06x05 - What is the Deadly Devil Might Beam!? / The Devilmite Beam

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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06x05 - What is the Deadly Devil Might Beam!? / The Devilmite Beam

Post by bunniefuu »

Now then, allow me to introduce you to the rd fighter...



Do you give up?

Or would you rather be dropped into the poisonous swamp?!

Goku and friends must defeat powerful opponents

in order to have Fortuneteller Baba, the Turtle Hermit's sister,

locate the seventh Dragon Ball for them.

Yamucha has been overcome by Mummy-kun

and now only Goku remains.

Will Goku be able to b*at the powerful Mummy-kun?

Muten Roshi-sama!

As strong as he is, does Goku have any chance of winning?

I doubt he will able to win...

But his strength has definitely increased since his last training...

We'll see.

Let the match begin!

"What is the Deadly Devil Might Beam?!"

Damn it! But he's just a little runt...!

How can this be?!

He's not in a stance, yet he doesn't have any openings!

What's the matter?! att*ck me already!

What's going on?

That mummy's just standing there, staring at Son-kun!

He's looking for an opening (suki).

Eh?! That mummy likes (suki) Son-kun?!

No, not that kind of suki!

We mean the kind where you leave yourself vulnerable or not.

Oh, right...

But even though it looks like Goku's leaving himself wide open,

he doesn't have any openings at all!

I can only assume he learned this technique during his training...

But this mummy that defeated you is quite fast!

I'm not sure Goku will be able to keep up...

Plus, mummies are immortal!

After all, they're people who d*ed long ago and were brought back to life...

People who d*ed long ago and were brought back to life...?

Yes. When people d*ed long ago, they were mummified

so that they could be later revived.

Does that mean a person who's already d*ed is inside those bandages?!

Thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago...

Then that means he won't give up easily, doesn't it?

That's right.

What's wrong? Is it that scary for you?

Yeah! Goku-san's about to fight that horrible mummy

just to bring my father back to life!

So l...

Father... Please let Goku-san win...!

What are you doing? Begin!

Yeah! Let's get started already!

If you're not gonna come after me, then I'll go after you!

You'll pay for mocking me!

Even if you don't have any openings, you're still just a kid!

There's nothing to be afraid about!

I'll take care of you in one sh*t!

Here goes!

Goku! Watch out! His speed isn't normal!

You little brat...!

Oh no! He took a direct hit!



G- Goku...!

It appears he's not as strong as I thought...

It's all over. That wasn't hard at all...

Hey, boy! Say something if you haven't passed out!

You lose if you've fainted, of course! Well?

Say, Mister Mummy! Is it really over now?


He got up!

It looks like he hasn't taken any damage at all,

despite being hit by that att*ck!

It would seem Goku has undergone some rather intense training...

Bastard! Do you really wanna die that badly?!

That same att*ck won't work on me, Mister!


Damn it! In that case...!

What do you suppose he's about to do?

What's that?!


Don't tell me that those bandages are actually...

Oh no! Goku! Don't touch those bandages!

Why you...!

I can't break 'em!

Fool! My bandages won't tear that easily!

Take this!


Oh no!

Now you can't move! What do you say?

It's in your best interest to give up now, while you still can!

Otherwise I'll tighten the bandages and crush all your bones into pieces!

Would you prefer that?

I'd never give up because of something like this!

Then you leave me no choice!

Well? Do you still refuse to give up?

What...? Because of this...?

Why you...!

Struggle all you want!

The more you struggle, the tighter the bandages get!

What do you say, boy? I suggest you concede defeat!

Stay out of this!

Can't he do anything about those bandages?

I've heard that mummy bandages are made from a steel-like cloth

meant to last for thousands of years.

It would be nearly impossible for him to break free...

Goku's done well, but it may be best to call it quits soon...

So you're saying Goku should concede defeat?

If this keeps up, all of his bones will break and he might never recover.

Oh no...!

Goku! Give up!

Muten Roshi-sama says that you should too!


