10x26 - Bank Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

10x26 - Bank Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


(man snoring)

(continues snoring)

(groans softly, inhales)

You gonna leave them rabbits
for the horse to stomp on?

- Have you cleaned 'em, Milton?
- Uh-uh. What is that, Ma?


- Oh.
- Did you hear me, boy?

Get them rabbits
away from the horse!

And get that horse unsaddled!

I gotta tell you everything!

There's some, uh,
people camped out yonder.

About two or three
wagons of 'em.

Oh, is that so?

How far?

A mile or two.

Oh, now, wait a minute,
don't unsaddle the horse.

Where you going?

- I'm going out to that camp.
- What for?

Well, it ain't none
of your business,

but, uh, maybe they got
something worth stealing.

This ought to last
us the night, anyway.

Hey, looks like
we got a visitor.

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

You all staying here long?

Well, just another night.

We're heading for Dodge City.

This, uh, your
land we're on here?

(chuckles): No, I
ain't got no land.

You all alone?

I got a family.

Just might go into
Dodge ourselves.

Oh, well, you're welcome
to throw in with us if you like.

Oh, thanks, thanks, but
it ain't that much of a trip.

Well, I reckon I'll
see you in Dodge.

- Well, sure.
- Good luck.

Oh, that's my wife, and my son.

Well, so long.

(baby cooing)

(continues cooing)


I want my coffee!

It's comin'.

(man muttering)

You forgot the sugar!

We're out of sugar.

We're out of sugar,
we're out of potatoes,

we're out of soap, we're out of
dang near everything, ain't we?

(sighs) Well, it
ain't my fault, Bert.

We're out of everything
except your whining,

and I'm sick of it.

Aw, very well, you can eat now.

We're going to Dodge.

Dodge City?

Well, that's right, son.

You figured that out real good.

You mean you're gonna get a job?

Oh, you ain't never gonna
come to know me, Bess.

It costs money to live in Dodge.

Well, now, don't get
your spirits up, woman...

I didn't say we was
gonna live there!

We gonna drink whiskey
and gamble money

and all like that, Pa?


We're gonna rob the bank.

MILTON (laughs): Rob the bank.

You're kidding, ain't you, Pa?


What's the matter, Bess,
you got nothing to say?

You're gonna rob a
bank, I can't stop you.

But you don't approve, do you?


Well, maybe you'll
change your mind if I come

over there and knock my fist
in your head a few times, huh?

I ain't sure I care
no more, Bert.

Well, you better
start caring, Bess,

you better start caring hard.

Now, you listen to me, I got
me a little plan in my head,

and I aim to see it out,
and you're gonna help me,

you hear me, you're gonna help
me without a squeak out of you!

Now, Pa... don't
go hurting her, now.

Oh, why, you big stupid
ox, how'd you like a b*llet

right where it'd hurt the most!

You mean you'd sh**t me?

Well, anybody as
worthless as you,

I'd be doing us all a favor.

Oh, you ain't really gonna
sh**t me, are you, Pa?

Well, you don't behave,
and see how fast I will.

I'll be good.

Eh, that's what's
so discouraging...

You'll probably never give
me an excuse to sh**t you.

- Oh, Bert...
- Oh, shut up, shut up,

and listen to me.

I went over to that camp
looking for something to steal.

- Well, I found it.
- MILTON: Found what?

And I'm going for
it tonight, alone.

- Well, what'd you find?
- Something to help us

rob the bank... I got it all
figured out, the whole business!

Well, what is it, Pa,
the thing you found?

- A baby.
- MILTON: A baby?!

No. No, Bert. Bert, no.

N-Not some woman's
child, not a baby. Ple...

Yes, a baby, a cute little baby,

and you're gonna handle
it like it was your own.

You hear me? You're
gonna be the lovingest mama

in the whole state of
Kansas, you hear me?

Huh? You understand?

And you're not gonna
let on to nothin', see?

You're gonna
play the game right!

It's gonna be your baby!

Your baby!

The Bardens sure
turned in early tonight.

Yeah, they was both tired.

Jane was, especially.

She ain't been feeling
up to snuff recently.

