02x12 - Large Mouth Bass

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x12 - Large Mouth Bass

Post by bunniefuu »

What do we got?
Watch your shoe.

Lydia cantwell.
She lived in the building.
In her mid‐20s.

Never saw one like this.
Her arms are almost hacked off.

find a w*apon?

Mrs. Louise brooks,
a neighbor.

She called 911 while
it's happening.
She's over here.

We were just
a few blocks away.

Must have just missed
the guy.

Mrs. Brooks?

I'm detective simone.
Detective sipowicz.

Did you call this in?

I was coming back
from getting my mail.

And she‐‐ miss cantwell‐‐

She was coming down
the stairs.

I saw this man grab her,
and he‐‐

I thought he was
punching her.

I didn't know
what was going on.

He was stabbing her,
and I didn't do‐‐
take it easy.

She tried to get away
from him up the steps.

He wouldn't stop.
He kept after her.

What did this guy
look like?

He was about 5'10",

Glasses, a mustache‐‐

Uh, kind of brown‐‐

A raincoat...

And he kept stabbing
and stabbing at her!

Did you know
miss cantwell?

Mrs. Brooks, did you know
miss cantwell?

No. She lived up in 2b.

know of any relatives?

the d. O. A.'S keys.

She never got a chance
to put them away.

See what you can find
on next of kin.

Mrs. Brooks,

Can you come to the station?
Maybe you can help us...

Get a drawing made
of the perpetrator.
I just stood there.

I should have
done something.

You did do something.
You called us.

All right.

Just look at me,
mrs. Brooks. Me.

Just look at me.
Come on.

Oh, my god.
Look at me.
It's all right.

There we go.

It's all right.
It's all right.

Right over here.

got a minute?
Yeah. What's up?

Picked up two guys
on a car stop.

Came up with 1/2 gram
of coke.

One guy says he knows you.

Yeah, um,
give me a second.

What have we got?

The james street

This is
mrs. Linda brooks.

She was a witness.

We appreciate
your cooperation.

Mrs. Brooks is
going to help us
with the sketch.

Right over here.

What do we know?
25‐Year‐old female.

She was leaving
her apartment.

She was stabbed,
like, 50 times.

She still had
her purse.

Nothing except for
this witness.

get a good look?

Yeah. She gave
a good description.

James found the mother's
phone number.

The mother wasn't in.

We left word with
her super to contact us.

The crime scene
lifted blood samples.

I'll voucher these
and send them to the m. E.'S.
O. K.

I got to meet
the new boss.

Oh, yeah?
What do you hear?

I don't know.

Who's this guy
supposed to know me?

His name's
raymond disalvo.

‐ He was holding?
‐ No, he was a passenger.

‐ Coke was in the door pocket...
On the driver's side.
‐ Was it a good search?

Driver's half a smart ass,

So I'm saying it was
on the front seat.

Disalvo give you
any trouble?

No, but he knew
what was going on.

This could go away.
If I write it
in the door pocket,

I'll lose in court anyway.
Yeah, I hear you.

Let me talk
to this guy.
I'll find you.

Sarge will
want to know.

All right.

I got to talk
to one of the collars.

There you go.



Bobby simone.

Man, are you a sight
for sore eyes.

What's going on here?

I didn't know there were
dr*gs in the car.

I'm catching a ride
with tommy here.

He's telling
the truth.

You look good.
How long's it been?

Mary's funeral‐‐
a terrible day.

Let's deal with this.
he didn't know.

That's true, bobby.

I didn't know about
any dr*gs.

‐ So, you're catching...
A ride with‐‐
‐ tommy.

Tommy. Exactly.
We get pulled over
for a busted taillight.

‐ There's some coke...
In the side pocket.
‐ It was nothing, man.

Must have been in there
when I bought the car.

I'm finally on to a good thing.
I'm not gonna screw up now.

Got a piece of a club.
Did I tell you?

It's a great place.
You got to come down.
Brazilian music, salsa.

I been financially struggling
the last couple of years.

I'm not going
to screw up now.

All right.

Let's see what we can do
to make this go away.

What did I tell you,

The cop says you have
an attitude problem, tommy.

I'm sorry.
I lost my temper.

I feel very bad
about that.

