06x14 - The Changing Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". Aired: October 2, 1955 – June 26, 1965.*
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American anthology series featuring dramas, thrillers and mysteries.
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06x14 - The Changing Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

Present company excepted.

Good evening,
fellow clock watchers.

And welcome to
Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

I shall never again
lease an apartment

on the strength of
an advertisement.

This one read "quarters for rent"

for very slim gentleman
who loves animals,

the animals are that
infernal bird you just heard.

And an idiotic mouse that runs up
the pendulum every now and then.

You know, the nursery
rhyme that goes...

"when the clock struck one".

I'm the one it strikes.

But enough of my problems.

Now, as is customary
on this program,

we shall have a word or two

from a dear friend.



Watches: Ulrich Klemm Clocks

Good evening.

You have something?

I was wondering if you
take a look at this.

I dropped it on the
floor yesterday.

Let me see.


A Kreuschner,

a genuine Kreuschner.

This is a very rare watch, my friend.

I haven't seen one in many years,
not since I left the old country.

Oh, my uncle left it to me.

It had been in his family for years.


Yeah, yeah.

I can repair this, I think.

Will not be easy, and will have
to make the parts myself.

Fine watch, my friend.
Beautiful instrument.

Worth saving.

I noticed some
interesting clocks here.

Did you bring them from Europe?

Ya, when the w*r started.

Ah, but they could not
save my masterpieces.

My uh automaton.

- Aut...
- You do not know the word?

- No.
- It means clockwork figures.

You know, mechanical chess players,

little jewel of the birds that fly

and sing when you wind them up.

Soldiers that march and
sound their trumpets.

You make things like that?

From all over Europe, they
came to me with commissions.

In Bonn, there is
a church steeple.

When the hour strikes,

angels appear on the belfry

and raise golden swords to
fight the powers of evil.

I created those angels, my friend.

And now I'm over here.

I earn my bread repairing
cheap watches.

Uh... can you fix my
watch, Mr. Klemm?

Yeah. Certainly I can.

But it will take time
if I am to save it.

Strange, isn't it, huh?

It takes time to save time.

Time is the great mystery.


I... I thought you were alone.

What is it, Lisa?

Dinner is ready.

Ah, you see, my friend,

time is the great mystery.

I had no idea it was so late.

Would you join us for dinner?

Oh, I really shouldn't.

Oh, please.
We have plenty.

That's very kind of you.

Good. It's good.

I'd like to hear some
more about your work.


Well, I have a few pieces in
back which might interest you.

I'm interested, Mr. Klemm.

I'm interested very much,

Ah. Come Lisa.


Thank you.

Look closely, Mr. Ross.

That's marvelous.

I don't see how you do it.

Oh, it's a child's toy.

I've done far more important
things in my days.

That is true.

Grandfather has made clocks
for royalty, for kings.

He has a drawer full of medals.

- Ow!
- Liebchen.

Liebchen. What is wrong?

I cut my finger on the knife.

Oh, let me bandage it for you.

It's just a scratch.

- Show me.
- Yeah.

There. It is fixed now.

You can fix everything,
can't you, grandfather?

A skilled hand should be
able to repair anything.

You should have been
a doctor, Mr. Klemm.

Strange you say so.

When I was a young man,

my father wanted
me to be a surgeon.

Why didn't you?

Oh, human body is full of flaws,
very imperfect.

But the clockwork...
a good chronometer, ah ha,

that is perfection.

You mean because it doesn't bleed
when it cuts its minute hand?

- Like I did?
- Oh, Liebchen.

I wasn't talking about you.

You are the one human being
who has never disappointed me.

She is my finest creation.

Please, what will Mr. Ross think,
such foolish talk?


I don't find it foolish at all.

I should be going.

Thank you for a wonderful evening.

Pleasure. Pleasure.

I will repair your Kreuschner,
my friend.

You come back on Friday,
it should be ready.

Friday. That'll be fine.


I'll see you then.

Mr. Ross.

Well, I'll see him to the door.

Ya, beat* it.

Will I see you again?

Of course, on Friday.

Oh you know that's
not what I meant.

I was talking about
just the two of us.

Please, he'll hear you.

What? The old man?

Well, there's nothing wrong
in asking for a date, is there?

You don't know.

You don't understand.

- He wants to protect me.
- From what?

Surely he can't object to
your going out with me.


You see,

he can't bear to see
me out of his sight.

So he's jealous, I can see that.

No, you don't see.


Please go now.

All right.

But I'm going to see you again.

You and I are going to
see a lot of each other.



Well, where do I go from here?

You're leaving?

Who said anything
about leaving, huh?


Yes, leaving.

Now, listen. We won't
have any tears, will we?

We're not going to make
a big scene out of this.

Try to cheer him up
after I'm gone, won't you?

- Good bye.
- Bye.


What a clown.


something happened this afternoon

at the office.

