01x04 - The Honeymoon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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01x04 - The Honeymoon

Post by bunniefuu »

Krystle: Oh, Blake, wouldn't
it be wonderful if we never had

to go back and found an
island just the two of us?

No worries, barefoot.

Nothing but you and me alone.

Blake: Well, not not quite

How about the mosquitoes?

For you, Mr. Carrington,
from Denver Mr. Laird.

He says it's urgent.


Blake: Andrew?

Yes. Yes, I'm fine.

Hawaii was fine, too.

So was Samoa and Tahiti.

A wonderful honeymoon.

What is it?

What's wrong?

Andrew: Blake, I don't know
whether you've heard the news

yet, but the colonel was just
m*rder*d assassinated by

those damn barbarians.

Blake: What do our friends in
the state department have to say

about that?

Andrew: They expect the
rebels to take over momentarily.

Blake: Period? That's it?

Andrew, we've got a fortune tied
up there in proven reserves.

Andrew: They've blockaded all
tanker traffic, Blake.

Blake: Damn it, we've got 5
tankers in that port!

All right.




Krystle: Trouble?

Blake: Now, I promised you 6
weeks, and we're going to make


Krystle: Blake, there will be
other times.

Blake: No.

Krystle: You've got to do
what's important.

Let's go back. Please?

All right.

I'll make it up to you.


There's the car.

They're coming.


Fallon: Oh, I'm sorry.

Are you all right?

Jeff: I know you're not happy
about krystle coming back to

this house, but there's no
reason to killme.

Joseph: Welcome home,
Mr. Carrington.

Blake: Hello, Joseph.

Put these in Mrs. Carrington's
dressing room, please.

Joseph: Welcome back,
Mrs. Carrington.

Krystle: Oh, thank you,

My, it all looks somehow bigger
than I remember it.

Joseph: We've tried to keep
it exactly as it was.

Blake: Oh, Joseph, I want
Mr. Laird over here and

brickmore, chernan, and

Joseph: I'll do that right

Blake: Hello, darling.

Fallon: Daddy, welcome home.

Jeff, how are you?

Jeff: Oh, pretty good.

Blake: Taking good care of

Jeff: I've been trying to,

It's good to have you back.

Krystle: Thank you, Jeff.

Blake: By the way, how is

Jeff: Oh, fine. Just fine.

I imagine you'll be hearing...

Krystle: Hello, fallon.

Fallon: Hi.

Oh, that's really nice.

Maybe you could have it wired
for a lamp for something.

Krystle: Oh, that's an idea.

Fallon: Something the matter?

Michael: What are you keeping
him around for?

Fallon: Jeff Colby?

I'm just keeping him around till
I can b*at him in tennis.

Then I'll throw him away and get
somebody I can't b*at.

Matthew: Now, keep your eyes


She's all yours, Claudia.

A month today since you got
home from the hospital.

How you like it?

You don't like the color?

Claudia: It's beautiful.


Matthew: Well...

Claudia: Look, um... We've
got so many bills to pay, we've

still got my therapy, you're
trying to start a new business.

This is just...
Matthew: I got it at a

steal a real steal.

I got it from a friend of mine,
so don't worry.

How about it...
One time around the block the

two of us together?

Claudia, don't.

Please don't be afraid to come
back all the way back.

This is only a machine, and
beyond it out there is only

traffic real-world stuff.

And, honey, you got to be
able to...

Claudia: Confront.

Matthew: Yes.

Claudia: Right.

It's a month.

You said it's a month.

It's not a long time.

You know that, Matthew.

Matthew: Well, here.

You take these, and, uh, use
them or use it whenever you feel

like today, tomorrow, whenever.


Claudia: Right!

That's just the way Dr. Jordan
speaks to his patients.

That's the way he talks to me...
"agreed, Claudia?"

Matthew: Why don't we go in
the house and have some coffee?

Claudia: What for?! Why?!

Am I shaking?

Am I talking too loud?

Matthew: All right.

I'll take the car back tonight.

I'll do whatever you want.

Claudia: Don't you do that,

Don't you walk away from me!

Don't treat me like damaged

I didn't ask to come back here.

You asked me to.