See, there's some confusion
as to where in the car
the dr*gs were discovered.

It could be an illegal search.
That's what I was saying.

I'm not saying it was
an illegal search, ray.

I'm saying there
was some confusion.

Right. Understood.

They may voucher
the coke as found property
and let you guys go.

Oh, boy,
that would be great.

If that happens, ray,
you got to stay
out of trouble.

That's true.
I'm not going
to screw up now.

I got a piece
of this club.

It's a great club, detective.
You should come down.

You think
they'll let us go?

Yeah. I wouldn't
be surprised.

I really appreciate it,

See you down there‐‐ rio.
It's in bay ridge.

Promise you'll come
see me, okay?
I might stop by.

‐ Take care of yourself, ray.
‐ You come see me, bobby.


The hair should be shorter.
What about the glasses?

She'll put in
the glasses.
Mrs. Machurski?

Miss machurski.
Lisa machurski.

You need to talk
to a detective?
Yes... I think so.

What seems to be
the problem?

Maybe there isn't
a problem.

I just have
some questions.

Why don't you tell me
about it?

Three weeks ago,
I bought this box.

What was in it?

Oh, that's the way
I bought it.

The lining's
a noble metal alloy...

Which puts out particles
that moisturize the skin...

And destabilize
cellulite deposits.
I see.

When you put
the power pack here,

It activates the box.

When you wear it
over your head
for two hours a day,

You will see
a marked improvement
in your appearance.

How much did you pay
for this box?

I paid $2,000
for that box,

And I'm supposed
to get the second
month power pack...

Renewed this afternoon
for an additional $600.

Do you feel this is
a confidence game?

A fraud?

Is that what you think?
Yes, it is.
Who sold you this box?

His name is
mac mcclellan.

He seems very nice.
They usually do.

You wait here while I get
some paperwork going.

Oh, the black box guy,
You know about this?

He worked the fulton mall
a few years ago.

My buddy
told me about it.

They could never get enough
to hold him.

Every plain jane
on the lower east side...

Will be through here
in the next few weeks.

This thing with
captain haverill leaving...

‐ Kind of a hit...
From left field.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

I don't know
if I'm permanent or not.

Long as I'm zone commander,

I want you to know what
you can expect from me.

That's good.
Two things‐‐

One, I believe in open,
honest dialogue.

Two, I judge a man
on his performance
and nothing else.

If that's a departure
from haverill's approach,
so be it.

On overtime‐‐
I want to approve
all overtime in advance.

‐ That's gonna make for...
A lot of phone calls.
‐ Part of my adjustment.

Give me a chance to get to know
the workings of the squad.

I've been in uniform
my whole career.

I never did understand
the glamour
of the detective bureau.

Detectives aren't so bad.

On this
cantwell homicide,

You're going to keep me
apprised on that.

Want to meet the detectives?

I'll get to know them
as we go along.

In terms of our
own communication‐‐

Any time,
any reason.
O. K.

New zone commander.
Good to meet you, boss.

My name is
agnes cantwell.

‐ I received a message...
To contact detective simone.
‐ Andy.


I'm detective simone,

You called the super
at my building.
Yes, ma'am.

Why don't we go
in the coffee area.

Why did you call him?
What's going on?

Here we go.

So‐so this is‐this is
the‐the coffee area?
Yes, ma'am.

Sit down right here.

Mrs. Cantwell,

Is lydia cantwell
your daughter?

Oh, my god.

Ma'am, your daughter
was assaulted this morning
on her way to work.

what happened to her?

Is she‐‐
is she gone?

I'm sorry.
But she's gone?

Yes, she's‐‐
she‐she was k*lled?

Oh. Oh.
Oh, my god.

Oh, no.


I'm going to get you
a glass of water.

Where are you going?

To get you
a glass of water.

Yeah, you go. You‐‐

You get me
a glass of water.

And then I'm
going to tell you
who k*lled her.

Here's your water.
Thank you.

Mrs. Cantwell,
this is detective sipowicz.

We're working the case

Sorry for your loss.

My ex‐husband did this.

He k*lled your daughter?

He's not
lydia's father.

He's my second husband.
His name is derrick cobb.

He's a mechanic
for the traffic
enforcement department.

