07x30 - The Dreamers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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07x30 - The Dreamers

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


Hey, mister, where's the
manager of this here bank?

He's right in there.

Hey, wait a minute.

This is a private office.

They'll take care
of you outside.

Your name Botkin?


Well, I'm Jake Fogle and
this here's Henry Cairn.

Well, we come for our money.

You have money here?

They sent a couple of drafts
from the bank in Denver.

$10,000 apiece.

Well, you don't look
as if you had any...

I mean to say, do you
have any identification?

What's that?

Proof that you're
Fogle and Cairn.

Now who else
would we be, mister?

Let's take his shoes off
and burn his feet a little.

Maybe that'll convince him.

Don't you thr*aten me.

Now, look here, Botkin,

we tore up a good part of a
mountain digging for our gold,

and we can sure tear
this little old bank up,

if you start anything
fancy with us.

All right, all right.

Calm down.

Sign your names here.

And I'll compare it with
the signatures on the drafts.

There you are.

Well, they're the
same, all right.

Why shouldn't they be?

We write our names the same
in Kansas as we do in Colorado.

Of course.

Now what do you want
to do with this money?

Surely you don't
want it all in cash.

Well, not hardly.

We figured, uh, ooh,
about $20 apiece

would see us through.

You men don't seem
to realize you're rich.

You don't have to count pennies.

We've got big plans
for our money, mister.

Wait'll we get to
Memphis, eh, Fogle?

You bet!

Well, if you're not
going to spend anything

till you get to the Mississippi,

uh, why did you have
these drafts sent here?

Well, we, uh, kind of like
to run into 'em on the way.

From here, we're
gonna send the money

on to Fort Smith, Arkansas.

And from Fort Smith to
Memphis, the last stop.

But you ought to start
enjoying some comforts now.

Not till we get to
the Mississippi.

And we're gonna need every
cent of it when we get there.

Well, all right,
you come with me

and I'll see that you
get your... $20 each.

Two beers.

I wonder now if I could
hold $20 worth of beer.

Shh, you darned fool, you
want everybody to know

we're carrying so much money?

I wasn't thinking.

Well, here we are.

What's the matter?

That's the most beautiful
woman I ever saw in my whole life.

Heh! Ever see Lillie Langtry?

She don't hold a candle to her.


Ain't even started
on that one yet.

I want to buy the lady a beer.

- You mean Miss Kitty?
- Is that her name?


A whiskey, then! Anything!

Whiskey? You gone crazy?

She don't ordinarily like
strangers buying her drinks.

- Why not?
- Well, for one thing, she owns this place.

I'll still pay for it.
You ask her, now.

You gone clean out of your
mind, buying drinks for the owner?

She can't help it
if she's the owner.

Heh! She's gonna be
mighty impressed by you.

She'll probably
want to sit on your lap

while she's drinking it.

You can't never tell.

Well, there's no
fool like an old fool.

Sorry, mister.

What'd I tell you?

She don't understand.

Cairn, come back here!

What's the matter with him?

Excuse me, Miss Kitty.

My name's Henry Cairn.

I'm from Colorado,

and I'm headed for
the Mississippi River.

My partner over there,
his name is Jake Fogle.

Well, welcome to
Dodge, Mr. Cairn,

and, well, I hope you
do all your drinking

right here in the Long Branch.

I expect I will, Miss Kitty.

But, uh... it'd ease me some
if you'd do a little bit with me.

I'm sorry, but I'm busy.

This fella might be a few
years younger than I am,

but he sure ain't
no better looking.

I think you heard the lady.

I fought a grizzly bear
with a hand ax once.

k*lled him, too.

I don't reckon I'm a-feared of
no whippersnapper like you.

- Now, lookie here, just a...
- It's all right, Chester.

Now, Mr. Cairn, why
don't you just go on

back over there
with your partner.

I don't want any
trouble in here.

I don't know what you
can see in a fella like this.

Chester's a friend of mine.

Why don't you just
go back to your beer

and strain some of it
through your whiskers.

It might make you feel better.

I know what's the matter.

By golly, it just come to me.

Well... there's nothing
the matter, Mr. Cairn.

I just don't want a drink.

