01x09 - Hell Is Other Robots

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Futurama". Aired: March 28, 1999 - September 4, 2013.*
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Accidentally frozen, pizza-deliverer Fry wakes up 1,000 years in the future.
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01x09 - Hell Is Other Robots

Post by bunniefuu »

This is awesome!

I've been waiting a thousand years...

to see a Beastie Boys show.

Can I get anybody a beer?



Ladies and gentlemen,
here to lay down...

some old, old, incredibly old
school beats, the Beastie Boys!

# Well, now,
don't you tell me to smile #

# You stick around,
I'll make it worth your while #

# Like numbers beyond
what you can dial #

# Maybe it's because
we're so versatile #

# "Style, profile," I said #

# It always brings me back
when I hear, "Ooh, child" #

# From the Hudson River... #


They're busting mad rhymes
with an 80% success rate.

I believe that qualifies as ill.

At least from a technical standpoint.

Will you guys shut up?

I'm trying to look cool.

- #... For the Flintstone Flop #
- # Flop #

- # Tammy D gets biz on the crops #
- # Crops #

# Beastie Boys known to let
the b*at... mm, drop? #

Ow! How's it going?

Ow! Enjoying the show?

Ooh! Ow!

Don't forget to pick up a T-shirt.

Wow, an old-fashioned mosh pit.

Come on, guys.

Tonight we're going to
party like it's 1999...



Hey, watch it!

Man, these guys rock harder than ever.

# Oh, my #

# It's a mirage #

# Telling you all it's a... #

# Sabotage #

# Sabotage, yeah. #

Peace! We out!

Hey, Bender.

Hey, Fender.

Man, I haven't seen you
since high school.

You still working at Jack in the Box?

Not anymore, baby.

I'm with the band.

Oh-oh, yeah.

Hey, fellas...

I want you to meet my friends...

Bender, Fry, and Leela.

You know, we're really not that
interested in meeting them.

Wow, I love you guys.

Back in the 20th century...

I had all five of your albums.

That was a thousand years ago.
Now we got seven.

Cool. Can I borrow the new ones?

And a couple of blank tapes?

Hey, Bender, why don't
we ditch these organ sacks...

and hit the real party?

Count me in.
I'm going to drink till I reboot.

Hey, what kind of party is this?

There's no booze and only one hooker.

Don't be a drag, man.

We're jacking on.

O-O-O-h, y-y-yeah!

Want a jolt?

Uh, hey, I'm no square...

but isn't that counter-indicated...

by my operations manual?

Come on, Bender.

Grab a jack.

I told these guys you were cool.

Well, if jacking on will make
strangers think I'm cool...

I'll do it.


Easy, baby, you don't want to get
hooked on this stuff.

Ah, no need to worry.
I don't have an addictive personality.

Hey, uh, Bender, what are we doing...

in this bad neighborhood?

Shut up, square!

I'll just be a minute.

Wretched sinner unit...

the path to robot heaven lies here...

in the good book 3.0.

Hey, do I preach to you...

when you're lying stoned in the gutter?


So b*at it!


Who was that guy?

Your mama.

Now shut up and drag me to work.

Our electric bill is climbing faster...

than a green snake up a sugarcane.

Obviously, someone 'round here...

been wasting a whole heap of juice.

- Probably you.
- Me?

Good morning, Bender.

None of your business!
Get off my back!

What's his problem?

If I didn't know better...

I'd almost think he
was abusing electricity.

Bender? No way.

I definitely would have
noticed something.

Bender, why are you spending
so much time in the bathroom?

Are you jacking on in there?

No! Don't come in!

Good news, everyone.

Today you'll be delivering
a crate of subpoenas...

to Sicily Eight, the mob planet.

All right, let's get to work!

I'll be out in a second.

I know big Vinnie said
he was giving me the kiss of death...

but I still think he was gay.

Did he use his tongue?

A little.

- Are you okay, Bender?
- None of your business!
Get off my back!

Uh-oh. There seems to be
an electrical disturbance...

in the Coalsack Nebula.

- A what kind of a disturbance?
- Electrical.

Anyway, it's going to take
some careful piloting to avoid it.

We're out of control!

We're heading straight
into the electric field.

What's happening?

I feel weird.

Come on, universe!

You big, mostly empty wuss!

Give me all the juice you got!

Oh, mama.


Bender, we didn't mind...

your drinking or your kleptomania...

or your p*rn ring.

In fact, that's why we loved you.

But this electricity abuse
crossed the line.

You almost k*lled us.

And you made me feel
like a jerk for trusting you.

