10x19 - Chief Joseph

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x19 - Chief Joseph

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


Don't tell me that
you two are still at it.

No, I've been
through for 20 minutes.

Draw up a chair and
sit down, Matthew.

Spoon bread's extra fine today.

Afternoon, Marshal,
what'll it be today?

Well, Festus looks
pretty happy there.

Just bring me some
of what he's got.

Yeah, if there's any left.

Sure enough, Marshal.

I thought you was
gonna be too busy

to join up with us, Matthew.

Well, I was when you came
by, but that was over an hour ago.

Yes, and, uh, he's...

Well, he's just fixin'
to make himself sick,

that's what he's doing.

Well, he hasn't
been eating like this

for a whole hour, has he?

Every single minute,
and I'll tell you why.

I made the mistake... I
promised him a free dinner

if he'd just go up
in the high country

and bring me back some
ginseng roots, you know.

Well, you know what he did?

He-he brought me back
six little measly plants.

Now he's trying to eat
enough to last him all winter.

You ol' scudder.

I know what you're fixin' to do.

He's fixin' to boil them roots
in a whole barrelful of water

and then sell it off
for a dollar a pint.

And he sat there and
grudged me a decent meal.

Oh, no, go right ahead and
eat. I want to warn you, though,

if you get a belly ache
it's gonna cost you

- about two dollars.
- What?

About four dollars.

Now you've did it.

You'd better get a good
hold on that money bag

when they tolled up
my bill, I'll tell you that.

Oh, watch it, it's hot, Marshal.

Joe, just go ahead and put
the marshal's on my bill, too,

since I'm gonna be making
such a barrelful of money.

- Sure, Doc.
- Now, h-hold up, Joe.

I'll have some more
'cause I still got me

just a little bit of empty spot.

But don't fill her
quite so high,

'cause I want to be
sure and save room

for some of that
gooseberry pie, directly.

Well, don't worry, Doc, I
won't hit you quite that hard.

And I want you to
know I appreciate it.

Well, by golly, you'd better
hurry or you won't be able

to hit me at all. Here comes
ol' nervous Howie. (laughs)

Marshal. Marshal,
you got to get over

- to the Dodge House right away.
- Jo... Howie,

don't be a-bustin' in
on everybody's dinner,

you'll spoil our indigestion.

Marshal, Mr. Wiley says
you got to come over quick.

Oh, fiddle, we ain't
heard no sh**t'.

Matthew, Old Man
Wiley's probably just scared

somebody's gonna run
out on a two-dollar hotel bill.

Marshal, there's liable
to be worse than sh**t'

if Mr. Wiley pulls out that
double barrel he keeps

- under the registration desk.
- (sighs)

The lobby's full of Indians.

- Indians?
- Howie.

You sure you ain't been
over at the Long Branch

bellying up the bar all day?

Marshal, I swear.

Well, tell Joe to keep
my dinner warm for me.


Them Indians ridin'
elephants, are they?

Well, I reckon I'd better go
over and see what's going on.

(grunts) I'll see you directly.

W-Where did they go?

Oh, don't worry about it, Joe.

They just... Why don't you
put their plates back in the oven,

keep 'em warm,
they'll be right back.

They went to see
an hallucination.

Sure, Doc.

A what?

- Come here, look at this.
- Hey, an Indian's pony.

Hey, let me see, let me see.

Get away from those
horses, would you?

All right, folks, that's enough.

Let's break it up and
move along, here.

But there's Indians
in there, Marshal.

Well, you've seen
Indians before.

Now break it up and
move along. You boys

- leave those ponies alone.
- I told you they was in there,

Marshal, just as big as life.

Well, they're not here to
hurt you. That's pretty obvious.

Now let's break it
up and move along.

Come on.

I got him, Mr. Wiley.
I brought him.

I got him here, he's
here. The marshal's here.

Certainly took
your time, Howard.

- Leaving me alone here with those savages.
- Well, I...

I looked... Had to look all
over for him, I couldn't find him...


Well, Mr. Wiley, I see
you still have your scalp.

Now where are these savages?

Back there in my office.

I can't have 'em
parading around out here.

