05x05 - There's No Place Like Home: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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05x05 - There's No Place Like Home: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, dice.
Come on 7.

Come on.

Come on, dice.

Come on. Come on.


I win.

That's a dime.

Double or nothing.

You got 20 cents?

Yeah. Right here.

Roll the dice.

4 is your point.

Come on, 4.
Give me a 4.

7. You lose.

Let's have it.

Double or nothing.

You don't have
enough money.

I'll pay you later
if I lose.

No. You pay now.

Hey, that ain't fair.

Either I get another
chance, or I don't pay.

He's my friend.

Pay him.

Stay out of it.

Why? What are you
going to do?

I'll show you
what I'm going to do.

I dare you
to cross that line.

I'm over it.

Good. Now you're
on my side.

Boy: Get him!

Albert: Let go of me!

Come on, let me go!

Let go!

Hey, leave him be.

You heard me.
Leave him be.

Then make him give
me what he owes me.

What's it all about?

He lost 20 cents to me rolling
dice, and he don't want to pay.

That the truth?


But it's not fair.

He won't give me a
chance to win it back.

Because 20 cents
is all you got.

Albert, I want you
to pay him.

Aw, Mr. Ingalls.

Just pay him.

Let's go. We'll be
late for school.

Charles: You get
yourself to school.

We'll talk
about this later.

All right, boys!

That's it! I'm going
to have a cup of coffee.

yeah, you bet.

Are the lottery numbers
in this shipment?

I don't know.
I ain't got it open yet.

Come on, hurry up!
Open it up!

Can't you wait
till this afternoon?

It will be
in the newspapers.

When you get to my age,
you don't wait for nothing.

I could be gone
by this afternoon.

All right,
all right.

Don't be stumbling around there.
Open it up!

There it is.

Now, listen!

I'm going
to let you look.

Don't you go ripping it.
I got to get it over to the newspaper.

Be careful with it.

Be careful with it!

Take a look at it and give it back, now.
Hold it. Drop it.

Here, take it easy
with that.

Just look at it
and give it back to me.

Man: Here you go.



I won!

You won a prize?

Not a prize.
The prize.

The grand prize!

I won $5,000! Ha ha!



I won! I won!

Look! Look!
I won! I won!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

I won $5,000!

Laura: 25, 35, 40, 45.

55 cents.

that's a start.

Can't buy much fireworks
with 55 cents.

We need a bunch of money.

Well, there's plenty
of ways to raise money.

Now, we'll make some posters
announcing the fireworks display

and ask for donations.

How come the town doesn't
do it like walnut grove?

Oh, I don't know, Andy.
The city fathers just never have.

Well, it's not very
patriotic of them.

It's their country,

It's bad for business
is why.


It's bad for business.

It's a big holiday, and, well,
lots of folks come in town to gamble.

It's them gambling places.

They don't want
the fireworks

because folks have to go
out of town to see them.

Are you sure?


And fireworks is
for the whole family,

and standish and them don't want
a bunch of kids and moms around.

For some reason,
the men won't gamble.

Well, you'd think they'd have
enough respect to close down

on our nation's

Wait till Christmas,

They don't close down
on his birthday, either.


We'll just show them.

We'll raise that money.

Excuse me.

Mr. Oleson!
Oh, hi, kids.

We wanted to ask
you a question.

Sure. Go ahead.

Well, we're trying
to raise money

for a big fireworks show
for the 4th of July,

and we wanted to know
how much one costs,

one like the one we
had in walnut grove.

Oh, yeah. Let's see.
That was a good one.

Uh, that must have cost,
oh, $50, maybe.


All we got so far is 55 cents.

It might cost
even more now.

See, I sold them
at cost,

and, well, you know how high
everything is here in the city.

Told you.

I hate to say it,
but you were right.

I guess we just won't
have a big fireworks show

for the 4th of July.

Well, listen,
I can give you a couple of coins

if that would help.

That's awfully kind
of you, Mr. Oleson,

but we might as well give
up on the whole thing.



Yes, sir.

I don't pay you
to spend the day

talking to
the likes of them.

Yes, sir.

Standish: The bar top needs polishing.
Get to it.

All right.

All right what?

All right,
Mr. Standish.

What are you looking at?

Not much, Mr. Standish.

I've had about enough of your
mouth, little one.

Uh-oh. He's going
to tell your pa.

Oh, my pa won't
take nothing from him.

Come on. Let's go
around back and listen.


Yes, sir.

Is your wife here?

Yes, sir.
Is something wrong?

Just get her.

Caroline, Mr. Standish
wants to see you.

Mr. Standish.

Standish: Now, I put you two to work
although you had no hotel experience.

