04x12 - Upstairs, Downstairs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x12 - Upstairs, Downstairs

Post by bunniefuu »

‐ Thanks, Andy.
‐ Did you drink?

‐ Don't yell at me, all right?
‐ No.

I feel like,
if I could drink,
then I could be with Bobby.

So then you know
what that means.
But I want to be with him.

I'm gonna lose him.
Maybe I already did.

Whatever else is going on,
you can't add booze.

So just never
be happy, right?

When I drank,
I could work good‐‐

not feel like such a whore.

Don't talk like that.
You feel
how you feel, Andy.

Sending me back undercover,
shaking it up for Liery‐‐

It's like the‐‐
The job knew what I was.

Bobby, the squad‐‐
I was kidding myself
with all that.

You know what
you're saying's not right.

I want a drink.

Add hiding
to everything else.

Hiding's got a lot
of pluses.

[ Pager Beeping ]

[ Pager Beeping ]

The squad.
Me too.

You wanna stop home
and change?


[ Sniffles ]

Something's going on
inside of you.

Something's brewing up.
You gotta hold on.

Thanks for coming, Andy.

Don't drink.


We're over here.

Hey. What do we got?

Mike Zorzi‐‐
got in the middle
of a stickup.

Put down one of the perps.
The other one fled
on foot.

He gave me a description.
I put it out.

‐ Zorzi's off‐duty?
‐ He's workin' days.

You got an I. D.
on this D. O. A. perp?

How about this other guy?
That's Tony Moore‐‐
The singer.

Zorzi was giving him a ride
from the airport.

Tony Moore?
Yeah. Had a hell
of a sweet voice.

‐ Okay, thanks, Shannon.
‐ Okay.

Want me to start
a canvass?

How's it going?

Okay. What do you
want me to do?

Take down
the license plate numbers
of the cars in the area here.

They could have
parked along here
before ripping this guy off.

‐ Tony Moore, huh?
‐ Let's go talk to Zorzi.


So you guys drive in
from the squad?

We were having
a cup of coffee.

[ Radio Chatter ]

‐ Zorzi, how you feel?
‐ I knew him my whole life, man.

Hey, Detective.
Hey. We're glad
you're okay.

So how'd this go down?

[ Clears Throat ]
I stopped here
to get cigarettes.

I'm coming out,
two Spanish guys
got Tony out of the car.

‐ That one's got a g*n on him.
‐ All right, back up.

‐ You picked Tony up
from the airport?
‐ He had flew in from Vegas.

I'm half a bodyguard.
He would get paranoid.

You know, those $10,000 rings
he's got on.

‐ So you come out of the store.
‐ I draw my w*apon.

Tony's saying,
"Mike, sh**t the sons
of b*tches."

Scared out of his wits.

Before I know what,

the scumbag puts a couple
of rounds into him
point blank.

I pull off two sh*ts
and manage to take
the one guy down.

What happened to the second guy?

The second guy grabbed
the attaché case
that Tony's got.

He takes off running.
You fired at him?

Just wanted to see
how Tony was doing.
Then I went and called it in.

‐ What did he have
in the attaché case?
‐ Thieving scumbag.

I don't even know what
he thought he was getting.

The only thing Tony
kept in there was,
like, sheet music.

But you got a good solid look
at the second guy?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Gave Shannon a description.

All right, go to the house.
We'll get a statement.

Do you remember
"By Candlelight," Detective?

Tony and the Tremonts,
summer of '64?

There was a lot
of doo‐wop records out.

If I could carry a tune
I would sing it for you.

You would know.

Yeah. Yeah, all right.

Copy I. A. B. on all your fives.

Okay. So the D. O. A. perp
is a Joseph Vasquez.

He's got two robbery collars
with the same partner‐‐
Roberto Roca.

This Roca doesn't
fit the description
that Zorzi gave us,

‐ but, you know, we'll see
what he has to say.
‐ Anything off canvass?

Four different people
heard sh*ts.
Nobody saw anything.

M.E. says the D. O. A. victim
had cocaine residue
in his nostrils.

Tony Moore?

Did Mike Zorzi mention anything
while you were talking to him
during the night...

about Moore using coke?