I promised Oopa that I would collect the Dragon Balls

and bring his dad back to life...!

Goku-san! Please give up! Don't worry about my father!


Your own health is more important, Goku-san!

So please give up!

I'll... never...

You heard them. What will it be?

Do you give up?

...Goku! Give up! ...You've done enough!

Just give up, boy!

Just a little more and your bones will break!

Goku-san! Hurry and give up!


Are you finally giving up?

I... I'd die before giving up!


I see! In that case, I'll crush your bones into little pieces!

W-what's he doing?!

Goku-san! You'll die if you fall from there!

Goku! Stop!

Don't tell me he's trying to...




That was a close one, but I won't let it happen again!

Now it's my turn!

Are you ready?!

Why, you little...!

Hey, can you say anything? Hey!

He's not saying anything...

That means I win, right, old lady?

Y-yes, it would seem so.

I did it!

He'll get in the way of the next fight, so I'll carry him out of here!

...What a relief... ...Yeah...

I can't believe it took only one punch...

Yeah, as if jumping into the poison swamp

to burn off the bandages wasn't surprising enough...

Right, Muten Roshi-sama?

To think that he would bring down a supposedly immortal mummy

with just one hit...

I can't believe that he's developed this much!

He's become an incredibly powerful person...!

Son-kun's that strong...?

l, too, am surprised.

But he did wipe out the entire Red Ribbon Army all by himself...

Goku-san sure is amazing!

Yeah! It's always hard to tell because he never looks fazed at all...

Well, he has made his way through all kinds of dangerous situations...

I just need to b*at more people, right, old lady?!

Don't get too caught up in the moment! Laugh it up while you still can!

I had him pegged as a stupid little boy, but he's actually pretty strong.

What? What's so funny?!

Oh, nothing...

He's the first one to make it this far, but there's no way he can b*at me!

Don't think too lightly of him.

Do so and you will come crashing down much like Mummy-kun did.

I ain't no foolish weakling like he is!

Okay! Here is the th fighter!

Come out, Devil Man!

What?! She's bringing Devil Man out already?!

Is Devil Man that strong?

He used to be the th fighter!

So he's a real master then, right?!

Yes. But if he's the th fighter,

then does that mean an even stronger person is waiting after him?

Well, looks like I'm up.

You just sit there and relax. I doubt you'll get a chance to fight.

Everyone here is weird...

Let's get this thing started.

Very well! Begin!

What?! That's not fair, he can fly!


Boy! How about I take you back to where I come from!

Where would that be?!

Hell! Die!


He's fast!


You don't seem very strong either!

Why, you! How dare you speak so impertinently to a devil!

Devil Man! What are you doing?!

Take care of him at once!

Yes, ma'am!

I would never be done in that easily!

Of course not; I was just playing with you!


This guy's no problem at all!

No, he most certainly is.

He's even won the Tenkaichi Tournament twice, you know.

He won the Tenkaichi Tournament? Twice?!

I had no idea...

But if he can toy with such a strong opponent,

doesn't that mean Son-kun's a lot stronger?!

Yeah! He's practically already won!

That's right! We can watch this without any worries!

No, you mustn't underestimate him.

Devil Man has a horrible and deadly technique.

Deadly technique?!

Indeed. Everyone who is hit by it dies.

Devil Man! For a person of your strength, this is most disappointing!

What do you mean? The fight has just begun!

Now I'll show you my true power!

Even the most pure-hearted of people have a tiny bit of evil in their hearts!

For example, being jealous of someone else for something they have

and pulling pranks on them, or talking bad about someone,

or looking up girls' skirts...

No matter how small those evil thoughts may be,

if you keep expanding them, they will eventually result in an expl*si*n!

Are you scared? You're about to be blown into smithereens!

Y-you can't be serious...

Oh no!

What's wrong?

It's the Devil Might Beam! He really intends to k*ll Goku!

Wait, Devil Man! There's no need to go that far!

Exactly what kind of technique is the Devil Might Beam,

which is said to k*ll everyone it hits?!
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