01x10 - The Necklace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*
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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x10 - The Necklace

Post by bunniefuu »

Blake: Barbara?

Barbara: Yes, Mr. Carrington?

Blake: Get Mrs. Carrington
for me, will you, please, on her

private line?

Barbara: Yes, sir.

Barbara: Mr. Carrington?

Blake: Yes?

Barbara: There's no answer.

Mrs. Carrington must be out.

Blake: Well, try her for me
again in 20 minutes, will you,


Barbara: Yes, Mr. Carrington.

Claudia: How does it look?

Lindsay: Dynamite, I think.

Claudia: Oh, you look wonderful.

Lindsay: Really?

Claudia: Oh, yeah, it looks

Lindsay: Oh, good.

Thanks for making it.

Claudia: That's what mothers
are for.

I want you to call me when you
get to Tania's tonight, and I

want you to call me in the
morning so I know what time to

pick you up.

Lindsay: Okay.

Claudia: Daddy's gonna be so
proud of you.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Matthew: Oh, thank you, hon.

Where is she?

Claudia: Getting dressed.

She looks beautiful.

Matthew: Just like her mother.

Claudia: Better.

Claudia: It's nice, isn't

it Lindsay going out, you and
me being able to be alone


I'll get it.


Walter: Hey, Claudia, yeah,
how you doing?

Good. Matthew around there?

Claudia: Yeah, sure, just a

It's Walter.

What happened, that old Jeep of

yours conk out and you need a

Walter: Not this time, boy.

No, unless I've been around this
sometimes-filthy, sometimes-

impossible business for over 40
years for nothing, then we're

getting awful close, boy.

We're at 6,550 feet, getting a
good show all across that


Maybe you ought to come on out

Can you hear me, boy?!

Matthew: I hear you, Walter.

Walter: Well, come on, come
on, then.

You want me to send you your
half in a Rolls-Royce, maybe,


Matthew: No need for that.

I'm on my way.

She's coming in, Claudia.

He feels pretty damn sure this

Claudia: Oh, Matthew, that's

I'll come with you.

Matthew: Well, uh... I'd like
you to, but... Well, you can't,


Claudia: Matthew, I want to
come with you.

Matthew: I know, but if it
does come in, well, they're

gonna be wanting to go out and
celebrate and well, you

understand, don't you?

Claudia: Matthew, I really
need to be with you tonight.

Matthew: I might be gone 3 or
4 nights.

And I'd like you to, but you
can't, honey.

You just can't.

Claudia: You know what I feel?

I feel that you care more about
that damn well than you do about

a marriage that is...
Matthew: What?

Claudia: Sinking slowly,

Matthew: Don't start on me now.

I mean, not now.

Claudia: What happens when a
well comes in, Matthew?

Does everybody cheer?

Matthew: Yeah, everybody cheers.

Claudia: And what happens
after they cheer?

They celebrate?

Matthew: If it comes in, yeah.

Claudia: Who are you planning
on celebrating with, Matthew?

Matthew: Walter and the boys.

Claudia: Who are you planning
on celebrating with after you

celebrate with Walter and the

Matthew: What the hell is
that supposed to mean?

Claudia: Exactly what it
sounds like who, Matthew?

What's her name? Who?

Matthew: I don't think I get
your meaning.

Claudia: Well, maybe it's my

Maybe my English isn't that

Withwhom, matthew?

Matthew: Now, I'm real
excited, and I'm happy.

And this could be just could
be the happiest and most

important time of my life.

Now, are you gonna cut out all
this and at least allow me that?

Mom... I really don't feel so


I'd rather not go to some drippy
party anyhow.

Claudia: You heard us?

Lindsay: Part of it.

Claudia: Now you don't want
to go to Tania's?

Lindsay: No.

Claudia: Come here, baby.

Come on.

Now, all married people argue.

We do, Tania's parents do...
Everybody who wears a marriage

band argues.

Lindsay: Well, maybe, but I
don't know if they arguethat

If all the husbands and men walk

out like he just did.