I'll be leaving now, Miss Kitty.

But I'll be back.

And you'll have a
drink with me, all right.

Oh-ho, you sure will.

I think he's been out in
the sunshine too long.

Well, where you going?
You ain't finished your beer.

See you at the room, Fogle.

I got chores.

Never seen him
act like this before.

Would it break his
arm to pour us any?

He's busy, Kitty.

He's "busy" when
there's nobody here.

Well, at least it's
not bad coffee.


Well, now, look at
that dandy, would you?

Well, I don't believe
it. I just don't believe it.

You know him?

Sort of.

But he wasn't dressed like that.

Well, wait a minute.

That's... isn't that that fellow
Chester was telling me about?

Your raggedy suitor?

That's him.

Probably smelling to high
heaven of attar of roses now.

He must've stolen that outfit.

He used to look worse
than his partner there.

By golly, there she is now.

I don't want to see her.

She's caused enough
trouble already.

I tell you that woman
is just plumb poison.

How can you talk
like that, Fogle?

Henry Cairn, you was a
perfectly normal and sane man

before you seen her today,

and now you, well, you
got a worm in your brain.

I can't explain it no other way.

I'm embarrassed
to be seen with you.

Embarrassed, are you?

What about when we
get to the Mississippi?

How about our plans then?

Well, now, that's different.

That ain't the
same thing at all.

Oh, I swear, we ain't been
out of them mountains a month

and already you've
gone plumb crazy.

I'll just go say hello.

Stay where you
are, ya durn fool.

I know what I'm doing.

Better look out, you're
about to have a visitor.

- Miss Kitty.
- Hello.

I noticed you sitting here.

- I thought it polite to say hello.
- Sure.

I figured out what was wrong
over there at the Long Branch.

Oh, you did?

Sure. Can't you see? Look at me.

I'm a new man,
from the skin out.

I even had a bath.

Uh, Mr. Cairn, uh...

I'll bet you'll let me
buy you a drink now.

I bet you'll even sit with
me while you're drinking it.

Mr. Cairn, this
is Marshal Dillon.

He's a very good friend of mine.

A U.S. Marshal, eh?

Well, I guess you're
talking business,

what with Miss Kitty
owning a saloon and all.

Well, we talk about
quite a few things.

I never messed
with the law myself.

Well, you're lucky.

With a lawman,

I always reckon you
got only two choices:

either run away
from him or sh**t him.

Well, I think that first choice

would be the best one.

You can't never tell.
A man can get lucky.

I'll come by this
evening, Miss Kitty.

That man can get
to be a nuisance.

Yes, I kind of get the idea he's
pretty serious about you, Kitty.

You've always listened
to me before, Cairn.

Maybe that's cause you
never said nothing important.

You're getting more
uppity every minute.

You're trying to stand
between me and my woman.

Your woman!

She's gonna be...
starting right now.

I'll just wait here

and pick you up when
you get throwed out.

Two glasses.

Here I am, Miss Kitty.

Oh, no.

But you promised.

I didn't promise anything.

Well, the same as.

Anyway, you've got to.

Why have I got to?

You ever been on a
riverboat on the Mississippi?

I have.

Well, me and Fogle, that's
what we're planning on.

That's how we're
gonna spend our money.

Your money.

The money we made mining.

$10,000 apiece.


We're gonna buy us
a riverboat, Miss Kitty.

We're gonna live out our days

riding up and
down that big river.

All right... And
you're going with me.


Oh, I don't mean it wrong.

We'll get married...
right here in Dodge.

Now, look, Cairn...

um, you-you see
those two girls there?

One is Annie, and
the other one is Julia.

Now, they're real nice girls
and they're an awful lot of fun.

Now why don't you go buy
one or the other of them a drink,

and, well, they'll talk
to you all night long.

I don't want them.

I want you.

Well, you don't get me.

Now how can I make
that real, real clear to you?

I never seen a prettier woman.

I thank you very much
for the compliment,

but I'm very busy here, and
you'll just have to excuse me.

You'll have a drink, anyway.


Here, take it; it
won't hurt you.

I said no!

You spilled it.

I've had enough, Cairn.

Now leave me alone

or I'm gonna have you
thrown right out of here.

