01x16 - A Sudden Fish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x16 - A Sudden Fish

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Exhales ]
boy, that is absolutely it...

With me and
the long island expressway.

I oughta have my head examined.
I mean, I never learn.

I know,
hypothetically it gets me in
12 minutes faster,

But that's with
no traffic delay.

And when's the last time
there was no traffic delay
on the l. I. E.?

Do you listen to
the traffic reports
on the radio?

I listen to the traffic reports,
but they are not current.

A‐a‐and I have to learn
the lesson...

Over and over again.

I sucker myself in.

I‐i‐i‐i try
and save the minutes,
and then i‐i wind up trapped.

I'm sittin' there
like it's a parking lot.

you're here now.

I'm here, but I'm late,
and I'm aggravated.

I get myself
so aggravated.

[ Gasps, panting ]

[ Donna ]
what's the matter?

‐ You okay, greg?
‐ [ Continues panting ]
I can't‐‐

I can't
catch my breath.

Take it easy.
Take it easy.

‐ I'm havin' a hard time
getting breath.
‐ You want a glass of water?

What's wrong?
He can't breathe.

‐ It's like someone's
sitting on your chest.
‐ Let's forget about e. M. S.

James, how about that chair?
Forget it. We're gonna go
to the hospital ourselves.

Take a deep breath.
Here we go.

It's okay.
All right, sit down.

Boy, that feels weird.
Sit down.

‐ Why walk when you can ride?
‐ We'll take you
right down the stairs.

Sit still.

‐ You okay?
‐ Yeah, well, I just‐‐
I can't breathe.

Can I have a chair
downstairs, please?
Oh, this is embarrassing.

You're like the sultan of india.
Don't call my wife.
Don't anyone call marie!

Take it easy, greg.
Lieutenant, I'm gonna take
a few hours personal time.

Put in a 28
when you get back.

Any word on medavoy?
Kelly says he's still
being evaluated.

You got that complaint?
Yeah, here.

If they didn't admit him,
that's gotta be good, right?

Uh, ernie dowd,
I'm detective sipowicz.

That's a nice set of steps
you got outside.

Yeah, well, the city hasn't
gotten around to us yet,
putting up a ramp.

How about we get out of the way
over here?

[ Clears throat ] your complaint
says two men entered
your apartment and robbed you?

Yeah, about 3:00
this morning.

They snatched
my good wheelchair, my cash,
some other stuff.

[ Sighs ]
they forced entry
into your place?

They must've been
waiting in the landing
when I got off the elevator.

Once I opened my door,
they jumped me from behind.

That wheelchair
was electric.

Cost over three grand.
Took me four years putting it
together how I wanted it.

Where had you been
before you came back
to your apartment?

A bar on 7th and "b."


Yeah. Across from
the veterans center.

Mm‐hmm. You go there
all the time?

All the time.

Did you get a look
at these guys?
No, I couldn't see them.

They put a bag
over my head.

Oh, they tore my place up.

Tore up the floorboards.

Shoved a sock in my mouth.

Tipped me over
in a corner.

Said if I gave 'em
any trouble
they'd punt me.

You know.
Like a football.

They find anything
when they tore up your floor?

Yeah. One of my g*ns.
A .45 from vietnam.

[ Dowd ]
it was worth some money.

A.d.a. Costas,
message for you.
Thanks, alex.

These are the serial numbers
of the frame and motor
on my wheelchair.

Can you call the v. A.,
Verify a theft took place?


Listen, uh, did anybody else
know the layout of your place,
where you kept the g*n?

Nobody who'd do this.

You sure?
I just said so.

[ Costas ] I'm sure
we can work something out
with the detective.

All right,
I'll check out that bar
and I'll run m. O.'S,

with the same pattern.

What, people
who take off gimps?

I'll be in touch.
Can you make it out okay?

I made it in.
I'll make it out.

[ Costas ] I'll be at the
15th precinct until about 12:30.

Okay, great, thanks.

How's it goin'?

You wanna go over that ortiz
testimony for tomorrow?
I got that pretty well in mind.