Claudia: Lindsay, he's your

He's the best man I've ever

I want you to know that, and I
don't ever want you to forget


And if he has to blow once in a
while, like he said, he's


Lindsay: Okay.

Yeah, I just don't want to see
you get hurt.

Claudia: I'm not getting hurt.

Now, what will hurt me is if you
don't want to go to this party

tonight and you think you have
to stay home and babysit me.

That'll hurt me.

Now, come on, you look

I want you to go and have a good


Lindsay: Okay.

Claudia: Good.

Go on.

That's my girl.

Lindsay: Claudia: Go on.

Blake: I'm late. Sorry.

Andy laird came in, had some

news about the overseas

It seems that the crisis over
there is lessening somewhat, and

we may be able to get at least
half our oil reserves back.

Good news, huh?


On the way home, I asked Michael
to stop by Mr. Yorgan's.

It seems that Mr. Yorgan's
closes up that flower shop

promptly at 6:00 every night,
and he sits himself down to

dinner, and nothing's going to

When I was there, it must have
been only 4 minutes after 6:00,

but you know how stubborn the
old fellow is.

He just wouldn't open up the
place for me.

How about that?

But... then I told him that I
happened to be married to the

most beautiful woman that I'd
ever known and ever will know...

And that something happened
between us the other day that...

Well, something that I'm very
sorry about and deeply ashamed


Something that I know hurt her
very much, and something that

could have damaged her faith in
me and her love for me.

Well, anyway... Mr. Yorgan
finally put down his fork, and

he left the rest of his roulade
and mint dumplings sitting in

the plate, and he went down, and
he opened up the shop for me so

I could buy these and tell you
how truly sorry that I was.

Would would you open them,
please, krystle?

Krystle: Your old fuchsia

Blake: Well, it worked for me

Oh, krystle...

Y-You seem to have the strangest
kind of power over me...

Just that it's not my nature to
have anyone affect me this way,

to be so close to me.

It's not that I wanted the child
that much.

It's just... I wanted a part of
me... To live inside you,

to be with you in to be with
you after I'm gone.

Krystle: Oh, Blake...

You're not going anywhere.

Blake: Maybe, just maybe, if
you love me, I could live


We've been here all night.

I hope something happens soon.

What are you thinking?

Bobby: I'm thinking just what
I thought on my last job and the

one before that.

I'm nervous as hell.

How about you?

Same the same.

Christopher: Want to dance?

Lindsay: No, thanks,

Christopher: Boy, you're
really into this.

Why'd you even come tonight,

Tania: Hey, she's my best
friend, and I invited her,


Christopher: Do you want to

Tania: Later.

He's right, you know.

You lookrealcheerful.

Lindsay: I don't feel so hot

Tania: Well, don't let my
mother, the hypochondriac, hear


She'll figure it's contagious,
and, poof, there'll go the whole


Did you call your mom?

Lindsay: She didn't answer.

Tania: She's probably in the
shower or something.

Why don't you try again while I
get some more potato chips

because Johnny Epstein and
Christopher are eating like

their fathers went on welfare.

Claudia: Can I have a
Martini, please?

Paul: A Martini coming up.


Claudia: Hi.

First time here?

Claudia: Mm-hmm.

Haven't we met somewhere before?

Claudia: No.

Hmm... I guess you've never
been to Detroit.

Great city.

Claudia: I keep hearing a lot
about it.

Want to hear more...
The real inside stuff?

I mean, about what really goes
on in grosse pointe?

Claudia: Not particularly.


Larry: You have excellent taste.

He's a creep.

Claudia: Larry: A certifiable,

bona fide, double-digit-i.Q.


Claudia: Yeah.

Larry: As a matter of fact,
that guy is the sovereign state

of Michigan's gift to creepdom.

Now, on the other hand, I'm
generally regarded as fairly

likeable, reasonably

I'm a whiz at my job.

Claudia: And very modest.

