02x02 - For Whom the Skell Rolls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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02x02 - For Whom the Skell Rolls

Post by bunniefuu »

I'll tell you why I think
you're upset this way.

Because you believe
in the right things.

I used to. I don't know
what happened to me.

Think he's happy
about what happened?

You happy,

I'm just doing the dd5.

I'm just saying
no one's happy
with the situation.

We just want
everybody back
on the same side.

I think it's too late
for that.

I don't happen to
think that's true.

It's never too late,
right, detective?

Just do what you
got to do.

Here you go.




Did you get
some sleep last night?

Couple hours.

You here for
their statements?

On standby.

I.a.b. Guys still think
they're going to give
some names.

Then they're
going over to
the switching yard

And root
for a train wreck.

On dinner,
I was thinking


Unless you think
someplace else.

No. Georgetti's is good.

I'm looking forward to it.

Me, too.

Morning, john.

Good morning, andy.

See ya.

I've got no place
to work.

Oh, they'll need
our desks

For the
foreseeable future
analyzing files.

going to start
with world w*r ii.

Did you get your 5 in?

Last night.

Uh, john,
when they were done
on the bust,

They got onto you
and licalsi.

Marino ledger.

Uh‐huh. Stuff like,
"if it's medavoy's

How come you held
the ledger?"

Got me in their cross hairs.

I need your
statement, john.

I don't have a place
to type one.

I'll take
an oral statement,
if you want.

No, thanks.

Our problem
is your failure
to notify.

I'm saying this
one more time.

We didn't know
they were cops.

Don't see you
setting up

Because some dealer
got robbed.

We set up
because civilians
were getting hurt.

What were we doing, brigham?

Were we running a shakedown,

Looking to bust those cops

To cut ourselves in?

You calling us dirty?

Why don't you get the balls
to say it?

I'll tell you
this much.

If you
weren't dirty, pray
theses guys flip

Because you got
d*ck‐fist off
failure to notify.

I got d*ck‐fist, huh?

We got a homicide.

Come on.

Let's go do our job.
Come on, andy.

We'll be here.

If I got d*ck‐fist,

My fist looks like
your face.

Thank you.

Mine's been dead
a good eight hours.

See on
this one's hands?
Defense wounds.

He was trying
to protect himself,

Cover his face.

Might have a print
on the inside
of the lamp shade.

We got a blood trail
out here.

Come on.

There's some.

Come on, assh*le.
Walk into an apartment.

No. He's
going right out
the fire escape.


Cut on
his right hand.

See the blood
on the handrail?

Oh, yeah.

Here we go.

Andy, you and john
are with those
busted cops, huh?

Yeah. Watch yourself.

There's blood
all on the right side.

So, listen, uh...

In reference
to john, uh...

Was i. A. B.
Looking at him

In any other reference?

Come on,
do better, medavoy.

Here. Here's
his trail again.

[Glass breaks]

Well, I guess what
I was wondering was

Are they looking at john

In connection
with linardi?


You know,
where it was my case,

Why didn't I have
the ledger?

Why didn't I get it
those two days?

My impression,
one thing and another,

It got turned in
a little late.

Right. Yeah.
That's right.

One thing
and another,

I just
never got around
to vouchering it.

Never got around to
asking him for it.

When you're working a case,
the paperwork's always last.

Yeah, exactly.

blood ends here.

He must have
drove off

Or got into a cab.

Let's get word
to the e. R. S‐‐

Any walk‐ins treated
for Kn*fe wounds

In the last 12 hours.

Make sure you get
a sample of this blood.

Yeah, I got it.

There's some
inside here, too.

Stay back.

Why? What's going on?

Sorry, ma'am.

I want to go upstairs
and mind my business.

I'm sorry.

Excuse me.
Do you live here?

My cousin lives here.
I was baby‐sitting her kids.

Who's your cousin?

Barbara kane, 344.

Can I talk to you
for a second?

Kids, let me talk
to your cousin.

