02x14 - The Pride of Walnut Grove

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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02x14 - The Pride of Walnut Grove

Post by bunniefuu »

Miss beadle, miss beadle,
miss beadle!

Mrs. Edwards said to give
this to you right away.

She said it looked
very important.

It's from the county.

Thank you.

Oh, my goodness.

it's about you!

Oh, it's wonderful.

Congratulations, Mary, my
heartiest congratulations.

You deserve it.

Thank you,
miss beadle.

Miss beadle, can we finish
the blackboards tomorrow?

We got to tell
ma and pa right away!


Thank you,
miss beadle.

You're welcome,

very welcome.

And you, young man, are the
bearer of great tidings.

Now, you be sure to thank Mrs.
Edwards for me.


Oh, this sleeve still
doesn't hang right.

It looks
all right to me.

Hold still.

Well, I just want to see where you're
sticking the pins. That's all.

I'm not going
to stick you.

Well, that's what
you told me last time.

Ma, pa, you'll never guess what happened!
Never in a million years!

It's the most wonderful thing
that's ever happened to me!

My goodness,
whatever is it?

Show them the letter, Mary. Wait
till you read what it says!

It's all in this letter, ma.
Pa, can I go?

Well, go where?

Laura: Tell them, Mary,
or I'll tell them.

Mary: It's my news.
I'm going to tell them.

Well, one of you
tell us.

Ma, you'll never guess.
You neither, pa.

Ma: I'm sure
we won't.

Remember that test we had to
take 3 weeks ago in mathematics?


Everyone in my grade in the
whole district had to take it,

and it was the worst test I
ever took in my whole life.

Mary: And guess what?
Ma: What?

She got the highest...

Mary: I got the highest grade
in the whole district!

Oh, my!

But that's not all.
That's nothing.


That means I get to go to Minneapolis
and take another test there

with boys and girls
from all over the state!

Ma: Minneapolis?

And winner of that test will be
declared state mathematics champion!

Ma: State

And you'll have to go
with me, ma.

We get to stay in a hotel
for two nights!

I've never been in a
hotel in my whole life!

And we get to go
on a train!

Let me see
the letter, Mary.

Oh, it's
wonderful news.

I'm so proud
of you, really.

That goes for both
of us, sweetheart.

I'm going to get my things out
right now so they'll be ready.

Ma, can I take my best
sunday dress with me?

I'm sure all the girls there will be
wearing their best sunday dresses.

I think so.
Thank you.

Then I'll decide
what else I should take,

like my underwear,
my nightie, and my nightcap!

Laura: I'll help you!

It doesn't say
a thing about paying

for transportation
or the hotel.

It sure doesn't.

Maybe miss beadle
has that information.

I'll have Mary ask her.

I don't think
it's provided for.

A state competition's
like a state fair.

If you want to go, you
pay your own way.

How much do you think
it would cost?

I don't know.

The stage
to the depot's

at least
a dollar a head.

I don't know how much
the train would cost.

Hotel rooms
in the city,

they have to
cost dear.

Oh, Charles,
isn't there some way?

I wish there was, but we've
only got about $2.00

to our name
right now.

Well, let's not
put off telling her.

What do you think?
Is this good enough?

I think so.

I wonder if they'll
have laundry?

I don't know.

Half-pint, you go help
your ma for a second.

I was helping Mary
get her stuff out.

I know. Your ma wants you
to help her downstairs.

Now, go on.

Ok. I'll be back up to
help you after a while.

Oh, it's got
a stain on it.

I was going to dye it,
and I never got to it.

What should I do?

There something
wrong, pa?

Your ma and I were just
talking about the trip.

I want you to know
we're really proud of you.

And I wish there were
some other way,

but I can't send you
on the trip.

What with the train fare
and the hotel,

I just don't have enough money.
I'm sorry.

Well... to be
honest, pa,

I really didn't want to
go in the first place.

I don't like
being away,

in a noisy city.

And hear tell,

Minneapolis is about the
noisiest place there is.

