02x06 - Hot and Bothered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x06 - Hot and Bothered

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Do you want some orange juice?

I thought we were almost out.

We were.

Oh. Would you?

This is a nice dress.
Big day or something?

Mmm. Big, no. Long, yes.

I got a couple of
statistical reports due

and a three-hour
presentation this afternoon.

How about eight hours of
useless fact-checking?

The subject...
L.A.'s best accountants.

You win.

We could break up the monotony,
find a cozy spot for lunch.

Oh, what an
interesting prospect.

Hey, hey, break it up.

You got company.

Morning. What's up?

Um, I haven't gotten moved
back into my old place yet,

and I was wondering if maybe I
could borrow a couple of things.

Name it.

Some cereal and some milk.

Sure thing.

I was wondering if I could,
uh, get a bowl, too.

While you're at it... A spoon.

Why don't you
just sit down and eat?


The stupid thing is

I was only living with Jo
for a couple of weeks.

Now I can't get
the hang of being on my own.

You know, like grocery
and laundry...

You miss her, don't you?

No. Why do you ask?

Well, I got to go.
Come by at : ?

I'll be there.

Bye, Jake.


I got to hand it to you.

You guys make it look easy.

You know what it is,
we're both willing

to respect each other's choices.

That's the key.
Want some coffee?

Yeah. And, um, save the advice.

It's great. Thanks.


Is there a meeting
I don't know about?

No. I actually just
came to see Amanda.

Come here.

Is something wrong?

Well, sort of. I came
to quit the campaign.

What? Why?

Look. It's been hard without
Jake, you know? Really hard.

But working with him

isn't exactly going
to be a piece of cake.

I really thought it was gonna
work out with you guys.

Some things just
aren't meant to be.

Is she in?

Yeah. First door on the right.

I hope she understands.

I don't understand.

I just don't think I have an
eye for this kind of sh**ting.

Maybe it would be smarter if
you went with someone else.

Someone with more
commercial experience.

Jo, the reason we got
this campaign off the ground

was because of the sh*ts
you took of Jake,

not anyone else's.

So why don't you tell me
what this is really about.

Okay, all right.
I'll be honest with you.

Ever since our break-up,
Jake and I...

It's just going
to be awkward and tense,

and I'm not sure I'm up to it.

I can certainly sympathize,

but sometimes we have to be
adults about this sort of thing.

Especially when
we've signed contracts.

And unfortunately, I can't
let you out of yours,

not at this late a date.

I see.

But you know what they say...

Coal under pressure
produces diamonds.

Which is the page where
I sign away my firstborn?

Sign here and here.

Think about what
you're doing, Jane,

and whether or not
it's really fair.

That's exactly why
I'm here, Michael...

In the interest of fairness.

Oh, no, no. This goes way
above what you deserve, Jane.

This is about revenge,
a woman scorned...

No. This is about betrayal.

Oh, come on. Half my
take-home pay for two years?

Whew. That's greed.
Pure and simple.

Actually, you're lucky
it's not for longer.

Well, listen to you. Who'd have thought
you'd turn out to be such a gold digger.

That's enough, Dr. Mancini.

You shut the hell up.
This is between me and my...

Your what, Michael?

You know...

We're almost finished here.

Why don't you wait
for me outside?

You may be getting
what you want,

but you are going
to earn every penny

you force me to put
in your pocket, Jane.

Every penny.

He's a real charmer.

Yeah, I used to think so.

The final judgment will be
ready to sign in a few weeks.

Jane, you have a couple
of things to hold onto.

One, the pain
diminishes in time.

And two, you've done the
right thing, no question.


Listen, in the best
of all possible worlds,

you'll never have to use
my services again.

But I hope we can keep
in touch anyway.

Thank you. You've been
really great.

And any time you want
to talk, you just call.

You've got my number.

Even if it's not
about your divorce.

Thanks, Robert.

Dr. Nelson to the pharmacy.

Katya, I was looking for
you in family practice.