You see what's going on outside.

Evening train's
due at any minute.

If a guest walked in
here now and saw...

- Now, just a minute.
- I want them out of here,

Marshal. Now.

What did they do?

Didn't you tell him, Howard?

Well, I didn't take
the time, Mr. Wiley.

I just got him here
as fast as I could.

They want a room.

I can't have those heathen
in my hotel, Marshal.

I won't!

Now, suppose you just calm down

for a minute, Mr. Wiley,

till I find out what
this is all about.

There's nothing to find out.

I'm full up; there's not
a vacancy in the place.

Every room is taken.
Now you do your job

and get them out of here.

FESTUS: Mr. Wiley?

Seeing as how all
your rooms is took,

I think I'll just
amble down to train,

tell them strangers to
go to the Arcadia Hotel.

You suit yourself, Festus.

Ed Spencer won't
take those heathen in

any more than I
will, and you know it.

Reckon you're right.

Maybe I'd ought to stay
here and give Matthew a hand.

'Cause them Injuns
must be powerful fierce

to get you all fretted
up like you are.

I'm sorry about this, but
it's Mr. Wiley's property,

and it's up to him to say.

And I say "Get them out."

We were wrong to come here.

In my land, the
stranger is welcome

the way he comes,
and we came in peace.

It has never been
so with your people.

It has not changed.

(groans, muttering)

We have gold.

We will pay.

I don't want your gold.

I told you, we
haven't any rooms.

Marshal, I want you to get
these Indians out of my hotel

and I want you to
get them out now.

I'm sorry, Chief.

You know me as "Chief"?

I saw your neck piece.

But you're not
Shawnee or Cherokee.

I don't recognize your tribe.

Marshal, I'm not
going to tell you again.

I'm getting a little
fed up with you.

And I'm getting a little
fed up with you, Marshal.

This is my hotel;
I know my rights.

We all know your rights.

Just don't push them.

We... will go.



Go over and get Doc
here right away, will you?

Marshal, you can't do...

This is my... Marshal!
That... Marshal!

Is he wounded?

No, but for three days,

his flesh has burned
hotter than the sun.

He would not let us seek the
aid of the white medicine man.

Today he fell from his pony.

We disobeyed him and
brought him to this place.

His strength is gone.

We must stay long enough

to let the white
man's medicine work.

Well, Doc's on his way over.

He'll get all the
medicine we've got.

Howard, you take these valuables

and lock them up
in the safe out back.

Yes, sir, Mr. Wiley.

MAN (outside): How long
they gonna be in there?

(townspeople muttering)

I told you folks to move
on out of here, now, didn't I?

You break that window, it's
gonna cost you a month's pay.

Now, move along! Come on.

Break it up and move.


You ain't really fixing to
make them Indians leave,

are you, Matthew?

I don't know what
else to do, Festus.

Why don't you let me grab
Old Shaky by the gullet there

and get us a key to
one of them rooms?

Well, it's a good idea,

but I'm afraid it's
against the law.

Oh, fiddle the law.

It's sure mighty weak to
stand behind a weasel like that.

We have to find a
safe place for him.

I'm afraid there's gonna
be trouble over this.

DOC: Matt?

What is it, Doc?

Well, he's got pneumonia.


Yeah, and he's
a pretty sick man.

I've got to get him someplace
where I can keep him warm.

I'd take him up to my office,
but that little Reynolds kid

is up there with the mumps,

and I don't want to
expose him to that.

Well, Doc, looks like we'll
have to take him down to the jail.

Jail? No, that...

He's critically ill, Matt.

That jail's as drafty
as an old barn.

Doesn't look like
we got much choice.

Well, all right then.

Festus, run over there

and stoke that
fire up real good.

Get it good and warm.


Beg your pardon.

That's all right.

- Single room, sir?
- Please.

Register, please.

Be just as careful
with him as you can.

It's a... just a slight
misunderstanding, sir.

We, uh, we don't allow
Indians in the hotel.

Where are they taking him?

Over to the jail.


If you have a sick man there,

wouldn't it be easier
to bed him down here?

Doesn't seem to
be any room here.