Larry: I'm an account
executive for marlin cosmetics.

My name is Lawrence Armstrong,
and I'm known as Larry to my

friends, both old and new.

What's your name?

Claudia: Claudia.

Larry: It's nice to meet you,

Paul, if you'll be so kind as to
put Claudia's drink on my bill?

Paul: Will do.


Claudia: No, ple oh,
please please... Stop!

Larry: Hey, ease up.

All right, look, I'm sorry if I
came on a little too fast.

Why don't we go upstairs and
have a drink?

Claudia: No.

Larry: No?

Claudia, we just spent
practically the whole evening


I mean, what was the point of
coming here to my apartment?

Now, I thought that we were
having a real good time

together, that we felt something
for each other.

Claudia: I made a mistake.

I'm married.

Larry: So am I.

What difference does that make?

Claudia: Please, leave!

Larry: Hey, what the hell are
you some kind of a tease?!

Fallon: Mind if I come in?

Michael: Does it make any
difference if I mind?

You're the boss's daughter.

I'm paid to do what I'm told.

Fallon: I couldn't sleep.

Besides, I was kinda bored, what
with Jeff away and all.

Michael: You look more bored
when he's around.

Fallon: Cheap sh*t, Michael.

Michael: Makes us even.

This is some kind of cheap
visit, isn't it?

Only it so happens that now that
you're a... Married woman, far be

it from me to take advantage of
the fact.

Fallon: Boy, that English
wench must be something


Michael: What wench?

Fallon: Colby's secretary.

Janet, is it?

Michael: Oh, Jennifer.

Fallon: "Oh, Jennifer."

Well, I understand that you and
"oh, Jennifer" have become quite

close... as it were.

Michael: As it were.

Fallon: How is she?

Michael: Well, now, that's,
uh... That's a real big order.

Know what I like the most about

her... hard as it'll be for you
to believe?

Fallon: What, pray tell?

Michael: Her accent...

And the way she talks...

And the things she knows and

Fallon: About her boss and me?

Michael: You and Cecil?

A little bit, yeah.

Fallon: Yeah, I'll bet a little.

Michael: I don't think she's
particularly interested in you,


Not when it comes to the fine,
upstanding carrington clan.

But Mrs. Carrington...
Krystle carrington...

Now, therein lies lays?

Lies another story.

Fallon: Which you are going
to tell me.

Michael: Why should I?

I don't owe you anything.

Fallon: Well, because if you
don't tell me what I want to

know, I'm going to have to
as*ault you, despite your best

efforts, destroy your

Tell me about my father's wife.

Michael: Ah...

Well, now, it, uh, seems that
Jennifer knows the secretary...

Privatesecretary another
English wench, as you'd put it,

of a loan shark by the name of

And it seems that one day not
too long ago, your father's wife

paid him a visit... Along with
some jewelry...

And that when she left his
office, she was about $40,000


You want me to go on?

Fallon: Yes, go on.

Michael: Say please.

Fallon: Michael, I said it.

Go on.

Michael: Your father ever
finds out about this, and he'll

k*ll me, and the lady's liable
to get hurt.

Fallon: He won't find out...

From me.

Go on.

Michael: Please?

Steven: Hello?

Claudia: It's Claudia, Steven.

I'm in trouble.

I didn't know who else to call.

Steven: Where?

Uh, yeah, give me about 15
minutes, okay?

Where have you been?

Fallon: Slumming.

Where are you going?

Steven: Emergency.

Fallon: What time is it, anyway?

Steven: Digital's not working.

Fallon: Cause your
biorhythms screw up the works.

What kind of an emergency?


Claudia: I'm sorry.

I needed a friend tonight.

I don't know what got into me

That bar...

That man.

I've never done anything like
that in my life.

Steven: But you didn't do

Claudia: I almost did.

Come on, you're feeling better.

Claudia: Yeah, well, I feel
safe with you.

I didn't mean safe.

I mean I feel good with you.

Steven: Even after I made a
pass at you?

