04x15 - Taillight's Last Gleaming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x15 - Taillight's Last Gleaming

Post by bunniefuu »

I told my sister to tell her
these little rich kids she's
running around smoking pot with,

they get through this
hippie phase, their parents
are gonna set them up with jobs.

Your niece is a bright girl.
She'll be all right.

I said, "It won't be
like that for you."
[ Siren Wailing ]

‐ Oh, sh**t.
‐ [ Officer On Loudspeaker ]
Pull over.

I told you
about that taillight.

step out of the car
with your hands up.

Listen, I'm on the job.

Get your hands up
on top of that car.

Passenger side,
same thing, out of the car.
Put your hands up on top.

‐ Look, I said I'm on the job.
‐ Passenger side,
get out of that car now.

Put your hands up on top.

I'm a New York City
police lieutenant.
My shield's in my pocket.

All right, let me see it.
Take it out, slow.

Sorry about that.
Can't blame me
for being careful.

You know you got a taillight
burnt out back here?

You all right?

You stopped us like
you had my description
on a bank robbery.

All due respect,
you're gonna tell me
how to do a car stop now?

Officer, you get a good look
at this shield?
Yeah, I did, Lieutenant.

And I'm saying
V. T. L., Section 375.2,

a taillight out
is a "summonsable" offense.

Do me a favor, you wanna
to give me a summons,
give it to me,

but don't lecture me
on vehicle and traffic law.

I'm doing my job, sir.

How about you just
get this taillight
taken care of?

‐ Arthur, let's go.
‐ [ Police Radio Chatter ]

‐ How do you say that name?
‐ Sha‐manski.
You wanna write it down?

What's your name?
John McCaslin.

You sure you don't wanna
give me a summons?

The two of you
have a nice night.

Let's get out of here.

[ Engine Starts ]

[ Tires Squealing ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Could I switch seats with you?
It'd be a big favor.

Appreciate it.

Hey, Pop.

Aw, Andy.
Can I give you a kiss?

Will they throw us out?
Oh, my God.

I can't believe it's you.

[ Both Laughing ]

How you been?
How's Theo?

Oh, God,
he's‐‐ he's wonderful.

He had some health questions,
but he‐he's fine.

And Sylvia's good?
She's wonderful.
She's a wonderful mother.

You know,
I'm trying to understand
what's going on.

You know, I'm‐‐ I'm dead,
but I'm‐‐ I'm doing all right.

I, uh‐‐ I wish
we'd have seen you sooner.

We had a lot of sorrow
with your death.

Pop, we didn't see each other
too much when I was alive.

What's your inference
with that?

No, I'm just saying,
you know?

Nobody says I didn't make
any mistakes.

I would've liked
to have seen the baby
and Sylvia too.

That's all I'm saying.
I took you
for breaking balls,

my not seeing you
growing up.

It's a little late
about that, Pop.

I wish to hell
they'd let you
come over there, Andy.

The little guy, huh,
well, he's a real pisser.

And in 40 ways
he reminds me of you.

I never say that to Sylvia
'cause of the upset.

Did I just ruin something now
with my nature?

No. Anyways,
um, I gotta go.

If I offended anybody,
let 'em know
I try to curb it.

Yeah, I‐I don't know
how it works.

I love you, Pop.

Any opportunity,
any modification on my part‐‐

Love to Sylvia
and the baby.

Take good care of yourself
as you can.

My son.

He's a good‐looking boy.

I did something here.
They pulled him.

Is that it for him,
or is he coming back?

I can't talk no more.
Should've talked across me.

I can't talk no more.
I'm finished.

[ Phone Ringing ]

[ Ringing Continues ]


[ Sighs ]

[ Clears Throat ]
All right.

What is it, Andy?

Another bar stickup.
Civilian sh*t.

They're bringing him
to the squad room
from the hospital.

You were talking
in your sleep.
What did I say?

I wasn't listening very well.

I gotta go
talk to this guy.