And if we've got something to
fight about, I'm gonna fight

with you, so don't you walk away
from me.

If you're angry with me, shout
at me.

I'm not gonna fall apart, I
promise you.

Matthew: All right.

All right.

We've been married how long...
15 years? And we still can't

exchange a lousy present without
punishing one another, can we?

Claudia: Meaning what?

Matthew: Meaning...

Meaning a couple of kids fell in
love and had a baby and had to

grow up faster than it was fun.

Claudia: That's not it,

It's just the car.

I'm just not ready to handle it

Matthew: Well, then you
better get ready, because I

don't like being married to a
mental patient any more than you

like being one.

I mean it, Claudia.

I'm not driving you around

Let's go, honey.

We're late for school.

Lindsay: Bye.

Claudia: Bye, baby.

Matthew: I know where I
can find some pipe.

Walter: What are we gonna do
with it after you find it?

Matthew: Bring in the richest
fuel this side of spindletop...

At least that's what you said
when you dragged me into this

damn fool operation.

Walter: That was before the
crew walked off.

Matthew: Who'd you hit this

Walter: I didn't hit anybody!

Sometimes you forget who owns
what in this company.

Matthew: Unh-unh.

I remember.

We each own 50% of nothing.

What happened?

Walter: The bank turned me
down on the loan.

I went back out there to tell
the crew there wouldn't be no

payday, and... They all walked

That's what I like about the oil
business the loyalty.

Come on.

I'll buy you a beer.

Claudia: Matthew?




Steven: Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to frighten you.

Claudia: You did, a little.

Do you know where everybody is?

Steven: No, I don't.

I came here looking for
Matthew blaisdel.

Claudia: So did I.

I'm Claudia blaisdel, his wife.

Steven: You're
Matthew blaisdel's wife?

Claudia: Yeah.

Steven: Steven carrington.

It's very nice to meet you.

We talked on the phone once.

Claudia: Yes, yes.

Your father's wedding,
the trouble with Walter.

My husband appreciated that call
very much.

This was dumb of me.

I mean, I wanted to have a
little surprise make a


I should have telephoned first.

Steven: What are you

Claudia: My conquest of man
over machine.

Well, I mean, it's woman over

It was an important moment.

What are you doing for lunch?

I mean, I have sandwiches here
and wine and...

Steven: Oh, no.

I-I won't be able to stay.

I've got to find your husband.

It's kind of important.

They're probably at meadesburg.

If you really want me to stay...

Claudia: It's okay really.


Would you like a sandwich or
something for the road?

Steven: Yeah.

Claudia: Ham and cheese.

Steven: Thank you.


Andrew: Philip.


Andrew: Jasper. Doug.

Blake: Headington is on the

Talk to him, stall him.

Good to see you.

Go on in.

Krystle: Blake...

Go on.

Go on.

Amos: Ugh!

Matthew: Well, it looks like

you did it, Amos.

Bobby: How about me, Matthew,
now that you're on a losing


Amos: Hey, the rest of the...


Losing streak, huh?

Well, I wouldn't be too sure
about that, Bobby, cause I

think he made me win so I go
back on the job... In


Matthew: No.

You won.

And as far as appreciation goes,
I'm not asking for anything.

I mean, uh, just because we're
having a little run of bad

luck rig falling down on us.

Well, if you guys don't
understand that...

Oh, come on.

We've heard that speech before,
so save the tears.

You don't pay us, we don't work
for you.

Hey, we like you, Matthew, but
we don't like you that much.

Walter: Wait a minute.

Wait a minute!

What are you babying this bunch

Oh, you're looking at the dregs
of meadesburg here.

In fact, you're looking at the
dregs of the whole state.

They're bums.

Now, you you looking to get a
recommendation when you leave


Amos: Sure as hell don't need
one from you, lankershim.

Walter: Well, you sure as
hell ain't gonna get one,

either, buster not from me,
not from anybody else in this

state in his right mind.

Clean out the jails, clean out
the flophouses, try to give

them a start.

That's the way they repay us.

They're stabbing us in the back,
walking out.

Well, they're bums scum!

Matthew: Hold it! Hold it!