I didn't have any trouble.

I just had a cancellation.

Marshal, is there any law

against having
guests in my room?

Well, not that I know of.

Thanks, friend.


WILEY: Wait a minute!

Wait, where do you
think you're going?

Come back! Doc! Marshal!

Marshal, this is my hotel.
I don't want them in here.

Now, you can't
get away with this.

You don't quiet down, Mr. Wiley,

I'm gonna have
to throw you in jail

for disturbing the peace.

Now, thank you, Mister... Tripp.

Cal Tripp.

You see what's going on in
there? See what he's doing?

That marshal's supposed
to uphold law and order.

There's no law that says I
got to have Indians in my hotel.



(labored breathing)

Will he be all right, Doctor?

Well, it's a little
early for me to tell yet,

but if I'd have got him a
couple of days ago, maybe.

If there's anything you need...

I mean, if there's any
question of expense...

Well, I didn't exactly
look in his pockets,

but I'll do everything
I can for him.

I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to imply anything.

I just mean it's very important

that he gets all the
help we can give him.

You seem pretty interested
in this man, Mr. Tripp.

Yes, I am.

Many people are.

It's a long story.

Is there somewhere we can talk?

Let's try my office.

I don't like to leave
them unprotected.

I'll send somebody over

to keep an eye on them.


Here you are.

Thank you, Marshal.

- Doc.
- Thanks.

Well, Mr. Tripp, go ahead.

Lieutenant Tripp, Marshal.

14th Cavalry out of Walla Walla.

Special assignment.

This gives you some
pretty broad authority here.

It's imperative that Chief
Joseph reaches Washington.

I'm here to see that he does.

Isn't that a pretty large
order for one man?

He was offered a
full military escort

and the best transportation
available but he refused.

He'd said he heard of Indians
climbing aboard the iron horse

and never seeing
their homes again.

The sight of a bluecoat
quite understandably riles him.

Yes, Chief Joseph.

He's w*r leader of
the Nez Perce, isn't he?

Thunder Rolling
in the Mountains.

Chief Joseph.

He's the only Indian ever
to defeat three divisions

of U.S. Cavalry.

Fought us to a standstill.

Yeah. Got a pretty
important patient there, Doc.

Begins to look like it.

The Nez Perce, uh,

they finally got them on
a reservation, didn't they?

After a four-month running
battle and very high casualties.

Yeah. You know who one of
those casualties was, don't you?

I've been thinking about that.

That's Corly Watts'
brother, wasn't it?

- Yeah.
- Friend of yours, Marshal?

Yes, he was. A mountain man.

He and his brother
were scouts for the Army.

They were in campaigns against
the Cheyenne, Pawnee, Comanche.

They were real
close as brothers.

And his brother was
k*lled by the Nez Perce.

Yeah. If he finds out Chief
Joseph is here in Dodge,

we're gonna have more
trouble than we bargained for.

That hotel will have to
be guarded day and night.

I'll need your help.

You got it.

Well, if his fever
gets any higher,

you won't have to worry
about guarding the hotel,

I'll tell you that.

If there's anything you
need, Doctor, I'll wire Wichita.

Oh, no. I've got
everything I need here.

It's just that I won't know
how he is for a while.

If he dies of natural causes,
that'll be difficult enough.

But if something
else should happen,

something like this Corly Watts,

there are 1,000 warriors
awaiting the outcome

of this trip.

They're on reservation, but
they've hidden their weapons.

They wouldn't turn
them over to the Army.

It's a touchy situation.

What does he hope
to do in Washington?

He wants to see if the
government will permit

his people to return
to their mountains.

He's been granted an
audience with the president.

Well, then we'd better
see that he gets it.

And what if word got around

that Dodge City's
got a welcome mat out

for every ragtail
Indian renegade

who's got the money to pay?

That'd be bad. Real bad.

Amos, you've got a store.
What's it gonna do to your business

if the word gets around
that the law, that the marshal

- is on the side of an Indian?
- Well, it'd cost me plenty.

That's right.

Well, it could cost
every one of you plenty.

Now, we've, we-we've all
put a lot into our businesses.

- It's my life savings are in there.
- Everything.

