07x26 - Durham Bull

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

07x26 - Durham Bull

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

There they are.

Sure wish I was
down there with them.

We'll both be down there
if anything goes wrong.

Here it comes now.

Hyah! Hyah!

All right, you know
what we want.

Throw it down.

There ain't anything in it.

You want a hole in your head?!

- Sure ain't gonna need us, are they?
- Yeah.

It's going fine. Just
the way I planned it.

Mm-hmm. Looks like there won't
have to be any k*lling anyhow.

There better not be.

The law rides harder
when there's a k*lling.


That was a waste of time.

Now he done it.
That fool Downey.

Hyah! Hyah! Giddup here! Hyah!

Now look, Silva, I think we
should cut Downey out this time.

Maybe it'll teach him a lesson.

Sure, okay.

He was your friend.

You recommended him,
you brought him along.

I know, I know. He's
green, Silva. He'll learn.

I ordered no sh**ting
unless necessary.

Yeah, I know you did.

It's not because
I'm tenderhearted.

A holdup's one thing,
a k*lling's another.

The law doesn't
let go with a k*lling.

Look, his bandana
fell off his face.

You must've seen it.

Well, that driver got a
real good look at him.

So did the passengers.

All right, men,
now listen to me.

We're leaving this
part of the country.

We're in trouble here.

We'll go down
south, down to Dodge.

That's about
200 miles, isn't it?

Mm, about that.

Polk'll go a little ahead of us.

He'll spend a couple
of days in town

to see if there's
anything worthwhile.

Well, all right.

Let me take Downey with me.

Downey's done enough damage!

Now you get your share
of the stuff and get riding.

What're we stopping here for?

It sure can't be for water.



You heard me.


Come here.

What do you want?

Give me your g*n.

Give it to me.

Sit down.


I said sit down.

Take your boots off.

Rudd, grab his boots.

Mount up, everybody.

Not you, Downey.
Grab his horse, Kearny.

You can't leave me here.

All right, let's go, everybody.



Get down, son.

Let's take a look.

I'm telling you, Marshal,
he's a good buy.

There ain't nothing
wrong with this horse.

No, not a thing. Nothing
ten less years wouldn't cure.

Now, Chester, a young
horse is like a young man,

he ain't got no sense in him.

You don't mean that
personal, do you?

Well, no, I don't think

that that horse could
even pull a wagon, Moss.

Not even an empty wagon.

Aw, now, Chester.

Looks like you got
some customers, Moss.

- Huh? Oh, howdy.
- Howdy.

- Moss Grimmick.
- Henry Squires, Sweetwater, Texas.

You run this place?

I do. I sure do. What
can I do for you?

Well, I'm looking
to stable our horses,

for a couple of weeks maybe.

Why, sure. Just turn them
loose in the corral back there.

I'll lock up your gear later.

Take them along, Little Bit.

This is Henry Squires.

Uh, Marshal Dillon
and Chester Goode.

- How do, sir?
- Howdy, Marshal.

- Well, Mr. Squires.
- Chester.

Say, maybe you
gentlemen can tell me

when we can get a
stage to St. Joe, Missouri.

St. Joe? Well, there's
one leaving directly.

Then we'll be on it.

Marshal, you reckon
a man traveling

with real smart money
on him is safe in the stage?

I wish I could guarantee
that, Mr. Squires.


Excuse me.

Will you be wanting your
horse? You leaving town?

Oh, no, not right now. I just
came by to see how he was.

You won't be
needing anything then.

Not right now, thanks.

All right, see you later.

We got a pedigree bull
and two heifers waiting

for us in St. Joe.

We're gonna take
'em back home with us.

What, you're gonna bring 'em
up by train and then drive 'em on?

The only way to get them there.

Golly, you're going to an
awful lot of trouble, ain't ya?

Well, there ain't no cattle
suitable closer to home.

You see, these are
Hereford cattle we're buying.

Who's "we"?