He did find time to talk
about how tight they were.

Maybe he's protecting
his buddy's reputation.

One possibility.

Zorzi's gonna have to get

[ Sighs ]

‐ You want me to tell him?
‐ No.

Let's give him a chance
to tell us what
he left out.

Either of you
know Zorzi personally?

He wasn't a drinker,
about all I can say.

I never saw him
in the bars.
I barely know the guy.


Grew up on the same street
in the Bronx,

back when it was‐‐
[ Chuckles ]

Before he changed it.

Tony Mauriello, huh?
I can remember
those guys...

hanging on the corner,

Young kid. I couldn't think
of nothing cooler than that.

Excuse me, Zorzi.
We need a minute.

‐ Yeah, sure, sure.
‐ Hey, you guys are gonna
catch that other bum, right?

‐ That's our plan.
‐ Tony was a great guy.
He loved cops.

You know, he showed up
and sang at Rich Libey's
retirement racket.

Hmm. You get some rest?

Yeah, some.
Listen, I was gonna
come talk to you.

Tony being who he was,
you know,

there's probably
gonna be reporters, TV.

I want my name
left out of it.

We weren't planning
on talking to any press.

This other scumbag being
at large, I don't want to
put my family in jeopardy.

Let me ask you.
Tony Moore have a cocaine habit
you were aware of?

You saying there was coke
in his system?

You know, those stickup guys‐‐
Maybe they figured that's what
was in Tony's briefcase.

If I knew that,
I wouldn't hide it
from you fellas.

Well, listen‐‐
This is out of our hands,

but we're gonna need you
to get dole‐tested.

[ Laughs ]
Say what?

Hey, you know the way
this job is.

Anything involved
with dr*gs, you know.

‐ You don't mind, do you?
‐ Do I mind?

Listen, if Tony
had went into the john
at La Guardia...

and did something,
I don't know.

But what I could swear to is,
I never saw him use.

I never saw him
in possession.
He respected cops.

And he respected me.
He would never put me
in that kind of spot.

Well, you still need to go
to Health Services.

Miller, you hear this over here?
They figure me for a coke hound.

‐ Whoa, whoa. Hold on, Zorzi.
‐ No, no, man. You got it.

Hey, Sarge.
I gotta go over
to LeFrak City,

piss in a cup
to satisfy these detectives.

‐ Go pick up Bobby Rock, huh?
‐ Hey, Bobby. Hey, Andy.

What do you got?
D. O. A. dump job
over on Avenue "B."

They brought you guys in early
off that sh**ting
last night, huh?

‐ [ Sipowicz ] Yeah.
‐ Hey! You're sending Mike Zorzi
to get dole‐tested?

He risked his life
trying to save his buddy.

‐ Sarge, you know we can't
talk about the case.
‐ Who's the good guy here?

Nobody's making him a bad guy.

Well, then why's
he have to get doled?
He's 15 years on the job.

You mind just letting us
run our investigation
here, Sarge?

Thank you.

Next time we want to talk
to Zorzi we take him
up to the squad.

[ Sighs ]

Russell's upset.
She's looking not to drink.

She tell you
to tell me this?

No. I'm telling you
on my own.
So, what‐‐

You're not breaking any kind
of 12‐step secret handshake
here, giving her up?


You know, she comes
over to my place after
this assh*le Liery got it,

and she seems like she's
getting past whatever it was
that was hanging her up.

‐ What did she say that was?
‐ Something about being
unsure of herself.

She talked about...

flirting with boys
in high school,

showing off her figure.
Said she feels like a whore.

She told you that?

Well, what the hell
is she talking about?

She talking about
this Liery drugging her?

‐ Is that what she's
talking about?
‐ I don't think so.

All's I know,
she's gotta hold on.
Not drink on top of it.

Well, Andy, I can't
hold her hand no more, man.

And I can't stop her
from bringing the drink
to her mouth.

We should pick up
this Bobby Rock.

[ Kirkendall ]
Overkill‐type stabbing wounds.

The girl can't
be older than 17.

Is that an earring
in her navel?
One of those pierce jobs?

