05x04 - The Truth Is Out There

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x04 - The Truth Is Out There

Post by bunniefuu »

What you got?

Local street junkie.
Caught a couple
in the chest.

Had a couple of run‐ins
with him. Name's
johnny something.

Jeez. Looks like
they b*at him with
a bag of doorknobs first.

anyone on the street?


receipt from a clinic
for a john bradford.



yeah, mornin'.

I'm mrs. Trumbull.

I have to talk to you
about the dead man,

But I don't want
those policemen
recording me.

Yeah, well,
they wouldn't be
recording you.

Yes, they would.

They wear
all that equipment
on their belts.

I mean, they put
a bug in my apartment,
they tapped my phone...

Are you inspectors?

I think...are you?

I mean,
you're just here
because of the dead man.

That's your specialty?

Yeah, that's right.

Well, I want
to make it clear

That I had nothing
to do with it.

Well, nobody's said
that you're a suspect
here, cynthia.

It's a relief
to hear you say that,

Because I was not
on the roof
when it happened.

I'm not involved
in this.

You‐‐you mean the street,
don't you, not the roof?

I mean the roof.
It happened on the roof.

Why, he‐‐he fell down
onto the sidewalk.

I saw the man
dragging him up
the back stairs.

I heard the noise,
and I looked out
the door,

Then I heard the sh*ts
up on the roof.

How do you suppose
the two of them got
to these back stairs?

Well, just through
the tavern.

That's the only way out
besides my back door.

Could you say
what the one man
dragging the other one
looked like?

Well, he was burly,
you know?

with a beard

And a little
squashed nose.

He was real

But he knows
I saw him,

So now he'll want
to k*ll me.

don't assume that.

I won't be able
to go out.

Maybe you'd feel better
staying with family members,

If you got any, cynthia.

I've got a nephew,
but all of his sockets
are bugged.

I never should have
looked out the door.

I mean, it‐‐it's always,
always it's‐‐it's

Constantly interfering
even my thoughts.

I mean, it just‐‐

It just never
lets up.

Yeah, but you see,

With all this
interference that
you're talking about,

You were really brave
to come and talk to us.

Well, I'm gonna go
lock myself up
real good now.

All right. We'll walk you
to your apartment. Come on.

All right.

there you go.

Thank you.


Sorry, we don't have
a p. A. A. Today.

P.a.? I don't know
what that is.

Ah, it don't matter.
Come on in.

What's your name?

Trevor botsford.

I'm detective martinez.

What can I do for you?

I was held up.

I reported it last night
to a policeman.

He tell me to come in
this morning and talk
to a detective.

Boss says
I got to do it.

What time this happen?

About 4:00 this morning.

I'm a cab driver.

I've done with my shift.

I was gonna
drop the cab off

For the next man
to drive it.

I‐‐i‐‐i noticed
this brown car following me.

I get to where I'm going,
and it stops half a block

I get out, and there he is.

He got a g*n.
He take my money‐‐

Everything I make
driving all night‐‐

And then he run back
to his car.

What did he look like?

I don't know, man.

He was wearing one
of them blue wool caps

With the eyeholes
cut out.

Probably one of them
gypsy drivers.

Why do you think
it was a gypsy?

That kind of b*at‐up car
it looked like.

Can you tell me
anything about him‐‐

The color of his skin?

Maybe brown, uh,
it was night.

How did he sound?

He sound different.

What do you mean,
like an accent?

Uh...yeah, man.

What kind of accent?

I don't know, man.

When did you first
notice him following you?

Maybe when I'm leaving
the gas station.

is that station?

Down at houston
and bowery.

I think a couple of other
cab drivers got robbed

After gassing up
at that station.

I hear about that.

Can I go now?

Medavoy: all right,
you can go,

But write your, uh,
phone number on...

Fancy: hey...

So what do you have
out there?

Some street character
got whacked and fell

Or was pushed off a roof.

Cop had seen him around.

Thought he was
probably dealing.

Anything to work with?

We got a witness
lives in the building.

Said she could pick out
the sh**t

If we give her
somebody to look at.

Something wrong?

She's a little bit
of a head case.

What, is she psychotic?

Ah, strange.

How strange?


Yeah, she's nervous.

Too nervous
to testify?

She'll be fine.

There's a bar downstairs.

Witness says
it was open at the time,

But it was closed
when we got there.

