02x07 - Happy Trails

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ally McBeal". Aired: September 8, 1997 – May 20, 2002.*
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Ally is a young attorney who joins a prestigious law firm with a highly sexual environment and whose staff includes Ally's ex.
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02x07 - Happy Trails

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ally McBeal.

Happy Boyle is
sitting first session.

That's the one
Billy knows, right?

He likes hookers
and clean teeth.

Hygiene is important to this
court. Show me your teeth.

[Gasps] Oh! John's frog!

Why is he always
in here? He escapes.

[Billy] No, no, no, no.

- I like a fresh bowl.
- Are we ever going to go out?

- I do think you're cute.
- Well, she frightens me.

She says you're cute. It's not a
huge leap to think a date is possible.

- [Croaks] - [Screams] Oh, God!


He surfaced in the bowl. He's
in a coma, but he's not dead.

He's alive, alive, alive.

Uh, I have problems
with newness.

It doesn't... make
me feel sexual.

- [Screams]
- [Gasps, Screams]

- What?
- [Screaming Continues]



John. Good to see ya. What's up?

Everything okay
with, uh, you and Ling?

John, you're in my stall.

And, uh, Whipper... how is she?

John... I'm going to kiss her.


Nelle. Ah.

Uh-huh. And...

I'm fraught. I mean, you told me how
much import Ling placed on that first kiss,

and I'm concerned
Nelle may do the same.

John, you're in my
stall. Could you...

Wh-What were Ling's
instructions, specifically?

[Sighs] Well... [Clears Throat]

[Belt Buckle Rattles]

Well, the first
thing is the head tilt.

The what? Oh, the head tilt.

Ling says it's bad
to get nose to nose.

Look at us. All this
anxiety over a first kiss.

Ah. In the bathroom,
like a couple of teenagers.

[Chuckles] Gay teenagers.
My pants are down.

Uh, the lips should be,
uh, soft and, uh, poised.

You'll want to lick first. What
do you mean I'll want to lick first?

- You don't want to dry-lip her.
- Well, what about
my secretion problem?

[Richard] Mm-hmm.
Make it a strength.

[John] Huh. Concentrate.

Hear the bells.
♪♪ [Bells Tolling]

Do you hear them? I do.

Yeah? I think I do.

♪♪ [Bells Continue] I know I do.

[Record Needle Scratches]
Ding, ding, dong, kiss.


Well, it was wrong to have
popped in. Mmm. [Clears Throat]

♪ I've been down this road ♪

♪ Walkin' the line
that's painted by pride ♪

♪ And I have made
mistakes in my life ♪

♪ That I just can't hide ♪

♪ Oh, I believe I am ready ♪

♪ For what love has
to bring Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I got myself together ♪

♪ Now I'm ready to sing ♪

♪ I've been searching
my soul tonight ♪

♪ I know there's so
much more to life ♪

♪ Now I know I
can shine a light ♪

♪ To find my way back home ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪♪

[Horn Honks]

Not until I get time sheets.

Time sheets are for
real lawyers, Elaine.

When do you see me
actually work? That's funny.

Richard's getting a new peeve,
and he wants the time sheets.

Okay, okay. I'll do the time
sheets. And when you do...

[Groans] Oh, give it to me.




Bad date, last night.
Get rid of him, quick.

Hello. Hi.

May I help you? Is Allison in?

Allison? McBeal.

I'm a suitor. Ross Fitzsimmons.

Be a love and tell
her Fitzy's here, huh?

Fitzy. Mm-hmm?

How do I say this? What?

Uh, "Ally-son"...
She, um... She died.

It was awful. She... She was...

Is that her leg? What?

Oh. Yes.

Um, the police... they've
asked us not to move her.

They're on their way
over with the chalk.

She was m*rder*d... just.


Nice game. Oh,
Ally. You're alive.

Yeah. Very funny. Very funny.

Oh, I'm just glad to
see that you're okay.