I was wondering if you could sneak
away for a little cappuccino break.

I can't. Thanks anyway.

Look, I'll buy, even
though you're the doctor.

Hey, listen, I thought you
were working swing shift.

Aren't you off-duty right now?

You could say that. The
hospital had to let me go.

What? Kind of sudden, isn't it?

Couldn't they give
you more time?

They've already got a new intern
coming into the program from India.

And, as for me, I'm on my third extension.
That's the limit.

So what happens next?
I mean, what do you do?

Follow the original plan...
Go back to Russia.

I don't know why I'm upset.

It's not like I did not
know it was coming.

Maybe I believed
a miracle would happen.

Nurse Lewis to OR one.
Nurse Lewis to OR one.

There they'll be, working together
and hating every minute of it.

And the irony is
they're miserable apart.

It's degrees out

and I still have to
wear this stupid thing.

It makes absolutely no sense.

Well, maybe the sh**t'll
bring them back around.

You know, weird circumstances
sometimes does that.

Look at us, for example.

Sure, we're
completely happy now.

But think of all the time
we lost arguing

and not being direct
or honest with each other.

Although we did spend more
time split up than together.

Somehow Jo and Jake have got
to get past their pride.

That's the only thing
keeping them apart.

It's not something
anybody can tell them.

They have to figure it out
for themselves.

Like we did.


Maybe they just need
a little nudge.

My thoughts exactly.

I hope you guys don't think that just 'cause
I mooched breakfast from you this morning

I'm some kind of
a charity case for meals.

We'll be needing four.

Si, senor.

Really? Who?

What is going on?

You got to be kidding.

Now, we know you're not
together as a couple,

but we're all
still friends, right?

Come on, sit down. Have some good
conversation, a nice meal, margaritas.

It'll be nice. It'll give us
all a chance to reconnect.

I hear the chile verde is good.

How are the tamales?

Great. Great.

So, how's the old apartment?

Fine. How's yours?

Good. Good. Bigger certainly.

So, Alison was telling me about
something she read the other day.

Right, right. It was, um, an
article on relationships,

and it said that the most common
problem with couples today

is lack of communication.

Oh, what an idea. You mean
conversing with each other?

It's funny. Our problem was a
little too much communication.

I guess that's what happens, though,
when you become business partners, too.

Meaning what, exactly?

Money changes things,
especially when it's yours.

Maybe we should order.

You know, it's just like you
to blame this on me

when it was your pride
who caused all the problems.

Anybody want appetizers?

I'm wrong. It was your money
and your fear of intimacy

that messed things up.

Oh, okay, all right, fine.
All my fault, all of it.

Finally, she admits it.

Here's to that! Yeah!

Go to hell, Jake.

Right back at you, babe.

Thank you for the invite.

Nice try. I'm leaving.

Jo, wait! Just...

Why don't we just...

give it a rest.

It's over, Syd.

Are you okay?


You're coming to the movies.

Look, you probably need to be
around other people right now.

Syd, sitting in a dark room
with a bunch of strangers

hardly qualifies
as being around people.

Then I'll stay home.

I mean, here you just
went through this thing,

and I'm supposed to be
here for you.

I mean, what are sisters for?

You know what?
Don't worry about it.

You go ahead. I insist.

I will be fine.

All right, but I'm coming
home right after.


Are you sure?


Okay. Bye.

Nikki, careful!

Nikki's like a hummingbird.

She goes miles an hour.

Everything is interesting.

Everything is colorful
and bright.

Almost too much to choose from.

And that's why you don't
want to leave right now?

I came here with every
intention of returning,

but understand something, Matt.

In Russia there's
no future for her.

Just a life of very little
opportunity, of struggle,

and that's the way for everyone.

And you think that
in this country...

I'd give anything to have

my daughter's worst problem
be too many choices.

What if you got another job
in a different facility?

No time. The -day
grace period is almost up,

and I never thought to apply
anywhere else.

