05x10 - Commander Red Perishes!! / The End of Commander Red

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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05x10 - Commander Red Perishes!! / The End of Commander Red

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GISSIRI,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARI,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

Goku, who decided to revive Oopa's slain father with Shen Long's power,

finally stormed into the Red Ribbon Army's headquarters of evil

in pursuit of two of the three remaining Dragon Balls!

And now he's drawing ever closer to Commander Red!

Huh? There aren't any stairs...

I refuse to let the Red Ribbon Army be defeated by this kid

who doesn't even know how to use an elevator...!

"Commander Red Perishes!!"


Say yer prayers!

...Got 'im!

...How do you like them apples?!

You almost hit me!

He's a monster!

Run for your lives!

Could they be any more pathetic...?!

And they call themselves soldiers of the Red Ribbon Army?!

His power is terrifying, to say the least.

What cowardly nonsense are you sputtering?!

Your poor training is the reason they're being ridiculed by a single boy!

You're right, sir...

Why didn't you give them stricter training?! All you've done is

assemble a bunch of trash that runs away at the drop of a hat!

Please forgive me.

It's above here...!

Ow...! What a hard ceiling...!

Stupid boy!

This floor is made out of a special alloy!

It won't be so easy to break through this one!

Aren't there any soldiers brave enough to confront him?!

Not even my mention of a large bonus is convincing them...!

Colonel Violet!

That's our Colonel Violet!

Woman as she is, it appears she's on her way to fight the boy alone!

He's a monster!

So the Red Ribbon Army has finally come to an end, too.


That's not the room! He's still a little farther ahead!

That room's the...!

She wouldn't dare...!

Colonel Violet would never do such a thing!

Where are you going, Commander?!

Black! That woman is trying to get into our safe!

But the boy is down there!

We have no choice but to forget about the safe!

Don't say anything above my head!

Y-Yes, sir...!

All of my rewards up until now, plus a nice bonus...

Thanks so much!

How dare she...!

Traitor! Bonus thief!


All the remaining soldiers appear to be deserting!


Deserters get ex*cuted! They'll get the f*ring squad!

Attention, soldiers!

All who desert their posts will be put to death by f*ring squad!

I repeat, all who desert their posts will be put to death by f*ring squad!

Unbelievable! All because of one little brat!

It would seem we were too slow in realizing that this Son Goku boy,

is far stronger than we could have imagined.

Commander! We should retreat too...!

What are you saying?!

Do you think I can just turn tail and run because of one stupid kid?!

Then you intend to fight him?

You're going to fight him!


I'll be setting up our next strategy!

You protect me and somehow get those Dragon Balls he has!


No buts!

Trust me! Can't you take orders from your own commander?!

V-Very well...

Listen! I'll be upstairs!

Do whatever it takes to defeat that brat!

So you're here.

Are you the boss?!

I am not the commander!

Where's the boss?!

Quiet! You'll be fighting me!

I don't think you should, Mister! You'll get hurt!

You seem to be full of confidence,

but I won't wind up like everyone else so far!

He isn't hitting him at all! That undependable loser!

I thought you'd be strong since you talked big, but that's all you got?!


OK, now it's my turn!

Brat! This is the end!

I did it! I finally put an end to that runt!

Damn you, Commander Red...! You tried to k*ll me too!

Once I pull out the boy's corpse out and take his four Dragon Balls,

there'll be only one left...!

Just one more and my lifelong dream will come true...

Finally... Finally.

...I'll be able to increase my height!


What do you mean by that?!

Black! How did you...?!


The reason we sacrificed scores of men while collecting the Dragon Balls

was so you could become taller?!

That's right! Something wrong with that?!

You mean it wasn't so we could rule over the entire world?!

I could do that given enough time!

But the ruler has to look impressive first and foremost!

I'll never be popular with the girls if I stay short and puny!

You did all this just for that...?!

Quiet! A huge guy like you'd never understand how it feels being so short!

