05x21 - You Better Shop Around: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Married... With Children". Aired: April 5, 1987 – June 9, 1997.*
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Follows Al Bundy, a once-glorious high school football player turned women's shoe salesman; his lazy wife, Peggy; their beautiful, dumb and popular daughter, Kelly; and their smart, horny and unpopular son, Bud.
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05x21 - You Better Shop Around: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Hot enough for you, folks?

It must be 1000
degrees out there.

Yep, it's summertime,

and the winos are sizzling.

Fish are popping,
and the DJ is high.

I hope you're all
as cool as I am.

I wonder what the poor
people are doing today.

Dad, why don't you just
buy us an air conditioner?

Ah, you don't want
to be stuck inside

on a day like today.

Come on, dive in.

Be careful. It hasn't been
an hour since you've eaten.

Hey, don't worry, Dad.

Sometimes you just gotta say

what the hey and go for it.


Daddy, I am sweating
cats and dogs.

This pool sucks.

If you two are bored,

let's have a little
Jacuzzi action.

Hey, Peg...

a little Tang
margarita, s'il vous plaît.

Coming right up.

You forgot the Tang.

Look, Al.

As much as I applaud you

exposing yourself to water,

don't you think it's time we
marched bravely into the '50s

and bought an air conditioner?

Peg, can't a
hundred-degree day go by

without you bringing
up air conditioning?

Besides, as soon as we get one,

they're just gonna
invent something new.

I'll be damned if I'll
have one in my house.

That's the same thing you
said about the toothbrush.

Look, Dad, I know I'm
no Psychology major,

but, uh, could the
underlying reason

for your reluctance to buy us

an air conditioner be that, uh,

you're the cheapest
man on the planet?

Bud, if I was cheap,

would we have all this?

Now, I'll hear no
more about this.

Kelly... let's play Sea Monster.

Aah! A sea monster!



Mom, Dad scared me.

He scares us all, honey.


♪ Oh, the shark bites ♪

♪ With his teeth big ♪

♪ And he keeps
them Pearly white ♪

Look, Al, I am gonna

ask you one more
time, rationally.

Can we have an air conditioner?


as long as I have
my pool to frolic in,

we don't need
an air conditioner.

As I was saying...

♪ Oh, this shark, unh ♪

♪ With his teeth bites, unh ♪

All right, kids. It's time.

♪ Oh, invite All
the sharks, unh ♪

♪ To a party ♪

♪ Then they'll know ♪

♪ That Bundy's
Back in town, no ♪


Oh! My pool. My pool, Peg!

Nice sh**ting, Mom.

Not really. I was
aiming at Daddy.

Mom, can we throw
a couple more on?

Well, this is the last of them.

Hey, wait a second.

There were four
cubes in the tray

the last time that we checked.

No, there were three.

She's cube hogging.

I'll hold her, you
get the tongs of life.

Your daddy.

It's our air conditioner.

Oh, God.

At long last, we're
all gonna be cool.

Even you, Bud, for
the very first time.

Yeah, well, it's a long time

since you had a
first time for anything.

But don't get too cocky, Kel.

Remember, Dad went himself.

Oh, it's just an
air conditioner.

A moron could get
an air conditioner.

I could get an air conditioner.

Ugh. Kids.

Come and help me here.

I... I can't see. I can't see.

Have you got it?

Yeah, Dad.

All right. Good.

All right, easy here.

It's heavy. Easy.

Here we go.

Oh. Oh!

Oh. Kids. you okay?


Yes, family. Look at it.

It's a Kaiser.

The pride of World
w*r II Germany.

Look at it, kids.

Doesn't it just say cool?

Actually, it says, "Property
of Erwin Rommel."

You know, Al, I thought you were

going to a discount store

to get one of those Korean ones.

You know, with names
almost like real products.

Like our "Frigidoor"

"RC-hey" TV.

Or my "beauti-fool" wife.


what you're looking at

is the world-famous
Kaiser air-cooling blatz.

The Jerries swore by these.

But, more importantly,

they were at the forefront
of 1942 technology.

And now...

this baby's ours, Peg.

This is the best damn
17 bucks I ever spent.

God, I must have loved you once.

