breathes deeply]


Good morning.

Ahh! Why are we up
with the street cleaners?

I got that
dental appointment.


Dr. Reisman’s gonna
drive me crazy.

Oh, well...

It has to be he’s got
a contract for you.

He’s gotta have
something he wants
you to do.

You don’t figure
this guy has a big desire
to clean my teeth?





Diane, I got to be
in this guy’s office
in 20 minutes.

Ok, boy scout.


I love you, bobby.

Yeah, i’m sorry.

I nicked you there a little
above your number 12.

oh, no‐‐no problem.

You want a lollipop?


Doc, you know,
I might be totally
off‐base here,

But, uh, it seems
like there’s something
on your mind.

You’re 100% right, bobby.
I hate to impose on you.


My daughter’s let
her lowlife boyfriend
move in with her,

And he deals
and uses dr*gs.

My name’s on the lease.

I know i’m in my rights
to tell him to go, but...

Something you’d
like me to do?

If you were to confront
this dan in that apartment,

I’m sure you’d find evidence
to arrest him.

if there’s any collars
in that apartment,

Your daughter might
get locked up, too.

He’s forced her
to drop out of nyu.

He’s forced a total
personality change on reece.

You know the boyfriend’s
full name?

I don’t know.
Dan something.

Write your
daughter’s address
and her phone number.

I’ll, uh...

Try to look her up.

I’m just amazed
you sensed I had this
on my mind.

[Pager beeps]

Look, doc, that’s
my job beeping me here.

I gotta go.

What, do you got
a chest cold there, bobby?

Yeah. Fightin’ one off.

Yeah. I can hear it
down there.

We gettin’ warm
on the super?

Said he was coming
from his other building.

Which is where,


[Taking deep breath]

Hey, andy.

Hey. The doa’s a stupid
28‐year‐old male‐‐

Kevin radnor.

What do you mean,

Old man’s
that big millionaire,

And the kid’s living
in a walk‐up?

They tied him
like a farm animal.

Hey, bobby.
Morning, james.

They were torturing him
for something, andy.

There’s no defensive
cuts on the hand,

And most of these wounds
are superficial.


Hey. Who’s this?

Taught high school
with the doa.

She’s who found him.

She had the key?

Says she had it
’cause the doa

Let her and her fiancé
use the place weekends.

Says that’s
what he was like.


It’s probably worth
having a conversation
with the fiancé.

Yeah. I’ll make sure
jill got his pedigree.

Excuse me.

cop: you can’t
come in here, sir.

I’m mark radnor.
The victim is my son.

That’s the father.
Check out the security.

This is mr. Mark radnor,
radnor hotels.

I’m mike roberts,
retired off the job.

Sipowicz: it’s ok.
Roberts: hey, guys.

who contacted you?


These are all friends,
mr. Radnor.

Detectives I formerly
worked with.

Fine. I’ll appreciate
their consideration.

Yeah. We’re sorry
for your loss.

This is
detective sipowicz.

How did you find out
about this?

And this is
detective simone.

I want you to remember

That my son was
the victim here.

That’s clear from
the circumstances, sir.

How about you remember

I asked how you
found out about this?

Mr. Radnor was contacted
via me by the building
superintendent, andy.

Then the super gets
a hat to go incognito

Pendin’ this one’s
look‐around how he wants
things handled.

Mr. Radnor, you know,

We would have really
preferred talking
to you elsewhere

To spare you the grief
of seeing your son like this.

What’s that mean‐‐
"remember he’s
the victim"?

It means find out
who k*lled him and keep
his lifestyle out of it.

Often learning about
the victim’s lifestyle,

That gives us hints
for our work.

What was his, uh,
lifestyle, mr. Radnor?

Fagola, andy.


Fagola, fruitsky.

Mr. Radnor, uh, a homicide
with this type of v*olence,

We’ll sometimes look
at the sexual angle.

Well, the first time
that’s in the press,

I am coming
for your jobs.

We’re big conduits
for the press.

Greg, james.

He’ll give you, um,
the information.

All right.
Go in with them.

Absolutely, sir.

Tell ’em about kevin.

Absolutely, sir.

I’ll be down in a minute.

What, were you
and the kid lovers?

Yeah. Ha ha ha.

What do you got
for us, mike?

I got a guy
you can like a lot.

This is strictly

Catching detectives and
that pain‐in‐the‐balls
lieutenant you got.

