04x10 - My Wild Irish Nose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x10 - My Wild Irish Nose

Post by bunniefuu »

Is that a detective?
Yes, uh‐huh.


I have to get to work,
but, um, I want to report
a b*llet in my wall.

Well, why don't
we talk over here?

No, no. I have to
get to work.

But I'm saying this person
has had fights and
loud arguments and music.

And he frightens you,
even politely asking to be
considerate in the hall.

Tell me about the b*llet.
Four nights ago, there was
a noise from his apartment.

Which he says is electrical.
He says it's
a kitchen appliance.

But then last night,
I found a b*llet
in my wall.

And that was the noise
from his apartment,
and he knew this all the time!

Ma'am, I want you to try to
calm down, because we're
absolutely gonna look into this.

I've had it.
I can't stand this anymore.

I need your name
and address.
James Liery, 4‐C.

‐ That's his name?
‐ 854 Mercer.

‐ And what's your name?
‐ I'm not saying.
I have to get to work.

Ma'am, I need to look
at the b*llet in your wall,
and I need your name.

James Liery,
and he's a dangerous man.
I'm sure he's a criminal.

I'll get sh*t
or die from fear.

Did you hear what
that woman just said?

[ Clears Throat ]
Dying from fear?

Found a b*llet in her wall.
Says James Liery put it there.

[ Sighs ]

How's it going?

That kind of complaint, if we
can't access the apartment,
do we still take a case?

[ Shakes Sweetener Packet ]

Would you, uh,
mind if I worked it?

No, uh‐uh.


How are you gonna do
at your promotion ceremony?

Just gotta try not to trip.
[ Chuckles ]

I gotta go someplace.

Detective, clerk grabbed this
kid walking out a silk shirt.

Ah, expensive taste, huh?

What's your name?
Marco Ramirez.

Tell the detective
what you told me.

I know where a body's at, but
you gotta drop the shoplifting.
Thanks, Donny.

Come here. All right, uh,
the body's where you say it is,

and you're not the one
put it there, you got a deal.

All right, then.

There's a dead man laying
on the floor in apartment 3‐D,

947 Fourth Street.
How'd you come to know this?

Some guy brought me up there
saying he was gonna give me
a boom box,

only the son of a bitch
ain't give it to me.

‐ What's the guy's name?
‐ Some guy I met on the street.

Tried telling me that dead man
was just drunk, but he was dead.
His eyes was all weird.

[ Martinez ] What were you
supposed to do for the guy
to get the boom box?

‐ Who said I was gonna
do anything?
‐ How old are you?

‐ Sixteen.
‐ No, you're not.

‐ Well, not yet. I'm 15.
‐ I don't think you're 15.
Where do your parents live?

‐ Don't have none.
They're dead.
‐ You dealing dr*gs?

So you're on the street?

And you're gonna let
this boom box guy...

get over on you so you
could get AIDS and die?

I'm taking care of business.
I'm making a living.

Yeah, you're doing great, kid.
You don't know nothing.
You're a damn fool.

Okay, Marco, you're gonna
stay here and, uh,

we're gonna check out the corpse
at the apartment you gave us.

We're going out to look
for a possible D. O. A.

When he gets in,
can you tell the boss?

Where you putting me?
The youth office.

‐ Detective Sipowicz.
‐ Walter Hoyt.

Those bastards
stole my paintings.
Which bastards?

Two years' work. They ransacked
my place, stole my paintings...

so I wouldn't be a witness
at that m*rder trial.

That bastard Frank Pisciotta
sent 'em.

There's no question in your mind
it was Pisciotta?

I went and saw him at his
restaurant. He just about
admitted it was him.

You could've gotten
yourself stomped, Walter.

Pisciotta said
he'll make some calls, and
if he gets my paintings back,

then I should go
see the great art in Italy.

He'd buy the plane ticket?
He'd have the ticket
with the paintings.

[ Sighs ]

Walter, we want to convict
Pisciotta's soldiers
for that m*rder you saw.

But I know how important
them paintings are to you, so,
you gotta do what you gotta do.