Me and my grandson, Little Bit.

You wait. One day he's
gonna come up out of Texas

driving real high-grade
beef, not them longhorns.

Well, now that's a day
we're gonna be waiting for.

You know, there isn't
much to those longhorns

except hide and hair.

Ain't that the truth, Marshal?

But this Hereford
bull I got in mind,

oh, he's better than a
thousand pounds of pure gold.

By golly, high-grade beef.

I can just taste the steak
off one of 'em right now.

I got it done, Grandpa.

Little Bit, this here's Marshal
Dillon and Chester Goode.

- How you do, Little Bit?
- How do you do?

- Well, how are you, Little Bit?
- Hi.

Let's get out to the
stage. See you all later.

- Yeah, sure.
- Good luck to you.

Thank you, Marshal.

By golly, he's a fine
old man, ain't he?

They're pure hickory, Chester.

They've got a hard road
ahead of them, though.


What... what's the
matter with you?

By golly, Doc, I just got
a little pain right there.


- Right there?
- Uh-huh.

Does it, does it go round up
and under your shoulder blade?


You having a little trouble
breathing, too, are you?


Well, let me know
what you do about it.

I'm having the same trouble.

Now wait, Doc. This
is... this is a serious thing.

I mean, I was just all night
just tossing and turning.

Pain's just terrible, huh?

Oh, just like somebody's
got a butcher knife in there

and they're just
a-twisting and turning on it.

Well, why didn't
you come upstairs?

Well, I just don't think that I
could make it up them stairs.

No, you'd rather stand
down here and suffer

and hope to catch me on the fly

so you wouldn't
make an office call.

Well, now that ain't it.

And the pain's so bad
you just wouldn't be able

to get in your pocket

and get the two dollars
you'd owe me, would you?

I don't think that's a very
nice way to talk to a sick man.

Well, I think I
know what's wrong.


I think I can fix you up.

I got some new pills just
came in from St. Louis.

Some-Some new ones?

Yeah, and if you think you
could make it up the stairs,

I'll just let you pick
out the one you want.

Oh, well, I could
do that all right.

Well, we've just about
made the first leg, Little Bit.

Yep, we'll be back in
Dodge tomorrow at noon.

That's when the real work'll
start, won't it, Grandpa?

Oh, shucks, there ain't nothing

to trailing three
head of cattle.

No, but we'll have to stand
guard at night and all that.

Yeah, we's gonna stand
guard an night, all right.

We got to keep our eyes
open in the daytime, too.

Oh, lots of folks'd like

to get their hands
on them cattle of ours.

They better not try.

Let's hope they don't.

Grandpa... when're
you gonna get me a g*n?

Well, time'll come,
son. Time'll come.

Say, you know that bull and
them heifers are gonna make all

the difference to us.

They'd better.

We're broke now, ain't we?

Well, all but a few dollars.

30 head of longhorn back home.

Oh, we'll breed them, too.

A half-bred shorthorn's a...

well, they're better'n a lot of
the cattle we got back home.

Do you reckon we'll
ever get rich, Grandpa?

Well... I don't know
about being rich,

but, well, you ought to
be comfortable well-off.

See, since the w*r

there ain't the riches like
we knowed 'em before.

What're we slowing
down for, Grandpa?

Oh, maybe a water t*nk.

Let's take a look, huh?

Who's this coming, Grandpa?

That's the brakeman.

We taking on water?

Yeah. How're you all making it?

Oh, fine, fine.

How're you riding,
boy? Like railroading?

I like it fine, mister.

Your stock travelling good?

Yeah, I ain't heard
no complaints.

Hey, you're gonna
have yourselves a time

after you leave Dodge.

You scared of Injuns, boy?

Well, I-I reckon I am, mister.

He's got sense
enough to be scared,

but he's got sand
enough not to show it.

Good for him.

All aboard!

Hang on, now.

Best get in, son.

What do you gents want?