Well, when we get to
Dodge, she can see the doctor.

- If they got one.
- Now, they're sure to have a doctor.

(sighs) Oh, I'd like a cup of
that tea, if there's some left.

You bet there is. You
just set right down there.

- Baby sleeping all right, Grace?
- Mm-hmm.

Been asleep for some time now.

Here you are, Grace.

Oh, thank you.

(baby crying)

- (crying continues in distance)
- What was that?

Mm... it's Jimmy.

- (baby crying, horse galloping)
- No, no, wait a minute.

Come on!

GRACE: Jimmy?

- He's gone!
- Oh, no!

- It was Injuns!
- Had to be. I'll get my r*fle.

You tell Barden to
take care of the women!

He's gone.

He's not anywhere!

- Jim...
- I'll find him, Grace.

I'll be back before you know it.



(horse neighs)

Pa? Somebody's coming.


- What is it?
- We got visitors.

One of them's the
papa of the baby.

- What'll we do?
- Well, nothing.

Just keep the baby's face
covered if they get nosy.

- What if it cries?
- What difference does it make?

He's your baby... or do I got
to learn you that all over again?

- Whoa...
- Howdy.

Hey. Ain't you the fella that
come by camp yesterday?

Name's Clum. Bert Clum.

And this here's my boy, Milton.

Well, I'm Jim Fisher.
This is Harry Cline.

Where's your wagons?

Back at camp.

See, I got trouble, Clum.

Injuns stole my baby last night.

No! Injuns!

Well, now, are you sure?

Well, what else?!

You seen any sign of any of 'em?

Oh, there ain't no
Indians around here.

How would you know?
You been everywhere?

The boy ain't overly
bright, you understand?

(Jimmy crying)

Th-That's a baby.

Well, that little son
of a g*n woke up.

(chuckles): Uh, Bess?

Bess, come out
here and say hello.

(Jimmy bawling)

This here's my wife, gentlemen.


How do you do?

- (bawling continues)
- Excuse me, the baby's crying.

Well, uh, having
a baby of my own,

I know just how
you feel, Mr. Fisher.

Why, them dirty redskins,

they wouldn't stop
at nothin', would they?

Well, I'll get 'em.

Sooner or later,
I'll get 'em, Clum.

So long. Let's go.

I sure wish you a lot of luck!


First time I ever been
accused of being an Injun.

Hyah there!

(Bert chuckles, mutters)

Get your hand off
the table, will you?

You know, there's only
one thing bothers me here.

Yeah, what's that?

Uh... I hope you're not
gonna be a sore loser, Doc.

You better worry about yourself,
not worry about me too much.

What have I got to worry about?

Well, the lack of humility
and success kind of looks bad.

Eh, well, I guess
you're right...

Beating you wouldn't be
much to crow about anyway.

(ball drops in pocket)

How'd you like that?

Well, I think a man that
brags about his pool playing

is just confessing to the world

that all he does
is practice all day.

Whoa, now, Doc, I, uh, I
tell you, I look on this 50 cents

I'm about to win
off you as wages.

Well, now, hold it, you think
that you're gonna be able

to make this very
difficult shot here?

Uh, would you mind just
stepping aside a little bit?

(Dillon sighs)

Well, now... you, uh, you
gonna be available tomorrow?

No, I plan on making
some calls out in the country.

Well, I think it'd be a little
more profitable for you

if you'd come in
here and practice.

Lookie there, now,
there are some pilgrims

that are kind of down
on their luck, huh?


Yeah, that's too bad.

Oh, I don't know, Doc,
they could suddenly

come into some
money, like I did.

No, I think you can
tell by looking at them

that they have to
work for a living.

(chuckles) Come
on, I'll buy you a beer.

What, out of your
retirement fund?


Fine-looking bank, ain't she?

What are we stopping for?

I'm admiring the bank.

Pa, what do folks put
money in banks for?

So's we'll know where to
find it when we need it, son.

- (laughs)
- I wish it'd burn down.

You shut up.

Hold these. I'm gonna
look things over inside there.

And when I get back, we'll
find a place to make camp.