Appreciate you being able
to help, Mr. Galasso.

Uh, coming in and all
being injured. Have a seat.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

‐ Hi.
‐ I want you to find out
who these guys are...

and what they‐‐ what they
were trying to prove.

What time did they come
into the bar, sir?

Ah, they come in about
a quarter after 1:00.

One orders a Jack Daniel's,
the other one a gin and tonic.

Had they been
in there before?

Well, if they cased the place,
I never seen 'em. I don't know
what kind of crooks‐‐

Jack Daniel's, he pulls out
this piece of crap,
looks like a .22.

Like I said,
they got a .25 shell casing
off the floor.

Okay, same difference.
It was a puny g*n.

I'm thinking it's a joke.
The other guy,
he don't have d*ck.

They go,
"It's a robbery."

"A robbery?
Who the hell do you‐‐

Get outta here before
I b*at your skulls in!"

And then jerk‐off
sh**t me in the head.

Only what happens,
the b*llet don't penetrate.

So, I'm pouring blood,
I jump over the bar,

"You yellow rat bastards,
I'll k*ll ya."

I'm chasing 'em around
until they, uh,
run out the back way.

You can give us descriptions?
Ah, the f*gg*t
sons of b*tches!

I'd like to rip
their hearts out!

[ Sighs ]

Ah, let me remember.

It was, uh, two, uh,

skinny white kids,
in their 20s.

One's got short hair,
a baseball cap.

Nothing special.
No, uh, mustaches or nothing.

What about what
they were dressed like?

Like I was checkin' 'em out.
The hell do I know
what they had on?

All right.
Regular clothes.

The douche bag with the g*n,

if I ran into him
in the subway,
I bet I could spot him.

We should get you
with a sketch artist.
You mind coming back in?

Well, I'd like to
try and get some sleep,
if I could.

Although, I‐I'm
so worked up about this.

How about we call you at noon,
Mr. Galasso? Have you
come back for a sketch.

‐ Yeah, yeah, all right, then.
‐ We really appreciate it.

Did you have any brothers
disappear at birth?

What do you mean?

Bobby, uh‐‐ [ Clears Throat ]
I'd like to catch
a nap myself...

‐ before day tour gets in.
‐ You going upstairs?

Get on this thing fresh.

I'm sick of these guys
making us look like jerks.

And they're willing
to use that g*n now.

Lucky for this guy
it was just a .25, huh?

You think anything would have
penetrated that head?

Let me see
if I can nap upstairs.

[ Sighs ]

Son of a bitch.

Excuse me. I'm looking for
either Detective Simone
or Sipowicz.

Ah, that's
Detective Simone.

Thanks. Detective.

Hi. I'm Eddie Hazel,
Midtown South.
How you doing?

Bobby Simone.
Are you working
on a bar robbery...

‐ from earlier this
morning down on Mott Street?
‐ You know something about that?

10:00 last night, sports bar
on East 38th Street's held up.

Could be the same perps.
So, you wanna
compare notes?

Yeah, sure. Let's go
into the coffee room.

Tell me your name again.
Eddie Hazel.

Call me Eddie.
You new
over there, Eddie?

Six weeks.
Just came over
from Transit.

Yeah. So how you like it
above ground?
Love it.

Hey, Gina.
Hey, James.

James, see that woman
in a wheelchair
in the vending area downstairs?

‐ I saw her with another woman.
‐ The woman was apparently
the victim of a con game.

‐ She's out $5,000.
‐ Wheelchair bound?

These scam artists, they're
always targeting the weaker.
That's the lowest of the low.

Let me get squared away
in the locker room, and then
I'll go down and see her.

‐ I'll talk to you later, Gina.
‐ Bye, James.

Gina, there'll be two officers
from the 111th by here
some time this morning.

If I'm not in my office,
have them go in there and wait.

Sure, Lieutenant.

Good‐sized crowd
is watching the Knicks.

These two come in
and order a gin and tonic
and a Jack Daniel's.