Well, it's not just
that. It's not just us.

We've got to think about
our-our wives and our families.

Now, if the... if the
marshal gets away with this,

there's no telling
where it's gonna stop.

Well, if you ask me, now,

I think he's overstepping
his authority.

- That's right.
- He sure is. -Yeah.

Well, we're not the
only ones who think so.

Now, if enough of
us can get together,

- he's gonna have to listen to us.
- He sure will.

Well, y-you tell your friends,
y-you tell 'em to come to

the Long Branch tonight
and-and w-we'll talk about it.


- We'll be there. We'll be there.

Will you be there?

I don't even know
if I can get away.

I hate to leave the hotel
even for a few minutes,

especially at night with
those-those Indians in there.

Y-You never know
what's gonna happen.

I-I shouldn't even be here now.

Now-now, don't you
forget what I told you.



Come in.

I'd like to have a word
with you, Mr. Wiley, if I may.

You and I have
nothing to talk about.

I think we have.

Whatever it is,
say it and get out.

I understand you've been
going around town this afternoon,

stirring up people about
those Indians in my room.

What about it?

I don't think that's
a very good idea.

(sighs) Oh.

Well, let, uh... let me tell
you something, Mr. Tripp.

If, uh... if you want
to love Indians,

that's-that's your business.

Mine is running this hotel.

Now, how many guests
do you think I'll have

if I turn it over to
the Indians, hmm?

None. None!

Do you know why?

Because most people around
here feel exactly the same way

as I do about Indians.

You hate them.

No, sir.

I-I don't hate anybody.

I've, uh... I've got nothing
against the Indians,

long as they keep
their noses clean

and stay on the reservation,
where they belong.

But when they start
coming around here

and trying to register
in my hotel like, uh...

well, uh... well, that's-that's
something else again.

All right, Mr. Wiley,

but I'd like to give
you a piece of advice.

You keep on the
way you're going,

you're gonna lose this hotel.

What do you mean?

If a mob tries to take
those Indians from my room,

we're going to stop them,

and this place could
turn into a battleground.

And if that mob gets mad enough,

they just might burn
this whole place down.

Now, I'd think about
that if I were you.

I'd think about that real hard!



Seems to be a
lively evening here.

What are we celebrating?

You'd better have
yourself a drink.

You're liable to need one
before this night's over.

Everybody's pretty upset

about those Indians
at the Dodge House.

Yeah, Wiley didn't, uh,

waste any time spreading
the word around, did he?

Can't you get them out of town?

No, I can't. One
of them's real sick.

Charlie Britton
says he's wounded.

Some of the men think

they ought to be
turned over to the army

at the fort.

That Charlie Britton's
loudmouthed as usual, isn't he?


How are your
Indian friends doing?

You got them all set
up, comfortable like?

I hear they're what's
left of a w*r party.

Burned down a wagon
train south a ways.

You heard wrong.

Now I'm gonna tell you
men something, all of you.

I don't know what stories
you've heard about these Indians,

but they're not
here to scalp you.

They're not here to do any harm.

They're here minding
their own business,

and you all ought to
be doing the same thing.

Yeah, they're, uh, Nez
Perce, ain't they, Marshal?

What's that got to do with it?

Well, Mr. Wiley says that
one of them's the chief himself.

Chief Joseph.

Well, that part you heard right,

but it just so happens
he's an old man

and he's very ill;
he may be dying.

That's the reason
they brought him here,

- and that's the only reason.
- The way I hear it,

he k*lled two dozen
troopers on his own hook.

Sick or not, I don't
like Indians, Marshal,

and not many of us do.

- How about that? Right?
- (muttering agreement)

Well, that's funny, Charlie.

I'd think you'd be
real fond of them,

many furs as you've
stolen off the Pawnees

with a few bottles
of cheap rotgut.

You got no right
to say that, Dillon.

Nobody ever caught
me trading whiskey.

I got a lot of
posters on my desk

of men I haven't
caught yet, either.

Are you calling me a thief?

The shoe fits, wear it.


That'll put you on the inside
looking out for about 30 days,

but I'm not gonna waste
the taxpayers' money

feeding you.