We got to minimize
possible leaks here.

Possible r*pe victim
over at bellevue.

Boss wants me and jill
to take it.

There goes 2 possible
leakers right there.

Ah, come on, andy.

You’re telling me
the press wouldn’t have
a field day with this?

Deviate son of a guy
like radnor

Winds up early
thanksgiving turkey?

What did your dentist want?

Get his daughter
out from under
a drug dealer’s evil spell.

How old’s the daughter?

She’s a dropout of nyu.

Russell: sounds like
the impressionable type.


Primo landing field
on that blonde, huh?

Let’s get
to the house, mike.

Kid lives
in this type squalor.

Ripped my suit
comin’ up the stairs.

Dr. Davis?


Detectives russell
and kirkendall.

You reported
a possible r*pe victim?

Uh...false alarm.

What does
false alarm mean?

A young girl,
nina nuñez, came in.

Said she’d been
sexually assaulted.

Her hymen was intact,
but she had external bruising,

So I went for a r*pe kit,
and I called you people.

When I got back,
she was gone.

Had she objected
to your doing the kit?

Hard to tell
what she was thinking.

Could have been
on something.

Seemed, uh, disoriented.

Hey, doc, we’re here.
We got to ask you some
questions about this.

[Groans] do I have
to keep my eyes open?

Yeah. Did she say anything
about who r*ped her?

Some big black guy.

You think
the as*ault was real,

Or she was alibiing
some late night out?

a possibility.

Downside of living
in a city with
a subway system.

Can’t tell
your folks your car
ran out of gas.

Anyway, thanks for
your big cooperation.

Hey, detective, I
got 40 minutes to
keep my eyes closed,

Then I work another
36 hours straight.

Mmm. So at least
for the next 40 minutes,

The patients
in the hospital
are safe.

What do you got
for us, mike?

Uh, last spring‐‐
I want to say april‐‐

This con artist, you know,
a former student
of mr. Radnor’s son,

Approaches us for a loan.

Wants to invest
in some half‐assed
mail order business

He saw on an infomercial.

You know, "I was one of your
son’s favorite students.

Want you to help me out."
Bop, bop, bop‐‐

Approached the both
of them for a loan

Because roberts got
such deep pockets, too.

Coked up, this kenny‐‐

Kenny, being the doa’s
former student.

Now, however many millions
mr. Radnor’s got,

He didn’t make beatin’
around the bush.

So he asks this kenny
straight out,

Are him and mr. Radnor’s son
hittin’ each other
in the seat.

Kenny admits this is true.

So mr. Radnor has me
give him 10 grand

And impress upon kenny,
strongly, that the store
is now closed.

What’s the son have to say
about all this, mike?

Mr. Radnor and him
had a loud talk.

I only heard
the one side of it.

Which was what?

What are you doing
with your life?

You’re gonna throw
your life away.

Father‐son stuff.

Anyways, 3 weeks ago,
kenny’s back in touch.

This time he wants
50 grand more,

Or he’s gonna take photos
to the tabloids.

Sipowicz: so that really
took, huh, roberts?

That "store is
now closed" lecture

That your boss
had you give kenny
back in april?

I gave him
a warning lecture, andy.

Fancy: did radnor
pay the 50?

Roberts: he did not,
lieutenant, no.

That’s blackmail.
You don’t figure
to put us in the loop?

He didn’t contact us no more.
What are we gonna talk about?

Fancy: and that’s
the last you’ve
heard of this kenny?

Roberts: right.

That information, roberts,
you’ve now conveyed

Is exactly the same
when we worked together.

A story clear as mud.

Hey, excuse me, andy,
for only rollin’ you
a ground ball

On who did your homicide.

What, are you pissed off

I’m not taking you by the hand
so you can go down
and tag first?

What’s this kenny’s
last name?


One "s", 2 ls.

Here’s a full list
of particulars,

Plus where
to grab him up.

Hey, bobby, I gave
this guy some tune‐up
back in april.

I mean, I thought
I put him on dialysis.

Yeah, it’s tough gettin’
through to a cokehead.

Try explaining that
to your partner.

I’m gonna go
do that right now.

Mind if I buy myself
a cup of coffee?

Then we’re gonna be
pretty busy, mike.

Oh, well, then
i’ll take my leave.

I mean, I don’t need
to get hit by a bus.

Last heard from him
3 weeks ago?

