04x09 - Caulksmanship

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x09 - Caulksmanship

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Phone Ringing ]


You're glad you're not
standing here, pal.

Hey, assh*le, what,
they just invented traffic?

You‐‐ You make allowance.


[ Clears Throat ]
Shut up.

Did Tim give you the message
we'd be seeing you
at, uh, 5:00 today?

[ Liery Continues, Indistinct ]

Twenty minutes.

[ Knocking ]

How's it goin', Mouse?

I'd like to know
how I got here, Jimmy.

Yeah, I brung you.


Looks like you slept good.

[ Sighs ]
What happened?

What happened?
Yeah, what happened?

Did you drug me, Jimmy?

Mouse, that's a little raw, huh?
What do you want me to say?

I drugged you, had my way?
Took advantage
when you were helpless?

Is that what happened?

I gotta go, Mouse.

You son of a bitch.

You son of a bitch.

Hey, can you get over
to Patrick's?
That's where we left your car.

Get away from me.


I'm gonna take that
as a phase.

We'll talk later, Mouse, huh?

What's up?
D. O. A.'s Kathryn Dabrowski.

Cleaning lady found her when
she showed up for work.

Super says she's lived here
12 years.

No problem.

Looks like ligature marks.

Hmm. Don't look like
she was sexually assaulted.

There's the super.

Where's the cleaning lady?
He said she went home all upset
finding the woman dead.

Let me talk to this guy.
I'm Detective Simone.

Hey, how's it going?
Isn't this somethin'?

What can you tell us
about Miss Dabrowski?

‐ Well, she stayed to herself.
‐ Was she married?
Have any kids?

No. No, but she had a boyfriend,
and you ought to talk
to this guy.

He was here a lot.
The other tenants would grouse
on the fightin'.

He was my "who to contact"
in case of emergency.

d*ck Manzak.
Riehm Architects, 2nd and 46th.

‐ You called him already?
‐ No. You know, on account of
the concerns I just told you.

So you think
he could've done this?

Well, they had regular set‐tos.
[ Sipowicz ]
Did he have a key?

Who else had one?

That's the cleaning lady.
This is the woman who found her?

Yeah. Yeah,
she was awful upset.

They used to chew the fat
when Mildred was done working.

Summers, I'd see 'em outside
with their tea.
Both Polacks, you know.

Excuse me.
Polacks? The tea
dribble down their chins?

Meet Detective Sipowicz.

Hey, how's it goin'‐‐
Uh, no offense.

‐ Too stupid.
‐ You need me for anything else?

No. Just don't go anywheres.
Don't leave town.

Why? What's the problem.
No problem as long as you stay
within this jurisdiction.

‐ I'm a suspect?
You gotta be kiddin'.
‐ Just stick around like I said.

‐ You can tell
I'm not a suspect, right?
‐ His case.

Protrude the point for me.

I keep sticking myself
in the eye.

Oh, boy.

Morning, Diane.

You feel okay?

You look like
you have a virus.
No, I'm okay.

Incidentally, I had a very
enjoyable dinner last night.

Mmm. Was it real low‐calorie?
Oh, no.

No, I, uh‐‐ I had occasion
to dine with Abby Sullivan,

the new cop with Anticrime.

‐ Morning.
‐ [ Medavoy ] Hiya, James.

You okay, Diane?

You look under the weather.
Yeah, I'm okay.

So, the chief of D's
addressed the D. E. A. meeting
last night.

‐ I snuck a look at
his advance promotions list.
‐ Oh, is that right?

Bobby's making first grade.

You know, they change
those lists, James.
Yeah, I know.

You're better off
not saying nothin'
till it comes over the Teletype.

‐ Homicide off Mulberry.
‐ All right, Andy's up.

He and Simone
caught on the way in.
Then it's me.

Okay, work it with Diane.

‐ Sure.
‐ You feeling all right?

Guess from what I look like,
someone should put
a b*llet in my ear.

What's going on?
D. O. A.'s Frank Sportelli.
Fifty‐five. sh*t in the head.

