03x22 - Bringing Up Spike

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Happy Days". Aired: January 15, 1974 – July 19, 1984.*
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Set during the 1950's, the series revolves around teenager Richie and his family who owns a hardware store and Fonzie, who would eventually become Richie's best friend.
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03x22 - Bringing Up Spike

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ The weekend
comes, my cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rocking and
rolling all week long ♪

(saxophone solo plays
over rhythmic handclaps)

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week with you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days ♪

♪ Are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are yours ♪

♪ And mine, Happy Days! ♪

♪ Wake up, Little
Susie, wake up... ♪

Happy Days is filmed
before a live audience.

♪ Wake up, Little
Susie, wake up ♪

♪ The movie wasn't so hot... ♪

FONZIE: Cunningham,
I need a favor, huh?

My nephew Spike is staying
with me for about a week.

See, his aunt's got a,
uh, a reserve meeting

at the Great Lakes
Naval Station.

Oh, you want me to drive her?

No, no, no, she's being
picked up by a convoy truck.

I need you to take
Spike out, you know,

take him to the movies,
just amuse him, huh?

Don't let him cramp my style.

Oh, well, I can't, Fonz.

See, I got to go to Chicago
on Monday for two weeks.

Hey, you in some
kind of trouble?

No, no. That's what you think.

Oh, I got to go, Fonz.

See, I'm going, I'm going
to this journalism class

at Northwestern, and they
only invite a few students

from all around the
country, and I get

college credit and
everything, it's really great.

Oh, gee willikers.

Besides, Fonz,

I mean, you can handle Spike.

Yeah, I guess so. Yeah.

All right, so go to Chicago.

That's more important
than doing me a favor.

Oh, thanks.

Now, you know
I'd do it if I could.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, you know, I
forgot one thing.

Uh, I still need
to ask you a favor.

Cunningham, you got guts.

Uh, do you think that you
could loan me some money?

Oh, I do a million
favors for this man,

a million favors,
and now I am a bank.

Yeah, but there's... see,
there's going to be girls there

from all over the country,
you know, and I can't ask

my father for any more money.

He thinks I'm
going there to study.

Right, right, listen, the
Fonz just gives and gives

and gives and then, I
ask for one favor, right?

One favor, and what is it?

Off to Chicago.

Yeah, I feel bad about it.

Think you could make it a 20?

MARION: You and your warm milk.

First you say it's too hot,

then it's too cold, if
this isn't good enough,

you can fix it yourself.

Mmm, it's just perfect.

Good, 'cause that's
all you're going to get.

I'm going to bed as soon
as Joanie gets home.

Oh, one other thing,
please, sweetheart,

would you give me
some Fig Newtons?

Oh, Howard, you've
got two good legs.

Not as good as yours, Marion.

A man drinking warm
milk shouldn't get frisky.

I am sorry, dear,

but I can only do this
when Richie is gone.

When he's here, he
eats all the cookies.

Boy, how that kid
can eat cookies.

(knocking at door)

Now who could that
be this late at night?

I don't know, but I'm
hiding the Fig Newtons.

All right.

Listen, I want to
tell you something.

I'm very sorry I'm
knocking so late, see,

but my date is
such a slow driver.

She stops for all
the red lights, huh?

Listen, uh, can I
borrow some milk?

Oh, isn't that a shame?

We've only got
half a quart left.

Hey, that's plenty,
thanks a lot.

Now isn't that
sweet the way Arthur

takes care of little Spike?

Milk for a growing boy.

Oh, I got to tell you
something, this ain't for Spike.

It's for the Fonz, huh.

Hey, Fig Newtons. Hey, that's...

Help yourself.

I just did. Thanks a lot.

Hey, Uncle Fonz, I've
been waiting for you.

Oh, right, hey, don't you knock?

I try not to make a habit of it.

Hey, huh, that's a clever kid,

just like his Uncle Fonz.

Hey, look, I need
your key. I'm going out.

Hey, sure, yeah.