Claudia: Steven!

A stolen kiss in that messy
kitchen it's hardly a pass.

It's hardly an affair.

Anyway, I thought of it as a
brotherly kiss.

Steven: Oh, did you, now?

Claudia: Well, I mean... It
was very sweet and sensitive...

Like you are.

Don't ever change, Steven.

Promise me.

Steven: I promise.

Claudia: I should go home.

Where are you going in the

Steven: Uh, our cabin up on
the lake.

Manchester lake you know
where it is?

Claudia: Yeah.

Steven: I go there sometimes
to be by myself... And just to

get away.

Claudia: I know what you mean.

Sounds great.

I wish I could go with you.

I should get back to my car now.

Fallon: Morning.

Is daddy sleeping in?

Krystle: No, he got up early
and went to the club, then he's

going riding.

Fallon: Oh, good for him.

The sun will do him good.

He's been looking sallow lately.

Yuck! These eggs look powdered.

Could I have some soft-boiled
eggs, please?

You ever get the feeling that
someone in the kitchen's doing a

little pocketing on the side?

Krystle, what are you wearing to

the party tonight?

I mean, so that we don't clash,
heaven forfend.

Krystle: You mean the
Randolph party?

Your father and I decided not to

Fallon: Oh, I don't blame
you bores.

But I promised lenore I'd be
there, so...

Can I ask a favor of you?

Krystle: Sure. What?

Fallon: Can I borrow your
necklace to wear?

The emerald job.

Just for tonight?

Krystle: Of course.

Fallon: You sure you don't mind?

Krystle: No.

Fallon: Thanks.

Krystle: Just a minute.

Come in.

Fallon: Wait till lenore
comes down those stairs wearing

those river pebbles she calls

She'll make fritzie sell the
corniche and fly to.

South America for replacements.

You know, I remember the first
time I saw these.

Daddy and I went shopping before
the wedding.

He said he wanted to get you
something really special, and he

wanted me to help him decide.

I saw these, and I said, "right,
they will turn any woman into a


Krystle: You were in Reno
when your father bought me the

necklace, fallon.

Fallon: Was I?

Oh, yeah, of course.

Must be confusing it with
something else.

Getting old.

Well, I can't take them.

I mean, they're yours, sparkling
with love and sentiment and god

knows what.

Krystle: Is there something
you want to have out with me,


Fallon: Krystle, what a
melodramatic question.


If it's that sweet talk I
overheard between you and

Matthew, I mean, it was a party.

All of us say things at parties.

I mean, if I had been quoted
after two sips of champagne...

Really, havewhatout?

Krystle: Never mind.

Dr. Jordan: New job bugging.


Claudia: No.

I like the job.

I mean, I think it's the job
that's saving me.

The job and Lindsay.

Dr. Jordan: Lindsay how?

Claudia: She likes me, and
that makes me feel really good.

Dr. Jordan: So far, so good.

And how about the real rotten?

Claudia: I went to a singles
bar last night, I got smashed,

and I let this man pick me up.

That's not true.

I picked him up.

Now, what is wrong with me?

Am I some kind of an animal, a

Dr. Jordan: What did Matthew

say when you got home?

Claudia: Matthew wasn't there.

Matthew was at the drill site.

His partner called.

Dr. Jordan: Go on.

Claudia: I exploded.

Dr. Jordan: Why?

Claudia: Because I wanted to
go with him.

I asked him if I could, and he
said no.

Dr. Jordan: What did you feel?

Do you think he was wrong?

Claudia: Yes, I thought he
was wrong.

Dr. Jordan: What do you think

Claudia: Now I think that
maybe I was the one that was


Now I think that I am concerned
about myself picking up strange

men in bars.

I'm concerned about my life.

Am I ever going to get it
together ever?

I am concerned about Matthew.

Why can't I even get him to
respond to me?

Dr. Jordan: Sexually, still?

Claudia: Yes, sexually, still.

Emotionally, verbally name it.