Yeah. Plus a couple
of tattoos.

If I'd set foot
in my parents' house
with any of this crap‐‐

Yeah, I know.

If I let slip a curse word
anywheres close to my old man‐‐

‐ Pow. Right across the mouth.
‐ Yeah, but it
taught you respect.

Yeah, no earrings in my navel.

‐ Did you find any I. D.?
‐ Nah.

Whoa! Check this out.

"Crush‐O‐Rama number 18,
starring Michelle."

Yeah, that's her.

What's "Crush‐O‐Rama"
supposed to mean?

I get the feeling
it's not from the "G" section
at Blockbuster.

Bobby Rock, Bobby Rock.

Have a seat right there.

What were you doing
last night?

I wasn't doing anything.

‐ No? You weren't hanging out
with your boy Joe Vasquez?
‐ Not last night.

You and Joe get tired
of robbing gas stations?

You figure you'll take off
this good‐looking Italian
for his jewelry?

‐ Not me.
‐ So then what were you doing
last night?

I was watching
the Knicks game on TV.

Watching the Knicks, huh?
Anybody with you?

‐ By myself.
‐ That's a bad break then,
for you.

Look, I wasn't with Joe
last night, okay?

But I tell you this‐‐

I wish I knew who it was...

who sh*t and k*lled him.
Oh, yeah? Why is that?

‐ I just would like to know.
‐ You and Joe Vasquez are tight.

You're sorry to see him dead.
I can understand that.
You know what I can't figure?

You all being so tight,
him doing this stickup
without you.

Look, if I was with him,
watching his back‐‐

I tell you this‐‐

It would be
a whole different story.

Yeah? Well, maybe you got
some idea who it was...

supposed to be
watching his back
if it wasn't you.

How about that, Roberto, huh?
Who it could have been
cut and ran...

while your buddy was
breathing his last breath.

[ Groans, Chuckles ]
I wish I knew that too,

because I'd be taking care
of it all by myself
without troubling you all.

That's not how
you should be looking
at this, Roberto.

The way you should be
looking at it,

you count yourself lucky you
didn't catch a couple of hot
ones in the chest yourself.

Do you hear what
I'm saying to you? Huh?

You count yourself lucky.

You don't go worrying
about who sh*t who.

Are we done?

You stand in a lineup?

If this assh*le will
let go of my jaw.


I'll stand in your lineup.

How's the coffee
this morning, Lieutenant?
I don't know, Cohen.

Roberto Roca's
not the guy,

and he's no help
with who else might've
been with Vasquez.

Well, Zorzi tested clean.
Well, that's
one good thing.

Desk downstairs
is sending a guy up.

Says he saw something
last night on Essex Street.

Anything else on
the cars that were
parked along there?

No. Diane's
still working on that.

They told me the detectives
are upstairs.
Yes, sir. Can I help you?

I witnessed a sh**ting
last night when I was
driving my cab.

Mm‐hmm. Where was this at?
On Essex Street.

I didn't report it
when it happened.
I apologize for that.

I'm Detective Sipowicz.
This is Detective Simone.
What's your name?

I'm Rajnish Prasad.

Let's go talk down here.

Thank you.

I made a right turn
onto Essex Street.

I saw an Italian man
running out of the market.

He was pointing a g*n
at two other men...

who were standing by
a car across the street.

The Italian sh**t twice,
hits one of those other men‐‐
a Puerto Rican.

Wait a minute.
You're rolling by, right?
It's night.

How do you take note
that one of these guys
is Italian,

the other one's
Puerto Rican?
I know that store.

The Koreans own that store.
They can barely
speak English.

They barely even try.

Anyway, when I
see this happening,
I wonder if the owner...

had chased a thief
out into the street.

But the man in the doorway
is white.

Not Korean.
And how do you know
he's Italian?

I've seen enough
of them to know.
Believe me.

Get in the cab, they don't
have a polite word to say.
Give you 25 cents for a tip.

Are you sure on
the number of men you saw
standing by the car?

Two men.
My impression‐‐

The Puerto Rican was
robbing the other one.

My first week driving a cab,
a Puerto Rican boy stuck
a g*n to my head.