That's the address
on his driver's license.
No one else is in the house.

Anyone see anything?
If they did, they're
not talking about it.

All right.

Excuse me.
Sir, did you see
what happened here?

You know the victim?

Frank Sportelli.
What can you tell me
about him?

That was his aunt's house,
his mother's sister.
His parents lived next door.

Are they alive?
They've been dead,
like, 25 years.

And his aunt d*ed
a year after her sister,
which was Sport's mother.

Sport lived in his aunt's
old house with his wife
till about seven years ago.

His wife passed away too?
She left him,
moved to California.

Did they have any children?

‐ What's your name?
‐ Louis Pesci.

‐ Pesci, like the actor?
‐ Except he's Joe,
the lead star of Goodfellas.

Yeah, yeah.
Um, what do you think
happened here, Louis?

I didn't see anything.

Sport wasn't that active
anymore, so you don't know
necessarily what happened.

Could've been anyone.
Thanks for your help.

I didn't help you.
I didn't see anything.


So, uh, how long
did you know the victim?

‐ Did he have any enemies?
‐ You think it could've been one
of them drive‐by sh**t?

Is that what
you think happened?

I'd put it in the realm
of possibility, yeah.

Excuse me, miss.
Did you see what happened here?

Don't put me
in the middle of this.

I just went out before
to get the paper.

You didn't see nothin'?
Not a thing.

Hi. Detectives.
Can we talk to you?

‐ I don't have any information.
‐ What's your name?

Oleta Campisi.
Do you know the man
who was sh*t?

Frank Sportelli. Yes.
I found out
by asking afterwards.

Anyone else live with you,
Mrs. Campisi?

He's not home. He was, uh,
gone already out making bids.
He's a contractor.

‐ This is your husband?
‐ Yes.

‐ What time did he leave?
‐ When I was in the shower.

‐ So I guess it's possible
he could've seen something?
‐ No.

No? You heard sirens
when you were in the shower,

so that would've made it
after the sh**ting.

Sal wouldn't have just
left though. My husband's
a good person, a good neighbor.

He was always trying
to help Frank.

Did Frank have any kind
of physical problems?

We think he was gettin'
some form of
the Jerry Lewis disease,

some muscle disease.

Um, any unfamiliar faces
in the neighborhood
the past few days, Mrs. Campisi?

It's not
that type of neighborhood.
We wouldn't allow it.

So, um, what time will
your husband be gettin' home?

He should be home
late afternoon.

Would you have him
give us a call?

I know he won't have
no information.

Everyone in the neighborhood
knows he's the type
who would try to help.

‐ Thank you.
‐ Thanks a lot.

Run it for the boss, huh?

I feel like we're real close
to a clearance on this.

Hey, everyone in
this neighborhood knows
everything about everybody,

except no one knows
nothing about this.


That's him.
Right through there.

Richard Manzak?
I'm Detective Simone.

‐ This is Detective Sipowicz.
‐ What do you want?

‐ You know a Kate Dabrowski?
‐ Aw, I can't believe this.

‐ She put a complaint on me?
‐ What do you think?

You ever ask 'em,
do they slap us?

‐ Come on.
Let's go talk somewheres else.
‐ No.

‐ No?
‐ Yeah, no.

You want your boss knowing about
your business with the police?
People you work with?

She struck me, all right?
I was struck by her.

Then I reciprocated.
Get your finger off me.

If you don't got a warrant,
I want you out of here.

If I restrain myself
from breaking his jaw,
is what he's doing as*ault?

I'm telling you‐‐

You were pushing him.
Now you're under arrest.

‐ That makes you a collar.
You understand that?
‐ You guys are fags, right?

Yeah. You're fags
from some women's group.

That don't make us
bad people.

Put him in Interview 3.

‐ Who's that?
‐ D. O. A.'s boyfriend.

He's a collar
for assaulting Andy when
we went to question him.

Is that real,
or a way to get him in?

He was finger‐jabbing me
pretty strenuously there.

The building super said that
this guy and the D.O.A.
used to get into it pretty good.