Medavoy, give me
a hand here.

What happened?

Well, I just
want to talk to you.

Let's go over here.


Listen, there's...

There's no easy way
for me to tell you this.

Something happened in there,

And your cousin
got m*rder*d.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

You try to pull
yourself together
if you can.

Pull yourself together
for the little ones.

Tanya, where's my mommy?

Um, she's
upstairs, baby.

Um, son, listen.

Why don't you
come over here
with me?

Medavoy, look after her
for a second.

Come here, boys.

Listen, my name
is andy sipowicz,

And, well, I just
want to talk to you
for a second.

Miss licalsi, tell
us what happened

When you met
angelo marino
that night.

We were in the back
of his car.

He asked me why
I hadn't obeyed
his instructions.

And what were
those instructions?

To k*ll
detective john kelly.

And what
was your reply?

I said I was working
on it.

And what
was mr. Marino's

He was infuriated.

He said I was in love
with john kelly.

And was that
the truth?


What, if anything,

Did you think
marino would do
at that moment?

I was afraid
he'd k*ll me

And then later k*ll
detective kelly.

Did you believe
mr. Marino and
his bodyguard

To be armed?

I knew tony, his driver,
carried a .38 revolver,

And angelo marino
usually carried

A .45 caliber a*t*matic

In the pouch behind
the passenger seat.

Knowing them to be armed

And fearing it was
mr. Marino's intention
to k*ll you,

How did you react?

I panicked.

I drew my off‐duty w*apon,

And I sh*t both men.

Would it be fair
to say

This was
a spontaneous act

Born of panic
and fear?


As you know,
someone else,

Alfonse giardella,

to these sh**t.

In effect,

You got away
with what you did.

What prompted you
to come forward?

I couldn't live
with myself anymore.

Were you counseled
by anyone to come

A priest,
father jerry downey.

How did you come
into contact with
father downey?

He's john kelly's
parish priest.

I'd asked john
if he knew someone
I could talk to.

Was giving
you the name
of his priest

John kelly's
only connection

With your decision
to confess?

Yes. John kelly never knew
about any of this.

Nothing further,
your honor.

Miss licalsi,
you've stated that
six days elapsed

Between angelo marino's
ordering you
to k*ll john kelly

And the time
you k*lled marino
and his driver.

That's right.

During that period,

Since you were directly
disobeying his orders,

Did it occur to you

That the next time
you saw marino

You might be
in danger yourself?

I was worried,
if that's what
you mean.

You knew the task
was important to him,

And you knew
his reputation.


When you were summoned
to the meeting

At which you knew
you'd have to
confront him,

You recall
how much notice
you were given?

A few hours.

And during those
hours, miss licalsi,

As you anticipated
the meeting

With a violent
and dangerous man,

Who by your own

Had turned your life
upside down

And was threatening
to destroy it,

Is it your testimony
you never considered
the act

That could solve
all your problems,

Save the life of
the man you loved,

extricate yourself
from danger?

I never thought about
sh**ting marino until
I was in the car.

How could this
sense of danger
come to you

As a sudden revelation?

You were an experienced
police officer.

You had successfully
conducted a life
of duplicity

For months on end
and months to come.

Was it only
during these few hours

That your capacity for
planning and forethought
escaped you?

I'm not pretending
my behavior
made sense.

There's hard logic
to your behavior.

What you did in that car

Makes the coldest kind
of sense.

Is there a question
in there, your honor?

Miss licalsi, as
someone with considerable
professional experience,

Do you believe that
a woman who sh*t
and k*lled two men

Would receive more
favorable treatment

If she were to
appear to confess

Or if an ex‐lover
turned her in?



Nothing further
then, your honor.

You may step down,
miss licalsi.

Here. Let's go.

I got fancy.

Come on, bernard.

Lieutenant, we've got
a double homicide‐‐

Black male and female,

Both multiple s*ab wounds.