You get out of here.

I don't want to see you
around Dodge for a month.

How's your arm?

I don't know, Kitty.

Doesn't feel too good.

Maybe you ought to
let Doc take a look at it.

I think I'll do that.

- I'll see you later.
- All right.

All right, everybody,
drinks are on the house.

I'll get even with
Dillon for this.

I'll see him in his grave
if it's the last thing I do!

Charlie, he ain't an easy
man to put in the ground.

If you ask me,
you'd better forget it.

Turning against his own kind.

He'd sh**t any one of us down,

just to save the hide of one
of them murdering redskins.

Funeral parlor's right
down the street, Charlie.

You figure on tangling
with Dillon again,

you'd better mosey on down there

and let Cyrus measure
you for a coffin.

It'll be Dillon
they'll be measuring

after I tell Corly Watts

how he turned Dodge
over to them redskins!

I want you to stay here till
the answer comes, Barney.

Stay here?

Marshal, that's
apt to take all night.

I don't care how
long it takes, Barney.

I want you here when
the answer comes, clear?

Whatever you say, Marshal.

(horse approaching)

- Festus.
- Howdy, Matthew.

Pick a card.


Where's Tripp?

Oh, he's out yonder in
back messing around.

Now be sure you
recollect which one it is.

Ah. They, uh,

about to settle down
for the night up there?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, put her back.

We fetched them some vittles

and Moss took their
ponies over to the stable,

and Doc just went
up a little bit ago.

Ah, well, all right,
you can get yourself

a couple hours sleep, Festus.

I'll keep an eye on things here.

Five of spades.

Yeah, what about it?

Well, ain't that the
card you picked out?


Nine of hearts?


Well, which one was it then?

It was the queen of spades.

Queen of spades?


- That hurt there?
- Yeah.



Well, can you
make a fist with it?

Doc, I can't close my
hand any further than that.

You think it's broken?

No, it's not broken.

The only thing I can do
is put it in a sling for you.

Well, you picked a bad
time to put my arm in a sling.

Well, I didn't pick the time.

I'm just telling you
that it's not gonna be

very much use
to you for a while.

Well, maybe as long as
you and I are the only ones

that know that, it's all right.


Who is it?


All right.

What happened?

Oh, it's just a bruise.

Is it serious?

No. Think it'll be all right.

How are things
looking downstairs?

I didn't see anybody
prowling around.

There are too many ways
of getting in this place.

Those first-floor
windows in the rear.

Well, the only way they can
get up here is through the lobby.

How is he, Doc? Any change?

Well, he's-he's
resting some easier.

I think the main thing now is to
keep him warm and comfortable.

Is he able to speak?

Hasn't said a word to
me, and you know, I...

I know how much
pain he must be in.

Tell you something
I've learned about him.

TRIPP: What's that?

Quite a man.

Since we left our land,

your shadow has
been where we passed.

The great chief you journeyed
to see wished it that way,

so you could travel
safely through his country.

He would give you the speed
and comfort of the iron horse

if you would just
give your consent.

By morning, my
strength will return.

We will trouble you no more.


Ah, Chief.

Matt, you're gonna
stay here a while?

I was figuring to, Doc.

Well, I've given
him some sedation.

He ought to go to sleep.

Now, I have to get
over to the office.

I've got to check on
that little Reynolds boy.

Young man, my advice
to you is to get some rest.

Well, I can't rest.

Sure could use a drink, though.

All right, then, if you
want to walk along with me

to the office,
when I'm finished,

I'll just drop you off
at the Long Branch.

That all right with
you, Marshal?


(door closes)

Now why in thunder
don't you men go home

like the marshal told you to?

This is a free country, Doc.

We got a right to be
wherever we want to be.

Amos is right, Doc.

We're not breaking the law.

What's wrong, Doc?
What's bothering them?

Oh, don't ask
me to explain that.

I'm not a philosopher.
I'm a doctor.

Seems to me you're
more than a doctor.

Anybody knows what
makes this town tick, it's you.

Well, if you want my diagnosis,

it's probably a
question of fear.