‐ Anyone else to look at?
‐ There's no sign of ransacking
or forced entry.

Only other people with keys
were the super
and cleaning lady.

‐ The super's a mope. We got
the cleaning lady coming in.
‐ She'd be a surprise, though.

‐ Super said that her and
the D. O. A. were pretty close.
‐ Hey, fellas.

‐ How's it going, Captain?
‐ Good morning.

‐ Good morning. Arthur.
‐ Let me know what you get
from the boyfriend.


Give me a second, Andy.
I gotta take a leak.
Who screwed up?

I go first.
Promoting one and not
the other isn't right.

Is that me going first?

Sipowicz's drinking history
and disciplinary record
were too much to get past.

And I also think
you made a tactical mistake...

keying on
the Olushola clearance.

That case shows
what kind of cop he is.
Fact is, Arthur,

12 months before,
Andy directed a racial epithet
at the same guy.

Arthur, you more than
anybody else know you do not
fight battles you can't win.

Sipowicz's promotion
is off the table.

Now, you gotta decide
do you buy too much
of a management headache...

the other guy gettin' it
while Sipowicz don't.

It's not fair to Simone
to look at it that way.

Those are my
personnel stats too.

Simone, he's young enough
in the bureau, and
there's always another list.

I can get a name lifted
till 10:00 tomorrow mornin'.

See ya, Arthur.


When'd you see Kate Dabrowski
last, Richard?
Three nights ago.

‐ Friday?
‐ You get paid Friday?
‐ Yeah.

You got liquor
on your breath now.
Payday, you must've been loaded.

You and Kate
had a fight on Friday?
Is that what she says?

Answer the damn question.

More like a squabble.
You sure you remember?

You ever black out?
What's she saying I did to her?
'Cause it takes two, you know?

Hey. Kate's dead, Richard.

Oh, Kate.


I didn't do it.
I remember everything
I did that night.

How long were you in
the apartment on Friday?

Maybe half an hour.
Then I left,
went to the Old Stand.

‐That's supposed to be an alibi?
‐'Cause half an hour's enough
time to have k*lled her.

I need a drink.
This is terrible. She wanted
me to spend the weekend.

Why didn't I just‐‐
Why didn't you?

I broke up with her,
told her I wanted out.

You get tired of
gettin' dumped on all the time.
I got some self‐respect.

How was she dumpin'
on you Friday?
Ah, the maid again.

She's got sticky fingers.
She stole from Kate. I say,

"Kate, when, when are you
gonna fire this dumb Polack?"

Now she starts on me
using Polack.
"I'm a Polack. She's a Polack."

Are you a Polack?

It's different us
calling each other that,

I'm not a big expert
with ethnic sore points.

God. Who do you think
k*lled her?

Hey, people black out, you know.
They do things they never meant.

I remember what I did.
It wasn't me.

Could it have been, like,
a stranger off the street?
The place wasn't broken into.

I'm telling you,
I don't black out like that.

If we get
a D. A.'s declination...

and let you walk on this
finger‐jabbing complaint,

you gonna keep
to your regular places?

I'm not going anywheres.
I'll be drinking
at the Old Stand.

I don't wanna get into a big
back‐and‐forth about this
on the phone, Lillian.


I'll see you in the park.

What'd you get?
D. O. A. sh*t
in front of his house.

One in the head.
Wallet still on him.
Greg's got his pedigree.

Yeah, 55. Wife had left him.
Supposedly had some
chronic health problem.

We wanna talk to a guy
who'll be back later.

He's a contractor.
Wife said he helped the D.O.A.
around his house.

‐ Wife seems somewhat nervous.
‐ She might be worth
another conversation.

Old‐time neighborhood.
No one was exactly falling
over themselves to cooperate.

‐ You wanna use a sound truck?
‐ Piss 'em off, you mean?

Crank up the P. A. speakers,
get people telling you
to shut up.

‐ Then maybe they tell you
something else.
‐ We'll get the truck.


Um, Diane?

Should we, uh,
be talking about something?