Ever since I was a schoolboy, people have constantly teased me

and called me names like "Little Baby Red"!

I've even been told that I look like a pint-sized middle-aged man!

So what's wrong with collecting the Dragon Balls to make myself taller?!

I'm the commander, so the choice is up to me!

You're insane! You even tried to k*ll me for that lame wish!

Silence! How dare you talk to me that way! I'm the commander!

As my underling, you have no place to complain,

no matter how I treat you!

And besides, I can never depend on you for...

You're unqualified to be commander!

I will become commander and rebuild the Red Ribbon Army!

I, Black-sama, will be this world's ruler!


You're gonna pay for that!

You survived being crushed between the alloy floor and the ceiling?!

I won't hold anything back this time!


What do you want?! Are you surrendering?!

I-I just became commander of the Red Ribbon Army.

You just became porridge?

Not porridge! Commander!

In other words, I'm the head of the Red Ribbon Army now!

Oh, so you're the boss?

That's right. So I have a proposition for you. Look here!

You'll give them to me if I let you go?


What do you say to teaming up with me to collect the Dragon Balls

and making the world ours?

You and me make the world ours...?

Yes! We could control the world however we see fit!

You could have as much money as you wanted,

and you could treat everyone on the planet as your own personal sl*ve!

You could even gather a bunch of beautiful girls and build a harem!

What do you say? Will you join me?

No way!

One of your friends k*lled Oopa's dad, so I'm gonna bring him back to life!

Then how about this?

I'll give you the Dragon Balls! Then you can revive your friend's father!

If you and I teamed up,

we could conquer the world without the Dragon Balls!

I said no!

I don't wanna be friends with a bad guy!

Just give up and go to the police department place!

Oh no! The Dragon Balls!

I'll have to put this boy out of commission first!

Not even you are a match for this Battle Jacket!

Now you must die so I can rebuild the Red Ribbon Army!

Shouldn't be long now!

I just hope he hasn't been done in already...

No way! Son-kun would never be k*lled that easily!

But he's up against the Red Ribbon Army!

Who knows what kinda weapons they got!

Strong as Goku is,

I'm not sure he could win against an opponent with modern weapons...

Don't say things like that!

If Son-kun can't b*at them, then how are we supposed to?!

Well, we have Muten Roshi-sama here, and Yamucha-san too...

We should be able to manage somehow...

The enemy has modern weapons...

Indeed. We must exercise extreme caution...

We don't need no stinkin' caution!

What's this...?!

What's wrong?

Something's heading this way.

I bet it's a Red Ribbon Army fighter plane!


Looks like I got some trouble heading my way!

And I went through all that work to make off with this money!

What do we do?

What do you suggest we do...?

We can't fight with this plane! It doesn't have any weapons!

Everything ya need's all right here!

Just lemme at 'em!

Now, Now! Calm yourself, Lunch-san...!

At any rate, we've already decided to make our way to the enemy base.

We won't be able to help Goku if we're sh*t down in a fight!

That's right! And the enemy might have missiles...

OK then! Let's temporarily drop altitude and try to pass by unnoticed!

Things might get ugly if the guys coming this way are that boy's friends...

I'll have to check out the situation first...

They've lowered altitude too!

Not good! They lowered altitude too!

This isn't good! Maybe we should go back up and hide in the clouds!

OK! Let's do that!

What the...?! They're matching my moves exactly!

They must be friends of that freaky boy after all!

Oh no! Not again!

This is insane!

Who knows what'd happen if I had to fight that kid's friends!

Looks like we escaped somehow...

What a close call that was...!

Anyway, let's hurry!


Ouch! That hurts! Let go! You bastard!

Your resistance is pathetic, boy!

Hold on! I'll put you out of your misery soon enough!

Too bad, kid.

If you had been a bit more compliant you could have lived a little longer!

Time to die!

Things don't look good for Goku!

Will he be able to escape from this predicament?!

And what of the Dragon Balls?!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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