We called the owner at home.
He's coming in.

So he closed the bar
after the m*rder, huh?

Guess he's nervous,

Uh, in that
nursery rhyme,

Do you know
what that means:

Pop goes the weasel?

Well, what?

You know,
pop goes the weasel.

I'm asking if you
know what that means.

The monkey
chases the weasel.

Pop goes the weasel.

Yeah. Does he k*ll it?

like in the street?

Nah, it's‐‐it's
an old nursery rhyme.

It can't be
that kind of pop.

I was singing it to theo
in the tub.

You know,
bah dee‐dah dah,

Pop goes‐‐and I start
wondering, what the hell
am I talking about?

What did sylvia say?

She don't know.

But her background's

Uh, I'm naomi reynolds,
a temporary civilian aide.

Arthur fancy.

Lieutenant in command
of the squad.
How do you do?

How do you do, arthur?

So I gather
you were held up.

The transit people
called you?

You mean, you were
actually robbed
on your way to work?

A woman was crying
on the subway, and I
went to help her.

I was patting her arm
and so forth

Because she told me
she'd been robbed,

But come to find out
when she got up,
she'd robbed me.

And that's why
you were late.

Well, I lost my watch
and my graduation ring,

So I was filing
a 61 report with
the transportation police.

Well, that's a lousy thing
to have happen, naomi,

But I gather you do want
to work your shift.

Yes, I do.

I've been
looking forward to it.

Ok. So this
is your desk.

Your big responsibilities
are the phones,

Tracking messages
for the detectives,

And receiving civilians.

Hmm. This is
the catching area.

Yeah, that's right.

Being as
you're temporary,

I won't load you down
about filing.

Oh, I've done volunteer
for several days at the 2‐7

While waiting
for an assignment,

So I have
some familiarity.

Well, that shows
a lot of initiative.

I know about the 61s,

Even before my own
personal experience,

And the detective
follow‐up files.

very good.

May I help you,

Yeah. Howard edgar.

I was told to see
detective simone.

Yeah. He's in
the coffee room.

Let me take you there,

Howard: thanks.

Uh, excuse me. Which of you
is detective simone?

I am.

How do you do?
I'm naomi reynolds,

And this is
mr. Howard edgar.

How's it goin'?

Um, naomi reynolds,
the temporary civilian aide.

Andy sipowicz.
I'm a detective.

How do you do, andy?


Excuse me.
Pleased to meet you.

Simone: good
to meet you, naomi.

who makes the coffee?

Whoever's closest
to the machine.
Don't you like it?

Oh, no, it's ok.

come on, sit down.

You, uh, go to your bar
this morning, howie?

Uh, no. I haven't
opened up yet.

He don't know
what happened.

He don't know
why he's here.

No, I don't.

There was a dead man
named john bradford
in front of your bar.

He was sh*t,
fell off the roof.

No, I don't know.

Would it startle you

We got a witness
that puts the sh**t

Dragging bradford
right through
your establishment?

Used the back stairs
to get to the roof.

Do you need me
to draw you a map

How the only way
to them stairs

Is from inside
the bar?

You got
to understand, guys,

I'm just trying
to make a living
in a tough business.

I don't want
any trouble. I don't
want to get hurt.

I got to deal with
all kinds of people.

What, are you
afraid of this guy?
We'll lock him up.

Just give us a name.

I‐‐i don't know him.

Give me a break here,

You know the grief
I could get?

How about being closed down?
How about some
of that grief, huh?

You ever read
your license application?

You're refusing to assist
in a police investigation.

I'm not refusing.
I don't know his name.

Who else did he talk to
besides bradford when
he was in the bar today?

He talked to this bookie
who comes in all the time
to collect‐‐steve.

They had a long talk.

They were friends?

Steve's full of crap.
He talks to everybody.

Steve got a last name?


Steve richards?

That half‐wit hustler
that never shuts up?

Yeah, that's him.
He came into some money.

He went into business
for himself making book.

Except 80% of the time
he doesn't pay.

You're going to keep
my name out of this,

It's top of my list
of concerns, howie.

You got nothing
to worry about.

Say, howie...

Do you know what
pop goes the weasel means?

W‐what do you mean?

The nursery rhyme.

Around and around
the mulberry bush,

The monkey
chased the weasel.

The monkey thought
'twas all in fun.

Pop goes the weasel.

