03x07 - Journey in the Spring: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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03x07 - Journey in the Spring: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Land's sakes!

What time is it?

Oh, never mind the time.

Looky here.

Is it?

It's from your boy.
It's from charles.

A letter came from
your father today.

Oh. Decided not to
come already, huh?

He's as stubborn as I am.


I know you're disappointed.

He still may change his mind.

You wait till ma works
on him a little bit.

She'll g...



We'll be just fine
while you're gone.

Well, aren't you going to bring

That stubborn old prideful
father of yours out here?

Who does he think
he is, coming back here

And accusing me of
not treating pa right?

It's well and good for him

Living halfway across the
world away from all this!

Peter, I'm not accusing
you of anything.

I'm just trying to figure
out what's best for pa.

And I'm trying to figure
out what's best for me

And my family!

Pa! Pa!


Papa, get up!

Papa, come on!


If you only knew.

Breakfast is ready, pa.

I forgot to tell your ma.

I got to go to the
mill early this morning.

On saturday?

I missed a lot of days,
darling. I got to make them up.

Oh. Well, I'll go see if
grandpa's ready for breakfast.

We got a problem, pa.

Yeah? What is it?

Carrie's turkey.

Looks all right to me.

Going to look a lot
better in a couple of weeks

On the dinner table.

Well, that's the problem.

Carrie doesn't know he's
going to be on the table.

She thinks he's going
to be at the table.

What are you talking about?

Well, it's kind of
hard to explain

How she got mixed up,

But she thinks that
that turkey's her pet.

She doesn't know
we're going to eat it.

That's the silliest
thing I ever heard.

Maybe, but she
loves that turkey.

It would break her heart
if anything happened to it.

Something's going to
happen to it in two weeks.

I wish there was
something we could do.

Afraid there isn't. I'll
talk to her when I get back.

Tell your ma I won't be late.

Yes, sir. See you!


[Knock on door]

Laura: grandpa, are you awake?

Yes, child.

Good morning. Did
you have a good sleep?

Fine, just fine.

Ma wanted me to tell you
that breakfast is ready.

Oh, all right.

I sure hope you're hungry

'Cause pa didn't eat,
and there's a lot.

I'll do my best.

Can I ask you a
question, grandpa?

Sure. I don't know
that I can answer it.

Well, are pas always
supposed to be right?

Well, most of the
time they are, mm-hmm.

But not all the time?

No! I'm afraid not.

The reason I asked
is we got a problem.


Well, actually, it's
carrie's problem,

But it's kind of
everybody's problem

Because carrie's a
member of the family.

Well, I told pa
about it, and I'm afraid

He just doesn't
understand how serious it is.

I know this sounds
bad, but I don't think

He's going to do the
right thing about it.

Well, your pa's a
pretty smart man.

Oh, I know that,
but you just said

That pas aren't right
all the time, didn't you?

Yeah, but right or wrong,

A body's got to do
what their pa says.

I suppose.

Wait a minute!

That's it!

What, child?

Well, you just said
that a body's got to do

Whatever his pa says.


Well, if I told you the problem,

Maybe you could
think of a better idea,

One that's more right than pa's.

Oh, hold on, now.

Your pa's already
made a decision.

Oh, I know that,
but you're pa's pa.

He has to do what
you tell him to.

Besides, if pas are smart,

Then pas' pas are even smarter.

Well, now, i...

Caroline: laura!

There you are.

Good morning, grandpa.

- Good morning!
- Breakfast's getting cold!

Here we come.


Can I tell you the problem

After breakfast? Please?

All right.

[Turkeys clucking]

I'm going to miss him.

I know, but it's just
not the same thing.

I mean, you wouldn't
want to be taken away

From your folks and your sisters

And made to live with
turkeys, would you?


Well, turkeys feel the same way.

They don't want to be taken
away from their families

And made to live with people.

I suppose you're right.

Oh, I know I am.

Now, you say good-bye
and then leave him, huh?

I'm going to miss you, tom.

She sure looks sad, don't she?

Not half as sad as she'd look

If that turkey showed up on
the table come thanksgiving.


Grandpa, he's happy!

He must have
found his ma and pa!

Oh, he has, little one, he has.

Thank you, grandpa.

It's a pleasure, child.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


Oh, I don't know...
The young'uns.

The young'uns? You're
just as bad as they are.

I know!

What if I was to tell
you something foolish?

Come on, pa.

After bringing a
turkey back to its folks,

What could you tell
me that'd sound foolish?

Well, that's just it.

It meant something to me.

Silly thing like that.

Laura come to me with a problem,

And it meant something to me.

I've been thinking...
Would you mind

If I did a little fixing
on the sod house?