Found a paring Kn*fe
at the crime scene,

Could be the m*rder w*apon,

Along with some
foil cr*ck pipes,

Trail of blood
to the street.

Could have used a car
to get away.

Picked up a guy.

Two neighbors say
he was threatening
the female.

Was the guy cut?

No, not on the hands.

He said he was with another
woman all night long.

Medavoy and martinez
are looking for her now.

That's the third dealer

To pick quint and guyce
out of the lineups.


They point
the finger
at anybody else?

They're not moving.

They both say
it was just them.

Must be thrilled.

They're waiting
for your dd5.

He's conducting
an interview on
a double homicide.

I don't care
if he's conducting
the new york philharmonic.

I want that dd5.

Andy's got
the interview.

Use donna's desk.

We got a warrant
on you, bernard.

Look, I admit
I got a problem,

A terrible problem
with cr*ck.

Parole violation,
associating with
drug users.

It put me in,
it jammed me up
on parole,

But I hold a job,
I'm not robbing,

And I'm not
breaking in.

"That bitch barbara
took my money

"And didn't
bring my rock.

I'm going to mess
that bitch up good."

Two different witnesses
heard you say that
last night.

When I gave her my
money around 8:00,

She say she'd be
right back.

When 9:30 rolls
around, I'm mad

'Cause the bitch
wasn't back.

You got any fresh cuts
on you, bernard?

No, nothing.
Just some old scars.

I wasn't
the only one
gave barbara money.

Three, four other
dudes did, too.

See, you got to

When the weather's
o. K., That building
is wide open.

It's like one
great big party.

People moving
in and out
all night long.

Music, refreshments.

Right. People moving
from one place
to the next.

When she gets back
right before 10:00,

I go to this
other woman's crib
to watch star trek.

This is shawanda
that no one can find.

there was this dude
with barbara

When she came back
from copping, o. K.?

He was with her,

Or he followed her.

All I know is
I didn't see him

This isn't jerome
she was k*lled with?

No. Jerome was
inside her place.

I didn't know
this dude.

He wasn't from
around the building.

Andy, you got a second?


You sit tight, bernard.

This is
shawanda wilson.

First she said
she was with
this bernard,

Then she said
she didn't want to
say anything.


Listen, you know
about the murders

At the building
last night?

Don't know nothing
about that.

If you were
smoking some cr*ck,
getting high,

Nobody's going to
give you trouble
about that.

We want to
find out who did
those killings.

It wasn't bernard because
I saw barbara downstairs

When I come to my door
to let bernard in.

What time was that?

About 9:30.

You let him in?
He stayed with you?

He never went
back out?


What were you doing?

Fooling around,
watching tv.

What did you watch?


Just tell me.

Star trek.

Bernard watches
the one with spock.

I like the one
with levar.

Great. O. K., Thanks.

Come on.

John, this guy
didn't do it.

No cuts.

No, no cuts,
and the broad
he's banging

the right story.

They were watching
the starship

The guy said

He saw someone
with the female
victim different

From who she got
croaked with.

Said she came back
with this guy

After she'd copped.

Pick him up on the street.

I'm going to
miss dinner.

This is
an incomplete statement.

How is it

I want detail
on why you set up,

Why this guy tahir
wasn't registered
as an informant.

How come you didn't
want that on my 5?

I have a m*rder
to attend to.

I will fix that
when I get back.

You're in court floating
crap about that ledger,

Then think
you're in a position
to dictate schedules?

You're going to find out
what your position is.

Medavoy, you're doing
an 8‐to‐4 tomorrow?

Um, yes, sir.

When i. A. B.'S done
running lineups on
these arrested officers,

Make yourself
available to them.

In what connection?

Excuse me?

In what connection
would I be talking
to them?

You just make
yourself available.

I.a.b. Will tell you
the connection.

will stand up.

They want to
put him in the middle.

People will recognize me.

Nobody's going to
recognize you.

We're getting a car
with smoked windows.

My cooperating's
going to help out
my violation?