Yeah, I told you
everything I know
what happened in that bar.

Yeah, all right.

I‐isn't it
the cobbler's bench

Where the monkey
chases him?

No, no, it‐it's
the mulberry bush.

My concern is,

Does he k*ll him,
the‐‐the weasel?

I‐‐i don't know
what pop means.

the moral of the story
I'm telling my kid?

We don't know.
We grew up ok.

That's debatable, too.

We, uh, checked out
that gas station, lieu.

The attendant says, uh,

There was a brown car
hanging around
early this morning.

He‐‐he took down
the license number.

Said he thought it
might be a gypsy cab.

Uh, car belongs to...

"Raveen bhanji."

We, uh, we left word
with the landlady
to have him see us.

So when the car
was seen at the station,

Was that around the time
of the robbery?

Yeah, it seems like it.

Hey, um, bobby,

Have you seen naomi,
the, uh, new p. A. A.?

Yeah, downstairs.

She's, uh, polite.


Yeah, that station's
where the cabbies gas up
after their shifts are over,

So the perp could figure
they're driving out of there
with a whole lot of money‐‐

A whole night's earnings.

A gypsy cab driver
would know that,
wouldn't he?

Ah, dog eat dog, huh?



Steven ronald richards,

In a little more,
you know,

Comfortable circumstances
than our, uh, you know,

Former association.

Yeah, that
40‐grand reward
did you some good.

Well, you know, springboard
to several successful
business endeavors.

Anyway, you guys
were looking for me

In some places
I no longer frequent.

Happens I just stopped in
to see an old,
impoverished friend.

He told me you guys
reached out to see me,

And so I have arrived.


No more donna abandando?

come on. Let's go
get a cup of coffee.

Good luck to you.

Used to be...



I don't know.
That donna was
quite a woman,

Although this fella's
perfectly nice.

Help yourself there,

All right.


What is the purpose
of my visit?

Well, we're hoping
you got some information
for us.

Yeah, well, I guess,
you know,

Your previous case,

The kidnapee, him
getting found alive

Off my information,
I gotta say, you know.

I delivered,
I am definitely
the man, right?

40‐Grand springboard.

That is correct.

I mean, the family‐‐

Actually, they were
very thoughtful,
very generous.

But after all,
you know, what
is a life worth?

I ask you, right?

That, of course,
depends upon if
it is your life‐‐

Hey, steve,
we want to know

If you were
talking to a guy over at
howie's bar this morning.

Howie's bar.
Howie's bar.

What, are you guys
spying on me?

Uh, I may have
been talking to
a couple of guys.

Collecting bets?

Oh, is this what
this meeting's about
here, gentlemen?

No, we're not interested
in your bookmaking, steve,

Unless you don't want
to be cooperative...

Then we're
very interested.

Mm‐hmm. I understand.

Well, please...

Run it by me.

We want to hear about
a barrel‐chested guy
with a beard

That you
were talking to.

Oh. Uh...

Oh, you know,
that guy...

I'd rather not
discuss him.

what's the matter,

You afraid of him?

I don't mind saying I'm
a little intimidated,

Also, I don't
know nothing, ok?

I left prior to
anything occurring,

If anything actually,
you know, did.

You know,
I wasn't there.

His name
and usual places.
End of your involvement.

No testimony?


His name's bear.

That his last name?

It's his street name.

You got some kind
of heavy‐duty, uh,
you know, felony

You're looking
on this bad guy?

Real heavy.

Which actually suggests
the possibility of
personal remuneration,

But let's just
hang that on a hook
for the time being.


Bear's name
is francis donahue.

He wholesales coke.

That's the word
on the street.

That's what I heard,
that's all.

You know where
we can find him?

He frequents, uh‐‐
ahem‐‐howie's bar
most of the while,

And he's also found
over at o'halloran's

That over on avenue b?

Do you know the place?

I used to.

Simone: all right.
Thanks, steve.

My pleasure.

So, uh...

Maybe we could take
that other subject
off the hook,

Maybe have
a little discussion
about that.

You get
a double sawbuck now

And, uh...

A deuce
if we grab the guy.

That's cool.
You know...

It's just a token,

Amongst friends?

In my present, you know,

I'm, you know...

of camaraderie.

What does
pop goes the weasel mean?

Ha ha ha.

That's very funny.

Do you know
what it means,
yes or no?