Well, I was thinking.
When I go to Pisciotta
to get my work back,

maybe I could be wearing
one of those body microphones.

Get him to incriminate himself
so you guys can arrest him.

That'd be a plan.

Man, smell that grease.

Why do people eat
all that fried food?

I like fried eggs.
I fry my burgers.

You shouldn't.
Too much fat.
I shouldn't eat hamburger?

[ Men Chattering ]

How's it going?
Yeah. Good.

[ Chattering Continues ]

[ Man ]
How much you want for that?

[ Man #2 ]
Four bucks, four bucks.

Hands over your heads!

Get back, everybody. Back.
Turn around.
Hands against the wall.

Who's the dead guy
on the floor?

Who's that on the floor?

It's his place, I guess.
I got nothing
to do with this.

I just come up here
to buy some stuff.

‐ [ Medavoy ] Who's auctioning
this stuff off?
‐ Him.

[ Medavoy ]
Him? Get down.

Me and him.

What's your name?
Arnie Schreiber.

What happened here?
How'd that man die?
I don't know.

Heart att*ck?

Get down.

What's your name, pal?
Tommy Mullen.

I wasn't here. I don't know
what happened to him.

It doesn't bother you?
Auctioning off effects
in the corpse's presence?

We don't know the man.

Oh, oh! I didn't know you
weren't acquainted.

Yeah, that's why I was
setting the bar too high.
Get down.

Hey, what's up?
New York City Detective.

‐ What's it about?
‐ Come on.
Open the damn door here.

Hey, why don't you
kiss my ass?

[ Groans ]
Flatten out!

[ Panting ]
What's this about, man?

It was about your next door
neighbor getting a b*llet
in her wall.

‐ I don't know about no b*llet.
‐ Now it's about you
being a smart‐mouth.

Oh. You're gonna pop me
for a personality disorder?
Sit down over here.

[ Sighs, Breathing Heavily ]

Now, try again
how that b*llet got
in your neighbor's wall.

You ever look
to protect a broad?
You know how that goes?


This girl I'm screwing,
she gets crazy on me,
throws a sh*t.

Now, I know this battle‐a*
ain't hurt, 'cause here she
comes running out into the hall.

Sold her on the toaster
blowing up, but I guess
she found the evidence.

So, here's protecting someone
buying me a broken nose.

Sure hate to have to
give up the broad's name.

‐ Where are you going?
‐ Someone's screaming in here.

You don't need to flake me.
I'm not looking to jam you
for the face‐lift.

Sit down!

This an AK‐47. What are you?
With the Russian m*llitary?


Get up and turn around.

That's right.
Turn around.
'Cause you're a collar.

You think this is holding up,
uh, you're dreaming.

Yeah? What you think?
I'm punchy? Maybe somebody
slipped me a Mickey.

Come on.

Okay. I'm gonna
put all the cards
on the table here,

about what happened
in the apartment,

even if it don't
look too good for me, okay?

I like your attitude.

Now, I know this
don't look good, but, uh,
we were doing dr*gs.

[ Medavoy ]
Is that right?

And we were smoking a lot
of rock. All weekend, we were
just smokin' and smokin'.

Where'd you get
the money for the cr*ck?
You got a job?

No, I'm unemployed,
but me and Tommy,
we, you know,

we had a little money
and‐and Neil worked,
so he bought most of it.

But‐But then, Neil,
he had to go to work.

That's when me
and Tommy left.

But then we came back,
a‐and that's when we found him.

He just crashed
on his bed and d*ed.

I‐I'm sorry we sold
that stuff of his.

It's just we were
all shook up, and we wanted
to make another buy.

‐ Straighten our nerves.
‐ Sure.

That's the truth,
win or lose.

My guess‐‐ his‐his heart
just conked out.

In other words, uh,
you're innocent.

Guilty of bad judgment maybe,
otherwise, yes.

You ever offer anyone
a boom box to handle
your johnson, Arnie?

Not to my recollection.

Give me a smile.

Keep an eye on him
for a second?
Right there.