That's their thing.
Comes to find out, the bar's
got a betting pool going.

Bartender aims to pay off
after the game's over.

These two perps whip out
their little poop‐butt p*stol
and walk away with $1,500.

So, when you heard what went
down over on Mott Street‐‐

I wonder if these jokers figured
it was their lucky night.

Yeah, they're lucky.
They're lucky
this dude they sh*t...

didn't b*at 'em to death
with a barstool.

I'd like to
talk to that fellow.
Well, if it's cool with you.

Yeah. Here you go.

This guy, Galasso, he's got
a bit of an attitude,
but he wants to cooperate.

Okay. Bartender at Hondo's
named Bill McGregor.
Here's his home phone number.

You might have to push him
a bit. Behind the betting,
he was a little shy to open up.

All right.
Hey, uh,
tell me something.

What happened to your P. A. A.?
Well, if I can ask.

Attempted r*pe.
Scumbag cut her up.

Was he caught?
Our squad got him.

Way to go.
You know what?
She's still a pretty girl.

All right, uh, Bobby.

Thanks for the coffee,
and, uh, you take it easy, man.

You too, Eddie.

Let's one of us
catch these jokers, man.

And the white woman
took out a cellular phone
and called her boss,

supposedly a lawyer,
and asked what we should do.

He said bring the money
down to his office
and he would check on...

if it was counterfeit,
and then we'd be able
to split it.

You, the white woman
and the black girl
were gonna split it?

I mean,
I did talk to this man
on the phone myself.

He did sound like a lawyer.
He sounded like a lawyer?

Oh, God, Sis,
you're not that dumb.

Mrs. Duffy,
what did he say to you,
the man on the phone?

He said for us
to share the $60,000,

we should each put up
some money of our own
to show good faith...

‐ while he checked on
if the other was counterfeit.
‐ You weren't suspicious.

This had to be cash?
What does that even mean,
"show good faith"?

I can't explain.
That wasn't money
you could afford to lose.

These people are experts
at manipulating
people's trust.

They've probably
run the same scam
a hundred times.

Don't feel ashamed
you were victimized.
What happened next, ma'am?

The woman took
$5,000 from her bank,
or so I thought.

And then I withdrew mine.

Her taking her money out
first, that was part of
gaining your confidence.

And then the black girl
said she needed
a ride to her bank,

but with my wheelchair,
I should wait
at this coffee shop.

I was given this zippered bag
to hold onto in the meantime
with the $60,000.

Which was really
chopped up newspaper.

Oh, as soon as I got in the car,
I knew I'd made a terrible,
terrible mistake.

I'm gonna do my best
to catch the people
who did this to you.

[ Sighs ]
What are we supposed
to do now, Sis, huh?

How can I have peace of mind,
you living independent
by yourself,

if you let this happen?

Hey, Lombardi.
What's doing?
Yeah, I'm good.

Listen, uh, Eddie Hazel,
he came by the house
this morning. Uh‐‐

He's working
on some bar stickups?

Yeah, he gave me
a phone number on a witness
from Hondo's Bar.

And, uh,
I don't know, man.

I must have wrote down
the number wrong here,
because‐‐ What?


Ah, oh, could you
do me a favor then,
and check the 61?

Yeah, the guy's name
is McGregor. Psst.

What's going on?

Some detective from Midtown
South came over this morning,
looking to swap information.

So, there's a mix‐up
on this phone number of
a witness that he gave me.

Lombardi's saying,
"I'm surprised this jerk would
even give a phone number to"‐‐

Hello. Yeah.

Mm‐hmm. 2739.

What about the home address?
Is that on there?


So, what you were saying
before about this guy Hazel,
what's the deal with him?

Yeah, huh?
[ Whispers ]

All right. Thanks.
Thanks for saying it.

Yeah, take care.
What'd he say?

This Eddie Hazel,
he's pissed off half the squad
over there already.

