02x21 - Swept Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x21 - Swept Away

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, Jo. What are you doing?

You're going
to wear yourself out.

You're going to wear me out.


I know, you're hot, you're
thirsty, you're hungry,

you're probably
a little bit scared...

but this is big business
I'm dealing with, O.K.?

And these guys
that I'm dealing with,

they don't give
a lot of chances.

Now, if you hadn't gone and
nosed around the stash,

everything would have been O.K.

I mean, another day, the dr*gs
would have been off the boat,

I'd be rolling in dough,

you'd be none the wiser, but...


we had a real chance
at something.

I mean, that's what
this was all about,

this whole deal, for us.


you just sit tight.

Try to relax.

It won't be much longer now.

The rendezvous is tonight.

So, let's hear it.

I want details.

How did it go with Andrea?

I got two calls in to her,
she hasn't returned either.

Forget it, Greg, I don't
want to talk about it.

You closed the deal, didn't you?

I knew it!

No, I blew the deal,
all deals, thanks to you.

I told you I had someone in L.A.

and wasn't interested
in a relationship.

So what? She's in L.A.

And last night she was
here, in New York.

She shows up at my door
and who does she find?

Andrea, with me.


Yeah, whoops.

Anything I can do to help?

Yeah, butt out.

Well, so much for the
California laid-back, huh?

"Dinner with Sydney
at the boathouse,

eight p.m. Dress casual."

What... what is this, Michael,
it's a joke, right?

What's going on?

It doesn't mean anything.

O.K., right, out of the blue,
Sydney... who I barely know...

She invites me to dinner
with you, right,

and I'm supposed to assume...

Well, it means nothing, right?



Obviously she knows
more than we thought.

No, no, no, she can't
possibly know anything.

Uh, unless you said something.

No, she came to me.

She came to me, she already
had her suspicions,

which means the only place
she could've only gotten them

is from you.

Unless, of course, she knows

how to bring Kimberly
back from the dead.

Forget it, man.

No, no, Michael...

Take it easy.

Don't you put this on me,
don't you put this on me.

I did you the favor,
I saved your neck.

It's both our necks
if she knows something.

Now, look, we have no choice but
to go to this dinner tonight.

But, believe me,
if she smells any weakness,

she's going to exploit
the hell out of it.

You know what my
only weakness was?


Listening to you
in the first place.

Yeah, well, there's not much
you can do about that now.

I'm going alone tonight.

You're going to leave that
little shrew to me.

And when I'm through,

she's going to wish
she'd died in that accident.

Hey. Cold one tonight, huh?

Oh, yes, sir.

Hey, A-Alison!

What are you doing here?

I didn't go home.


I left you a whole
bunch of messages.

I thought you'd...

I was going to.

I got all the way to the
airport and on a flight,

and then I realized
how stupid I was being.

I mean, there's an explanation,
there has to be.

Look at you, your teeth
are chattering.

Come inside.

She comes all the way up here

to talk about rent control?

Whatever happened to
"come up and see my etchings"?

First of all,

at dinner I told her everything
about our relationship...

That we were still going out,

'cause I didn't want her
to get the wrong idea,

and she didn't.

No, I was the one
who got the wrong idea.


No, I mean, you know,

it was a perfectly
understandable mistake.

Did you really
wait outside all day?

No, there's a deli
up the street,

but the minute
I finished my bagel

it was, like,
"order more or get out."

Yeah, you got to hate this town.

Yeah, well, what I hate are
long-distance relationships.

All of it... the phone calls,
the messages...


Constantly wondering
where the other person is

and what they're doing.

Who they're with.


I miss that smile.

I missed a lot of things, too.

For instance?

Your smile.

Your lips.

And everything south.

Make love to me, Billy.

I was having a bad dream,

I was talking in my sleep.

Yeah, I thought of that.

Admit it.

You haven't got
a single shred of evidence.

Come on, Michael,
you and I both know

that the minute Matt
is questioned,

he'll sing like a bird.

Then it's his word against mine,

and I'll say he's out to get me,

that he's had a secret crush
on me for years,

and I've rebuffed
his h*m* advances.

I see you've
been working on this.

Yes, I have, Sydney,

and you have absolutely no proof

and no witnesses,
so, if you don't mind,

I think I'll take
a rain check on dinner.

Remember Roland,
the maître d' at, um,

Mon Petit Coeur,

the French restaurant that
you took Kimberly to

on that fateful night?

Well, he counted
two cocktails apiece

and then two bottles
of champagne,

and if you recall, the
accident was less than a mile

from the restaurant.

There's your witness, Michael.

The bill would be the proof.

What's wrong?

No witty retorts?

Nothing to say?

Just one thing, Sydney.

Kiss... my... ass.

Yeah, man...

all of it.

Amanda has the key, right?