I figured that perhaps
you might...

Mr. Standish,
we have been trying.

If anything's

Standish: What's wrong
is your little one.

The redhead.
What's her name?

Charles: Laura?


That's her name.

She's been sassing me,
and she bullies my son.

Mr. Standish...

Standish: Now,
let me finish.

If you want to keep
your job here,

you'll set that little one
of yours straight.

If she sasses me again or does
anything to bother my son,

you're fired!
Is that understood?


Yes what?

Yes, Mr. Standish.

Standish: That's better.

You heard?

Laura: Yes.

I want you to stay away from the
boy and be polite to Mr. Standish.

But, pa...

Charles: Just
do what I tell you.

Albert: We'd better go.

go and wake up your sister.

Her naptime's over.

Well, I'd best get
back to the cooking.

You have any
homework tonight?

Yeah, I had a little,
but it's done.

You've been doing
your reading at night?

Mm-hmm. I'm almost through
with uncle Tom's cabin.

You know the lady that wrote
it, what's her name?

Harriet beecher stowe?

Mrs. Garvey told us

that Mrs. Stowe said
that god wrote it.

Well, I don't
believe that.

Inspired, maybe.

Sure did get a lot
of folks thinking

about the wrongs
of sl*very, though.

Stove's done.

Thank you, darling.

I think I'll go up and
read for a little while.


Your pa didn't mean to
be harsh with you today.

Then why was he?

I didn't do
anything wrong.

That Jeb standish is
a brat and a bully

and a lot of other
things I can't even say.

I know.

And pa let his father talk
to him like he was dirt,

like that Simon legree in
the book talking to a sl*ve.

I was ashamed of pa.

Don't you ever say that.

Not ever!

Do you know
how difficult it is

for a man like
your pa to take that?

Then why did he?

For you and for me.

For his family.

Because he has us,
he has to make do.

That's why he was
so harsh with you,

because he was hurt
and angry inside.

If your pa
were on his own,

he'd give that Mr. Standish
a dressing down,

I can
guarantee you that.


If anyone should be
ashamed, it's you,

for judging your pa
so harshly.

I have to go put
the baby to bed.

Are you
coming up, pa?

Yeah. Pretty soon.

Mr. Standish is going to come
by and check the receipts.

Then I'll be up.

I'm sorry I
yelled at you today.

no need to be.

We know you're
in the right,

and that's all
that matters.

It's like what
you always say...

Nothing can hurt us as
long as we're together.

Receipts ready?

Yes, sir.

Laura: Good evening,
Mr. Standish.

I hope you're feeling
well this evening.

Very well,
thank you.

There they are.

Ah, we had
a pretty good day.

Yes, indeed.

You tell your wife to cut down
on the size of the portions.

If folks want more,
let them order it separately.

Yes, sir.

Oh, there you are,

They told me
you'd be here.

I'm very busy, Toby.

Not too busy to talk
business, I presume?

Standish: I told you,
no more credit.

Toby: I don't want
any credit.

I've come here
to pay my bill.

$63, I believe.

Where on earth did you
get all that money?

Out of this pocket.

Of course, I have
other pockets.

Didn't know it, huh?

I won
the big lottery.

$5,000 worth.

Oh! That's great, Toby!


Mr. Standish, I
prefer to be called

by my full
given name,

now that I am
a man of substance.

Oh, certainly...

Uh, uh, uh...

Uh, you do know
my name, don't you?

My last name?

I've been in your
place a thousand times.

Uh, certainly.
It's, uh...

I have
so many customers.

You don't know it,
do you?




No what?

Not no what.
Noe. Just Noe.

Noe. Toby Noe.

That's my name.

Toby Noe.

Of course!
Of course!

Good. Now I know
my name, too.

Well, now that I've
about finished here,

why don't you come over and have
a drink and play some cards, huh?

Some other time.

You see,
I have to be with my friends here.



Well, see you soon...
Mr. Noe.

Ha ha ha!

Mr. Standish.

Ha ha! I had him
going, didn't I?

Oh, you sure did.

If I'd have
done that yesterday,

he'd have thrown me
right out on the street.

Oh, learned a lot
about money today.

All of the sudden,
I'm a smart fella.

People wanting
to ask my advice,

wanting to go
in business with me.

I hope you don't take standish up
on his invitation to play cards.


I'm no smarter than
I was yesterday,

but I'm no dumber,

All right, good enough.

Oh. Oh,
there you are.

You're the one
I want to see.

Rumor has it that you
young'uns want to have

a fireworks show
on the 4th.

Well, we did, but...

But nothing.