You wasted all
that good whiskey.

I'll give you your money back.

I don't need your
money, just leave.

That's the trouble.

That's how it is with you.

Yes, sir.

Now I know what to do.

You'll be hearing from
me, Miss Kitty, real soon.

I shouldn't be doing this.

Oh, a game of billiards ain't
gonna hurt you; it's no sin.

Well, I know it, but
it's the time it takes.

Well, we'll play fast.

If we play fast enough,
we can get in two games.

Well, what in the
world's going on here?

Well, they had a
fire or something?

Never heard nothing about it.

Look at that old
Henry Cairn up there.

He acts like he owns the place.

Henry Cairn is crazy.

You're his partner?

Jake Fogle.

What's going on here?

That Henry Cairn...
He ought to be

horsewhipped, drowned,
strung up by his toes, that's what.

You're his partner?

I thought I was.

We ain't even halfway
to the Mississippi,

and he's gone plumb loco.

What's he done?

He's gone into the
saloon business.

He went and bought
the Lady Gay here.

Well, I'll be darned.

Well, is he remodeling
it or something?

Spending money, that's what.

Spending it like it was dirt,

like it was something
he wanted to get shut of.

When's he gonna open up, anyway?

Tomorrow night.

Henry Cairn, you don't
deserve to be alive!

You're a rascal
and a traitor, to boot!

You hear me?!

He is, too.


Oh, there you are.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Been up the street.

Wish I hadn't.

What's the matter?

The Lady Gay is under
new management.

Oh, you heard about that, huh?


It's your friend Henry Cairn.

What's he up to?

I don't know, Kitty.

No law against opening
a saloon, you know.

No, except it just
seems kind of strange

for a crazy old gold miner who's
on his way to the Mississippi

to spend the rest of
his days on a riverboat.

Is that what he told you?

That was part of it.

He wants me to go
along as his bride.

Well, it's not as
funny as you think.

I just don't think
he'll stop at anything.

Maybe you better
go with him, then.

You keep that up, maybe I will.

Where are you two going?

Oh, hello, Miss Kitty.

What is this?

We, uh, we left you a
note in there, Miss Kitty.

What for?

We're leaving.

You mean you're quitting?

Well, well, it's awfully
hard, Miss Kitty.

And we didn't want to.

But he offered us more
money, and we had to take it.

We knew you'd understand.

Who offered you more money?

Mr. Cairn.

I knew it.

The old coot's gone
and bought the Lady Gay,

and now he's hiring
my girls away from me.

You got to do
something about this.

What can I do, Kitty?

There's nothing illegal
about it, you know.

I just ought to go down there
and burn that place down.

Yeah, well, now,
that would be illegal.


Well, go ahead.

It's not your fault;
I don't blame you.

Just take him for
everything you can get.

Good-bye, Miss Kitty.

You've been awful good to us.

You sure have.

Come on, you need a beer.


Well, evening, Miss Kitty.

- Chester.
- Sam.


Uh, could I have a beer, Sam?


Well, sit down.

All right.

You come in here
to live it up a little?

Seems like it's a
little early, huh?

I wouldn't call
11:00 very early.

Well, I guess
things will pick up.

Oh, thanks a lot, Sam.


You been by the Lady Gay?

Uh, no, no.

The Lady Gay... I hardly
never go by the Lady Gay at all.

Why don't you quit trying.

You know what I mean.

Well, I guess I did notice
some men going in there.

They're just going in

to see if there'd been
any changes made.

You know how people are.

I sure do.

And I know that if they can
get whiskey for ten cents,

they're not about
ready to pay 20 for it.

Is that what you charge?

You know it is.

And it's cheap, at that.

I couldn't cut the price a
nickel and stay in business.

Well, he's more than likely
just doing it for a come-on.

He'll probably charge
a quarter tomorrow.

I don't think so.

Now what?

Good evening, Miss Kitty.

Maybe it's good for you.

Business off a little?

I wonder why.

Well, if you come
over here to gloat,

why don't you just go on
back over to the Lady Gay.

A drink for everybody,
including you.

No, thank you.

We don't need the
business that bad.

Now, now, now, now, I'm
only doing what's for the best.