Help us
find this guy,

It'll do you
some good.

Come up with somebody
inside an hour,

I'll give you 20 bucks.

Give me a minute, john.

How was the doctor's?
What'd they say
about your hip?

It's going,
like the fenders
on my desoto.

What did she say
about georgetti's?

She's good
with that.

How do you feel?

O.k. We're working
on a double homicide.

You going to
a meeting tonight?

I'm going to try.

That's an important
meeting for you.

Nothing is more important
than your sobriety.

I got to take
this guy out,

Then I'm
taking sylvia
out to dinner,

And I will try
to make the friggin'

Think this is a game?

Think you can take
a shortcut?

You're still
fooling yourself.

You're not giving
credit for 18 years
of sobriety here.

Here. You want
a shortcut?

Here's 10 bucks. Save
yourself three months.

Go out and buy
a bottle now.

They're going to know
I'm with the police.

You're a moron.

These are
tinted windows.
They can't see in.

We're running out
of daylight.

I see calvin
by the caddy.

What does he
got to do with it?

Nothing. I just know
him from the joint.

You trying
to bust my balls?

If you don't see the guy
from the building,

I don't care what you see,
so shut up.

Sylvia couldn't
change the time?

She had to go
to the 2‐5 later.

This couldn't work
unless we did it
on time.

The dinner's
bagged now, john.

Do it another night.


How about
your buddy?

Dan? Oh, he's great.

He just stopped in
to predict my doom.

I don't see him.

If he have to
come back here

We're going to
have to lock
you up tonight.

So you make
the decision.

I understand.

Well, that's big of you.

I'm speaking
with gina zarone,

Former girlfriend
of a soldier

In the marino crime family.

Gina now lives
without allies

In the no‐man's land
between those who
enforce the law

And those who break it.

As we speak here tonight,

You're in fear
for your life,
aren't you?

Yes, I am.

You're in fear
of reprisal

From both sides
of the law.

Yes, I am.

Yesterday gina testified
at the blue m*rder trial

Of former police officer
janice licalsi.

She identified
detective john kelly

As witness to a meeting
between janice licalsi

And gina's boyfriend
richie catena,

Who has since been
gruesomely m*rder*d.

And she has even more
startling accusations

She's prepared to share
with the public tonight.

Gina, your boyfriend
told you

That tommy linardi, successor
to marino as capo,

Had told him that marino
had more contacts

In the police department

Than the 11 officers
whose names have been

To this point.

That was what
he told me.

And what did you infer
from this

As regards john kelly?

When I saw
john kelly

janice licalsi
that day,

I put 2 and 2

Now you're ab‐‐

She's got you
pegged, john.

You were in
marino's pocket
all along.

I.a.b. Is talking
to medavoy tomorrow.

About the ledger?


Come here.

Come here.

We've heard a great deal

About the enormous pressures
miss licalsi was under‐‐

Her worries for her father's
reputation and career,

Her love
for detective kelly,

But, ladies and gentlemen,

No one made janice licalsi

Get into
angelo marino's car.

She had a choice.

As a police officer,

She knew she could have
marino arrested.

She chose not to do that.

Instead, she became

Judge, jury, and executioner
all in one.

Whether janice licalsi
subsequently came forward
out of genuine remorse

Or because her crime had
been discovered by her lover

And was about
to be exposed,

She's not relieved
of her responsibility

For what she did
that night.

Even in our age
of pass‐the‐blame

Feeling like you're
in a tight spot
does not qualify

As extreme emotional

As defined by the law.

When janice licalsi
fired those five
hollow‐point shells,

She knew what
she was doing‐‐

She was getting out
from under.

The law describes
such an act

As m*rder with forethought,

And it prescribes a price.

It is your duty now

To exact it.

Ladies and gentlemen,

17 Months ago...

Janice licalsi began
a desperate attempt

To save her father's career
and reputation

And set in motion
a series of events

Which culminated
in a terrible act

For which she's now
on trial.