Welcome to New York.
You see anyone fleeing
the scene, Mr. Prasad?

No. Nobody was fleeing
the scene.

Was my impression right?

The Puerto Rican
was robbing the other one?
We're piecing that together.

Because even so,
that's no excuse...

for the Italian
to sh**t him in the street
like John Wayne.

Robbery should be
handled by the police.

Without law,
we don't have a city.
We have a jungle.

Thanks very much
for coming in.

We may call you
in a few days.
You're welcome.

[ Sipowicz ]
Thank you.

The other way.

We gotta call
that assh*le Baumgartner...

and have him let us know
when Zorzi gets back.

Ask him about what
this guy's saying.

[ Man On TV ] You ready?
[ Woman On TV ]
Yeah. Yeah?

Go. Here you go.

I got it.
Wow. Look at that.

This is so sick.
[ Woman Laughing ]

‐ I don't understand
the turn‐on.
‐ Something to do with feet.

How do the worms fit in?
I mean, who'd pay money
to watch this?

Well, if this
Crush‐O‐Rama 18 guy's
obviously selling things‐‐

Fast forward to the end.
Maybe there's a mailing address.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Guy that's coming up referred
over by Missing Persons.

‐ He registered his daughter
last Thursday.
‐ [ Kirkendall ] Thanks.

‐ "Michelle Mirren."
‐ Oh.

‐ Hey, James, check this out.
‐ What were you
thinking about, Michelle,

when you were crushing
that little worm
into a grease stain?


I don't know.

What kind of warped
piece of garbage
is that?

‐ Something to do with feet.
‐ I'm gonna go see Gina.

Here. Here's the post office box
at the end of the tape.

We can trace the guy
through this.

Turn off the tape.

Ah. I'm Walter Mirren.

Detective Kirkendall.

Missing Persons said you
might have some information
about my daughter.

If you could answer
some questions for us,

that would really
be helpful.

Detective Medavoy,
Walter Mirren.
How do you do?

My daughter
is Michelle Mirren.
She's missing.

Mr. Mirren,
do you have any idea...

if someone
might have wanted
to harm your daughter?

Uh, no.

If she was dating anybody,
it was in spite of me.

I'd given her a curfew
because of, uh,

disciplinary problems.

How about girlfriends?
School friends?

Turn around,
she's 16 years old.

Everything's an argument.

Her mother, uh‐‐

We divorced six years ago.
She moved across country.

Keeps no kind of relationship
with Michelle.

So in terms of friends
we might talk to‐‐

Uh, one girl came by the house.

Tattoos on her arms.
I hit the roof.

Do you recall that girl's name?
No. I didn't want
to know it.

Did Michelle mention about
any friends involved...

in making videos?
You mean at school?

Oh, anywhere.
You know,
just goofing around.

No, I don't think so.

Are you, uh‐‐
Are you hopeful...

you might be able
to locate Michelle?


I have to tell you
a girl's body's been found
which could be your daughter's.

[ Exhales ]
Oh, no.

I have a photograph
I'm gonna ask you to look at.

You need to prepare yourself
for the possibility
it's Michelle.

Oh, no.

[ Weeping ]

Here's some water, sir.
[ Sobbing ]

Just got back from ballistics.
Baumgartner said you
wanted to see me.

You mind coming upstairs?
Did you get those
test results back?

This isn't about that.
But you know
I wasn't lying, right?

I just heard Mike
tested clean for dr*gs
and alcohol.

Of course I tested clean.

He tested clean. Now we need
to talk about something else.
Come on, Zorzi.

‐ Call your delegate.
‐ Hey, Sarge, give us a break.

‐ Guys wanna act
like their I. A. B.
‐ I. A. B.?

Listen, we got some
information that we need...

to clear up with you
about what went down.

Call your delegate, Mike.

We got a witness that saw
part of what went down,

and we need to talk to you
about some of the details
that you told us about.

‐ What witness? Some skell?
‐ Hey, will you stay
out of this?

I'm gonna go call my delegate.
I think I should do that.

Is there some reason that you're
looking to impede this
investigation, Sergeant?

He's got rights
just like anybody else.
Why are you breaking his balls?