Well, you sure have a funny
idea of what's for the best.

The drinks.

Never mind, Sam.

You're a hard woman
to convince, Miss Kitty.

You're kind of hard
to convince yourself.

You'll marry me.

It's only a question of time.

Oh, about a thousand
years, I'd say.

My guess is it'll be sooner.

You know, as
long as you're here,

just exactly what is your plan?

Well, it's quite simple.

I have money.

It's costing me to sell
whiskey for ten cents,

but I can pay for it.

For as long as necessary.

Necessary for what?

To freeze you out of business.

You can't go on like this.

Oh, I get it.

You figure that as
soon as I go broke

that I'll come running to
you, begging you to marry me.

You won't have to
beg me, Miss Kitty.

Oh, that'll make it easier.

Now, why don't you take
your fool, half-witted ideas

and get out of
here, and stay out.

Next time you come around,
I'm gonna take a club to you.


I seen you was missing, but
I knew just where I'd find you.

I'm busy, Fogle.


Busy making a fool of yourself,

with your courting and
sweet-talking and romancing.

What's the matter with you?

Leave me be, I told you.

It's all your fault.

You're a wicked, designing
woman, and you ought to be

tarred and feathered
and dumped in the river.

All right, that's enough, Fogle.

Miss Kitty ain't
done nothing to you.

Why don't you just take
your friend here and go on,

get out of Dodge; it'd
be better for everybody.

We can't talk with
all this going on.

I'll come back when
we can be alone.

You come back and you'll
be alone, six feet under.

Come on, Cairn. Can't you
see what kind of a woman she is?

Now, I'm warning
you to leave him alone.

It'll go hard with
you if you don't.

You just go on and
get out of here! Go on!

Come on, now.

What'd I ever do
to deserve that pair?



Oh, good morning, Miss Kitty.


Come in.

Oh, it's you, Miss Kitty.

Well, this is a pleasure.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

Well, I haven't seen
you in some time.

Neither has anybody else.


Well, I meant here at the bank.

You know, um, it's
been three weeks

since you had a drink
at the Long Branch,

and it's been three weeks

since the Lady Gay started
selling ten cent whiskey.

Shocking, the way
that man spends money.

It's costing him a fortune.

But he's not broke.

Oh no, no, no,
my, no... Well, I am.

You? Broke?

Mr. Botkin, I haven't
done $10 worth of business

since Henry Cairn came to town.

Well, things will
pick up, I'm sure.

You think so?

Yes, you... you just
hang on for a while.

All right, I will.

That's the spirit.

Of course, I'll need your help.

I, uh... I figured
that a loan of $1,500

ought to see me through.


Well, you said yourself
that things would pick up.

Well, that was just a
manner of speaking.

I... I didn't mean
it quite literally.

Then you don't
think that they will.

It's hard to say, Miss Kitty.

Frankly, Cairn has enough
money left to make a loan to you...

well, impractical.

I had an idea it'd be
something like that.

Miss Kitty...

you must realize that
business is business.

You got any more homely
sayings, or can I go?

I'm sorry, Miss Kitty...
I really am sorry.


Well, come by...
anytime that you feel

that you can spare 20 cents.

So... the witch woman, eh?

Fogle, if you've
got any complaints,

go talk it over
with your partner.

I got a complaint, all right.
You're wrecking our plans.

You're destroying everything

that me and Jake
dreamed about for ten years.

You know what you are?

You're the Devil dressed in
a skirt, that's what you are.

I've had all I'm
gonna take from you!

All I'm going to take from you!

Hey, wait!

Now you leave me alone!


Hello, Doc.

What are you doing over here?

Well, when I stopped by, I
had in mind buying us all a beer.

- Oh?
- Yes!

Well, I got to
write some letters.

Well, now wait a minute.

I was thinking about buying
a beer at the Long Branch.


You know, it's been
just about a month now

since that Henry Cairn
bought the Lady Gay

and started that
cheap whiskey policy,

and, well, I just
kind of thought

that maybe Kitty might
appreciate our patronage.

Well, yeah, you
know, Mr. Dillon,

if even her friends desert her,

why, she's gonna
lose heart altogether.

You know, besides,
Doc is, you know, buying.


