02x04 - In the Big Inning

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Aired: September 11, 1974 - March 21, 1983.*
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Based on Laura Ingalls books series revolved around the adventures of the Ingalls family who owned a farm in Walnut Grove during the late 1800s.
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02x04 - In the Big Inning

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, pa.

Hi, half-pint.

How's it going?

It's almost finished.
Where's your sister?

She'll be late.
She's helping Mrs. Whipple.

She's got a lot of extra
sewing to do right now.

Oh. Sounds like
your sister's

going to be a very
wealthy woman.


I'll bet, with
a fine bat like that,

you're sure to hit
a home run this year.

Well, if I do, it'll be
the first home run

we ever got
off of sleepy eye.

One thing for sure.

Pitcher's not going to break
the bat off in my hands

like he did
last year.

That slick mcburney
throws hard, huh?

About as hard as any
man I've ever seen.

Well, you're going to beat him this year.
I know you will.

Well, thanks for your show of
confidence, half-pint,

but unless we can
find a pitcher

that throws as hard
as mcburney,

I'm afraid we're going to
be in for a very long day.

Well, you always say you have
to believe you're going to win

or nobody else will.

Well, if I said that,
then I guess I better practice it.

And with the two
of us believing,

I'd say we have
a pretty good start.

That we do,

That we do.

Hi, ma.

Well, I finished
miss mumfort's rocker

and my baseball
bat, too.

Can Carrie play
baseball, too, pa?

Why sure,
as soon as you get

a little bit bigger
in the britches.

Couldn't be worse than
the rest of the team.

Laura: Well, we're going
to win this year, ma.

Well, it's not winning
I'm thinking about.

It's the language
they use and...

And the brawling.

It's not a fit spectacle
for young children.

Oh, now, Caroline,

you're getting yourself
all upset over nothing.

There's always disagreements
in a sporting contest.

Sporting? Charles,
there's nothing sporting about it.

Those green eyes will
come over here and...

Green stockings,

Ha ha'.

Green stockings,
whatever you call them.

They always win.

Last year,
they beat you 36-0.

We would have scored if
they hadn't called the game

on account of darkness
in the third inning.

Besides, we got
to play sleepy eye.

It's a matter
of pride.

You understand that.

I guess I do.

I've already started sewing
these letters on your shirt.

Well, hey'.

Look at that.

Hey, wearing a shirt like
that, I better play good.

Come on. We got
a little time

to practice
before supper.


Carrie play
baseball, too.

Chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick.

Oh, jebediah, when you
finish with that fence,

why don't you fetch me a jar
of rhubarb from the cellar?

I'll make you one of your favorite
rhubarb pies this morning.

But we had rhubarb
last week.

Jebediah, you know
how you like rhubarb.

Yes, Margaret.


Good morning.

Margaret: Hi'.

Jebediah: Morning,
Charles, Laura.

Laura: Morning.

Nice to see you.

Oh'. Didn't expect to get
Margaret's rocker back

till next week'.

Well, work went a lot faster
than I thought.

Half-pint and I were going
into town to baseball practice.

Thought we'd
drop it by.

Well, bring it in the house.
I'll give you a cup of coffee.

Sure am obliged.
All right.

Laura: Can I get
a drink of water?

Sure, honey.
You know where the well is.

Oh, my goodness,

that rocker hasn't looked
that good since it was new.

That's good wood.

Linseed oil and some
beeswax, it came right back.

Pa'. Mr. Mumfort'.

What's wrong?

There's a chicken hawk about
to get one of your chickens.

Margaret: Jebediah,
you put three holes in that Coop already.

I'm sorry, Margaret.

I'll patch them up.

Well, come on in
and finish your coffee.

Oh, those chicken hawks
sure are pesky.

That sure was
some throw, Mr. Mumfort.

Oh. Thank you, Laura.
Should have got him, though.

You mean you
usually hit them?

Nearly every time.