I only wish
I had met you sooner,

so she could've known you.

Oh, it's not too late.

I hear a little of me
goes a very long way.

So, do you like hot dogs?

Well, I'd be un-American
if I didn't.

Well, they're Nikki's favorite.

Want to have dinner
with us tonight?

If I can bring a batch of my
world-famous potato salad, yes.

Gosh. A man who can cook.

I miss you already.

Can we do this again?

Can you scoot back in the
seat a little bit, please?

If I sit back there,
it's going to look stupid.

Well, if you don't,
my shot's off-center.

Then move your camera.

Oh, that's brilliant. Only,
I'm the photographer here.

Would you drop your New York
attitude just for a second?

New York attitude?

I've got an idea.

We'll make Jake a little cooler

and make the shot
considerably hotter.

There... sexy, cool, dangerous.

What do you think?

So I guess we're sh**ting
an underwear ad now.

That's it. I'm out of here.
I don't need this crap.

Oh, like I do?

You gu... this is ridiculous.
Come on.


I'm not a piece of meat.

Let me explain to you
how modeling works.

You are fawned over,
you are fussed with,

you are made to look
good for the camera.

That is what your body
was hired for.

It's the nature of the beast.

It's not my nature.

Is it your nature
to renege on contracts?

No, but I'm not gonna let you guys
make me look like some centerfold

and I not gonna stand there and be ordered
around like some stupid little kid

by her or by you,
do you get that?

Yeah, I got it.
And I'll speak with Jo.

Um, so why don't you
put this back on,

and let's get back to work?

So does everybody know?

I mean, has she gone around
bad-mouthing me?

Well, she hasn't exactly
put you up for sainthood.

That tears it.

I can't believe this.
It's not right.

She gets my money, my friends.

Whoa, that part of it doesn't
have to happen unless you let it.

I can't exactly show up at
the old homestead, you know.

That's Jane's territory now.

So hook up with everybody
somewhere else.

This is L.A.,
after all, you know?

You're right. It is.

Oh, Kim.

Now, what's more L.A.
than the beach?

Kimberly, I just had this
amazing idea, thanks to Matt.

I can't wait to hear it.

We're going to have a blowout, a
party to celebrate my divorce

for all my old friends and, you
know, some new friends, too.

Michael, don't you think we
ought to wait a little while

before throwing any shindigs?

What, and give Jane the chance

to turn more people against me?

No way. We're going to
do it this weekend.

This weekend?

Yeah, it'll be simple.

Beer, music. That's it.

What more do you need,
right, Matt?


So what do you say, hon? For me?

Aw, you're the greatest.

This is going to be great!

Oh, I just need you to do
me one small favor.

Spread the word
over at the building.

You want me to invite everyone?

Well, you do live there, right?


Dr. Morgan, .

Dr. Morgan, .

Looks like Michael's throwing
a big bash down at the beach.

He wants us all to go.

Oh, you've got to be kidding!

After everything that
creep put Jane through,

I can't believe he expects any of
us to give him the time of day.

Well, remember that that creep came
through for you with an operation

when you couldn't afford it.

Billy, he cheated on Jane!

He lied about it.
He lied about me.

What he did is unforgivable.

That's a little harsh.

Oh, so you think
infidelity is A-okay.

No. But I think it's possible

to stay friends with both individuals
when a couple splits up,

no matter what
the circumstances.

You're staying friends
with both Jake and Jo.

That's different. Jake
never cheated on her.

Alison, people have affairs.
It happens.

You have to deal with it.

How can you be so
casual about adultery?

I'm not being casual.

Look, this is stupid.
Let's just drop it.

So when is this little mixer?

Tomorrow night.

Well, you couldn't pay me to go,

but it'll certainly be
interesting to see who does.

Where did you
get so good at this,

over in Russia?

No. I was just a baby there.

Nikki, time for bed.

Put the game away, okay?

Go on.

Oh! Thank you, sweetie. 'Night.


She is terrific.

Actually, it's hereditary.