Roberts’ story
proves d*ck.

You gotta like the guy
a little, andy.

Like him a little, yeah,
but he’s no ground ball.

[Breathes deeply]

You know,
this happens to be
a lousy neighborhood.

We’ll be all right.

That oriental girl who’s
colleagues of the doa

Is comin’ in
for a statement later.

She went
to their school,

Wanted to tell the doa’s
students herself
what happened to him.

We took a message off
the doa’s answering machine.
It might be good.

Some guy named kenny
sayin’ that they, uh,
gotta talk.

Roberts gave us
a push on a kenny
for a homicide.

I hear kenny’s voice
is on the son’s
answering machine?

Ready to give it up
to me a little, andy?

Yeah. Have
some of this.

Yeah, right.

And if he is right,
it’s by accident.


Hello there, dolores.

Hey, hi.

Uh, john irvin.

Yeah, I remember.

So, how’s your computer
graphics business going?

Can we make a pact,


If I buy you
a christmas tree this year,

Will you promise never
to mention my computer
graphics business again?

Not going so good, huh?

I think I may
be holding the record

For the quickest
bankruptcy filing in
the manhattan district court.

But, uh, excelsior,
I am back in the
borough p. A. A. Pool.

They got me temping upstairs
today in anti‐crime,
which I love.

Detective russell,
how goes the battle?

Hey, john. John irvin,
used to be our p. A. A.

Jill kirkendall,
good to meet you, john.

How do you do?

Detective, she’d like
to report an incident.

Something happened
to me last night.

Uh, let me excuse myself.
I just wanted to say hi.

Take care, john.

Take care.

your name?

Um, nina nuñez.

I’m, uh, jill kirkendall.
This is my partner
diane russell.

Were you just at
bellevue hospital,

I left, though.

Diane: let’s talk
back here.


We’ll get you
something to drink

And something to
eat, if you want.

I don’t know if
I can keep it down.

Here you go.

The, um...

The doctor at bellevue

Said you told him
you’d been r*ped.

what happened...

Till 4:00
this morning.

By someone you knew?

No, he just
jumped out at me.

Did you get
a look at him?

Not really...black.

And where was this?

I‐‐i don’t know.
My memory’s foggy.

Tell us what
you do remember.

He pulled me in the car

And put a cloth
over my face
that made me dizzy.

Then i‐‐i woke up and he
was trying to r*pe me.

Then I woke up again
and I was at the steps
at my school.

Then I went
to the hospital,

And then I came here.

Who do you
live with, nina?

My mom.

Have you called her yet?

Is your mom
pretty strict with you?

Being detectives, nina,

Sometimes we see girls
whose parents are strict,

Get so worried
over being out late,

That they come to us
with a story that’s
not completely true.

Russell: if that’s
what’s happened here, nina,

We’re not gonna put
you in any trouble,

But we don’t want to
start an investigation
for no reason.

It’s the truth.
I got att*cked.

That’s why
I was out late.

Ok. Ok, nina,

We’re gonna call
your mother now,

Let her know
what happened.


Do you want to call or
do you want us to call?


Write your mom’s number.

yes, well, the purchasing
group that I represent

Needs to make an appraisal
for each of the apartments’
fixtures and appliances

And so forth before we make
an offer on the building.

Her father pays
all that tuition

So his daughter
can study advanced
lice infestation

With some skelly
street dealer.

Hey, look, it’d be
10 minutes at the most,

And there’d be $50 in it
for you for the inconvenience.

Perhaps they’ll use that
to buy a new hanging
plant or 2.

Uh, look, how would, uh,
the late afternoon be today?

Oh, that‐‐that
may impose on her
and the boyfriend’s time

For deep coma behind
the dr*gs they take.

All right, thank you so much
for your cooperation.

Yeah, that
would be in cash.


I hope you’re getting
bridgework for life.


Ok, here we go,
guys, here we go.


Don’t move that car!

Get out here‐‐aah!

Drop the Kn*fe!

Simone: i’m cut, andy.

you dirty bastard,

You gonna
cut my partner?!

You gonna
cut my partner?

Shut your mouth
before I split your
head wide open!

You all right, bobby?

Yeah. I‐‐i don’t
think he got an artery.
Here, take this.

You got him?

Yeah. Go take care
of bobby.

Get him
to the hospital.

You all right?

He cut me pretty good
there, andy.

You dirty
son of a bitch!