Why don't half-pint and I give
you a hand with the chicken Coop?

I'm grateful
for the hand.

Well, I'd like to talk over a
little proposition with you.

Well, what kind
of proposition?

A way you can get in
a little throwing

without wrecking
the henhouse.


Dr. Baker:
Morning, Edwards.

Morning, doc.

Ready to play?

Oh, I suppose so.

This here what we're
going to have to wear?

It's my old
college uniform.


What do you mean, "oh"?

Well, I don't know as I'd
agreed to play this game

if I knew I had to shuck
down to my long Johns.

Hanson: There you are.

How do you expect me to
pitch with a thing like this?

It's not even round.

That's just
for practice.

I'm saving
the game balls.

And the way you throw,
you won't even notice the difference.

I did my best
last year.

I know you did,

and if you hadn't,
we'd have something

to look forward to
this year.

Ha ha ha'.


I see you brought
the catcher.


Easiest position
on the team, Edwards.

Anything the pitcher
throws, you catch it,

you throw it right
back to him.

You don't even
have to move.

Last time I heard about
anything that easy,

I wound up holding the
bag on a snipe hunt.

Ha ha ha'.



Just the man
we've been waiting for.

Oh, no. I brought you the
man you've been waiting for.

You know jebediah.

Ja, you betcha'.
How are you, jebediah?

Mr. Hanson.

Laura: Mr. Mumfort
throws a ball harder

than anybody
in hero township.


I wouldn't go
that far, Laura.

Margaret ain't taken
much with games.

I never really got to
throw a real baseball.

Let me tell you,
if what he showed me is any example,

we got ourselves
a pitcher.

Let's see what
he can do.

That's a poor excuse for a ball.
Look at that.

I don't know.
I think it's kind of pretty.

Oh, there's no need to
get your dander up, nels.

Wait a minute, nels.
Let me have the ball.

I'm going to try
somebody else out.

Wait a minute. I'm the pitcher.
I pitched last year.

It was your ball and your bat.
This year, I'm the manager.

Remember, nels?
Sleepy eye scored 36 runs.

Well, I... Never really
got warmed up last year.

What's your plan
this year?

Start thawing out
the day before?

Why don't we just let nels
and jebediah both pitch,

and we can see
which one's the best.

That's fair.

Doc is
a good batter.

Let him be the judge.

Well, let's go
try it out. Come on.

Here you go, doc.
Try out my new bat.

Oh, that's a fine-looking
w*apon, Charles.

What do I do?

Just squat down.

Hey'. You're going to break my
head with that piece of lumber'.

Well, I sure am,
unless you get back'.

Everybody ready?

You know, Harriet puts great
store in being pitcher.

Well, if she's got
a good arm,

she's welcome
to try out.

Play ball'.

All right, nels'.
Fire her in here'.


k*lled a gopher.

Ha ha ha'.

Well, he's right
about one thing.

He's better than
he was last year.

All right.
Just wait.

Get it up'.

I'll get one up'.
Just wait'.

Hurry up, nels.
I'm getting the cramps.

Well, you can see
we need a pitcher.

Oh, well, don't
be disheartened, nels.

It's still findable.

Dr. Baker: Want to
try it again, nels?

No. I think I'll let
jebediah try one.

All right, jebediah.
Show them your stuff.

No, uh, up there
on the mound there.

Ja, that's right.

Now, let's see
a good one.

Don't worry,

I'll take it
easy on you.

You can do it,
Mr. Mumfort'.

Throw it like you're
aiming for that old hawk.

I didn't even
see it'.

I didn't even...
I never seen faster'.

I think he almost
k*lled him'.

Find the ball?


Good. Then all I
swallowed was my tobacco.

Hanson: Things are going
to be different this year'.

We will be proud to have
you pitch for us, jebediah'.

Be proud to do it.

Ma, ma'. Wait till you hear'.

Caroline, you're not
going to believe this,

but walnut grove's got
themselves a pitcher.