He's an ex‐Transit cop
looking to set the world
on fire.

He's stealing collars
from his own guys.

Think him giving you
the wrong number's
on purpose?

Lombardi said that.
Said that's the kind
of silly crap that he's doing.

You got the legit number
and address there?

Bartender at a place
got hit a few hours before
this Mott Street tavern.

Let's check him out.
Surprise this assh*le detective
we found the guy.

Sergeant calls us at home,
says we're to come talk to you.

Yeah, good morning.
I wanted to talk to you
about the incident last night.

The incident?

I'm curious what was
going through your mind,

deciding a busted taillight
warranted me and my wife...

being treated like,
uh, Bonnie and Clyde.

Lieutenant, I regret
whatever the inconvenience
to your wife or yourself,

but we got to protect
ourselves out there.

You wouldn't be here
if I thought it was
about protecting yourself.

I can't help what you think.
Until I have control
of a situation out there,

how am I supposed to know
what I'm dealing with?

Do you feel the situation
was handled appropriately?

It's me who pulled
you over, sir. It's me
you got the beef with.

Officer McCaslin
can't speak for himself?

How about it?

Well, police have gotten sh*t
during car stops. We need to
protect ourselves.

‐ How long you been
on the street?
‐ Ten months.

Six and a half years.

Queens the whole time?
So what?

So what did you perceive
as so threatening
about me...

that you reacted
to the degree that you did?

Color of my skin?

I knew. I knew you
were gonna make this
a black‐and‐white thing.

You tell me one thing
I said out there to disparage
you or your wife racially.

The minute you pulled us over,
you didn't treat us
like two people.

You treated us like
two black people.
Uh‐uh, no sale.

Shut up.
And when you found
I was a lieutenant,

you talked to me
like a black lieutenant.

Hey, I take no crap out there,
not even from an off‐duty boss
wants to question the manner...

I'm doing my job
when he's in the wrong.

You're a meathead, Szymanski,
and a half‐assed cop.

This job is knowing how
to deal with people.
All due respect,

I don't need to stand here
and be called names.

Can I go?

Yeah. Yeah,
the both of you.

Get the hell
out of my sight.

[ Man ]
Bill McGregor?

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ Yeah, we're the police.

We need to talk to you
about the robbery last night.
I told all about that.

You mind opening
the door, sir?

Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz,
with the 15th Precinct.

I spoke at length
with a black detective
over at Hondo's.

Yeah, he said
you were very helpful
with the description.

We think that the
same two men held up
another bar after Hondo's,

and, uh,
we'd like your help.

By my help, I hope you
wouldn't look to do damage
in terms of my employers,

whatever else was going on
before we got robbed.

Nobody really cares
about the betting.

Tryin' to get the stickup team.
Why don't you tell
us what went down?

Like I told
the black detective,
these two guys come in,

they sit at the bar, they order
a couple of drinks, which they
nurse for half an hour.

When the ball game's over,
one of them pulls out
this pocket‐size p*stol.

.25, matte nickel finish.
They demand the money.
I give it up. They split.

There's something
you're not telling us.

What's with this shoulder rig?
You got a carry permit?

‐ No.
‐ No, you just collect holsters?

Where's the g*n
fits in this rig, hmm?

Behind the bar maybe,
where it might do some good?

Only why, if you got,
uh, what, a .45 at the bar,

why do you let these thieves
walk through the door?

‐ See how it don't make sense?
‐ So, if we start taking this
place apart, Mr. McGregor,

are we gonna find
any illegal firearms here?
What do you want from me?

The truth. Did you have
a g*n at that bar?

You use it to defend
against this holdup?

They took it.
The stickup guys
took your g*n?

‐ How did that happen?
‐ I froze up, all right.

That .25 in my face.

The other guy
comes around the bar to take
the money out of my hands,

sees I have a Colt 1911
down there.

Takes the g*n away from me.
You tell the other detective
this? The black detective?

No, you didn't?

So, they're out there now
with a .45 a*t*matic.