Uh, I said, uh... what
do you gents want?

He wants to know
what do we want?

Shall we tell him what we want?

No, it wouldn't do any good.

Don't tell him.


what good do you think
that bull and them heifers

is gonna do you down in Texas?

As good as they'll do any man.

But you ain't gonna
get to Texas with 'em.

Oh, uh... we'll get there.

Mister, you'd be lucky to
get there without no stock.

Both of you.


how'd you find out
about us and our cattle?

You'd like to know
that, wouldn't you?

You'll have a tough
time stealing our stock.

We got friends
waiting for us in Dodge.

Well, we got friends
in Dodge, too.

On more important business.

Shut up, you fool.

What difference does
it make if he knows?

He's gonna be dead, ain't he?

You... you aim to push them
cattle off this moving train?

You... you want 'em dead?

They won't be dead.

This train's got one
more stop before morning.

We'll take them off there, and
have them sold before daylight.

You already got
a market for them?

We got somebody
waiting, money in hand.

So don't you fret
about that, old man.

Oh, I ain't fretting.

All that talk's the quickest way
I know for a man to get k*lled.

You always said so, Grandpa.

Can I have this, Grandpa?

Is it time yet?

Only in a manner
of speaking, Little Bit.

It's yourn for now.

We thought you was
never coming back.

I took my time
looking the town over.

Worthwhile, too.

Why, you trying
to tell me that I, uh,

that I missed something?

Not entirely.

But there's more money
in Dodge right now

than you seemed to think.

Like what?

There's a trail herd
due in next week.

Look, I know all about that.

What's that got to do with us?

The buyers have go to have money

to pay for that
herd, don't they?


The money is in the
safe at the Dodge House,

waiting for them... or for us.

Say, now, that must
be some bit of money.

Enough to make
it worth our while.

Is there any coffee in there?


Now, look, uh... look, Silva...

Look, if there's good hard
cash laying around for that...

for that trail herd, why
do we have to fool around

with that Hereford
bull and them cows?

Them cattle was your
idea in the first place, Polk.

Besides, ain't you forgetting?

Kearny and Wade probably
got 'em stole already.

Anything I might forget, I
don't need you to remind me.

Lay off him, Rudd.

The train from St. Joe
is due in at noon today.

We'll find out then
how much luck

Kearny and Wade
had with the cattle.

Hey, now, wait a minute.

I don't think it's a good
idea for the three of us

to be riding into Dodge all
together, you know, that...

that marshal, he
might get ideas.

You're right.

We'll go in separately.

We'll bump into each other
here and there, like strangers.

Are we putting up
at the Dodge House?


I'll see you at Dodge.

Here they come.

Well, Mr. Squires.

Howdy, Marshal.

Little Bit.

This is Doc Adams, here.

- How do you do?
- Howdy, Doc.

Well, we got your wire.

Yeah, I say, word must've
got around, quite a crowd.


Now, folks, there isn't
anything gonna happen here.

Why don't you go on back
to what you were doing, huh?

Is the body in there?

Yeah, we throwed
some canvas over it.

Well, Mr. Squires,
there's nothing for me

to do for that fella,

except to certify that he
got shot and he's dead.

You'll be certifying
the truth, Doc.

Chester, say, we gotta
get rid of that body in there.

Now would you fellas
mind giving Chester a hand?

All right, Mr. Dillon.

- This your boy?
- My grandson.

Is that so? How are you?

How do you do?

Well, that fella in there
sure was a stranger to me.

Now, what exactly
happened out there, anyway?

Well, he and another fella

tried to jump us
during the night.

I-I think I winged
the other fella.

Anyways, he fell out the door.

It was our stock he was after.

Well, those are pretty
valuable animals you got there.

They're worth a lot
of money out here.

They're worth more in Texas.

Well, how do you
plan to get 'em to Texas

through all them Indians?
They sure like beef, you know.

Oh, we'll get 'em there.