How do you know he k*lled
your daughter?

We've been divorced
for 18 months,

And ever since then,
he's called or‐or...

He showed up and says...

He's going to find
the worst way he can
to hurt me.

He gets drunk,
and he calls,

Or he comes
to my building.

He's always been

He said k*lling me,
that would be too easy.

He wanted
to watch me suffer.

Did anyone ever hear him
make the threats?

I don't know.

I've heard them
often enough.

And then last week,
lydia said...

That he was
following her...

In some kind
of stupid disguise.

Did she describe
the disguise?

Yeah. Fake mustache
and a trench coat,

But she could still
recognize him.

Is this the man?

He's done exactly
what he said
he would do.

I loved my daughter
so much,

And he's taken her
from me.

Is the man
in that sketch
your ex‐husband?

Yeah, that's him.

That's him.

What can I do for you?


Derrick cobb.
Is he around?

Just missed him.
His shift ended 15 minutes ago.

He been here
all day?

Did a 6:00 to 2:00.

His shift started
at 6:00 this morning?

And you saw him here
the whole time?

He works
in the garage.
I sit at the desk.

I say he was here,
he was here.

Does he take these trucks
out for a test drive?

He could be gone
for five or six minutes.

Where are you going?

Yeah. This morning
he took one test drive‐‐

9:15, Back at 9:25.

Whose handwriting
is that?

You sign yourself
in and out.

He could have
put down anything.

‐ I'm telling you...
I saw him all day.
‐ Thanks.

Yeah, he saw him
through the hole
in his newspaper.

Let's just set up
at cobb's house.

Let us know when you've
given him the money.

We'll take it from there.
How do I do that?

A wave, a nod.
Whatever you're
comfortable with...

‐ We'll be at the bar.
‐ I'm a little nervous.

We're right here.
We won't let anything
happen to you.

No. No, I know that.

I don't know,
I'm just being silly.

Don't worry.
I'll be fine.


I feel bad,
but how can people
fall for this stuff.

People want to feel
better about themselves.
I want to be taller,

But I ain't going
to stick my head
in an empty box.

Here we go.

Excuse me.
I'm looking for a friend,
and I just, uh‐‐

‐ Lisa, is that you?
‐ Hello, mr. Mcclellan.

I didn't recognize you.

My goodness,
you are radiant.

Oh, no.
As long as I have been
selling this product,

It still amazes me
when I see results
like this.

So, how do you feel?
You must be thrilled.

To tell you the truth,

I wasn't entirely sure
the box was working.

Either you're in love
or the box is working.

You're glowing.

May i?

I assume
you want to continue
with your treatments.

I've been unsure
about that.

Well, I'm not surprised.

The results I see
are extraordinary.

I'm not sure you need
a follow‐up month.

Besides, you probably
want to slow things down
a little right now.

I'm not sure
what you mean.

In four short weeks,
you have become
an exceptionally striking woman.


Men are going
to start treating you
very, very differently.

I'd be scared too.
Maybe I can help you
with this part.

Is there a chance
you're free
for dinner tonight?

I know
it's short notice,

We need to talk
about this.

Well... Yes.

I think I can move
my calendar around.

I'll see you tonight.

Did we get a sign?
What the hell's going on?
She let him go.

‐ What happened, miss machurski?
‐ Look, this was a mistake.

He conned you.
He stole $2,000.

He didn't ask
for any money.

‐ You meeting him later?
‐ I don't want to press charges.

‐ Lisa.
‐ I may have underestimated...

How much the box
has helped me...

You didn't see me before.
How could you know
if the box was working?

♪ my little pretty one,
pretty one ♪

♪ When you gonna give me
some time, sharona‐‐ ♪

No one there?

I called in.
I told them we were...

Sitting on this guy's place.
You changed my station?

Put it back.

♪ ["Duke of earl"]

Got to be the oldies,
huh, andy?
You can turn it off.

I just don't like
that other crap.
No, this is good.

♪ Yay, yay, yay, yeah ♪

♪ Duke of earl
duke, duke‐‐ ♪

I'm going to get
accompaniment here

It's a great tune.
You seem very cheery

Oh, yeah?

you just got laid.