'Cause he's just
a uniform cop?
Aw, come on.

You're doing Zorzi
a big favor stirring
this thing up like this.

Been in this precinct
seven years. I bet you can't
tell me his wife's name.

Stop breathing booze
in my face.

You think I'm drinking?
You wanna piss‐test me too?

Come on,
put your hands out.

[ Chuckles ]

Good for you, Andy,
not going off.

[ Sipowicz ]
Digestion, blood pressure‐‐

Everything's gonna be
out of whack the whole
rest of the day...

'cause I walk without
hitting this turd.


I got it.

You just call me
an assh*le, Mackey?

Yeah, you call me an assh*le
with my back turned.

Now I'm here in front of you,
you got nothing to say, right?

What am I supposed
to say to someone
looks to hurt his own?

No one is looking to hurt Zorzi.
Why don't you go up
to the squad?

I don't know.
My shield says
New York City Police,

so if I wanna go upstairs,
I'm gonna go upstairs.

If I wanna stay right down here
in front of your face,
that's what I'm gonna do.

Any more?

No one is looking to hurt him.

[ Knocking ]

Police. Can we talk?

What did I do this time?

Your post office box
is on a videotape
we've been tracking, Larry.

Mind if we come in
and talk a minute?

Yeah. All right.

Which one of my videos
we talking about?
You knew Michelle Mirren?

She run away
from her dad finally?
She's not here.

What do you know
about her and her father?

She said they fought a lot.

When was the last time
you saw her?

Uh, couple days ago.

I gave her a copy
of my new crush tape
she starred in.

‐ We've seen your crush tape.
‐ How'd you like it?

Michelle's cute in it,
isn't she?

Obviously she
didn't understand totally
what the fetish is all about,

but, uh, she went with it
pretty good.

[ Medavoy ]
You mind coming
to the station, Larry?

Tell us more
about your relationship?

Our relationship was,
I paid her $200
to squash earthworms.

What's it about?
Has something happened to her?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Bad?

Michelle was m*rder*d,

Uh, talk to her boyfriend.

I got his number right here.

Here, talk to him.
He's the one, actually,
I paid.

He answered
an ad I took out
looking for models.

He was turning her out.

Will Scheltema.
That's his number.

He's big into tattoos,
body piercing.

Maybe some kind
of illicit substances also.

We still need you to come
to the precinct.

You got some more boxes
we can take these tapes in?

Wait. Why do you have
to take the videotapes?

'Cause it's a m*rder
investigation, Larry.

I don't think you
can just take my tapes.
I got mail‐order customers.

Business is on hold
for a while.

You wanna radio
for a couple of uniforms,
help us load these up?

I understand
your client's concerns.

We can't detail
what items were recovered.

No. No. No discussions
of possible suspects.
Nothing like that.

Trish Taylor‐‐
Her car was parked
on Essex...

maybe 120 feet
from the sh**ting.

‐ She lives in Long Island City.
‐ She knows about the homicides?

Watching about it
on television
when I showed up.

Just keeps saying
why can't her car
be on Essex Street...

‐ and acting jittery.
‐ Can you take her into 1?


Mr. Green, realizing how I do,
what with you being a lawyer,

you're probably all involved
with this case emotionally.

I won't take offense,
you inferring
I'm a crook.

Just end our little chat
suggesting that you kiss
my Polish ass.

Aw, sleazebag shyster.

He says Tony Moore
had possession of
substantial cash...

off winning football wagers.

If we recovered that money
he knows that number,

and all of it
had better be there.

Now, does that sound
like Tony's a courier
for mob money to you?

Diane just brought in this girl
from Long Island City.

Won't say why
her car was parked
on Essex Street last night.

It's not enough
you guys are crucifying
Zorzi professionally,

you want to ruin
his marriage too?

Hey, what is
your problem now, Sergeant?

‐ Don't try to be slick.
‐ About what?

Nothin'. Up yours.

‐ In the coffee room.
‐ Did Baumgartner see
this girl come in?

‐ Yeah. Yeah, and it looked
like he recognized her too.
‐ Did Zorzi see her?

No, he wasn't down there.
She connected with Zorzi?