Won't we, Little Bit?

You bet.

And I'm gonna be a lot
more help from now on.

Well, I'll just bet you will be.

I gotta be running
along. I'll see you.

- Thank you.
- All right, Doc.

- Good-bye, Doc.
- Good-bye.

Well, there's one body
nobody's going to claim.

Not if they're
smart, they won't.

When do you plan
to leave, Mr. Squires?

Oh, reckon tomorrow morning.

Well, why don't you stay
around Dodge a few days?

Maybe you'll find some
riders heading your way.

Well, we are kind of anxious
to get back home, Marshal.

Well, you're sure gonna
be on your own out there.

We're used to being on
our own, ain't we, Little Bit?

That's right, Grandpa.

Well, good luck to you.

Maybe I'll see
you before you go.

Thank you, Marshal.

- Bye, Little Bit.
- Bye, Marshal.

Mr. Squires.

Come on, Little Bit.

Let's get them cattle out.

There they are.

They're gonna lose a
lot of weight in the trip,

ain't they, Grandpa?

Oh, not too much, if
we handle 'em right.

That old man got mighty lucky.

Yeah. He k*lled Kearny.

Claims he shot Wade.
It's hard to believe, ain't it?

He's gonna run out of luck.

Why? What do you aim to do?

I gotta see those cattle.

You go find Polk and tell
him we'll meet in my room

at the Dodge House
in about an hour.


I'll be seeing you.



If you fix it so you get to
my room a little before Polk,

I've got something to tell you.

Something that'll
surprise you considerably.


Afternoon, sir.

Well, howdy.

Fine looking Herefords
you have there.

Uh, we like them.

You don't see that kind
of cattle around here.

No, and you don't see
them in Texas, neither.

Is that where you
come from... Texas?

That's where we come from,

and that's where we're going.

My name's Lou Silva, sir.

Henry Squires.
Sweetwater, Texas.

This is my grandson, Little Bit.

- How do you do, Little Bit?
- Howdy.

Might your bull and
the heifers be for sale?

I have some friends
in the cattle business.

You have, eh? Where at?

Nebraska. North Platte country.

Why, I thought that
was the badlands.

Greatest cattle country
in the world, Mr. Squires.

I've heard claim
made for others.

You didn't say if your
stock was for sale.

No, no, I reckon not.

No, uh... we got need
of them ourselves.

I don't blame you.
They're some fine cattle.

No harm in asking.

No, not a mite.

Thanks for letting me see them.

You're welcome.

By the way, when
are you leaving?

Tomorrow, at sunup.

Good luck on your trip.

Thank you.

Good-bye, Little Bit.


I wouldn't be surprised if we
meet up with that gent again.

You think he's a bad man?

He's a fooler,
that's what he is.

What's that, Grandpa?

That smooth talk
of his fools people.

Yes, sir, Little Bit, we're gonna
have to keep our eyes open

when we hit that trail again.

Who is it?

Charlie Rudd.

Come in.

I got some good news.

Just saw Wade in
town, he made it all right.

Where is he?

I told him to keep out
of sight till I saw you.

Gonna meet him
later at the freight yard.

Fine, we'll need him.

Help yourself to drink.

Oh, thank you.


what'd you find out
from the old man?

Found out what I wanted.

He's leaving at dawn tomorrow.

Sit down.


You said you had
something to tell me.

It's about Polk.

He's been getting
difficult lately.

Especially after we left
Downey to die out there.

Ah, he'll get over it.


But I'm not a man
to let things happen.

I make them happen.

What are you driving at?

I'll make it real simple.

That money we're gonna
take from the safe downstairs,

it's more money than
we've ever seen in our lives.

I'm thinking of splitting
it only two ways, Rudd.

Only two ways?

Half for you and half for me.

You like the idea?

Yeah, I'm with you.

You just go along,
whatever I say.

Let him in.

- Hey, Rudd.
- Hey.