I do know an expert
who gets, like, 50
for an explanation.

Yeah, all right.
Go on, b*at it.

♪ Round
the mulberry bush ♪

♪ The monkey
chased the weasel ♪

♪ Everybody‐‐ ♪

♪ Pop goes‐‐ ♪

Is that the one
you're referring to?


I know that.

Be careful
with this bear guy,

'Cause he is like
bad business.

Not like you.

No, no, he's...

Excuse me.

I was asked
to come here.

Uh, my landlady said
you wanted to see me.

You mr. Bhanji?

Yes, raveen bhanji.

I'm detective martinez.

My partner's the one
that called you.
Come with me.

Uh, you wish
to speak to me
about my cab?


listen to my side.

I work night and day
to support my family.

I drive a cab
so they can eat.

Now, I don't have
a hack license.

If they'd give me
a hack license,
I'd have it.

But what can I do,

I've got to work.

Have a seat.

Hey, greg.

This is
raveen bhanji.

Let me ask you,
mr. Bhanji,

What were you doing
this morning 3:30,

This morning?
I was asleep.

I worked until
nearly 3:00.

You got anybody
can vouch for that?

Anybody home with you?

My wife.

You're better off
telling us the truth.

We can bring your wife
in here and
check your story.

I'm telling you
the truth, sir.

Somebody else
driving your cab?

See, we got a report
that it was involved
in a minor accident.


He's my brother.

He took it
without my permission
after I went to bed.

Your brother
got a job?


How's he
support himself?

I don't know.

It's difficult.
He borrows money.

You know, I paid money
to bring him
to this country,

And he can't
hold a job.

It's not been
easy for me.

Your brother
ever been in trouble
with the law?

I'm ashamed.
He was arrested for
stealing in this country

Soon after he arrived.

My brother
drinks too much.

He own a g*n?


He bought a g*n
a few weeks ago.

Where he lives
he doesn't feel safe.

Well, we think he, uh,
might have been doing

Some things he shouldn't
have been doing
with that g*n.

He's robbed someone?
We don't know.

But you're running a risk
letting him use your car.

You mean to‐‐
I could lose my car?

you're running a risk.

We need
to ask your brother
a few questions.

Let me have his address.

Yeah, of‐‐of course.

But he lie.

My brother...lies.

Man: what do you think
about the jets?


Man: they're never going
to resurrect that team.

It cost me 1,500 last week.

I had booked it with geepo.

[Man chuckles]

Francis donahue?


Detective simone.
Detective sipowicz.

We need you to come down
to the station house
with us,

Just for a little while.

To do what?

Stand in a lineup
on a r*pe case.

You guys.
Don't you ever get tired
of dogging people?

I never r*ped nobody.

It's just routine.
It's bull.

Some broad picked out
a bunch of look‐alikes.

I got to bring
some people in,

I got to answer to my boss.
It don't mean nothing.

And what if I say no?

Then we got to go
to your probation officer.

Refusing to come in
violates your parole.

So either you go back
to the joint

Or you come down
to the lineup with us.

You know, chicks
happen to like me.

I don't have
to r*pe nobody.

Can you believe this,
me a r*pist?

He's too busy
playing with himself
to r*pe anybody.

Shut up, assh*le.

[Simone clears throat]

Yeah, all right.

I'll go
to your freak show.

Sit down.

What is it?

Someone bumped into
your brother's cab.

Where were you
this morning
about 3:00 and 4:00?

I, uh...

I went to visit
my brother.

You have talked to him?


He let me
to borrow the cab.

I, uh, drove
to make some money.

What area
were you driving?

Broadway, times square‐‐

A lot of people
still out on the street.

You drive down
by a gas station
at houston and bowery?

No. There was
plenty of gas in the car.

I didn't ask you
was there gas.

I asked did you
drive by a gas station
at houston and bowery?

No. I was not
in that area.

Someone there wrote down
the license number of
the car you were driving.

No. A mistake.

A cab driver
got robbed last night.
You see anything?

I saw nothing.

You fib about
these things, kumar,

We take that
very seriously here.

I'm not fibbing.

Knowing something
you don't report

Can jeopardize
your whole situation.

May I go?

Yeah, you can go.

If I hear anything
about what you're asking,

I'll be sure to call you.

Hey, you're not being
a wise guy, are you,

No...i'm not.

