03x11 - Burnin' Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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03x11 - Burnin' Love

Post by bunniefuu »

It's too close for comfort.
I'm living right next door.

It's, like, the fourth time
we've had fires in this block.

But never this close.
This is ridiculous.

You know, when I woke up,
I thought I was
choking to death.

Excuse me.
You been inside yet?

‐ Just got here.
‐ Got a body in the basement,

You know who lives here?

It's supposed to be vacant.
At least that's what the guy
next door says.

That's him there.
Name's, um, Paul Dunbar.
This guy?

Mr. Dunbar,
can we talk to you
a second here?

What went on here?

I woke up smelling smoke,
so I came outside. It was
coming out of the basement.

They keep a window open
a few inches
and smoke was coming out.

‐ You know the owner?
‐ Yeah.

She's been living in Queens
with her son about a year.
Nobody lives here now.

If there's a body in there,
I don't know
whose it can be.

Listen, did you notice
any activity,
see anybody go in or out?

Not a thing.
Just Mrs. Krause's son comes
over every couple of months.

‐ Can you give us his address?
‐ Yeah. I'll go get it.

[ Sipowicz ]
We're gonna go inside.
Get the address.

Oh, man.
It stinks of gasoline.

‐ Gentlemen, gentlemen.
‐ How's it going, Vince?

Holding my own.

This woman got torched.
[ Clears Throat ]

[ Sipowicz ]
Is that duct tape?

The eyes and the mouth.
Not tied up though.

Not now anyway.

There's no jewelry.
We gotta get the Crime Scene
unit to bag her hands.

I don't think
her back is b*rned.

Look at this.

‐ What?
‐ Tattoo.

Right here.
A blue unicorn.

Yeah, a unicorn
means something.

‐ What?
‐ Damned if I know.

Vince, it means
that we stand half a chance
of getting her identified.

A decent arsonist
would turn his nose up
at this one.

He lights a fire and runs,
the fire sputters out
on the concrete floor.

You get amateurs
in every occupation, I guess.

Hey, Greg?

Yeah, uh, Narcotics
is running a wiretap.

Picked up
there's a contract
on Floyd Gates.

Good News Gates?
Oh, the numbers guy.

Yeah. Apparently there's
a drug dealer named Woodrow
has a hit out on him.

Narcotics know
what it's about?
Not a clue.

But you know the drill.
Proceeds of a tap‐‐ gotta warn
Gates, offer him protection.

Yeah. They got a detail
going on him?

‐ There's a double shift in it,
if you want.
‐ Sure, I'll do a double shift.

But the cot in the upstairs dorm
is not exactly the Waldorf.

No improvements
on that front, huh?


I go back for a few days.
Tolerable intervals
get shorter and shorter.

Sorry to hear about that.

Okay, here's
where Gates lives.

‐ I'll get up there right away.
Thanks for the overtime, Lieu.
‐ Yeah.

All right.
Thanks very much. Thanks.

So, where are you
on your D. O. A.?

I just talked to the woman
who owns the house.

The place got burglarized
a few months ago.

That could explain
no forced entry.

Maybe the burglar found a key
when he was in there before.

And I also reached out
to the owner's son.

He's on his way to work now,
but he'll call back.

‐ [ Sipowicz Clears Throat ]
‐ Excuse me, Andy.

Missing Persons put me
with McNeil over at the 19th.

He's working a 20‐year‐old
white girl. She's been
missing for three days.

I called over there and just
missed the father. He's
on the way to the apartment.

He's got some handbills printed
up with her picture. He's
canvassing the neighborhood.

‐ Got an address
on the daughter?
‐ We can catch him over there.

I spoke to my wife.

"A unicorn's a mythological
creature with the body parts of
a bunch of different animals‐‐

"a lion's tail, so forth,

and a big horn in
the middle of its head."

‐ Good, Vince. Thanks.
‐ Yeah. That's all right, Bobby.

Take care.

So should we go
see this guy or follow up
that mythological angle?

Hey. Greg Medavoy,
15 Squad.

Detective Elkins, 25 Squad.

[ Elkins ] Taking a break.
They've been playing cards
all night.

That's Detective Grimes.
He started the detail with me.
He's gonna do a double. Okay?

‐ Yeah, okay.
‐ Here's Detective Greg Medavoy.

He's gonna replace me.
Medavoy, this is
Mr. Floyd Gates.

‐ Good morning.
‐ Hey.

Do you have any
security devices that I should
familiarize myself with?

Just a burglar alarm.
It's off.

‐ If you want to, you can
just call me Good News.
‐ Okay, Good News.

Shouldn't the alarm be on?
We don't need
no burglar alarm.

‐ We got you.
‐ [ Both Chuckling ]

[ Knocking On Door ]

‐ [ Knocking Continues ]
‐ [ Medavoy ] Who is it?

And Delmar!

Let them in.

You're a white dude.
[ Laughs ] All right.