I've already been over
to the general store

and placed the order.
It's paid in full.

You're joking.

Toby Noe never jokes,
except about his last name.

We got a wagonload.

It'll be the biggest 4th of
July this side of St. Louis.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Noe!
Everybody thanks you!

Oh, forget it.

And you can
call me Toby.

You see, the shipment
arrives on the 3rd.

Now, what we got to do is find
somebody who can handle the fuses,

you know,
make them work... bang.

I've had some
experience with them.

Good enough.

I got to go tell ma.
Thanks again, Toby.

Toby, laughing:
Glad I could do it.

Good night, Charles.

Good night,
and thanks, Toby.


Your money.

The money.

I used both my brains
that time, didn't I?

I was thinking, this isn't going
to make standish too happy.

I may have a little trouble
getting off that night.

Don't worry about that.
Come the 3rd,

I'll wander in there
and tell him

that I'm going to go and do a
little gambling after the fireworks.

You're not going
to gamble, though.

Me, gamble?

I'll never gamble in that place again.
No, sir.

No, I'll just
tease him a little bit.

All right.

Well, good night, Charles.
Get a little sleep.

I will.
Good night, Toby.

I'll tease him.

Come on, hurry up!
Mine's not done,

and we got a whole
bunch more to do.

I'm hurrying
as fast as I can.

Hey, what are you
nailing up there?

Just a poster.

Go nail your poster up
somewhere else.

What's this all about?

There's going to be
a big fireworks show.

Biggest one this side
of St. Louis.

Mr. Noe bought them
for the whole town.

Hmm, that's mighty big
of Mr. Noe.

Laura's pa's gonna
sh**t them off.

He knows all about
fuses and stuff.

It's real dangerous.

Is that a fact?

Well, go on.

Nail your posters up
somewhere else.

I'll hold on to this.
It was on my property.

That took
a long time to make.

Come on, Albert.
Mr. Standish is right.

It was on his property.
Sorry, Mr. Standish.



Have you seen this?

Yes, sir, I have.

Have you any idea how much money
I take in on a Saturday night?

No, sir, I don't.

Well, it's considerable.
I can tell you.

The 4th of July is on a
Saturday night this year.

Maybe I can't stop
the people in this place

from going down to Holly's
pasture to spend it,

but I can stop any employee
of mine from being part of it.

I'm sure you get
my meaning.

Yes, sir. I do.

You make sure that I find you here
in this lobby on Saturday night,

or you'll be
out of a job!

Danger! Danger!

Danger! expl*sives!
Dangerous expl*sives!

Toby Noe's 4th of July!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, hey!


Toby: Howdy, zip.

Zip: Hey!

Standish: Well!

Toby Noe, it's
a pleasure to see you.

Why, thank you,

Uh, what's
your pleasure?


Bottle of whiskey,

Well, I was going to come
in and do some gambling,

but a little problem
came up.

Oh? Anything I
can help you with?

Well, Ingalls was
going to be my fuse man

for my fireworks show.

You've heard about it,
didn't you?

Oh, yes, yes.

Well, he doesn't
seem to think

he can get off work
that night.

So I'm going to
have to replace him

with another man.

Oh, well, uh...

I think I probably could
let him go that night.

Suppose we play a little
cards and talk it over,

hmm, like gentlemen?

Well, uh, all right,
for just a few minutes.

The corner table.

Woman: 6 more, Fred.


A deck of cards and,
uh, bring the bottle.

Ok. The cards,

Albert: Hey,
something's going on in the saloon.

Andrew garvey,
you're not to go in there.

Andrew: Aw, ma!

Don't "aw, ma" me.
It's not a proper place.

But pa works in there.

Your pa has no choice,
and as long as I'm your mother,

you don't either.
In the hotel.

Sorry, standish.

Kings full.

You were right.
I am on a streak.

That's putting it

What do you say we
raise the stakes, huh?

Well, I really shouldn't
when a fella's this hot.

That's right.

Well, this
is a gambling hall.

It's a gambling hall.
Let's gamble.

All right, Josie.


Some more cash.

More cash, Josie!

It's a beautiful card.

He's such a sweet old man.
I'm sure he'll love it.

Hey! Toby Noe's in the saloon.
He's gambling!

I was afraid
of that.

Oh, it's all right.
He's winning.

He just raised
the stakes.

I hope he cleans
old standish out.

setting him up.

You bet they are.

I'll see if I can do
something about it.

I'm going with him!


No, just let him go.

Maybe he'll learn
a lesson.

All right,
I'll see you,

and I'll
raise you 200.

Men: 200!




Queen high...

Pair of aces.

1, 2.

You didn't
let me finish.