Thanks a lot, Jake,
I really appreciate it.

All right. You, too.

Mmm... bye.

Who's that?

That was Jake.

Jake, in the middle
of the night?

Well, it's earlier back there.

I didn't want to wait
till morning.

What are you up to, Billy?
I recognize that look.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Come on, fess up,
you can't fool me.

O.K., you win.

I'm having Jake box up all your
stuff and send it back here,

and by Friday you're
going to be all moved in.

I'm just making it easy for you,

now that you've decided
you're going to stay.

Where on earth did you
ever get that idea?

Well, you as much as said that...

Billy... I came out here
for a visit.

I'm staying two days.

That's how a long-distance
relationship works.

I visit you, you visit me...

I'm not going nuts here.

We both agreed that the long-distance
thing is a big mistake.

And you just assumed

that I would be the one
to make all the sacrifices?


No wonder we can't
make anything work.

You are incapable of thinking
of anyone but yourself.

That's not fair.

You, you pick up the phone
and move me out here

like you're ordering a pizza.

Oh, so I'm supposed to move,
is that it?

What am I supposed to do?

Well, you could try growing up.

You're the one that's
acting like the child here.

This would have worked,
and it would've,

if you hadn't screwed it all up.

You're right about that, Billy.

I screwed up.

But don't you worry about it,

I will be out of your hair
first thing in the morning,

for good this time.

Man: Hurry up, throw
it over, let's go man.

Reed: The money,
where's the money?

Well, let's see it, now!

It's all there.

Keep it coming.

That's it.

That's it.

As soon as you're clear,
cut the lights.

Let's get out of here...


Come here, baby.

Come here.

Sit down.


now you can see why I didn't
want to take any chances.

It's a dangerous business.

Didn't want anything to mess up.


That feels good.

I'm going to take your gag off.

And you can scream,

you can scream your head off,

but nobody's going to hear

'cause we're miles
away from shore.

Are you going to k*ll me?

It's up to you, Jo.

You expected me to
give up my life for you.

Well, I can't, and I won't.

Things are very wrong
between us, Billy.

No, things are
very wrong with you.

Is that right?

Yeah. Yeah. Think about it.

I am a great guy.

I mean, I'm smart,
I'm talented, I listen.

How many guys do you know

that are as sensitive as me?


You're an egomaniac.

I'm confident,
there's a big difference.

I mean, I know what
I want and I go after it.

And you might not want
to admit this,

but I'm also very attractive.

Good God.

I mean, I'm in New York
all of two days,

and I already got a date.

Suddenly, I understand.

Suddenly, this is all
very clear to me.

What's clear? That I'm right?

That it's over.

The, the long-distance

the whole relationship.

Fine, if that's what you want,

then this is it,
this is really it.

I mean, I'm not giving you
a second chance.

We just move on...



Goodbye, Billy.

Good luck,
and have a great life.

You, too.

Oh, you're going to love Mexico.

The beaches go on for miles.

Playa de Oro.

That's where we'll put in.

One little hotel has the
best surf fishing in Baja.

We got plenty of cash
to last a long time.

You already got your mind made
up about me, don't you?

You locked me in
a dark hole for two days.

What do you expect?

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

I explained that.

That was for your own good.

If I ask you
to take me to shore,

to put in in San Diego,

what would you say?

I'd say I can't.

All right?

I'm not a drug pusher, if that's
what you're thinking, all right?

I don't stand on street corners

and sell dr*gs to little kids.

It's going to find its way
into this country

one way or the other.

I'm just living the life
I always have,

the same as you.

Every day to the maximum.

So everything between us

was just a part of the con?

Just a way to get
your front money, right?


Not for a second.

Maybe with Jake,
maybe with Amanda,

but not with you, O.K.?

You took my money.

You lied to me.

I was hoping you'd never
have to find out.

I swear to God,

that was my last big deal.

I'm out of the business now,
for good.

I just needed some cash

to uh, pay you back
and get a fresh start.

Come on, Jo.

Let's both start over.

We'll get a legitimate boat,

we'll launch a legitimate
charter business.

Start over.

I don't know.

I'm still in shock.


you can think about it, then.

We got plenty of time.

Plenty of time.

I'm really thirsty, um...

Can I go down and get
something to drink?

Yeah, yeah.

Can you bring me a beer?

You looking for this?


I was looking for these.

And a beer to go in them.

I'll take mine
right out of the can.


Being on probation sucks.

There's nothing but paperwork
and chitchat all day.

You know, I'm going nuts.

What is this?

Excuse me.


Here you go.

I'll get your change.

Come over here!

I love it when you play rough.

You left these at the hospital.

I was tempted to hide in a
locker just to see your face.

Very funny.
Who saw you there... anyone?

Not to worry, Michael,
I was very careful.