♪ And a paradise
we will share ♪

♪ Yes, I ♪
[snapping fingers]

[Both singing]
♪ oh, I'm gonna
love you ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Nothing can
stop me now ♪

♪ Ba ba ♪
♪ 'cause I'm
the duke of earl ♪

♪ oh, yay, yay, yay, yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

What's going on?

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

Nothing. What are you
doing here?

They want you guys
back at the squad.

We're sitting
on a guy's house.

‐ They want us to take it.
‐ They want you to take it?

Wh0a‐whoa. Did you get
the description of the guy?

Derrick cobb.
They gave us
his photo.

What the hell
is going on here?

We'll take
you guys' spot.

All right.

Let me know where
you're coming from. Excuse me.

You got something
you need us to do,

I'm sending you guys home.
[Sipowicz] they don't know
nothing about this case.

‐ Pulling you guys was my call.
‐ Captain bass, detectives...
Simone and sipowicz.

How's it goin'?

I want to make sure
we stay justified
on overtime.

With four detectives working
I couldn't see keeping you
on the clock.

I made sure
they were briefed.

‐ You briefed them...
On our case?
‐ O. K.

‐ Good to meet you.
‐ Good to meet you.

five minutes after my shift.
What am I still doing here?

♪ [Latin dance]

Where's john travolta?

I'm looking
for a buddy.

A familiar face
at the coat check.
Lou minetti.

He was
a linardi soldier.
He still is.

‐ Hey, you came!
‐ Ray.

Benita alden,
ray disalvo.

This is ray's place.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

Looks like
you struck gold.

I may have exaggerated
if I said this was my place.

Ray. Ray.
It's just a matter of time
and legal work.

Let me get you somethin'.
These are mine.

One round,
then I'll pay for my own.
We grew up together,

Now I can't even
buy him a drink.

I'll be right back.
Where you goin'?

‐ What are you drinking?
‐ Beer's fine.

‐ Sit there, bobby.
‐ What can I get you?

Two drafts.

"One round, ray.
Then I got to pay
for my own."

You were always so straight
even when you were little.

Who owns this place?
An investment group
out of brooklyn.

‐ This group hooked up?
‐ These are legitimate...

Ray, it's a who's who
in here.

Wise guys know how
to have a good time.
They spend a lot of money.

This is not a bad thing
for a nightclub.

You mixed up
with these guys?
What is this?

You used to look out for me.
I'm trying to do the same.

I got a chance to get
a piece of something here.

Am I supposed
to pass on that?
I don't know.

I'm o. K. Here.
My nose is clean.

You're supposed to be
having a good time.
Benita, come here with me.

Where are we going?
We're going to dance.

‐ He used to be the best.
‐ I still got my chops.

I told you. There's
nothing to worry about.

We're in good shape here, o. K.?
Hey, sarge,

The guy with the lawyer.

Derrick cobb.
He's the suspect
in my homicide.

They brought him in
1:30 this morning.

Derrick cobb?

Who are you?

Detective sipowicz.
You got a minute?

I'm mr. Cobb's attorney,
and he's done talking.

Your ex‐wife's
daughter got m*rder*d.
Don't you want to help us?

‐ Have you talked...
To my ex‐wife?
‐ Derrick, be quiet.

He's already been interviewed,
and he's passed the lineup.

You've got no grounds
to hold him.
He's got a right not to speak.

Give my ex‐wife
my sympathies.

Vince, come here.
Come here a second.

You run a lineup on my case,
and I don't get a call?

We were gonna call you.
This is my homicide.

The sarge had to call
this new captain,

And he wouldn't
authorize the overtime.
Did you question this guy?

Mulligan and sharma
brought him in.
They ran the show.

Fifteen minutes after
they start talkin' to him,
the guy lawyers up.

The lawyer said the lineup's
got to be right away.

Andy, between the mustache
disguise and the look‐alikes
they brought in,

The guy's mother wouldn't
have recognized him.
What's goin' on?

Night watch picked up cobb.
This new boss won't
let him call us.

I'm sorry.
I'll see you.
Cobb's here now?

He's out the door.
He b*at the lineup.

These meatballs
let him go.

One of you guys could
have dropped a dime.
I would have come in.

we did our job.