My brother, my brother!
You still in one piece!

alive and kickin'.
All right.

This is Greg. He's protection
from the police department.
How you doing, man?

‐ Hi.
‐ Hey, I'm taking off.

It's all yours, Medavoy.

‐ Thanks, Will.
Come back and see me.
‐ Yeah.

Take care of yourself.

Let's get this game going
before you get your big ass
sh*t full of holes.

Hey, man! Wake up!
Come on! Wake up, wake up!
Get up!

‐ Give him something to drink.
‐ [ Delmar ] Hey, Verdis,
you want something, bro?

Give me a sh*t of that.
All right.

Come on, Greg.
Get in the game.
Get in the game.

I think I better stick
to business, Mr. Gates.

What do you think of that sucker
putting a contract out
on Good News?

Yeah. Wasn't that
a hell of a thing?
Do you know what it was about?

I don't know what it's about.
Good News, you know
what it's about?

That dope‐dealing fool, Woodrow.
He got something against me.

But the police
are gonna protect my ass.
Right, Greg?

‐That borough gave you his name?
‐Well, they had to tell me
who to look out for.

Come on, Greg.
Sit down and play a hand.

Well‐‐ [ Chuckles ]
[ Louis ]
Deal him in.

Would you take
one of these for me?
Thank you.

Ma'am, would you
take one of these?
Thank you very much.

Uh, do you
know this girl?

Would you take that
with you?

[ Simone ]
Mr. Garabedian?

Detective Sipowicz, 15th Squad.
This is Detective Simone.

What squad is that?
I've been talking
with a Detective McNeil.

Yeah. He gave us your name, sir.
We wanted to ask you
a few questions.

My daughter's missing.

Does your daughter have any
distinguishing marks on her?

Well, it says
a scar on the back
of her right calf.

A dog bit her
when she was eight.
How about a tattoo?

‐ That kind of thing.
‐ No. No tattoo.

Why? Did you find
a girl with a tattoo?

What was her condition?

We found a body in a fire.
She was in her early 20s.

She had a small tattoo
of a unicorn on the back
of her right shoulder.

That wouldn't be Angie.
Who's that kid?

Thank you.
Uh, he's helping me.

Him and his wife were
staying with my daughter
the last week.

They students?
Working people?
His wife, Lisa, has a job.

Johnny, he stays home
with the baby.
Lisa grew up with Angie.

They were getting some repairs
done on their apartment.
Angie let them stay with her.

Excuse me.

‐ Can I see one of those?
‐ Yeah. Here's one in color.

Mr. Garabedian,
you'd know if your daughter
had a tattoo, right?


Your name Johnny?

Johnny Arcotti.

My name's Simone.
So you're helping out
Mr. Garabedian here, huh?

Yeah. Angie's been missing
for three days now.

We're getting kind of worried
about her. My wife and her,
they grew up together.

I'm wondering, do you know
if Angie had any sort
of markings on her?

Her dad said she didn't,
but sometimes
a father might not know.

‐ Like a tattoo
or something like that?
‐ Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, she had a tattoo.
It was of a unicorn.

She did, huh?

Yeah. You see Legend?
You know, the movie
with Tom Cruise?

Where's this tattoo?
It was on her shoulder.

We need to talk to
Mr. Garabedian some more.

But I want to talk
to you some more too.

It's his daughter.
He's just pegged the tattoo.

Son of a bitch.

Thank you very much.

Mr. Garabedian, uh,

there's a chance your daughter's
involved in this case
we're working on.

What makes you say that?

Is there any way
that we can possibly access
your daughter's dental records?

Why would you need them?

To see if there's discrepancies
with regards to the case
that we're working on now.

You know,
just to stay on the safe side.
I‐‐ I don't understand.

‐ What's the point if she
didn't have that tattoo?
‐ Johnny seems to think she did.

No. No. I was close
with my daughter.

No, Mr. Garabedian.
She did have a tattoo.
It was of a unicorn.

It was on her shoulder.

Oh, my God.

All right,
well, we'll take it
one step at a time.

We'll look
for dental records.

Uh, our lawyer's
Gerald Fleishmann.

Sir, her dentist?

Right, dentist.
Columbus Avenue.
He would have her records.

‐ There still could be
some discrepancy.
‐ Absolutely. Absolutely.

Just, let's take it
one step at a time.



That girl
missing in the 19th?
That's gonna be our D. O. A.

‐ Can we make an I. D.?
‐ Her father just got us
her dental records.

Andy's running them
over to the morgue.
The father got any ideas?

This guy wasn't ready for
that kind of conversation.
He had been up for two days.

Just about hysterical
fighting off
that it could be her.

He's waiting
to hear at home.

Who's that?

A friend of the family.
Him and his wife were staying
at the D. O. A.'s apartment.

Why's that?
They were getting their place
fixed up.