Well, that's actually
not why I came to see you,

Although you are
the sine qua non of my case.

Well, then, what, forsooth,
would you be here for?

I got you something.

Excuse me.

It's for your aquarium.

Yeah, it's a clown fish.

What's the matter?

I wouldn't be comfortable
taking that.

You mind telling me why?

You just don't introduce
a sudden fish to an ecology
like that, sylvia.

But it's a saltwater fish.
The pet shop guy told me
that he'd fit in fine.

Uh‐huh, well,
then he knows my t*nk
better than I do, yeah.

What's wrong, andy?

[ Sighs ]

I just don't want my environment
gettin' thrown out of whack,
some, uh, sudden, new fish.

I think maybe
you don't want me
bringing you presents.

Maybe it makes you
maybe that's right.

How far do you
want to take this?

Do you want to pretend
we're not dating, or pretend
we don't know each other?

Can you get your money back
for that fish?

Sure. I'll just tell 'em
the guy I got it for
turned out to be an assh*le.

‐ [ Kelly ]
‐ Excuse me.

How you feelin', medavoy?

Ah, they said it was
just an anxiety att*ck.

I‐it was just stress,
you know, uh‐‐

I just have to learn to
take things easier, you know,
not let things bother me.

So we can cancel
that wreath?

[ Chuckles ]
boy, that was
somethin', huh?

I mean, i‐i‐i couldn't
catch my breath.

Hey, thanks for riding me
over there, john.
No problem.

Take it easy, will ya.

Yeah, yeah, thanks.
Oh, listen,
jimmy wexler called you.

Yeah, I'm gonna do
a security job for him.

‐ Thought you told me
he was sick.
‐ Yeah, he is.

I've been bodyguardin'
his girlfriend.
All that dough.

[ Kelly ]

Hey, donna,
do you think you could
make it your business...

To, uh, make sure there's
decaffeinated coffee here?

Don't you think you should
go home now, detective?

You know,
I really think I'm okay.

Detective, you told me
you were just going to
pick up your coat...

And then you were
going to go home.

And if you do not do
what you promised,

I am gonna start screaming
here in this squad room.

Okay, okay.
Donna was at the emergency room.
I saw her in the back.

‐ Is that right?
‐ I guess they are
skatin' together, huh?

[ Medavoy ]
I just gotta finish my coffee.

How are you feeling,
Oh, okay, lieutenant.

Yeah, they said it was
only an anxiety att*ck.

Yeah, uh,

Although, um,

If it's okay with you,
I thought I might, uh,

You know,
take a vacation day,
head home.

Stay off the l.i.e.

That's a vow.
[ Chuckles ]

Hi, johnny.
How you doin'?
All right.

Come on in.
How's jimmy doing?

They just took some tests.
They'll get a better idea
from those.

I'm just gonna get my bag.

All right.

Hey, boss.
Hey, john.


You've just interrupted
a negotiation.

Oh, yeah?

They just took some kind of
blood test to see how far
this thing's spread.

See, now, if that test
came back I'm lookin' at
18 months pain‐free,

You know
my only question?

‐ Where do I sign?
‐ Yeah.
[ Chuckles ]

So I've been sitting here
offering the deal
to whoever's in charge.

Well, I hope
you get good news.

I wanna take her out to dinner
a few more times.

Where's she going tonight?

with her girlfriends.

I gotta tell you, john,
she's been right here for me.

Hasn't backed up a step.

And I told her it's no good
being cooped up like this.

I mean,
I'd drive her nuts.

You know, I get where
I can't stand the pain.

Then the dope they give me
puts me out
in left field somewhere.


[ Sighs ]
I told her...

She's gotta go out.

Hey, robin.
[ Robin ]
be right there.

And if I can't watch over her,
I want someone I trust doing it.

‐ You got it.
‐ What?

Hey, you, take off.

What do I need
a bodyguard for, huh?
You're the millionaire.

If anyone
goes for her purse,
belt him with a ten pin.

What if I just
leave all my zirconium
at home?