Yeah. Your witness
couldn't i. D. The guy,

That mrs. Brooks.

You dragged
a 60‐year‐old woman here...

In the middle
of the night?

‐ Guy's lawyer made us...
Run the lineup.
‐ Tommy, we're late.

You got a landscaping

Out on the island,

We got to apologize
for that?

No. Go roll around
in your fertilizer,
you turds.

Hey, men.

‐ Hey, vinnie.
‐ Here comes bass.

I've been asking around
about this guy.

This guy has not spent
day one in the bureau.

He thinks we're
cheating on overtime.

he can explain that...

To the dead girl's


Good morning.
Good morning.

I understand your witness
didn't pick cobb out.

‐ Cobb lawyered up.
‐ Which is his right.

That's 100% correct.

Even K*llers got
a right to a lawyer.

We sure we got
the right guy?

I've been catching
homicides 18 years.

No way
this isn't the guy.

It happens.
How do we fix it?

We go at his alibi,
go back to that garage.

Talk to that
fat‐assed supervisor.

If cobb's out there,
don't touch him.

Just talk to his boss.

‐ Bobby, before you go?
‐ Yeah.

You were at a club
in bay ridge last night?

Place called rio?

you got the 4‐1‐1.
Yeah, I was there.

Stay clear of it.
Narcotics has an operation
going on in there.

One of their people
spotted you.
Who's going down?

They said the owners.

All right.
I'll stay away.
Thanks, lieu.

If night watch
screwed up,

Maybe those men
should be looked at.

Every detective
should be competent.

That's a nice theory,

But this isn't
a uniform patrol...

Where assignments
are interchangeable.

Night watch don't
want to catch cases.

It's a custodial shift.

The guys work
till they're done,

With or without

We're going to
come out all right?

I don't know, captain.

Can I use
your phone, tim?

Excuse me. Could I
speak to a detective?

Oh. Yeah. Sure.
Just a sec.

Wait right there.

Detective, there's another
one of those ladies here.

Can I help you?
I just have
some questions.

In regards
to this black box?

Are you
familiar with this?
It's bogus.

The man
who sold it to me
seemed so nice.

I'm gonna
shut this guy down.

Miss, uh‐‐

Have a seat?

Look at this
cocky prick.

You guys again.

We need to talk more.

I got nothing more
to tell you.

Hey, we are investigating
a homicide.

Now we need to be
absolutely sure...

About derrick cobb's
whereabouts yesterday.

You understand me?
Absolutely sure.

Look, the guy shows up.

He punches in.

He's here working
on vehicles.

He takes one
for a test drive...

Which lasts
about 10 minutes.

I told you all this.

I saw him all day.

That's crap.

This is not mine.

You were half loaded

Like you are every day,

And you wouldn't know
where this guy was.

You think you'll
protect your fat‐ass job...

Alibiing this guy
on m*rder?

You're going
to lose your job.

I'll take this bottle
to your commissioner...

And put it
on his desk.

How long
you been on the job,
supervisor kozyck?

‐ 19 Years.
‐ 19 Years.

You ready to sacrifice
all that for this bum?


Maybe there's,
uh, stretches
where I don't see him.

How long would these
stretches last?

An hour, maybe more.
I don't always keep track.

how that happens.

‐ This m*rder...
Was in manhattan?
‐ That's right.

If he took one of our trucks,
they'd have a record
on the triborough.

Coming and going,
they'd have the time.

Don't tell that assh*le
what you told us.

No, I won't
say anything.

Detective simone,
can I talk to you?

How are you?

Is it true
you had derrick cobb,

And you let him go?

We weren't
able to hold him.

Well, he called me
to gloat.

He was laughing.
He called you
this morning?

After you let him go.
What is it?
Didn't you believe me?

D‐did you think
I was making this up?

I mean, why would‐‐

Why would I make
something like this up?

That wasn't it,
mrs. Cantwell.

Mrs. Cantwell,

We just developed
some evidence...

Showing that he
was lying about
his whereabouts.

We'll get a warrant,
search for proof.

He's not getting away
with this.

Do you have children?

I do.


Well, then
that's all right.

That's all right,
then. I'm‐‐

That'll help me.