Could you do me a favor?
Run this guy, Johnny,
through B.C.I. for me.

Okay, no problem.

‐ I'm not gonna swear by that.
‐ That's all right. Just as long
as it's got caffeine in it.

Couple hours into the shift,
you know, it starts
getting a little ripe.

I'm just trying to think.

I mean, who could've
done this to her?

You figure this girl we found
could be Angie, huh?

Well, yeah, definitely,
by what you said‐‐
the, uh, tattoo.

Yeah. I think
you're probably right.

There was this Russian guy‐‐
Angie went to Virginia
with him a couple weeks ago.

He was giving her
a pretty hard time.

I remember Angie
called up Lisa and said
the guy was pushing on her.

She say what it was about?
I think sex. 'Cause she wasn't
sleeping with him on the trip.

Well, do you know if he
put hands on her at all?
No, I don't‐‐

I mean, I don't know.
I mean, I do know that they did
come back a day early, though.


Then, like, a week ago
this guy, uh, Dimitri,
he came over.

He was really drunk,
and Angie started to freak out.

He took his shirt off‐‐
the guy got her name and
a unicorn tattooed on his arm.

So what happened
when Angie freaked out?

Yeah, well, you know,
we drank a few beers, and‐‐

‐ And she did finally
tell him to leave.
‐ Anyone doing dr*gs?


Come on, John.

I'm working a homicide here.
No one's gonna get hassled
for their party habits.

I'm just looking to get
a clear picture of this, uh‐‐
Dimitri, right?

No, I understand. I'm just‐‐
Okay, I wouldn't be surprised
if the guy smoked some pot.

But he just didn't do it
in front of me.

So‐‐ So you're thinking then
that this guy, he could've
harmed Angie, huh?

Oh, yeah. No, definitely.
I mean, this guy‐‐ I mean,
he was definitely a strange guy.

You know where
we could find this guy?

You could check
her address book.


Dimitri, uh‐‐
Any idea
of the last name?

Yeah. Golf. Golf.
Something like that.

I think it's G‐0‐L‐0...


Two F's. Thanks.

Yeah, Johnny, I was holding off
talking to Mr. Garabedian
until we were sure about Angie.

But I really
appreciate your help.

Yeah. So, did you guys
find anything out that
could help you at the scene?

I'm not supposed
to say, John.

But, you know,
between me and you, you've
been real helpful here.

There were some fingerprints
that we lifted
from the crime scene.

That's good, right?

That's in confidence.
No, I understand.

Thanks for the information.

You ever been in trouble

I wouldn't think so.

And when she gets a chance,
we can talk to your wife?
Is it Lisa?

Yeah, Lisa.
She's working now.

Uh, Johnny, who's taking care
of your baby?

She took it to work.
I was handing out
the leaflets.

Uh‐huh. All right.
Take care.

All right.

Our Johnny took collars
for grand larceny auto
and soliciting for a minor.

Pimped a 15‐year‐old girl.

How's it going?
Those records match?

It was her.
These assholes.

She had carbon in her lungs.
I gotta call
the girl's father.

She was alive
when they set her on fire.

Oh, we gotta look
at a Dimitri Goloff.

[ Sighs ]

Uh, Mr. Garabedian?

This is
Detective Sipowicz.

Deal a brother
a hand, man.
[ Men Chattering ]

Come on, Gregory.
Give us some cards here.

Do not fool around.

We are cardplayers here.

Hey, Greg, how long you figure
the department will be willing
to protect me like this?

Ah, as long as it takes,
I guess.

This could be
a very long card game.

Pretty soon we gonna need
some women up in here.

I can dig that.
Get one for Greg too.

What kind you like, Greg?

You like 'em with
a little meat on the bones?
A little thunder in the thighs?

‐ How about‐‐
‐ Wandell!

Yeah! Yeah!

[ Men Laughing ]

‐ How about it, Greg?
Want me to give her a call?
‐ No, let's leave that alone.

You don't want no woman, man?

Hey, guys,
I'm on duty.

‐ Oooh! He on duty.
‐ Yeah. What's wrong
with you, Louis?

The man's on duty.
He's protecting my ass.
He ain't got time for no women.

Ain't that right, Greg?

‐ Or do you want
to get you a little?
‐ I'm working!

Well, have a drink with us.
Nah, I can't drink either.

But I am
having a good time.
All right!

Have a seat right there,


That's the Russian. He was
warming a bar stool across
the street from his building.

D.O.A.'s father's
on his way in.

And that kid
you told we had prints?

I figured if he was wrong,
it would give him
something to think about.

‐ His wife's coming in at 5:30.
‐ We got a subpoena
to dump the girl's phone?

Yeah. Russell's
at Telephone Security.

Okay, cool.
Thanks, Lieu.

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

You wanna sit down?

How many drinks
you had today, Dimitri?

Two vodkas.

So you're more or less sober,

All right, I want you to
remember when you saw
Angie Garabedian last.