The whole Petrova family...
All terrific.

Have some coffee?


Thank you.

I've only known you
for a short time,

and you've been
a good friend to me, Matt.

I feel I can tell you anything,

that we can be
honest with each other.

I feel the same way.

I don't know
how to explain to you.

In Russia, there is a line
for everything.

Even for the most
stale bread, there is a fight.

Everywhere is hunger

and people who suffer,
young and old.

You see,

we were lucky to get out,

like one in a million.

We get on that plane
and we get back,

there are no more chances.

I'm sorry.

I'm talking in circles.

No, no, no. I understand.

I just wish there was
something I could do.


is $ , .

It's all the money
I'm able to get,

and I want you to have it if...

would you marry me?


I could pay you every week
from my check.

Uh, if we were married,

and I'm a permanent resident
and my daughter,

we could stay, and I could work.

I mean, this will be only
for a while, maybe two years?

We'll be very separate.

Katya, I don't want your money.

It's not a bribe.
It's compensation.

I don't care what it is.
I can't take it!

I'm sorry. I can't marry you.

I just can't.


I'm probably the last person
you wanted to see

after spending
the entire day with me.

No, no, you're not the last.

Can I come in?

So, to what do I owe this honor?

I want you to take
a look at these.

You want a beer?

I know you have mixed feelings
about modeling, but...

I'm meeting my obligations.

Whether I photograph well or not

doesn't matter to me much
one way or the other.

Well, you didn't just
photograph well.

You may not want to hear this,
but I'm gonna tell you anyway.

You photographed great.

You're a natural.
Take it from a pro.

Yeah, right.

This may not be
your first career choice,

but your success in it could
make all the difference

in getting what you really want,

like, say, another bike shop.

That Jo, she does do good work.

It's not about Jo.
It's about you.

You're the talent here.

And together, I think
we can really propel you

to the top of the field.

They're good.


You going to Michael's party?

Probably. Yeah. You?

I'm thinking about it.

Maybe we ought to go together.

Maybe we should.


I can't believe you are
going to Michael's party.

You're telling me I can't go?

Billy, if I wanted to go
somewhere and you didn't,

I would respect that and not go.

But I wouldn't
tell you to not go.

That would be your choice.

What? We can't occasionally
have a disagreement?

Of course we can,
but not on major points.

Like whether or not
we go to a party?

Like whether or not
to align ourselves

with someone
of Michael's character.

The guy didn't rob a bank.

Why are you being
so stubborn about this?

Because you're acting like we can't
have our individual opinions.

All right. Fine.
Have a great time.

And enjoy your individuality,

because you're going alone.

Not really. Matt's going.
Jake's going.

The men. Figures.

Some kind of bonding thing,
no doubt.


Wait. What are you
going to do tonight?

Make my own plans.


Hi, I'm sorry
to come by so early.

That's all right. Come on in.

Thanks. What's up?

Well, I assume
you've heard about

this party Michael's throwing.

Yeah. You going?

Jane, I'm your friend.

Of course, I used to be able to say
that about everybody around here.

Well, if it's any consolation,

I happen to know for a fact
that Jo is not going either.

So the three of us should get
together and do something fun.

I appreciate
what you're doing, Alison,

but the last thing I want
right now is a pity party.

This is not us trying to
make you feel better.

This is about friends wanting to
have a good time by ourselves.

I... I don't know.

We'll go get a bite to
eat, maybe go dancing.

What ever we want.
It'll be a blast.

All right. Let's do it.

Hey, Syd, we're
going out tonight.

A bunch of wild
women on the loose.

Do you want to come?

I can't. They're trying me out
tonight at this restaurant.

I told them
I had two years' experience.

Well, maybe we'll go there.
We'll leave a big tip.

No, don't.
I would be way too nervous

if you guys were watching.

And I want to make
a good impression.

All right. Next time, then.

For sure.

Whew. Hi.

Hi. Did you get the chips?

Yeah. Three
restaurant-size bags.

