02x11 - Kuririn's Desperate Offensive and Defensive Battle / Krillin's Frantic att*ck!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball". Aired February 1986 - April 1989.*
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The adventures of Goku and friends that defend the Earth.
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02x11 - Kuririn's Desperate Offensive and Defensive Battle / Krillin's Frantic att*ck!

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out! The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The love of a pounding chest is GISSIRl,

Multi-colored dreams rain down DOSSARl,

Somewhere in this world, they are glowing.

Let's go on out there and find them, BOY,

All the while pounding on mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky, while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try, such an adventure,

Our strange little journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand! The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down! The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable drama in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more than ever, Adventure!

The Tenkaichi Tournament is in full swing, and Goku,

appearing in the fourth match, overcame his mighty opponent Giran,

and earned the right to appear in the semifinals.

However, in the middle of the fight,

Goku's tail grew out once again from his rear end!

Contestant Son Goku, despite his small frame,

has vanquished Contestant Giran with his tremendous power!

"Kuririn's Desperate Offensive and Defensive Battle"

It was true of Contestant Kuririn from the first match.

What on earth is the source of the strength of these two,

who both wear the same Circle- turtle mark on their uniforms?

And so, now, before the semifinals begin,

we are joined by Contestant Kuririn,

and we would like to have an interview with them.

This is no time to be so casual! Son-kun's tail grew back!

If he transforms at the full moon,

there'll be more commotion than just the tournament!

All we can do is pray that the moon doesn't come out!

So, you have a tail, then?

Mm-hmm. It got pulled off once, but I guess it grew back out, huh?

Both of you, congratulations on reaching the semifinals.

And although being so small, you're absolutely amazing!

Contestant Kuririn, as I recall, was years old.

Contestant Son, how old are you?

What's this? Are you giving it to me?

D- Dummy! That's a mike!

A bike?

A mike! It's a device that makes your voice louder!

Your gag just now was quite well received.

D- Don't embarrass us! All you have to do is answer the question!

The question?

Ah, my age! Let's see... , , , ... Got it! I'm twelve years old!

But I remember you saying you were fourteen, didn't you?

Earlier, the Old-timer was teaching us math, right?

There, twelve comes after eleven.

I'd thought that fourteen came after eleven!

He's twelve? And here I'd always thought he was too little, all things considered!

His hair hadn't even come in! He really is an idiot!

What's this, Goku? You're age was even lower than mine?

But Kuririn, your height is still lower than mine!

Is that right?

The youngest participant in the tournament is Contestant Son, then?

By the way, about that tail of yours... is it a real tail?

Yeah, about that... it's strange that it would suddenly grow out!

Besides, I've never even heard of a human who had a tail!

It's a real tail, I tell you. How about I show you?

You see? Yeah?

S- Stop that! You're being a disgrace!

See? It's real, right?

We know!

You two! You're not doing some routine on purpose here, right?

G- Goku may be strong, but his shameless character hasn't changed at all!

Indeed, indeed!

Incidentally, the two of you are both wearing the same uniform.

Exactly which Dojo did you learn your fighting technique from?

There wasn't any Dojo in particular.

The one who trained us was Muten Roshi-sama.

W- What's this!? Muten Roshi-sama!?

Muten Roshi, he said!

It's no wonder those pipsqueaks are so incredible!

Y- You were trained by Muten Roshi-sama, the one they call the god of martial arts?

Yes. He said he was no longer taking any pupils,

but he made a special exception.

I-Incredible! Absolutely incredible!

To think that these youngsters received their training from Muten Roshi-sama!

That explains why they are so uncommonly strong!

Even so, that such a person should still be alive... !

Um, Jackie Chun-san...

What is it?

You are really Muten Roshi-sama, aren't you?


I've thought for a little while now that it was most peculiar...

Is that what it looks like to you?


I see...

In that case, I've got no choice but to tell you the truth...

I am...

Jackie Chun!

At last, the semifinals!

Contestant Kuririn, what do you think of your opponent, Contestant Jackie?

He is, indeed, a powerful challenger.

Still, if you're a pupil of Muten Roshi-sama,

then he doesn't pose any problem for you, does he?

Y- Yes, I suppose you're right. My opponent is an elderly man, and all.

No! You are definitely Muten Roshi-sama!

Your techniques, your lecherous qualities...

...and even your faces, if you look closely, are exactly the same!

That's a wig, right? On your head?

Contestant Jackie Chun, please come forward!

I have to go.

Strange! It isn't possible that his resemblance is accidental!


Contestant Jackie has arrived!

Now then, with no further ado... let the match beg... !

What's this? You're not going to interview me?

Y- Yes, yes indeed...

Give me that!

Hi!! It's Chun-chan!

One! Two!

One, two, three, four!

That cute kid over there is a girl!

Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey!

She's got boobies, but she hasn't got a winky!

Hey, hey, hey!

I invite you to the village festival!

Hey, hey, come on!

We'll take my tractor, get on!

When you dance to the rhythm of the drum!

It becomes the Bon festival dance!

Thank you, thank you!

We did it!



Match , begin!

You're pretty good, to make me put my hand out.

Now, then...

H- His punch...

I-I didn't see it... at all... !

He's no ordinary fighter, that old guy!

S- So it seems... !

W- What an incredible punch!

What are you saying!?

Watch closely!


You should have seen the punch! You trained, right?

Oh, yeah?

Watch carefully! You'll definitely see it!

I hit the wall that time, so I was spared,

but if I take another one like that...

Oh? You're not conceding?

This time, the punch won't be as untrained as that last one...

Will I really be able to see it?

I see it!!

There, you see? You can see it, can't you!?


You've done well to see through that.

W- What was that j- Just now!?

We were completely unable to see... !

It's been a long time since anyone could keep up with my speed.