Per the orders
of angelo marino,

Who was threatening
to expose her father

For having once been
on the mob payroll,

Janice licalsi
transferred precincts.

Per marino's orders,

She surveilled
detective john kelly,

Seduced him...

And won his trust.

Then, as so often happens

In this sort of
human tragedy,

Fate played a cruel trick.

Janice licalsi
and john kelly

Fell in love.


She was ordered

To k*ll him.

For all her desire
to protect her father,

Janice licalsi could never
commit such a repugnant act.

Day after day went by,

And still she failed to
carry out marino's order.

After six days,

She was summoned by marino
to a meeting

In an underground garage.

She knew the meaning
of the summons.

She knew that
by failing to act,

She had put
her own life at risk.

As janice licalsi entered
angelo marino's car,

She was like someone
who's gone off a cliff.

At that instant,
in fear for her life,

Janice licalsi's instincts
took over.

In a single expl*sive
and unthinking moment,

She reacted.

The woman you
are to judge

Could not be
more different

From those who hide
behind the shield
of victimization

In order to deny
the most egregious acts.

Janice licalsi

Is taking responsibility
for her actions.

Janice licalsi is willing
to pay her debt to society.

All she asks is that
you take into account

The obvious
and undeniable presence

Of what the state penal code

Calls extreme
emotional disturbance.

If you believe that a woman

Threatened with
her father's destruction,

The m*rder of her lover,

And her own likely death

Could possibly be subject

To extreme
emotional disturbance...

Then I ask you to do
as the law requires.

I ask you to return
the lesser verdict

Of manslaughter.

That's him.


Front of that
check‐cashing place.

The guy in white?

15 Special,
10‐85 the squad

Give me your hand.

If this is your man,
I walk, right?

Lie with your face down
and don't move.


Hey! Citizen in white.

assh*le in white.

Right there.
You! Police.

What's up?

Hands on your head.
Let's go.

Get your ass
against the fence.

Get up against
the fence!

g*n to your head.

Got a g*n, john.
Right here.

Hey. Hey, yo, officer,
I can explain, you know.

Back at the station house.

We're fine.

Cut on your
right hand.

We're fine.

Two years?


All right. Thanks.

His jobs check out.
He's clean last two years.

I like him
for the murders.

Will he go?

He thinks he's in here
for the g*n charge.

up my ass.

Get a revised dd5
when you can.

Yo, john, you guys get
demoted or what?

Look who's here.

What's going on?

You got a minute
for me?

I'm working this
double homicide
and dodging bosses,

But we can talk later.

I got to get back in.


Yeah, see you later.

How's it going,

Hey, look, andy,

You're pissed off,
after dee‐dee d*ed,

I ignored her dog.

Let's put that
behind us, o. K.?

Look, they're
crucifying john.

I got something
for him.


I've been working
for this party‐‐

Actually, she's a madam.

She had me watching
her place.

Her girl was getting harassed
by a former pimp.

I need to put food
on my table.

What happened?

So me and the madam
become pals.

I sit with her
at nights,
chew the fat.

Then one night
a trick calls up,

Asking for suzie
and denise,

Break out the teenage
schoolgirl outfits.

Norval grolsch, andy.

Who's that?

Norval grolsch,

Who turns out to be

Norman gardner,

Who, blow‐hard newscaster
assh*le that he is,

Turns out he likes
his headmaster act

On tape.

Now, I owe john.

You tell him if he
wants to use this,

He's welcome to it.

Well, if he doesn't,

Somebody else might.

When's i.a.b.
Coming for me?

This is like the‐‐
the chinese water t*rture.

Try to relax.

Yeah, sure.

Gregory, this is going
to be all right.

You did nothing wrong
with that ledger.

Neither did john.

I‐‐i'm just afraid
I'm going to stammer.

You're going to do fine.

Yeah, but if I stammer,

They're going to think
I'm covering up.

Gregory, it's on record
that you stammer.