How's the guac coming?

I don't know, I've been
mashing it for half an hour.

It's still as lumpy
as the moon's surface.

You know, it's a scorcher
out there.

I'm going to have a little
something to help cool me down.

Place looks great, babe.

Yeah, all we need
to do is vacuum.

Man, look at this spread!
Hors d'oeuvres and everything.

You know, you didn't have to go
through all this trouble.

Could have had a caterer.

I can't afford
a caterer, Michael.

Hi, thought I'd come by early

and help you guys get ready.


That's very sweet of you, Syd.
How are you with the vacuum?

Pretty good. Can I have a sip?

Sure. Take it. I'll get another.


Mmm. And I brought over
a batch of guacamole.

Oh, no! Did you make some, too?

I sure did.

Well, you know,

you never can have too
much guacamole at a party.

Hey, Michael!

Hey, Billy boy.
How you doing, man?

Some shindig, huh?

Yeah. It's great!

Who are all these mystery babes,

friends of Kimberly's?

Oh, no, no. You spread the word
around the hospital

that a doctor's having a party,

and they come running!

I'm a lucky man, you know,

because Jane would never let me
have a party like this.

Hey, Tony, you cosmetic
surgeon extraordinaire, you.

He seems to have recovered
well from the divorce.

Yeah. No kidding.
A pretty good turnout.

Only a few no-shows.

Yeah, well... some people,
they can stay neutral.

Some people can't.

You mean some women?

So, you came with Amanda.
What's up with that?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe nothing.

Maybe something.

Dance with me.

Amanda, I think...

Excuse me.

Did you get the wrong invite?

'Cause this is a party,
not a funeral.

Yeah, it's great.

Come on.

Spit it out. What's eating you?

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

Go on. Give me a try.

You're familiar with Katya?

Yeah. The Russian intern. Sure.

She offered me
$ , to marry her

so she could get her green card.

Hey, man. Congratulations!

The perfect marriage!

No strings, no responsibilities.

Plus, you make a profit.
That's impressive.

Michael, it's not
that black-and-white.

Even platonic relationships

require some kind of commitment.

What are you talking about?

All she needs is your name.

I mean, big deal!

Some woman should get
a chance to use it, right?


Did I, uh, say something wrong?


No. Have yourself a great party.

You know what I like
best about us?


The way we fit.


Relax, Billy.
I'm just reminiscing.

So, where's your
significant other tonight?

Uh, she's doing some
stuff on her own.

Yeah. I think it's
healthy for couples

to do things by
themselves sometimes.

Mmm. Healthy, maybe.

Wise? I'm not so sure.

Do you mind?

No. Not at all.

So, um,

is it weird seeing so much
of someone you used to date?

Not really. Why?

Just wondering.

'Cause I hate it when a woman
carries a torch for one guy

when she's spending
time with another.

You're speaking hypothetically.

Oh, yeah.
Just, um, hypothetically.


Well, I don't know
about other women,

but, personally...

I always leave
with the guy I came with.

Everybody having a good time,

Excuse me.


Kimberly, having a good time?

Just swell, Sydney.

Sure is the life of the party.

Isn't he, though?

Oh, I think Michael's
totally sexy, don't you?

And he's a doctor.

So I hear.

So how do you know him?

I live with him.

Still can't believe it.

I thought better of Billy.

He's always been more sensitive.

Maybe he's just
reverting to type.

They're all cut from
the same cloth,

and they stick together.

You know who else sticks to them?

Men are such jerks.

Will you guys
excuse me for a minute?

Of course.

Robert. Hi. It's Jane.

Am I disturbing you?

No, actually, I just got back
from a late night at the office,

and I'm whipping up
a gourmet meal for myself.

Jane, are you still there?

Look, can I come over?


Great. Sure.

Come right over.


Okay, bye.

I wa... I was surprised
you called.

People can be surprising.


Come on in.

Um, I have some wine
in the refrigerator.

What is it?