[Ally Gasps]

And I'm not falling
for that lesbian trick.

You think you're the
first woman I've courted

who's pretended to
be either dead or gay?

Get in line.

Does this mean
it was a bad date?

Well, um, um, F-Fitzy, uh...

You just judge people on
looks, don't you? I do not.

What about personality?
Great. Get one.

Um... [Grunts]

I'm sorry.

[Crickets Chirping]

[Chirping Continues]

[Chirping Continues]



He loves them. I'd always
have them for Thanksgiving.

Little cranberry on the side.

[Chirping Stops] Nuts.

- Doesn't like nuts.
- No. You. You're nuts.

You got bugs blasting out of a
stereo. John, give it up. He's gone.

Coma. This Thanksgiving,
he's the vegetable. Bygones.

- Any change?
- No. And could you
both please leave?

This doesn't help. You're callous,
and you as*ault him every move.

I never assaulted him.

- You threw him into a door.
- Well, to get him off me.

- You hit him with a file.
- What?

In the complex. You
swatted him with a file.

I didn't swat him.

I defended... myself.

You swatted him. You
picked up a file and you...

swatted him! [Croaks]


Gone now.

[Woman] Feel free to
gawk. I'm quite used to it.

We don't mean to.
It's just... I'm orange.

How... How did
this... Who knows?

Some doctors say it's
a reaction to the sun.

Others claim I ate
too many carrots.

Some say a genetic

The thing is, this is permanent,

and I lost my job because of it.

People want to stare at me when I
walk down the street. What can I do?

Children want to recoil
a little. What can I do?

But when I perform my job well,

and I still get fired,
just because...

[Elevator Bell Dings]

Ling. Hi. Welcome.

My therapist told me to pay no
mind to those who don't matter.

Yes, well, if you're looking for Nelle,
she's in John Cage's office, not hers.

Also, if there's any
way that I can help...

I know you're hurt, and it's
just that I want to be a part of it.

You help just by
being there, Elaine.

Whatever my pain, I can
take heart in not being you.

That was very good.

Did you know that you're my
favorite vicious person in life?

[Phone Rings]

[John] I see him. He's on
the ledge. He looks conscious.

Ling, hey. Call
the fire department.

They'll rush over, send the
chopper. Can he climb back up?

No. He's afraid of heights.
How can he be afraid of heights?

He's a tree frog. He's got those
sticky little hands that... Never mind.

- [Croaks]
- Get me a small box
and some string.

I better not get a wart.

How do you say yes to a date?

I don't know. One second I'm kissing
Elaine, and the next thing I know, I'm...

Where you gonna go? Hopefully a
movie. Someplace dark with no talking.

And you and Ben are
coming too. Oh, no.

Oh, yes. You're the reason I met
him. And... And the least you can do is...

- [Knocks]
- Ally.

See that? He can't
even startle you.

- Renee.
- I, um, brought you
the itinerary.

The i-i-itinerary?

For our date. Hello.

You gotta be... Ooh.
Karaoke. [Chuckles]

I'm very good.

[Horn Honks]

If you hop in the box,
Stefan, we can pull

you to safety. You
have to trust me, Stefan.

- Trust.
- How can he trust
the world, John?

He's been flushed, filed,
smacked. He's an abused frog.

Maybe he's depressed. He looks
like a jumper. Is he depressed?

I realize it would be easy to locate
humor in the situation. [Horn Blares]

I would appreciate you not
doing so. Bite my head off.

L-Look, look.

Wait. He-He-He... Wait, wait.

Look. He's moving.

Oh. Oh. [Croaks]


- Oh, my. - [Gasps] Oh! Got him.

- [Grunts] Give me some room.
- Easy. Easy.

He's annoying me. John.


Can we talk now?

You're alive. You're awake.

- You're back.
- You're mental.

[Elevator Bell Dings]

[Chattering] [Woman] Yes,
I have the right documents.

Excellent. Whipper.