Of a sick old man, two braves
that don't even have a g*n?

Oh, no. I mean, a
fear of conscience

or something like that.

TRIPP: I don't know
what you mean.

Well, I think you do.

This land that this town sat on
once belonged to the Indians.

You know that. And then
they took it away from 'em.

And when the
Indians objected to it,

why, they ran the cavalry
in to teach 'em a lesson.

That's right, but that ought to
make the people feel secure.

Well, they're secure
enough, all right,

as long as the Indians don't
want to do anything about it.

We got Indians here...
That is, across the river.

Every once in a while, a
few of 'em come into Dodge,

and sell trinkets and things.

Don't mean anything.

Nobody wants to k*ll
'em. They're harmless.

So is the chief... harmless.

No. No, Lieutenant, that's...

It's a little different,
the chief and his men.

TRIPP: Why? What
makes them different?

Well, you see,
they're not willing

to lay down and play dead.

Haven't given up yet.

And their very presence
here is a reminder

of everything bad that's
happened to the Indians.

And in some cases, it's
been pretty disgusting.

Well, I don't know
what in thunder

I'm standing here
talking to you about it for.

I got a sick boy
up here. Come on.




MAN: Just put your
hands up, mister.

I-I... I come peaceable, Corly.

Keep facing straight ahead.

Drop your hands now, mister.

I, uh... I come to tell
you something, Corly.

I know you?

No, no-not really, but...

but I seen you in
Dodge a couple of times.

How'd you know where to find me?

Everybody knows where you stay,

Corly, uh, y-y-you're
a legend in Dodge.

What'd you come
here to say, mister?

Come to tell you...

there are Indians in Dodge.

- That so?
- Yeah.

And everybody knows how
you feel about Indians, Corly.

They do?

Well, I mean, you...

you've been fighting
against 'em half your life.

The Sioux, the Comanche.

I married a Comanche.

I lived with the Sioux.

But these ain't Sioux,
and these ain't Comanche.

These is Nez Perce.

They k*lled your brother,
didn't they, Corly?

Didn't they k*ll your brother?!

They k*lled somebody
belonging to you, did they?

Oh, no, no, no,
no. I-I just thought...

I mean, I...

Who are they?

Mr. Wiley says it's
the big chief himself.

Chief Joseph?

And he got a couple
of braves with him.

(food thuds)

(hoofbeats retreating)

(horse sputters)

(indistinct crowd chatter)

I don't know what, but they're
sure working up to something.

I wouldn't fret about
it none, Miss Kitty.

As long as they
ain't got no leader,

they ain't fixing
to do anything.

(loud crowd chatter)

(chatter ceases)

Looks like I'm not exactly
the most popular man in town.

I wouldn't let her worry me.

- Sam?
- Yeah.

Won't you bring this gentleman
a shot of whiskey, please?

- Usual for you, Doc?
- No, nothing for me, thanks, Sam.

Sam, put those
drinks on the house.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Well, by golly, thanks, Kitty.

Kitty, I want you to meet
Lieutenant Cal Tripp.

This is, uh, Kitty Russell.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

She owns the place.

As you can see, you're
in mighty good hands.

Now, I'm going
over to Dodge House

and check on my patient.

- See you later.
- See you in a little while.

- Thanks, Kitty.
- See you later.

Well, let's sit down.

Festus tells me that, uh,

you're having a little trouble

getting the chief to
accept some protection.

Well, you can't exactly
blame him, ma'am.

Every time he's
trusted the white man,

every time he tried to
keep the peace with us,

we betrayed him.

What do you mean?

Well, time after time,

we broke treaties with him,

and still he held
his warriors back.

But then one day, a
group of white trappers

went into his territory,

and there was an Indian girl

bathing in a stream.


some say it was
the chief's daughter.

And that began four months

of the bloodiest fighting
the army's ever known.

- Thanks, Sam.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I certainly don't
envy you your job.

I'm surprised you
made it this far.

Up until now, they've been
keeping to open country.

Open country?

Well, ain't you had no trouble

with the other Indian
tribes or anything?

Well, they seem
to know who he is.

About 500 Sioux rode
alongside him all one morning,

and not a word,

not a sign of greeting
between them.