Hey, you could have had
as many jewels
as any broad in new york.

I know, I know.

All right,
I'll be home early, okay?

You take it easy.
Yeah, enjoy.

See you later.

[ Pins falling ]

[ Woman ]
come on, robin!


Yes! Whoo! Yes!

You were right, johnny.
You know what I mean?

You should quit
and coach bowling.

Maybe you can teach me that
follow‐through thing tonight.

Edie, your stroke is fine.
I wouldn't want to screw it up.

She likes you.

[ Robin ]
yeah, as if
you couldn't tell.

I'll be right back.
I'll go with you.

Johnny, if you follow me
to the ladies' room,
I'm gonna yell for a cop.


Like this?

‐ Watch me!
‐ I'm watching you.

[ Woman ]

[ Women laughing ]
uh, a few more boards
to the right, I think.

I'll be right back.
[ Edie ]

[ Woman ]


Why are you so glum, huh?
You got so quiet last night.

Jimmy around?
Where else would he be?

[ Tv: news announcer,
faint ]

‐ Hey.
‐ Hey, johnny.

[ Tv continues ]
how you feeling?

Hey, I can still bend steel
with my bare hands.

‐ I'm just waitin'
for the results.
‐ Yeah.

What are you doin' here?

I got a problem
at work.

They're swamped.
They want me to come back.


These guys,
private bodyguards.

They're all good.
I can vouch for 'em.
They're all ex‐cops.

Whoa, no.
You ain't goin' anywhere.

these guys are good.

John, I asked you
to take care of her.

Should I make some calls?
I'll call the mayor.
Jimmy, i‐‐

I contribute big
to that son of a bitch.
I just can't watch her right now.

Look, you got a problem?
It's going to go away.

Now, you just let me
make some calls.

Wait a minute.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait a minute.

Let me work this out,

I can work this out.

You work it out?

Yeah. L‐let me‐‐
let me figure it out.

So earn your money.

[ Coughs ]

What happened
last night?

Went bowling.

That's it?

She bowled a 116.

W‐w‐what happened
Came home.

Didn't go out with‐‐
girlfriends went out.
I brought her home.

Oh, I see.

She went home.

Yeah, you know somethin'?
I used to ask this girl to
marry me about once a week.

Every time she said,
"why would I want to marry you?
You give me enough crap now."

You see, johnny,
she figured that she didn't
want anybody to think...

That she was doing it
for the money.

And I respect that.

I mean, we're having
a great time together
the way things are,

So why not
just leave things alone?

That's her attitude.

That's the kind of kid
she is.

Listen, I set up
a bank account for her.

A hundred grand.

Four years, johnny.

Has not taken a penny.

She wouldn't take the diamond
earrings I gave her either.

Believe me, I'd be satisfied
with 18 good months.

I could take her
out to dinner
a few more times.

There you go.

I'm gonna shove off.


You got plans for later?
No. No.

But if you want
edie's phone number‐‐
edie likes john.

‐ Which one's edie?
The one with the big tits?
‐ Yeah.

‐ You mind walkin' me out?
We can coordinate the week.
‐ Yeah.

Yeah, good.

Take care of yourself.
Feel better.

All right, johnny.

We'll talk later.

We need to talk.

Look, if we're gonna
continue to do this,
we gotta make some rules.

Whatever you do
on your own time
is your business,

But when you're with me
I want you to show jimmy
some respect.

What are you talking about?
You at the bowling alley
last night with this other guy.

Now, I never want to
have to lie to him again.
Do you understand me?

It's not what you think.
Whatever it is, I don't want you
to do it around me again.


Yeah, fine.
[ Sighs ]

He is blackmailing me.

The guy
at the bowling alley?

Yeah, johnny, his, uh‐‐
his name is stan heywood.

We, uh, we grew up together.
We even‐‐

We even dated a little bit
in high school.

Well, a couple months ago
I ran into him...

And we started, um,

You know, having coffee
and talking on the phone
once in a while.

It was good, you know,
to have someone
I could talk to,

That I had something
in common with.