Just be available.
Keep to your usual spots.

All right.

I won't go anywhere.

That the gypsy
cab driver's brother?

Half a wise‐ass.

He had the car
at the time
of the stickup.

He give up anything?

Nothing. We got nothing
to hold him on.

Somebody saw the car
at the gas station,
that's all.

Scene of the stickup,
we got nothing.

you'll get him later.

We sure
ain't got him now.

for example, uh,

If a policeman
is out on the street,

Those are strictly
for him to call
the station house.

their sole purpose.

They're not going
to hurt you, you know.

Uh, lieutenant,
this is our witness
cynthia trumbull.

She's gonna view
the lineup.

It's good of you
to come in,
mrs. Trumbull.

I could be m*rder*d
at any time, so I hope
you appreciate it.

Yeah, we certainly do.

Uh, you're
very important to us.

Are you ready to go?

we're all set up.

Ok, let's have a look.
Mrs. Trumbull?



Not unless you meet
my conditions.

I didn't hear about
any conditions.

I think cynthia's
gonna lay that all out
for you now.

I want your
surveillance cameras
shut down,

I want
all recording devices
turned off,

And I don't want anybody
zeroing in on me

With eavesdropping

All right.

Um, I'll meet
your conditions.

a commitment.

Shall we go?


There you go. Ok?

Thank you.

You're gonna be looking
through one‐way glass,

You'll see them,
they won't see you.

If you recognize anybody,

You tell us what number
and where you
recognize them from.


I'm gonna knock here.

You recognize

That's him. Number 3.

Where do you
recognize him from?

I'm gonna have to move
to another town,

But they'll find me
wherever I go.

Cynthia, where do you
recognize number 3 from?

These people have agents
looking for them.

I'm not safe
and you know it.

I mean,
all they have to do

Is‐‐is increase
the electric current
in my apartment.

I mean, nobody
would ever detect it,
and I'd be dead.

You won't have to move.

We'll put a fail‐safe in
with the electrical company.


Come on.

We're gonna get this guy
locked up and off the street.

I recognize number 3
from the stairway
in my building.

He dragged the other one
up to the roof.

Hold number 3.

Cohen: they just took
a snapshot of the lineup.

When that's developed,

They'll bring it
into the squad room
for you to sign.

Is that going to be
a long delay?

Not if you can believe

I don't believe
any large company,

And I'm quite certain
he saw me through the glass.

That really
is impossible.

Detectives simone
and sipowicz will
pick you up around 8:00.

We'll need you
at the grand jury
tomorrow morning.

I'll be ready if they
haven't got to me yet.


This is
mr. Owen devlin,

Counsel for
francis donahue.

Um, I want to show you
these fish.

Uh, naomi, actually
I'd prefer it if you
call me lieutenant.

I wanted
to call you lieutenant.

I somehow got it
in my mind that
you preferred arthur.


Is my client
being held?

He's been arrested
for m*rder.

On what basis
is he charged?

Who called you?

One of mr. Donahue's

Donahue volunteered
to stand in a lineup.

A witness
picked him out.

Mr. Donahue's not
the volunteering type.

I'd like
to talk to him.

Sit down and wait.

You can see your client
as soon as we get him
in a cell.

I messed up.

They seem to be
staring at me.

Anyways, maybe we can
take you home now.

No. I'm afraid
to move.

What's the matter?

That man we walked past
is very sinister.

He knew about events
before they'd occurred.

We can take you
another way out.

No. Once
telepathy's involved,
it doesn't matter.


I feel him...
Enveloping my cranium.

Uh, what does
pop goes the weasel
mean, cynthia?

♪ Here we go round
the mulberry bush ♪

♪ The monkey chased
the weasel ♪

the cobbler's bench.


See, I said it was
the cobbler's bench, too.

♪ All around
the cobbler's bench ♪

♪ The monkey
chased the weasel ♪

♪ The monkey thought
'twas all in fun ♪

♪ Pop goes
the weasel ♪

You know
what that means?

♪ A penny for
a spool of thread ♪

♪ A penny for
a needle ♪

♪ That's the way
the money goes ♪

♪ Pop goes
the weasel ♪

See, and I was never
aware of that verse.

The weasel's chased
and chased and chased,

First by other animals,

Then his financial problems,

Till finally
he can't take it anymore.

So what does he do?

He pops.


The judge is going
to love cynthia.