They just looked at him,

and then they began
some kind of chant,

and he rode on out of sight.

And they knew I was there, too.

I didn't breathe all morning.

Smoke signals.

Peace belts.

Yeah, them Indians
send out peace belts

when there's a
high-muckety-muck coming through.

So's he'll get fit
treatment and everything.

Well, I see that you know
as much about Indians

as you do about muskrats.

(door slams open)

(indistinct muttering)

What's happening?

Well, I don't know.

Sure is something taking place.

And it doesn't look good.

Who are they?

Well, one of them's Corly Watts.

You'd better go warn Matthew,

and I'll see if I
can stall him off.

Where's the marshal?

MAN: He's right down at
the Dodge House, Mr. Watts.

Howdy, Corly.

Well, danged if
you don't look like

you're fixin' to
chew on somebody.

Why don't you get down off
your horse and come on in?

We'll have us a drink.

We'll have us a drink
after a bit, Festus.

Get out of the way,
Festus, we got things to do.

Yeah, you got things to do.

Once Matthew finds you back
in town after he run you out,

you'll have a
whole passel to do.

KITTY: Corly,

those Indians aren't
causing any trouble.

Why don't you talk to Matt?

Well, now, that's what
I aim to do, ma'am,

but not for long.

(crowd muttering)

Hey, where are you going?

Well, I'm going to help Matthew.

Marshal, they're gonna
tear this place apart.

I hold you personally
responsible for the damages.

Wiley, why don't you shut up

and go on back in your
office where you'll be safe?

Hey, Doc, what do you
think would be the chances

of sneaking the
chief into a wagon

and getting him out of town?
Would he be able to stand it?

Well, you haven't got
time to even think of it.

They're out there
now; look at there.

Never thought Charlie Britton
would have nerve enough

to come back into town.

Now, look, uh, why
don't you go upstairs

and try to calm those
braves down, Doc.

Tell them everything's
gonna be all right.

Oh, Howie.

I want you to go over
to the telegraph office

and ask Barney if they've got
an answer to that wire I sent.

- Well, I...
- Hurry right now.

- Yes, sir.
- Matt, if you go out there

and face them with that
arm the way it is, you're crazy.

Well, maybe they don't
know about the arm, Doc.

That's a chance
I'll have to take.

Well, I don't see it that way.

Nobody expects you to
go out there and get k*lled.

You want me to turn
the chief over to them?

I'll be upstairs.


Looks like this is where
you and I earn our money.

(crowd muttering)



We gonna have trouble?

We are if you try
to get in this hotel.

I came here to do a job.

Making me k*ll you, Corly,

isn't gonna bring
your brother back.

He ain't alone, Marshal.

You can't k*ll us all.

- (muttering resumes)
- Now just hold on a minute.

First man that tries to
get through that door

is a dead man.

CORLY: You haven't got a chance.

There's 30 of us
against the two of you.

I reckon you'd ought to
make that three, Corly.

I got no quarrel with you, Matt.

But those men in
there k*lled my brother,

and I'm gonna see they
get what's coming to them.

Yeah, that's right!

Stand aside, Marshal!

Push him out of there!

Now just hold on a minute!

Those men in
there aren't on trial,

and you men aren't a jury.

Corly's brother
didn't get no trial

before them Nez
Perce butchered him!

Corly's brother was a
scout for the cavalry.

He died on the b*ttlefield.

That's got nothing to do
with these men in here.

sh**t him, Corly. He
won't listen to decent talk.

Nobody's gonna do any sh**ting.

Now, you men are listening
to a lot of stories lately.

You're gonna hear
the truth for once.

Now, this is Lieutenant Tripp
of the United States Cavalry.

TRIPP: All they wanted
was their freedom

and a chance to
live on land in peace.

They never once att*cked us.

(muttering): What
I said... is true.


They came for me.

There's a lot of
hotheads down there.

There always are.

Three Hand saw them.

He says they are
many with weapons.

We will die like men.

Well, you're not gonna die
at all, Chief, if I can help it.

Matt and that young
lieutenant will stop...