The minute she says
I'm supposed to take money
from my bank account...

to show good faith,
I walked away.
It's good you did that.

These swindlers
oughta be stopped.
They're brazen.

Well, given
they didn't succeed
in cheating you,

it'll be a tough case
to do anything with.

Excuse me, Diane. Ma'am,
are you talking about a black
and white team, two females?

Show a zippered bagful
of found money?

This is
Detective Martinez, ma'am.

Oh. Yeah, it's
a black‐and‐white team.

And the black girl
had some kind of accent.

‐ Jamaican. I don't know what.
‐ You can identify these women?

I looked very closely
at them both.

Yeah. Can I talk to you
a second, Diane?

‐ Pardon me.
‐ Excuse me.

You working something
we can put with this?

Yeah, I had a complaint
this morning,
handicapped lady.

Gave up five grand
to these scammers
a week ago.

That woman couldn't
pick out their photo.

Well, I can show
Mrs. Klein some mug books,

and if she picks somebody out,
you can show your complainant
a photo array.

I also want to talk
to the boss about a sting,
catch 'em in the act.

Maybe put you out
as a mark.

‐ Would you be interested
in something like that?
‐ Think I can pass for 65?

I was thinking, well,
you could, you know,
play like you're crippled,

‐ roll around in a wheelchair.
‐ Talk to the boss.

‐ But I can say you're
interested, right?
‐ Sure, James.

Mrs. Klein.

Would you come
with a minute?

Hey, Greg, you up for
a little overtime tonight?

We're gonna set on
some bars tonight.

What do you know
about the stickup team?

Couple of skells
been taking bars off.
Got some new a*tillery.

They can't be professionals.
They're leaving prints
on every glass they touch.

‐ No hits off those, huh?
‐ Plus they score a loaded .45
off one bar.

A few hours later
they go to rob a place
in Little Italy,

they use the same pissant
.25 they've had all along.

[ Simone ]
Well, it could be
different next time.

They broke their cherries
throwing a sh*t, maybe it's
gonna get good to them.

‐ Got any sketches on them?
‐ Fellas, topless bar
just got hit in Midtown.

There were sh*ts fired.
Vince Gotelli's involved.

‐ Is he hurt?
‐ I don't know. 38th and 7th.

‐ What did he say, 38th and 7th?
‐ Yeah.

Vince, you hit?
No, no, chest pains.

How you feeling?
Better than I did.

I think I hit one of 'em, Andy.
Two white males try to rob
the place, I intervened.

‐ They throw sh*ts.
‐ Both of 'em throwing sh*ts?

I got one of them, I think.
The one guy yelled, grabbed
his shoulder going out the door.

Then I went down, chest pains.

Could just be God
saying keep away
from these titty bars.

I had to use a phone.
I had to get to a telephone.

There you go, Vince.
Reach out and touch somebody.

Take good care of him, huh?

‐ Hey! [ Whistles ]
‐ [ Simone ] Oh, look at this.

What are you guys doing here?
Hold on. That's Vince Gotelli
from our squad.

We got word
that he was involved.
We come check on him.

‐ Was he sh*t?
‐ Chest pains, Eddie.

Well, why don't you
go keep him company,
hold his hand, huh?

You know, you're
some kind of jerk.
You had me going.

‐ What was your problem
giving me a wrong number?
‐ What are you talking about?

Yeah, you play whatever
kind of silly games
you need to play, Eddie.

Next time you give me
wrong information on a case,
me and you, we're going at it.

Be good to check
the emergency rooms
in the area.

Gotelli says
he might've hit one
of them in the shoulder.

I'll hear
what Gotelli's got to say
when I interview Gotelli.

So, this has got nothing to do
with getting these assholes
off the street...

before somebody
gets k*lled.

My mistake.
Look, why don't you say it
moving that way, all right?

Hey, thanks for
stopping by, Cap.

What's up, Arthur?
I, um‐‐ I need something
taken care of.