Dr. Jordan: That is why you
picked up a man and you had a

fight with your husband and you
are sitting here now fighting

back the tears, which you refuse
to let out?

It's Matthew you're angry with,
isn't it?

You've been hinting for some
time now about another woman.

Are you gonna talk about that,
or are we gonna pretend it

doesn't exist?

Claudia: His ex-boss's wife.

Dr. Jordan: I'm not
interested in who.

I'm interested in whether or not
you've confronted Matthew with

this yet.

How do you know it's true?

Have you talked about it with
him given him a chance to at

least defend himself?

Claudia: No, I haven't.

I don't have to... Because in my
heart, I know he loves her...

Not me.

Krystle: Hello, Claudia.

Claudia: Mrs. Carrington.

Krystle: Call me krystle.

How's your family?

Claudia: Matthew's fine.

He's at the drill site waiting
for good news.

Krystle: That's great.

Do you come here often?

Claudia: I used to.

Krystle: Mmm, ineverused to.

But I'm beginning to appreciate
new things.

How wonderful to have that gift,
that, um, that talent.

Claudia: There are all kinds
of talents, Mrs. Carrington.

There's a talent of being
beautiful, getting any man that

you want to fall in love with

There's a talent of getting what
you want out of life now,

that's a true talent, isn't it?

I'm sorry, I hope that doesn't
sound like a strange question

coming from someone with my

Krystle: Your past is past,
Claudia could have happened

to any of us.

Claudia: Don't you be nice to
me, because I'm not here to be

nice to you.

I'm not here by accident,

I called your house to see where
you were.

You see, I think that you and my
husband slept together when I

was in the hospital.

Krystle: Have you asked
Matthew about this?

Claudia: I'm asking you.

Krystle: That's very unfair,

Matthew's your husband.

I'm nothing to you.

Claudia: And Blake carrington
is your husband.

What is it that you want?

Don't you already have enough?

Matthew: Damn, I think we got.

Something, Walter.

Walter: Yeah, we do, boy.

We do!

Hey, something's starting to
happen up here!

Blake: Any word from Jeff?

Fallon: Yeah, he called from

He's hating it, he says.

Blake: Might be nice if you
joined him over there.

Fallon: You trying to get rid
of me?

Blake: No.

I just know how much he'd like
to have you with him.

Fallon: You need me here.

Blake: To do what?

Fallon: Well, brush off and
Polish your boots.

Blake: Fallon, you have a
husband now.

Fallon: I hate the
George "sank" hotel.

Blake: Call him up, tell him
you're coming and for him to

move to the meurice.

Fallon: I loathe the meurice.

Do you know they used it for
n*zi headquarters during the


Suppose I found myself sleeping
in field marshal goering's

favorite room?

Blake: If it comes to a
showdown between you and

goering's ghost, you know where
I put my money.

Fallon: Have you heard?

Blake: What?

Fallon: Lankershim-blaisdel,
number one.

Blake: What about them?

Fallon: The well came in this
morning 11:00.

Blake: Hmm.

Bobby: Here you go, fellas.

Matthew: All right, hold it,
now, let's, uh, let's have a

little quiet here.

I, um... I'd like to propose a
toast to a man that's been like

a father to me...

A man who taught me a lot about

To Walter lankershim.

See, this this guy here...
He's the one that had the guts,

the courage, and the brains...
Walter: Tell em!

Matthew: The one whosmelled

it down there oil when
every damn major oil company

around here passed over this

Bobby: Including carrington
and his dumb town!

Yeah, but they got into it a
little too late, didn't they?

Even for dumb, huh?!

Matthew: Well, all right, so,

hold it so, to
Walter lankershim, the man who

had the foresight to go out
there and buy those leases with

the money he got from 100
farmers... By begging and

pleading, and, well, shall we
say just a little of


Bobby: You?

Walter: A little.

I'll drink to that.