Well, in that case, I'll
write the letters later.

Well, what in thunder's
going on here?

Can't you tell?

I don't believe it, Kitty.

It's true.

You really mean that?

Well, of course I mean it.

Sam, draw a beer for these
gentlemen, on the house.

Oh, no!

No, here, I'm
gonna pay for this.

Oh, now, Doc, a few
beers one way or another

isn't gonna make any
difference at this point...

just so long as we get a beer.

I just don't believe that.

I just ain't never
gonna believe that.

Kitty, you're sure you
really have to sell out?

Well, sure as my last
hundred dollars tells me.

And I owe half of that to
Sam here, for back wages.

You don't owe me
nothing, Miss Kitty.

Well, here's to what was
a pretty long run at that.

You know, Miss Kitty,
if I, if I had the money,

I'd-I'd just give it to you.

Thank you, Chester.

Well, I tell you now,

if all three of us
pooled our resources,

maybe we could
come up with enough

to keep you open for a
while... 15 minutes or so.

Well, now I want to tell you,

if Chester would pay me what
he owes me for medical attention,

I could keep you open
for maybe six months.

Oh, Doc, that ain't
so, and you know it.

Well, don't you worry
about it, Chester.

I wouldn't accept
the money anyhow.

It's just something I got
to work out for myself.

Well, Mr. Dillon,
ain't there no way

that you can make that
old devil Henry Cairn stop it?

Not a way in the world, Chester.

He hasn't done anything illegal.

Well, then... really, we
ought to have some new laws.

Yeah, well, there've been
some roaring times in here.

That-That's for sure.

Not only the men
roaring, but the six-g*ns.

That's probably part
of the attraction, Kitty.

Yeah, I guess maybe it was.

Well, I'll tell you something,

this Long Branch ain't gonna
be the same without you.

I won't be the same
without the Long Branch.

What are you gonna do?

Oh, I don't know, just take
it easy for a while, I guess.

I'll have enough
money to live on

once I get this place sold.

Well, I ain't never gonna
come back in here again,

I can tell you that; I
ain't never gonna do it.

Well, at least you'll save
some money that way, Chester.

Oh, no, he won't; he'll
spend it someplace else.

No, I mean, I'll just, I just
won't touch liquor no more.

Oh, now that's going too far.

Sam, the next round's on me,

and then there's
gonna be two more.

- You bet.
- That's fine with me.

Well, it's fine with me, too.

Time we get around to my round,

won't make no
difference to me nohow.

I want to have a word
with you, Miss Kitty,

if you don't mind.


Well, all right,
but make it short.

I'm busy.

You packing up?

No, I'm just going
through some of my things.

I seen your "for sale" sign.

I-I know it must be hurting you

to have to give up
the Long Branch.

Well, maybe the first time
in your life, you're right.

I come to tell you
how sorry I am.

What did you say?

I said I'm sorry about it.

Explain something to me, Cairn.

I'll sure try.

Well, since my selling the Long
Branch is all on account of you,

how come you're so sorry?

Well, what I meant is, I'm
sorry it had to be this way.

Oh, I see.

You planned it this way, but
now that it's really happened,

you're sorry about it.

Yes, that's part of it.

Well, did you
come here to tell me

you're gonna stop selling
that ten-cent whiskey?

I hope to, Miss Kitty,
and right soon, too.

Well, that means I won't
have to sell the Long Branch.

Oh, but of course you will.


I know it's been hard
on you, Miss Kitty,

but that's all over now... I
mean, except for the details.

You faced up to it,
and you're selling out.

But once we start riding
up and down the Mississippi

on that riverboat, you'll
forget about all this, I promise.

"That riverboat"?!

I don't want to hurry you none,

but the sooner we get
married now, the better.

Why, you stone-headed old fool!

Hey, that... that's
no way to talk.

Well, then I'll quit talking!

- Now get out of here!
- M-M-Miss Kitty!

Get out!

Miss Kitty, you
must be reasonable!

Take that lot out.

This won't last long.

Then come back for some more.

All right, Mr. Cairn.

- Evening, Mr. Fogle.
- Evening.

Evening, Cairn.

Fogle, where have you
been keeping yourself?