‐ What about Angie?
‐ Did you hear what he said?
When did you see her last?

What I am here for
about Angie?
She put a complaint?

That's not how it goes‐‐
we ask a question,
you ask a question.

When did you see this girl?

Maybe three or four nights ago.
I see her at this club, Snakes.

‐ Did you talk to her?
‐ Just "hello."
She don't want to talk to me.

‐ Who was she with?
‐ A girlfriend.

‐ Where did you go
after you left the club?
‐ Home. Went to bed.

We heard about this trip
you took to Virginia with Angie.
You two sleeping together?

What do you want?
Who is making this complaint?

‐ You see?
That's you asking us again.
‐ Were you sleeping with Angie?

[ Exhales ]
Couple times.

We heard that
she wouldn't sleep with you.

Who is complaining on me?

‐ Take off your shirt.
‐ What?

Take it off.
Come on. The shirt.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

‐ See, I think that you were
very serious about her.
‐ I got drunk.

Angie's in the morgue,

We found her body
this morning.

She was m*rder*d.

Are you
telling the truth?

If you k*lled her,
you'll feel better,
you let it go.

[ Loud Slam ]

[ Speaking Russian ]


No, I‐‐

I couldn't hurt Angie.

Maybe she did something
to hurt your feelings.

‐ Then something happened that
you didn't mean to happen.
‐ No!

You didn't get mad
because you couldn't
have her?

No. I wasn't good enough
to have her.

I don't have no class.

‐ Bobby, you got a second?
‐ Yeah.

What's up?
Alex Sandoval
just got sh*t on Fourth.

He could be connected
with this John Arcotti.

On Johnny's pop
for that G. L. A.,

Sandoval took
the collar with him.

Put your shirt back on.

Excuse me.

You got any witnesses?
Over there.

She see it?
She was with him.

[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Officer ] Keep this area
clear for emergency vehicles.

sh*t from behind.

So either this is a coincidence,
or Johnny and Alex
are back in business.

John gets worried about those
fingerprints we didn't find‐‐
He goes out and whacks Alex.

Let's go talk to her.

Baby get hurt?
Baby's okay.

That's the father's blood
on the kid.

What's your name?

It's Donna Mendoza.

Did you see
who sh*t him, Donna?

No. No.
Alex was holding the baby.

Then he fell down on the baby,
and I had to get him
off the baby.

You didn't get any kind
of look at this guy?
I don't‐‐ I don't know.

Look, I'm sorry, Donna.
I do have to ask you
some questions.

Is the baby all right?
Yeah, yeah.

‐ Do you know a John Arcotti?
‐ No.

Maybe one of Alex's friends?
He don't‐‐ He don't
bring his friends around.

If this wasn't an accident,
can you think of any reason why
somebody would want to do this?

He came right up behind us
and sh*t Alex in the head.

I had to get him
off the baby.

All right,
don't look over there.
Just go inside. Baby's cold.

So, what is it?

Maybe he was bangin' her.

Plus these others.
Look at this phone list.

Now Angie
gets a conscience pang,

or they beef,
her and Johnny,

and she's gonna blow the whistle
to Johnny's wife.

Except Johnny
decides to k*ll her instead.

Alex carries the kerosene
for old time's sake.
Or maybe 20 bucks.

And Johnny decides to whack Alex
'cause he could be a witness.

‐ How's it going?
‐ Hey, John.

Lisa brought the baby to me
before she came to talk to you,
so I figured I'd come in.

Yeah, sure.

‐ Andy, you want to talk
to Mrs. Arcotti?
‐ Yeah.

Come on.
We can talk down here.
All right.

John, stay with me.
I'll fill you in
on what's going on.

That's okay.
Go ahead, honey.

Want something to drink?
[ Baby Fusses ]

Uh, yeah.
You got Coke?
Both kinds.

What's the baby's name?

It's Oliver.
It's named after
Lisa's grandfather.

So how's it going
with the case?

Hey, just pluggin' away, man.
Pluggin' away, huh?

No, uh‐‐
No big developments?

You know, now that you're in,
John, there is one discrepancy
that I wanted to ask you on...

where we learned
you do have a record.

[ Baby Continues Fussing ]

Yeah, I thought about that
afterwards. But I wasn't
sure what you meant by that.

Well, you were collared
for a G. L. A., and you pimped
a child prost*tute.

I misunderstood,
when the area of the crime
that you were looking at‐‐

Mm‐hmm. Which would be
an abduction‐m*rder.


Okay, jackpot on the car.
That was
a registration mix‐up.

And the girl, I mean,
there was no way
I was pimpin' her.

To look at her,
you'd think she was 20.
She had tits out to here.

That must've been a shock.
Yeah. I thought
she was my girlfriend.

Turns out she's balling
anything with a pair of pants
and I'm the last to find out.

And that vice cop in court,
he stands up and says
I was soliciting him.