Walter: Now, I want to give a
toast, and I want to say the

only serious thing that I'm
gonna say all evening, maybe


I'm gonna give a toast to my

friend Matthew... Who gave up
the security of a major oil

company and the security of a
check every week...

To come in on 50% of nothing but
a dream...

A dream that now, thanks to you
boys and thanks to Matthew, is a


To Matthew blaisdel!

Matthew: Mmm.

Okay, now that we got this guy
in a mellow mood, what do you

say we get him over to a piano,
play us a little tune?

Walter: I'll drink to that!


I mean, like paderewski and
stradivarius, horowitz and

Terry bradshaw, and all the
other great musicians that have

passed on before me, how could I
say no to such a devout group of

oil men and tool pushers and
riggers and musicologists?

That's us!

Bobby: Right!

Matthew: Where's your mother?

I didn't see the car.

Lindsay: She's out.

Matthew: Where?

Lindsay: I don't know.

She phoned.

She said that she might be out
for a while.

She told me to go back to
Tania's if it got too late.

Matthew: Hmm...

Well... guess what.

I got some good news.

Well came in.

Lindsay: That's good.


I might bring you a little

I kind of think you're partial
to chocolate-covered brazils.

Lindsay: I am, thank you.

Matthew: You're welcome.

I got this for mom.

It's a Beatles album she always

In fact, there's the first song
we heard when we first met.

Well, honey, you can do that

Lindsay: I want to do it now.

Matthew: Hey. Come here.

Okay... unload on your old man.

What is it?

Lindsay: Nothing.

Matthew: Problem at school?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Sometimes I feel bad about
dropping out of the play after

mom finished making the costume
and everything.

Matthew: Lindsay, you're
talking to your father now.

What is it?

Lindsay: Am I a bastard?

Matthew: Hey, hey, hey, what
kind of question is that?!

Lindsay: Well, that's what
you call em, isn't it people

who are born when their parents
aren't married?

Matthew: Lindsay, where'd you
ever get such a notion?

Lindsay: I looked up your
marriage license.

Matthew: I see.

Lindsay: I went to the hall
of records or whatever you call

it, and I looked it up.

Matthew: Well, you listen to
me very carefully.

Your mother and I we were
young, and we were kids, but we

loved each other very much.

So... by having it happen before
it should have happened doesn't

mean anything.

It just means that we both love
you that much more.

Lindsay: You say that you
loved mom when it happened?

Matthew: Yes.

Lindsay: Do you love her now?!

I mean, more than anything in
the whole world, including me?!

Matthew: Sure I do, honey,
but I love you in a different


Lindsay: Do you love her more
than anything in the whole

world period?

Matthew: Yes.

Lindsay: I don't
think so, daddy.

I'm glad about your well.

Steven: What did krystle say?

Claudia: She said, "ask your

Steven: Did you?

Claudia: Don't you see by her
saying nothing she was saying it

was true?

Steven: Here, here's some wine.

I understand that, but I don't
understand why you didn't ask


Claudia: I just didn't.

He's at the drill site.

The well came in.

Steven: I know that... But I
don't think that's really the

reason, Claudia.

I mean, is it?

You can tell me.

It's okay.

All you have to do is just say

Claudia: I just guess I
didn't want to ask him.

I didn't want to hear him say

Oh... I just don't want to feel
hurt anymore.

Am I wrong?

Steven: No, you're not wrong.

Wrong is whenyouhurt somebody.

That's the only wrong I know.

Claudia: Oh, god, I don't
even know what I'm doing here.

You didn't even ask me here.

Why don't you just say it to me?

Say, "Claudia, leave."

Steven, say it.

Steven: Because I don't want
you to leave.

I want you to stay here.

Claudia: Hold me.

Steven: Do you know how
important this night is to me,


See, I, uh... I've never really
been with a woman before.

And I guess, uh... That's why I

Claudia: You don't have to
wonder, Steven.

There's a beautiful gentleness
about you...

Tenderness that transcends

That's something you're never
gonna lose... No matter what

happens after tonight.
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