04x04 - Lunch-san in Danger / Roshi Surprise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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04x04 - Lunch-san in Danger / Roshi Surprise

Post by bunniefuu »

"Lunch-san in Danger"

Hey! They're chasing us in mini-subs now!

Can't we go any faster?!

We're already at full throttle!

They have torpedoes, you know!

What's a torpedo?

Oh, give me a break...!

They're those bombs they sh*t at us!

Oh, so those are called torpedoes?

You're as dimwitted as ever...

Anyway, hurry and get us away from them!

I'm trying!

Shall we launch the torpedoes?

That wouldn't be a good idea.

What would we do if we fired them and the cave collapsed?!

We would be in danger!

Just keep chasing them!

General Blue's A-Team is currently in pursuit of the boy

and in search of the third Dragon Ball.

B-Team is on its way for the on the island at coordinates ESA- .

I believe they will soon have the Dragon Ball locating device the boy had,

plus the professor who built it.

What have OUR scientists been doing this whole time?!

Despite the fact that someone else has already invented

a smaller and more accurate Dragon Ball locator...!

It is indeed disgraceful...

I've invested so much and yet all they could come up with

was that oversized, inaccurate monstrosity?!

Have them ex*cuted.

As you wish.

I went through the trouble of getting this miniaturizing gizmo

but it hasn't been useful one bit!

Falling into the toilet...

Sucked up by the vacuum cleaner...

But giving up now would tarnish the name of Muten Roshi...!

No good!

Having had this much fun I'll end up failing like all those other times!

Um... Lunch-chan...


You've been working so hard that you must have worked up a sweat...

Yes, now that you mention it...

I have a bath already made, so please, by all means...

Eh? But the food...

The food...?

You can leave it to me. Adding spices is my specialty!


Go on, now!

Hey! Who're you?!

Hold on, you old geezer!


You've been hangin' around me fer a while now...

So who the hell are ya?!

W-who, me? I'm just an old man. Yes.

Not so fast! Where do you think you're goin'?!

Oh, uh, just for a walk...

A walk?! Who cares 'bout that?!

Answer me! Who are you?!

Eh? You mean you don't remember?

I'm from that one time...

What one time...?

Well, you said you would give me some millet dumplings,

and we've been together ever since!

Millet dumplings...? I gave you millet dumplings?!

T-that's right!

I don't seem to remember, but...

So that means you're one of my friends, right, old man?!


I see...

So I'll need you to do something in return for those millet dumplings...


What?! You sayin' you can't even thank people who've given you stuff?!

O-of course not!

Then I guess I'll take a shoulder massage for now...


Even though she's the violent Lunch-san, Pichi-pichi girls have great skin!

OK! All done with the back!

Now for the front...

Time for a good feel...!

Bastard! You wanna die or somethin'?!

I'm sorry! Forgive me!

A person of Muten Roshi-sama's standing, of all people...

Captain! minutes until we reach the island!

While we're only up against an old man and a woman,

we have no idea what kind of secret weapons or machines they might have!

Don't let your guard down!


Hey, ain't you done yet?! Hurry it up!

Y-yes! Coming!

This looks pretty good...!

I could never make anything bad for you, Lunch-san!

You're a pretty good guy...


W-what's the matter?

You try it.



You ain't messin' with me, I hope! This food tastes like crap!

L- Lunch-chan, don't get so angry!

Shut up! I should stick YOU in a pot and cook you!

T-that's crazy talk...!

Maybe I'll have me some boiled turtle!

Huh...? What happened?!

We're saved now, Muten Roshi-sama...

You're rather tactful...

It looks like something is flying this way.

Huh...?! What could it be...?

It doesn't look like they're ready for us...

It might be a trap.

Land us on the water, cautiously...

Yes, sir!

It appears we have a lot of guests, Kame.

OK! Check inside!

Who are you people...?!

So you're the professor who invented the incredible radar...

Professor...?! Me...?!

There's no point in playing dumb. We've already checked up on you!

I'm not playing dumb...

Anyway, for guests you sure are carrying some dangerous things there...

We're the Red Ribbon Army!

The Red Ribbon Army?!

Oh, I've heard of you before...

This woman was the only one inside, Captain!

And there don't appear to be any traps set!

You fellows have a terrible reputation!

I hear you run the whole gamut of evil, that you absolutely despise justice,

and that you're the worst army around!


So? What exactly does the worst army in the world want with me?


