02x11 - Collision Course

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x11 - Collision Course

Post by bunniefuu »

First one to the door!

Smoked you, Campbell.

Ow. You cheated.

Think you guys could be
a little more competitive?

He started it.

Come on, finish the argument
at my place.

I've got fresh-squeezed O.J.

I gotta get to work early.
Go ahead, cheater.


Hi, Jo.


Why don't you join us
at my place for breakfast?

Oh, I'd like to, but I have
to get to the photo lab.

So, how are things with Robert?

Fine. Real good,
as a matter of fact.


Another time, Alison. See ya.

What was that about?

Oh, nothing.



Somehow I got between
Jo and Steve McMillan,

and she blames me
for their breakup.

What do you mean "got between"?


I think he sort of
fell for me...

or something.

The other night he kissed me.

Well, really, we kissed.

Uh, wait a minute.

You and Steve?


I feel really guilty about it.

And the worst part...

I am sort of drawn to him.

I don't know
what to do about it.

You don't, huh? Well, uh,

let me give you a few
pointers from the front.

Don't poach off other women's
relationships, is that clear enough?


listen, this is not my fault.

No, you listen. It was never
Michael's fault either,

or Kimberly's or anybody's.
It was just fate.

Well, I don't call it fate,
I call it weakness.

This is not the same thing.

Yes, it is. You keep it up

and Billy's gonna end up trusting
you about as much as Jo does.

I have to speak
to you right away.

Leave me alone, Michael.
I'm working.

Kimberly, you have
every right to be mad...

I'm not mad. I'm busy.

I see it.

Now I finally see it.

You've really been there
for me all the time,

and I've never appreciated it.

But I do now,

and I love you.

And I don't want anybody
else but you forever.

Oh, come on.

Don't you understand?

I know how wonderful you are,

and how blind I've been.

And I'll do anything
to get you back.

Pay any price.

You're everything to me,

And, yes, I've abused you,

and for that,
I'm very, very, sorry.

Michael, we have an agreement.

We work together.

That's all I want
or can handle right now.

That's not true.

I can see it.

You're lying to me, Kimberly.

No. I'm not.

You're the expert at that,
remember, not me.

I mean it, Ellen.
As far as I can see,

everybody in this town
is out for themselves.

You're kind of young to be
so cynical, aren't you?

Just realistic.

Sounds to me like you've
got boyfriend problems.

Don't worry. You'll get over it.

We better rock if
we're gonna set up

before the lunch rush.

Some of the other girls
say that's a fake,

you know, a copy watch?

Ah. It is the genuine article.

See the second hand? It sweeps.

It doesn't stop
at the second mark.

That's how you can tell.

It's beautiful.

God, if you can afford that,

what are you doing working here?

It was a gift.

Maybe you should come to
a party with me tonight.

I don't know.

I'm kind of tired of people.

Not these people.

I'm talking Hollywood
"A" list party, kiddo.

I think you would have
a great time,

and it would sure get that mind
off your boyfriend of yours.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe I could use
a night on the town.

What is it, Sydney?

Hi, uh, don't be mad, OK?

But see, this friend
of mine asked me

to this fancy party tonight,

and I'm really jazzed,

but I've been looking
in my closet,

and the only dress I have
that's even half nice is...

kind of out of date.

So I was wondering if
you would like to come,

and if you have a dress
that I could borrow...

just for the night.

I mean, your designs
are so cool.

I'll take real good care
of it, I promise.

You amaze me.

Is that good?

No. And no, I don't
want to go with you.

And no, you cannot borrow
one of my dresses.

Good night, Sydney.

You're just plain mean,
you know that, Jane?

I make one mistake,
and Miss Perfect

is gonna hold it against me
for the rest of my life.

It wasn't a mistake, Sydney.

You slept with my husband.

Now leave me alone.

Oh, my God!

Oh! What is it?

Damn you, Michael.

You scared me to death.

I'm sorry, really.

I still had the extra car key.

I didn't want to miss you.

Oh, my gosh.
I guess I fell asleep.

Please get out of the car.
I want to go home now.

Wait, I just wanted to tell
you that you were right.

I have been a liar,

and though
I may not deserve you,

I am changing.

Michael, I can't
do this now, OK?

I'm tired.

And I can't take this
anymore, all right?

I don't believe this.

I've ruined everything.

I love you so much.

And you don't,

do you?