Walter: You think I can't
take him just cause he's got 2

or 3 years on me?!

Matthew: More like 20, but
who's counting?

Take it easy.

Walter: Bum!

Matthew: All right.

Okay, you guys all know me, so I

tell you what I got some new
pipe coming, and I got a loan

from a bank over in pueblo.

So, uh, come on back to work,
and you'll still get paid for a

full day today.

How about it?

Steven: I'll work for you,

You just tell me what you want
me to do.

I've been around oil rigs all my

You're carrington's kid,
aren't you?

Steven: I'm
Steven carrington.

You know something?

If you get that black stuff all
over you that made your daddy so

rich, you're gonna take a whole
week to wash it off.

He'll go home stinking of
kerosene and gasoline oil...

Those nice clothes all sweaty.

Bobby: Come on, guys.

Get off him. Leave him alone.

What's your daddy gonna say
when you get that nice $200

shirt of yours all sweaty?

He don't wash em, dummy.

He throws them away.

You guys keep forgetting the

real question around here, huh?

It's who his old man is how
he probably sent him over here

so he could be a spy.

Now, we might be rambling
dregs... But your old man is the

biggest crook who ever lived.

Steven: My father's not a

Walter: You better go on home
now, son.

Steven: He never walked off
on the job.

He never let down his friends in
a jam.

Amos: Well, ain't that just
wonderful, boys, huh?

Now, you tell me that.

Now you show me that.

Matthew: I can't help you
with this one, Steven.

This is one-on-one.

You either fight him or you

Steven: I didn't come here to

I came here to help.

Walter: You better stop it.

Amos: Stay down, will you,

Matthew, come on.

I don't want to k*ll him.

Tell him to stay down here.

Matthew: All right, all

That's enough, that's enough.

Come on.

Steven: Did I get the job?

Matthew: Yeah, you got it.

That makes 3 of us.

Come on.

Come on.

Walter: Why'd you have to
hire him for?

Matthew: Well, you got to
admit he showed some spunk.

Walter: Yeah, but you can't
go around hiring everybody just

'cause they show a little spunk.

Matthew: Walter, can't you
find anything good in somebody?

He's not Blake carrington.

He's his own man.

Amos: Okay, you win.

But if we get no bucks by next
Friday, that's gonna have to be


Bobby: We'll take the kid
back with us.

Matthew: Take good care of
him, will you?

Blake: And what does the
state department expect me to

do inv*de the damn country to
get my oil out?

Andrew: Well, I suppose it's

a lot easier to be patient when
it's not your ox that's being


All right, call me when you hear

Blake: What does he

Andrew: Wait and see.

Everything depends on which one
of those fanatics manages to

k*ll off all the others and come
out on top.

Maybe he'll be a gentleman and
turn those tankers loose.

Blake: Maybe he'll just
nationalize the whole sh**ting

match and trade it to the
Russians for mig-21s.

Andrew... what kind of advances
can we get while our crude is

tied up?

Andrew: 20 cents on the
dollar... Maybe.

Blake: Where would that leave

Andrew: Bankruptcy.

And that's the upside.

Blake: 6 operational offices
from tangier to Cape Town,

payoffs to every swindling
5-percenter in sight, and we get

caught like this?

What dim-witted office boy
thought we ought to go in there

in the first place?

Andrew: As I recall, Blake,
it was you.

Fallon: Well, I still think
it was a good idea.

Blake: Fallon, how did you
get in here?

Fallon: I told the guard at
the door I was c.I.A...


Look, daddy, I believe your
analogy at the time had to do

with the grasshopper and the

"The government isn't putting
anything by for a rainy day,"

you said.

"Maybe Denver-carrington

Blake: Well, be a good girl
and run along, will you?

I'm busy.

Andrew, while we're waiting and
seeing, is there anything else

that I should know?

Andrew: Uh, about that
lankershim-blaisdel property...

We haven't quite got a hook into
that one yet.

We try to stop their supplies,
they find new sources.

We attempt to cut off their
money, they get new backing.

Every time we knock them down,
they get right back up.

Blake: Spare me the details.

Just handle it.

Andrew: I understand.