Right here in the street?

No, you fool, at
the edge of town.

Now you sit tight.




Jim Fisher, Marshal.

This is my wife, Grace.

How do, ma'am.

Well, something I
can do for you folks?

Well, uh... you know anything
about Injuns, Marshal?

Well, I've had some
dealings with 'em, why?

They stole our baby.

- What?!
- Two nights ago.

We was camped with two other
wagons, up by Blue Springs.

Grace here hadn't left the
baby for more than five minutes

and them Injuns
grabbed him and ran.

Jim and Harry Cline
tried to find him.

But they-they couldn't
find a trace of them.

We finally just... give
up, come here to Dodge.

We're camped down
by the river now.

Well, what makes you
think it was Indians?

Well, white men don't go
around stealing babies, do they?

Look, Marshal, I need help.

I just ain't enough
of a plainsman

to handle this thing alone.

- I tell you, I got an idea.
- Yeah, what?

There's a blacksmith down
the street here that knows a lot

about Indians... you want
to go down and talk to him?

- Well, gladly, Marshal.
- All right, I'll meet you there.

I told you coming here
was a smart thing to do.


That's about all I
can tell you, Quint.

They disappeared just
like they'd been pulled

straight up into the sky.

You didn't see anything else
the night it happened, huh?

No, nothing. First
I heard him cry.

Then horses.
Just like I told you.

Just, uh, one horse, you figure?

I'm pretty sure of that.
See, obviously, all he done

is ride out and join
the rest of the party.

There was no sign of
anything the next morning?

See, it rained just before dawn.

There could have been a
dozen redskins in that party.

We never would
have found no tracks.

Well, what do you think?

Wasn't Indians that
stoled your baby, Fisher.


Just isn't anything
Indian about any part of it.

What are you talking about?

Well, they just don't do
things that way, that's all.

Oh, they don't, huh?

No, they don't... I mean,
what use would they have

for your baby, anyway?

Well, nothing, just
m*rder it, that's all.

If they wanted to m*rder it,

they would have
done it at the wagon.

Look, how long you
known this man, Marshal?

Long enough. Why?

Well, how come he pretends
to know so much about Injuns?

He's not pretending.

See I'm... I'm
half-Indian, Fisher.

- You're what?
- My mother was a Comanche.

Oh, then I take it back.

You wasn't pretending.

All you been trying to do

is cover up for
them dirty redskins.

And place the blame
on some white man.

That's enough, Fisher.

All he's been trying to do
is help you, and so have I.

Well, you got a mighty funny
way of helping, is all I can say.


Well, I guess we didn't
make any friends today, huh?

No, but you can't blame a
man who just lost his boy.

No. Well, I'll go
out and have a talk

with him after a while, Quint.

- So long.
- So long.

All right, now you all
follow me and do what I say.

We're gonna rob
the bank now, Pa?

Of course not, you fool.

And you keep your
stupid mouth shut.

Why'd I have to
bring the baby, Bert?

Well, I'll tell you now.

I want the people in the
bank to get used to seeing us,

to start thinking of us as
a nice, respectable family,

with a little baby.

The last people in
the world to suspect

of robbing a bank, is that it?

Well, now you're catching on.

You stole a baby just for that?

For that and cover,
too. (quiet chuckle)


After the robbery, ain't nobody
gonna sh**t at Milton and me

if we're standing behind
a woman with a little baby,

now, are they, huh?

Oh, you're a worse man
than I thought, Bert Clum.

Oh, you're going to
bed early tonight, Bess,

with lumps all over you.

Now follow me.


Is he in?

Just a minute.

Mr. Botkin?


Uh, there are some
folks here to see you, sir.

All right.

If you'll step this way, please.

Thank you kindly.

Mr. Botkin, sir. I'm Bert Clum.

And this here's Mrs.
Clum and my son Milton.

And that there is our
newest gift from the Lord.

He blessed us with another boy.

Bert Junior, and I'm
proud to say it. (chuckles)

Ah, so, uh... Oh,
uh, how do you do?


Oh, please, please, sit down.