This time, anyway.

No, no, Sydney, there's not
going to be a next time,

or I swear I'll...

What? What will you do?

Get this straight, Michael.

I'm the only one who's going to
make threats around here,

starting with this one...

If you continue
to insult me, manhandle me,

walk out on my invitations,

I will be forced to escalate
these little shenanigans.

Now, I would like you to apologize
for your rude behavior.

You little...

Do it.

All right, all right.

I'm sorry I was a little upset.

That's perfectly understandable,

and you're forgiven.

Now, if you'll kindly
step out of the way...

What do you want, Sydney, huh?

Come on, name your terms.

Let's see...

What do I want?

What do I want?

You know what?

I'm going to have to
get back to you on that.

But it's nice to see
you're ready to deal, Michael.

It's a definite step
in the right direction.

What I'm proposing
is what's best for you,

and deep down, I know
it's what you really want.

So, you feel no guilt?

Remember high school?

Remember the rush you get
from playing hooky?

I mean, why does that
have to go away?

Because you grow up,
you become an adult.

Yeah, well, I took a short cut,

a risk,

and I was rewarded.

Isn't that the American way?

This is a ridiculous debate.

Yeah, because
you know that I'm right.

I mean, what was your life in
L.A. before I showed up?

Freelance photography,
making $ a day

when you worked,
which wasn't very often.

You were just scraping by.

You were miserable,
and you know it.

This Bonnie and Clyde thing

is, uh, some kind of answer?

It's a chance
to reinvent yourself.

We both can, together.

It's been good between us, Jo.

It still can be.



Let go.

Get swept away.

It's the only choice you got.

Come here.


Jo, you in there?

She probably went away
for a couple of days.

What's the big deal?

Well, the big deal is she and
Reed still have your money.

And they know they
have to return it.

I mean, if not, I'll slapthem
with a lawsuit.

Can we just go now?


Oh, right on your first guess.

Don't tell me,
you're trying to make

some kind of transcontinental
speed record.

Something like that.

This is kind of weird.

First I get a call from New York
asking me to pack up your stuff,

then I get a call
telling me not to pack.

I'm sorry you had to get
involved, Jake.

Oh, hey, I'm not
complaining, I'm just...

I'm not moving
to New York, O.K.?

I never was.

Off again.

That's right, Amanda, off again.

For good this time.

Come on, Alison, I was just...

Save your ersatz sympathy.

To tell you the truth, I am
actually kind of relieved.

You two have
a nice evening, now.



What is this?

What's it look like?
I'm moving in.

West Hollywood
is so smoggy and hot,

and that apartment was really
starting to get cramped.

I said to myself,
Syd, you need a change.

The sea air will do you good.

I'll just put all this
in the bedroom,

if that's all right.

Or maybe you'd like it to be
separate bedrooms for a while?

While you get used to the idea...

I mean, of us living together.

Living together?


This is blackmail.

And what you did
to Kimberly was m*rder.

Please, Michael, let's not start
this off on the wrong foot.

Is this what you
wanted, Sydney, huh?

Come on.


Huh? Is it?

Is this... everything
you ever dreamed of?


Just shut up and do it.


Hello. Hello. Is anyone there?

Mayday. Mayday.
This is an emergency.


Hello. Hello. Please answer me.

Is anyone there?
This is an emergency.

You lying bitch!


Careless bitch!


Stupid, Jo, really stupid.

Wait! You're saying this whole
thing was about one babe?

Why is it so difficult
to understand?

I'm in love with her.

I've devoted the better half of
two years to this relationship.

I mean, she means everything
to me, and losing her

would make everything else
in my life insignificant.

I thought this was the kind of mush
you only heard in chick movies.

I envy you, Billy.

I envy anybody who can have
that storybook kind of thing.

That's interesting, coming from the
guy who engineered our breakup.

Hey, don't put that on me.

You're the one who
violated her feminism.

Violated? What does that mean?

You assumed that she'd
give up everything for you.

You jumped to conclusions,

but worse than that,
you were impulsive.

Only women are allowed
to be impulsive.

You listen to too much
Howard Stern.

No, actually,
this is my own theory.

See, I think all women
at heart are romantics.

They want the build-up,
the flowers, the pedestal thing.

I'm not going to listen to another
word of your twisted philosophy.

Don't, fine, I'm telling you,

but you got here is a
once-in-a-lifetime thing.

You can't just throw
this thing away.

You got to turn the situation around
and make it work in your favor.

You want her coming
back to you, on her knees,

begging for forgiveness.

Do you have any other rings?

Just for you.

Did you hear what I said?

Yeah, every word.

This is not impulsive.

I should've done
this months ago.

That's the one.

That's it.


Come on, come on.

Please, please, please.

We keep telling you,
we think the boat is stolen

and we think this guy
is dangerous.