I'd never seen him
in my life.

[ Baby Fusses ]

‐ What about Dimitri?
‐ Oh, we talked to him, John.

‐ I don't think
that's going anywhere.
‐ No, huh?

I'd forget about Dimitri.

It wasn't him.

There are three calls here
from your phone
to Johnny's beeper that night.

You're telling me Johnny's
sitting there next to you,
so you dialed him on his beeper?

Look, Johnny
was home all night.
That's gotta be a mistake.

So, how about
these mistakes, Lisa? Here.

You got dozens of calls
to a Carla Leon
and a Helen Slauson,

all from Angie's apartment,
all while you and Angie
were working.

Now, do you know
these women, huh?

Were these mutual friends
with you and Johnny?

Carla's someone Johnny had
a thing with after we first got
together, but he broke it off.

Oh. So he was just calling
to remind her it was over.

How about Helen Slauson?
Who's she?

I don't know who that is.

The truth is, Johnny's running
from one bed to another...

while you're out working,
supporting him, Lisa.

He was home
all that night!

You know
he's got a record?

Johnny was a pimp
and a car thief.

As a matter of fact, one of
the guys he used to steal cars
with got m*rder*d today.

You know an Alex Sandoval?

I don't know any Alex.

And Johnny
didn't go out that night.

All right,
so it was a coincidence,

you and Johnny being
houseguests just when Angie
got kidnapped and m*rder*d, huh?

I gotta get back to my baby.

[ Knock On Door ]

Who is it?
It's Bob.

‐ Bob.
‐ Let him in.

[ Men ]

Man, you will lose your ass
messing around with boxing.

Not on this deal.
It's the fight of the century.

And ain't nobody
thought of it but me.

‐ Yeah, right.
‐ Who's the fighters?

I tell you, we split 50/50.
We partners.

Okay. It's Mike Tyson
and O. J. Simpson.

[ Men Laughing ]
Get outta here!

Hey, what are you laughing at?
We get Judge Ito to referee.

‐ You get Judge Ito,
I'll put it on.
‐ [ All Laughing ]

How is it out there, Bob?
Anybody take a potshot at you?

‐ No.
‐ Everything quiet out there?

It's quiet now.

[ Siren Wailing In Distance ]

‐ All right. Whose bet is it?
‐ It's yours, man.

I wish you'd bet.
Shut up!

Man, hold it!
I call, and I raise.

I am not gonna hear
talk like this.
My daughter is not a tramp.

No one is saying anything
like that, Mr. Garabedian.

We just want your impression
of the relationship between
your daughter and John Arcotti.

Lisa was my daughter's
best friend.

She's not gonna sleep with
her best friend's husband!

With Johnny's background
and his access to your daughter,
we gotta treat him as a suspect.

Your daughter never mentioned
he made her feel uncomfortable?
Maybe he'd made some advances?

No. She liked him!
I was happy
when they moved in.

Look, I'd worried about
my daughter living alone.

When she came to me
about Lisa and John,
it was a relief.

I'd hoped that after
they'd left, she'd want
a full‐time roommate.

‐ She asked for your permission
for them to move in?
‐ I pay the rent.

I will not‐‐ not
have these people
called murderers!

I gave them permission
to be there!


Thanks very much,
Mr. Garabedian.

Uh, John said
you thought a Russian
might be a suspect.

Well, we're still
fitting things together.

Listen, thank you very much
for your cooperation.

I know I didn't know
about the tattoo.

But I know my daughter
was a good girl.

She would never
hurt Lisa that way.

Okay, Mr. Garabedian.

This is Carla Leon.

[ Martinez ]
Looks like
she took a b*ating.

How'd you do
on the other one?
Helen Slauson?

We got one other place
to look.

Who hit you, Carla?

You don't know who hit you?

‐ What you call me in here for?
‐ You know a John Arcotti?

Come on, Carla.
Sit down. Come on.

Now, this John
made a whole lot
of phone calls to you...

from this girl's apartment
who was found tied
and b*rned in a vacant house.

‐ I don't know about it.
‐ You don't know about him
making phone calls to you?

You must be in deep, Carla.
That lie just made you
an accessory to m*rder.

So you must've done
something worse than that.
That's right.

Were you at the scene?
'Cause, see, that surprises me.
I don't know anything!

I tell you that, you say
it makes me a convict?
[ Scoffs ]

Johnny must have you
pretty afraid, doesn't he?

You could say that.

Let's just start
with you seeing him.

I've been
dating Johnny somewhat.

He seeing anybody else?

I know he got
other girlfriend.

Do you know her name?

Well, Carla, that's his wife.

You ever hear of
a girl named Angie?

Yeah. The girl they
moved in with until
their apartment's fixed.

Sometimes Johnny starts saying
he's gonna make a lot of money.
It's involved with her.

Her father got
a lot of money,
and so forth.