Pa, I told you we'd start
that room anytime you say.

No. No rush on that.

No, I was thinking of just
adding on a porch up there.

We'll start tomorrow.

Oh, you've got plenty
of your own work to do.

Besides, half-pint said
she'd give me a hand.

If that's all right with you.

Just don't let her
turn it into a tree house.

Ha ha ha!

So much like your ma.

So much like her.

Well, best this old man turn in.

Thank you, son.

- Good night, pa.
- Good night.

There, now. That's done it.

Ah! Solid as a rock.

Now we got to stand
back and look at it.

Not yet. We still have
to put up these flowers.

Oh, you're right!
I plumb forgot.

We'll put this one in the
middle since it's the prettiest.


Now we can stand back and look.

What do you think?

Laura: it's beautiful.

It's the prettiest
soddy I've ever seen.

We had a porch like that once.

I kind of copied that
one from memory...

First house I built
for your grandma.

Oh, I was so proud
of that porch...

Fancier than this one, mind you.

The house must
have been beautiful.

Well, the house
wasn't all that grand

Once you got past the porch,

But when I married your grandma,

I promised her a fine home.

I could see it all in my head.

I could actually lie in bed

And see it right up
there on the ceiling...

A big kitchen...

Separate from the dining room,

A bedroom for every child,

Furniture... Oh, not homemade,

stuffed and tufted.

All I ever gave her
was a little house

With a big front porch.


I'm sure grandma wouldn't
mind all those things.

I wouldn't,

And you said yourself,

I'm just like grandma.

Just like her.

I'm sure grandma would
have loved any old house,

Just as long as she
was there with you.

She's all ready to go.

I'm watching.

Let's pretend it's a race.

You say "ready? Set? Go!"

All right. Ready? Set? Go!


Ha ha ha!


[Horse neighing]

Are you all right?

I think so.

You feel any bones broke?

No. I just kind of got

The wind knocked out of me.

Oh, thank god! You
scared me half to death.

That fence wasn't there before.

[Horse whinnies]


It's all right.

It'll be all right, girl.

Laura, go and get your pa.

Tell him bunny's hurt.

Can't she get up, grandpa?

I don't know for sure,

But you go get your pa.

He should be home by now.

Bunny will be all
right. I promise.

All right, girl, it's all right.


Half-pint, what's the matter?

- You got to come.
- What is it? Is it grandpa?

No. It's bunny.

She's hurt bad, real bad.

It was a wire fence.

I didn't see it.

It's all right.

It's all right. You go
on. Get in the wagon.

Fools and their fences.

Oh, charles.

I don't know how
bad the horse is hurt.

How bad does it look, pa?

I wanted you to check.

[Bunny groaning]

[Whispering] easy, girl. Easy.

We're going to make
you all right, bunny.

You're going to be just fine.

Pa, I want you to
take laura on home.

No, pa. No.

I'm sorry, half-pint.
Bunny's hurt too bad.

There's nothing I can do.


Half-pint, there's
nothing I can do.

Now, I want you to go
home with your grandpa.

Please, pa. Please.

Please don't do it.

Go with your grandfather now.


Please. Please
don't let him do it.

He has to listen to you.

You're his pa.

Don't let him do it.

Child, i...

You said you'd
make her all right.

You promised.

Half-pint, I want you to
go home with your grandpa.


You promised, grandpa.

You said you'd
make her all right.

Please make her better!

I know you can do it.

You promised.

Pa, take her home.

No, I'll tend the horse.

What are you saying?

I'll tend her.

I promised.

Pa, she's all broken
up. She's in pain!

I got to try.

Half-pint, you leave your
grandpa and me alone for a minute.

Don't let him do
anything, grandpa.

I won't, child.

Why are you doing
this to me, pa?

She loves me. She
expects me to make it right.

But you can't.

You don't know that!

Come on, pa. We both know
that! Now, you got to tell her.

You got her thinking
you can do something.

I can't put that poor
animal out of its misery

Until you tell her there's
nothing else we can do.

I can't.

You can and you will. We're not
playing some kind of a game now,

Like bringing a turkey
back to its folks.

There's an animal
lying there in pain

On account of you want to
convince a child you can do anything.

Well, you can't.

Now, you're going to tell her.

You tell her, pa.

Bunny's going to be all
right, isn't she, grandpa?


I'm afraid she...

I'm afraid she's worse
off than I figured.

It'll just take her
longer to mend, then.

No, child...

She won't mend.

But you promised.

You said you'd make her better.

Well, I wanted her
to be all right. I...

Half-pint, you go home now.

You go home with your grandpa.

No. I won't go with him.

He lied.

He promised me,
but he just lied.