Come on, let’s get you
stitched up at the hospital.

You light‐headed?

No, no.

Good, good.


I’m so tired.

Tell the truth,
and they’ll let you
go home with me.

Nina: i’m
telling the truth.

A black man drugged me,
and that’s all I remember.

Drugged and r*ped you?

He tried to r*pe me,
but I fought him off.

Tell you what
I think this is.

I think you got a boyfriend
you ain’t telling me about.


These detectives,
they believe that, too.

You want to go
to jail over lying?

No one’s going to jail,
mrs. Nuñez.

You’ll wish you was in jail
when i’m done with you.

Let me tell it to them.

All right,
tell it to them first.

I can’t tell her.

Can’t tell
her what, nina?

Who it was did this.

It’s her boyfriend,

My mother’s.


It didn’t just start,

He’s weird with me
since I grew,

Looks at me wrong.

I had a birthday
last month,

And he gave me
a secret pink nightgown.

Secret from your mom?

I took it,
but I never wore it.

But last night,
when my mom was at work,

Tony came over
with his key.

He was drunk, kept
asking me to put it on.

I told him all I wanted
was for him to be nice
to my mom.

And then he said for me
to just take a ride
with him in the car,

And that would
satisfy him.

So I agreed to that much.

What happened when
you took the ride
with him?

Turned out he had a cloth

And something that made me
pass out when he put it
over my face.

And then he woke me up,
and he was on top of me.

Said he wanted me awake.

But then I started
screaming, and he let me
out of the car.

I was afraid if the doctors
did their tests on me

That they would know it
was my mother’s boyfriend
who did this.

That’s why
I left the hospital.

Ok, nina.

I can’t tell my mom.

We‐we’ve been alone
ever since my dad left.

She was so happy she
finally got a boyfriend.

No, we’re
gonna tell her.

[Nina sobbing]

What’d she admit?

Nina made up the story
about a stranger raping her

Because the man who att*cked
her was your boyfriend.

What are you
saying to me?

Your boyfriend tony came
to your apartment last night

While you were at work.

He’s been making advances
at nina for quite a while.

Off her
leading him on?

He had to use something
like chloroform to knock
nina unconscious.

We need to know
where to find tony.

You don’t worry
about that.

I know where to
look for tony,

And I know
what to do.

Mrs. Nuñez, maybe you
need to start thinking
about your daughter

As much as she’s
thinking about you.

You take care of nina.

Leave tony to us.

All right...

I’ll tell you where
you can find him.

Russell: write it
down for us.

And, uh, can I
take her home now?

You can take her home.



The kid is
a nice chatterbox.

Yeah, huh?

Somebody cut the cheese?

Come on.

I’m fighting
for my life here!

all right, just shut up
in there, kenny.

We’re gonna do
the talking, you’re
gonna do the listening,

Then it’ll be
your turn to talk.

I got a lot of people
after me, yo.

I thought you
was those people.

I was defending myself!

I’m very sorry
that I cut you.

You just give me some
straight answers, kenny.

I’ll know that
your apology is sincere.

Pulling that Kn*fe on me
was just a mistake.

Let’s go.

Your voice is on
an answering machine

In an apartment an
unfortunate occurrence
took place in, kenny.

What apartment?

Kevin radnor’s.

Mr. Radnor was my former
high school teacher.

How long you been
out of high school?

2 Years. But me and
mr. Radnor kept in touch.

What kind of unfortunate
occurrence occurred?

Kevin radnor
was m*rder*d.

Oh, no.

Oh, no!

Yeah. Oh, no.

No, no, see, I didn’t
realize you wanted to
talk to me

Because I was on
that answering machine.

Well, that was it.

Well, there’s
a natural explanation

For me being on that.

From mr. Radnor
continuing our friendship.

Well, tell us
about that, kenny.

Well, he was trying to get me
on track to a better life,

’Cause that’s
what i’m all about.


See, a while back,

He even arranged
for his dad to give me
a start‐up loan.

Oh, he arranged
the loan?

Yeah. Mr. Radnor
was a real mentor type.

Kenny, were you
and mr. Radnor
sexually involved?

I’m not confirming
none of that.

Let him rest in peace. Uhh!


From the people
that we talked to,

Nobody said anything
about mr. Radnor
being gay.

Talk to his father.

[Knock on door]

Can I talk to you
a minute, fellas?