Should you be talking
to somebody?


I can't hold Simone hostage
to management problems that
have nothing to do with him.

He's on that squad, Arthur.
If morale would suffer...

because Bobby got a promotion
and Sipowicz didn't,

you'd be wrong not
to take that into account.

Well, Sipowicz's work
wouldn't suffer just 'cause he's
too full of bullheaded pride.

What I hate is him
being able to think that
I reached out to keep him down.

You put him up
for that promotion.

You think Sipowicz
will believe that?
And if he does,

he'll think my recommending him
off the Olushola clearance...

was a backdoor way of
reminding the board that he had
problems with Kwasi before.

Don't live in
that man's head, Arthur.
It's hell for him.

It shouldn't be hell
for you too.

He should get what he deserves.
Some people would say he is.

He even butt into our lunch.

Yeah, well,
don't worry about it,
Mrs. Superczynski.

You just have him
call us from downstairs
when you get here.

‐ Thanks.
‐ Right.

The cleaning lady's bus
broke down.
She'll be 20 minutes.

They remember Manzak Friday
at the Old Stand,
7:00 till closing.

He don't feel right.

‐ What's going on?
‐ I know. I look like hell.

‐ You all right?
‐ Um‐‐

I'm over my head with Liery.
We were at Patrick's Bar.

I think he might've slipped me
a Mickey or something, Bobby.

Half last night,
I don't remember
what the hell happened.


So what's the half
that you do remember?

I remember waking up
7:00 this morning at his place.

Yeah, huh?

[ Russell ]

‐ Should we stop
talking about it?
‐ No.

So did Liery give any hints
as to, uh, what went on?

Mm‐mmm. Flicked at me
like a stuck bug,
sick bastard he is.

We can talk about it later.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on, Diane.

What, you gotta go out there
with Greg and James right now?

Yeah. Yeah.

We gotta go get
the sound truck.

[ Clears Throat ]

Everything okay with Russell?

She, uh‐‐

She's out there last night with
this scumbag that she's working
I guess at some bar someplace.

This is her undercover?

Says that, uh, she thinks
he slipped her a Mickey.

She can't remember
what happened after.
What's she wanna do about it?

Andy, she don't know
what she wants to do.

She starts to reach out,
and then she pulls back.
Meanwhile, this bastard,

he's gonna jam her up good
while she's trying
to figure it out.

Me, I am gonna run
the cleaning woman
through B.C.I.

Yeah. Right.
No, I got the dates.

B.C.I. says the
cleaning lady's husband's...

got two collars
for as*ault.

‐ I'm Mildred Superczynski
to see a Detective Simone.
‐ Yeah, I'm Detective Simone.

We spoke on the phone.

‐ I was her maid.
‐ Why don't you come on in?

We'll talk in here.
This is my partner,
Detective Sipowicz.

‐ How do you do?
‐ We're grateful you coming in,
Mrs. Superczynski.

We understand
you and Miss Dabrowski
were pretty close.

I don't know
who could've k*lled her.

Would you, uh, like
some coffee, some tea?

I'd like some tea.
He'll fix you up.


What days do you usually work
for Miss Dabrowski?

Mondays and Fridays.

You, uh, worked for her
last Friday?

That was the last time
I saw her alive.

Here you go.

Did you ever give your key
to Miss Dabrowski's apartment
to someone else?


‐ Ever know her
to let strangers in?
‐ She didn't do that.

Anyone you know of had any
grievances with Miss Dabrowski,
didn't get along with her?

Only her boyfriend.
Them two always were arguing.

‐ What would that be about?
‐ Smoking. His language.

Him always being late.
They would do that
in front on you?

‐ She'd have bruises,
mention it off of that.
‐ Bruises?


How'd you get along
with Miss Dabrowski?

Sometimes I'd stay after work,
we'd have tea.

You're upset, huh?

Well, she's dead.

did you have disagreements
with Miss Dabrowski?

I don't know. Sometimes.
I don't recall.

Her boyfriend told us she'd
accuse you of stealing things.