You know, jimmy, uh,

He's been sick for so long,

And i, uh‐‐

I slept with him
one time.

Tell me
about the blackmailing.

Uh, last week he, uh‐‐

Last week he called and
told me he was in trouble
with his bookmaker...

And that the bookmaker
found out about him and me.

If he didn't get him the money
he owed, he was gonna let jimmy
know what's been going on.

You know he's lying,
I don't know what I know.

All I know is, I don't know
how I could've gotten myself
into this mess.

It's gonna k*ll jimmy.
How much does he want?

thousand dollars.

Jimmy opened a bank account
for you, didn't he?
Yeah, but I never used it.

Go to the bank, withdraw
a cashier's check for $15,000
and get it to me.

he said $25,000.
Don't worry about that.

If he's into a bookie at all,
he's asking for more
than he owes.

Get the 15,000 in a check,
put it in an envelope...

And put me together
with this scumbag.

Hey, do you know a guy
by the name of ernie dowd,
a crippled guy?

What time did he leave here
the other night?

2:00 In the morning.

He leave with anyone?

That's really not
my business.
This guy got robbed.

Somebody that's been to his
apartment set him up. I wanna
know who he keeps company with.

Why don't you ask him?

'Cause I'm askin' you.

You serve drunks here.
That's illegal.

You want a summons
every time you do that?

You want the state liquor
people here checking
your liqueurs for tiny bugs?


I want to talk to you,
Who are you?

What do you want
to talk about?
Just get in the car.

Let go of me, man.

[ Exhales ]

Do you know ernie dowd?

Oh, great, now it's a crime
to date disabled veterans.

You don't date him, chicky.
You're for sale.
You got a record.

Those guys have nobody.
They wouldn't be
getting any at all.

This isn't a conversation
about hookin'.

Dealin' with gimps and stuff
ain't easy.

A lot of the time you can't
get the plumbing to work,
no matter what you do.

Shut up! Huh?

Just shut up.
We're not talkin'
about that.

We are talkin'
about you tellin'
some thievin' pricks...

About what's in
a guy's apartment and where
to look for the stuff.

Look, I don't know
what you're talking about.
I think you do.

I think you told these guys
ernie dowd had some stuff...

Hidden in the floorboards
of his apartment.

This is great.

You wanna try alaska,

You wanna try bangin' eskimos
for whale sandwiches?
Because I will put you on ice.

Now, you tell me
who you talked to.

I'll give you their names.

But this didn't come
from me.

How you feeling today,

Oh, much better, donna.

Uh, listen, uh,

I didn't, uh‐‐

I didn't thank you
how I should've yesterday.

Uh, you know,
showing up at the hospital,
going through all that with me.

That's okay.

What'd your wife say
when you told her
what happened?

Uh, not too much,
you know.

Well, did you talk with her
about taking walks?

Yeah, we may do that.

[ Sighs ]
you didn't tell her,
did you, gregory?

I didn't want to worry her.
Besides, it turned out
to be nothin', you know.

What happened yesterday
was not nothin'.

You heard the doctor.
I should take
the treadmill test.

But he doesn't think
there's a problem.

What the doctor said was,
you're under extreme stress.

You need to find ways
to relax,

And he suggests taking
long walks after work.

Yeah, yeah.

Look, I'm okay.
I'm fine.



[ Clears throat ]

My boss is going out of town
and he wants to hear your prep
on the ortiz testimony.

He said he'd come here
if necessary.
Yeah, all right.

Tomorrow at 2:00?
Tomorrow at 2:00.

Yeah, I'm trying
to reach stan heywood.

Hey, stan. John kelly.
I'm a friend of robin's.
I got somethin' for you.

Whenever you want me
to drop it by.

You know the bowl‐mor lanes?
Okay, I'll see you there
in a little while.

Right. Good.

What's up?
I'm goin' to roust
a couple guys.

Oh. Well, let me cancel this
and I'll go with you.

You got somethin' goin' on.
I'll take martinez.
Andy, it's no problem.

Don't worry about it.
I'll take him.

Those guys that took off
that vietnam vet?