O- Of course I can! I am a student of Muten Roshi-sama, after all!

Well then, how about this... ?

That's just what I want!

Aw, geez... !

Contestant Kuririn has gone down!

I will begin the count! ... ... ...

H- He's not getting up!

Maybe he's been knocked out!


Get up, Kuririn! You're going to lose!

Stick with it!


Kuririn, I say!


That's it! Now get up!

...We'll see if he can get up. ... ...

...Get up! ... ...


Oh, my!

He got up!

He's up! He's up! He's up!

Contestant Kuririn has risen to his feet!

...Oh, yow! ...You did it! Great!

He took all of that, and was still able to get back up, huh?

Apparently, he took his training seriously.


Excuse the interruption in the middle of the match,

but just now, in that one instant,

we were unable to see what happened at all.

Would you give an account of it for us?

What? What am I going to do with you?

I'll show it to you in slow motion, so watch carefully!

Yes, if you would be so kind!

First, I went at him like this...

Then, Kuririn came at me...

I see...

And so, I put forth a kick...

Then I avoided the kick, like this.

I then threw a punch at my opponent's face...

But, he tried to spit on my fist,

and because it would have been dirty, I pulled back.

At that opening, I went to punch him with my left hand...

But he sh*t boogers at me, so I pulled back!

At that point, I decided to change my strategy.

I worked out my strategy too.

Up to this point, it took about . seconds.

I decided on a strategy a moment earlier than he did...

All right! Let's do it this way!

We'll do Rock-Paper-Scissors!

What? All right! Fine!

...I said, without thinking, which was my mistake!


Now look this way!

At this point, I was a fool for seriously doing the "Look this way" part.

You idiot! You left yourself open!

Immediately, I jumped...

Hey, there...

Would you hold me up for a moment?

Y- Yes. A jumping scene, right?

So, I jumped like this...

...and kicked him from behind...

Okay, you'll have to carry me throughout this whole part.

This is the scene where I finish up with style.

I-I'm sure it was right around here, right, where you landed?

And here I ended up, looking good!

Say there, help me out here as well!

Having taken a kick to the back of the head, I was knocked flying...

R- Right, right. L- Like this?

Ah, right around here, I made a flip...

A flip?

W- Whoosh... ?

Be careful!

P- Pardon me.

Somehow or other, I regained my balance and landed...

...but as it turned out, the damage was too great, and I fell over.

A- All of this... ?

Y- You did all of this in that one moment... !?

I-I- Incredible!

Quite frankly, this is the first time I've ever seen such stunningly fast techniques!

Please excuse the interruption! Now then, please continue your match!

As far as ability goes, even though he's so old,

he's overwhelmingly more capable than me!

If I fight him head-on, I will clearly lose.

However, I thought ahead, and have prepared something, just in case... !

Oh-ho-ho, Pafu-pafu!!

You fell for it!

N- Now I've done it!

You did it!

I've won!

I let myself get enticed by panties!

I-It can't be!

If that person were Muten Roshi, then he wouldn't lose like this... !

Uh-oh! Contestant Jackie Chun, what a pathetic way to lose!

Still, there is nothing he can do here!

D- Damn! If I fall like this, I'll lose!

It can't be avoided...



ha... me...


I'm back.

W- W- What was that!? What was that!?

I-It seems like we've seen that somewhere before...

That was a Kamehame-Ha just now, right?

You could say.

K- Kamehame-Ha, you say?

T- That couldn't be... !

W- What's this? A Kamehame-Ha!?

I had heard that there's only one person in the world who can do this technique,

and that was Muten Roshi-sama,

but there is someone else here who can, as well!

What are you saying? That person is Muten Roshi himself!

I knew it, he is Muten Roshi-sama!

Goku! What should I do!?

Win! The only thing you can do is win!

That doesn't make for any advice, you know!

Now then, this has gone on long enough,

and we can't let it interfere with the final round...

Shall we end it here?

Dammit... At this point, it's "Nothing ventured, nothing gained! "

You fool. When you become desperate, you're at my whim...

Looks like it was the gate that got smashed!

Y- Yow! You shut up! Shut your mouth!

Kuririn! Behind you! He's swung around behind you!

...Peace! ...He's down! Contestant Kuririn is down!

... ... ...

Counting is useless. He won't be getting up for a bit.

... ...

What speed!


...For him to leave an afterimage, then swing around behind... ... ...


...He's had it. ... ...

! Contestant Kuririn is knocked out!

Contestant Jackie Chun wins and moves on to the final round!

Hey, are you okay?

You still haven't had enough training, huh?

That explains why you're so strong. You are Muten Roshi-sama, after all.

Muten Roshi-sama, you say?

You sure are persistent!

Yamucha, what are you saying? The Old-timer doesn't have any hair!

And if this is a wig... ? Excuse me a moment... !

W- What are you doing!?


That hurts, you know!

I get it! That hair is real, and your usual bald look is a wig!

Is there anyone that would purposely wear a bald wig all the time!?

No! You are definitely Muten Roshi-sama!

Come to mention it, his face and his voice are awfully similar...

That ain't the Old-timer's scent. He smells something like oranges.

That's perfume!

It's a citrus blend of eau-de-Cologne. I am a gentleman, after all.

I'm going to tell you now, I am Jackie Chun, not Muten Roshi!

And now, we will begin the second match!

Contestant Son Goku and Contestant Namu, please come forward!

It's my turn!

Goku! Go on to the final round, and get him back for me!

Mm-hmm! I'll do my best! All right...

As stern an expression as ever!

Jackie Chun, who uses the Kamehame-Ha, has been settled on to appear in the final round!

Can Goku defeat Namu in the next match and avenge Kuririn?

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance, I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart a glittery, shining dream!
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