If she tells him
somebody's enveloping
her cranium,

Is that going to hurt
her credibility?


They grabbed her up.

That son of a bitch.

Where is she?


Simone: don't you make
a mistake, bear.

Hey, I don't know
who you're talking about.

You think I'm joking?
Get up.

We got company.

Where is
cynthia trumbull?

I wish I knew who
you was talking about.

You lyin' piece of crap!

Hey, you see this, man?!

Hey, sing
pop goes the weasel.

Sing it!

♪ Pop goes the weasel ♪

Grab her up, you think
I'm not gonna b*at you?

That lady's hurt,
I'm gonna throw you
off a roof

Like the guy you k*lled.

He's threatening
my life now!

You better hope
your lawyer lives up

To the scumbag standards
of his job.

He probably would
give me up. I don't think
you got enough money.

On the gate!

Keep singing?

Keep singing.

Sing it to him.

♪ Pop goes the weasel ♪

♪ Pop goes the weasel ♪



cynthia trumbull?

What the hell's
the matter with you?

You got our witness.

kicked her door in
and kidnapped her.

You think I had something
to do with that?

Absolutely, yeah.

What you got in here,
counselor, huh?

Some sugar
for your dessert?

I have no idea
what that is.

Coke or heroin, huh?

Being herky‐jerky
like you are,
I'd say coke.

You had no cause at all.

That's a completely
illegal search.

It was out
in plain sight.

You gonna tell us
where this woman is?

I don't know what
you're talking about!

You gutless
piece of crap.

You're a collar.
You're coming in.

No, no, no...

No, don't cuff me, please.

Don't take me out in cuffs.

You remember that.

we let you come in
like a gentleman.

Yeah, we're leaving.
We're going now.



That kumar bhanji
we're looking at
for the cab stickup?

What happened?

He got sh*t.

Is he dead?

Not yet.

Maybe he'll be
filled with remorse
and confess.

Devlin: leo.

You're in a lot
of trouble, owen.

I'm repeating
for the record I've
waived no rights at all.

I'm just hoping
somebody sees reason

Before this travesty
goes too far.

If I notify my office

An attorney's
been arrested in
possession of cocaine,

I'm gonna have
zero wiggle room.

Regardless of
the viability
of the search,

You will be brought
before the bar.

I haven't notified
my office,

And these detectives
have told me they're
willing to assume

What fell out
of your briefcase

Is powdered sugar.

What they're looking
for is some help.



In addition to
the powdered sugar,

I'm concerned about any
imputation of complicity

In an alleged kidnap.

If the woman's recovered,

Based on information
you provided,

You would have every reason
to be optimistic.

I'm not going
to provide any information
that might incriminate me

Without a guarantee.

I can't
invoke the authority
of my office

Because I haven't
notified my office.

I'm giving you my word:

I won't use
anything you say here
against you.


I've represented donahue
on two drug charges
and one as*ault.

Yesterday, I get a call
from a friend of his.

He wanted me to come down
here in case I was needed.

who was the friend?

Uh, d‐doug somebody.

I've never worked
for him.

He called
from donahue's place.

After I found out that‐‐
that‐‐that donahue was arrested,

I called this doug back,

And I told him that
donahue was being held

Because this woman
from the building

Claimed she'd seen him
do a m*rder.
That's all I said.

You're a liar.

I'm not going
to arrange a kidnap

For what you found
in my briefcase.

What's the going rate:
5 or 6 ounces?

What else did you tell him
about our witness?


You didn't describe
a middle‐aged woman
with red hair

And what building
she lived in?

Donahue rents a place
he doesn't live in
in brooklyn.

I helped him out
with a landlord problem
he had there.

That's his safe house
where he stashes.

I'm not sure
what he uses it for.

You're a liar!

You got the address
of this place?

I can get it
from my office.

[Slams telephone]

Shut up!

Get it.

Hey. How bad is it?

I don't know.
Looks bad.

What's his condition?

I think he's gonna be ok.
I know he doesn't look it.

The b*llet just
went under the skin
and came out again.

Did you see it?

Yeah. It was
his brother raveen.

He come over
all pissed off.

He was afraid he was
gonna lose his car.

All right. Tell us
how it happened.

Kumar called raveen

When he got back
from the police station.

Raveen come over,
and he was all pissed.