And I keep telling you that
outside of a routine check,

there's nothing I can authorize.

There's no report of a stolen
boat named "The Pretty Lady".

So, when can we officially
have them declared missing?

Two more days.

In the meantime, we'll
put out some radio calls.

We'll see what happens.

Thank you, officer.

I got a bad feeling about this.

Come on, come on.

Oh, God.

Aah! No! No!

Stay back!

Stay back!

I mean it, I mean it!

No way, you can't.

I swear to God.

You don't have it in you, Jo.


You blew it.



Help me.


Oh, my God, Reed.

I'm scared.

Just, just hold on, O.K.?

I'm going to get you help.

I'm gonna, I'm gonna
turn this boat around.

No, don't leave, don't leave!

You're not going to die.


I'm sorry.

I'm, I'm sorry.


Reed! No!



What are you doing?

Oh, good, she's home.

The light's on.

I thought you were supposed
to be in New York.

Yeah, well, I quit my job.

I'll tell you about the rest
later, it's complicated.

Look, I need you
to do me a huge favor.

I need you to call Alison.

Tell her it's urgent.

Tell her you need to
talk to her tonight.

She doesn't know you're home?

No, and you're not
going to tell her.

Hi, Alison, it's Jane.

Um, I really need
to talk to you.



How about dinner?

Would you take care of that
for me, Karen?

Hey, Michael, very nice.

Great personality.

Uh, admission evaluations
and updated charts.

Doctor, you must be
the luckiest man alive.

I don't understand it.

Neither do I, actually.

I don't need to tell you,

she's absolutely gorgeous.

We all know you needed somebody

since Kimberly's death.

Well, I'll just see
that these are put away.

Uh, Karen, um, could you
tell me where she is now?

Doctors' lounge, I think.

Thank you.

You guys are too much.

Oh, Michael, there you are.

Uh, excuse me, fellas.

I hate to break up the party,

but could you leave us
alone for just a second?

Thank you, thank you.

See you, guys, bye.


What are you doing here?

What are you
telling these people?

I was just introducing
myself around.

As what?

What I am...
Your girlfriend...

your new steady...
the woman in your life,

depends who I was talking to.

Are you out of your mind?

Are you ashamed of me?

Is that what you're telling me?

Because if you are,

that would hurt me very much.

No, I-it's...

It's just considering
the situation.

What situation?

We're living together,
aren't we?

There's no reason
to keep it a secret.

I mean, It's not like
I'm Kimberly

and you're still
married to Jane.

Tell me something, Sydney.

Just how far do you plan
on taking all this?

I got to run.

See you later, darling.

Man on P.A.: Anybody in there?
Coast Guard!

Anyone on board?

Coast Guard!

What's under that tarp?

Check it out.

Drop the w*apon... now!

What the hell
are you doing, lady?

We could've blown you away.

Sir, we found a body out here...

Male Caucasian,
sealed g*nsh*t wound.

He's been dead for
a few hours, it looks like.

Turn around! Put your hands
behind your back.

You want to tell me
what happened here?

Did you sh**t that man?

Yes. I had to.

You're under arrest.

You have a right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have a right to an attorney.

You have a right to have that
attorney present during questioning.

We have to come all the way
downtown just to talk?

Oh, it's a beautiful
restaurant, isn't it?

This is going to cost a fortune.

Oh, don't worry about it,
you only live once.

Good. You can pay.

Now I feel better,
self-conscious, but better.

Yes, ma'am, may I help you?

I'm not sure. I didn't
make the reservation.

Miss Parker?

Uh, yeah, that's right.

Right this way, please.


This is impossible.

No, not really,

not if you pay full fare.

Um, Billy, what
are you doing here?

Well, either I got tired of
eating alone, or I couldn't let

the most important person
in my life walk away,

one of those two.

I know for a fact

that you don't have
the money to pay for this,

or the rental on that tuxedo.

Yeah, and worse, I turn
into a pumpkin at midnight.

And Jane?

She's probably halfway
back to Melrose by now.

Very clever.

Yeah. It came to me in
a blinding flash, actually.

I can't spend
another day of my life

without you in it.

But what if we really
are incompatible?

First of all,

who is really compatible?

I mean, nobody has it easy
in a relationship,

and the truth is,

I should've stopped you

before you got halfway
to that elevator.

Uh, I don't understand.

Are you saying that you're
moving back here because of me?

'Cause I don't know
if I can deal with that.

Look, just drink your champagne,

and everything will
become perfectly clear.

Billy, I don't...


this what came to you
in a blinding flash?

Believe me, it was a very
well-thought-out blinding flash.

I kind of stacked
the deck, didn't I?

I am going to k*ll you.

In a second.

First let me do my thing.


I want you to be my partner

for life...


Will you marry me?
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