Is there a conflict
of interest here?

Uh... no.

The case is closed.




You're home early. Was
the big bash a dud?

No, actually, it was
pretty hopping.

Lots of music, lots of people.

Lots of babes?

A few.

Why'd you leave?

Well, if you want
to know the truth,

I missed you.


I stopped at a -hour store.

They didn't exactly have
the greatest selection.

They're not exotic.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Thank you.

You're welcome.




You were right.

We are two different people,

and if we agreed on everything,

we'd make each other nuts.

Plus, we'd never get to make up.

I take back every rotten thing
I said about you tonight.

What did you say?

Never mind. Just kiss me.

Thanks for walking me up.

It's my pleasure.


Whew, it's cool in here.

Great fridge.

Gives the term "ice cold beer"

a whole new meaning.

It's a little late,
don't you think?

Oh, yeah!



So is this just
reserved for royalty,

or are you going to install air
conditioners in all the apartments?

Eventually. But I don't think
now's the time to discuss it.

Why not? I'm a tenant.

You're a landlord.

My apartment's probably an oven,

and yours is...


Much more comfortable.


It worked.

I'm interested.

Um, I'm afraid
you misunderstood me, Jake.

And I think you should go home.

Come on, Amanda. I've
picked up on the clues.

Let's stop playing games.

I don't know what
you're implying,

but I'm really tired
and I want to sleep...


I meant what I said.

Which time?


What do you want from me?

I danced with everybody but you.

Slight oversight.

I'm sorry.

I spaced out, I blew it,

so sh**t me.

Oh, that would certainly
make me feel better.

It's not funny.

What was that?

It sounds like it came
from the bedroom.



The room is spinning.

Guess she's going to
have to spend the night.

What am I supposed to do?

Drive her all the way home at : a.m.?
Forget it.

Fine. She can sleep on the sofa.

I have no intention
of giving up my bed.

I've got rounds in the morning.

Come here. Come here. Come on.

I feel sick!

Get her to the bathroom, quick.

Will you help me, damn it! Jeez.

Come here. This way.

Wait, not on my chest!

Tell me what's
going on in there.

Nothing. I'm just
a little sleepy.

I don't know.

I don't know what to feel.

I don't know what I want.

It's all a big blur.

I thought that

this would make me feel better.

And it did.

I mean, I needed
to feel desired,

to be touched.

But it didn't erase anything.


it's all still here

like it happened an hour ago.

Making love is many things.

But it's not time.

It doesn't heal wounds.


When I found out about Michael,

my first reaction
was to blame myself.

As if I had been a bad
wife or not enough of one.

And that meant that I probably
wasn't even a good person.

You're a wonderful person, Jane.

But somehow
that pain turned to anger

and... I thought...

"I didn't do
anything wrong here.

Michael did."

And I got tired
of paying for it.

Maybe that's why I'm here.

If you're apologizing, don't.

There isn't anyone else I'd
rather be with right now.

Hi, Nikki.


I like the white horse.

It looks like the prettiest one.

It is.

Mommy said I could stay up
here all day if I want to.

Oh, come on. All day?

Are you sure she said all day?

'Cause it's the last time.

We're going on a plane.

How do you feel about that?

Mommy doesn't want to go.

She says it's going to be hard,

and we have to be
extra careful with money.

And there isn't a carousel
like this one there.

Say cheese!

Cheese! Cheese!

Let's go. Quickly.

Hold tight, there.

Up, two, three.

I'm surprised to see you here.

Well, you said it was your
Sunday morning ritual.

Yes. Keep tight. Okay?

So when do you leave?

This Saturday.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.


I don't know about you,
but I'm exhausted.

Yeah, well, at least you don't
have rounds this morning.

How's Shirley Temple?

I have no idea.

Don't you think you'd
better check on her

before she breaks something?

Ha ha.


Syd, are you okay?


You need anything?

I could use a towel.


Michael, your eggs are done.

See you at breakfast.

♪ ♪
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