Jebediah may be just about
the best there ever was.

You mean Mr. Mumfort?

He throws
a real blue darter'.

At least that's
what pa calls it.

Jebediah mumfort?
That's hard to believe.

Well, seeing is
believing, and jebediah

is the answer to
walnut grove's prayers.

I think the lord

has more important things
on his mind than baseball.

Well, maybe so, but
I'll tell you this.

Jebediah's fastball
is heaven-sent.

We're sure
to win this year.

Well, now, I'm not so sure of
that, but I'll tell you this...

Slick mcburney never
pitched as good,

and not one man
on our team

could get a hit
off of jebediah.

What is unusual
about that?

that's not funny.

Here. Let me see
if I have this centered.

All right.

Hmm. Not bad.

It looks good.

Looks so good, I think I'll
wear it to church on Sunday.

Oh, Charles.

We got a pitcher.

You should have
seen him.

He was really

Boy, he sure could
throw that ball.

He went like this,
and he reared way back,

and he lifted his leg up
like this,

and he threw
like this'.

Hey, you cut
that out'.

I'm only showing them
how Mr. Mumfort pitches.

Hanson: I've been

after we beat
sleepy eye,

we should try to set up games
with other towns around.

I wouldn't go
too fast.

We haven't beaten
sleepy eye yet.

Oh, come now, Charles.
You've seen jebediah pitch.

He's all we've
ever needed.

Edwards: Speaking
of our pitcher...

Charles: Yeah,
there he is'.

Hanson: You take
care of that arm.

We're counting
on you.

Going to need it
a week from today.

I'll be there.
Come along, Margaret.

Good day, gentlemen.

Every team
needs a name,

and since hanson's mill

has donated
the baseballs this year,

the walnut grove Millers
would be appropriate.

That would be an excellent
name for the team.

A team name. Yes.

You know, perhaps something
biblical would be more in keeping,

like the heavenly hosts.

Well, amen to that.

I don't know,

The walnut grove
heavenly hosts.

That's an awful lot of
letters to put on a uniform.

Yeah, I suppose.

My old team was
called the mulligans.

Nels: Harriet
likes "merchants."

That seems very
appropriate since...

If it ain't gonna be the Millers,
it ain't gonna be the merchants'.

You gentlemen figure out
what the team name is.

I'm going to take my family
home to Sunday dinner.

See you at practice.

Well, that was
his name... mulligan.

See you later,

Whose name?

My old coach.


Simple enough.
Mulligan. Mulligans.

What's so funny?

Oh, I just started thinking about
it, about...

Oleson and hanson and doc
Baker at church today.

What about them?

Well, they were
all arguing

about what name to
pick for the team.

Even the reverend Alden
came up with a name...

The walnut grove
heavenly hosts.

By the time
you finished sewing

all those letters
on my shirt,

the game
would be over.

I'm surprised
at the reverend Alden,

coming up with
a name like that.

That seems

Not if we win.

Morning, Mr. Mcburney.

That's a mistake,


Ball player should
never touch a broom.

Uses all
the wrong muscles.

Ruins the swing.


Well, I never thought of
myself much as a hitter.

More a pitcher.

Ah, you're pitching
again this year?

Uh, no.

Thought I'd give somebody
else a chance this year.

Well, I wouldn't
put myself down.

I mean, I've seen you
with a bat in hand,

and I figure this just
might be your year.

My thoughts exactly.

Our family has always been
quite athletic, Mr. Slick.

It's mcburney.

Oh, that's all right.

Slick's my name,
and baseball's my game.

Besides, I can see the
lady has a very keen eye,

and if I might be
so bold as to say,

very pretty eyes
at that.

Oh'. Well,
thank you.

What are you doing
in walnut grove?

Game isn't
till Sunday.

Exactly why
I came over.

The sleepy eye fellas know
how sensitive some folks are

about wagering
on the sabbath,

so we thought
the sportsmen in town

might want to get their
bets down a little early.