The guy's crippled, john.
They left him
lying on the floor.

I know. Let me go with you.
No, that's all right.
I'll take the kid.

Okay. You gonna
be all right?

All right.
I'll see you later.

[ Man #1 ] how much longer
you gonna be here?
[ Man #2 ] another half hour.

[ Pins falling ]

[ Woman #1 ]
here you go, gladys.
[ Woman #2 ] how's your game?

John kelly?

Stan heywood.

Sit down, stan.

How did you, uh, happen
to pick this place to meet?

Well, I wanted a place
you'd be familiar with.

Can I get
some coffee, please?

[ Coffee pouring ]

Thank you.
You're welcome.

You don't know how
I've been waiting for this.

Listen, you, uh,
if you see robin before I do,

You tell her that
I really appreciate it.

Are you listening to me,

Because I'm gonna tell you
something, and I want you
to be very clear about it.

Go ahead.

This is not
the beginning of anything.
This is the end.

Got no argument here,
you know.

Look, I don't know what
robin told you about this,

But I made a couple mistakes
in reference to some gambling.

Believe me,
I learned my lesson.

I swear to you,
stan heywood gambles no more.

And I swear to you,
I really appreciate robin
helping me out like this.

I really appreciate it.

You finished?

I'm a cop, stan.

A cop.
[ Clears throat ]

The only reason I don't
bust you for extortion‐‐

Listen, I made a couple mistakes
in reference to‐‐
I understand. Things happen.

The only reason I don't pop you
for extortion is, I have not
looked inside that envelope.

If I were to look in there
and find some money,
I would pop you.

Forget whatever you're thinking,
forget what you're
telling yourself in the mirror.

You've committed a crime.

If you ever
approach robin again,
I will put you in jail.

You understand me?
Straight to rikers.


Get outta here.

line up over here.

The guys you think robbed me
are out there?

I'm gonna get them all
to speak to you.

You give me a number
if you recognize
anyone's voice.

How'd you find out about 'em?
Police work.
Are you ready?

‐ Yeah.
‐ All right, let's go.

Stay in the corner
and behave.

Stay in the corner
and behave.

‐ Stay in the corner and behave.
‐ Hold on a minute.

Okay, go on.

[ Man ]
stay in the corner
and behave.

Stay in the corner
and behave.

‐ Yes.
‐ Uh, number five.

Ask that one to laugh and say,
"or we'll punt you
like a football."

Number five,
laugh and say,

"Or we'll punt you
like a football."

We'll punt you
like a football.
[ Laughs ]

No, I can't
pick anybody out.
Is that all of 'em?

Number six.

‐ Stay in the corner and behave.
‐ No.

I'm not afraid of anybody.

You think you're gonna
straighten this out
on your own?

Did chicky give me up
to these guys?
Which guys?

Hey, I don't recognize
anybody's voice.

Don't make any
mistakes here, ernie.
Don't do anything stupid.

Don't tell me
how to live my life.

Cut 'em loose.

All right.

this way out.
Let's go.

Hey, greg.
Hey, john.

How you feelin'?

You know, all right.

Uh, john, uh‐‐

Could i, uh, could I
talk to you a minute?

John, when you
got separated, uh,

Did you, uh, did you
give that a lot of thought?

I‐i‐i mean, did you have it
pretty well worked out,
what you were gonna do?

It was her call.

Oh, it was
laura's idea, huh?

You know, for me it was like,
you're married,
you're married for life.

Me too.
That's exactly me too.
[ Chuckles ]

But, you know,
when it happened...
[ Clears throat ]

I was so busy
being pissed off and hurt,
I guess I wasn't listening.

She was trying to tell me
why she wanted to leave.

But you know what?
The truth of it is,
she was right.

We were miserable

I kinda feel that way
myself, you know‐‐
marie and i.

See, um, uh,

A couple of months ago...

We had
this big set‐to...

And I moved out
for a couple days.

And, uh,
i‐i just found‐‐

I just couldn't

You know,
being separated.