You go home now,

And I'll notify you
the minute something

Uh, if you call,

Could‐could you
just please ring once...

And then call back...

So i‐i know it's you?

I can't stand to hear
his voice anymore.

Hey, bobby.
Hey, ray.

I got to talk
to this guy.

I'll tell
fancy what we got.
See about a warrant.

All right.

Let's go down here.
Come on.

This looks serious.

I have to talk to you
about the club.

‐ Have a good time?
‐ Yeah. It was great.

I don't think
it's a good idea...

For you to be
involved down there.

Due respect, bobby,
we've had this conversation.

Your concerns
with the clientele.

This is a different

Different? How?

I'm saying I got a bad
feeling on that place.

I don't think
you should be involved.

Meaning what?
Is the place hot?
It means what it means.

I hope if there was
something coming up,

‐ You'd let me know.
‐ No. Don't go...
Counting on that.

I'm telling you
this as a cop...

That you're
over your head
at that place.

If you're
smart, you'd
straighten out.

That's the last
I'm saying it to you.
O. K.


what are your intentions...

With this benita
from the other night?

We're, uh, we're working
it out right now.

‐ She's a great dancer, kid.
‐ Pay attention...
To what I'm saying.

Want to be a wise guy?

Don't be
some half wise guy.

Don't come crying
if this thing blows up.

I want my lawyer.
You'll get your lawyer when
they arraign you in court.

We don't need a statement,
so you don't need a lawyer.

We're just gonna
book you and send
you to the tombs.

You're as stupid
as you are sick.

That wasn't my Kn*fe.

No. Just 'cause
it was in the truck
you signed out...

With blood over it.

And I know why you
kept it, derrick.

You could have thrown it
off the bridge,

But, twisted bastard
that you are,

You wanted
to show her mother.

Did it go down?

He had the Kn*fe
in the truck
with that mustache.

‐ What did she say?
‐ You shut up, cobb!

What did she say
when you told her?

Shut up! Shut your mouth,
or I'll break your jaw!

Shut up!
Is that the guy?

Can I
speak to you guys?

James, keep an eye
on andy's prisoner.

Bobby, andy, could you
come here a sec?

‐ Captain.
‐ Congratulations.
Very impressive work.

‐ Thanks.
‐ I'm just learnin' my job.

I made a bad call,
and you bailed me out.

You can get drummed
out of the boss' union,
apologizing like that.

You know, captain,
processing that arrest
is going to involve overtime.


Guy shows me
a little something.

With all due respect,

Don't you think
this is insane?

No. $600 In unpaid
parking violations...

Guarantees you
a court appearance.
I said I'd pay it.

A detective will be in
to take your statement.

How come you're not
locking him up?

‐ He's not in on fraud.
‐ Any word from my lawyer?

"I'm on my way."

You believe
these assholes? Huh?

I take a b*ating from
these construction apes,

I end up in a cage.

Do I look interested?

Hey, excuse me
for drawing breath.

O.k. How'd it happen?

I sold these guys
a‐a winning
lotto ticket, right?

I couldn't cash it...

'Cause of certain
tax problems, right?

Turns out
there's a defacement
on the ticket.

Yeah, like the date's
been changed.

The lotto people
won't honor it,

So these guys
give me a b*ating.

Should b*at up
gov. Pataki.
Who you kidding, pal?

Well, what‐‐
what do you mean?

You phonied
a winning lotto ticket.

The guys you sold it to
caught on, kicked your ass,

And got you busted

Hey, you got a nasty
turn of mind, my friend.

That's how I came out.

You ever hear
of the black box?

‐ Excuse me?
‐ Let me ask you something.

For the right
amount of money,

Could you make it
with an ugly woman?

Uh, what?
Do her, you mean?

Romantically. Sexually,
sometimes, yeah.

Any port in a storm,
I guess.

Then you
want to be selling
beauty enhancements.

You going to make bail?

What are you in on?

A hummer,
parking tickets.

Do you, uh, got
a few dollars
to invest?

This black box,
it's a beauty aid?

No, no, no. It's a prop.
You got to dress it right.

I could put
the boxes together,
show you the pitch.

Sell you like,
uh, a franchise.

Where do you work it?
Restaurants, movies‐‐

Any place you can
catch an ugly broad.