Wait a minute, you let this kid

go out at 10:00 at night?

Hey, tell Mr. Goody Two-shoes

here to mind his
milk and cookies.

Let us show some respect
for old people, all right?

Now listen,

when you come home and
my doormat is upside down,

you'd better knock or you'll
never use that hand again.

Got it. There you go.

But Arthur, I thought
your date already left.

Hey, you're talking
to the Fonz here.

I got a responsibility to girls.

I'm on call 24 hours a day.

Hi. Where have you
been, young lady?

You should have been
here 20 minutes ago.

Hey, is this little Joanie?

Yeah, this is little Joanie.

You're looking better.

Well, got to split.
Chicks are waiting.


Well, where's he going?

He's got a date.

Oh, wait a minute.

I don't get this.

I get yelled at for getting
home 20 minutes late,

and he's just going out?

Will someone please
explain that to me?

Explain that to her, sweetheart.

Well, Joanie, we want
you in bed at 10:00,

but while Spike is
here, Arthur is his parent,

so Arthur makes his rules.

Oh, then he can stay
out as late as he wants?

That's right, dear.

You know, you people
could learn a lot from Fonzie.


Will you go to bed?

Boy, there's a whole
world going on out there.

But I never see it.

You can see it from upstairs.

Hey, listen, I got to go.

Uh, Fonzie, if I'm
not out of place,

could I talk to
you for a minute?

Now how could
you be out of place?

This is your place.


I'll tell you, it's about Spike.

You know, he's
still a youngster,

and, well, I think he
could use some discipline.

You know, a set
of rules to live by.

Hey, Mr. C, the kid lives by
the same rules as the Fonz.

"Live fast, love hard, and don't
let anybody else use your comb."


Well, I'm not so sure
that's the best set of rules.

Why not? I've been on
the road since I was six

and look how I turned out, whoa.

I guess there are
exceptions. Yeah.

But I think Spike
needs a father.

Oh, Mr. C, hey, I'm
receiving your drift,

and I want to tell you
something, I'm touched.

What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, you
want to adopt Spike.

Are you kidding?!

All right, you want to
send him to college.

I don't even want to
send him to day camp.

I merely suggested that
you should have someone

to play the role
of a father for him.

Oh, hey, that's not me,
man, I'm just his cousin.

Cousin? Well, how come
he calls you "Uncle Fonzie"?

Hey, why not? He's
little, I'm big, you know.

I mean, you didn't really
think I was his uncle, did you?

Well, I just assumed that, uh...

No, come on, how
could I be his uncle?

I'm an only child.

Let me tell you
something, Mr. C.

When they made the
Fonz, they broke the mold.


He took my Fig Newtons.

Marion, the milk is cold again.

Oh, not again.

I'm going to bed.

Yeah, but sweetheart,
it's got to be warmed up.

Howard, sit on it.

♪ Doo, wah, doo-oo, wah ♪

♪ Doo, wah, doo-oo, wah, ooh. ♪


Hey, great, Spike
ain't here yet.

Who's Spike, your dog?

Hey, what's the difference?

It's just you and me, huh, Gigi?

Just like in the
movies, you want to see

my imitation of
Maurice Chevalier?

(clears throat)

Hey, what's the matter,
you don't like Chevalier?

(clears throat)

Will you get over here?

What are you
doing here so early?

Fonz, it's 11:00. Is that Spike?

Yeah, he's a cute,
little devil, ain't he?

He was just on his way out, too.

As a matter of fact, I was Fonz,

but first I got to talk to
you about something.

Look, uh, maybe
I'd better go home.

Oh, no, I think that, uh,

this is home, you
should stay right here.

Why don't you plant yourself?

You'll be very happy you did.

All right, listen, uh, Spike
was just going to go out, huh?

At 11:00?

Oh, he's a late
sleeper. Look, here.

Here is a quarter.

If you rush you, you
can catch the late show

down at the Rialto;
it's a double feature

where Abbott and
Costello meet each other.