You're not big on
asking for favors.
It must be something.

You're pretty tight
with the chief of patrol.

‐ Pretty tight. What's up?
‐ I got pulled over
last night in Queens.

Cop breaks my balls
like you wouldn't believe.

I'd like to see
him sent somewhere
he has to earn his money.

How'd he break your balls?
Overreacts, number one.

Orders me and Lillian
over the top of the car
for a broken taillight.

I show my shield and this,
uh, meathead Szymanski...

starts in
like he's gonna write
the summons anyway.

So, you want him transferred?

Spent his whole career
in Bayside Queens.

The only black people
he sees are the ones
he pulls over,

wondering what the hell
they're doing
in the neighborhood.

He needs to do some time
in Brooklyn North...

or Harlem,
where he has to learn
to deal with everybody.

Understand who's a thr*at
and who's not.

‐ You sure this is how
you wanna handle it?
‐ I had him in here today.

Gave him a chance to fix it.
All this guy wants to do
is smart‐mouth.

Can you handle this
for me, Captain?

All right, Arthur.
I'll see what I can do.


Excuse me.
Can you help me?

Look at this.

It's full of money.
I found it at that bus stop.

There's no identification
with it?

There was just this
piece of paper. I don't know
what it means though.

Celtics, 60 "K."
Celtics is a basketball team.

It's probably gambling money.

What's the procedure
for something like this?
Can I get in trouble?

Excuse me, miss.
Is everything all right?

Yeah, I was just‐‐
I was trying to
help this woman.

I don't know what to do.
Look. I found it.
Oh, my God!

There's a note.
Um, I think
it's gambling money.

She can probably
keep it, right?

Listen, I will share this money
with you if you can help me find
out what to do so I can keep it.

I will share it
with both of you.

Uh, I mean,
I could call my boss.
He's an attorney.

I have a cellular phone
you can use.

Your boss will know
what to do?
Yes, call your boss.

I mean it, I want to share
this money with you both.
You're such nice people.

They went for our phone.
Get the recorder going.

‐ [ Man ] Yeah.
‐ Hi, Mr. Bennett.

Hey, it's me, Susan.

I'm here on 12th Street,
and there's this woman who found
this bag full of money.

And me and this other lady
were just sitting here trying to
figure out if she can keep it.

You know, you've
got a gorgeous ass?

‐ No, no I. D.
‐ I dreamt about your ass
last night.

Oh, great.
He says there's a good chance
you can keep it.

I can keep it!
Oh, my God, I love
this United States!

‐ What? Oh.
‐ What's he saying?

He says we need to make sure
the money hasn't
been reported stolen.

If we bring it by his office,
he'll make the legal inquiries,

‐ and return it to us
by tomorrow.
‐ I should do that?

‐ He can make
the legal inquiries?
‐ Wait.

I'm sorry.
I didn't hear you, Mr. Bennett.

Okay. He says if we're
each going to have a right
to this money,

we each need to put up
some money to establish
our legal claims.

I'm willing to do it.
And my bank's
just up the street.

Would you be willing
to do that?

I can put up $5,000,
if it means
we're gonna get 60,000.

All right.
Well, are you in?
I guess so.

This woman has information.

I know who did
those bar holdups.

I know where
they're gonna be too.

Right this way, miss.
Thanks, Simmons.

I'm Detective Simone.
Carl and Donny
Von Drehle.

They'll be on a bus
to Baltimore at 2:30.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

‐ What's your name?
‐ Theresa.

How do you know
that these are the guys
we're looking for?

Carl lives with me,

His d*ck‐brained cousin
comes to town,
got this handgun.

He talks Carl into going
and sticking places up.

You've been around them
talking about this?

They gotta get
half‐drunk beforehand
to even work the nerve up.

And I'm like,
"You guys are not
cut out for this."

Which one of them
give you the black eye?

Yesterday, they come in,
Donny's sh*t, crying,
bleedin' on the furniture.