When you get a qualifier,
you got to get next to her.

Then you sell them
the black box.

Tell them it
destabilizes cellulite,

Whatever the hell
that means.

You, uh, sleep
with these women?

As seldom as possible.

I had to do
a couple this week.

An unhappy,
unloved woman...

Is the most desperate
thing in the world,

if she's a beast.

One gets in bed,

You can always
turn her face‐down.

I'll sign
that complaint now.
Yes. So will i.

Cost you a few bucks.
You'll make a pile.

I liked closing
the cell door,

But I wanted to wipe
that smirk off his face.

He's one evil
son of a bitch.

Mrs. Cantwell,
what are you doing here?

You notified me
that he was in custody.

We gave you a call.

where‐‐where is he?

I mean, is he here?

He‐he is here,
i‐isn't he?

Why don't you
come in back
and talk to me?

I have a right
to see him.

I don't think that's
such a good idea.

Oh, he'll see me.
Just ask him.

Seeing me like this
will just make his day.

‐ Could I see...
Your bag, please?
‐ No.

You cannot see my bag.

What do you have,
mrs. Cantwell?

Is there a w*apon
in there?

I don't know
what you're
talking about?

You have something
in that bag.
Now do not do this.

Do not
let this man win.
He has already won.

My daughter is dead.
Mrs. Cantwell,

I know this man's taken
a great deal from you.

If I don't do it to him,
I'll do it to myself!

Don't do that.
Is that going to help
your daughter?

Would your daughter
want you to die?

My daughter‐‐

My daughter.

You didn't know her,
but she‐‐

she was so beautiful.

She was the kindest
person I've ever known.

She was the one thing
that i‐‐

I did right.

And then I let this man
into our lives.

No. You are not
responsible for this.

You didn't know what kind
of person this man was.

We can't always know
what's in
another person's heart.

Now, mrs. Cantwell,
please give me that g*n.


Now I have to... Live.

I don't know how.

I‐i don't know how
I'm going to do that.

What will you do
with the piece?

Feed it to the eels
in the east river.

Detective simone,
line 2.


Hello. Simone.


O.k. Thank you.

I got to do something.

can you, uh‐‐

Can you take care
of this for me?

You got a favorite pier?


This is some mess here,
huh, ray?

I don't know
anything, bobby.

I was security.
I wasn't one
of the players.

I don't want
to go to jail.

Can you fix this?
No, I can't, ray.

This is the first time
I was involved
in anything like this.

Tell them.

talk to your lawyer.

I'm not talking
to my lawyer.
I'm talking to you.

What does my lawyer know?
Some kid out of college?

‐ He's tellin' me to cut a deal.
‐ That's what you should do.

You're just gonna
walk out on me?

I thought
we were friends.
I cannot help you now.

I tried to help you

Nah. You didn't try.

I did everything
except give you...

The exact time
that bust was going down.

Well, that's
what I needed, see?
How could I believe you?

If you'd told me the exact time,
I would've believed you.

Forget it, man.

Ah, come on, bobby.
I mean‐‐

You see my point
here, right?

I mean,
I'm‐‐i'm basically
a good person.

You know that.

I just‐i just needed
some guidance there.

And you weren't
quite as specific...

As you could have been.

That's all
I'm saying. I‐‐

I'm a good person.

I just needed
some guidance.
You made a mistake.

O.k. But that doesn't
mean I belong here.

Can't you do anything
for me, bobby?

You take care
of yourself, ray.

What's wrong?




You upset
about your friend?


This guy
was like a hero to me...

When I was growing up.

Yeah, he was.
He was, uh‐‐

The boy was cool.

Just walking down the street,
you couldn't
take your eyes off him.

I'm like 10 years old,
and he's 16,

And I'm following him
around like a puppy.

But he‐‐

He always
had time for me.

I mean, he never
talked down to me.

Seeing him at the tombs
like that, that was tough.

It was tough.

I don't mean it
harsh, but he seemed
at that club...

Like another
wise guy wannabe.


Yeah, well, I guess that
is what he seems like now.

I guess you had to know him
when he was younger.


Nothing's what you thought
when you're young.

It's like
james brown says:

"Money won't change you,
but time will take you on."
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