You don't know what love is

till you've been kissed

by the cool lips of a Kaiser.

Bud, help me out in the car.

I wanna bring in
the main part. Ugh.

And then we'll be as cool

as I remember
myself in high school.

Gee, Mom.

Thanks for the
precious gift of life.

Bud! You got it all spliced in?!

Yeah, Dad.

Right into the
city's transformer.

Dad... is this legal?


So don't use any names.

Bud, come down now.

Kelly, keep the flashlight
on till he gets all the way...


I got it.

He's down, Daddy.

No names.


you wanna go upstairs and
get some blankets and sweater?

Oh, turn it on, mongo.

Nice fall, Bud.


we are ready.


would you do the honors, please?

Easy, Peg.

You're not having sex with it.

Well... we'll know for sure

if it quits after 10 seconds

and asks what's on TV.


You know, this could be you.

I don't feel a thing.

Just keep cranking.

There. Listen to that.

The satisfying hum

of fine German engineering.


Is it just me,

or is it getting warmer in here?

I guess that's
because I've got it on...

uh, "der low."

Let's turn this up.

I'll turn this up
to "blitzkrieg."

There. What do you feel now?

Anger. Disgust.

Loathing. Disappointment.

All right. All right. All right.

I'll just ease this baby up to

"der freezing my heinie off."

Ugh. There, that
ought to shut you up.

It's gonna blow.

Whoa, run!


Good news, Dad.

It's not just our house.


The whole
neighborhood's gone dark.

Well, at least they
don't know it's our fault.

Bundy did this!

Bundy. Bundy. Bundy.

God, where'd
they get the torches

and the pitchforks so fast?

Shut up!

Put your weight
against the door.

They're coming in.

Well, Desert Fox...

Well, Desert Fox, where
will you lead us now?

Ha-ha. You fools.

Do you think I only had one plan

to get us air conditioning
and keep us cool?


No. Trust me.

Air conditioning ye want,

air conditioning ye shall have.


I wonder what the
poor people are doing.

Did I promise you the good life?

Honey, if only everyone could be

as happy as we are.

Everybody doesn't have me, babe.

Oh, that poor woman.

You know, it just shows

that there can be unhappiness

in even a grand place like...

What'd you call
this place again?

Supermarket, babe.



A big building with food. Mm.

What'll they think of next?

Free sample?

Uh, thank you, cheese lady.

Listen, i-if you see the lady

with the little tray of weenies,

tell her we've been waiting.

Oh, my hands are
all greasy from eating.

Wh-where's Kelly
with my damn towel?

Here I am, Daddy.


what's this?

Looks like some kind
of vegetable, honey.


Uh, Bud. Go deep.

Ha-ha! Ha!


Excuse me here, family, but, uh,

as the only one among us

who hasn't yet
been fingerprinted,

do you actually think
no one's gonna notice

we're living in aisle
four of a supermarket?

Bud, we're your parents.

You let us worry about
what's right or wrong.

Now, you go on over to aisle 12

and get Daddy some slippers.

Oh, and while you're at it,

get Mom some perfume, too, huh?

Oh, Al.

You remembered my birthday.


Folks, excuse me.

What are you doing here?

What does it look
like we're doing here?

We're shopping.

You've been here for four hours.

Well, we're
conscientious shoppers.

Peg, you wanna read me
the ingredients in those chips?


Nah. It's not quite
what I'm looking for.

I may be just a stock boy,

but I know the look of a family

without an air conditioner.

I'm gonna have to
call the manager.

Ah, now. W-wait a second.
Wait a second there.

Uh, all right. You... You
look like a smart young guy.

I, uh, think maybe
I can trust you.

Name's Bundy, Al Bundy.

I'm with the National
Supermarket Security Agency.

There has been a rash

of food-related food
thefts in the area,

and that's what...
That's what I'm here for.

Bundy. I carry a whistle.

Whoa. Really?

Now, act natural.

See that, uh, woman over there?

Don't look.

That's Velveeta Annie.

The notorious
blue-haired cheese bandit.

I've been on her trail
since the Dakotas.

Mrs. Gillis?

She's been shopping
here for years.

Kid, don't you know that Gillis

is the underworld name
for "cheese booster?"