I wasn't looking forward
to that long trip, either.

My stomach doesn't set
too well on a long trip.

I better go help
ma with supper.

down for the night.

She say anything?

No, just what
she said at supper...

How glad she is
not to be going.

Trying to be
so brave.

I wish she'd have
yelled or gotten mad

or said it wasn't
fair... anything.

It hurts all the worse,
her being so brave.

But she is brave.

Maybe if she got everything
she wanted in this life,

she wouldn't be.

I suppose.

I suppose if doing without
makes a body strong,

you must be the strongest
woman in Minnesota.

Ha ha ha!

Come on.
Coffee's on the stove.

Sounds good.

You still awake?


I'm sorry.

I told you,
it's all right.

I don't want
to talk about it.

But you don't even know
what I'm sorry about.

This may sound
kind of silly,

but when I found out
that you couldn't go,

I felt kind of glad

Well, that does
sound silly.

That's what I just said.

That's why
I said I'm sorry.

Guess I got
kind of jealous,

you being
so smart and all.

You know what I mean?


I get jealous, too,

You do?

Sure, I do.

Of me?

Well, not the man
in the moon.

Well, why would you
be jealous of me?

I don't know.

Sometimes I think pa loves
you more than he does me.

That's silly.

No sillier than
your being jealous

of some old contest.

You're right.

Well, anyway,

I'm sorry
about being jealous.

Me, too.

Good night.

Good night.


Don't you say anything
to miss beadle tomorrow.

I don't want her
thinking we're poor.

All right.
Good night.

All right.
Class is dismissed.


Mary, I just read this
note you left on my desk.

I must say,
I'm very surprised.

Mary: Yes, ma'am.

I thought you were very
excited about the trip.

I changed my mind.

You're absolutely sure?
It's final?

Yes, ma'am.

I... l just don't think
it's important enough

to make a long trip for.

I really don't like
mathematics that much.

Well, if that's
the way you feel...

Then your alternate will
make the trip instead.

I have to go now.

Oh, no, Mary,

I forgot
my slate pencil.

You go on ahead.
I'll catch up.

All right.

Miss beadle!
Miss beadle!

Miss beadle.

that's enough.

off to bed.

Ma: I'll be up
in a minute.

Good night,

Good night, pa.

Have a nice

You, too.

Good night, pa.

Good night.
Sweet dreams.


Oh, miss beadle, Mr.
Hanson, come in, please.

Thank you.

Charles, how
are you tonight?

Just fine.

Oh, fine,
thank you.

What a pleasant

Won't you sit down? I'll
just put on some coffee.

Oh, no, really. We can
only stay a moment.

Ja, we called
a special meeting

of the school board
this evening.

No one mentioned
it to me.

Ja, we thought it might
be best that way

because you can be pretty
stubborn sometimes, Charles.

I don't

Miss beadle told us
about the problem...

The money needed
for the trip.

Charles: Mr. Hanson, I wish there
was something I could do...

Mr. Hanson: Wait until you
hear what I have to say.

We have a lot of pride
in walnut grove,

and a thing like this
doesn't happen very often.

And the school board voted unanimously
to give the money needed for the trip.

Well, that's very kind
of you, but I'm sorry...

Miss beadle: It's not a matter
of kindness, Mr. Ingalls.

Believe me, there
are many children

who go to the state finals
sponsored by their hometowns.

How often do we get the chance
to get the name walnut grove

in the newspapers
all over the state?

It's for the pride
of walnut grove.

Please accept.

Give us
this opportunity.

Well, since you
put it that way.

Looks like you better
start packing.

Oh! Oh, Mary!

Thank you, pa.

Thank you all.

We know you will
make us all proud.

Stand still, Carrie.

Pa says the wagon
will be ready any minute.

check the cupboard

and see if I remembered to
pack the plum preserves.

I forgot my pink hair ribbon.

And my handkerchief...
I left it out for you.

You remembered, ma.

You remembered.

Oh, thank you.

Now, when miss whipple
gets here,

tell her that I've already
soaked the beans.