Help yourself to a drink, Polk.

Yeah, I think I will.


The old man and the
boy are moving south

with those cattle
in the morning.

What do we do, wait till they
get a few miles beyond the river

and then take them?

Well, that's just it.

They found a couple of Texas
riders to go back with them.

Now's the time to
forget the whole thing.

No, it's too easy.

It's like finding
money on the street.

We'd be fools
to let this slip by.

All we have to do is
slip over there tonight,

knock the old man and
the boy on the head,

move that stock straight
out across the river.

Then we move them back
up the line a bit and sell them.

That's right.

All it takes is for one person

to see us moving that
bull and them heifers

across that river at night to
bring the law right down on us.

Wait a minute, listen.

Rudd talked to Wade
this afternoon; he's in town.

Well, that's good.

You and Wade will
handle the stock.

Rudd and I will stage the
holdup here at the hotel.

There'll be a sh**ting here.

After we get the
money from the safe,

we'll fire off a
couple of sh*ts.

That'll cover you and the stock.

You get them sold
and come to meet us.

We'll be waiting for you
straight south of here

at the Cimarron River.

That's about 50 miles.

What's on your mind, Polk?

You know, I'd hate to
go all the way up there

and not find anybody
waiting for me.

Are you saying
you don't trust me?

I'm saying the Cimarron
is a long way from here.

I'll put it straight
to you, Polk.

I can't work with a man
who doesn't trust me.

Neither can I let a man who
knows as much as you do quit.

Meaning what?

I'll k*ll you right
here if I have to.

All right, Silva.

We'll do it your way.

That's more like it.

We'll leave here separately.

Rudd, you tell Wade to
meet me at the Boss Billiards.

Otherwise to stay out of sight.

Okay, but then what?

I'll fill him in on our plans.

We three will meet
at the Long Branch

at 10:30 tonight.


Oh, Rudd, before you
get to the Long Branch,

you go to the stable
and saddle our horses.

We'll be leaving fast
when we get started.

Rest easy, Polk.

Everything's going to be fine.

Yeah, sure.

It's, uh, most always
slow around here

this time of the day.

But there'll be somebody
in for you to play with.

I don't want to
play with anybody.


Would you like a
beer or something?

No, thanks.


Kinda out of
practice, ain't you?

I've had other
things to think about.

Rudd told me I'd find you here.

Don't let the old man
see you, or the boy.

I sure got a score to
settle with that old man.

Rudd told me about Kearny.

You'll have your chance.



Got their cattle
down at the corral.

Polk will be there
just before 11:00.

As soon as you see him
coming, you start sh**ting.

Get them both if you can.

Well, I'm thinking, won't
that bring the law out?

The whole town will
be after Rudd and me.

We hear your sh*ts,
we're going to open up

the safe at the Dodge House.

The marshal hears us
sh**ting, he'll be after us.

I guess you know
what you're doing.

I always have, haven't I?

Got to admit that.

You go and stay out of
sight somewhere until tonight.


See you later.


Wade find you?

Late this afternoon.

He'll be waiting for you
down by the corrals, 11:00.

What time is it now?

20 to 11:00.

You got our horses ready?

All set.

Got my horse tied
up the street there.

Say, now, look who's here.

The boy's alone.

It's time to get moving.

You coming?

In a couple of minutes.

Then we'll head straight
for the Dodge House.

Good luck.


Good luck.

All right, now, there's
not much time left.

I told Wade to start sh**ting
soon as he saw Polk coming.

So, he'll start sh**ting
and that brings the law down

on him and Polk, huh?

While we're quietly
robbing the Dodge House.

Oh, that's gonna make
Polk mighty unhappy.

He won't have time to be unhappy
with the marshal on his neck.

You figured things
out real good, Silva.

Let's get going.

Hello, Kitty.

Hello, Matt.

First drink's on the house.

Well, what are you
trying to do, bribe the law?


Just trying to bribe
the man behind the law.