Okay, Fonz, but
I got to talk to you

about something...
It's important.

See, Fonz, I got
this great chance

to make some real big money.

You do? Well, then you
pay for the movies yourself.

Look, if you hurry up you
won't miss the cartoon.

Now get out of here, all right?

Okay, Fonz, but
this is really big.

I got to know what you think.

You want to know what I
think? This is what I think.

I think first of all,
you're old enough

to make your own
decisions, I think second of all,

if it sounds good, you take it,

and third of all, you
are cramping my style.

Now will you get out of here?

Okay, Fonz, if you say so.

I say so.


Now, where were we?

Oh, you were
going to let me hear

your imitation of Chevalier.

Hey, are you crazy?
I don't speak French.

I only think it.

♪ Bang, ba-ba bang,
be-bow, bow-bow-bow. ♪

Oh, yeah, Ralph,
it's a lot of fun.

You know, Northwestern has
a great journalism department.

So, you got any good
stories to tell us, huh?

Well, yeah, I, uh, I met
this really nice girl and we...

Yeah? Yeah?

She kissed you there?

Where? Right in
front of the stockyards.

Give me that.
I'm talking to him.

Now come on, Rich,
give us some addresses.

Come on, come on,
you guys, break it up.

POTSIE: Come on,
pal. Get off the phone.

I been closed a half hour ago.

Okay, Arnold, just
a few more minutes.

No few more minutes,
you say good-bye now.

But it's, Richie, long distance.

Oh, Richie, long distance. Here.

Hi, Richie.

Yeah, this Arnold,
everything is fine here.

All the same, I still
got a moustache.

He's laughing.

Yeah, look, I got
to close up now.

You be a good boy, okay?

Okay, I'll see you next week.

Yeah, sayonara.

That mean "adios."

See, I saved you money.

Arnold, he was paying.

Who care?

Now come on, I got
to clean the bathroom,

I got no time for
small talk, you guys.

Oh, come on, Arnold,
who are you kidding.

You never clean the bathrooms.

Oh, who tell you that?

I clean the bathroom
the first of every month.

Right, sweetheart?

There, you see?

It's important. I find
money on the floor.

Talk about cheap.

You talk about cheap outside.

Come on, you
guys, get out of here.

Right in the middle
of a good story.

Come on, Arnold, we
haven't even got any address.

See if I buy hamburgers here.

Yeah, yeah, you close
the door behind you.

Lock it shut.

Oh, those crazy kids, huh?

They eat at home, come
here and use the telephone.

No wonder, all the
business in the toilet.


What? Yeah, you're
right, that's not funny.

Boy, look at this,
Arnold talking to a mop.

Next thing you know, carry
me off to the funny farm.

BOY: Hurry up, runt!

Is the coast clear?

I don't know yet.

Well, find out!

All clear.

Okay, come around
here and open up the door.

Make it fast! Okay,
okay, I'm going.

Okay, runt, you done your job.

It's up to the Moose now.

Let's see.

(register dings) Bingo!

It's loaded with green stuff!

SPIKE: Hey. Get your hands off.

I'm running this show.

45... Hey, let's split.
What if someone sees us?


Somebody sees us,
we just bust them in two!

There must be a week's
worth of income in here.

Bobo, I told you we can do it.

We can do this anytime we want.

(liquid spills)


Arnold! Robbers!

Let's get out of
here! Come on, kid!

Why you... come...
Help, I'm being robbed!

I'm being robbed! Let me go!

Stop. Let go of me!

Stop, kid! Let go!

Stop! I'm being robbed, help!

I got you! Ooh, I got you.

♪ La, la, la, la... ♪

♪ Sha-la-la. ♪

FONZIE: Hey, Arnie?

In here. All right.

All right, where's
Spike? Inside.

Oh, that's great. By now,
he might be out a window.

No, no, that window okay.

Lot of guys try to get
out, don't pay the checks.

Arnold catch wise,
that window now shut.

All right, get him out here.

I'll have this straightened
out in a minute.