He goes into the bedroom,
finds a bunch of money
and a g*n,

And he starts
to leave with it.

this is raveen was
gonna leave with it.

Mm‐hmm. Then kumar,
he wouldn't let him go.

He starts grabbing and pushing,
and he gets the money back,

And he's trying to get
the g*n back, and with all
the grabbing and pulling,

He gets sh*t.

Well, the medic
says he's gonna
be all right.

Tch! Maybe.
What's he know?

Report of an indian man with
a g*n in tompkins square park,
vicinity of the playground.

That's gonna be raveen.

Report says the guy's
brandishing a w*apon,

to k*ll himself.

Let's get out there.

Maybe he ought to k*ll
himself, come hassling
his own brother.

Hey. What's your name?


I'm not
gonna give you
my last name.

Yeah, well,
listen, cheryl,

Your boyfriend
used raveen's car

To rob and as*ault people.

So he did
a couple of robberies?

It was
an adjustment hassle

Me moving here
from harrisburg.

He's trying to adjust
to a whole new country.

Come on, greg.

Watch yourselves.
Take cover.

This guy's having some
kind of despondent fit.

Started pointing the g*n
when we tried to approach him.

He sh*t his brother.

So there you go.

We're gonna need
a couple of vests.

Hey, raveen!

Listen to me!

This is detective

We talked at
the station house!

I wanna come out
and talk, ok?

I'm gonna come out.

Me, too.

My partner's
coming, too.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Go away.

If you have to,
do what you gotta do.

Let's go.

We're coming out!


Your brother's
not dead, raveen.

no, he's not.
He's dead.

He's alive.

Now put the g*n down.

Start thinking
about your family.

Your wife needs you.
Start thinking about her.

My family is shamed!

My brother brought shame,
now I bring shame.

I sent him money
to come to america,

And he repays me
with disgrace and shame?!

Let me have the g*n.

Go away!

Leave me alone!

Stop pointing the g*n at me.

A lot of cops around here,
I don't want you to get hurt.

Take it easy.
No, no!
Don't do that.

I wanna come and
sit on the bench. Ok?

I'm gonna take
one more step and sit.

Think about
your children.

Your children
need you.

I'm telling you,
your brother's

He's gonna be ok.

I'm telling you
the truth. You
gotta believe me.

He's not
seriously injured.

He's gonna be fine.

Put the g*n down.

Don't do it, mr. Bhanji.

You want your wife
to see you with half
your head blown away?

Don't do that to her.

Is my brother
really alive?

Yeah. Yeah, he's alive.

Put the g*n down.

Let's go,
mr. Bhanji.

Let's get
in the car.

Simone: freeze!
Get down on the floor!

Get down on the floor!
Get your hands up!

Get down on the floor!
Get down
on the floor!

Down on the floor!

[Muffled shouts]

Cynthia, you all right?

Shut up!
We don't live here.
This isn't our place.

Shut up!
We didn't bring her here.

You all right?

Get an ambulance,
I had a heart att*ck.

Get an ambulance
over here right now!
We're clear!

Doug: I don't know
how she got in here.

Shut your mouth
or so help me, I'll
blow your head off!

Central, have an ambulance
respond to 1621...

Sipowicz: get down!
Get on the ground!
Get down there!

Cuff 'em.
Doug: all right.

My heart's
b*ating all crazy.

An ambulance
is on the way.
I have to go
to the hospital.

I told you they
were gonna k*ll me.
I‐‐i‐‐i‐‐i knew

All right.
What they were

I'm absolutely convinced
that you are having
a heart att*ck right now,

But we just need to get you
out on the street. Ok?


Carry me.

Yeah. Here.

I'm not gonna make it.

The doctors
will pull you
through this.

You just try
to stay calm.

No, no. It's too late.

I've been in there
too long.

That room's a pool of
backed‐up electricity.

15 To 25, tim.

Kidnapping that woman.

I told you we just
stopped at that place.

Oh? She put you
grabbing her up.

That woman's
lost her marbles.

Mmm. So after
you found her

At this place that
you just happened
to stop by,

You figured
you'd strike up
a conversation.

Work out how to help her,
that's right.

Tim, the door's open
for you to walk
on a major felony,

And you are sticking
to a childish,
foolish story.

Which open door
would that be?

Did bear donahue say
grab this woman up?

He tell you about
the m*rder he did

On the roof
above howie's bar?