Well, let's see if it works.

Sam, one beer.

You know, it, um...

it'd be a fairer game
if you drank whiskey.

Yeah, believe me,
I would, but, uh...

if I was sure everything would
be peaceful around here tonight.

Better stick to the beer.

Howdy, Marshal.

Hello, Mr. Squires.

Kitty, this is Henry Squires.

Kitty Russell.

Howdy, ma'am.

I've heard a lot about
you, Mr. Squires.

Well, don't you believe it.

I got a good side, too.

What would you like to drink?

Well, my thirst ain't
big, but it's urgent.

I'll get me another beer, eh?

One more beer, Sam.

Yes, sir.

Where's Little Bit?

Oh, he's guarding the cattle.

Says he's a nighthawk.

I understand he's
a mighty fine boy.


There ain't none better, ma'am.

This must be some trip for him.

Thank you, Marshal.

How are things down in Texas?

Kinda wild?

Well, it was real wild
when I was a boy.

Yeah, it was real
open country then.

But nowadays, it's, well, it's
so cluttered up with people,

you can't hardly turn around.

Yeah, and it'll get worse, too.

Well, if it gets worse,

I don't know what a man's
gonna do for air to breathe.

Well, maybe you
ought to try California.

Well, maybe so.

I ain't never been
there, Marshal.

Well, you get through
working that new Hereford bull

and those heifers of yours,

you'll be rich enough to
go anywhere you want to.

Well, at least Little Bit will.

That's what I'm aiming for.

Well, here's wishing
both of you a lot of luck.

Thank you, Marshal.

I don't see nothing to sh**t at
out there, except them cattle.

Well, don't go to
sh**ting, you fool.

Well, I was supposed
to k*ll the old man

soon as I seen
you come riding up.

You're supposed to what?

That's what Silva told me.

Silva told you to start
sh**ting right off?

That's right.

That old man's sure
got it coming, too.

What else did Silva tell you?


Except that you'd know
where we're to meet.

I see.

All right, you're so
anxious, you ride up there

and start sh**ting, go ahead.

But I can't see nothing
out there to sh**t at.

Look, the old man's
at the Long Branch.

You just got to ride up there

and take care of
that little boy, go on.

That-that's fair enough.

After what his grandpa
done to Kearny.

I'll be right behind you.

Try to cross me, huh?

Well, I got a little
surprise for Mr. Silva.

That sounded a
long way off, Matt.

Some good ol' Texas
cowboy telling folks he's here.

I don't know. That sounded
like two g*ns at work out there.

Two g*ns?

Yeah, I think I'll go
down and take a look.

Oh, Mr. Dillon.

What was that sh**ting?

Well, it was off that way,
down towards the railroad corral.

Railroad corral?

You better get Henry
Squires and bring him down.

Mr. Squires,
Mr. Dillon wants you

to travel down to
the railroad track.

Little Bit.

Oh, it's you, Marshal.

You all right?

- I'm all right.
- What happened here?

Well, this man came riding
up and started sh**ting at me.

So I shot back.

He's been hit in the shoulder,
but it looks like an old wound.

Doesn't seem to be
hit anywhere else.

Oh, I don't think I hit him.

His horse spooked
and threw him off.

That his g*n you got?

Yes, sir. Here.

Little Bit!

Hello, Grandpa.

Say, what's going on?

Say, you didn't sh**t this
man, did you, Little Bit?

No, he didn't sh**t him.

Say, that's the fella
that was on the train!

The one that fell out the door.

- You sure?
- Sure, I'm sure.

Well, that's him, all right.
I knowed him right off.

Was anybody else with him?

No, he wasn't alone. There
was another fella over there,

but he rode off after
I started sh**ting.

Well, if there was this
fella and the one you k*lled

and another one, maybe
there's a g*ng of them.

Marshal, I'm thinking,

I'm remembering something
that was said on that train.

Yes, sir, it was this fella.