Oh, hey, say, how‐‐how
it look like they did him,
you know?

Did they‐‐did they sh**t him?
Was it 2 guys or what happened?

Shut up, kenny.
Talk to your friend.

That’s my cr*ck genie.

I’m trying to get him
out of my life.

Your cr*ck genie, huh?


Cocaine psychotic, huh?

What is it?

He hallucinating?
What is it, medavoy?

Uh, we made an i. D. Off
a surveillance film,

A guy using
the doa’s atm card.

He’s a bagger
at a grocery.

All right,
just a second.

Kenny: uh‐oh.

Get up.

What’s going on?

We’ll be back
in shortly, kenny.

Give you some time
to grieve.

Ok, ok, listen,
wh‐when they come back,

I talk‐‐i’m gonna do
the talking,

And you shut up, ok?

which one is dino?

That one.

In the gray?
All right, thank you.

Hey, dino, what’s up?

Hey, what
are you doing?

We gotta talk.

No, listen, it’s
time for my break.

That’s good,
’cause we’re going
for a ride.

What for?

Where were
you yesterday?

like i’m doin’ now.

How about
the day before?

Oh, man, don’t mess me up.
My employer’s watching.

Your employer’s
the one who pointed
you out.

Well, see, now i’m
gonna get fired. Watch.

Yeah, well,
those are the breaks.
Let’s go, come on.

Can I at least
get an apple?

Sure, go on,
live it up.



We need you
to come with us.

Yeah, what’s it about?

We just told you,
we need to talk to you
at our station house.

Let’s do this
the easy way, tony.

Leave me alone.

You think this
can stop us?

Come on, leave me alone!
Get off me!

Aah! Man!

Wanted to do it
the easy way.

But you got
to bust chops instead.




Who’s this girl
to you, tony?

Come on.

My girlfriend’s

You lose
the mother’s picture?

All right,
apple hour’s over.

Dino: what’s this
all concerning?

Why you coming on me
at my job like it’s
world w*r ii or something?

You’re on a video camera
using somebody else’s
atm card, dino.

That ain’t me.
It’s not?

So in other words,

You can’t trust me
when I tell you

It’s absolutely,
positively you
on that camera?

You know
kenny sorrell, dino?

Yeah, kenny.
You don’t know
no kenny at all?

His entire life experience,
never met a single kenny.

Kenny, who you took off
that apartment with,

Who stole the atm card
that you were caught
using on that camera.

I was never up there.
I found that atm card.

Oh, you know that’s
an obvious damn lie,

Because you need to
know the pin number
to use the card.

You found out
the pin number from the guy
in that apartment, dino.

Kevin radnor,
whose card you’re
on camera using,

He was m*rder*d
in that apartment,

All of us know that!

Why‐‐why you keep bringing
up kenny’s name for?

Why do you think,

’Cause kenny’s who
we’re looking at for
actually k*lling kevin.

All’s I know, kenny...

I used to look the other way

When‐‐when he came
in the grocery to steal.

And maybe one or two times
I be lookout for him

If he go inside someplace.

Like up in
that apartment.

All right.
All right, look...

All my total job was
to go up there with him

While he make the guy
call his father.

And for that,
we get a million dollars.

So what happened?

We told him what to do,

B‐but kenny’s teacher
wouldn’t listen.

He wouldn’t call his father
for nothin’.

K‐kenny tie him up
and pulled out a Kn*fe,

But his teacher
still refused.

And I say,
"kenny, let’s go.

We already got
his atm card,"

But kenny wouldn’t have it.

He start stabbin’ him.

And even how much
the teacher was gettin’ cut,

He’s‐‐he wouldn’t call
the old man,

So‐‐so kenny stabbed him
till he was dead.

But I ain’t had nothin’
to do with it.

Sipowicz: shut up.

No offense me askin’
for the d. A.

No, I absolutely
understand, tony.

I mean, you kickin’ me
in the nuts and all...

You and I just don’t relate.

And you’re her partner,

And I don’t know what kind
of a kick you got in you.

As long as you’re giving
the statement, tony,

You don’t wanna talk
till the d. A.
Gets here...

We can work with that.




This is assistant
district attorney costas.

You said you wanted
a d. A. Present when
you gave your statement.

The cops can talk it,
but the d. A. Walks it.
I know that much.

If I give my statement,

I want legal guarantees
that this ain’t goin’ too far.

This was way more
a two‐way street
than nina must’ve let on.