All she needs to do is add the
onions and the bread crumbs

and put them
in the oven.

And don't forget

I won't.

Oh, it's a good thing miss beadle let
you stay home from school today.

You all set?

No. Mary, what
are you doing up there?

I just tore
my stocking.

Oh. Well, we'll have
to mend it on the way.

Now, your pa's ready.

I think there's enough...

Food? You've got enough
to feed the whole town.

I didn't get to
finish your shirt.

You didn't get to weed the
vegetable garden, either.

Now, come on,
let's go!

Let me see.
Oh, yeah.

Well, your skirt
will cover it.

Now, put those
in your bag

and let your pa
take them out.

grab Mary's bag for me.

Ok, pa.

Now, have I forgotten anything?

Ah, thank you,

Hey, you all right?

Yeah, I'm ok.

Come on,
what is it?

Well, I'm feeling kind
of jealous again.

What for?

Well, Mary can do
lots of things,

and I'm feeling

I guess I'll get over
it when I grow up.

Let's go in the house
and hurry them up, huh?

You get in the wagon.
We'll get your ma.

The wagon's rea... Caroline, come on.
The house looks fine.

Well, I just want
to make things

as easy as possible
for miss whipple.

You know, she's doing
us a great favor

coming over and taking
care of Carrie.

You'll help her
all you can,

won't you, Laura?
Yes, ma.

You know, I've been thinking
about it, and I don't see

any reason why miss whipple
has to come by every day.


Well, look at your daughter here.
She's a young lady now.

She knows how
to take care of the house,

take care of Carrie.
She cooks.

She even does
the laundry.

I think she can just drop
Carrie off at miss whipple's

on her way to school in the
morning, pick her up afterwards.

You can handle that,
can't you, sweetheart?

Yes, sir!

Why, of course
you can.

I don't know why I
didn't think of it.

You're practically
a grownup.

You know, you girls just grow
without our noticing it.

It's all set, then?

Then let's go!

I don't think
I better go.


I think I better
say good-bye here.

You just run along.

There's so many
things to do,

I don't know
where to begin.

She's probably
right, ma.

Thank you, Laura.

You don't have to worry
about anything, ma.

Just have
a good time.

All right.

I'll be home soon.

Mary: Bye, Laura.


Wish me luck!

Laura: Ok!

Jack, don't get underfoot.
There's a lot of work to do.

You stay out here.

I don't want you
tracking up my house.

Here, take the
window seat, dear.

Is this velvet?


Tickets, please.

How many people do you
suppose are on the train?

Oh, I don't know.
A lot.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Ma, I know you packed lunch and
something to drink, but what if...

I'll be darned.

"This is the farmer
who sowed the corn."

What's a farmer?
Is that the farmer?


"That fed the cock
that crowed in the morn,

that waked the priest,
all shaven and shorn."

You remember who he was,
don't you?


You remember who he is.

"That married the man,
all tattered and torn,

"that kissed the maiden
all forlorn,

that milked the cow
with the crumpled horn."

That cow was a bad cow.

You know why?


Because "he tossed the
dog that worried the cat

"that k*lled the rat
that ate the malt

that lay in the house
that Jack built."

Hee hee. Laura, will you
please read me another story?

One's enough,
and you know it.

Scootch down... way down, way
down, down, down, down, down!

Like that!

Good night.

Good night.

Carrie all tucked in?


Look like you could use
a little sleep yourself.

No. There's
too much to do.

Did I compliment you
on that fine supper?

Ma did most of it.

All I had to do was heat up
the meat and bake the beans.

Mighty tasty,
I'll tell you that.

Stand up, please.


Stand up over here.

Oh, yes, ma'am.

How's it looking?
All right?

Looks so to me.

All it needs is a
little stitching up.

I have to get up
early tomorrow

because there's
Carrie to dress

and the eggs
to gather.

I think pancakes would
be tasty, don't you?

Mmm. Sounds fine. Pancakes
would be just fine.

We haven't had them
for a while.