You'll have to
excuse me, Mr. Botkin,

but I'm so doggone proud
of my little family here

that I just plain get
carried away sometimes.

Well, now, you better
wait outside, sweetheart.

Now, I won't be long.

And you, take good care of
your dear mother, you hear?

A man with a family
like that is a rich man,

wouldn't you say, Mr. Botkin?

Rich and blessed by the Lord.

You should have seen me
on the day my baby was born.

Why, uh... Oh, but now
I'm wasting your time.

You're not concerned
with family matters.

Well, it's all very
interesting, Mr. Clum, but...

what is it you want?

Well, I'm a stranger
in Dodge, Mr. Botkin.

I don't know a living soul.

Well, outside of
you, now, of course.


I need your advice, Mr. Botkin.

I've got a little money saved
up... oh, not much, you know.

Just about $1,000, and, uh,
I'd like to invest it in something

like land or work or a
little business to run.

You know, something like that.

And you want me to
recommend something?

Oh, I'd be mighty grateful if
you could help me somewhere.

Course, I hate to be
a bother, you know.

Oh, it's no bother at all.

I suppose I could go ask
around in saloons and such, but...

my pa, he taught me that it is
un-Christian to go into saloons.

Mr. Botkin, do you know

that I have never
had a drink in my life.

Well, that's very admirable,
Mr. Clum, but, uh...

(knocking on door)


Excuse me, Mr. Botkin.

I didn't want to keep this
money outside there any longer.

Jake Worth's waiting to see you.

Uh, tell him I'll
be a few minutes.

Yes, sir.

Well, I better go; I've taken
up enough of your time.

You can be thinking
about that, if you'd like.

Why don't you drop in
tomorrow? We can go into it further.

Well, I'll do that.

It's been a pleasure
to meet you, sir.

(both laughing)

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye, sir.

Cover the baby so
they don't see him.

- What?
- Cover its face, you hear?

Oh, it's the baby's pa.


BERT: And its ma.
Now you keep it like that,

no matter what.

Hello. This is my wife, Grace.

- How do, ma'am.
- Hello.

M-May I see your baby?


Well, she's got to keep
it covered up, you know.

Doctor's orders.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's his eyes,
poor little thing.

The light hurts them.
But the doc says

he's gonna be just fine.

Oh, I'm sure he will.

Did you ever find them Injuns
that stole your baby, mister?


But I'm going out again
just as soon as I can.

You're very lucky
to have your baby.

Yes, I-I know.

I can't tell you what it's like.

Now, now. We'll find him, Grace.

I swear we will.

I wish you luck.

Thank you. We'll see you around.

- Bert...
- Mm?

After it's over... The-the
bank thing and all...

You'll see to that woman
gets her baby back, won't you?

You two beat it on back to camp.

I'm gonna take on
a load of whiskey.

I got it coming.

(crickets chirping)

Mrs. Fisher.

Marshal, I have to talk to you.

Come in.

Here, won't you sit down?

Have you found
anything about my baby?

No, I haven't, Mrs. Fisher.

I wish that I could
say that I had.

Would you like a cup of coffee?

No, thank you.

Well, it'll do you good.

I shouldn't have
come here at all.

Mrs. Fisher, if there's
anything I can do to help you,

you know I'd... I'd be glad to.

Why don't you tell me about it?

Thank you.

I'm just a wife, and I
know I shouldn't interfere.

But I love Jim too much not to.

Well, is he doing
something wrong?

He's drinking a
lot with Bud Barton

and Harry Cline out at the camp.

Who are they?

We're all traveling together.

He's drinking so
much. It-It's not like him.

Well, he's got a
lot on his mind.

You've got to go
out and stop him.

Well, there's no law
against drinking, Mrs. Fisher.

And I can't stop him
unless he gets himself

into some kind of trouble.

Well, that's just it... He
is going to cause trouble.

What do you mean?

He's talking so wild.

He's talking about
coming to Dodge

and settling with that
blacksmith, the Indian.

Oh, I see.

He's a good man, Marshal, he...

he's honest and he's decent.

I'm afraid for him.

Please, you've got
to go out and stop him.