You don't love me anymore.

You know it's not true,
and for God's sakes,

get a tissue
out of the glove box.

I can't stand
seeing you like this.

Michael, what is
the matter with you?

First you scare me
half to death,

and now you're having
a nervous breakdown.

What are you doing to me?

Honestly? I guess I'm
trying to wear you down.

Oh, sweetheart.

I'm... you know...
I'm getting help.

And it's helped me
realize that...

although I may not deserve you,

I can't live without you.

Is that what you said to Jane?

No, no.

No, no, this is you and me.

And, look, even if you
decide not to take me back,

I'll always love you.


Why don't you...

let me take you out again...

just once?

It's possible.

It's possible, but right now

I still want you to
get out of my car.

I have to get some rest.

Whatever you say.


I love you.

Maybe you do after all, Michael.

I guess we'll see.

Now close the door.

Oh, yeah.


This party is just like
you advertised, Ellen.

It's just like walking around inside
People magazine or something.

Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?

Now, there's
a fresh young thing...

isn't it?

How much?

I don't know yet,

but you've got your hands
full tonight, anyway, Carl.

Do you think
this dress is all right?

I mean, it's kind of...

Yeah, it's great, Syd. Come on.

There's somebody
I'd like you to meet.

Lauren, I have someone here

I think you'd like to meet.
This is Sydney.

Sydney, this is your hostess,
Lauren Etheridge.


Hi. Nice to meet you.

And thanks for letting me
come to this great party.

You're more than welcome.

I'm so glad you could come.

I guess everyone tells you this,

but you have a beautiful house.

And you're a wonderful
addition to this jaded bunch.

I'm Carl Canin.

This is so great.

Mr. Canin, I love your movies.

Excuse us.

Sydney, there's some
wonderful food inside.

Why don't you go in,
have a bite,

and I'll come by later
and introduce you around.

OK. Thanks.

I can't believe
I just met Carl Canin.

You'll get a chance
to know him better.

That would be great.

Sometimes I'm kind of a geek.

I hope I'm not embarrassing you.

Oh, no, no. You're perfect.

Steve, you can't hide from
red tape up at the ranch.

That's why someone like you
invented fax machines.

Mark any problems you have
with the press releases

and zip them back to me.

Yeah. Same to you, buddy.

Oh, listen, Jo's here
with some proofs.

I got to go.

Yeah, I can do that. Bye.

These have been color-corrected.

So I think you and Amanda will like
them better than the last batch.

Thanks. That was
Steve on the phone.

He said to tell you
he sends his best.

Jo, please.

We're friends.

Can't we straighten this out?

I don't see how.

Look, I am honestly sorry

things didn't work out
between you and Steve.

I did not mean
to get in the way,

but this is all
just a misunderstanding.

I'm with Billy. You know that.

Steve is the one
who made the mistake,

and I know that he's sorry, too.

He is really a good guy.

He's just...

he's sensitive

and... and maybe a little
impulsive and, I guess,

indecisive. I don't know.

Anyway, I know he didn't
mean to hurt anybody.

You should hear yourself.

What do you mean?

Well, if you're
really with Billy,

maybe you should
concentrate on him

instead of going on and on

about your sensitive
friend Steve.

Did you see that dweeb on ?

He sent his burger
back three times,

and me with the hangover
of the century.

Why do you think I dropped two shifts?
Too much hassle.

Hi. How are
you two ladies doing?

Hi, Lauren. I didn't
expect to see you here.

Would you like
a burger or something?

Uh, no, thanks.
I've already eaten.

Sydney, would you like to go
out with Carl Canin tonight?




He doesn't really want to
go out with me, does he?

Yes, he does. He told me

he was very impressed
with you last night

and would like to take you out

to a couple
of the happening clubs.

Lauren, I don't know.

I mean, I wouldn't
know what to say.

He's a big famous guy.

We'll make it a double
date, how about that?

I know a friend of his.

Great. Come by my house
around : .

They'll pick you up there, OK?




This is too cool to be true.

Hey. What's the occasion?

Call it a "I'm sorry I've
been so nuts at work"

"and ignored my boyfriend
too long" dinner.

You stuck with me
through a lot lately

and even saved my skin
a couple of times.

And I owe you big time.

If it was Monday night,
I'd even watch football.

Did you read a relationship article
in some magazine or something?

No. I just love you.

I have chicken cordon
bleu and wild rice.