Sarge? I need a couple of
vouchers, please.

Gina. Yeah,
it's Detective Simone.
I'm calling from downstairs.

What interviews are open?

I'm gonna take the pokey.

Do me a favor.

Tell Detective Russell
to be in the locker room
for the next few minutes...

and let the boss know
that I need to see him.


Up this way.

I'm James Liery! It's 11:24 a. m!
Requesting an attorney
in front of witnesses!

Tell 'em
about your nose.

James Liery, darlin',
asking for a lawyer.

Hey, boss.

Who's this?
This is James Liery.

I was investigating a complaint
on a firearms discharge.

He had an AK‐47
on his bed.

I use it for a pillow.

James Liery requesting
his precious right to counsel.

Set him up with a phone.
Then come talk to me.
Absolutely. Come on.

Hey, Harold,
would you give me a hand here?

[ Knocks ]

Why'd he want me
out of sight?

‐ He just brought in
Jimmy Liery.
‐ What?

You don't know
anything about it.

‐ Hank's bringing him a phone.
‐ What are you doing, Bobby?

I was working a complaint.
Liery answered the door.

‐ So you turned around and left.
‐ He had a machine g*n.

In plain sight.

We took a complaint on this
assh*le about a week ago, Lieu,

for almost b*ating a guy
half to death.

You don't think this toss
on the apartment's gonna hold,
then bring in the vic.

Have him pick out
Liery for the as*ault.

Never mind I'm working
the guy undercover.

Call Jane Wallace.
We need to figure
how we're gonna do this.

How we should do it is
put the guy back outside.

I want to talk to her,

[ Sighs ]

And don't try to sell popping
this guy as a coincidence,

He's a psycho, Lieu.
He needs to be
off the street.

I want to talk to Wallace.
She's really gonna 86 an
operation that she put together.

I'm going to talk to her
and get her to close
as quickly as she can.

Hoyt's wired.

All right, catch Bobby up.
Then the two of you take Hoyt
to Pisciotta's restaurant.

‐ I'm not going to be here
for the other conversation?
‐ Take Russell too.

I borrowed Medavoy and Martinez
off that stiff auction.

Take Simone and Russell too!

Soft clothes.

I collared Liery.
They're gonna let him go.

They figure their way to him
through Russell collars him
and his crew.

Fancy don't know this guy
drugged her. Made her crazy
enough that she took a sh*t.

‐ What do you want to do?
‐ [ Sighs ]

I thought we were supposed to
take this painter.

I like this guy.
Hope he don't get k*lled.


[ Man On Radio ]
Walter Hoyt looking for
Frank Pisciotta.

[ Man #2 ]
Yeah. Hang on.
Just a minute.

Sylvia's catching today
at the 27. Might have
a sitter problem.

‐ Is that right?
‐ If I'd be unable
to make the ceremony‐‐

No, I‐‐ I understand.

Andy, you know you're supposed
to be getting it too.

[ Scoffs ]
I got a fan club at One P.P.
meets in a storage closet.

Only thing, I'd hoped
that guy put me up.

‐ Fancy?
‐ Where he was past hating me.

[ Sighs ]
He put you up, Andy.

You know that?

He went out of his way
to say so.

Detective first grade
that you are, you know
he's telling the truth.

If you're that worried
about Russell, maybe we put some
stink on Liery with his pals.

I heard her say the bar
where they've been at.

We straighten Walter out,
maybe we make a stop.

[ Man On Radio ]
Mr. Hoyt.
That's right.

Yeah, sorry to hold you up.
Here, come here with me.
This way.

What's your name?

Right this way, Walter.
I'm not going anyplace
without my work.

We're gonna pick
your stuff up
on the way.

Pisciotta said the work
would be in the car.
It's in the trunk.

Get your hands off me!
Get in there.

They're gonna whack him.
James, pull up
and block the street.

[ Martinez On Radio ]

[ Tires Screech ]

[ Tires Screech ]

‐ Hey! Open the door!
‐ Get out of the car!
Get on the trunk!

‐ Get outta there!
‐ Get down on the trunk!