There's no law against drinking,

and there's no law
against talking either.

But I'm gonna keep an eye out
for him, if he comes into town.

In the meantime, why don't
you try to stop worrying about it?

I can't help but worry, Marshal.

Mrs. Fisher...

Look, your husband
comes into town,

he gets into some kind
of trouble, I'll stop it.

I promise you.

Thank you.

At least I've warned you.

Thank you for telling me.

Good night.

(indistinct conversations)

They could use some
more beer at that table.

Sam, bring Quint a beer.

And one for me, too.

What are you trying to do,
make a drunk out of me, Kitty?

You're not rich enough... it
wouldn't be worth the trouble.

- Thanks a lot.
- (both chuckling)

- Here's to you.
- Thank you.

Do you think you
ever will be rich?

Well, I don't know, Kitty.

Uh, you trying to marry
somebody off or something?

Yeah. Me.

Oh, well, I'll have to
think about that for a while.

Don't bother.

No mere man could
ever figure it out.

Give us three whiskeys, barkeep.

To start with!

Ain't you had about
enough, Fisher?

If you'd been going through
what I've been going through,

you wouldn't talk like that!

Aw, I guess you're right.


there's that Injun I
was telling you about.

You ain't got much
pride, have you?


Maybe you don't know it,

but you've been drinking
with a dirty redskin.

You trying to tell me
that Quint is half-Indian?

I call him a dirty redskin.

Look, I know you
got problems, Fisher.

Don't bother me right now.

Dirty redskins ought to be dead.

Every last one!


Come on. Let's get him.

You just made a
bad mistake, Injun.

I don't think so.

That don't matter 'cause
you're gonna get shot anyway.

You leave him to me, Barden.

I'll sh**t.

DILLON: Hold it.

All right, get out of here,
and take him with you.

Now, wait a minute.

I'm gonna fight
this Injun, Marshal,

and I don't need
no g*n to do it.

Never mind about that.

Serve you right if
I let you fight him.

Now get out of here,
or I'll throw you all in jail.

For a U.S. marshal,

you keep mighty strange company.

- (Jimmy cooing)
- Such a sweet little baby.

Oh, you're so sweet.

BERT: You know something,
the way you carry on

with that baby, you'd
think it was your own.

Well, ain't that how
you told me to act?

The last thing I told you is to
sew them pockets in that coat.

What do you want pockets
inside your coat for, Pa?

To hide the money in, Milton.

Oh, for when we rob the bank.

Well, you know something,
you're getting smarter and smarter.

I swear I see it growing in you.

You talk like that to
me all the time, Pa.

Oh, but I mean it, boy.

I'm proud of you.

You're the apple of my
eye, don't you know that?


I wouldn't lie to you, boy.

- Bert, don't!
- Oh, shut up.

We're going back
into town. Come on.

What for?

I want to pay another
visit to that bank.

Don't you want me
to finish this first?

You can finish that later.

Come on, let's get
the horses hitched.

Yes... well, there
we... All right.

I sure do thank you for
all your help, Mr. Botkin.

I'll think things over and
come back tomorrow.

Fine, fine.

Excuse me.

Oh, my fault, Marshal. My fault.

Oh, Marshal, this is
Bert Clum. Marshal Dillon.

- He's a newcomer here.
- Nice to meet you.

Gonna settle down.

Oh, fine. Say, Mr. Botkin,

here's the papers you
asked for the other day.

Thanks. I'm glad to get 'em.

Uh, Marshal, my
family's just outside.

They'd be mighty
proud to meet you,

uh, if you ain't too busy.

Not at all.

Bess, honey, this
is Marshal Dillon.

My good wife, Marshal.

And this is my son Milton

and our newest
born, another fine son.

Well, it's a pleasure
to meet you, ma'am.

Welcome to Dodge... I'm
sure you folks will do well here.

Well, thank you,
Marshal. Thank you.

I figure a man with a fine
and loving family like mine

behind him can't
miss doing real good.

I'm sure you will.

Pa, we got a loose shoe here.

- What?
- Old Jim's got a loose shoe.

Well, there's a blacksmith
just down the street.