Begging your pardon,

Well, I...
I don't know.

Oh, nels.
Now, you said yourself

that the merchants have
a very good chance

of winning this year.
The merchants?

Yes. That's the name
of our team here,

Mr. Mcburney,
after the mercantile.

Ah. 'Tis a noble name
for a fine team.

I don't know...

Nels, this gentleman
has ridden a long way.

While I normally don't
favor wagering,

still, I think
Mr. Mcburney here

is offering us a chance
for a very good investment.

A true patron
of the sport.

Won't you come inside,
Mr. Mcburney?

I will indeed.


Just sweep, nels.

Well, it's
always good

doing business
with you, Mr. Hanson.

Well, it was
very nice of you

to come over,
Mr. Mcburney.

See you Sunday.

And it would be nice
taking your money.


Good seeing you.

What's mcburney
doing around here?

Oh, the nerve
of that Mrs. Oleson.

Mrs. Oleson?

The merchants, indeed'.

Well, mcburney knows now that
we are wagering on the Millers,

not some
fool woman's name.

You bet
on walnut grove?

Ja, and a lot more
than the olesons.

Charles, I know how
you feel about wagering,

but, Edwards, I put down
a day's pay for you.

You made
a bet for me?


It's a matter
of pride'.

A day's wages.
That's a lot of pride, isn't it?

That's a whole lot
of pride.

You might be lucky. How you going
to lose with jebediah pitching?

Hey, say,
you're right'.

Say, there, hanson,
you think I got two days' coming?

You wait here, jebediah.
I won't be long.

4 dozen even.

My, your hens appear to be laying
very well indeed, Mrs. Ingalls.

They have to,
with the price of eggs as low as it is.

Ah, good morning,

Good morning.

Caroline, I just love the
work Charles did on my rocker.

You must be
so proud of him.

Yes, I am, but you must be
equally proud of jebediah.

Charles tells me
he's going to make

all of walnut grove
proud on Sunday.

Not to mention
a good deal richer,

that is, for those of us
who had the courage

to back our confidence
with our money.

I don't understand.

Jebediah isn't
playing for money.

No, no. I'm speaking
of the wagers.

It's as good as money in the
bank, thanks to your husband.

You mean...

People are betting because
jebediah is pitching?


Well, walnut grove has
a good chance of winning

with jebediah

Then I'm afraid
they'll have to lose.

I can't wait to see that slick
mcburney's face when Jeb...

What did you just say?

I will not allow
jebediah to take part

in any game
that encourages gambling'.

But the bets have
already been made'.

A sad lesson.
Jebediah will not be part of it'.

Now, Margaret,
you know I feel the same way

about gambling
that you do...

Good. I'm glad
someone does.

you don't understand'.

I, myself...

Harriet oleson,
it's you who doesn't understand'.

Jebediah will not play'.
I will not allow it'.

Please credit the eggs
to my account.

I have to speak
to my husband.

Trust I'll see you ladies at
the women's league on Saturday.

Good day.

Good day.

It's a little early
for lunch, isn't it?

This ain't lunch.
I'm building myself a mitten.

Doc says I ought
to have one

after I hurt my hand
the other day.

I didn't
know you hurt it.

Yeah. Swole up like
a mule stomped on it

after catching
baseballs the other day.

Well, that looks
pretty good...

And it smells
pretty bad.

I put a side of jerky in
there, take the sting out.

Going to work
pretty good, too.

I'll wait here,

You go tell them.

Yes, Margaret.

Good morning,

Wish it was.

What's the matter?

I'd rather take a beating
than say what I've got to say.

I ain't gonna be able
to pitch Sunday.

Well, why?
What, did you hurt yourself?

No. Margaret
won't let me play.

Why not?

Well, your wife Caroline and Mrs.
Oleson told about that gambling.

She's plumb set
against those things.


There must be something
we can do.

Maybe if I just go over there
and have a little talk with her.

Well, you're
welcome to try.