Sometimes I'd take small things.
That doesn't mean
I k*lled her.

He'd be more likely to.
Why would you take things,

I don't know.
She'd get me angry, you know.

She'd make me stay
when I didn't want to.
Sometimes I didn't mind,

but sometimes I had work to do
at the other apartments
I work for.

Did you take anything
from Miss Dabrowski's
apartment Friday?

‐ No, I‐I don't recall.
‐ Her boyfriend said
you took something.

Well, even if I did,
I didn't have anything
to do with murdering her.

He would've been
more likely to do that.

Mildred, have you
or your husband ever been
in trouble with the law?

‐ My husband.
‐ Stanley. Did he ever have
to do with Miss Dabrowski?

A few times, as I recall.

How would that happen?

I don't know. She'd accuse me
of taking something,

and Stanley'd go over there
to straighten it out.

‐ Trying to keep your job.
‐ Yeah. I don't recall.

I didn't do it.

Do you know if your husband
saw Miss Dabrowski
at all over the weekend?

Maybe straightening something
out between you and her over
something that was missing?

You're gonna have to talk
to him about that.

But it was the other one
that was more likely to do it.

The boyfriend was more likely
to have k*lled her?

You know your husband's
got a record for as*ault,
right, Mildred?

‐ Got a warrant out
for his arrest.
‐ No.

‐ You said that you‐you knew
he had a record.
‐ No, I don't recall.

It is possible though...

that your husband did go over
to see Miss Dabrowski
over this weekend?

‐ Isn't that right?
‐ You're gonna have to talk
to him about that.

I guess we ought to do that.

I've got work at 3:00.
It's two buses.

We're gonna have to keep you
here for a while, Mildred,
till we talk to Stanley.

If she's stupid,
she wants us to think
it's the boyfriend.

If she's smart,
she's giving us Stanley.

You think she could've
did it herself?

Is she strong enough
for a strangulation?

I think she would've
probably poisoned her tea.

The police need your help
investigating the m*rder

of your neighbor
Frank Sportelli.

If you have any information,
please contact the 15th
Detective Squad.

Or call 212‐577‐TIPS.

If you want, your call
can be made anonymously...

and the information
will be confidential.

[ Knocking ]


‐I know about certain matters
and/or aspects of the sh**ting.
‐[ Russell ] Come on in.

What's your name?
My first information,
this is a wrong approach.

You're parked in a stable,
close‐knit environment.

A sound truck is
a destabilizing and loud
truck‐noise environment.

Hey, thanks for breathing
the Gallo on us.
Take a hike.

Who k*lled Frank Sportelli?

Frank Sportelli had M. D.‐‐
muscular dystrophy.

Now, you're not saying
this was a mercy k*lling?

Someone should let
that Dr. Kevorkian know
he can start using b*ll*ts.

That's how Sport arrived
at becoming a perfectionist
and ingrate, all right?

Now, I watched caulking
be returned,

parts called defective,
workmanship dumped on,

which is kicking a man
in his testicles,

stomping on his testicles
as he lies on the ground.

Frank Sportelli
was calling parts defective.
Who was he saying this to?

Whose workmanship
was he criticizing?

‐ Certainly wasn't mine.
Please excuse me.
‐ Sit down!

His wife told us
Sal Campisi helped Frank
around his house.

‐ I don't know.
I got no idea.
‐ I said sit!

I said all I intend to.
What's your name?

Runner, because I'm inclined
to do errands and be abused.

on your truck approach.

Anytime you call this number
with information, Runner,
it'll be worth 20 bucks.

And what you should remember,
reverse your megaphones.

What considers
forgivable circumstances
and justifiability?

Ask that to yourselves.
Thank you.

So did Runner just tell us...

Frank Sportelli gets in a beef
with Sal Campisi,
criticizes Sal's workmanship‐‐

Then he jumps on his testicles,
but he's got muscular dystrophy
so it don't hurt too much.

Maybe the beef gets out of hand,
and Sal croaks him.

You think you can
get brain damage
listening to these people?