What are your plans
for tomorrow?

I figured I'd work
in the mill all day.

Mr. Hanson's going
to Springfield.

You could take Carrie
and me in with you?


We can walk home. You don't
have to bother about us.

All right.



There, you see. You fell
asleep right in the chair.

Don't you think you ought to
go upstairs and go to bed?

I suppose
you're right.


You can always finish sewing
on that shirt tomorrow.

Night, pa.

Good night.
Sweet dreams.

I miss them,
don't you?

Ah, sure I do.

But it seems like
they're still here.

Well, that's because
we're family...

Close even when
we're far apart.

Now, you get
some sleep.

You make sure to get
your rest, too.

Yes, ma'am. I will.

Sweet dreams.
Go on upstairs.

Good night, pa.

Good night.

Can't you sleep,

It's so noisy... and I keep
thinking about tomorrow.

Well... come here.

Tomorrow will come
soon enough.

What sort of questions do
you think they'll ask us?

Oh, Mary, I'm sure
I don't know.

Do you think
we'll have fractions?

I suppose so.

I hate fractions.


I said
I hate fractions.

You know you'll just wear
yourself out worrying.

Now, go to sleep.

I can't.

I keep thinking.

All those people, all our
friends, they paid for us to go.

They're expecting
me to win.

Oh, no. Not
expecting... Hoping.

But what if
I don't win?

What if
I let them down?

Mary, Mary... all you
can do is your best.

No one expects
any more from you.

I just can't help

Well, then,

think about what we'd be
doing if we were at home.


I miss them.

I do, too.

Hold still.

I want to go out
and play.

You can't. I've got
to get you dressed.


The coffee.
What a mess.

My first pot, too.

Oh, no.

you come back here!

come back here!


Carrie, you know better
than to play with the eggs.

Oh, no.

Oh, my pancakes.

First it's the coffee,
then it's the pancakes.

13 times 10
is 130.

13 times 11... 143.

13 times 12...

Mary, let me fix
your sash.

There. It's time
to go.

Here we are.
Oh, child.

Ma, I can't
remember anything.

You will.
When the time comes.

Come on.
Put your bonnet on.

Do you suppose the others
feel as bad as I do?

Yes. It's one
of the problems

that comes
of having a mind.

Do you know
what it's like?

Yes, dear.
I've felt it many times.

Each time, I tell myself how
silly I'd been to fret,

but the next time,
there I'd go again.

There. Now...

You just do your best,

and no one can ask
any more of you.

I feel better.


Let's go.

Good morning,
Mrs. Oleson.


There's a dozen
and a half today.


You're sure
of the count?

Yes, ma'am.


2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,

2, 4, 6.

Huh. These eggs are
smaller than usual.

They're the same
as always.


Therefore, I shall
pay less for them.

Um, 4 cents less.

In that case, I will just
take them to Mr. Hanson.

He's going to Springfield
today, my pa said,

and I know that I can get a
good price for them there.


For heaven's sakes.

I'll spare you
the trouble.

I'll pay you the
same price as usual,

but the next time, you
pick out larger eggs.

Now, will that
be cash,

or shall I mark it
in the book?

Mark it in the book,

Good day, Mrs. Oleson.

Woman: 3 lines.
You'll be in...

The second line, line
"j" through "o."

your last name?

You're in line
"j" through "o,"

right down
that corridor.

Go ahead. Next?

Your last name,


Ingalls. You're in
line "a" through "I."

That way.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Do you think they'll
let you stay?

Oh, I doubt it.

How will you know
when to come for me?

I'm sure
they'll tell us.

Woman: Next.

Name and spelling,


Mary. M-a-r-y.

These are
your instructions.

You will take
seat number 78. Next?

Name, please?

Woman: Seat number,

Second woman: 79.

Fourth row,
all the way down.

Fourth row.
Thank you very much.

Seat number, please?

Mary: 78.

Around the back row,
down to 60, and up.

Seat number, please?

Woman: 62.

Over there, please.
Seat number, please?