Margaret: Jebediah,
come along.

On second thought,
you're probably right.

Wouldn't do any good.

Sorry, fellas. Didn't
mean to let you down.

We understand.

There goes
the ball game.

And a day's wages.

Two days' wages.

What do you mean,
two days' wages?

You told me to put
you down for two'.

Now, did I say that?

Yes'. What are you
doing listening to me?

I won't anymore'.

Might as well just
eat my mitten.

Well, you know,

maybe Margaret
is right.

If they lose,
it'll teach everybody to stop gambling.

It's a pretty
expensive lesson.

Well, then,
why don't you just call off the game?

We couldn't do that,
not with sleepy eye.

We'd never hear
the end of it.

I don't see why.

Everybody knows they have a better
baseball team than we have anyway.

Caroline, you certainly have
a way of putting things.

Well, come on now.
Tell the truth.

Aren't you tired
of losing?

Sure we are.
That's just the point.

If we could have beaten
sleepy eye this year,

the men could have
quit winners.

We could have
held our heads up.

This way, you'll never get them to
quit, not losers.

You mean,
if they win Sunday,

they might
give up this game?

I'm sure of it.

Little chance of that
now without jebediah.

You know Margaret mumfort
when she's made up her mind.

Yes, I know.

I got to get back to work.
See you at the house.


Grace: The motion was
made by Mrs. Oleson

that we make curtains
for the church.

Following the discussion

of the price of yard
goods at the mercantile,

the motion was tabled
for want of a second.

Then we adjourned.

Thank you, grace.

The floor
is now open.

Thank you.

I know that
many of you feel

that this game with
sleepy eye tomorrow

is not a good thing
for the community...

Margaret: Gambling is an
abomination for any community.

It profits no one
but the devil.

Don't you agree,

Well, naturally,

I agree that normally
that is the case,


Well, out of hand,

I just wouldn't want
to condemn anything...

Reverend, suppose the winnings
were donated to the church fund.

Wouldn't that put
an entirely different light

on the matter
of the wagers?

yes, certainly.

May I remind you that that's
our money you're speaking about?

May I remind you, you will lose
it if jebediah doesn't pitch?

A half a loaf
is better than none.

For that reason,

I feel that everybody would
contribute their winnings

if you would allow
jebediah to pitch.

I don't know. It's...

It's no different
than the Turkey raffle.

We hold Turkey raffles for
the church fund, don't we?



Oh, my, yes.

You know, the lord seems
to be most charitable

in matters like this when
it's for a good cause,

and the church fund
is a very fine cause.

Well, if the rest of you agree,
I won't stand in the way.

If jebediah
wants to pitch,

then he has my permission.

May the good lord
watch over

the walnut grove
heavenly hosts.


How did it go
in there?

Jebediah's going to
pitch on Sunday.

Hey, reverend
it sounds like

you had a miracle
in there.

It's not my
doing, Charles.

I must admit that I was inspired

by the ladies'
decision to donate

curtains to
the building, but

not that I condone
wagering, mind you,

but that was an
inspired compromise

you came up with,
Mrs. Ingalls.

Thank you.
I just hope jebediah

is as inspired on Sunday

when the green stockings
get here.

Amen to that.

See you Sunday,

That's the way, Scotty.
Come on, tuck.

Come on'. You look like
a bunch of old ladies.

Well, gentlemen, Harriet...
Uh, Mrs. Oleson...

Thought it would
be appropriate

that since
we are a team,

we might be inspired
if we looked like a team.

She wants each one of you
to have one of these caps...

Charles: Well,
thank you, nels.

At cost.

What's the "m"
for, nels?

Uh... merchants.


Dr. Baker: I still
think mulligans...

The "m" will stand for all
three, so you're in luck.

Gentlemen, are you ready?

I think it's time
for the invocation.


The prayer. We always
have an invocation.

Oh, oh. All right,
you fellas'.

Hold it up'.
Hold it up'.