Queen high flush.

Men: Oh!

Dad burn it!

Standish: Well,
I've got to win one.

Toby: Get me
a fresh deck.


Toby, you
got to quit now.

Your steak and eggs
are ready.

What steak and eggs?

You know, you told Mr. Ingalls
you wanted to eat at 5:00.

Steak and eggs...
They're getting cold.

I don't remember
ordering anything,

and I'm not hungry.

I'll eat
after I finish

taking care of my
friend standish here.

No, Toby, come on, now.
You got to go eat.

Come on, go away.
Be a good boy

and run away and play some
games, please.

Leave me alone.
I want to get my money back.

Get out of here,
will you?

Hey, come on.
Get some action.

Where are you going?

Standish: Garvey! Garvey!

You tried to get him out of the
game, didn't you?

Didn't you?!

Yeah, I did.

You don't work
for me anymore.

Pick up what I owe you
from Fred and get out!

Your boss says I don't
work here anymore.

I got $6.00 wages coming.


I ain't.
Guess I better get going.

I saw what happened.

He's going to break
that old man.

There ain't nothin'
we can do about it.

If I hear
of any good jobs...


Not for me, nels.

I think I just been
kidding myself all along.

This kind of life ain't
for me or my family.

Life on the farm might
be kind of tough, but...

But we ain't gonna starve.

We're going home.

Fred: Here you go.


When I finish
a day's work, I...

I feel proud...

Not dirty.

Good luck.

to shuffle the...

Harriet, bring us another
bottle of whiskey.

Harriet, this is
for you, my dear.

Oh, my!

Harriet, laughing:

Give me a bottle of
whiskey, the best one.

The garveys are going
to pull up stakes

and go back
to walnut grove.

And give me a clean
glass, Fred, please.

didn't you hear me?

Yes, yes, yes!
The garveys are leaving.

Doesn't that mean
anything to you?


You see that old man
sitting over there?

Well, he just gave me
a $5.00 tip.

Now, that means
something to me.

Standish is setting
that old man up.

He's getting him drunk
so he'll gamble more.

Well, I just work here.

So you're part
of it.

Then so are you.

Now, don't you try
to make me feel guilty.

I'm not doing anything

that anybody else
around here isn't doing.

Ha ha!

You know
what's bothering you?

I make more money
than you.

You really don't
understand, do you?

I don't understand you,

if that's what you mean.

You like
working here, Fred?

Who likes working

I used to.

I don't know,
maybe there's something wrong with me.

Give me a whiskey.

I never seen you drink.

I don't.

I'm just trying
to fit in.

Tired, aren't you?

Mmm, not too bad.

One of these days you're
gonna be punished for lying.


I'm gonna help Jonathan
load the wagon tomorrow.

I'm sure gonna
miss him.

Me, too.

I don't know what we're
gonna do for a teacher now.

I want to talk him
out of it.

He's being a fool going
back to walnut grove.

Nothing there
but a dead town.

Well, like you said,

they'll have a roof
over their head,

they won't starve.

And hand to mouth,
nothing to look forward to.

Why do people have to have
something to look forward to?

Well, that's the trouble
with folks here.

There's always looking
forward to tomorrow,

missing today.

And hurrying to make
more and more money

to buy something better.


But tomorrow
never comes.

Huh. Oh, listen to me
ramble on.

I must be tired.

You want to go home,
don't you?


Who's lying now?

You do. We all do.

Well, we can't.
It wouldn't be fair to Mary.

Nothing for her
in walnut grove.

She's got to teach.

We can't ask her
to give that up.

Charles, we wouldn't
ask her to give it up.

We're a family.
We stay together.


Things are going to get better.
You wait and see.

It's not always going
to be like this.

We'll work.
We'll save some money.

I'm going
to build us

a little place
outside of town.

It'll get better,
you'll see.

Something better.


Pair of...

Pair of 10s?

3 sixes.

Well, I'm afraid that
cleans you out, Toby.


You got to give me
a chance to get even.

Now, now, now.
No markers. I'm sorry.

Tell you what I'll do.

What did you pay for those
fireworks you have in the alley?


I'll cut you high card
for them, huh?

Oh, come along.

Your luck might
just change, huh?

All right.


There you are.


The lady.

It's all right, gentlemen.

The drinks
are on the house.

Standish: It's all right.
It's all right.

It's all right, gentlemen.

Oleson, you carry those crates
in the alley up to my storeroom.

Do it yourself.


I said
do it yourself.

Are you drunk?

I don't care if
I'm drunk or sober,

I'd still tell you
to do it yourself.

And don't tell me
that you fire me.

I quit!


I owe you $20.