Pa, come on, now. Let's
have a cup of coffee.

No, i... I'm tired.

Isn't grandpa coming to supper?


Isn't he hungry tonight?

No, not tonight.

She's asleep.

Dear lord, help us this day.

We've lost a dear friend.

We pray that you'll give
us strength in our sorrow...

That you'll help to heal the
great pain in our little girl.

We thank you, lord, for
all your blessings, o lord.


Carrie's ready, ma.

Thank you, mary.
Charles, you ready?


I just have to put on my bonnet.

- I'll get grandpa.
- Thank you.

Laura, will you take
the picnic basket?

Yes, ma'am.

I made an extra pie
just for mr. Edwards.

You can surprise him with it.

Do I have to go, ma?

I don't feel much like going.

Mary, will you take carrie
and wait in the wagon?

Yes, ma. Come on, carrie.


I know how you're feeling...

But when we have
a really deep hurt,

God is the one who
can really help.

He has the strength to help us.

Give him a chance to help you.

That's my girl.


Pa, we're ready!

No, you... You go ahead.

Come on with us, please, pa.

We're going to
picnic afterwards.


Charles, you want a chaw?

No, thanks.

I know it's a nasty habit.

Grace keeps
pestering me to quit.

You know, it makes more sense
to me than smoking, though.

I never could figure out
why people do a thing like that.

Roll leaves up in paper, stick
it in their face, and set fire to it.

What do you suppose possesses
them to do a thing like that?

She's hurting now.
She'll get over it.

Did what you had to do, charles.

I know.

She just loved
that horse so much.

I'm as worried about
her as I am about pa.

Laura's become his whole life

These last few weeks,

Laughing and smiling again

Just like he did
when I was a kid.

Then this had to happen.

Should have seen
his face yesterday...

Reminded me of when
he lost the farm.

I was or years old,

I guess, and a man
came by the house,

And he said we have to get out.

Pa asked him if he could
talk to him outside.

Kept looking over
at me, wishing i...

Wishing I wouldn't
be able to hear it.

The man just said, "there's
nothing else to talk about,"

And he left.

My pa just stood there...

And he got old.

Standing there
in the living room,

And he... Just got old.

I'm going to go for a walk.

You know, sitting
there in church today,

I got to thinking back.

That's one thing I like
about silent praying...

You can talk to the lord

Right the way you're feeling,

Instead of the way
you're supposed to feel.

Got to thinking back to when
I lost my wife and daughter,

How I blamed god for it.

Oh, I did. Just flat
out blamed him.

Did you ever blame
god for anything?


No, I didn't figure you did.

Probably would have
blamed somebody else.

Wasn't anybody
else around to blame.

Wasn't going to blame me.

Took me a long
time to realize...

Wasn't anybody to blame.

Some things just happen.

Grandpa shouldn't
have let him do it.

He promised me he
wouldn't let him do it.

Well, we'd all like to keep
all the promises we make.

Just ain't no way to do that...

Especially the promises
we make to folks we love.

They're the hardest kind.

See, because when... When
you really love somebody,

You'd do anything
to make them happy.

That's when you
make the promises

There ain't no way of keeping.

That's what happened
to your grandpa.

Just loves you
too much, that's all.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean it.

Oh, I know. It's all right.

Hey, looky here...

I know you didn't mean it.

You know you didn't mean it.

Don't you think it's time
you told your grandpa?

I'm going to go
tell him right now.

That-a girl.

Watch your step.



[Voice of grandpa]
my dearest laura,

I must ask you to forgive me.

Just try to understand.

All my life I've been
making promises,

Promises I never kept.

I don't know why, I just did.

Your pa was right about bunny.

I knew that right
from the start.

There was nothing
else he could do.

It was hard for him because
he loves you so much,

But he did it for bunny's sake.

I made that promise for my sake,

Like I done all my life,

But no more... God
willing, no more.


No sign of him, huh?


Just got back, myself.

Yeah, well, it's no use
looking in the dark.

It's no use, anyway. He could
have gone in any direction.

I'll start out again
in the morning.

I told you, it's no use.

He wants it this way,

We're just going to
let him have it this way.

- Charles, you can't.
- Caroline, I mean it!

I mean it. It's his life.

He does what he pleases with it.

I'm tired!

I'll come by in the morning.


Didn't come back, huh?

No. Uh-uh.

Figured I'd stop by this morning

In case you changed your
mind about looking for him.

Thanks. I would like to
stop over in springfield,

Make sure he didn't
take that train.

- Let's go.
- Charles...

Is laura out there?

No. I haven't seen her.

Mary? Mary!

Yes, ma?

What time did your
sister get up this morning?