Plus...whatever sex
wasn’t successful anyway.

So you did attempt
to have sex with nina?

If it was attempted, I said.

And I don’t say no more
without legal guarantees.

Well, mr. Fanto,

With your expressing
willingness to show

I’m prepared to accept
your statement
at face value.

You’ll accept
my side of it.

If you give
your statement,

I will accept it

I give you my word.

’Cause I allowed
a temptation to occur,

And I acknowledge
I can’t permit it no more.

And i’d accept that
in the future.

That’s how i’d begin
the statement.

See, I date
this girl’s mother,

Where i’m always exposed.

Nina’s a very
beautiful girl.

The daughter is.
I see.

And I allowed my urges
to get too strong.

I had too much of
a hard‐on for her.

And i’d avoid that
in the future.

Well, i’d‐‐i’d put that
in there, word for word.

And as far as
the paint thinner goes

And me puttin’ that rag
over her face...

Hey, nina’s a nervous girl.

I just wanted to help
relax her.

Could he also write
a note of apology
to nina,

In which he talks
about the paint thinner,

For you to include
in the record?

He could do
the statement...

And the apology, too.

Hey, i’ll write
her mother also.

[Kenny pounding his fist]
dino! Dino! Dino!

You try to help somebody
with their success curve,

And this how they do you!

don’t expect no gratitude
this day and age, kenny.

Them times
are long gone.

You think I went up there

Wantin’ this to happen
to mr. Radnor?

Well, something obviously
went wrong.

[Knock on door]

Simone: um, hold on, hold on.
Take your time, kenny.

Thanks much for
the call, lieu.

It wasn’t an invitation.

Mr. Radnor just
wanted some closure,

You know, to see
this kenny give it up.


He’s a very
generous man.

You know, there might be
a real nice hat in it
for everyone involved.

You mention anyone throwin’
a hat again, roberts,

And i’ll throw you
down the stairs.

Has he confessed yet?

They’re just about there.

"Call your dad.

"Just make that call
and ask for a million,

And i’m outta here!"

See, this is me
talkin’ to mr. Radnor.

a million dollars
to mr. Radnor’s father

Is like 50 cents to us.

And that’s what i’m tryin’
to drive home to him.

Is this when you
started stabbin’ him?

"How many times
I gotta s*ab you

Before you call your dad
and ask for the money?"

And what, when you
were stabbing him,

These were like little
superficial stabs, right?

I’m tryin’ to persuade him!

One or two little stabs,
i’d have been on the horn.

Thank you! Thank you!

Why are they
going so slow?

They’re just lettin’
him dig his pity pit,
mr. Radnor.

My men know what
they’re doing.

Let’s clear up
the sexual aspect,

Were you and
mr. Radnor involved?

Yeah, i’d have done
the sex aspect.

For a million dollars,
he could’ve got over me
any way he wanted to.

But, uh, you and mr. Radnor
weren’t involved?

Mr. Radnor kept
who his father was

But I found out that
mr. Radnor’s father
was mark radnor.

You know,
the rich hotel guy?

So I personally contacted
mr. Radnor’s father

When mr. Radnor declined
asking his father to help me
with my success curve.

He asked
were we gay together

And I better not
go to the media.

I guess he figured

Why else would mr. Radnor
want to teach high school

When he could be livin’
in the penthouse floor

And inheritin’
all of those hotels?

So then it was the father
who brought up
the whole gay idea.

q*eer is what mr. Radnor’s
father wanted to hear,

And q*eer
is what I gave him.

But keep in mind, though,

All right, I started 4 games
at halfback my senior year.

So when I see a gap
like this gay idea,

I’m in there,
and i’m downfield, yo!

All I wanted was
for mr. Radnor
to make the call

And ask his father
for the money

That he don’t miss,
and that I need!

He makes that call...

And none of us are here.

Yeah, well,
he didn’t make it.

What did I do?

What did I do?

Pay no attention,
mr. Radnor.

They always lay

He was just someone
with a good heart.

Try to take comfort
in that, mr. Radnor.

Take comfort in it?

I turned my back on him.

Don’t you understand
that I turned my back
on my own son?

Try to‐‐

Try to take comfort in...
He’s in a better place.

You know?

I‐‐i don’t need you anymore.

I’ll see ya first thing
in the morning, then.

Gonna get some coffee.


You got a minute
for tony?