Out of trouble.

It's more than I
can say about you.

What trouble am I in?

Oh, about the same as if
you'd soaking your head

in pickle brine
for the last month.

- Now that ain't so at all.
- Oh, ain't it?

Well, now, what about
all this here whiskey?

And this and this and this?

Selling all this stuff for
maybe half what it costs you.

You don't call that trouble?

I can afford it.

How much money
you got left, Cairn?

I don't exactly know.

I don't count it every day.

I said, how much?

It ain't none of your
business how much!

It is, too, my business!

You don't tell me, I'll shake
it out of them fancy clothes!

- Let me go! Let me go!
- Now quit stalling, will you?

I'll tell you, but leave me go!


Now get talking.

It's costing me a
mountain of money

selling that whiskey
so cheap, it's true.

I said how much?

Well, I still got a
few thousand left.

How many thousand?

Maybe three.

3,000 out of ten.

But you're forgetting something:

the Lady Gay ain't worth much

when I go to
sell it, that's true.

But when Kitty sells
the Long Branch,

that's gonna bring in
some pretty good money.

Of course, it'll be hers,

but she'll naturally want
to put it into our riverboat.

Huh. Maybe.

When's she selling out?

That's what I'd like to know.

Well, I can't say for sure.

You know how women are, Fogle.

That sign's been
up two days now.

I know.

You know, Cairn,
I got a feeling...

You're gonna tell me
if I'm right, you hear?

I hear.

I got a feeling she's
gonna sell out, all right,

but she ain't never gonna
marry you, no matter what!

Now, how can you
say that, Fogle?

Because I ain't such a
blind blockhead as you are.

That's exactly
what's gonna happen.

Now, yes, sir, I'm right!

No, you ain't right!

She'll marry me.

She's got to!

And I'll go after
her until she does,

no matter how long it takes.

You know, I believe you.

It's true! I'll not
quit, not never.

I'm gonna marry that woman.

Well, there's only
one way out of this.

It's gotta be done, and I'm
the only one who can do it.

Do what? What're
you talking about?!

I'm talking about getting

our riverboat on the
Mississippi, that's what!

Now don't you go
meddling in my affairs, Fogle!

Your affairs are
my affairs, Cairn!

I can't swing that
riverboat alone!

Fogle, where are you going?

To do my bounden
duty, that's what!

I should have
thought of this before!

Fogle! Fogle, come back here!

That darned fool.

He'd start a row
in an empty house.

Ready for another
one here, folks?

- Kitty?
- I don't think so, Matt.

I guess we'll just
ride with these, Obie.

It's on the house.

Well, that's real
nice of you, Obie,

but, well, I'm kind
of tired tonight

and I think I better
get on to bed.

It's a doggone shame.

The first time you've
ever been in my place,

and you just have
one little old drink.

There'll be lots of other times.

Besides, come to think
of it, I can't ever remember

seeing you at the Long Branch.

Well, the Long Branch...
It's a little bit high-class

for a fella like me, Miss Kitty.

That's silly.

He just doesn't want to spend
his money on the competitors.

You caught me, Marshal.

I don't deny it.

But, Miss Kitty, one thing:

competitor or not, I don't feel
no gladness seeing you sell out.

You running that place...

Well, you was a rose
among thorns, so to speak.

Well, thank you, Obie.

That... that makes
me feel a lot better.

I think I'd like
to go now, Matt.

All right, Kitty, fine.

See you later, Obie.

We'll be back real soon, Obie.

Be proud to have
you, Miss Kitty.

Anytime. You, too, Marshal.

- Good night.
- Good night.


Well, never thought
I'd see this, Kitty.

Well... neither did I.

Thanks for the drink, Matt.


Better let me light a
lamp for you in here.

Kitty, you sure you
wouldn't be better off

with a room at the Dodge House?

Oh, no.

This is my home.

At least, it will
be until I sell it.

It's so lonely in here.

Well, I don't mind it.

Gives me a chance to think.

What are you so
worried about, anyhow?

Nobody's gonna come in here.

As a matter of fact,
nobody's been in here

since Henry Cairn
took over the Lady Gay.

Yeah, guess you're right.