But, uh,

I think I gotta really
try to imagine it,

Uh, even with the kids,

'Cause, uh, I mean,
we're really unhappy.

Well, I'm not
telling you it's easy,
'cause it's not easy.

It's not like I'm having
a great time or anything.

And, I mean,
with you and laura
there were no kids involved.

That's true.
And I do miss her.
I do miss her.

But the interesting thing is,
I found out a lot about myself.

I mean,
it doesn't make you happy.

You know? Divorce
doesn't make you happy.

But in a weird way
it's made me
eligible to be happy.

More than I ever have been
in my life.

Does that make sense?


I don't know if that'll
help you, or, or what, but‐‐


It helps a lot.

Thanks, john.

[ Coughs, snorts ]

You gotten
the cold from hell yet,

Maybe after we've spent
some time together.

Shall we get through this?

I'm gonna be out of town,
and I know they're gonna
hit us hard on probable cause.

Detective, on october 7
of last year did you have
occasion to arrest julio ortiz?

I did.
Tell the court
the circumstances.

We had a search warrant
for mr. Ortiz's apartment...

Authorizing us to look
for controlled substances,
especially cocaine.

On what basis
had you sought the warrant?

Uh, information
from a reliable informant,
joseph gonzales.

What, if anything, transpired
when you reached
mr. Ortiz's apartment?

We knocked on the door,
we identified ourselves
as police officers.

After ten seconds or so,
we forced entry...

And we found mr. Ortiz
standing in his toilet,

Trying to flush
what turns out to be
23 ounces of cr*ck cocaine.

[ Man sneezes ]

I don't think you mean to say
that mr. Ortiz was standing
in his toilet bowl.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Sighs ]

He was standing in his bathroom
flushing the cocaine.

What, if anything,
did you do at that time?

We prevented him
from destroying
the evidence.

We gave him his rights,
and we took him into custody.

Detective, mr. Ortiz has stated
that you broke down the door of
his apartment without warning.

No, that's not correct.

We identified ourselves,
and then we gave him time
to open the door.

[ Sniffles ]

So you made
no surprise moves...

To throw the ecology
of mr. Ortiz's apartment
out of whack?

D‐d‐did I miss something?

Yeah. Me gettin'
my balls squeezed.

That'll be all, detective.
Thanks for your cooperation.


[ Sneezes ]

[ Door closes ]

What's wrong?

He found out.

[ Door closes ]
[ footsteps
approaching ]

I got your message.
Oh, yeah?

You got my message, huh?

Get in.

What's the matter?

I know about the 15 grand.
All right?

Did you think
that they weren't gonna
call me about that?

My accountant called me.

The bank called him
right away.

What do you know
about this guy?

whatever is name is.

Jimmy, why are you putting john
in the middle of this?

‐ It doesn't have anything
to do with him.
‐ Shut up. I'm asking him.

I gave the guy the envelope
because she didn't
want to see him again.

‐ Did you ever see him before?
‐ This guy is a bug.

He's not the type of guy
you'd remember.

You know, you people
must think I'm too sick
to notice 15 grand.

You know, I still
know what's going on
around here.

The cancer's spread all over,

To my liver and my spine.

I got maybe
a couple of months to live.

‐ What do you mean?
‐ A couple of months!

That's the report I got.
That's what I got. Huh?

And then, john,

I get called
about this check.

Do you understand now
about the check, jimmy?

She gave it to him for what,
for his high school dues?

Because he owed money
to a bookmaker.

So out of the blue
she gave it to him...

Because they were in
the high school yearbook

‐ You want some soup?
‐ Hey, I don't care.

I don't care.
[ Sighs ]


Was she sleeping
with this guy?

If I'd have seen something
like that, you don't think
I would tell you?

You think that maybe
he was just an old friend, huh?
That's all? That's all it was?

I didn't get to talk to him,
but he didn't seem
too impressive.

I handed him an envelope.

‐ He wasn't?
‐ No. He's gone, and he knows
not to come back.

[ Sighs ]

Well, you know,

That'd be just like her.

You see, you know?

Always looking
to help someone.