Blake: Your understanding
isn't gonna help us if we've got

nothing to show our stockholders
when that other thing comes

crashing down.

If your present methods are not
working, try some...

Fallon: A little carrington

Blake: Fallon, would you

Fallon: Okay, okay, I'm

I'm only trying to say that you
might catch more flies with

honey than you are with

Blake: Out.

Out, please!

Fallon: Daddy...

Daddy, will you listen to me?

Matthew blaisdel was your friend

What would it hurt for you to
invite him into your home like a

human being and explain to him
the advantages of coming back

into the company and bringing
his leases with him?

Or are you so bloody jealous of
what went on between he and

krystle that you'd really rather
bust blaisdel than win him over?

You may just have an idea.

Fallon: You mean abrilliant

Blake: I mean...

You've made your point.

Now, will you get out of here?

Krystle: Jeanette, who is it
for dinner this evening?

Jeanette: Just you and
Mr. Carrington, ma'am.

I'm setting a bit early because
there's a dance over in magordo,

and Joseph gave me permission to

Krystle: Oh, of course.

This room's so big, and it'll be
beautiful out tonight.

I'd like to eat out on the

Jeanette: Oh, well, you see,
ma'am, Joseph prefers all

evening meals be served in the
dining room.

Well, he he's liable to have
a snit if... You...

Krystle: We'll eat in here.

I-It'll be fine.

Have a good time this evening.

Jeanette: Thank you.

Fallon: You're not staying
for dinner, Andy?

Andrew: No, I have some
things to attend to this


Fallon: Daddy's really in
trouble this time, isn't he?

Andrew: Well, you were there.

You heard or rather you

Fallon: What would it take to
bail him out?

Andrew: More than your
allowance, I'm afraid.

Fallon: How much?

Andrew: Forget it, fallon.

There isn't anything you can do
to help.

Fallon: You're pretty sure of
that, aren't you?

You could be wrong, you know.

Andrew: You love him a lot,
don't you?

Fallon: You know I do.

Andrew: But you don't love
krystle a lot.

And you really fixed her good
this time, didn't you?

You got your father to thinking
about inviting Matthew blaisdel

over here?

Fallon: It's the smartest
thing for him to do, Andy.

I don't have to tell you that.

Andrew: It would also make
krystle crazy.

You don't have to tell me that

And you figure that by chipping
away at her little by little,

you'll be able to drive her out
of this house, hmm?

Fallon: She's no good for

She'll just drag him down.

Andrew: You know, fallon,
most little girls realize by the

age of 6 that they can't grow up
and marry their daddies.

Friends shouldn't fight.

Fallon: You're right.

Bye, Andy.

Matthew: You know, honey,

I've been thinking.

I was, uh...

Well, I was... Kind of rough on
you this morning.

So, uh, well, I thought I'd take
the car back and then, uh...

Well, when you're ready,
you'll you'll be ready.

Claudia: I was out at the rig
to see you today.

Matthew: You were?

Claudia: Mm-hmm.

Matthew: How'd you get there?

I... I drove.

Matthew: Come on.

Come on.

Claudia: I drove.

You got me a car, didn't you?

Matthew: That's good, honey.

That's real good.

Claudia: What's real good is
that I felt like myself today

for the first time.

Slugging it out with you this
morning helped.

So... I want to thank you...

For letting me fight with you.

Fighting and driving...

All in one day?

Anything else you care to try?

Claudia: I don't know.

Maybe I'll think of something.

Claudia: You're getting me

all wet.

Matthew: Oh, I'm sorry.

I'll just...
Claudia: No.

I'll take your towel.

Matthew: Hmm.

Blake: No, no, no, no.

Krystle: Yep.

Blake: Well, hold on a

Don't we know you?

Steven: Morning, dad.


Krystle: Hi, Steven.

What happened to your face?

Steven: Uh, nothing.

Just a little accident.

Blake: Where you been?

We haven't seen you since we've
been back.

Steven: I've been around.

Blake: New means of

Steven: Yeah, just a little
something I picked up.

Blake: By the way, when are
you gonna let me know what job

you're gonna take?

Steven: I already have a job.

But not with your company.

Blake: Oh? Who's it with?