On the hood! On the hood!

‐ You all right?
‐ My heart's not b*ating right.

[ Martinez ]
All right, sit down.

[ Simone ] Don't you move!
They don't have my paintings.

‐ I got a g*n.
‐ Walter, you okay?

I think I'm okay.
My heart's fluttering.
Can we check the trunk?

‐ Diane, pop the trunk.
‐ You got some set
of balls there, Walter.

[ Walter ]
They're not there.

‐ Can you help me
find my paintings?
‐ Yeah, we'll help you, Walter.

Let's get out of here before
the guys in the restaurant
see what's going on.

I'll take this
back to the house.

Andy, this is a mistake.

Then get the hell out.
I'm telling you.
It's a mistake.

Now you want to
tell me in Chinese?

Well, what do you need?
You to pay attention.

I'm all ears.

And your pal's all mouth,
then he b*tches up
in a minute and a half.

‐ I don't follow.
‐ Hey, give us a second, huh?

We don't need no seconds.
Walk away.

What did you guys?
Buy a controlling interest
in this place?

Walk to the other side of
the bar there, or I'm gonna
wind up padlocking this rathole!

Andy, I'm saying this
one last time.

You are gonna buy yourself
every jackpot you can imagine
trying to give this assh*le up.

Where am I
on the case now, huh?

Liery's a collar.
He's giving up this douche bag.

O.C.C.B.'s gonna take
all the credit in this,
and my hand's on my joint.

If this guy doesn't work with
you, what are you gonna do?
Live in Switzerland?

I'm no worse off
than I am now. Hey,
you don't like it, take off.

I'm getting crocked,
and I'm making my play. Hey,
tube steak! Get over here.

You hear it once. We collared up
on your pal, Jimmy Liery.
Very tough guy.

Took 14 seconds to stick
the pin in your donkey‐ass
for those AK‐47's...

and the fun
coming up at the airport.

Ignorant as you look,
Liery's probably
got another partner...

and you're just
holding the bag.

Now, you give up a name
and get out of the middle.

No, huh? Two donkeys
but only one rat?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Are you happy now?
Sure. Perfect.

'Cause if you had
half a brain, I'd have
half a chance at a career.

‐ So, you guys are cops, huh?
‐ [ Scoffs ]

Give me a bottle of scotch.

You must have
another source of income.

Dump on my play
and break my balls?

I don't know any Jimmy Liery.

Well, he knows you, pal,
and he turned you over good.

Oh, man.

Do what you gotta do.

We going, or you want to
wring your hand some more?

You're a pain in the ass.
Must be why
I never get promoted.

[ Siren Wails In Distance ]

[ Door Opens ]
I wanna get outta here.

Okay. I got sidetracked
a little while, Marco.

I got some pictures I wanna
show you and tell me
if you recognize anybody, okay?

Thanks, Josh.

This is that dirty bastard that
b*at me out the boom box.

He's a dope fiend.
He give you the dope?

Just one hit. He smoked
all the rest having himself
a master blaster.

What's that?
A B. J. and a pipe.

A B. J. and a pipe?
Kids doing what you're doing,
they don't last long, Marco.

I wanna get you
in some kind of program.
I don't want no program.

You're going
into one, or else.
I don't want no program.

I can't go home.

Oh, so your parents
are alive?

[ Sighs ]
My old man's
always b*ating on me.

Got so bad,
I had to take off.
He's goin' crazy.

You tell him
what I've been doing,
he's gonna k*ll me.

Well, we won't tell him.
Is your mother with him?

You want to see her?


What's her name?
Angela Romero.

That's your name? Romero?

Ramirez is my fake name.

Where do your parents live?
119th Street.

All right.
Write down your address
and the apartment number, okay?

[ Knocks ]


Uh, that dead guy
on the floor?

Neil Rutledge? Uh, M.E. says
that he d*ed from a fractured
skull and a cerebral hematoma.

Got that cracked on the back of
the head with some kind of blunt
object, didn't break the skin.

Good thing we had
Crime Scene process the place.