Did you make that?

Well, the rice came
in a boiling bag,

and the chicken came frozen.

You pop it in the oven
like dinner rolls.

Ooh, you're naked under this.

That's your appetizer, mister.

That's homemade.

Oh, yeah, let me tell you.

The ocean loses its luster

when you're trying to sleep
alone in an empty house.

There I'd be at A.M.,

and every time
I'd finally doze off,

some big-ass wave
all the way from Japan

would hit the beach,

and I'd jump out of bed again

and... look for you.

You know what I think's
keeping you awake?


Your guilty conscience.

No. It was King Neptune.

Can you believe people
actually buy tapes of the surf

to go to sleep?

It can be quite soothing under
the right circumstances.

And this is my point
exactly, Doctor.

I haven't, um, had any
of those circumstances

for a long time.


Uh, plenty for me, thank you.

I should have stopped
after our first bottle.

What's the matter? Afraid
your libido might get loose?

Actually, that happened
a while ago.

Seems like old times, eh?


Why don't you take me home,

and we'll see what we can do

about those bad old waves?

Oh, now that's a great idea,

but one minute.

There's something
I want to give you first.

Michael, what is this?

Just open it. Open it.

Open it.

What is this?

Marry me, Kimberly.

Has your guilty conscience
made you crazy?

What? I know
you don't mean this.

I was there for your first
marriage, remember?

Come on, I'm not crazy.
I'm dead serious now.

I love you very much.

Damn you, Michael.

If only you'd done it
a month ago.

Get the check. I'll
meet you at the car.

Mmm. Music soothes
the savage beast.

Something like that.

Michael, I'm sorry I reacted
so badly back there.

It's just that after
everything we've been through,

that we were more
realistic with each other.

What, you want to use me up

and never make me
legal, babe? Come on.

You just caught me
off-guard, that's all.

I don't want to do this
for the wrong reason.

Besides, I'm not used to all
this mushy stuff from you.

Hey, I'm just trying to
make you happy, babe.


Whoa! Whoa-oh.

Are you all right to drive?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm fine, I'm fine.

Now come on, try it on

just to see what it looks like.

No, I know you.
This is some kind of trap.

This is the new me...
Sensitive, honest.

Oh, I hate that "sensitive man" thing.
You know I...

Come on, where's the rat I love?

No, not the ring. I'm
not that kind of girl.

How many carats is that?

Oh, my God.


Come on and say it.

Come on, say it.

Come on, say it.

All right! I'll marry you.



My God.

Help me!

Please help me!

I can't move.

I can't move.

Don't worry, sir. We'll get you out.
How many in the car?

What? Huh?

How many in the car, sir?

Just two.

We got two in the vehicle!

Just... oh, my God.
Just me and Kimberly.



We'll start at the top.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.


Try to keep calm.


Oh, no!


she can't be dead.

She can't be dead.

It's going to be
all right, Michael.

Snapped fibula, maybe some
spinal trauma to the guy,

but the woman looks bad.

Multiple fractures, internal
bleeding... a real mess.

Take him to room four
and clean him up!

Call the neuro and
ortho residents, stat!

This one, room one!
And get a surgeon!

We've lost the pulse!

Code blue! Let's go!

This dress is great, Ellen.
Thanks for the loan.

No prob. Looks better on
you than on me anyway.

Look. When they pick us up,

they'll probably want to
go to Eighty-Six Altman,

but you and I are going
to say the Hyena Club.

It's a much more happening
place, all right?

Sure. Sounds cool.

It is, believe me.

Matt, I want you to
meet a friend of mine.

Sorry, Sydney, I can't.

Matt, what's the matter?

I just got a call from
Katya at the hospital.

Michael and Kimberly have been
in a very serious car accident.

Oh, no.

Michael's pretty badly
banged up, but he's stable.

Kimberly... they don't know.

I'll tell Jane.

Good idea. I'll tell the others.

We better get going.
Lauren will be pissed...

Listen, I can't go. My brother-in-law's
has been in a car accident.

Brother-in-law? Can't somebody
else take care of it?

No. Tell Carl I'm sorry.

I'll talk to you later.


Who is it?

Jane, it's an emergency!

Damn it, Sydney,
I'm tired of this!

Michael has been in an accident.

He and Kimberly are in the hospital.
They're both pretty bad.

Jane... Michael's
in the hospital.