The umpire
wants to pray.

Will he be praying
for all of us?

I don't think
they need it.

Dear lord,
be with this gathering

and these two teams of
gentlemen who gather here today

in good fellowship.

Protect them.
Guide them.

In thy name we pray,


All right, gentlemen,
we play by local rules.

3 strikes, you're out.
3 outs is an inning.

6 innings is a game.

Last year,
we got 4 outs.

Last year, the game had to be
called because of darkness.

Are we going to
speed this game up?

Play ball'.

Man: Come on, slick.
It only takes one.

Second man: Oh, don't let
this guy bluff you out.

Come on'. Pitch it
in there, jebediah'.

All right,

Put it right in here'.
Here you go'.

Reverend: Strike 1'.

Ho'. That's a beauty.

Where'd you get
that guy from?

Never mind.
Like the man says, play ball.

Charles: All right,
all right'.

Way to pitch it
in there, jebediah'.

Edwards: All right, jebediah.
Put another one in here.

Reverend: Strike 2'.

Strike 2'.

Strike him out,
Mr. Mumfort'.

Strike him out'.

Strike him out'.

Oh'. Sir, I do
believe you are out.

Reverend: Next batter.

Where'd they
get him from?

I don't know.

Edwards: All right, jebediah.
Whip 'er in here.

Reverend: Strike 1'.

All right, jebediah.
Right here.

Throw 'er in here.

Strike 2'.

All right, jebediah.
Throw 'er hard.

3 strikes'.
You're out'.

Strike 2'.

Strike 3'.
You're out'.

you're doing great.

You struck out
the side.

Is that it?

No, not quite.
We bat, and then you do it again.

It doesn't seem Christian not
to even let them hit the ball.

Laura: Told you he was the best
pitcher in the whole world'.

Sure is'.

Well, I think it's time we showed
them something about this game.

Let's do.

Man: Oh, hey'.

Take your base'.

Edwards: You call
yourself a pitcher?

What kind
of rag arm is that?

Reverend: Next batter.

Man: He gets him'.

Strike 1'.

Oh, my.


Reverend: You're out'.


Hey, what do you
call that?

Sorry, gentlemen.
I'm afraid you're both out.

Charles: Are you
all right, doc?

Come on.

Throw it
right by him.

Man: Burn that thing
in there. Come on, slick.

Throw it
right by him.

Hit a good one,
Mr. Edwards'.

You can do it,
Mr. Edwards'.

Reverend: Ball'.

Charles: Hey, reverend,
he did that on purpose'.


You do that again, I'm going to
come out and stand on your eyelids'.

Gentlemen, please.

Remember, this is
a sporting contest.

Think of the ladies.

Strike 1'.

Charles: That's all right'.
You got 2 to go.

Come on'.
You can do it'.

Come on, Mr. Edwards'.

Mary: Come on'.

I got it'.
I got it'.


Man: That's the way
to do it'.

Man: Run'. Run'.

Charles: Run'.


Come on'. Yay'.

Charles: Come on'.
Come on'. Run'.

Oh, that's the way'.
A home run'.

Don't do that
in public'.

Gave her a rip,
didn't I?

Ah, 'twas
a lucky hit.

Maybe, but it certainly was a mighty
blow, though, wasn't it?

Play ball.

Get a hit, Charles'.

Time out.

Time out'. Time'.

Oh, he looks good.
He looks scared.

The man's scared.

Edwards: Hey,
what happened there?

Take a look
at that ball'.

Let me see.


Sorry, Charles.
You're out.

Green stockings
up to bat'.

Reverend: Strike 2'.

Throw it right
in there, jebediah'.

Oh'. I believe
that man is out.

They can't
hit it, jebediah.

They can't hit it.

We got to do
something, slick.

Yeah, right.


Get in there'.

Pitch it right
in there'.

He's not going
to hit it.

Reverend: Strike 1'.

Whoa. Jebediah,
if he bunts the ball to me,

you cover first.