Anyways, we gotta go back
at those two skells.

Okay. Marco,
you mind staying here
a little while longer?

Hang on. There's some, uh,
comic books in one of those
cabinets out in the hallway.

Yeah, okay.

That could've been
the m*rder w*apon, that bottle
we found on the floor.

Champagne bottle.
What was the brand?

I don't remember.
Cold Duck?

It was Cold Duck.
Let's go at Mullen
with that.

Here's the comic books.

Right this way, Walter.
I'm not going anyplace
without my work.

We're gonna pick
your stuff up on the way.

Pisciotta said the work
would be in the car.
It's in the trunk.

Get your hands off me!
Get in there.

[ Tape Squealing ]

[ Simone ] Hey! Open the door!
[ Sipowicz ]
Get out of the car!

That's you busting 'em?
That's nothing on Pisciotta.

He doesn't even say
he's buying a ticket.

I guess we could charge
the two in the car
with unlawful imprisonment.

Unlawful imprisonment
the best you can do...

off of getting one
mope telling the other,
"Don't do nothing here"?

You figure he's saying,
"Don't take a leak
outside the restaurant"?

Those guys intended
to k*ll me. I don't have
any doubt about it.

I understand that's how
you're feeling Mr. Hoyt,

but my best
look at a conviction's
prosecuting the busboys...

who actually did k*ll
that graffiti artist.

That is gonna guarantee
I'm not gonna get my paintings.

Truth is, Walter,
looking to croak you
how they were,

that means they already
destroyed the paintings‐‐
Getting rid of the evidence.

Try flipping one of
the busboys again?

‐ Off what new leverage?
‐ It's what we got,
all right, Cohen?

Meanwhile, we want guards
with Walter around the clock.

I'll get a detail
from the D. A.'s squad.

I'm ducking a call
from a Steven Monohan
of council to Jimmy Liery?

[ Fancy ]
Yeah, I spoke to
Inspector Wallace at O. C. C. B.

We're going to void
Liery's arrest.

Folks ought to get your left
and right hands introduced.

I can get the one busboy in
without his lawyer
wrapped around him.


Keep Mr. Hoyt with you till
the D. A.'s squad shows up.

Really bothers me to lose
everything I worked for
off trying to help.

I can appreciate
your feelings.

You understand how people
come to v*olence.

Come on, Walter.

‐ Turn Liery loose.
‐ Yep.

You gonna release him now?

You can go.

You lose the machine g*n.

Must've been
a real slow morning.
Sign for that.

[ Takes Deep Breath ]

You said something before.
Someone slipped you a Mickey?

Slipped me a Mickey?

You didn't say that?

"I must be punchy.
Somebody slipped me a Mickey."

In your apartment?

Yeah, I said it.

But nobody
slipped me a Mickey.

Just an expression.
Just an expression.

Done with the pokey, Bobby?

You know, maybe I outta put
some paper on you and the mayor,
cost you for the sucker punch.

Or we can go outside.
I'll give you
something to sue about.


Stay away from him
for a few days, Diane.

‐ Why?
‐ Just let it quiet down.

It could close
in the next few days.
Bobby, just stay out of it.

[ Sighs ]
Yeah, I'm the worried

that doesn't realize
that everything here
is under control.

Ex, huh?
Thanks for letting me know.

We're talking about
a guy who drugged you,
who could do anything else...

and is in your head enough that
you're doing stuff that could
cost you your shield.

What are you talking about?

The b*llet in that lady's wall,
is that from your g*n?

I don't know why you would
hurt yourself over this guy,

but I'm asking you
to let it sit.

As my ex‐boyfriend.
[ Sighs ]

If I'm your boyfriend,
will you let it sit?

Look, my thing is,
I don't want something
stupid to happen...

before it has a chance
to get straightened out,

Okay. I'll stay away from him
for a few days.

You tell me Neil
d*ed unnaturally,
I say I'm uninvolved.

‐ That's your story.
‐ It's God's truth.

Yeah? Well, we know you're
lying, and that makes you
a m*rder suspect.

What are you talking about?