Over there, please.
Seat number, please?

Row 9.

Seat number, please?

Girl: 73.

Over there. Good luck.
Seat number, please?

Girl: 67.

Over there. Follow
the lady in the green.

Seat number, please?

Boy: 9.

Over there in the back row.
Seat number, please?

Boy: 7.

Over there.

Hello, Mr. Potter.

Your attention, please.

Thank you.

Parents will
be permitted to remain

for the opening address.

Thereafter, they are requested
to depart promptly

to return at 12 noon
for the half-hour lunch recess.

Milk and sandwiches will be
provided for the contestants,

and there will be
box lunches available

in the corridor
for the parents.

The examination will terminate
precisely at 3 P.M.,

and the parents are requested
to return at that time

and pick up
their children.

Thank you.

Now, can anyone tell us
why the w*r of 1812

was known
as Mr. Madison's w*r?


Laura Ingalls?

Yes, ma'am?

I daresay our minds are not in
walnut grove today, are they?


Well, we'll know
the results soon enough.

In the meantime, we have to
concentrate on our own studies.

Yes, ma'am.

Now, can anyone tell me why it
was known as Madison's w*r?


Nellie: The w*r of 1812
was called Madison's w*r

because it was the most
important thing that happened

while Mr. Madison
was president.

It was named by people who did not like Mr.
Madison or the w*r.

Very good, Nellie.

Uh, boys and girls, may I have
your attention, please?

Remember, contestants
are not to talk to each other.

If you have a question,
just raise your hand,

and I'll come
to your desk.

Now, in precisely
10 seconds,

you will turn
the question sheet over

and begin the examination.


Oh, I hope my daughter
is doing better than I am.

Well, at least
you can crochet.

I'm too nervous
to even try.

Well, I'm making one
mistake after another.

Ma: Mary, are you going
to eat that sandwich

or just play
with it?

I'm just
not hungry, ma.

I never saw
such problems.

There was this one
about a train.


I didn't think
I'd ever get it.

Did you?

I got an answer.

I don't know
if it's right or not.

Well, at least
that problem's over.

You don't have to think
about it anymore.

Why don't you drink
some milk?

I just don't think
I'm doing well, ma.

Are you doing
your best?


Then that's all
you can do.

Got to go.

Good luck,

It is now
precisely 3 P.M.

Please rise, turn your
papers in to the monitors,

and leave
the auditorium.

How did you do,

Well, fine.
The test was hard.

Oh, I know you did a good job.
I know you did.

I don't know
how I'll live till then.

I know I didn't do well.

Well, at least
it's over,

and fretting
about it won't help.

I can't help worrying.

I know. Well, let's go back to
the hotel and worry together.

Would you like
some more, pa?

Mmm. No, half-pint.

I couldn't eat another bite.
It was delicious.

Did you do something
to your hair?


Let me see the back.

Hey, that looks
real pretty.

Thank you.

Ok, Carrie.
Now, you run along

and get ready for bed.

I'll be in to tuck you in
in a minute.

How were things at
the mill today, pa?

It seems to me you asked me
that a few times already.

I guess I did. Pa?


How long do you think it
took us to eat supper?

I don't know.
Were we on a time limit?

Would you say
it was 15 or 20?

I'd say 15,
give or take a few.

Then it's ready.

What you got in there?

It's a secret.

It's a special
surprise for Mary.

Well, I'm good at keeping secrets.
Let me have a look.


Hey, that's what I call a
very impressive-looking cake.

I have to let it hang
for an hour and a half.


Aw, that's a shame.

Well, it's not going to hurt
the taste of this part anyway.

I wanted it
to be perfect,

and now look at it.

Hey, now, don't feel so bad.
You did your best.

Sometimes I think you expect a
little too much from yourself.

But Mary would have
done it right.

She does everything

I better go
put Carrie to bed.

I'll come back and clean
up the mess afterwards.

Miss beadle, voice-over: It's
for the pride of walnut grove.

Mr. Hanson, voice-over: We know
you'll make us proud, Mary.