His name's Quint Asper.

He's good and he's cheap.

Well, by golly, we'll
go there right now.

Nice to have met you.

Milton... follow me.

You see that cellar window?

I spotted it yesterday.

What about it?

Well, there's a good foot of
space in between the ground

and the floor of the building.

That's a good idea, huh, Pa?

Good idea's mine.

We're gonna come
back here tonight, see,

and we're gonna shove a
whole lot of things in there,

you know, papers
and chips and whatnot,

all soaked in kerosene.

What for?

Well, tomorrow,
when I'm in the bank,

you're gonna come back here

and you're gonna
throw a match in there.

You're gonna set
the bank on fire.

Say, I'll enjoy that.

I thought you would.

Come on.

What was all that about?

Oh, just explaining
things to Milton.

About what?

About the bank robbery tomorrow.


Milton knows his job now.

Yours is to sit there
holding the baby.

And if I need to, I'll run
out and get behind you.

You explained all that before.

They won't sh**t at
a woman and a baby.

Right, but I don't
expect any trouble,

so I'll just come out
and we'll drive off.

And if they follow
you out of town,

you still got me and
the baby for cover.

Well, now, what's
wrong with that?

Ain't nothing you'd
understand, Bert.

Then watch your mouth.
All right, Milton, get in.

We got to go down to
that blacksmith's shop.

Go on now, boy.

Giddyup... (grunts)

(hammering in distance)

- Hey, Quint.
- What?

Are you gonna
keep that up all day?

Well, it's what I'm
getting paid for.

Look, if you're so edgy,

why don't you go out
and work it off someplace?

Well, how would you
suggest that I do that?

You might go out and arrest
somebody and drag 'em back

in here and stick 'em
in the cell till they rot.

(chuckles) You know,
I don't like these jails

any better than you do, Quint.

Listen, I don't even like to
be anywhere near this place.

Well, you keep
up that work, Quint.

You'll probably be out
of there before long.

You know, tomorrow,
I'm going fishing.

All day long.

I got your note at
the blacksmith's shop

that you'd be here, Quint.

I'd like to talk to you.

I'm right here.

First off, I want to say that
coming here was Grace's idea.

In fact, she made me come.

That's not important, Jim.

It is to me!

Uh, I know about last night.

Jim was very drunk. He...

he's worried about our baby.

Don't apologize for me, Grace.

Somebody has to.

Please go ahead, Jim.

I want to make
you an offer, Quint.

I mean, I'm not
asking any favors.

I'll pay you for it.

All right, what is it?

Well, this is Grace's idea,

and I got to admit it
was a pretty good one.

I want you to ride out
and find them Injuns

and then ask 'em how much
ransom they want for our baby.

We'll give them
everything that we have.

I know I'm not the one to do it,

but it should be an
easy chore for you.

And I'll pay you for
whatever you think it's worth.

Just bring our baby back.

Please do it.

Mrs. Fisher, didn't you hear

what I told your
husband yesterday?

Doggone it, Marshal,
can't you force him

to go after those redskins?

- Fisher, he's telling you the truth.
- Oh, sure.

Didn't you see anybody
else out there at all?


Jim, what about that one family?

What family is that?

Oh, I can't remember
their names.

Just some family, not
a bunch of child thieves.

Come on. We're wasting our time.

You know, Matt, I'm beginning
to feel real sorry for that man.


So am I, Quint.

So am I.


All right, Milton.

By golly, I'm all excited.

If you get too excited, I'm
gonna have to cut your string.

Now, you tie them horses,
but loose, you understand?

You got the easiest job.

Oh, sure.

Well, you just sit there
and you don't move

no matter what, you hear?

- I hear.
- Mmm.

All set, Pa.

You got the matches?

Yeah. Right here.


Now, look, you wait a few
minutes after I get inside,

and just as soon
as you light it,

you get right on
back to the wagon

and you, uh... you
wait there with your ma.

I got it.

I got it all in my mind.

Oh, that's a poor
place to have anything.

You always talk like
that about me, Pa.

Oh, now, never mind.

You're gonna manage, Milton.

I'm counting on you.