I don't know, ma. She
was gone when I woke up.

Did she say anything last night?

No. She just cried a lot.

I guess on account of bunny.

Charles: that horse... I wish
I'd never set eyes on it!

Talked to her yesterday.

She seemed to understand
about the horse.

How could she
understand when her father

Kills the most precious
thing in her life?

We can't worry about
grandpa now. We'll find laura.

We'll start out by the lake.

Mary, keep an eye on carrie.
I'm going to check in town.

Yes, ma'am.

[Train whistle blowing]

[Bell clanging]

[Train whistle blowing]


- Pa!
- She come home?

No, sir, but look.

Our christmas
money... It's gone.

What'd half-pint need money for?

I don't know.

There was more than $ . There.

The train... The
ticket for the train.

She didn't run away
because of bunny.

She went looking for grandpa.

Tell your ma we'll
be in springfield.

Yes, sir.

Edwards: hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!



Can I help you?

Yes, sir. I'm looking
for my grandfather.

He might have taken
a train to wisconsin.

Well, we had one pull
out this afternoon.

You think you
might remember him?

We had a lot of folks

Get on that train, little lady.

Well, he's kind of old,

And he has a mustache.

He's probably
wearing a blue coat.

You hold on a minute.

You come around back here.

That him?

Yes, sir.

Found him lying by the tracks.

You best tell him
not to try and hop

On a freight train at his age.

Is he all right?

Clerk: yeah, yeah.
He's just bushed.

I brought him in here,

And he's been
sleeping ever since.

I'll, uh, leave you two alone.

Thank you, sir.



Why did you come here?

Because I had to find you.

I had to tell you.

You got nothing to tell me.

Yes, I do.

I have to tell you I'm sorry.

All right. You told me.

I want you to come home with me.

No. I can't.


Because... It ain't my home.

It's my boy's home.

But pa wants you.

No, he don't. He don't.

Oh, he says he does
because I'm his pa,

But he don't really.

But he does. We all do.

We love you.

You were happy there.

I know you were.

But I shouldn't be.

Dear god...

Why didn't I bring her?


We'll go next
year, I'd tell her...

When things are better.

I'll have a crop in maybe,

And I can tell my boy
how good I'm doing.

Next year. Always next year.

Your pa knows.

Every time he looks
at me, I can see it.

Oh, he tries to hide it,

But I can tell...

He's thinking about her...

Thinking of how I let her die

Without seeing him again...

Without being close
to her loved ones again.

I can't go back.

Go home. Please go home.


Yes, young lady?

Where's your next train to?

Clerk: boston.

Laura: I'd like a
ticket, please.

Clerk: I thought your grandpa
was going to wisconsin.

No. I'm going to boston.

I have money.

Well, now, let me just check
what time that train's due in.

What are you doing?

[Telegraph tapping]

Going to boston.

You are not!

I am too.

I was going to run
away from home anyways.

The only reason I was staying

Was because of you and bunny.

Now you're both gone.

I'll just be on my way.

You're not talking sense!

Well, neither do you...

And I'm supposed to understand.

Now, you listen to me!

No, I won't.

That's the trouble.

I have to listen to everybody...

Go to school when
I don't want to...

Chores all the time...

Mary always bossing me around...

Carrie just doing
as she pleases.

Well, no more.

Laura, your family loves you.

Don't matter.

I want to be like you.

People love you,
but you don't care.

Just too busy thinking
about your own self.

Well, why can't i?

You think I'm like
grandma, but I'm not.

I'm like you.

I love you... And...

How much longer do you think?

Couple hours...

Lost a lot of time
last night in that fog.



Praise be.

Hey, you had us
worried to death.

It's all right, pa.

Everything's all right now.

You going to come
home with us, pa?

Of course I am!

Laura and me promised

To fetch supper on
thanksgiving, didn't we?

Well, we're keeping
that promise, son.

Laura: grandpa stayed with
us through the long winter.

He laughed and sang

And told stories about
when pa was little.

I hoped he would
stay with us forever,

But when spring came, grandpa
said he had to journey home.

No one wanted him
to go, especially me...

Because I loved him so.

Been looking all
over for you, child.

Your pa and me are just
about ready to start.

I don't want you to go, grandpa.

I have to go.

Your grandma's waiting.

I don't know how long
it'll be before I see her,

But I got to be close to her.

I got to be next to her
when I make my journey.

And when I see her, the
first thing I'm going to do

Is tell her about you.

I'll tell her everything...

So it will be just like
she was here with us.

It's kind of like I kept my
promise after all, huh?

Now, give me a smile.

I want to be looking
at that smile when I go.

That's it.

So much like your grandma.



I love you.

I love you, child.
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