It seems you know how to talk big,

but it's in your best interest to not defy us!

I told you, I'm not a professor!

Still playing dumb?!

We're fully aware that this is a secret base you have here!

And that you're the professor who built the accurate radar

used to locate the Dragon Balls!

Everyone knows!

It appears this man has made some sort of mistake...

It certainly does!

Shut up!

We have demands!

First you give us the two Dragon Balls the boy left here!

Then you build us a radar just like the one the boy has!

The Dragon Balls that he left here?

That reminds me, they left a bag here... Is that what was inside it...?

What?! Inside a bag?!

Search the house from top to bottom!

What do you plan to do by gathering the balls? Croquet?

Imbecile! Would we go this far for a stupid game of croquet?!

What's the matter?

--Why you! --Captain! Please calm down!

After all, he isn't defying us! He is an old man ...

Y-you're right...

So what happens if I do defy you?

Then you die, of course!

Then I guess maybe I'll defy you!



Finished sh**ting?

That's enough!

You want the girl to die?

Oh no! This isn't good! Not good at all!

If you don't want her dead then you'll do what I say!

Turtle Hermit-san...!

Alright, alright...

I'll do as you say...

No funny business! I'm watching you!

Damn woman! How can you sneeze at a time like this?!

Well, excuse me!

""Damn woman""?!

You idiot!

Just try sayin' that again!

Moron! Idiot! Jerk! Say something, you dimwit!

That's enough, Lunch-san!

He had it comin'!

Yes, yes, you're absolutely right...

So frightening! Maybe even more so than the Red Ribbon Army!

Come inside...

Hey, you!


These men are an eyesore. Get them out of here!


Meanwhile, Goku and the others were still being pursued

by General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army...

That's it! Ram them into the walls!

Huh...? We're outside!

We're not outside! We're inside a cave with air in it!

They're still coming!

We have to get away from here!

They're here!

Hey! Don't leave me behind!

What is this place...?

They ditched their sub and are running away!

After them at once!

Yes, A-Team here... A-Team...

General, it's from B-Team!


This is General Blue!

C-completely defeated, you say?!

Not so fast! Don't leave the frail girl behind!

Wait! How come we have to run away?

We should just b*at them up!

Don't be crazy, Goku! They have g*ns!

W-what is it?

I'm gonna b*at 'em up!

Good! It's your fault we're in this mess to begin with!

Hey! Wait! Don't follow them in! Come back!

Huh? What's going on? They went back!

Maybe I should go to them and b*at them up?

Don't! It might be a trap!

That's right, Goku!

Besides, it looks like going forward is best anyway!

How did we get into this situation?!

As regrettable as it is, the enemy is far stronger than we imagined.

We don't want to get caught in one of their counterattacks,

so we should go after them with extreme caution.

But we're only up against kids!

What are you talking about?!

Just one of them wiped out both the Silver and White units!

On top of that, an old man and woman in their group

managed to subdue B-Team all by themselves!

We'll be just fine if we remain cautious.

I will personally put an end to all of them...

Will we really get the Dragon Ball if we keep going ahead?

If the Red Ribbon Army doesn't k*ll us first, then yeah...

They're still not chasing us...

It's so dark it's hard to see anything...

Your head's bright. You walk in front.

I find that offensive.

It turned all bright when I pressed this!

Why are there lights...?!

What's goin' on?!

People used to use this cave...

That's the only explanation I can think of...

W-what on earth...?!

There are lights...?

Judging from these circumstances, this cave appears to be a secret base...

I wonder what it all means?

But who in the world would use a place like this...?!

Hey! Bulma!

What was that...?!

You! Go and check it out!

Y-yes, sir...


Did I scare you...?!

What are you playing around for?! Geez!

Goku! Where did you find that?

Right here...


T-that's a...!

I got it! This is what Muten Roshi-sama was talking about!

The place where the pirate treasure is hidden!


That's it! This was a secret pirate base!

Pi... rate...?

Yeah! This is a huge discovery!

It has to be! Nobody would ever find it here!

General Blue! General Blue! Amazing news!

W-what did you say?! This cave is a hiding spot for treasure...?!

Understood. You can come back now...

This is a discovery that rivals even the Dragon Balls...

Commander Red will be very pleased...



Hurray! Hurray!

Is there really treasure hidden inside this cave?

And what of the pirates?

The three celebrate, unaware that dangerous traps lie ahead...

No, make that two people and one other...

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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