I started for court.
I had the runs really bad.

That's why I didn't show up.
You can ask my wife. Ask her
if I was sick three days.

‐ Yeah, we'll look into that.
‐ That's why I failed to appear.

I been convicted twice before.
I always show.

Where were you
this past Saturday, Stanley?

Wait. I thought this was about
an outstanding warrant.

Where were you Saturday?

Home with my wife.

I thought this was
failure to appear.

Your wife's employer
was m*rder*d. You know anything
about that, Stanley?

Anything you wanna ask us?

‐ No.
‐ You know which employer
we're talking about?

‐ No.
‐ Katherine Dabrowski
was m*rder*d.

This is the woman that you
used to go and talk to after
she'd catch your wife stealing.

Beg her to let her
keep her job.
I don't know from any m*rder.

Mildred said you might've been
to see Miss Dabrowski
over the weekend.

If you weren't there, why
would your wife say you were?

‐ I wasn't.
‐ The two of you ought to get
your stories straight.

I'm staying with what I said.

How about if
your fingerprints turn up in
Dabrowski's apartment?

That could be from another time,
previously going to see her.

‐ After your wife had stolen?
‐ I'm staying with my story.

‐ Even if your wife
gives you up?
‐ I'm staying with my story.


Josh, can you keep an eye
on this guy?

How the hell you gonna
solve a case interviewing
somebody like that?

Move Mildred saying
Stanley gave her up?
That may be too logical.

‐ You're out of tea.
‐ We just talked
to Stanley, Mildred.

‐ You're out of tea.
‐ It's time for you
to start cooperating.

Now, Stanley said
you had good reason
for how you acted.

He was real emphatic on that.
You had cause
for what you did?

She was mean.

She wouldn't let me
work in peace.

Always complaining
about something.

I did good work for her.
You'd never know
from how she treated me.

‐And that showed up on Friday?
‐She was angry at her boyfriend.

That's all she talked about.
Selfish and complaining.

And then when I had to leave
to go to another job,
she got angry...

because she wasn't
finished talking.

She didn't care I had
another job.
Which explains what you did.

That was Stanley's point.
I took a brooch and I left.

That's the last time
I saw her alive.

After you took the brooch,
what did you tell Stanley?

I was afraid that
I was gonna get fired.

‐ And he's not working.
We need the income.
‐ And so what did Stanley do?

‐ I guess he went over there.
‐ You guess,
or that's what he did?

He took the brooch
to return it to her,

and I don't know what
happened over there.

‐ What did he say
when he came back?
‐ I don't recall.

Mildred, don't ask us to believe
that you don't remember
what he said.

I guess he said something
like, uh,

that everything was gonna
be all right now.

Which is why I think
it was the other one.

I'd feel really bad
if it was Stanley.

Because trying to help me...

would've been the reason
that he got into it.

I think it was
the other one.

That could be
a criminal mastermind
in that room.

I come out of there,
I don't know what happened.
Plus I don't know what she said.

‐Plus I don't know if she knows.
‐Where are you guys on
the Dabrowski homicide?

It's the cleaning lady
or the husband,
or maybe both of them.

‐ Any evidence
other than their statements?
‐ Not at present.

When you decide
who you like, remember,
non‐corroborated conversation...

between husband and wife
is privileged
unless both parties waive.

Yeah, well, our idea
was one flips, and then
the other one confesses.

They knock New York on a lot
of "quality of life" issues,

but no one can deny
this is the state to live in...

if you wanna keep your spouse
from sending you to jail.

Ever wonder what he does
at nights for fun?

We appreciate your
coming in, Mr. Campisi.

Why don't you have a seat?

So when was it
you found out that
Mr. Sportelli'd been m*rder*d?

My wife, when she said
you were looking to talk to me.

There was some confusion
when you left your home?

Your wife
was already in the shower?
Yeah. I'd, uh, left previous.

'Cause she said you'd left
while she was showering,

and that she heard sirens
around then.

So the sh**ting already
had to have happened.
No. I left previous.

She was mistaken.
She told me that when we spoke.