Hi, Elaine. [Sighs] How are you?

I heard about the
incident. It sounded awful.

If you ever need to talk... Yes,
Elaine. That's exactly why I'm here...

To extract a little
comfort from you.

The naked woman is here.

- She's disguised in clothes.
- Oh, you know,
we never officially met.

What's going on?

This is the naked, nude
thing I was telling you about.

I saw her buttocks. They
upset me. Look at her hair.

[Richard] Whipper.

Well, what brings you... Hi. Hi.

You look great. Why...
You... What's, uh...

Richard, I came to
apologize for what happened.

Wait. Wait. Not everybody's
here. Can I get Ally?

[Together] Elaine!

[Sighs] It was just very
wrong of me to have...

Here's your key.

I shouldn't have done
it. I'm sorry, Richard.

I didn't hear an apology to me.

I-I'm sure there are
some places in the South...

where customers refuse
to see a black travel agent.

Does that make
it okay to fire him?

I object to this case being likened to the
discrimination against African-Americans.

- I'm not doing that.
- You just did it. I heard it.

The point I am making...
The law doesn't say...

you can't discriminate against
blacks or yellows or reds.

It says "color." She was
fired for being orange.

Are there more?

- Excuse me?
- Orange people.

I don't think that's relevant.

I always thought that one day
people from another planet...

would land on Earth...

and ask me to bestow
them their civil rights.

But I figure them to be green.

[Billy] Your Honor...

[Judge Boyle] People
sometimes think I'm an alien.

Behind my back
they call me Yoda.

I try to rise above it.

[Billy] Your Honor, Miss
Poole is not an alien.

She is an American,
asking you to say...

that it is not okay for her to be
fired because of her skin color.

- Will you step up here,
young woman?
- [Sighs]

Let me see your teeth.

[Phone Rings] [Ally]
How did it happen?

How... You were there. How did it
happen that I agreed to date him?

Well, why did you date him the
first time? Renee's friend fixed me up.

I... I would call right
now and call it off,

but that would just fuel
his passive-aggressiveness.

I... Oh! I'm just... I'm just
gonna go through with it.

I'm gonna tell him that he
had his chance and that's that.

Ally, it's nice to be nice.
I believe in being nice.

But sometimes you've gotta
dump them. Give this guy the bin.

Thank you, Elaine.
You're such the sage.

There are some things I know.

You pretended to be
dead. I think he liked it.

You gotta give him
the straight, hard dump.

It's the only thing these
bastards understand.

So many conflicting thoughts
have been spinning through my head.

On the one hand,
it is his business,

and on the other, firing
somebody for skin color...

Added to which, I personally
think you're a very pretty color.

There have been many times, uh, I
wished my own wife glowed in the dark.

[Audience Chuckles] It would be
easier for me to see what I was doing.

But this case is not about
skin color, and I'm impotent.

I mean, the law is
impotent to protect you.

[Wheezes Softly]
[Billy] Your Honor.

Judge Boyle?

- Call the paramedics.
- [Man] I'll do it.

Your Honor? Judge Boyle? Happy?

Call the paramedics, damn it!

[Man] We're on it.
He's got no pulse.

What do you mean he's got
no pulse? I think he's dead.

He can't be. He is.
He's dead. Who won?


Dead dead?

Oh, my God.

Which way did he rule?

Hmm. Happy Boyle. Bygone.


Well, what did he die
of? They don't know.

Said he was impotent,
boom. Soy sauce?

I liked Happy Boyle.

I... I'd like to take a moment.


Cook bad?

Uh, everything's fine.
Somebody's dead.

Uh, Ling, could... could
they perhaps feed Stefan?

Uh, maybe just a little
lettuce or something? He's...

He's giving me a
look of... of famish.

[Speaking Chinese]


[John] But bring him right back.

He... He suffers a
little separation anxiety.

Uh-huh. [Chinese]

Yeah. Okay.