I'd get a walk?

You would have
to testify.

D.a. Probably don't want
to put that crazy woman
on the stand, right?

Here's our situation, doug.

I don't get your buddy
bear locked up,

I gotta engage with him
in a rooftop struggle
to the death,

And he can squash me
like a bug.

Now you see how that puts you
in somewhat of a bind?

He called me,
and he asked me
to make some calls.

That's my complete,
entire involvement.

Who'd he ask you to call?

Etkin, his lawyer.

Yeah, devlin.

Who's etkin?
Um, my lawyer on
something else.

Did you just
piss yourself?

You're scaring
my wits out.

Who told you
to grab that woman?

Etkin said bear hoped
she wouldn't show
at the hearing.

Devlin said that?

Yeah. We knew
what that meant.

So how'd your shift
go, naomi?

I've enjoyed it.
I admire the work
that goes on here.

My guy says
that shyster scumbag

Delivered the message
to grab her up.

Yeah, huh?

Yeah. Devlin told
this idiot,

"Bear would be
very happy

That woman
don't show up
at the hearing."

That sound like
a kidnap request
to you?

Diane: hey.

How's cynthia?

Doctor says she's got
a heart like a horse.

So she didn't
have an att*ck?

No, I guess she
just panicked.

I thought the time
she'd have the att*ck

Was when they put stickum
pads on her and hooked
her up to the ekg.

Probably thought
they were part of some
interplanetary conspiracy.

Is that woman all right?


I want you to know
your hump fellow lawyer

Relayed the order
to grab her up.

I thought we sort of
inferred that going in.

Oh, oh, we did?
We inferred that?

Good work.

You actually gonna
keep your word on
not charging devlin?

Detective sipowicz,

We go to bat on the coke

That "fell out of"
his briefcase,

Devlin's gonna make the trial
about your record

For fabrication and
illegal seizure of evidence.

Now, are you sure that's
somewhere you want to go?

Hi, jill.

How's it going?

Where'd the last rounds
come from?

Oh, a. D. A. Cohen here's

Working out the skate
for a cokehead lawyer
pal of his

Who was just involved
in a kidnap.

I'm working out the skate
because I said I would

In exchange for the information
that brought her back.

Yeah, yeah, you wouldn't
want to catch yourself

Fibbing to an upstanding
guy like that.

So, if I keep my word,
that makes me an assh*le.

Right, detective?
And if I break it
like you want me to,

Make myself a liar,
then I'm just running
true to form.

That's right.
Twist everything
into a knot.

I tried to help get
that woman back safe.

When'd he get
so sensitive?


Wait 40 seconds, you can
be the first detective
on the 4:00‐to‐1:00

You're not
a jerk.
To call me a jerk.

They ought to
rewrite all those
orientation talks,

How my job and yours
are allied.

You know what it is, leo.

You're smart,
you're good‐looking,

You got a big future.

On the days he's feeling
real good about himself,

Andy sipowicz might
figure he's smart.

The truth is,

The only detective whose
opinion I care about...

Is sitting next to me.

She thinks you're ok.


Well, I just wish
she'd get off

So your guys
are writing?

I don't think cynthia's
gonna have to testify.

Both these guys, they're
rolling on bear pretty good.

Probably a good thing.
A lot of times a jury

Will take a witness
in a straitjacket
the wrong way.


Good night, naomi.

Good night, lieutenant.

I really apologize
for being overfamiliar.

Oh, I meant to
come back and explain.

Correcting you that way?
I was just trying

To draw
that lawyer's attention
away from the witness.

Things in new york
are so rarely just
as they appear.

Yeah, well,
good night.

Good night, lieutenant.

Jersey's like that,

Wanna go see how
dopey and dopey
are doing?


Uh, the library faxed me
about that nursery rhyme

You were interested in,

Seems there's no real answer
what that weasel's up to.

Well, good for you,
looking to find out.

Yeah, I appreciate that.

Well, that's the end
of my assignment.

I will hope to see you all
in the near future.

Ok, naomi.
Good night.

Take care
of yourself.

Good night.

How come
she's not leaving?

I guess
she likes the job.

Look at all these
alternative explanations

What the weasel's
popping about.

You know,
some mysteries
just don't solve.

Maybe they should
have a rating,
like for the tv‐‐

The contents of this story
aren't 100% clear.

Everybody's on their own.
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