You're the important man here.


- Why, thank you, Pa.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, now I got to
go inside. Go on.

Hello, Mr. Clum.

Is he in?

- Yes. Go right on in.
- Thank you.

Well, good morning, Mr. Botkin.

BOTKIN: Well, Mr. Clum. Come in.

Good morning. Good
morning. Sit down.

Well, thank you, sir. Thank you.

- How's the family?
- Oh, just fine, thank you.

Why, that young one's
growing every day.

I swear, he'll be walking soon.

BOTKIN (laughing): Yes.

- Before know it.
- Yes.

Well, have you thought
over the proposition

I mentioned to you yesterday?

Buying into Hank
Lamott's feed store?

Yes, sir, I have, and it sounds
like a mighty good deal to me.

BOTKIN: Well, fine, fine.

For one thing,
it suits my purse.

I got the money for it, but
more important, it means

that I can settle
down in town here.

That'll be good for
the family, and, uh,

they come first, you know.

(chuckling): Oh, of
course. Of course.

Well, now, Hank Lamott will
be back in a couple of days,

and we can sit down with
him and work out all the details.

I'm sure he'll be agreeable.

I hope so.

Yes, well, now, here's the last
financial report from the store.

Perhaps you'd like
to take a glance at it.

Well, thank you.

- MAN (distant): Fire! Fire!
- (people shouting)

- Fire...?
- You mean the bank's on fire?!

(man coughing)

(people shouting, screaming)

(screaming and
shouting, indistinct chatter)

Hey, come on, get out of here.

(people screaming, shouting)

(screaming and
shouting continue)

MAN: Fire!

(flames crackling)

(townsfolk clamoring)

Fire! Fire!

(clamor continues)


Where's your ma? And the wagon?

She was supposed to
be waiting for us by now.

And what were you
doing over there?

She was supposed
to be waiting right here.


Right here, she was
supposed to be waiting.

where'd she go?

Oh, come on! Now
we got to find her!

(men shouting)

Come on, come on!

Harry, what are you doing here?

You left your cage unguarded.

- Oh, I...
- More water! -More water.

The safe! I left it open.

Come on with the water.

That's better.

DILLON: How'd this get started?

I don't know,
Marshal. I looked up...

BOTKIN: Marshal! Marshal!

Keep those coming.

- Marshal, I've been robbed!
- Robbed?!

The safe in my office!

The money's gone!

I only left it a couple
of minutes ago!

In here, Marshal!

Your dang fault!

Why didn't you go straight
back to the wagon, like I told you?

I got all excited.

I forgot about Ma and the wagon.

She must have gone
back to the camp.

Look, you better run
out there and see.

I got to hide this money.

I'll find a place in
the alley there, huh?

Now, you meet me right
back here in five or ten minutes.

All right, Pa.

All right, be here,
you understand?

- With or without her.
- Sure.

Well, get moving.

(distant clamoring)

- Harry?
- Yes, sir?

When the fire
started, and I ran out,

did you see anyone
go into my office?

Into your office? No, sir.

But I wasn't watching exactly.

Well, where were you?

Well, I was over
there by the front door.

And, of course, James
here was all the way outside

enjoying the fire.

Anyone could have
walked into my office.

I forgot to ask you, Mr. Botkin.

Uh, were you alone
when the fire started?


Bert Clum was with me.

Oh, but he ran out first.

He was gone by the
time I got to my feet.

Well, I guess we
better go outside

and make sure that
the fire's really out.

(townsfolk conversing excitedly)

Out for sure now, Mr. Botkin.

Hello, Marshal.

- Mr. Clum.
- (Botkin sighs)

You've been here all
the time to watch this fire?

I sure have.

I wouldn't miss a fire for
anything in the world. (laughs)

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Botkin.

I didn't mean I
really enjoyed yours.

But it didn't do a whole
lot of damage, did it?

Well, the damage
was done inside.

BERT: Hmm?

Oh, nothing, nothing.

Well, then, I'll see you
tomorrow, Mr. Botkin.

- All right.
- Marshal. -Sure.

Well, guess we
better go back inside

and check for some more leads.