Me, I just figured
he's gonna put Johnny
in business or somethin'.

Angie's father's
gonna put Johnny in business?

Was he gonna
put Alex Sandoval
in business?

'Cause you know Alex too.
Right, Carla?

He used to come up.
They talked.

Johnny and Alex'd
come to your place?

I never paid attention
to what they were saying.
I couldn't follow it anyway.

It was like some kind of
code or something.

Man, I just liked Johnny.

And today I get a call
from Don Brunelli,
another guy that come up.

He said Alex is dead.

Alex got sh*t,
like, he got his head
blown off in the street.

I already seen on the TV
that that girl d*ed.

And Johnny comes over
half crazy.

I asked what happened,
and he says,

"Shut your mouth, bitch!
Shut the hell up!"

Then he hits me.

Smashes me in the face.

I locked myself
in the bathroom.
He kicks the door open.

I'm, like, "What are you
gettin' mad at me for?"

He says he'd better
be able to trust me.
[ Repeats In Mocking Tone ]

What's he gotta
trust you about?

Look, all I heard him say
was the phone didn't work.
The call must not have worked.

Who were they calling?
The girl's father, I guess,
to get the money.

They kidnapped that girl
for ransom?

I guess so.

He said when they made the call,
it must not have gone through.

Look, man,
I don't know what he did,
but I'm scared of him.

‐ You know where
this Don Brunelli lives?
‐ No.

This guy's number's
on the phone dump
from Angie's apartment.

don't go home, Carla.

You got someplace else to go?
My parents live in Jersey.

‐ Does Johnny know where?
‐ No.

All right.
Go stay with them.

Give us the number.

Man, I'm so scared.

Yeah, I can understand
your impatience, but, uh‐‐

Hey, fellas.
Wait right there.

You'll have to bear with me
a moment, Mr. Garabedian.
All hell's breaking loose today.

I've got an urgent phone call
for one of my detectives,

and I've gotta go through
the 61's with his partner.

If you'll give me just
two minutes, I'll be right back.
Please have a seat.

That's the lieutenant.

Hey, Andy.
This call just came in for you.

You gotta get back to him.
I've gotta go through your 61's.

Sarge, can I get
those 61's, please?

There's no number here.

Um, yeah.
Call the weather.
What's all this about, Lieu?

The victim's father came back
with a lawyer to look out
for his daughter's interests.

Meanwhile, John Arcotti's
waiting upstairs to talk to you.

Yeah, yeah.
He's pretty wired.

I don't want that father
taking this guy up there.

‐ They may lawyer the kid up,
and then we're dead.
‐ That's right.

‐ Any good on the third guy?
‐ Brunelli?

It's in the wind.
He cleaned out
the apartment.

Uh, yeah, Sylvia, it's me.
Listen, don't say anything.
I might talk. I might not.

Check this out, Lieu.

The landlord says
that this guy, Brunelli,
he's 6 foot 3.

The average height description
we got from the witnesses
on the Sandoval homicide,

I mean,
that's gotta be John Arcotti
and not this guy Brunelli.

Hold on. I'm still here.
Yeah, and "B,"
Brunelli bags his trash.

He's got a $17
receipt in there
from a Payless station.

Five bucks' worth of gas,
$12 for the can.

You figure
he set the fire?

I'm saying good‐bye now.
I'll call back
when I understand.

Station attendant I. D.'s
all three of the guys...

off the tape from
the video camera‐‐
Johnny, Sandoval and Brunelli.

All three of them
bought the gas.

You tell me,
what kind of crooks
are these?

They snatch up a girl
for ransom and never get
through on the ransom call.

Buying the gas isn't
gonna give us a conviction and
doesn't put them at the house.

Let me work on this guy John.
All right.
I got the father.

How are you,
Mr. Garabedian?

Yeah, Detective Sipowicz
is gonna bring you up to speed
on your daughter's case.

The most recent developments.

Andy Sipowicz.
John Sawyer,
representing Mr. Garabedian.

I'm upset
with where it looks like
you're taking this.

‐ What way is that?
‐ I mean, what happened to
the Russian as a suspect?

‐ This Dimitri?
‐ You're trying to make
John Arcotti the k*ller.

I think John Arcotti is the one
who needs representation
to protect his rights.

I'm gonna give you
some background on what
we've been finding out.

Then you'll make
your judgment.
All right?

Have a seat here.
Please, sit down.

What am I doing in this room?

Well, the lieutenant
must have sensed that
you were a little upset.

He put you in here so you
wouldn't be so distracted.
What's going on, Johnny?

What's going on is, you're
trying to break up my marriage
and involve me in crimes!

What I attempted
was exactly the opposite!

What we're trying to do
is figure out what happened
to Angie Garabedian.

Oh, let me tell you something.
Let me tell you some‐‐

I have been under such strain‐‐
such strain
you couldn't even believe it.