♪♪ [Pop]

♪ And they called it ♪

♪ Puppy love ♪

♪ Oh, I guess
they'll never know ♪

[Squeals] [Laughing]

♪ How a young heart ♪
[Woman] Oh, he's so cute!

♪ Really feels ♪

♪ And why I love her so ♪

[Pager Beeping]

♪ And they called
it puppy love ♪

- What?
- What?

♪ Just because we're ♪
Judge Boyle died.

♪ Seventeen ♪
He did?

♪ Please tell them ♪
Th-That's a tragedy, right?

We should leave. Right.

Yes. [Woman] It isn't fair.

♪ This is not a puppy love ♪

[Woman] Whoo!

Did he grab his chest or
anything? [Chatter On Police Radio]

No. He... He... He was
giving his ruling. He...

Then he looked like
he was falling asleep.

He just closed his eyes,
and his head dropped.

Billy? He... just went.

He was there. Then he was gone.

Can I see him? We were friends.

Now, why did you go
and do this, Happy?

You shouldn't have done this.

You okay?


The thing about him... He
never struck me as happy.

He was happy.
He just didn't look it.

People thought he was a grump, so he
nicknamed himself "Happy" to compensate.

Smart little guy.


Ling, could you ask him to, uh,

bring Stefan back?

He has some... Some
separation problems.





Wh-Wh-What... What...
Wh-What's going on?

He's going to be
taking a big moment.

That's all I can say. [Chinese]


What's-What's going on?

The bad news is Stefan is back.

The good news is he's delicious.

Tastes like chicken.

[Chopsticks Clatter]

[Ling And Waiter
Arguing In Chinese]

[Arguing Continues]

[Chinese Continues]

I-I didn't even
know him, really.

So... So, why do I
miss him so much?

Because there was
something there.

Every other judge
sits there so...

I don't know. So cold.

Happy Boyle.

There was something
human there. Mmm.

[Chuckles] I... I... I
remember my first time.

- Let me see your teeth.
- I beg your pardon?

Hygiene is important to this
court. Show me your teeth.

I remember my first time too.

It was my second
trial. I was so nervous.

I overdid it.

I-I can't believe he's gone.

Hmm. I never knew you
cared so much about him.

Neither did I.

[Phone Rings] [Chattering]

♪♪ [Up-tempo Pop]

- Fitzy.
- [Record Needle Scratches]

Um, did I miss something?

Uh, I'm sorry, but somebody
I knew died, and I...

Oh. So you ran out
to get some chalk.

Look. I... I was
gonna call, but...

Okay, Fitzy. Time for
us to have a little chat.

I'm a person who
throws herself at men,

figuring once in a while,
something's gotta stick.

I play the game.
I know the game.

I enjoy the game,

especially when I compete just a little
out of my league, like you're doing here.

But I also have the sense on
those occasions I do go splat...

not to get up and
hurl myself again.

There's a difference between
losing and being a loser,

who on some unconscious
level seeks out defeat.

That's what you're doing
with Ally, and it's time to stop...

and take a very
big bite out of reality.

Look at Ally. Is
she not beautiful?

Is she not smart? Is
she not sophisticated?

Is she not all
those things, Fitzy?

I want you to walk out
of this office, go home...

and write yourself a letter, starting,
"Dear Fitzy, what were you thinking?"

Now go.

♪♪ [Up-tempo Pop]

♪♪ [Recording Slows, Warbles]

[Elevator Bell Dings]

♪♪ [Ends]

Now that's the way to
dump somebody, Ally.

Wrong chambers again, Happy.

Oh, damn.

I don't know why I keep
walking in a door too soon.

One of these days I'm apt to
come in and catch you naked.

Yeah. And you'd just
ask to see my teeth.

Good catching up
with you, Happy.




I am sorry. Forget about it.

I just wish I had walked in.
Ling said you looked incredible.

You know, he used to come in
here, by mistake, three times a week.

He'd pick the wrong door.

And then we'd talk for
an hour, sometimes two.