Good night, Kitty.

Night. Thank you.


Yeah, there sure were

roaring times
in here, all right.


Leave it there.

I been waiting for you.

Had to be sure that
marshal fella had really left.

How did you get in here?

Through a window in the back.

What do you want?

Come to pay you a call.

Look, Fogle, I'm not in any
mood for your nonsense tonight.

This ain't exactly nonsense.

Just go on back to the
Lady Gay, where you belong.

We don't belong at the Lady Gay.

By rights, we should
be on the Mississippi,

sitting on the deck
of our own riverboat.

I am so sick and
tired of hearing about

that crazy dream of yours.

I wish you'd either forget
it or do something about it.

I am doing something about it.

That's why I'm here.

I come to settle things
with you, Miss Kitty.

You've got nothing
to settle with me,

and I've got nothing
to settle with you.

Now stay away from me or
I'm gonna make trouble for you!

You gonna marry
Henry Cairn or ain't you?

No, I'm not gonna
marry Henry Cairn!

But Henry Cairn don't know
you ain't gonna marry him,

and he's gonna go on losing
his money waiting for you.

Go explain it to him.

I don't care.

I'm sick of the whole thing.

Now, please, I just
want to go to bed!

There's only one way to make
Cairn stop losing his money.

Go talk to him about it.

I am not interested
one way or another.

Now go on and get out
of here so I can lock up!

Go on, get out!

I'm gonna have to
sh**t you, Miss Kitty.

Ain't never shot a woman
before, but it's got to be done.

You are out of your mind.

Oh, it ain't your
fault you got to die.

But it's the only way
out for me and Cairn.

You are a madman.

Now, if you want
to pray, you can.

Fogle, what are you doing?

I'm doing what has to be done.

I had a feeling
I'd find you here.

Get out, Cairn.
Let me finish this.

Trying to run her
out of town, ain't you?

I figured you had something
like that in your mind.

Run me out of town?

He's gonna sh**t me.

No, he wouldn't do that.

He was just trying to
scare you into leaving town,

into going somewhere
I couldn't find you.

That wouldn't work, 'cause
you'd just go on looking for her,

even if you didn't find her.

Of course I would. I told you.

There's only one thing to do.

This is the only way we'll
ever get our riverboat.

Oh, sh**t me?

No, that ain't true.

It ain't true, is it, Fogle?

You ain't thinking clear, Cairn.

Man in love never thinks clear.

Tell me it ain't true you
was gonna sh**t Miss Kitty.

Course it's true.

She ain't never gonna marry you,

and you ain't never
gonna quit till she does.

But if she ain't here, if she
ain't alive, you got to quit.

And we get on our way.

I would never have believed it.

You're all mixed up in the head.

Love does that to a man.

I'm through with you, Fogle.

We ain't partners no more.

Now, go on and get out!

Put that g*n down, Fogle.


Shut up!



Hello, Cairn.

All right, Chester, take
the wagon on, will you?

All right, sir.

Marshal, I want to thank you
for helping with the burying.

That's all right.

I sure never thought Jake Fogle
would end up on your Boot Hill.

You get everything
taken care of?

This morning.

The bank's taking
over the Lady Gay.

Botkin gonna sell it for you?

For 2,000 less
than I paid for it.

What about Fogle's money?

There was a will.

I found it among his things.

He left everything to me.

I told Botkin to send the money
to Fogle's cousin in St. Louis.

It's not gonna leave
you much, is it?

No, not too much.

Where you gonna go?

The Mississippi, like always.

Only, it won't be no big
riverboat I'll be buying now.

Miss Kitty, I want to
say again how sorry I am.

You don't have to
apologize, Mr. Cairn.

I understand.

You're a fine woman.

The finest I've ever known.

I had no right to make trouble,
no matter how fond I am of you.

I never meant to hurt you.

I realized that when
you saved my life.

Thank you.

It was all a sort
of dream, maybe.

But it's over now.

I won't be no trouble
to anyone again.

I'll be going now, Miss Kitty.

So long.

Good-bye, Cairn.

Good-bye, Marshal.

It's gonna be a long,
lonely road for him, Kitty.

Any road's lonely...

for a man that's lost a dream.
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