I'm dyin', john.

You okay?

It's gonna be okay about
this guy, so I want you
to forget about it.

I let jimmy down.
No, you didn't.

He's gonna die now,
and he thinks I don't love him.

Robin, listen to me.
He knows you love him.

And all‐‐

All he wanted was a‐‐

A little more time
where it didn't hurt so bad.

And he's gonna get it.

[ Jimmy ]

You got my soup?

[ Whispers ]
go ahead.
You'll be fine.

Yeah, jimmy.
Just a sec.

What's the deal?
A guy in a wheelchair.

He's got a g*n
on four hostages.

Look, I know this guy.
I know the case.
Let me go talk with him.

Why don't you wait
for the negotiating team?
You sure the guy's gonna wait?

Get him a vest.
Got it.

Ernie dowd,
it's detective sipowicz!

I'm comin' in, ernie!

I got no beef with you.
We'll be done in here
in a little while.

Then everyone
can come in.

You got no problem
with the bartender, do ya?

Why don't you
let the bartender out?

Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, put this on my tab.

‐ Sure.
‐ Come on.

I'm comin' in, ernie.

You were over there,
weren't you?

Couple inches the other way,
I could be sitting
where you are.

You gotta cut this out, man.
There's a half dozen guys out
there with a*t*matic weapons.

‐ They don't know
what assholes these three are.
‐ Push him on the floor, chicky.

‐ Listen, talk to me.
‐ Push him on the floor!
Do it now!

‐ Now, you,
kick him like a football.
‐ I can't! My feet are tied!

Ernie, talk to me.
Ernie, hey. Hey, pal.

Come on, talk to me.

Talk to me.

I come in here
after I saw you
in the station house.

I tell chicky,
"hey, there's no
hard feelings.

It's worth a thousand
to get my wheelchair back."

She gets me
in touch with her friends.

I couldn't care less
what happens to them.

But if they're hurt,
you're gonna wind up
either dead or in jail.

So what?

‐ So, if you think your room
is bad, jail's worse.
‐ Well, that leaves dead.

Mm‐mmm. I don't want that.
I've seen too many
good men go down.

Hey, uh,
do you want a drink?

It's on the house.

I can't, ernie.
I'm a drunk.

Everybody's got
their battles, ernie.

‐ Push him on the floor.
‐ Ernie‐‐

No, you tell him
you're going to punt him.
Push him on the‐‐

‐ Ernie, listen to me.
‐ What?

‐ Listen to me.
Was there anything good?
‐ What do you mean?

I mean, if you stop this now
and nobody gets hurt,
then you won't have to go away.

But before any of this,
was‐‐ was there anything
good in your life?

Yeah, I had my chair
set up how I wanted.

Chicky and me
had some things worked out.

All right,
you got your chair back.

And I'm gonna put chicky
in jail.

But I never noticed
any shortage of whores
in town.

Now, come on, ern.

[ Chicky whimpering ]
what do you say,

Come on, ernie.

Come on.

Just take it easy.

You just relax now.

Come on.

That's it.

And he has to
absolutely speak to me?

Okay, I'll be right down.
[ Clears throat ]

You okay?
Yeah. Thanks.

How you doin'?

No fun
bustin' this guy.

I think he's gonna get
r. O. R.'D.

The booking's clear.
Okay, thanks.

[ Donna ]
here's your file.

All right, I gotta take you
to get fingerprinted.

Thanks for the coffee.
[ Kelly ]
no problem.

Good luck, huh?

Can't push the chair.

Hey, johnny.

How was the ski trip?
Oh, yeah.
It was, uh, it was fun.

You knock 'em dead
on the slopes?
I never got you up there.

[ Chuckles ] it was always
a big regret for me too.
Ha ha.

Does greg medavoy
seem off his game?

We just did a case work‐up.
He seems a little depressed.

Yeah, he's got
a domestic situation going on.
Oh, yeah?

‐ Hey, do you want
to go out for dinner?
‐ Sure. What's the occasion?

No occasion.
Okay. Your call.


All right.
I'll talk to you later?
See you later.