And we heard
you helped Frank out.

You're not gonna help him
with his true problem,
which was muscular dystrophy.

Yeah, but you helped him
around the house.

Carpentry, plumbing.
But his true problem was health
and sadness from being sick.

I guess his true problem today
was somebody sh**t' him.

‐ Any ideas on that?
‐ No.

How could you tell
Mr. Sportelli was depressed?

People, one reason or another,
you can't please 'em.

I just kept working.
I never started a job
I didn't finish.

What work did you
help Frank with?

The most recent was
took his whole sink out,

mount a new one,
connect the pipes.

Now, that situation, there was
a hairline gap at the wall.

One person'll say
that's what caulking's for.

Then an answer,
"That's the sloppy way out."

Or you might indicate, uh,
a warped baseboard.

The walls bulge
over the years. You're not
gonna get a perfect fit.

This type exchange‐‐

I'm, uh,

sick with
this whole situation.

I‐I can tell you're upset.
Of course I am.

The poor fella d*ed.

How did that argument
end with Frank?

Over the plumbing?

Now, there, for instance,
he botched everything...

trying to take
the caulking off.

He couldn't hold
the chisel very good,

so he ends up chipping
the wall and cabinet.

I says, "Frank, I'm gonna
re‐caulk this thing...

"and I want you
to stay away from it.

"And that's enough
with the phone calls to Runner
and everyone else...

"and abusing Oleta,
who's got health problems
on her own.

She don't need
to hear that stuff,
criticized with your abuse."

So, uh, I'm on my back
on the floor.

Ten minutes later,
he comes back in with a g*n.

Comes in with a g*n.

What's the matter with him?

"Sport, what are you, crazy?
What's the matter with you?"

He says,

"Get away from that cabinet
or I'll blow your head off,

and don't put
no more caulking on."

I'll tell ya, I was‐‐
I was so upset with this.

So I get to my feet.

Twist the g*n away.
I try to walk out.

He comes after me with a hammer.
I don't even know how I knew it.

I just turned,
and here he's coming.
I stop him from coming down...

with the hammer on my head
out on the sidewalk.

And with the other hand,

he's trying to get the g*n away.

I don't know how
I wasn't strong enough...

with him having that disease.

But I couldn't pull the g*n back
without it going off.

I don't understand.

But that's what happened.

I sh*t and k*lled him.

That's my confession.

All right, Sal.

I'm so upset with this.

[ Door Opens ]
Does your wife lie, Stanley?
Sit down.

‐ No, she don't lie.
‐ Does she get things wrong?
Is she stupid in that way?

She's ain't stupid.
I said sit!

Mildred says between her seeing
Miss Dabrowski alive and when
she found her dead today,

you'd gone to her apartment
to keep her from taking
Mildred's job away.

‐All right, if I did.
‐You admit you went there?
‐You're changing your story now?

You admit you lied before?
I admit nothin'.

What happened when
you went over there, Stanley?

Did you talk to Miss Dabrowski
about Mildred stealing?
How's that a crime?

Nobody's saying it's a crime.
We're trying to find out
what happened.

Her and that woman had
some strange thing between 'em.

They were always
on each other's nerves.
Don't ask me what it was about.

Did Mildred do this, Stanley?
We know it was you or her.

And our thinking
is behind you
taking these two collars,

you would make it look like
it was a break‐in, make us
look different at what happened.

This whole thing...

has the mark of somebody
inexperienced, like Mildred.

No. It was me.

‐ It was you?
‐ [ Sighs ]

How'd you k*ll her?

Like you said,
I went over to talk to her...

to get Mildred's job back.

‐ She started in arguing.
‐ So you strangled her?
You did this?

You're not protectin' her?
It was me.

‐ What did Mildred say
when you told her?
‐ Nothin'.

You tell Mildred that
you k*lled Miss Dabrowski,
and she says nothing back?

I didn't tell her.

[ Mildred ]
There's no tea.

‐ Stanley says you can
tell us what happened.
‐ I don't know.