You don't understand.
You don't understand.

If they think
I'm covering up,

It's going to
louse up john.

I don't want to louse up
my friend.

O.k., Reginald,
since I was
in here last,

We firmed up
on a few things,

And we're looking
at you

For something
that happened over
the weekend.

Let me explain
how it goes.

Is this going to be
an ass kicking?

No. I'm not going to
lay a hand on you.

Now there's two ways
we can go with this.

I've read you
your rights

And you can have
a lawyer in here,

Or you and I can
sit here together

And get to
the bottom of this,

Because I don't think
it is how it looks.

That's right.

So you want to continue
without an attorney?


How do you mean it's not
the way it looks?

I looked
into your background.

You've been working
for two years.

You've had some bumps,

But I think you're
a decent man,

And I don't think
you could be living
the way you lived

Without character
and heart.

I've been working my ass off
for the last two years.

I know you have.

Something set you off
in that apartment.

I don't know what.

I don't know if it's
because somebody
was bothering you,

Somebody tried to
humiliate you.

I don't know.
I don't know
what happened.

But the bad news is,

I have enough now
to lock you up.

Your blood was all over,

And nowadays, reginald,

Blood is like
a fingerprint,

And people
saw you there.

So I can lock you up
right now

As a crazy man.

I don't want to do that
because you're not,

'Cause you're
a decent guy.

So help me.

Think about it.

Remember what it was
that set you off.

Can you do that?

I'll be back.

Norman, glad you
could make it.

What do you want,

I got something
very newsworthy.

I thought I'd give you
first cr*ck.

Come up to
my temporary quarters.


Ha. Come on.

Well, you know the rules.

If your homework is late,

Then I have to spank you.

We know.
We know.

Well, assume the position.

You're lucky your asses
are so firm and round.

Oh, boy.

This may sting a little...


Ah, ah. No, no.

This is my favorite
part, norman.




Well, have you girls
learned your lesson now?


Will you turn your homework
in on time?

Yes, headmaster

This is blackmail,

I could have you

Well, you're in
the right place, norval.

That squad room's
deep in bosses.

Want me to bring
people in here,
make this public,

Or you want to hear
an idea I got?

Let's say I like
your idea.

How do I know
I'd get the tapes?

Norman, if we don't
have trust,

Where are we?

We're back in the trees.

Hoo hoo hoo.

Cross your hearts.


Sorry for the delay.

I got stalled in lineups
with those dirty cops.

You understand that you're
entitled to have

A lawyer or delegate


You understand that
this interview
is being recorded?

Yes, I do.

State your name
and shield number.

Uh, gregory medavoy,
shield number 588.

Were you the chief
investigating detective

On the m*rder of
tommy linardi?


Who were the other
investigating detectives

On that case?

Detectives kelly,
sipowicz, and martinez,

The day tour of
the 15th squad.

During your investigation
of linardi's death,

Did you come into possession
of a ledger

Originally belonging
to an angelo marino?

Uh, yes.

Who turned that ledger in
for voucher?

That was
detective john kelly.

Your case log shows
the ledger was entered

Two days following
the other evidence.

Uh, that was on me.

Uh, my logging
was interrupted.

I knew detective kelly
had the ledger.

I didn't get around
to asking for it
for a few days.

What interrupted
your logging?

I don't specifically

Uh, I was working
on other aspects
of the case.

There was no resistance
on detective kelly's part

In turning that ledger in?

None whatsoever.

But during that
two‐day period,

Was kelly the only detective
with access to that ledger?

I‐‐i guess you could
put it like that.

It was on me, though.

I just never got around
to picking it up.

You guys want
anything else?

No, that'll do it.


Listen, I'm 33 years old.

I did 14 years
in jail.

I did one to four.

Cost me 18 months for
a hardware store robbery.

I got back out.

I did four more 'cause
the hardware store guy

Said I tried to
stick him up again

Just to get me out of
the neighborhood.