It's all my own fault, Marshal.

Leaving that safe
open all the time.

Mind if I question
your tellers again?

No, go right ahead.

She wasn't there?

No sign of her, Pa.

I looked both ways.

Where we gonna look now?

I got to think. I got to think.

Why look anywhere?

We don't need her.

Everything worked out perfect.

All we got to do now is, uh...

get the money and ride.

Uh, but Ma's got the horses.

Eh, let her have 'em.

We'll buy a couple.

But first, I'm
gonna get a drink.

Now, you wait for
me inside the saloon.

I got to go back there
and get the... you know.

Move! Move!

(Jimmy crying)

(Jimmy continues crying)

(Jimmy crying louder, closer)

Oh, no, now don't-don't you cry.

No... you're gonna be all right.

Yes, baby, you're
gonna be all right.

- (speaking gently)
- Mrs. Clum?

- (gasps)
- Don't be afraid.

I'm Quint Asper, the
blacksmith from Dodge.

I took care of that bay
horse of yours the other day.

You remember?

Yes. Yes.

I was doing some fishing
over there, and I heard a baby.

Your husband around?

No, no.

Well, what are you
doing out here alone?

You shouldn't be out here.

You know that, don't you?

I just come out here to...

What's the matter?
What are you afraid of?

You... you could do it.

I could do what?

Quint, are-are you
a man of your word?

You're gonna
have to decide that.

Well, I... I-I don't
have much choice.

If... if I was to tell
you something,

would you promise never
to repeat it to anybody,

no matter what?

Yeah, I promise.

You swear?

I swear.

Well, this baby...
it-it isn't mine.

(crying): I want you to
take it back to its mother.

It's Jim Fisher's
baby, isn't it?

They'd jail me
if I took it back.

Then why'd you take
it in the first place?

I... I can't tell you any more.

I've saved it from danger.

Now you got to get
it back to its mother.

All right, I'll take it back.

What are you gonna do?

Oh, I... I got the wagon.

I'll go somewhere.

But you swore not
to tell about me.

I, uh... I won't tell about you.

Baby's the important thing.

I'll get my horse.

Thank you.



(Bess cries)

Ain't we ought to get going?

Wait till I finish my drink.

I'm getting nervous
just standing here.

There's nothing to worry about.

Nobody suspects anything.

All we got to do is ride out
slow and easy, and keep going.

What about Ma? What if she
tells about the baby and all?

By then, we'll be in Colorado.

Now forget it, I'm telling you.

Now, one more, and
then we'll move on.

(Bert sighs)

Hello, Fisher.


I, uh, hear the bank got robbed.


Pretty lawless town, ain't it?

Always has been.

What's this?

(Jimmy coos)

It's Jimmy.


Where'd you find him, Quint?

What difference does
that make, Fisher?

You got your baby back.

You mean you got him
back from the Injuns?

I told you before, they
had nothing to do with it.

I believe that even less now.

Look, make him talk, Marshal.

We can organize a party
of men and go after 'em.

Is there a reason you don't want
to tell him who stole the baby?

There's a good reason, Matt.

All right, that settles it.

That settles nothing!

Jim, don't.

I-It's not important now.

(Bert sighs)

That woman...
she's got the baby.

- Where's Ma?
- It don't matter.

She's turned us in, that's what.

Oh... What are we gonna do?

It's every man for himself, son.

Matt, my horse.

Hold it!


You... come back here.

What is it?

The bank was robbed, Quint.

I had nothing to do with it.

Where's your ma, Milton?

I don't know.

She run off with that baby.

"That" baby?

He done it. I didn't.

Did what?

I didn't steal that baby.

I didn't have
nothing to do with it.

Neither did Ma.

Well, he's the one.

He done it.

Looks that way, Fisher.

Well, I guess I owe
you an apology, Quint.

It's all right.

Where's Ma, Quint?

She's down by the river, Milton.

If I got a horse at the stable,
would you take me over there?

Yeah, I'll take you down there.

I'll come back, Marshal.

My poor ma.

Pa never did treat her good.

And now all she's
got left is me.
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