No, they will not
k*ll their own kind

to save us.

We are not brothers.

TRIPP: 1,500
miles they retreated

over the worst
territory in this country,

and we followed them

with 50 times their
number of regular soldiers.

They never once att*cked us.

They fought 14
different engagements,

but only in their own defense.

You call men like
that murderers.

- (muttering in agreement)
- Yeah! Yeah!

All they wanted
was their freedom

and land to live on in peace,

and I'll tell you
one more thing.

That man lying up
there sick in that room

was never really defeated.

He agreed to go on reservation

to stop the k*lling of
Indians and whites.

But if any harm should
come to him tonight,

the bloodletting and hate
will start all over again.

(crowd muttering)

Well now, Matt,

I think I've heard
all the talk I want to.

BARNEY: Marshal!

Marshal! Marshal!
Let me through...

Here, let me through
here, let me through.

It just this minute
come, Marshal!

All right, Corly, you've
been waiting three years.

You can wait a minute
more and listen to this.

I want all you men to hear this.

This is addressed to me.

Now, it says, "This
is to inform you

"that Chief Joseph
of the Nez Perce

"is under the protection of
the United States government.

"Any person or
persons interfering

"with his safe passage
to Washington, D.C.,

"will be committing a crime
against the United States

and will be punished by the
full weight of federal authority."

And this telegram is
signed "Ulysses S. Grant,

President of the United States."

- Now read it.
- (crowd shouting)

I don't believe it!

- Go ahead, read it.
- Don't believe it.

- Come on, let's see it.
- The president.

- Let's see it.
- Hey, he's really gonna see the president.

Is that on the square, Barney?

From Washington, D.C.

We've been
waiting for it all night.

How were we to know, Marshal?

Well, if U.S. Grant
wants to see him...

I'll tell you something,
boys. It's all over.

Now you've heard
it and you've seen it.

I want you to break it up

and go on about your
business right now.

Now let's move!

- (muttering)
- Come on!

All right, Matt.

But they're still a long
way from Washington.

Hey, hold on, Charlie.

Festus, take him over and
throw him in jail, will you?

Be a pure pleasure, Matthew.

If you had to draw that
g*n, could you have done it?


I don't know.

Sure glad I didn't have to try.

Nine towels.

"Nine towels."

Marshal, everything
all arranged?

They are leaving today?

Doc told you that
yesterday, didn't he?

Yes, well, I just
wanted to make sure.

- (knocking)
- Who is it?

DILLON: It's Matt.

What's the verdict?

It'd be better if he could
rest a couple more days,

but he snapped out of it.

Beats anything I ever saw.

Well, Chief, you're welcome
to stay around Dodge

if you'd like to.
I-I think people

have kind of
calmed down a little.

I must go.

I wish you would
trust us, Chief.

There are many white
men who feel as we do.

There's a train
leaving this morning.


All right.

No point in riding him
through the main street.

Festus got the
horses out in back.

Follow me, Chief.

Good morning, folks.

We have your reservation?

No, no, we didn't figure
to stay over in Dodge.

I believe we can
accommodate you.

We have a very nice double...

Um, would you mind stepping
in my office momentarily?

- We just...
- Please, please.

You'll be much more
comfortable in there,

and I can give you some
idea of the size of our rooms.

This way, please.


Our ponies have
been well cared for, too.

If you would accept our gold,

the debt will be paid.

We don't want your money, Chief.

Good luck to you.

Oh, that's just
some bacon and stuff

I had left over from
my last hunting trip.

It'd have spoiled anyhow.

CORLY: Hold it right there.

Corly, put the g*n down.

Sorry, Matt.

He k*lled my brother,

and that's what I came for.

Now get out of the way.

I'm not gonna ask
you again, Matt.

You'd better do some
clear thinking, Corly.

You pull that trigger, it'll
be the last thing you ever do.

I'll k*ll you right
where you are.

Now, I don't understand you.


Because they're
men like the rest of us.

You lost a brother.

We have lost many brothers,

but somewhere this must end.

If my blood will
help, let it end here.


There was some
talk of an iron horse.

We will go.

It is said a brother must learn

to trust a brother.
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