Look, we not only know
that someone fractured
Rutledge's skull‐‐

We know whose prints came off
that Cold Duck bottle, Tommy.

We were all three of us
drinking from that bottle.

How it looks now, Tommy,
you're gonna get charged
with this homicide.

You're gonna draw some b*at‐up
legal aid lawyer couldn't
get a walk for St. Francis.

Now, if your pal Arnie
was the bad guy, you gotta
get in front of that fast.

What must've happened,
Neil must've fell on the stairs
and hit his head,

and come back up
and lay down and d*ed.

The more crap you make up,
the more I figure
it's you that did it.

Nobody can walk even a step
with a head injury like that.

We got his prints.
I'm ready to charge this guy.
Come on.

‐ Come on. Get up. Get up!
‐ No, no, no!
I'm gonna give you Arnie!

Th‐There was a big stink
over money.

Neil still had some left,
but he wouldn't make
another buy.

He wanted to go to work,
and Arnie wanted to
keep bingeing.

So... we were gonna tie
him up and rob him.

It was Arnie's idea.

Only Arnie turns out to be
scared of him, so he hits him
with the Cold Duck bottle.

It just knocked Neil
on his knees, and he didn't
seem that out of it.

So Arnie just let go
with this big swing,
and it was just too much.

God. Arnie's so stupid,
you wouldn't believe it.

So, here's
what he gets me in.

Yeah, you're
a real hard‐luck guy.
Come on.

Sit down, Panetti.

Over here?

Getting ready for the big day?
What? The trial?

I just want to get
my named cleared.
That's it.

Frankie Pisciotta
buy you these clothes?
No. I paid for 'em.

Yeah, these days, you're
probably the best‐paid busboy
in America, huh, Jerry?

Is Frank Pisciotta
a stand‐up? Yes.

What the hell
are you guys looking to do,
make a crime of that too?

[ Sipowicz ]
Jerry, we're looking to take
the dice out of your hands.

Where "A,"
you're found guilty,

or either one night Frankie
puts four lines extra
up his nose...

and he decides that
you and Paul Bellini'd
look better in a ditch.

It's not gonna happen.

Jerry, say,
"It's not gonna happen,
I don't think," okay?

Otherwise, you
sound like a moron.

Do these clothes look like
Frankie don't look out for us?

All right, here's
a little quiz for you, Jerry.
Where are they now? You ready?

Where's Sammy "The Bull"
Gravano, present time?

I wish I knew.
Gotti would send me
a million bucks from prison.

So, the answer
to the category,
"Where are they now?"

You don't know
where The Bull is.
Correct, Jerry?

Correct is correct.

Whereas John Gotti,
you know his exact location.

Yeah, he's in the joint.

Because Gotti rolled the dice,
and The Bull
took the sure thing.

Gotti got convicted, which
you're eligible to get too.

And Gravano,
that gave him up,

he's sunbathing with some broad
on a beach somewheres and nobody
knows where the hell it is.

Jerry, you gotta ask yourself,

are you ever gonna be safe
from one day Frank Pisciotta

"You know, there are
two guys out there
that can put me away...

"just like
The Bull put Gotti away.

"Now, these two guys,
they're better off lying
dead somewhere...

in a ditch with
their heads beaten in,
covered up with lye."

Yeah, that's a situation
that you don't need to buy
no new wardrobes.

This is a conspiracy,
what you guys're doing.

The Bull did 18 murders
he admits to, and
he's kicking back on a beach...

'cause he had what
the government wants
more than they want him.

You know how much more
the government wants Pisciotta
than you, Jerry?

You know what kind of deal
they'd give you
in Witness Protection?

The "A" deal, Jerry.
A Gravano‐type deal.

you roll the dice.

Does the jury convict you
or wait for Pisciotta
to b*at your head in?

They'd write a deal out,
Chapter and verse?

A Gravano‐type deal.

I'd tell you
what I'd demand‐‐

Gravano's type of deal,
word for word.

But I'm not saying
I'm going for it.

‐ How could they say no?
‐ He's got fistfuls of their
short hairs in either hand.