I... I heard you.

How'd it happen?

I don't know.
Get dressed. I'll drive.

What's going on?

Oh. I didn't know
you had company.

Michael's in the hospital.
He's been in an accident.

Jane, if you have to go, go.

Like she needs your permission?
It's her husband.

No, he's not. Not anymore.

What are you saying?

We're divorced, Sydney. Try
to understand that. I...

I don't wish him any harm.

I'll call the hospital
and see how he's doing,

but I'm not going
to stand at his bedside.

Are you crazy?
Michael could die,

and you're going to stay
here with your lover?

How can you be
so heartless and cold?

Can't you stop thinking about
yourself for one minute?

Go, Sydney. Get out.

Michael was right.

You're a horrible,
unfeeling bitch!



We have taken a look at
your x-rays, Michael.

You have some severe
back injuries.

Your surgeon may have to
fuse a couple of vertebrae.

I don't care.
What about Kimberly?

We don't really know yet.

But she's stable.

Tell me...

doctor to doctor...

how is she?

of diazepam, please.

Tell me.

Kimberly's got
a lot of problems...

including some severe
head injuries.

It's serious, Michael.

Very serious.

Look, the police don't
really know what happened.

Somehow, he lost control of
the car and it flipped over.

They're both being rushed
into surgery right away.

We won't know anything
until later.

Maybe we should
come back tomorrow.

We probably won't be
able to see him tonight.

Somehow I feel
we should be here.

If Jane comes,
she'll need support.

Where'd you go? It took
me forever to get a cab!

Sydney, I thought you
were coming with Jane.

Where's Michael?

He's going into surgery.

I have to see him!
No! You can't! Sydney!

Kimberly's going to be in the
operating room right next-door.

Michael! Syd...

Let me see him!

I love him so much!

Get her out of here.
I'm trying, Doctor!

Hey... hey...


I love you.

This is all...


this is all your fault.

If you hadn't come between us...

this never...

would've happened.

Stay away from me.



Dr. Petrova, one moment.

Please make sure copies
of all the blood work

are sent to me tomorrow.

We suspect this accident

could be alcohol-related.

I'll get it to you
as soon as I can.

Right now we have to get
these people treated.

This seat taken?

One of these is for you.

Cream or black...
It's up to you.

Hey, come on. It's...
It's really bad coffee.

It'll make the rest
of your life seem rosy.

Cream, I guess. Got any sugar?


You know, Sydney, I, uh...

I know this has got
to be difficult for you.

I know you feel alone, huh?

I'm all right.


Good, but can I
offer you a, uh...

bit of advice?

Michael, um...

as a friend...

probably is not going to be
available to you for a while.

But with some help, maybe, uh...

family counseling, whatever...

there's a good chance

you could repair your
relationship with your sister.

I could recommend somebody,
even talk to Jane for you.

Matt, can I tell you something?

You're a sweet guy and all,

but you don't know what the
hell you're talking about.

My sister's a witch.

And Michael and I have
something very special...

that you couldn't understand.



well, if you ever need to
talk, you know where I'm at.


Butt out.


What happened? Is he OK?

This is terrible, isn't it?

It's pretty bad.

We just came back
from this club.

I got the message on my machine.

Is there any word?

No, sweetie.

I'm gonna take off unless you
think we'll hear something soon.

I'm going to check right now.

Kind of makes you
think, doesn't it?

Yeah, it does.

Carl was all disappointed
and pouted for hours

because you weren't
there last night.

Oh, right.

Truth. Well, trouble is,

you probably missed your
big chance with him.

Plus Lauren was pretty pissed.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry,
but my night sucked,

I'll tell you that.


how is your...

your brother-in-law, was it?

He's not good.

He might be paralyzed.

Oh. That is not good.

Yeah. See, the thing is,

he's not only my brother-in-law.

He's kind of my boyfriend.


Uh, Sydney...

Yeah. And we have this
understanding, right?

But now, 'cause of the
accident and my sister

and her friends all crazy,

we have to play it cool,

which is hard for both of us.

Your sister doesn't know.

She knows...

but she pretends, you know?

She could never satisfy him.

Anyway, now he doesn't
want to hold me back.

So I'm just going
to kind of date around

until things
get straightened out.

You come off all innocent,

but you really know your
way around, don't you?

I'll talk to Lauren.
Maybe we could see

what Carl and his friend
are doing tonight.