‐ It's worth a question.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Where you going?
‐ I gotta go somewhere.

I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

You know, I can't
understand this.

Why can't I park
on Essex Street?

Uh, how is that
a police matter?

Your car was identified
last night at the scene
of a double sh**ting.

Why were you parked there,
you living so far away?

Why can't I park
on Essex Street?

[ Simone ]
Let me be honest.

You're in a grave situation.
Obstructing a homicide

That makes you complicit
in the crime.
I could go to prison?

If you hold back information
that you know to be relevant,

yes, you will be locked up,
because we're gonna do
what we have to do...

to find out the truth.

Why'd Mike want
your car there?

‐ I don't know what
you're talking about.
‐ Sure you do.

‐ No.
‐ Why did he want it there?

He just told me to park
the car there by 10:00,

and then to come back
and pick it up
at 4:00 a. m. this morning.

That's all he told me.
And you did park it there
like he asked?

He said he needed to use the car
to take care of some business.

The next couple of minutes
are really important minutes
in your life, Miss Taylor.

You have to be honest.

[ Taylor ]
That's all he said.

And he said that it
was gonna be good‐‐

That things were
gonna be good for us
once he took care of this,

and I wasn't supposed
to ask him any questions.

He was gonna leave his wife.

Our lives were gonna change.

[ Groans ]
When you picked up...

your car from Essex Street,
did Mike leave anything
in it?

‐ No.
‐ No?

Mike came back at 6:00
this morning,

and he went into the trunk
and he took out a briefcase.

I mean, he didn't even
come into the house.
He just‐‐

I heard him drive up.
He got out, he went
in the trunk.

Got the briefcase
and drove away.

Am I under arrest?
Sit tight for a few minutes.

All right‐‐
[ Indistinct ]

This lying bastard Zorzi.
We gotta go pick him up.

In the corner?
Yeah, thank you.


‐ You been outside,
last little while?
‐ No. Why?

You might want to check
on your car.

What happened to my car?

‐ Andy, I'll run it
for the boss.
‐ Yeah.

Son of a bitch.

I don't believe this.

Who's the yellow
son of a bitch
scratched up my car, huh?

None of youse got the balls
to stand up for what you did?

Don't mess with my car.
Mess with me.

Write "rat" on me.

You scratch up my car?

What? You don't got guts enough
to open your mouth?

Look, I understand you're
pissed off, but I didn't
scratch up your car,

‐ and I ain't taking no abuse.
‐ Who scratched "rat" on my car?

Andy, back away from me.
Or what?

‐ Or you'll find out what.
‐ Stay on the landing.

Stay where you are, Bobby.

Back up. Back up.

handle your people.

Cool out, Andy.
Gutless hump scratched my car.
I thought you were a decent guy.

It wasn't me.
Andy, upstairs.

You think we're looking
to hurt your guy?

He's an assh*le,
and I still won't
put the bracelets on him.

Come on. Let's go. Step back.

Screw you guys.
shut your mouth.

Oh, that's right, Baumgartner.

It's starting to dawn on you,
you backed the wrong horse?

‐ [ Man ]
‐ How you doing?

We got the warrant
for Officer Zorzi's home.
Who's coming with us?

‐ Detectives Sipowicz and
Simone, if that's all right.
‐ Yeah. Fine.

By the way,

Making first grade.

Understand this case you fellas
have been getting a taste
of what we get every day.

"The Rat Squad."
Hope that don't mean
you're gonna want...

to hold hands
on the way over.

[ Kirkendall ]

Greg and I got a hit
on the alarm we put out
on that dump job.

D.O.A.'s boyfriend
is in 3.
How'd he turn up?

He took a collar last night
in the 27 for a traffic stop.

They found coke
in his car.
It's your catch.

‐ How do you want to handle
the interview?
‐ I'd like to try him.

If he has
a problem with me,
I'll hand off to Greg.

‐ All right.
‐ Great.

Thanks, Harold.

So where we going now?

Did you get high
last night, Will?

Look, what can I tell you guys
to get out of this, huh?

I mean, I can tell you
who I score from.

No. Why don't you
tell us about Michelle?