Detective martinez
is gonna stay with you
through the arraignment.

We think you're gonna get
a recognizance release.

Then he'll see
you get home.

I'm going to do better
if somebody carries me down.

Yeah, the chair
nearly went over
coming up.

All right, let's pick him up.
Uh, jack, you wanna
grab this chair?

We'll meet you

[ Grunts ]
all right,
there we go.

You okay?

Gettin' a lot
of experience
at this.

First detective medavoy,
now him.

You holdin' up

Okay, just
sit the chair there.
All right.

No problem.

There we go.

All right.

[ Sighs ]

James, uh, you wanna
give me a second here?

Sure. Let me
get the paperwork.

You okay?

You got my card, you know,
if you feel like talkin'.

Do you feel like talking?

I can't remember most of it,
bein' over there.

I don't want to
remember it either.

Good luck.

Uh, james.

Counselor, can I
have a word with you
in private?

[ Sighs ]

I want us to be square
about that fish.

Andy, I don't...
Think we're gonna make it.

You know, I got
this one pseudochromis‐‐

The pain‐in‐the‐ass fish
of all time.

If I move one little piece
of coral two inches, that's it‐‐

He won't eat,
he don't socialize.

If I change his food mix
a little bit,
forget about it.

He acts like you're
some kind of heinous criminal.

This fish,
he aggravates me so much‐‐
what's the point?

The point is that, uh,
[ sighs ]

Someone has to
ask themself,

"Is the fish worth it?"

I mean, that's what
it comes down to.

Is it worth the aggravation,
his pain‐in‐the‐ass ways?

You're not a fish.

You are a person,
and you can talk.

And I should've
expressed myself better.

I should've said
it makes me a little nervous,
you givin' me somethin'.

I'll get used to it,

And thank you very much.

How am i, uh,


So, who'd you
go up there with?
Oh, just some friends.

Oh, yeah?

You asked about
greg medavoy today.

Yeah. You said he's having
problems in his marriage?
Yeah. Yeah.

He was asking me
about what it was like
to be separated‐‐

If I was glad,
did I do the right thing.

What did you say?
That it was tough,
you know.

That I was
really unhappy,

But that if I got a sh*t
at somethin' again, I might be
able to do somethin' with it.

I've learned a lot too.

And I know what you mean,

Feeling like
you'd take better advantage
if you had another chance.

I'm seeing someone.

Oh, yeah?

I guess I'm telling you

I guess because it's...
Getting serious.

Who's the guy?

He's... A doctor.


[ Pager beeps ]
you know what?

Let's do this another time.

[ Beeping continues ]

Okay? Okay.

You okay?

I have to take this.
You got a minute?


[ Edie ]
you look incredible.
Gorgeous. You're all set.

All right, sweetheart,
I'll get the hors d'oeuvres.

What's going on?
We need a best man.

You mean right now?

You think
it's a mistake?

Absolutely not.
Come on.

Hi, john.
Look at you.

Johnny's here.

What are you doin',
you sneak?

You gonna stand up for me?
Am I gonna stand up for you?
Come on.

[ Grunting ]
I can get up.

[ Jimmy ]
I helped get that bum elected.
[ Kelly ] I know.

[ Clears throat ]
i, uh, I'm under instruction
to make this brief.

Yeah. We want
the drive‐through version.

But I want to say
how happy I am to be
performing this ceremony.

‐ I look all right, huh, john?
‐ Perfect. Aces.

You know,
this was her idea.

She wanted to do it.
The kid loves me.

So why not do it, huh?

Hey, whatever time
there is, huh?
I'm with you, jimmy.

‐ I'm with you.
‐ Are we ready to go, jimmy?

Yeah, I've been ready
for 14 years.

[ Coughs ]
she's the one
that's had the cold feet.

Robin wirkus, do you
take jimmy wexler to be
your lawful wedded husband?

I do.

Jimmy, do you take robin
to be your wife?


Kiss the bride.

Hey, I don't need
no instructions from you.
[ Laughing ]

[ Sighs ]
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