You didn't get fired, did you?

Who, me?

Best engineer in the firm?

No, I... I got promoted.

I'm being transferred to Seattle.

You're going away?

We're going away, darling.

- But Dane, I...
- The two of us.

You and I.

Mr. and Mrs. Dane Ross.


I can't do that to him.

Grandfather, he's... he's an old man.

Maybe... maybe if we wait,
and in a few years, we could.

In a few years?

I'm leaving Sunday
morning for Seattle.

What is it?
What's... what's the matter?

I was wondering what time it was.

Just nine, why?

I must go.

Grandfather will be
wondering where I am.

Look, can't you understand?
I love you.

I want to marry you.

Now, that old man doesn't
own you, does he?

He can't carry you around on...

on the end of a chain
like this watch, can he?

Or can he?

Is that what he's been doing
to you all these years?

He's turned you into
a piece of clockwork

that he can wind up to carry
out his orders to obey him?

That's not true.

You know I love you.

Well, then let's tell him so, now.


- You can't.
- Can't I?

You wait and see.

And I'm not going to
take no for an answer.

No, no, you cannot marry Lisa.

It's out of the question.

There's no question about it.

We're leaving together.

With your blessing or without it.

Is this true?

- I...
- Tell him, Lisa.

Yes. Tell me, Lisa.

Would you go without my permission?

Please, darling?

Come here, my child.

Tell him, Lisa,

you cannot go.

You will never go,

you will never leave me.

I... cannot go.

I cannot go.

You belong here.

You will never leave me.

I will never... leave you.

You see?

What are you doing?
Hypnotizing her?

The human body is a curious
instrument, my friend.

Liebshen, it is getting late.

Go to your room.

Lisa, wait.

Go to your room, Lisa.

You can't get away with this.

I am not getting
away with anything.

Lisa is a good girl.

She will do what I tell her.

You mean you've turned
her into an automaton?

That's what you've been doing
all these years, isn't it?

I've been protecting
the one thing I love.

It's a one thing I rescued
from the old life

and brought to this new world.

She is my masterpiece.

No one will take her from me.

That's insane.

I think you had better go.

You can't thr*aten me.

I am not threatening you.

But if I own a thing of beauty,

I cannot bear to see it fall
into the hands of others.

Rather than that,
I would destroy it myself.

You understand?

I would destroy it myself.



There, there, Liebchen.
You must rest.

What was that?

Only the shop.

It was nothing.
Only the mail man.

Was there a letter for me?


Now go to sleep, Lisa.

Sleep and rest.

Close your eyes.

Sleep and rest.


That's better.

- Mr. Klemm?
- Go away. We are closed.

Please, I must see you, sir.
I'm a friend of Dane Ross.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Go away.

Please, I have to talk to you.

Now, this will only take a minute.

Ten minutes.

Dane asked me to
stop by to see you.

He wrote to me
because he was worried.

Tell your friend there is
nothing to worry about.

He's been gone for three months.

Now, he says that
he's written to Lisa,

but that she's never
answered any of his letters.


There have been no letters.

Oh, no.
Wait a minute, pop.

Don't lie to me.

What's the matter?
You ill?


No, just Lisa...

Lisa who is ill.


- Where is she?
- It's your friend who made her ill.

Mr. Klemm.
That's ridiculous.

He should never have come
here in the first place.

After he left,
she couldn't rest.

If she is sick,
he is the one to blame.

Have you had the doctor?


What does he know?

Pills he gives her.
Pills for her heart.

He is a fool, that doctor.

She should belong in a hospital.


So that they can
give her more pills?

No, my friend.
I am here.

I can take care of her.

Mr. Klemm, if Lisa is so sick,
she needs proper care.

It's terrible,

terrible to sit beside
the one thing you love

and watch her slowly
fail and falter.

Please, you've got to
do something for her.

I know what to do, young man.

I know this girl
better than any doctor.

- But she may be dying.
- No!

She will not die.

I will not let her die.

Announcing the arrival
of flight ,

from Seattle at Concourse B.

Mr. Klemm!

Mr. Klemm?

Anybody here?

Mr. Klemm?

Mr. Klemm.

Mr. Klemm, wake up.

I'm afraid this is the end.

No sleep for days.

I have not the strength to go on.

But the operation is a success.
I know it.

I promised to save her and I did.

If I die, it does not matter.

Because she will live.


Lisa, you're alive.

He saved you.

Just as he promised,

he saved you.

Perhaps it was something she ate.

And now our sponsor would like
to tick off a few of the reasons

why he feels he deserves
your steadfast support.

I shall again be available
after the customary interval.

But don't bother to call me.

I'll call you.

My problems have been solved.

I had a workman over and he
removed that awful cuckoo sound.

I won't be needing these anymore.

That's all for tonight.

Next week we should be
back with another story.

Until then, good night.
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