Your girlfriend.

[ Sniffs ]

All right. Well, uh‐‐

I mean, that
I can tell you about.

Go ahead.

All right. Uh‐‐

Michelle was over
my place last night,

and, uh, she'd never
sniffed coke before.

So I thought she should
experience that, you know?

I mean, she hadn't
really experienced much
before she met me.

But then
she just flat‐out refused.

She thought she'd get,
like, instantly addicted
or something, you know?

And she's looking at me,
you know, with this look
in her face.

I remember getting really angry
that she was refusing
to do it.

‐ I mean, like, really
on the verge of anger.
‐ Then what happened?

That's not a place
I want to be at.
You know, that kind of anger.

‐ Was the coke
pushing you there?
‐ I wouldn't let it happen.

What I did was, I, uh,
walked outside...

and I walked
around the block‐‐
I don't know‐‐

like, three or four times.

And, uh, tested myself.
Made sure I'd cooled out.


I don't know.
Must've been, like,
20 minutes or so...

and I went back upstairs.

Like a half hour.


She was, uh,
lying on the floor‐‐


with, uh,

all these holes
in her chest.

Somebody must have
broke in and stabbed her.

What it must have been.

You know that's not
what happened.

No, it is.

That's exactly
what must have happened.

How'd her body
get in that Dumpster?

Uh, well, with that, I‐‐

See, I just kind of‐‐
I don't know‐‐
I kind of freaked out.

You know, when I saw her
I didn't know what to do,
and, uh‐‐

And so I took her
and I put her in there.

I mean, I know that
that was wrong,

and that was why
I was driving around
so upset afterwards.

But I didn't k*ll her.
I mean, I swear
I didn't k*ll her.

You felt something
for this girl?


Well, I'm looking at these
photographs here‐‐
what was done to her.

Do you want
to go into court,
they show these pictures,

and it looks like
you just cold‐bloodedly
k*lled her?

I've heard
how it can be with coke.

You do things.

It's like
a blackout almost.

And it's like
someone else did it.

Was it like that?


It was.

What did you
s*ab her with, Will?
A screwdriver.

I'm telling you, man,
I don't remember doing it.

Will, do you remember
and just feel awful?

Like you'd do anything
if it hadn't happened?


You want to write it down
for me?

Yeah, but I‐‐
In a minute.


My wife's been in and out
of private hospitals.

Five different shrinks.

The expense is incredible,
apart from just
the pressure of that...

and trying to find
my own happiness.

So I made this plan.

Tony was like a courier,

and him knowing
it was the mob's money,

I knew there's no way
he's gonna give it up
to Joe Vasquez,

which meant I knew
what I was gonna find
when I came out of that store.

You'd predetermined you were
gonna k*ll Joe Vasquez‐‐

And Tony?
And when I was
inside the store,

I put a glove on my left hand.

So after I sh*t Vasquez,

I ran up, got his g*n,
and I sh*t Tony twice
with that.

Also part of the plan?

You see, this plan
just took hold in my mind.

It was like an obsession.
I spent months planning this.

How you were gonna
m*rder your friend,
and lie to the people...

‐ that you work with.
‐ Detective.

Tony used to torment me
with that money he was moving.

We'd be in the car‐‐
"Hey, Mike.

"You ever seen
a million dollars?

Go ahead, feel it."

But still, see,
that's where it fell apart,

because after
I had ex*cuted my plan‐‐

and gotten away with it‐‐
the thing that really
bothered me...

‐ was what I'd done
to my friend.
‐ Your friend Tony.


Detective Sipowicz,
I'm gonna ask you
to refrain...

from this part
of the questioning.
Yeah, sure.

So, Tony's dead,
you sh*t Vasquez.
Now what?

I put the attaché case
in the trunk
of my girlfriend's car.

I tell you, if I'd have just
left the country
with that million dollars,

I'd be long gone,

and you guys
would be sitting here...

scratching your balls.

But smart like you are,
you figure you'll get away
with no one suspecting,

right, Zorzi?

That's why I came up
with the second robber
getting away with the money.

‐ Yeah, your phantom
Puerto Rican number two.
‐ Detective!