‐ Now to have my wife told
that I'm a criminal.
‐ Well, let's straighten it out.

Let's straighten this out
right now.

You asked my wife‐‐

You asked my wife
about Alex Sandoval.

Okay, Alex Sandoval,

he came to see me
in the neighborhood
of seven to 10 days ago.

Now, I made a mistake in my life
three and a half years ago
involving Alex Sandoval,

and that was‐‐
that was that car theft
you asked me about.

‐ The "registration mix‐up."
‐ That involved Alex Sandoval.

Okay, here he comes now.
He wants us to work together.
Get out and earn.

Carry on like we
did in the good old days.
I said, "No, Alex. I'm married.

"I'm a parent, and we're staying
with this lovely person, Angie,
until our own place is ready.

Wonderful father
who's financially comfortable."

Bottom line is,
I sent Alex on his way. Okay?

And when this transpired,
I thought I was gonna vomit
at what I had realized.

I had given him
this information.

You told him about Angie.

You asked Lisa my connection
with Alex Sandoval.

It was the same
that was on those phone records,
which is the exact way...

I was able to trace
Alex Sandoval‐‐
by making those phone calls.

You were trying to find Angie.
I was trying to find her.
I was trying to save her life.

So Alex's intention
was to get ransom.
Is that what was going on?

He was holding her ransom.

Now get this.

He had made a tape
with instructions
on where to drop the money.

How much was he asking for?
I think he said.

And he had made a tape
to play into the phone
when the old man answers.

Except when the old man answers,
he hears "Hello,
this is George Garabedian."

It was the old man's
answering machine.
And Alex don't realize this.

No. He holds up the tape
recorder, plays the message into
the phone and then hangs up.

But he must've hung up before
the machine beeped on‐‐ the
message don't even get on it.

‐ He screwed up.
‐ Alex totally screwed up.

How long after this
had Angie disappeared?

Till I tracked him down?
It was several days.

He admitted he was involved,
and he said the guy
didn't pay him the money.

I told him I know for a fact‐‐
"Alex, the father
never got a ransom call."

Because I was out there
spending days with him
handing out flyers.

Now, all I'm thinking‐‐
I mean, I know I should've
probably contacted the police.

You should've, Johnny.
But my only thought is, I just
want to get the girl back safe.

'Cause of my knowing him,
I got a better chance
of getting him to tell.

So I'm asking him,
"Alex, where have you
got the girl?

Where have you
got Angie hidden?"

And that's what those
phone calls were all about.

Now, I mean,

what he must have done is‐‐

he must've gone back
and set her on fire
to destroy the evidence.

You know
Alex Sandoval's dead.

No, I know. You told my wife.
You asked her my connection.

So, do you know
a Don Brunelli?

I know... a Don Brunelli.

I believe that Don Brunelli
may have been involved with Alex
in grabbing Angie.

And subsequently,
Don may have even‐‐
He may have even m*rder*d Alex.

What's Don Brunelli telling you?

Don Brunelli's
not telling us anything, John.
Don Brunelli took off.

But you and Don and Alex...

were picked out by
a station attendant who sold you
five dollars' worth of gasoline.

And all of you
were up there on
this little video monitor.

You want to know
how that happened?

See, now, this is exactly how
you get further and further in.

I mean,
I was only trying to help.

But‐‐ Okay‐‐

I had finally remembered Alex
had mentioned this vacant house
near where his mother lived...

that he'd broken into
several months ago,
and he obtained a key.

‐ I'm finally thinking maybe
this is where they have her.
‐ This is a couple days later?

Yeah. I go, identify the place,
obtain entry, and there she is.

She's in the basement.

Angie's in the basement.
And she's tied up.

And when I go over
to release her,
I realize that she's dead.

And it's just that moment
when both Don and Alex,
they return.

‐ Where had they been?
‐ How do I know
where they've been?

They went out to find her
a blanket, 'cause this girl
was frozen to death.

She was suffocated
or something.

Have a seat, John.

‐ Why?
‐ Have a seat.

So you were sure
she was dead.

I know.

She wasn't moving at all.

It wasn't like
she was just unconscious.
She was dead.

They were kicking her
and so forth.
I was afraid for my own life.

I mean, I thought‐‐ I thought
they were gonna k*ll me
because she was already dead.

In order to save my own life,
I said, "Let's get some gasoline
and let's burn her up."

‐ That way I would show that
I was not gonna rat on them.
‐ You said that?

I have a wife
and a small child.
She was already dead.

Angie had carbon
in her lungs, John.

She was alive
when you set her on fire.
She breathed in those flames.

‐ No way.
‐ No way?

After all this...

that I've been
hearing from you,

that's the best
you're gonna come up with‐‐
"No way," John?

They made me do this!
They came at me!

I was trying to save my life!
Now look! I'm in the exact jam
they wanted me to be in!

You know, John, we got
a general description on
the Alex Sandoval k*lling.