He said they had
friends in Dodge

on more important business.

Yes, sir, that was it exactly.

More important business?

That's what he said.

And the fella I k*lled
called him a fool

and told him to shut up!

Chester, take my g*n.

Yes, sir.

When he comes to, take
him over and lock him up.

Marshal, I'll go with you.

No, you're better
off here, Mr. Squires.

They tried to k*ll Little Bit,
and I'm going with you, Marshal.

I appreciate you trying to help,

but there's nothing you can
do for me right now anyway.

Except maybe keep your
eyes open around town.

If you see anything
suspicious, let me know.

Marshal, you ain't trying
to get me out of the way?

No, I wouldn't do that.

All right, Marshal.

But just don't call
no tune without me.

I'm a dancing man.


That fella's mighty
durable, ain't he?

Yeah, yeah.

How's it look?

There's a man paying his bill.

When he comes out, we'll go in.

How many men are in there?

Just the clerk.

- We're in luck.
- So far.

Now, when we get the money,
we'll go out the back way

into the stable
right from there.

Mm, I'm sure itchin' to ride.

Here he comes.


- You leaving?
- Yes, I'm leaving.

I'll look up your bill.

You never mind about that.

- Well, but if you're leaving...
- There ain't a-gonna be no bill.

What do you mean?

Well, mister, I been in
that room all day long

trying to get some shut-eye
and couldn't sleep a wink.

Was something wrong?

Bed's too darn soft.

- Too soft?
- Why, yes!

You expect a man that's
been sleeping on the ground

for three months to
sleep on a thing like that?

Well, that's for sick people.

And I ain't a-gonna pay!

Well, now, here!
You come back here!

You can't run out like that!

- I...
- Don't worry, mister,

we'll pay his bill.

You'll pay it?

Me and my friend,
we got lots of money.

Well... all right.

The bill is three
dollars, mister.

Well, where is it?

In the safe.

In... our safe?

That's right,
mister. Open it up.

It's... it's already open.

Get back there, Rudd.

It's here, Silva, lots of it.

Hurry it up.

That money's not yours.

It is now.

Please, mister, they're
gonna blame me for this.

- Is that so?
- I shouldn't have left the safe open.

We'd have opened it anyway.

- I'll get blamed anyway.
- Why don't you shut up!

No, I won't shut up!

That was close.

- Is the money sacked?
- Nearly.

Hold it!

You all right?

Oh, I guess so, Marshal.

- All right, here's your money.
- Thank you, Marshal.



Get your hands up,
mister... I got the drop on you.

You're trapped now,
mister, and I got you covered.

Won't do you no good, mister.

Better come out
with your hands up.

You sound like the old man.


I'm an old man with a g*n.

That's not gonna do
you any good, old man.

That ain't much of
a g*n you're using.

It's not much...

but it kills at close range.

And we're close now, old man.

Hold it!

Marshal, I saw him put
something in the saddlebags

on his horse over there.

Fancy dresser, wasn't he?

Look at that little g*n. Ha!

I'll tell you something,
Mr. Squires,

I think he'd have needed a
whole lot bigger g*n than this

to k*ll you off.


- Morning, Marshal, Chester.
- Hi.

Well, we got our supplies.

We're all ready to go.

We're gonna be eating
light again, ain't we?

Well, you didn't starve
coming up the trail, did you?

Well, darn near.

- Say good-bye, son.
- Good-bye, Marshal.

Good-bye, Little Bit.

Good-bye, Chester.

Little Bit.

And, uh, I just want
to say that, uh...

uh... I don't know
how to say it.

But, uh... thank you, Marshal.

Good luck to you, Mr. Squires.

You, too, Chester.

Mr. Squires.

Let's go to Texas, son.

Well, it's like you
said, Mr. Dillon,

the first time we met 'em...

Them two is just pure hickory.


They got a hard way to go, too.

And, by golly, I
think they'll make it.

Going to Texas!

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