Listen, Fonzie, I didn't
call the police right away

because, uh, I don't want to
get Spike in trouble, you know?

I want to tell you something.

I really appreciate that, okay?

I did lose a lot of money.

I got to call the
police sometime.

All right, listen, I'll make
you a deal... give me an hour.

If I don't get your money
back, you call the cops then.

All right, fair enough?

You throw in a free lube job?

Hey, you got it.

You got a hour.

Okay, listen, uh,
while you're at it,

why don't you throw a
hamburger on the grill?

I'm starved, huh?


I just cleaned the grill.

Well, that's good;
maybe it'll taste better.

Listen, while you're at it,

why don't you throw
one on for the kid, too?

Okay, okay, I got
it, two hamburgers.

Right. This a crazy business.

First the kid take my
money, now he take my food.

(Arnold grumbling )

SPIKE: Yeah?

Get out here, it's the Fonz!

They got me on a bum rap.

I tell you, I didn't do it.

I got to see a mouthpiece.

I'll give you a mouthpiece.


♪ You ain't nothin'
but a hound dog... ♪

Not now!

(music stops)

Let me ask you one
question, all right?

Where did I go wrong, huh?

Where did I go wrong?

Why did you do this?

You said if it sounds like a
good deal, I should take it.

Oh, yeah, but I never thought
you were going to rob Arnold's.

Hey, I tried to tell you,

but you ran me out of
your apartment, didn't you?

All right, all right, I
did that, I did that.

I'm not the world's
greatest parent... yet.

But people get busy, Spike, huh?

That doesn't give you
free reign to go out there

and start your own
little crime wave.

All right, now, just tell
me something, just tell me.

Who else was in on it with you?

Fonz, you want me
to rat on those guys?

No, it is not like
that at all, Spike.

Look, I just want to
get the money back,

so everything is cool.

Now, what do you say?

Sounds like you want me to rat.


The Fonz does not
argue with children.

What are you going
to do now? I am going

to call somebody
who handles kids.

I am going to call a
professional father.

You're going to call a priest?

No, not that kind of father.

I am going to call
Father Cunningham.

Yeah, all right.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh... ♪

♪ Yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Ooh... ♪

Hey, Fonzie, I came
as fast as I could.

Oh, yeah, now, listen, uh,

you understand
the situation, right?

Well, I understand it,

but I don't know what you
expect me to do about it.

Yeah. Oh, hi, Mr. C.


Hey, Arnie, no
pickles on the next one.

They all come with pickles.

You don't like pickles,
you take the pickles off.

Spike, get in there.

Could I have one with pickles?

You hungry? You hungry?

All right, hey, Arnie,

would you fix Mr. C.
A hamburger, please?

I don't do business
this good when I'm open.

All right, uh, Mr. C.,
we got a half an hour.

There's the kid, do your stuff.

Wai-Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

What stuff?

Well you know, the
old father-son routine,

the big speech
like you give Richie,

you know, a little of that,
uh, Father Knows Best.

Oh, come on, Fonzie,
it doesn't work that way.

I mean, I don't have
any ready-made,

"don't you know it's wrong
to rob a drive-in" speeches.

All right, well, listen,

just give him any
speech, all right?

Uh, just as long as it sounds
a little Robert Young-ish.

The whole point is

that I do not have a big
magical bag of speeches.

Oh, yeah, then how come
Richie is so clean-cut?

Well, it's not from an
occasional pep talk.

No, it, it comes from
years of living with him,

being an example, building
up a-a long-lasting relationship.

Okay, Mr. C.,

how about a Reader's
Digest version, all right?


Besides, I'll tell
you something else.

Spike won't listen to me,
he doesn't respect me.

How can you
reason with a little kid

who refers to you
only as... Ace?

(laughing): Yeah...
he calls you Ace.

If Spike's got any magical
speech coming to him, Fonzie,

it's got to come from you

because you're the
only one he respects.

I don't do that.

Well, you'd better
start doing that.

I don't even know
what to say to the kid.