This man is completely
in the driver's seat.

It's not the first time
he's done this. He doesn't care
if his mother's worrying.

[ Scoffs ]
Three months,
we don't hear nothing.

Were you rough on him,
Mr. Romero?

We treat him good,
like all our kids.

I'm asking you.
Did you personally
b*at him a lot?

I don't need no lectures
from you, all right?
I'm a taxpayer.

I'm not on the street.

Marco's in there.
[ Knocks ]

Marco, your father's
gonna take you home.

‐ Is my mother here?
‐ No, it's just me.
Let's go.

‐ Can I take the comic books?
‐ Yeah, you can have 'em.

No, don't go bumming
things, all right?
They don't belong to you.

That how you get along
on the street, begging?

He can have the comic books.

What about my sleeping bags?
Can we go down to First
and pick up my sleeping bags?

No. Forget your junk.

You know, I said
you can't take those.

Let's go back
outside a minute.

What's the matter with you?
How many loved ones
you think you got?

You better not
lay hands on me.

Mr. Romero,
I'm gonna be keeping
in touch with Marco,

and if I find out
you're knocking
that kid around,

I'm gonna come back
and lock you up
for child abuse.

Now, go back in there
and take your kid home.

‐ So, come on.
‐ Can I?

Yeah. Take 'em.

[ Chattering ]

I'm Jack Palermo,
counsel for Frank Pisciotta.

Mr. Pisciotta's been asked
to turn himself in.
That'd be our case.

This is a sick perversion
on American justice.
All right, Frank.

You hound working people till
they give up their dear ones
like n*zi fascist Germany.

You get told how you
look like h*tler, Frank? And
a little bit Bongo the chimp.

You tell me to act
like a gentleman,
then you expose me to this?

All right, come on in here.

Greg, why don't you
take Mr. Pisciotta
to arrest processing?

Oh, yeah, sure.
This way.
Where we going?

We can take
this route here.

I got a message
to bring him back.

Now, my squad, Sipowicz,
we're on this guy,
we're off this guy or what?

Why? We throw off
your meal pattern?
Walter, come on. Sit over here.

What's going on?

I've got some good news,
but there's no point in
pissing this guy off.

‐ Where's your coffee room?
‐ Over there.

‐ Did you find my paintings?
‐ No.

But, uh, one of them busboys,
he's going for the homicide.

Why would he do that?

He gets a deal for, uh‐‐
for giving up Pisciotta
ordered the whack.

It's a‐‐ It's a nice package
from Witness Protection.

[ Clears Throat ]
That's Pisciotta
getting taken to be booked.

I see.

You won't get your work back
or so forth.

I'm gonna try more direct
expression in my work.

A long time, my painting's
been inferential‐‐ define things
by what they're not.

But my heart is so full now,

if I don't engage
the canvas more,
this thing's gonna b*at me.

Does that make that painting
you gave me worth more or less?

Depends on
what happens next.

Yeah, I guess
that's true generally.

Mr. Hoyt'll be
going to Brooklyn.

‐ Brooklyn.
‐ Thanks.

Hey. How ya doin'?

Hey, Gina.

Hey, James.
How you doing?

Are you going to
Detective Simone's
promotion ceremony?

Yeah, in just a little bit. I,
uh‐‐ I felt bad for this kid's
situation, case we worked today.

‐ The boy who reported the body?
‐ Yeah, his real name's
Marco Romero.

He's, uh, involved
with things on the street.

Kinda reminds me
of the mistakes
my brother made.

Has your brother
straightened out?
No, he, uh, passed away.

I can imagine why you're upset.

Yeah, my father had problems
giving Roberto guidance,

not wanting to know
what he was into.

That's hard for parents.

It's not exactly similar.

This boy's father seems
more like just a jerk.

Anyways, um,
guess I'll head over
to One Police Plaza.

Okay, James.

I appreciate you letting me
share this with you.

Excuse me.

How's it going?
All right, Sarge.
How are you?

Good. He wants
to talk to you.
Yeah, huh?