All right.
Saw off his bat.

There you go.
Come on, jebediah.


Hanson: Tried
to hurt my pitcher.

He did that
on purpose'.

Throw him out of
the game, reverend.

Sit down'.

I'd rather throw
at chicken hawks.

are you all right?

Yes, dear.

Good. Come on.
He'll be all right, ma'am.

Ruffians'. Hooligans'.

Man: All right,
jebediah'. Good man'.

If anybody else
bunts, throw it to me.

All right,
let's play ball'.

Come on'.
Do your stuff'.

Oh, he's on the wrong side.
Here we go.

Man: I got it'.

Which one is it?

Is it this one?

Come on'. He's coming home'.
Get him'.

It wasn't your fault,
Mr. Edwards.

This keeps up, I'm going to have
to get a mitten for my whole body.

Reverend: Play ball'.


Please'. Please'.

Ladies'. Ladies'.

Margaret: He looked
out to me.

That's the way you're
going to call it?

Let's play ball.

Sure would hate
to see us lose.

At least it's not
as bad as last year.

Well, the game
isn't over yet.

It's the last inning'.

Well, pa says
to never give up.

We've gotta
cheer harder.

Come on,
walnut grove'.

Reverend: Strike 3'.
You're out'.

Well, that's one.
That's one.

We got two more...

Only takes one, jebediah.
Only takes one.

All right,
jebediah'. Run'.

Good hit.

Man: That's the way'.
Let's go'.

Come on, nels.

Well, it's all over now.
Mr. Oleson's up.

Come on, Mr. Oleson'.

All right, nels,
now hit the ball'.

Come on, nels.

Reverend: Strike 1'.

Man: Let's go'.

Strike 2'.

It was
a good swing, nels.

Watch the ball'.

Hit the ball'.

Man: Put it
in there'.


Mind moving your foot?
You're standing on my hand.

Who's up?

Hey, Edwards'.
Who's up?


Mr. Edwards'.

Mr. Edwards'.

Come on, Edwards.
It's your turn to bat.

We got nels on first.

Man: Come on,

Reverend: Ball'.

Come on, Edwards'.

Come on, Mr. Edwards'.
Hit a good one'.

Hit it hard'.

Reverend: Take your base.

Come on.
Take your base.

I'll take his head.

Girl: Come on, Dr. Baker'.
You can do it'.

All right, doc'.

All right, doc'.
Give 'er a rip'.

Wait for
the good pitch'.

Everybody's safe'.

We got a lot of
money on this game.

Stop fooling around with these
guys, slick.

I ain't fooling around.

We got one more out.
Now, come on.

Don't worry. I can handle it.
I can handle it.

Come on, let's go'.

Come on'.
Hit it, Charles'.

Reverend: Strike 1.

Come on'.
Hit a home run, pa'.

Come on, now, Charles'.

Reverend: Too high.

Too high?

Mr. Mcburney,
with god's help,

I call them
as I see them.

Just watch
the plate, reverend.

Watch the plate.

Man: Come on,

Come on'.

Hit it'.

Reverend: Strike 2'.

Come on, pa'.
You can do it'.

Come on, pa'.
You can do it'.

Come on, nels'.


He's safe'.

He's safe'.

He's not safe'.

He's safe'.
You dropped the ball'.

I didn't
drop the ball'.

Then where is it?

What's the score,

Laura: 9-8'. We won'.

Charles, I must say,
that was a wonderful game.

Yeah. It was a good
game to end with.

Of course, the way you and
the rest of the ladies feel,

that will be
the last one.

Oh, I didn't hear
anybody say that.

In fact, Margaret suggested
we sell tickets next year.

I think it would be a good way to
earn money for the school fund.

Did you like
the game that much?

Well, I didn't say
that, exactly,

but it is for
a good cause, and...

Well, it gets you

and no one could argue,
it's good, healthy exercise.


No one could argue
with that.

Good night,

Good night, Charles.
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