He'd talk all about his cases...

and all about all the characters
that would appear before him that day.

Oh, I'm gonna miss him.

Me too.

If I was ever gonna have a
h*m* experience... [Chuckles]

Look at that wattle. [Chuckles]

Richard. Um...

Your clergy friend, Mark...
Could I borrow his chapel?

Happy's memorial has
kind of been left to me.

I'll... I'll ask him. I'm sure
that'd be okay. Thanks.

Is everything,

I mean, otherwise okay?


People come, people go, huh?

Seems so.

♪♪ [Pop]

[Vonda] ♪ Gimme,
gimme that ding ♪

♪ Gimme that, gimme that
Gimme, gimme, gimme that ♪

♪ Gimme that ding Gimme
that Gimme, gimme that ♪

♪ Gimme that ding Gimme
that Gimme, gimme that ♪

♪ Gimme, gimme gimme that ding ♪

♪ Oh, gimme that, gimme that
gimme, gimme gimme that ♪

♪ Gimme that ding Gimme
that Gimme, gimme that ♪

♪ Gimme that ding Gimme
that Gimme, gimme that ♪

♪ Gimme, gimme
gimme that ding ♪♪

Hey. Just came
in to disparage you.


Any reason you're hopping about?

It's an advanced form
of my smile therapy.

I'm using physical optimism
to induce emotional well-being.

Ah. Sit.

I'd rather not. Sit.

His number was up, John.

The toilet, the
door, the window.

The chopsticks.

They called his number.

We don't know why God does
some of the things he does.

His ways are mysterious.

All we know for sure...

He seems to hate
frogs as much as I do.

Could I be alone?

[Chuckles] Sure.

For what it's worth,

I didn't find him
delicious at all.

I thought he was a little tough.




Mm-hmm. [Chuckles]


[Snickers] First the
toilet. [Imitates Whoosh]

Mm-hmm. And then...

Then he fights his way back
up into the bowl, only to find...

- Well, I mean, you know.
- Uh, unfresh.

Mm-hmm. [Laughs]

And then Nelle and Georgia
play a game of catch with him,

until, well, the door,
and the wha... then splat,

and then there with
the little legs twitching.

[Wheezing Laugh] And
then the chest compressions.

Richard with his two little... Oh!
Oh! Then the respirator. [Blowing]

[Laughing] [Wheezing Laugh]

Then we think he's
never gonna come back.

The doctor said if it doesn't happen in
24 hours... He's in a coma for a week!

But no, he doesn't give up.

He battles on. He battles his
way back to consciousness,

and then I launch
him out a window.

And-And... And Ling
gets him with a box.

[Laughs] Then we go out
to celebrate, and we eat him!

[Both Laughing]

And... And he's dead now, boy.

Oh, he's so dead! [Laughing]

And now we're
laughing. Chop suey frog.

No, you're laughing.

My best little friend is
dead, and you're laughing.

He's lucky he's gone. You know
that? 'Cause people are sick.

They just laugh at tragedy. Stefan
was too good for this world, boy.

Yeah, he's lucky to be gone.

The world is just made
up of weird people.

- You're just figuring that out?
- Well, why don't they tell us?

I mean, as kids, why don't
they, like, tell us in kindergarten:

People are odd.

Then at least we wouldn't feel so bad
about growing up being strange ourselves,

and maybe we would be more tolerant
and open-minded about the strange.

Where's this going? Well...

[Exhales] Y-Y-Y...

You think that I was
too quick to judge Fitzy?

Excuse me? Well, think about it.

He can't be any stranger
than John Cage...

or... or Richard Fish, or Happy
Boyle with the tooth fetish.

- He was really beloved, Renee.
- By who?

By everybody who knew
him. I mean, even me.

I... I... Well,
it... it hurts...

that he's gone.

Don't ask me why. I... But
don't... Won't you miss him?


What's this got
to do with Fitzy?

I'm just saying...