Don't worry.
He's a nice guy.

Commissioner, this is
Detective Bobby Simone.

Good to meet you, Bobby.
Thank you very much.

Ordinarily, we would have done
this yesterday,

but I was upstate
visiting Frank Lattimer.
How's he doing?

He's got a long way to go.
All he talks about is
coming back to the job.

I'll have a good thought
for him, sir.
Sit down.

Bobby, sometimes promotion
to first grade is based on
a specific case.

My uncle got it
for arresting Willie Sutton.

Is that right?
But you're being recognized
for a series of cases.

Your lieutenant
specifically pointed out...

the multiple homicides
at the Sixth Street playground.

not to speak out of turn,

but my partner worked those
homicides as well as every other
case that I've been on.

Andy Sipowicz.

I know of Sipowicz,
but this is your day.

Let's worry about you.
Maybe he'll get lucky
down the road.


I'm really glad we had
an opportunity to talk a little.
I appreciate what you do.

That means a lot to me,
Commissioner. Thank you.

Thank you.

Jimmy Liery got m*rder*d.
sh*t outside Patrick's Bar.

Oh, yeah?

They collared his partner,
a guy named Habib.
O. C. C. B. had the place up.

They got
the whole thing on tape.
So, everybody's happy.

Jane Wallace said 0.C.C.B.
had you and Andy on tape too.

Going into Patrick's
early this afternoon.

Did you tell 'em
Liery was cooperating?

Tell who? I never
heard about the partner.

Did you and Andy chat it up
in front of the bartender,
Bobby? Let him put it out?

The guy who k*lled Liery,
whoever he is, he had a heart
to do m*rder, Diane.

Me and Andy, we just had
a conversation in a bar.

Excuse me, Bobby.


If I'm supposed to feel bad
about Liery's death,

I don't think
you should come in.

Hey, Andy.

I got a sitter.
Thanks, man.

[ Commissioner ]
To the rank of
detective second grade,

Third Grade Detective
Louis Annunziato.


We have one promotion to
a rank some people consider
the most prestigious...

and difficult to achieve
in the department...

and symbolic of its highest
traditions and standards.

To first grade detective,
Detective Second Grade
Bobby Simone.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentleman,
this concludes our promotion
ceremony. Thank you for coming.

[ No Audible Dialogue ]

[ Knocking ]

‐ Hey.
‐ Hi.

‐ Give me your coat?
‐ No. I don't know, um‐‐

I'm so scared.

About what?

The wind used to scare me,
snow coming out of the dark.

Friday nights in high school,
my dad'd be working up
his weekend bender,

going off on my mom and Dougie,
making me his pretty pet.

After supper, I'd‐I'd get out of
there and walk back to school
for the hockey game.

My leather jacket
wasn't warm enough,

but I wouldn't wear anything
covered up my figure.

You want something warm now?

I can make you some tea.

‐ No.
‐ No? Why not?


How did Andy seem?

What do you mean?

He didn't ride you home?

Um, he seemed okay.

Why? What was the matter?

[ Scoffs ]

I got promoted,
and he didn't.

He's got a license
to be pissed off.

Well, Andy's got to know
he's an orphan
off his time drinking.

I realize, with Liery,
you were trying to help me.


I cry for you every day.

I don't know why
I couldn't say yes.

[ Sighs ]

At the, um‐‐

At the hockey rink,
we all stood on the benches
through the whole game.

The boys
had crushes on me and‐‐

Walking home, I‐I‐‐

always felt like
I could never stop
being cold.

You just needed
a warmer coat.

[ Sighs, Sniffles ]
I couldn't put one on.

I was afraid to
cover up my figure.

I thought‐‐

I thought
I was always just
gonna be cold.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sniffles ]
You make me warm,
and I couldn't make you happy.

You made me happy.

I couldn't say yes.
I wanted to, and I couldn't.

It's okay, Diane.

I didn't know I could love
anybody like this and then‐‐
Not to be able to say yes.

[ Whistling ]

You want this?


See? That wasn't so hard.

[ Whistling Continues ]
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