Steven: You're not gonna like

Blake: Let me be the judge.

Steven: I'm working for
Matthew blaisdel.

Blake: You're right.

I don't like it.

Steven: Dad, I thought you'd
appreciate it that I'm trying

to learn the business.

You see, I don't want to be just
Blake carrington's son...

Like Jeff, standing around
waiting to be Cecil's gopher.

You were brought up the hard
way, right?

Well, I want to be the same.

You've got to appreciate that.

Blake: Yes, yes, I do.

But why him?

Steven: Well, whynothim?

Unless what Walter accuses you
of is true that you tried to

wreck the rig and that you're
trying to run them out of


Blake: All right, you want to
work on a rig, fine.

I've got 22 of them.

I'll put you on one of mine.

Steven: No.

Blake: Why not?

Steven: Because I have
finally done something on my


Being your son...

It wasn't that easy.

Blake: It wasn't easy for me
either, being your father.

Krystle: You were pretty hard

On him, Blake.

He's young.

Blake: And he's my son, and
I'll deal with him my way.

Jeanette: Mrs. Carrington.

Concepcion: Mrs. Carrington.

Krystle: Peter, may I talk to

Peter: Of course,
Mrs. Carrington.

Krystle: The dinner last
night was wonderful.

Peter: Thank you.

Krystle: I was looking over
the menus for the week.

Peter: Is there something you
don't like?

Krystle: Oh, no, not that I
don't like it.

It's just that I think that duck
is a little heavy this time of

the year.

Peter: Well, Joseph has
always had me prepare duckling

on the first Friday of each

Joseph: Of course, we could
substitute squab if you would

prefer squab.

Krystle: Yes, I would.

Joseph: Settled then?

Krystle: Yes. Thank you.

Blake: Good evening, darling.

What are you doing in here?

Joseph: We were just
substituting one favor for


No problem, Mr. Carrington.

Blake: Oh, Joseph, we're
having a party here next

Saturday night.

Prepare dinner for 10.

Joseph: Yes, Mr. Carrington.

Blake: I'm afraid you're not
gonna like this any more than I

do, but it's business and it's

I've invited Walter lankershim
and Matthew blaisdel and his


Michael: Can I drop you off


Fallon: No.

I have a date.

Michael: Master Jeffrey

Fallon: You're warm.

Michael: Well, what about us?

We've been known to be pretty
warm on, uh... Quite a few


Fallon: Are you gonna let me

Michael: I asked you

Fallon: I'm late.

Now let go of me.

Michael: One of these days,
lady, you're gonna want me.

I'm not gonna be here.

Blake: Good evening,
Mrs. Carrington.

And how has your day been?

That good, huh?

Come on, now.

Don't you think we ought to talk
about this?

What is it, this morning with

I know I was rude to you, but my
kids are well, they're not


It's frustrating.

Krystle: It's not only

Blake: What is it then, the

Krystle: Joseph will take
care of the party.

Blake: Then what is it?

Let's talk about it.

Krystle: Are you really
inviting Matthew blaisdel to

this house?

Blake: Yes, I am.

Krystle: Everybody who's
coming to the party knows about

Matthew and me.

Are you that intent on
embarrassing me?

Blake: I told you that it was
important to me to have Matthew

come here.

Krystle: Important to you?


The children are yours, the
house is yours, the servants are


Blake: The servants?

What is this about the servants?

Nothing. Never mind.

Blake: Come on, now.

What about them?

Krystle: Oh, Blake, it's not

Just that everything's so new.

Blake: Now, what about the

Krystle: It sounds stupid,
but it hurts when you can't get

a maid to serve you on the
terrace, when I fold my own

clothes and another maid is

The chef has menus that are
carved in stone, and when I ask

about them, he puts me off.

I can't even get the gardener to
put flowers in the bedroom

without an order from you in

Blake: Why didn't you tell me
about all this?

Krystle: Because you have
problems, and I didn't want to

bother you with nonsense.

I should be able to handle it,
but I can't.

I don't know what to do or what
not to do.

You want to know the truth?

I'd feel more comfortable here
as one of the staff.

Blake: Joseph, assemble the

Yes, now.

Blake: Good of you to come.