Third time,

I get halfway through
a grocery store robbery,

Get scared.

That's when I get grabbed.

I've been out two years.

I've worked hard.

I've been working
day and night

'Cause I didn't
want to go back.

But I go up there
to that building.

You know the way it is?

It's like
a damn cell block‐‐

People with
their doors open,

Women inside.

You just start talking.

You reach
into your pocket,

Get some money
for the rock stars.

That's what they
call themselves.

Rock stars.

All they want to do
is smoke that cr*ck.

I go in.

I smoke a little.

I see a woman.

And this...

This punk‐‐

This punk

Comes up on me,

Don't want me messing
with his ho.

So I slapped him
like a woman.

He's going to try
and take me.

Strong‐arm me.

Jump on me.

How'd the people
get cut?

He tried to rob me.

Guy in barbara's


Punk's talking
all that stuff,

Then he tries to rob me.

I pull out my .380

And order their ass

I tied the bitch up
with an electrical cord,

Tied her up real tight.

Next thing I know...

This punk is going to
try and jump on me.

So I started punching him

And punching him.

Then I see the Kn*fe.

When I broke the skin...

With that thing,

I knew I had messed up bad.

These two rock stars
were going to...

Ruin my whole life.

Forget about it.

Bernard jenkins goes
back into the system.

I made a deal with him.

He led us to
a double m*rder*r

Because I said
I'd help him.

You don't get
to make deals.

That's why you have

I can't do my job
unless my word's good.

Maybe there's
a message in that.

You know,
you make me sick.

You take tests,
you kiss asses,

Think that makes you
a boss?

You think that
makes you a boss?


Give bernard jenkins
his deal.

Kelly just gave me
what I need.

Be seated.

I understand you've
reached a verdict.

Ms. Foreperson,
have you reached a verdict?


Will the defendant
please rise?

How say you as to

The first count of m*rder
in the second degree?

Guilty or not guilty?

Not guilty.

How say you to
the second count
of manslaughter

In the first degree?


Is that the verdict
of the jury?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for your patience
in this difficult trial.

The people of
new york state
are grateful.

You're now excused.

Bail will be continued
pending sentence,

And court is adjourned.

Two years max.

Work release
in six months.

Not bad for
a shyster


The meal they said
would never happen.

I‐i'm sorry about
all the delays.

It's o. K.

Excuse me.

Could you bring us
that bread

That smells like
olive oil?

It's cut up into
these cubes.



We don't have it.
That's pane marino.

She likes that other kind.

We don't make it
anymore. Sorry.

Andy, it's o. K.

Part of the reason
why we came here

Is 'cause you like
that bread.

But it doesn't matter.

I'll try the...

Pane marino.


It doesn't matter.

Oh, they have
fresh bronzino. Good.

I'm‐‐i'm very happy

That we're having dinner
here like this.

Me, too.

Yeah, well, you know,

I had to take things
step by step.

I'm proud of how
you did things.

My whole thing is,

I have to learn how to
take things in stride,

Not get so worked up,

Like‐‐like when we had
to cancel last night.

Or with this bread here.

Couple of years ago,
that's a three‐alarm fire.

I'm proud of your

Well, I'm going
to get there,

Like, uh, I got‐‐i got
my work here, you know,

And I got my problem,

Which I'm making
progress on,

And you.


Look, why don't
we get married?

I mean‐‐

Don't say nothing now.

I'm just thinking
out loud.

It's o. K.

Nothing is more
important to me

Than the trust
of my audience,

So if the statement
I'm about to make

Causes me personal
or discomfort,

It's a price
I'm willing to pay.

Ladies and gentlemen,

New information
I've been made privy to

In the last few hours

detective john kelly

And casts severe doubt
on the veracity
of my witnesses...

Where'd that come from?

Somebody else
must have bought him.

Sinclair thinks
I'm only going to do
about six months.

He did good for you.

You did good for me.

You know the way upstate?

I know the way upstate.
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