I'm like, "That's it."
But Carl's got this big g*n
they stole, right?

No, he's a big deal now.
Gonna punch me in the face
in my apartment?

‐ Which one is this?
‐ Oh, that's Donny.

‐ That's the idiot.
‐ You got a picture
of the other one?

No, but I'm telling you,
2:30 bus to Baltimore.

That's the master plan
they came up with.

You expecting?
Man, oh, man.

‐ Port Authority Bus Terminal?
‐ Yeah.

we're gonna need you
to write your full name,

your address
and your phone number
down here.

‐ You ready to take these guys?
‐ Bus terminal's Midtown South.

Think we oughta
call up Eddie Hazel,
let him have this collar.

Thanks for coming in, huh.
Harold, can you make sure
Theresa gets out okay.

So, you got
some kind of clout, huh?

You get me transferred to
Bed‐Stuy, which is a toilet.

You got business here,

You turned my life upside down
'cause you think I'm a bigot.

I should take my best sh*t,

'cause you didn't get my best
out there on Bell Boulevard.

Go ahead, speak your mind.

What, you got
the place wired up? Huh?

I say the words I want,
you get me kicked off
the job altogether?

You were in the wrong,

Why are you doing
this to me?

It's like you said,
you pull somebody
over out there,

no telling who
you're dealing with.

Everybody, excuse us.

We're looking for
a missing girl. We're police.
We need your help.

We're gonna be coming up the
aisle showing you this picture.
Tell us if you've seen her.

do you recognize this girl?

‐ Sir, excuse me.
Does she look familiar to you?
‐ No.

Ma'am, do you recognize
this girl?

‐ How about you?
You ever seen her?
‐ Any of you recognize her?

Either of you fellas
seen this girl?

No. Sure?

‐ Does she look familiar to you?
‐ Do you recognize
this girl, sir?

Come here.
Stay calm.

Put your hands
up on the chair.

Keep your hands
on the chair right there.
Everybody stay calm.

‐ Stay in your seats, please.
‐ God, please, it hurts.

That was a friend of mine
you threw sh*ts at

so you just save your breath
about where it hurts.

What is this crap?
Hey, what the hell
are you doing here?

Yo, Eddie. You taking
a trip to Baltimore?

The bus is gonna be
delayed, like, 10 minutes.

Look, our squad caught
the call, all right?

The ticket lady
identified them
from our sketch.

You better explain yourself,
Simone. This look like
the damn 15th Precinct?

Hey, hey, we got a tip,
we moved on it.

I don't know what
you did in the tunnel
all those years,

but up here, that's what
you're supposed to do.

So you got your first grade?
The hell with the next man
trying to get his.

Is that the story, Simone?
I got my first grade
from a lot of hard work...

with my partners,
not humping other detectives.

Get your act together, Eddie,
or you're never gonna
be anything on this job.

You track down the third partner
in that con game?
Oh, no, not yet.

Black girl's given us
a number of addresses
and hangouts on him.

She really
wants to help herself.

‐ You did good work
on this, Diane.
‐ It was James's plan.

Captain? We need to talk?


On this cop's transfer,

I need to tell you,
I don't think
it was your finest hour.

Why is that?

The both of us know the job
has an Ethical Awareness

for this kind of cop
and this kind of situation.

The sensitivity class isn't
going to do it for this guy.

Arthur, if Szymanski's
like you say he is,

don't like black people
much to begin with,

plus resentful now,
from his point of view,
a black boss loused his life up.

Is that the kind of cop you want
walking around a neighborhood
don't need any extra problems?

So, you're concerned I'd be
lowering the quality of life
in Bed‐Stuy?

I'm just pointing out
what I know you know already.

As bosses, our decisions
have consequences outside
the rooms we make 'em in.

If you wanna discuss
the quality of policing
of black neighborhoods,

we can take that up in length,
but what's going on here...

is what always goes on
with the black man on this job
who asks for an accommodation.