I thought all of you knew my

Apparently that was an
oversight, and I'll rectify that

by making proper introductions.

To begin with, this is
Mrs. Blake carrington, my wife

and the mistress of this house.

Krystle: Please, I don't want
to go through with this.

Blake: This is Michael.

He's ambitious.

He listens in on conversations
which do not concern him.

But he drives well, and he might
last the year out.

Gerald pads the grocery bills.

Jeanette forgets instructions.

Mrs. Gunnerson's several
relatives eat well at my


However, they all do good work,
and that outweighs their small


Krystle: Blake, please, can
we stop?

Blake: My wife is concerned
for you.

Now, is there anyone here that's

Good. Good.

Then I'll go on.

Leon, how long have you been
with me?

Leon: 10 years, sir.

Blake: Working my gardens.

The man in charge of all the
other labor we bring in to help


Leon: Yes, sir.

Blake: And did you recently
have a conversation with my wife

about flowers?

Leon: Uh... I think so, yes.

Blake: And did she ask you in
the course of that conversation

to place some flowers in our

Leon: That's right. She did.

Blake: And did you tell her
that I do not like flowers in my


Leon: Yes, you've always said
that you don't.

Blake: Mrs. Carrington loves
flowers in her room.

I do not.

But I'll get use to that.

What I'll not get used to is

So pack your bags.

I want you out of here in the

The rest of you will understand
that what I've tried to convey

is that you are all dispensable
to me.

My wife is not.

Krystle: How could you do

Blake: I know that you're...
Krystle: I didn't want that

man fired.

Blake: Tomorrow morning,
Joseph will come to me and say

that Leon has apologized and
would like to have his job back.

And I will give him his job

And the others will all say,
"that Mr. Carrington is a hard

man but a fair man."

Look, krystle, I can't expect
you to know about all this right

away about how this house is
run, about who comes to this

house as guests and why.

But I will teach you, and you
will learn.

Come on.

Let's go to bed.

Fallon: If I hadn't called

you, Cecil, I guess I never
would have heard from you again.

Cecil: No, probably not.

You were a momentary indulgence,

You see, I really prefer
slightly more mature women.

Fallon: Oh.

Well, I've decided that it's
time to put away childish

things, which makes me, ergo,

Cecil: And?

Fallon: And...

Cecil: Fallon, if we were
going to proceed with this, I'd

have whisked you off somewhere
less damp, more intimate.

But you see, this is a sort of
out-in-the-open business meeting

between the two of us.

Your father is in deep trouble.

You want me to help him.

Fallon: I never said that.

Cecil: There's a
half-Oklahoma, half-

walton-on-thames gypsy streak in
me that reads minds, just as you

are reading mine right now.

Fallon: Am I?

Cecil: I believe so.

I want you...

To marry Jeff.

Fallon: You know something?

I'd rather marry you.

Cecil: Well, that's very

But each of us is here for a
reason beyond what we really

want for ourselves.

Fallon: Yours being your

Cecil: He adores you.

I want him to settle down with
someone smart, even brilliant...


As for the wedding gift, what I

Fallon: Aren't you rushing
this a little?

Cecil: I don't think so.

Fallon: You'll bail out my

Cecil: Exactly.

You can't not like Jeff.

He's bright enough, he's
good-looking, caring, quite a

catch, some would say.

Sort of a Denver-version
prince of wales.

Fallon: Cecil, when I marry,
what I want is to lie beside a

man who excites me.

And I have.

Cecil: You listen to me, my

Passion dies.

Power remains.

There are very few young men in
this world who'll be as powerful

as Jeff Colby.

If he gets direction to direct
his drive... It's there just

needs guidance, stirring-up.

"Stimulation" that's the
word something I obviously

have been unable to provide.

Fallon, most important to you is

I know that just as we both
know that I'm the one who can

help him most.

Fallon: When?

Cecil: Immediately.

Fallon: He'll find out.

Cecil: No, he won't.

Nor will Jeff.

Fallon: What if I change my
mind and I don't keep my end of

the bargain?

Cecil: Let's just say that,
at my age, vengeance is as sweet

as sex.

Well, what do you say?

Do we have a deal?
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