Well, it's easy.

You just say, "Spike..."


You say, "You see,
it's this way, Spike."

It's this way, Spike.

"Life is funny."

Life is funny. Yeah, the, uh...

"the road to experience
is fraught with pitfalls

and a man must be
careful where he steps."

I, uh, think you're stepping
in it yourself, Mr. C.

I am?

Oh, yeah, that sounds a
little cornball if you ask me.


Well, if you saw Robert
Young say it, you'd love it.

I'm just giving an example.


Fonzie, do you think what
Spike did tonight was wrong?

Well, yeah, of course.

Well, then, just tell him
why you think it was wrong.

All right, all right,
I'll just tell him

why I think it was wrong.

And don't be nervous

because there's nothing
to be scared about.

Hey, the Fonz ain't nervous.

Spike, get out here!

Now, look, if it's
all right with you,

I'm going to go on home
and leave you two guys alone,

huh? Oh, uh, listen, Mr. C.,

if you could just
stick around a little bit,

I might need to ask you
something, you know.

Okay, okay.

Uh, tell you what,
I'll just... sit over here.

Well, that's a little
bit close, you know?

Well, then, I'll
wait in the kitchen.

Yeah, Arnie doesn't like
anybody in the kitchen.

Where would you like
me to wait, Fonzie?

Uh, my office is free.

The men's room?


If you need me, I'll
be in the men's room.

Yeah, just don't try to
climb out the window.

It's nailed shut.

Do you think maybe
I could have a chair?

Oh, there's plenty of places
for you to sit down in there.

Call me when my burger's ready.

All right, Spike.

I think we're going
to have a little talk.

I thought we just had one.

Well, we're going to
have another one, see.

'Cause there are things
you got to understand.

Spike, I'm going to
give it to you straight,

'cause I ain't no
choirboy myself.

Yeah, I know, that's
why you're cool.


The thing is, Spike, that, uh,
you got to understand something.

There is a very big difference

between a life of cool
and a life of crime, see?

Now, you want to be
like the Fonz, right?

Who doesn't?

Good point. Good point.

All right, now let me
tell you something.

I think you got a,
a mixed-up idea

about what the Fonz
is all about, see?

Now, all right, I would not win
any medals for good conduct,

but I have never done
anything that I am ashamed of

like climbing in a window
in the middle of the night,

stealing somebody's
else's money.

You think that's cool?

I think that's garbage!

Okay, Fonz, I made a mistake.


Two plus two equals
five, that's a mistake.

What you did is
mean, downright mean.

Now, why did you do this?

What else am I going
to do to make money?

I'm not real good in school.

Well, what am I,
a Rhodes scholar?

But I can't do what you do.

You're good with cars.

I am great with cars.

Well, I'm not.

So that's it, huh?

This whole thing is

because you can't figure
out what to do, huh?

You're 12 years
old, you're quitting.

You're not even
old enough to shave

and you're
throwing in the towel.

Well, let me tell
you something, Jack.

You don't hang around
with the Fonz anymore

'cause I only like
people with guts.

Aw, hey, Fonz, please
don't be like that.

I promise I won't do
it no more, honest.

Are you sure? Yeah, I'm sure.

Please, Fonz.

I'll even try to be something.

All right, all right,
now you're talking.

See that? Now
you're talking, all right.

Now what, what are
you interested in?

What do you want to be?

Aw, I couldn't tell you.

It ain't cool.

Oh, no, wait a
minute, wait a minute.

If you're interested in
something, that's cool.

That's cool. What
do you want to be?

I like flowers.


A flower store.

I like them.

They smell nice.

Flower store... flower store.

All right, all right, all
right, a flower store.

That's great, a flower store.

You can be the coolest
florist in the entire world, huh?

Isn't that sharp?

You just... all right, look,

you just got to do me
one more favor, all right?

Now tell me who was
in on this heist with you.

Do I have to?

I promise you I ain't
going to turn you in.

I'm going to get you the money,

you're going to
turn yourself in,

they're going to go easy on you.