Are you sure about this,
Special Agent Bundy...?

Don't... Don't look at her now.

I... I think she's
making her move.


Let's see what...

Yeah, I think we got her now.

Yeah, I think the
eagle has landed.

Uh, listen... I don't
want to make this bust

and blow my cover,

so you take it, kid.

Thank you, Special Agent Bundy.

So... how do you
like our cheese, Gillis?

Hopefully as much
as you like our jails.

Come along, baby.

Bobby, what's come over you?

But... But I was your
kindergarten teacher.


Gee, Al, you think
we did the right thing?

Ah. So an old lady goes to jail.

So who gets hurt?

This is living, isn't it, babe?


Oh, look.

Isn't that the family
of poor people

everyone says is living here?

Isn't it pathetic?

Get a job, buddy.

Why, you little...

You know, I have half a
mind to move us to aisle six

and not tell him.

Well, I'm bored.

I'm gonna go boost us a radio.

Does anyone want anything?

Well, how about some plants?

You know, for ambience?

How about you, Daddy?

Uh, miss?

Uh, excuse me. I-I think
you dropped something.

Thank you, market dweller.



Do you want anything?

Mm. Yes, I...

have a strange yearning

for some melons.

And a plucked chicken.

Uh, I thought I smelled shoes.

Well, if it isn't the

in their summer home.

Hi, Marcie.

Are you having a party?

Uh, no.

Thanks to Al, I and
the rest of the block

are sweltering to
death in our own homes.

A-are they still mad at me?

For blacking out the
entire neighborhood

on the hottest day of the year?

Heck, no.

In fact, it's brought
us all closer together.

Why, when we were
burning you in effigy,

I ran into people I
hadn't seen in years.

We sat around, we sang
our favorite folk songs,

like, "If I Had a Hammer,

I'd Drive It Through
Al Bundy's Skull."

You know, Marcie,
we just feel terrible

about this whole mess.

Don't we, Al?

Oh, miss,

I think you dropped your corn.

Oops. Thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, miss.

Uh, you dropped
your flea fogger.


Thank you.

No, thank you.

Uh, miss.

Ooh... You dropped
your broccoli spears.


Thanks again.

No, thank you.

Bud. Here's something men do.

Quick. Get me something.

Excuse me, miss.

Uh, you dropped your, uh...


Weren't you the same guy

that was rubbing up
against me at the bus?


I meant him.

You little...


Cheese security?

I saw his credentials.

They say he's the best.

I don't know.

I got my doubts about this guy.

I know I know that
face from somewhere.

What'd you say his name was?

Bundy. Al Bundy.

I'm gonna check him out.

Yellow alert. Yellow alert.


you're the dairy spy.

Why don't you just
announce it to the whole store.

You're on report, buddy.


give me a pen.

Blue or red?


Uh, blue.

Fine point or husky? Uh...

Never mind, pumpkin.

Wait a minute. Al Bundy.

Of course.

You've been dribbling
checks all over town.

Listen. Buy
something or get out.

Alrighty. Peg...


No. Cash only, Bundy.

And I still want
two forms of ID.

You just lost yourself
some business, buster.

Kids, let's go.
We're moving down

to the drugstore
down the street.

Buy something,

or you'll be moving
into the county jail.


Family meeting.

Kids, you got any
money for old Dad?

Eighteen cents.

When I said I needed
a battery for the Kaiser,

you said you didn't have a dime.

No, we said we
"didn't give a damn."

Boy, how soon they
forget the good times.

All right, come on. Let's
see what we can buy.

Peg, bring the cart.

How do I work this thing?

The same thing you do with me.

You just get behind
it, and you shove.

Uh, Marce, listen.

Uh, I've only got a pack of gum.

Uh, could I get in front of you?

Eat hot death.

Oh, The National Enquire.

"Steve Rhoades Marries Cher."

Where? Where?

Congratulations, sir.

You're our one
millionth customer.

Well, w-what does that mean?

You've won a free $1000
supermarket shopping spree.

Hey. I was the next in line.

Well, what are you
complaining about?

You still are.

We won. We won.

We won. We won. We won. We won.

We won.

Oh, we won.

Oh, we won!
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