You're right.
Let me get the hell out of here,
breathe some clean air.

You hear this moron?

What I didn't figure
was you finding out
about Trish.

Oh, yeah, that was a tough one.

He didn't figure
that we would canvass
the plates...

at the crime scene.

That caught me by surprise.

I should have never let her
be part of this.

Didn't figure
we'd come up with Trish,

didn't think we'd tear down
this phantom Puerto Rican
number two‐‐

which took us about 27 minutes,
you murdering scumbag nitwit!

Will someone shut him up?

I'm all right.
I'm all right.

I'm all right.
I'm all right.

‐ Zorzi's going?
‐ He's in there with I. A. B.

‐ No remorse at all.
‐ All my heart
I thought you guys...

were on the wrong track.

Probably I. A. B.'s gonna want
to make it look like
they cracked the case, huh?

So now it's you and us,
right, Baumgartner?

Stand‐up cops
against the Rat Squad?

You notice any stripes
on my arms, Sipowicz?

You never gave a damn
about Zorzi.

You're a mean drunk‐‐

Decides the shift agitating
over Zorzi is how you're
gonna make people miserable.

And you can shove
those stripes up your ass.

Nothing worse
than a reformed souse.

Before you get
all disciplinary, Sarge,

you just remember
that you invited
Detective Sipowicz here...

to cup his hands for you,
and I was the witness.

Now my insides in an upheaval,
the nighttime too,

not hitting this imbecile.

Hey. I been beeping Russell
the last couple hours.

I'm worried over her.

Hey, uh,

I gotta take
a rain check.


I understand.

I'm gonna look where
her and me had coffee.

Let me go to that Patrick's.

Where she was at
with Liery?

Yeah, that could be.



Me and Andy‐‐
We been looking
all over for you.

I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
You're all right.

Something's wrong.

I'm okay.
I haven't been drinking.
That's good.

Something's wrong.
[ Whimpering ]

Come on.

I'm gonna put
some water on right now.
I'm gonna make some tea, okay?

I just want to sit down
for a minute.

You go ahead. Do that.


What do you think's wrong?

'Cause it's frightening.

I don't know.
I don't want a drink,
but I feel...

like I'm almost dizzy,
and afraid, like things
don't exactly look real‐‐

Like, I'll look at you
and I know you're
next to me,

but then it
looks like you're
15 feet away or so.

Diane, I need you to try
to take it easy for me
a little bit.

I left because it was
happening in the squad,

but then it was happening
while I was walking around.

I'm glad you came over here,

but I want you to try
and take it easy, all right?
I'm scaring you.

No. Not at all.

I don't want to be
like this forever.
I can't stand it.

Hey. Come here, come here,
come here, come here.

[ Sobs ]

What is it?
Hmm? Can you think
of what it is?

Can you tell me what it is
that's scaring you?

I think something happened.

With Liery‐‐
When he drugged you that time.


Something happened, Bobby.

Yeah, we're gonna
get through it.


Don't you doubt
that I love you.

I'm sorry for what I did.

I‐I didn't mean that
to happen.

No, Diane, it was the job
that put you through that.

You didn't ask
for what happened there.

If I led him on.
If I was a flirt.

No, no.

I just didn't
want him to yell,
so I must have flirted.

This guy‐‐
He broke bad with you, right?

He broke bad with you‐‐

I didn't know‐‐

I didn't know
that would happen.

I was only 12.

I didn't know
that would happen,

and I don't
even think I flirted.

Oh, Diane.
I just‐‐

I, uh‐‐
[ Sniffles ]

just woke up
and he was finished.

I‐‐ I just‐‐

I didn't want him
to yell at me
like Mom and Dougie.

It's okay.

I must have flirted,
but I don't think I did.


It's out now.
You know, you got it out.

I had to keep a secret.

Daddy's pretty pet.
You got it out.

I don't want
to be this way.

I can't stand if I'm gonna
be like this.

[ Sobbing ]

I'm gonna hold you.
I'm gonna hold you.

I want to hold tight
to you.

Hold tight.

I'm right here.

You're gonna be all right.
We're gonna be all right.

You're gonna be all right.
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