All right, Fred,
I'll handle the bar.

You carry those crates
up to my room.

Man: Yeah, he sure
skinned the old man.

Man: Yeah.

He really got him.

Nels! Where did you
get that money?

It's my pay.
I quit.


Why does everybody
say "what?"

Everybody go deaf?

Shh! For heaven's
sakes, nels.

Now, you stop that
and you listen to me.

No, no, no, no.
No more...

No more listening,
no more noise,

no more
of this place.

Nels, what are you
talking about?

I'm talking about going
back home where I belong.

I want
to go fishing.

I want quiet.

Well, you leave,
and you'll leave alone.

I'll say good-bye to the
children in the morning.

Didn't know
you gambled, nels.

Why not?

It's my lucky night.

Why not?


Mary, what on earth are you
doing out this time of night?

I wanted
to talk to you.

Is something wrong?

No. It's just we don't
get much of a chance

to talk alone,
just you and I.

Well, sure. Come on.

You can sit over here
by the window.

It's a lot cooler...
A lot noisier, too.

There you go.

I used to love to sit outside
with you in the summer

and listen to all
the night sounds.

I remember that time you
went away with Mr. Edwards.

You were gone
so long, and...

We all missed you so.

I missed you, too.

I'll never forget
what you told us

when you went away.

You said...

No matter how hard
it was being away...

That as long as we held
each other in our hearts...

It wouldn't be like
we were really apart.

We'd have our love and...

We could hold it
inside us...

Like we were really
holding each other.

Ma came to see me

Well, she, uh...

She shouldn't have done that.


Pa, let me finish,

Pa, you've always done what
you felt was right for us,

you and ma both,

And I love you
for it, but...

There comes a time when you
have to do what's right for you.

Well, I am.

I want
my family together.

I don't want my
children spread out

all over the face
of the earth.


Look at me.

I'm not a child
anymore, pa.

I'm a woman.

I've got my own life,

And I'm
going to be happy.

I'm a teacher, pa,

doing what I love.

That's why
I'm all right here.

But not you, pa.

Not you.

I can't be happy knowing you're
staying here because of me.

That's not fair
to either one of us.

Where does
the time go, huh?

Here you are,
a woman, and...

Seems like yesterday I was
holding you in my arms.

You were
just a baby.

I'll hold you
in my heart, pa.

I'll miss you,

I love you.

Nice and easy.



You win again, nels!

Oh, come on, nels.
Why don't you quit?

No. Let it ride!

I don't
want the money.

Well, suit yourself.

Here we go.

I don't...

I don't know why I lost it.

And I was only going
to play a little.

I know.

It's all right.

I don't know why
I done it.

It's over now.

I lost it.

I lost it all.

I always lose it all.

And I wanted you kids
to see the fireworks.

But I lost it.

I'm sorry.

Some folks just
shouldn't gamble,

and you and me
are two of them.

Yes... two of them.

I wanted the...

Kids to see the fireworks.

And now I lost it...


Here we go.

You sure your pa
won't get mad?

Nah. He's got plenty.

We'll just sh**t off
this one.

Look out!

What do we do?

I don't know.
I got to tell my pa!

I got to
tell you something!

Don't bother me.
I'm busy.

What's that?

I don't know!

Run for your lives!

Help me!

Nels! Nels! Come on,
you'll be k*lled!

No! I can't live
without you!

Nels, please!
Nels, come on!

I'm not going unless you promise
to go back to walnut grove with me.

This is no time to...
Look at all that money!

I won it.


Never mind about
all that now.

Oh, I love you!


I'll go back to walnut
grove with you anytime!


Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

Oh! Ha ha!

Fire department!

What happened?

Who knows?

My building's on fire!
My building's on fire!

Water! Water!

Get that thing going!

It don't work.
Something's wrong.

What do you mean
it doesn't work?

It doesn't work. City fathers
wouldn't spend the money on a new one.

You're one of them.
You ought to know it.

Ah! Get me
some buckets of water!


Get me buckets
of water!

I think you're
forgetting, mister,

I don't work
for you anymore.


Ingalls! Water!

Just call me Charles.
I don't work for you anymore, either.


Somebody form a line!

What time do we
start home tomorrow?

What time are we
starting home?

You heard me... we.

6:00 too early?

6:00's great.
Farmers love to get up early.

Wow! Will you
look at that!

Have you ever seen anything
like that in your life?

Better than
the 4th of July.


Thanks for
the fireworks, Mr. Noe.

Happy 4th of July.

Laura: If I had a remembrance
book, I would write down

that this was the most exciting
night of my life,

not because
of the fireworks,

but because
we were going home.
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