[Sighs] I don't know
what I'm saying.

I'm saying that we're
brainwashed into believing...

that the best people are normal
and attractive, and maybe they're not.

Th-The John Cages and...
and the Happy Boyles...

Maybe they're the real nuggets.

And maybe we're missing out, skipping
over all the Fitzies. I mean, look at us.

Clearly we're missing
out on something.


Members of the jury,
our... our witness...

has a small piece of
spinach caught in an incisor.

Now, when oral decay starts to build
up between the tooth and the gum,

bacteria starts
to build colonies.

Even the most nutritious
vegetable can turn into Vietnam.

What you thinking about?

Uh, Happy.

You know, he used to invite
me to lunch now and then.

I always wanted to go,

and I always ended
up postponing.

Think you rescheduled
him to death?

That isn't very funny, Georgia.


He was a wacky, little
judge who amused us.

What's this about?

It's about he's dead.

He's gone.

Like your dad's gone? What?

Happy Boyle was just
somebody I knew, Georgia.

He was hardly a father figure.


But you and your dad...

You were always planning to get together
tomorrow, next week, next month, and...

suddenly he died.

It isn't about that. I'm just
talking about Happy Boyle.

And... And he was
a good guy, and...

This isn't about my father.


Why do you have
to go to the funeral?

Least we can do is honor the
dead, since we don't the living.

It's because that naked, big-haired
woman is doing the eulogy.

Ling... Don't "Ling" me.

Happy Boyle. We loved
him. We want to say good-bye.


Richard, Ling.

Do these make my
B-U-T-T look bigger?

Big date with Nelle tonight.
I think they're, uh, fine.

They're fine, right?

I have news on Fitzy.
Oh, God. Now what?

[Both Scream]


He's in your office.
Thank you, Elaine.

I-I just came by
to say sorry. Oh.

Um... Could we talk?

Do you have a second?
It won't take long.

Uh, sure. Sure.

Uh, could you excuse us for
a minute, Elaine? Certainly.

Okay. One second.

♪♪ [Romantic Instrumental]

[Record Needle
Scratches] [Gasps]

Listen to me. You
hurt my rotator cuff.

These moles don't give up.
Show him the bin. Elaine...

Don't "Elaine" me. I know
these guys. The bin, Ally.

Uh, Fitz...

Uh, I never meant to make
you feel uncomfortable.

We... Well,

my favorite story in life
is Beauty and the Beast,

and something told me that you might
share that same sense of romance.

I'm just sorry we
never got that dance.

You're trying again.

Excuse me? Elaine's right.

You're taking one last
shot w-w-with Disney.

The thing is...

I just get this sense
that, underneath it all,

you're a woman who
prioritizes, you know,


And despite my
apparent shortcomings,

I think things would
net out for you.

[Sighs] Fitz.


You may be a really great guy.

And it may be true that I
should take the time to discover...

whether or not you
are a really great guy.

- Uh-huh?
- [Beeping]

But I'm not gonna
take that time.

I never want to see you again.







It's too bad.

Something told me you
might be the one. [Chuckles]

Not everybody gets the one.


Come on. We're late.
It's already started.

In a second. I'm not perfect.

Ling, it's a funeral.
There's only one show.

And why are we even going?
We didn't know the corpse.

I have a line. We're going out of
respect to our friends, who did know him.

[Exhales Sharply] Oh, please.

The problem with your friends... they care
about the little people. It's demeaning.

[Whipper] He'd say,
"With a face like a clown,

"it's either the circus
or our legal system,

and there's way too much
tooth decay under the big top."

So sweet.

He used to wander into my
office, every now and then...

He'd claim by mistake,
but it was never by mistake.

[Chuckles] No.

One thing about Happy Boyle...

He had a certain radar...

for people who could
maybe... use some company.

I once asked him, "Happy, what
would you like your legacy to be?"

And he said...

that by the time he died, that he
just hoped it mattered that he lived.