Make us proud...
Proud... Proud...

Miss beadle, voice-over: It's
for the pride of walnut grove.

Mr. Hanson, voice-over: We know
you'll make us proud, Mary.

Make us proud...
Proud... Proud...

Well, it's
warming up early.

You about ready?

Just about.

Today's the big day.
They're coming home.

I sure hope
Mary did good.

I'm sure she did.

It doesn't sound like you mean that.
What's wrong?

I got the jealousies

Now, what for?

I just can't do
anything right.

What are you
talking about?

I wrecked the food,
and I wrecked the cake.

I just can't do anything.

I bet you'll be glad
when ma gets back.

Now, you listen
to me, young lady.

Now, you took care
of this house.

You did the cooking, the
cleaning, everything,

took care
of your sister.

Why, any man would be proud
to have you for a wife.

They would?

You're darn right
they would.

But what about
the cooking?

Now, let me
tell you,

your ma burned a few
things in her day,

and even
with all that,

I bet you I gained 5
pounds this weekend.

You did?
I know I did.

Come on.
Hurry up.

I don't want you
to be late for school.

Laura: Pa?

I sure hope
Mary did good.

So do I.

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen

and young ladies
and gentlemen.

Now, I know you're all anxious
to hear the announcement,

the names
of those students

who achieved outstanding
success yesterday,

but first, a few remarks

to the parents
of those children.

Now, we have attempted to make this
examination as fair as possible.

It has been based entirely on material
available at all the schools.

And while I think
about it,

may I commend
those children

on their conduct during
the examination yesterday.

And now what we've all
been waiting for,

the winner of the state
mathematics championship.

The Minnesota
mathematics champion is...

Miss Mary...


Congratulations, Mary.
There you are.

Thank you.

Would you like to say
a few words

to your audience
of admirers out there?

No, thank you.

I'm sure we all wish you
the very best, Mary.

And now
for the runners-up.

In second place, with the
second highest score,

miss Mary...

Well, we have
another Mary.

Miss Mary Ingalls.

Will, uh, will Mary
please come up

and receive
her certificate?

There she is.
Thank you very much.

Congratulations, Mary.

And in third place,
master Jonathan wicken.


There you are, Jonathan.

And honorable mentions
to the following...

Miss Jennifer vanderhyun,

master John Jones,

master Isaiah kemp,

and master Thomas Wilhelm.

Well, time
for something to eat.

I'm not hungry.

Are you sure?
It's a long trip.

Maybe later.

Mary, do you realize
how well you did?

Out of I don't know
how many children,

you came in second.


Do we have to take
the stage into town?

Couldn't we just get
off near our house?

It wouldn't be
a long walk.

Your father will be
waiting for us in town.

Do you suppose
they know by now?

I'm sure
I don't know.

I'm going to get
some air.

Thank you, Nellie.

I'll correct these

and we'll see how
well you all did.

I daresay that a certain
young lady who we all know

already knows the results
of her examination.

What do you think,

Won't you even
hazard a guess?

She thinks
Mary won.

I do not. I just
hope, that's all.

Well, we all hope.

take your seat.

I wonder if anyone thought
to go to Springfield

to see if the results
were telegraphed there.

Well, we'll know soon as the
stage gets here, won't we?


We're almost there.

Ma, they think
I won!

Pa: Caroline!

Hi! How are you?

Ma: I'm glad
to see you.

Good to see you.
How was your trip?


Come on out
and meet your admirers.

Pa, I didn't win. Please tell them.
Make them go away.

They already know that.

We got a wire
from Springfield.

They're plenty proud
of you anyway.

Even though I
came in second best?

They came here
because you're the best.

Come on.

Come on.

Quiet, please!


You made us all proud.

I... l want to thank
Mary Ingalls

for putting walnut grove
on the map of Minnesota!

And on behalf
of the whole community,

I want to welcome back
Mary Ingalls,

the pride
of walnut grove!

Thank you.

We just wanted you
to do well, Mary,

and you did.

Thank you.
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