It's assumed he's got
a hidden agenda.

Look, I came here asking
for you to look at using
your juice to hurt this guy...

and remind you that people
neither you nor I know
are liable to pay the tab.

Pretending it's about you being
black so you don't have to face
what it is you're doing,

that's on you.

Okay, okay.

Transfer him
to this precinct.
Transfer him here?

Yeah, that way I can deal
every day with the consequences
of the decisions we made here.

I think over time,

knowing the kind of man you are
at heart, might turn out good
for Szymanski.

‐ Might be good for you too.
‐ I think we've looked enough
into my heart and soul.

Is sending him here
acceptable to you?

I can make that happen.

Hey, Greg.
Hey, Abby.

You have a good shift?
Yeah, yeah.

We shut down one of those
"found money" con teams.

You just on your way in?
4:00 to 12:00.

Yeah. You like it there
in Anticrime?

Yeah, I do.

Greg, could you find time
for dinner sometime
in the next while?

Sure, of course.

Uh, what's the occasion,
just a pleasant meal
between friends?

Well, I hoped that it
was a pleasant meal...

that might result
in a special occasion.

Well, that's very mysterious
and interesting.

Well, I‐I'm not comfortable
being more specific.

Well, sure.
Um, just let me know
the day.

I got broad areas
of empty calendar.
Thanks a lot.

Have a good shift, Abby.
Night, Greg.

Have a good night.

What's going on, Andy?

[ Clears Throat ]

Uh, you think it's possible...

people that have passed on,
making contact with the living?

‐ You mean like ghosts?
‐ Yeah, more so by way
of your dreams.

‐ I don't know.
‐ [ Sighs ]

Me working these robberies,
Andy Jr. being k*lled
in a bar,

I can see rationally how
a dream might manifest
from that.

What happens
in the dream?

We're in contact.
Don't exactly get along.

Ah, I don't believe
it's possible.

I used to dream
about my wife quite a bit.

Never seemed to have
any particular meaning.

Me cooking meals for her,
taking her out on walks
and stuff.

So, she never came
with tips on horses to bet?
Nothing like that?


Something alcoholic?

We collared those guys
stuck you up.
Is that right?

Collared 'em on a bus.

Large vehicle.

[ Chuckles ]

I am so relieved.

You know
who's in the bathroom
that I brought with me?

Sylvia and the baby.

They're both
in the ladies' room. I told her
to keep his eyes covered.

To be truthful,
I‐I don't think
they should be present here.

Think I brought 'em
to expose Theo to liquor?

Look, I‐‐ I don't wanna
fight with you.

Well, I can't do nothing right.
I brought him to meet
his brother.

Think seeing me m*rder*d
is gonna make a happy memory?

[ Gasping ]

This is where
you were m*rder*d.

I just don't wanna
complicate it.

These murdering bastards.

What the system
lets walk around.

Dad, I don't wanna
complicate it.

I'm a police officer,
you understand that?

‐ It makes certain claims
on my time.
‐ Oh, here we go.

‐ These are the skells
k*lled you.
‐ Gee, Pop, really?

You think they'll stop
with k*lling you? This is
why I have to do this.

That's crap.

The balls you sit here.

‐ Great, Dad.
‐ You shut up.

You don't know nothing
how the world is.

Yeah, I was really
sheltered being m*rder*d.

Oh, my God.
What did I do?

What did I do?

‐ What's your problem?
‐ I gave you my seat
at the diner.

We're gonna be
lifetime companions?

That's Jesus Christ, Dad.
Congratulations pissin' off
Jesus Christ.

That's your boss?
He's traveling with you?

Dead as when he started.

‐ What did I do?
‐ What did I tell ya?

I don't recall.

Talk through me.
Talk through me.

Please give me another chance.

What did you just have?

I‐I loved him,
as bad as I am.

Oh, my poor boy.

[ Sniffles ]

Good boy.

Good boy.

[ Sniffles ]

Good boy.
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