And judging from
this room today...


I don't know why I'm crying.

I mean, I knew him,

but I didn't know him,
you know, that well.


[Whipper] Excuse me. Thank you.

I didn't know him
that well either.

And I think...

many of us here were caught
off guard by the void he's left.

In the little that I did know,

I'm left with the feeling...

this was a person we should
have taken the time to know better.

And that makes the
hurt somehow worse...

The sense that he's
gone before we could...

He made us smile, didn't he?

There are three
things we could do...

to make Happy... happy.


go home today and give a call to
somebody you should have called yesterday.

Tell 'em how you feel about 'em.

Second, go to lunch with somebody you'd
like to know a little more than you do.

And third,

the man lying there...
Show him your teeth.

[Woman] Yes! [All Chuckling]

♪ Think about the sun, Happy ♪

♪ Think about her
golden glance ♪

♪ How she lights the world up ♪

♪ Well, now it's your chance ♪

♪ With the guardian
of splendor ♪

♪ Inviting you to dance ♪

♪ Happy ♪

♪ Think about the sun ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Think about your life, Happy ♪

♪ Think about the
dreams you planned ♪

♪ Think about the moment ♪

♪ That's so close at hand ♪

♪ With the power and the glory ♪

♪ Yeah, it's there
at your command ♪

♪ Happy ♪

♪ Oh, oh Think about your life ♪

♪ Yeah Well, well,
well, well, well ♪

♪ Think about the sun, Happy ♪

♪ Think about her
golden glance ♪

♪ How she lights
the whole world up ♪

♪ And now it's your chance ♪

♪ With the guardian
of splendor ♪

♪ Inviting you to dance ♪

♪ Happy ♪

♪ Think about the sun ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Think about your life, Happy ♪

♪ Think about the
dreams you planned ♪

♪ Think about the moment ♪

♪ That's so close at hand ♪

♪ With the power and the glory ♪

♪ It's there at your command ♪

♪ The power and the glory ♪

♪ Are there at your command ♪

♪ The power and the glory ♪

♪ Are there at your command ♪

♪ Happy ♪

♪ Think about your ♪

♪ Life ♪♪

[Cheering, Shouting]

It was the best
funeral I ever attended.

Really? Why? I'm not sure.

Maybe what he was. It was
something that needed a celebration.

I-Is this a segue into Stefan?

As sympathetic as you've been, you didn't
really get it with me and Stefan, did you?

No. I-I got it that he was important to
you. The reason I... don't need to get.

Why can't people understand
me being drawn to a frog?

Well, people just don't understand
attraction sometimes, do they?

Do you want to come in?

Not... Not tonight.
Another time, perhaps.

♪♪ [Hums]

Poughkeep... Lake George.

If you're not coming in,

we should probably
say good night here.

[Nose Whistles]

I just want to
thank... Through...

You... You have... You
have been a pillar of support...

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna
wait for you to kiss me anymore.

Call me a tramp.

Think we can do
that again sometime?


Night. Night.

♪♪ [R & B]

[Barry White] ♪ Ah ♪

♪ My first ♪

♪ My last my everything ♪

♪ And the answer to ♪

♪ All my dreams ♪♪

[Vonda] ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You're my sun, my moon ♪

♪ You're my guiding star ♪

♪ My kind of wonderful ♪
[Ikettes] ♪ Kind of wonderful ♪

♪ That's what you are ♪

♪ I know there's only ♪

♪ Only one like you ♪
[Ikettes] ♪ Only one ♪

[Vonda] ♪ There's no way
they could have made two ♪

[Ikettes] ♪ There's
no way No way ♪

[Vonda] ♪ You're
all I'm living for ♪

♪ Your love I'll
keep forevermore ♪

[Ikettes] ♪ You're the
first ♪ ♪ You're the first ♪

[Ikettes] ♪ The last
♪ ♪ You're the last ♪

♪ My everything ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪♪

[Woman] You stinker!
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