Would you like to finally
check out the Hyena Club?


Why not?

That's bull, Dr. Petrova.

I'm going to be fine.

I've been studying
in this country

a little longer than you.

My medical knowledge is a
little bit more advanced.

That may be so.
I was just saying...

Yeah, I know what you're saying.

What I'm telling you is,

I'll be walking
as well as you do

after the trauma subsides.

I'm sorry, Michael.

There are no guarantees.

Stop playing this game with me.

This is temporary,
and you know it.


However you want it.

He's all yours.

I brought the neurology
text you wanted.

Oh. Thanks, Matt.

Doing all right?

Beside being paralyzed?


How's Kimberly?

Not good. She, um...

She hasn't regained

Uh, Michael...


I know this is hard.


Come here. Listen to me.

Right before I went
under the knife,

I heard a cop talking to Katya.

He wanted copies
of my blood work.

They're going to try and pin

driving under the influence
on me.

Had you been drinking?

Maybe a little. We both were.

But with the new legal
limit being so low,

I still might be in trouble.

I mean...

what if Kimberly
doesn't make it?

We're talking manslaughter.

This is bad, Michael, I know...

but there's nothing
you can do about it.

Yeah. Maybe not me...

but if I had a friend

who could get access...
Or had access...

To the hospital computer...

you could change a couple
of numbers for me.

Are you nuts?

Not only do I have major
problems with this ethically,

but it's illegal.

Ooh! You shove
your ethics, Matt!

I could end up in prison...

and never practice
medicine again

over one stupid mistake.

I wasn't really that drunk.

We were just... just goofing
around in the car...

and she grabbed
the steering wheel.


I can't do this.


You stay pure...

and I'll be locked up...

and my life will be over.

But you'll be able
to sleep at night, Matt...

because you never broke
one of your own rules...

even for a friend.

Michael, there is a chance...


why don't you go back
to that job I got you?

I should've known I couldn't
ask you for a favor.

Go on.

Go on, get out, now.

Hi, Michael.


Can you believe this?

I don't even know
how it happened.

One minute on the road,

the next minute,
in the hospital.

Thanks for coming.

Sorry I couldn't come
last night.

Oh, hey, you
couldn't get in anyway.

Nobody could.

Oh, of course, you
probably could've...

you know, being my wi...



I knew you'd show up, Jane.

We still have a connection...

no matter what.

Are you in much pain?

Kind of the opposite problem.

Can't feel much.

Would you do me a favor?
Bring me a cup of water?

Mouth's a little dry.

Oh, sure.

I talked to Matt this morning.

Told me how you were doing.

He's a great guy.

I'm sorry, but...

could you hold it for me?

My hand's a little shaky
from the dr*gs.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I got to go.

Can't you stay a little longer?

No, really, I've got
to get going.

I hope you feel better.


Can't we be friends?

I know a lot of bad
things have happened,

but that's water
under the bridge now.

So much water, there's not
much of a bridge left.

Take care of yourself.

Working late is one thing.

Stay any longer, and the
restaurant will be closed.

I'll be ready to go in a sec.

I need to make a few copies
of my brilliant words.

I'll be right back.
Make yourself at home.

This car is so great.

And you drive it like a pro.

Yeah, I actually took a
competitive driving class.

On a track. The whole thing.

Pulled on the straightaway.


Wow. What a great house.

It's, like...
Japanese or something.

Oh, just modern, really.

Yeah, I call it the house
that Bold Lightning bought.

Paid cash right out of my
percentage of the grosses.

Think you might want to
let me visit the set

of one of your movies sometime?

Anything can happen,

but that's unlikely.

Come on, Carl.
I won't embarrass you.

I'll get us something to drink.

Why don't you take your clothes
off and get comfortable?

Yeah, right.

Is there a problem?


Then take off your damn clothes.

Wait a minute...

I'm sorry.

I forgot.

Lauren's girls...

Always want the money up front.

Carl, I don't... Shh.

OK, now.

Maybe we can take this slow.

Start with the blouse.

Let's see that nice
young stuff in there.

All right.

This act...

is getting old, sweetheart.

Get your butt over here
and lift that skirt up,

or I swear to God...


What is this?

Some kind of setup?

Listen, you little bitch!

Get back here!

I could end up in prison

and never practice
medicine again

over one stupid mistake.

One stupid mistake.

Stupid mistake.
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