Your husband confessed, Mildred.
He said that he strangled
Miss Dabrowski,

and you could tell us
what he said to you.

He told us he told you, Mildred.
There's no harm in you
verifying that.

He didn't tell me.

‐ [ Chuckles ]
‐ You're pattin' your head.

Next time somebody tells
a joke about a dumb Polack,
you tell them...

one of these two people,
both Polish,
is a criminal genius.

The man said he did it, Andy.

And he's got me
doubtin' he did.

So he's smarter than me
doing it...

and makin' me think
he might not have,
or she is beatin' a m*rder.

Well, I‐‐

Hey. How'd you do?

The guy came in.

[ Simone ]

Thanks, Andy.

Let's go grab
some coffee somewhere.
I gotta go somewhere.

You gotta go somewhere.
Diane, we need to talk.

Yeah. I can't now.

[ Scoffs ]

I had a call
from One P. P., Bobby.

Promotions list
is coming out tomorrow.
You're gettin' first grade.

‐ Is that right?
‐ Yeah. Congratulations.

Who else is on the list?

No one else from the squad.

‐ Andy's not on the list?
‐ No.

‐ How do they make that work?
‐ Andy brought too much baggage.

‐ Oh, boy.
‐ For what it's worth,
I put him up.

‐ He told you on
the maid's husband?
‐ Guy's writing his statement?

Uh‐uh. We got, uh,
minor reservations
did he do it.

Well, why would he be saying
he did?

Well, neither one of them
was 100% clear
on their interviews.

Andy here's, uh, working
on the theory that they're
both criminal masterminds.

Another angle I thought of,
he's taking the hit
to get away from her.

Well, she gets convicted,
he still gets to get away.

But evil criminal genius
that she is, he knows
she beats it at trial.

So they're both outside, and
he's stuck with her. Here, he's
got a guaranteed separation.

‐ Do follow‐up fives tomorrow.
‐ Yeah.

He probably did it, all right?
Strangulation. I don't think
she's got the hands.

‐ Thanks, boss.
‐ Yeah. Good night.

Of course, she did
scrub all them floors.

[ Knocking ]

[ Door Opens ]

They send you back
to this guy?

I've gotta straighten out
what happened.
Look, this assh*le dr*gs you.

But you don't think
that he's ready to hurt you
in other ways?

No. He's not gonna
hurt me anymore.


You are not gonna change
whatever it was
that happened, Diane.

You've gotta let me go.

Look at me.
Look at me.

Are you looking
to get hurt?

Are you looking
to get hurt, Diane?


Do not get hurt.

I won't.

Mouse. You caught me
working on my mixed drinks.
I wanna talk to you, Jimmy.

You think it unmanly that
I'm partial to piña coladas?

Tell me what happened
when you brought me
back here last night.

Search within
and you'll know, Mouse.

Hey, assh*le,
tell me what you did to me!

No sale, Mouse.

You bastard.
You sick bastard.

‐ I'm impressed, but not afraid.
‐ Mmm?

Don't seem like
your first sh*t there, Mouse.

‐ Tell me what you did,
or I'll k*ll you!
‐ Look at you cry.

I can't believe
you did that to me.

Bad as you are,
I thought you cared about me.

I do.
You wanna know what happened?

I took off your clothes,
folded 'em neat.
And you know them cartoons,

you got the good and bad Goofy,
and they're sitting on
either one of your shoulders?

Tell me what you did.

Listened to good Goofy
telling me it wouldn't be no fun
if you didn't say yes.

You waiting for me
to say it's a fib?

No fib, Mouse.

What you said, thinking that
I cared about you, that's you
being a good judge of character.

Diane Earp.

Don't tell me you didn't put
a Mickey in my drink.

‐ Ah, bad Goofy,
Liery's evil twin.
‐ And that lets you off?

No, I wanted you.
I lost patience.

I wanna kiss you.

Don't m*rder me for this, huh?

I'm goin'.
I understand.

Count on seeing me
soon though, Mouse. I am
the reliable type, you know.

You know?

Toaster blew up.
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