They'll probably let
you off with a warning.

You think so?

Hey, the Fonz
understands police matters.


It was Moose and Bobo,

but they're probably
in Illinois by now.

Hey, well, let's
find out, all right?

After you, my little
nephew, come on.

RALPH: Arnold, Arnold!

Where's Arnold?

Hey, what are you yelling about?

Where's Arnold?

I think we finally
lost them, Ralph.

Way to go, Potsie, kid, yeah.

Hey, what happened to him?

Listen to this one,
Fonz, listen to this.


We were out in the
parking lot before,

and these two guys came
running out of Arnold's

with all this money.

Hey, they got the
money back, huh?

Of course, of course.

We heard Arnold
yelling he was robbed,

so we chased the
guys ten blocks.

And when they finally stopped
in the park to count the loot,

Ralphie here grabbed the cash
and threw me into those guys.

They nearly k*lled me.

It called for quick action.

I'm a faster runner.

I move like a cat.

Look, I stepped
right out of my shoes.

I know, one of them
hit me in the chest.

Will you stop griping?

You're lucky to be alive.

All right, all right, listen,

we can talk about
this some other time.

Right now we got more
important things to do, huh?

Let's go. Hey, what's,

what's all this noise out here?

Oh, two more hamburgers.

Hey, Arnold, look, we got
all the money back, look.

Oh, you got my money back?

Yeah, I just... we need it to get
Spike off the hook first, okay?

Oh. What about Moose and Bobo?

Yeah, they deserve the same
chance that Spike gets here.

They can either turn in
the money and themselves,

or they can be on
their way to Illinois.

Spike knows what
he's going to do.

Can I come out now?

I've done just about
everything that I can do in there.

I washed my hands,
I washed my face.

It's too bad I didn't
bring a razor with me.


How you doing?

What are these guys doing here?

Hey, are you kidding me?

These guys brought
back the money, huh?

They got the money.

Listen, everything
is going to be cool.

Thanks a lot, Mr. C., huh?

Let's go. Uh, Fonzie.


Don't you think you
should thank Arnold?

I mean, he could have
called the police, you know.

You know, you're right.

Okay, hey, Arnie, huh?

What can I say?

You're not a stool
pigeon, thank you.

Ralphie, great guts,
huh. Thanks a lot.


Oh, hey, I know how
much you think of me, Fonz,

and we're pals, right?

So what's a favor
between buddies?

You don't have to
give me a thank-you.

Good, let's get out of here.

You know what I'm
going to do for you?

I'm going to put you
through flower school.


FONZIE: Yeah, everything
turned out just fine.

I mean, they turned
back in the money

and the judge gave
them a little talking-to.

Everything worked out
fine just like you said, Mr. C.

Well, I'm glad I was
able to help out, Fonzie.

Any time you need
any fatherly assistance,

just call on me, huh?

Oh, hey, that's nice.

Uh, you bring it up,

I got this teeny-weeny
favor I could ask you.

Isn't that a coincidence?

Yeah, you know, listen,
Marie is coming over and...

Where is he?

I'll get him.

Spike, get in here.

Come on in, Spike,
make yourself at home.

We'll see about that.

Listen, uh, until he
goes home next week,

I can't let him run around the
streets by himself anymore,

you know what I mean?

So you just take real
good care of him, all right?

Okay... oh, listen, I had
a talk with him and, uh,

he ain't going to
call you Ace no more.

Ain't that right?

Yes, sir.

Hey, parenthood,
here I come, whoa!

Oh, I thought I heard Arthur.

Did he leave?

Mm-hmm, but he left us
a guest for the evening.

Well, isn't that nice?

And Spike, since, uh,

Richie's away, you might as
well sleep in his room, huh?

Okay, I'll leave you two
alone, so you can neck.

Howard, you should
speak to that boy.

I don't know, sounds like
a pretty good idea to me.

Okay, you got it, Ace.

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and
rollin' all week long ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪
♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪
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