Average height.
Now, Don Brunelli is,
as you know, 6 foot 3.

Johnny, you're 5'10".

Now, one of you
k*lled Alex, John.

And my money is on you.

It was because
I was furious with grief.

I mean, I did to them
exactly what I swore I'd do when
they made me watch that fire.

I took vengeance
for Mr. Garabedian.


Vengeance makes it
premeditated, John.


No, I think you'd be better off
with, uh, temporary insanity.

I mean...

I felt insane‐‐
I‐I was‐‐ I was exhausted.

I was‐‐ You know,
I was crazy with grief
that they would burn her alive.

I think you got
a better sh*t with that.

It's three days.

I still haven't been asleep.

Yeah, man. Come on.
It's on you, Greg.
It's on you.

Three threes.
[ Laughing ]

‐ What? Damn!
‐ How the hell you get
a hand like that?

Greg, you must have
played poker all day
down at the station house.

To tell you the truth,
I don't play that much poker.

‐ [ Phone Rings ]
‐ Lucky as you are,
you oughta start.

You something else,

‐ Maybe you're right.
‐ Hold on. Greg.

Oh. Thanks. Hello?

Yeah, that's me.

Oh, yeah?

That right?
So, uh, what happened?


Well, okay, uh,
we'll wrap it up here.

Yeah. Bye.

[ Beeps ]

That was the borough.

The thr*at on your life,
that's over.

It's over? You mean
the son of a bitch that wanted
to k*ll me changed his mind?

‐ No. Turns out
somebody whacked him.
‐ He got whacked?

Y'all hear that?
[ Chuckling ]

‐ Woodrow got whacked.
‐ He must've had
a whole lot of enemies.

What do you think of that?
Somebody went over and
canceled my contract on him.

‐ What you think of that?
‐ What do you mean,
what I think of it?

Well, what do you
think about it?

I don't think nothin'.

Well, let's go out
and get something to eat!

‐ Yeah, I hear you.
‐ That sounds good.

I can handle that.
That sounds like
a winner to me.

Put Greg's money
together for him.

Oh, okay.
Hey, thanks a lot.

So, uh,
point of information, Bob.

Where were you
before you came up here?

‐ I was sh**ting pool.
‐ That Bob sh**t a mean stick.

‐ Where were you, Bob?
Over at Jane Street?
‐ Yeah.

And I bet
you weren't sh**ting
by yourself, were you?

I never sh**t by myself.

My coat. Grimes!
Grimes, wake up!

[ Clapping ]

‐ We're through here, Grimes.
‐ [ Grimes ] What's goin' on?

Game's over.

‐ Hey, Bobby.
‐ Hey, Greg.

[ Sipowicz Murmuring ]
I understand these things.

Sarge tells me you collared up
on that torch guy.

‐ Yeah. Doin' the fives.
‐ Yeah.

They, uh‐‐
They shut my detail down.

Yeah, huh?

I was watching
this policy guy,
Good News Gates.

Yeah. This guy, Woodrow,
had a contract out on him.

‐ Winds up whacked himself.
‐ Gates had that done?

Well, the thought
occurred to me.

Woodrow was sh*t in the 27,
so I told 'em to look at a guy
that worked for Gates.

This huge, cross‐eyed guy
named Bob.

‐ [ Sipowicz ] Mm‐hmm.
‐ Anyway, see, I'm playing poker
with these guys.

Professional gamblers.

I win 312 bucks.

‐ You're kidding me.
‐ I haven't played poker
since I was a kid.

I was running bluffs,
every other damn thing.

Three hundred
and twelve bucks!

Greg, you sure these guys
weren't just, you know,
keeping you happy?

Nah. Hey, uh‐‐

I wouldn't imagine so.

I mean, t‐t‐they're not
even from our precinct.

Anyways, uh,
I'm going upstairs.

Uh, tell Andy
I said good night.

Night, Greg.

[ Sighs ] Look, that kind
of talk doesn't do anybody
any good, Mr. Garabedian.

Um, I'm gonna be here
for another 45 minutes.

And you got my home number,


Take care.

Father's bad, huh?

They better be heads‐up
with the metal detectors
when they arraign that Johnny.

This guy is liable
to go after him.

This kid's got no remorse.

Twenty years from now, he's
still gonna be working on a new
wrinkle, grounds for an appeal.

A master criminal.

Meanwhile he's working
on his escape digging
a tunnel at night with a fork.

Probably break through
into a septic t*nk.
Hey, guys.

Hey, how's it going, Vince?

‐ Hear you collared up
on that torch job.
‐ Uh‐huh.

‐ One of the guys you questioned
was tattooed like the D. O. A.?
‐ Yeah.

‐ Had one of those unicorns?
‐ Mm‐hmm. Russian guy.

I figured it was important,
that tattoo. I just
didn't know where it fit.

He chose this job
over a career in neurosurgery.

[ Sighs ]
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