Oh, always.

He just finished
his statement to sylvia,

Wants you in there
for his letter
of explanation.

I never saw a guy
with a hook that
deep in his belly

Still didn’t know
he was caught.


You feelin’ all right?

Where’d that come from?

You’re sittin’ down a lot.

You seem like
your energy’s depleted.

I feel like I got
a chest cold.

Well, maybe you should
take a few sick days.

It’s a cold, andy.


This may surprise ya,

People gettin’ colds is
how that whole sick‐day
concept developed.

Yeah, well, the doctor,
he said the antibiotics
for my arm

Would probably clear up
the chest, too.

Where you goin’ now?

I gotta go see
that dentist’s daughter.

No, you should go home,
you should get some rest.

Tomorrow you should take
the day off,

’Cause I don’t like
this whole energy level,
goin’ on like a week now‐‐


You want me to go to
this apartment with you?

You cruisin’ for some
free bridgework?

What time frame
the doc give you
for feelin’ better?

Tomorrow morning.

See ya.


You from the buyers’

Yeah. How’s it goin’?

Yeah, um... Yeah,
you mentioned 50 bucks.

Will I be
inconveniencing anyone

If I look around here
a little?

Hey, uh, excuse me.
I need that $50

Before I let you
inconvenience us‐‐

Hey, get on your feet.
I’m a cop.
What’s goin’ on?

Get on your feet, and I will
tell you what’s going on.

Pick up your kit.

He’s a cop, reece.
I told you it was a set‐up.

No, you said it
might be joaquin lookin’
to get you for payback.

What you got here?

That, uh, that’s
strictly for protection
in case of burglaries.

I bet it’s registered,
too, right?

Both of you, get
in the next room
and sit down.

This is all illegal

Because you came in
under false pretenses.

Oh, that sounds like
a college idea, reece.

You drop out of college?

Look at this mess.

He’s from my dad.

No, the real reason
i’m here...

Is out of friendship...

With the other tenants
in this building

That are concerned
about the amount
and type of traffic

Coming in and out
of this apartment.

That’ll be your friend
mrs. Sampson?

What’s your name?

Dan evers.

You’re done talkin’,
ok, dan?

I was just sayin’ ’cause
she feeds the lady’s cat.

Ok, dan?

Now I know if I make you
empty out your right front
pocket there,

You’re gonna come up
wrong for dope.

I’m not gonna
make you do that.

I’m not lookin’
to arrest anyone here.

What’d you come
lookin’ to do?

Restore this apartment...

So that it’s not
deteriorating this building’s
quality of life.

And it’s your bad luck, dan,

That i’ve got your works
and your .25.

But you didn’t come lookin’
to arrest anybody, right?

Well, I can’t overlook those.
I’m sorry.

Ok, look,

You came here to restore
the quality of life?

So what are you saying?

If you don’t
arrest me...
I’ll leave.

Sounds like a plan.

I’m holding on
to your works,

I’m holding on
to your w*apon,

And i’m filing a full report
in dd‐5 abeyance.

First I hear
that you’re back,

I’m back...
To lock your ass up.

10 Minutes to
get outta here.

No problem,
no problem.

I mean, it’s probably better
for you like this anyway.

you’ve been better
for me right along.

You get me hooked,
and now I gotta
cop on my own.

He appears.

In the flesh.

In the flesh.

Does your arm hurt?

Uh, no, it’s...

It’s ok.

Doc gave me an antibiotic
for it.

How’d it go with
the dentist’s daughter?


You know, I did my act
with this boyfriend.

I gotta call that dr. Reisman.

I mean, if he wants to get
his daughter straight,

He better get her ass
in a program.

Now, see?


Damn. I wish I knew
why I can’t breathe.

Come sit down.

Nah. Let me just
get some fresh air.

This is gettin’ ridiculous.

Are you light‐headed,



This antibiotic
will clear it up.

The doctor said it’ll
clear my chest up, too.

You know, you should
rest tomorrow.

Probably half of it’s
just being run‐down.

No, he said the antibiotic
clears everything up
but hangovers.


If you don’t feel better,
i’m keeping you home.


What are you gonna do,
make me some hot cocoa?

I happen to make
k*ller cocoa.

Yeah, I bet you do.

[Congested breathing]

I’m ok.

I know.

How ok are you?

Well, you better stand back
once this medicine kicks in.

I’m not goin’ anywhere.
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