Just like when my friend Richie swore...

he wasn't taking dr*gs...

and then he sold me my mom's VCR.

And then later,
I found out he was taking dr*gs.

You make me ashamed to be your friend.

Oh, you're right. I'm a lost cause.

Maybe there's another way.

Oh, yeah, that's the good stuff.

What am I doing?!

What have I become?!

I see a lot of
fancy robots here today...

made of real shiny metal.

But that don't impress
the robot devil, no, sir.

No, sir!

'Cause if you're a sinner...

he's going to plug
his infernal modem in the wall...

belching smoke and flame,
and he's going to download you...

straight to robot hell.

Straight to hell!

So I ask you...

who will stand up and be saved?

Who? Who?!


And as a further cost-cutting measure...

I have eliminated the saltwater cooler.

This is a witch hunt.

# Oh, what a beautiful morning #

# Oh, what a beautiful day. #

Greetings, friends.

Don't we all look nice today?

Great. He's whacked out
on electricity again.

No, I'm whacked out on life.

My friends, I found religion.


Is this another scam
to get free yarmulkes?

Give him a break, Fry.

If this helps Bender clean up his act...

then I think we should be supportive.


Then you'll all come to my
exceedingly long...

un-air-conditioned baptism ceremony.

- Um...
- Oh, I...
- Uh...

We are gathered here today
to deliver Brother Bender...

from the cold, steel grip
of the robot devil...

unto the cold, steel bosom
of our congregation.

Tell it, preacher!

That equals true.

Brother Bender...

do you accept the principles
of Robotology...

on pain of eternal damnation
in robot hell?

Yes, I do.

Then I will now baptize you.

Press any key to continue.

Uh, while you're at it...

could you touch up this seam?

This is unbelievable.

The old Bender never would
have taken us out to dinner.

The old Bender's gone.

He won't trouble you anymore.

Would monsieur care
to see the wine list?

No poison for us, thanks.

I'll stick with good old mineral oil.

Ah. Functional.

Mm. That's mine here.

I'm hungrier than a green snake
in a sugarcane field.

Friends, friends,
surely you're not going to eat...

before we say robot grace.

Oh, man.

In the name of all that is
good and logical...

we give thanks for the chemical
energy we are about to absorb.

To quote the Prophet Jerematic...

" One-zero-zero-zero...



zero-one-one-zero-zero-one... two."


Does that mean we can eat now?


But first, since I love
you all so much...

I'd like to give everyone hugs.

Come here, Fry.

Oh, uh, but I don't want to.

Fry, you're my friend.

Come on, everyone line up for a hug.

Let's tear down some emotional walls.

What are you doing to my ship?

Sanctifying it.

There. That ought to convert
a few tailgaters.

Bender's stupid religion
is driving me nuts.


If only he had joined
a mainstream religion...

like Oprah-ism or voodoo.

We've got to get the old Bender back.

And I think I know a way to do it.

We have to reacquaint him
with a little thing called sleaze.

I can't believe somebody hired...

an interstellar spaceship...

to deliver a package to Atlantic City.

What are we delivering, anyway?

Uh... this.

Where are we delivering it to?

Uh... here.

Another job well done.

Now back to the office...

for an enjoyable evening
of fasting and repentance.

Whoa, whoa. Wait, Bender.

As long as we're here why don't
we take in some exotic dancing?

Hey, great idea.

But those girls don't wear cases.

You can see their bare circuits.

Come on, it'll be fun.

Maybe we could even drink
a little fortified wine.

What?! Drinking wine is a sin...

Even if it is deliciously fortified.

Hey, Bender, look at that woman's purse.

It's hanging by a spaghetti strand.

Thou shalt not snatch.

And there's Hookerbot 5000.

She's got a heart of solid gold.

Hey, sailing unit.

Stop tempting me!

For once in my life, I have inner peace.

That's for losers.

Come on, sin your heart out.

Go nuts.

Live a little.

Could you hold my purse for a minute?

Go for it, Bender.

You know you want to.


I'm the greatest!

Looks like we got the old Bender back.

You know it, porkpie.
Except for one thing...

You know, as a major
Hollywood director...

I'll be holding auditions
tonight for my next movie.

And even though you're all
young and naive...

I think you might just
have what it takes.

Hey, I'm trying to score here.

Can't you read the
"Do not disturb" sign?

No! No!

Greetings, Bender.

Welcome to robot hell.

What in hell happened to Bender?

Well, he didn't check out.
The ashtray's still here.

Look, Nibbler's caught the scent
of vodka and motor oil.

Go, boy. Follow that stench.

I'm hallucinating this, right?

No, Bender.

Robot hell is quite real.

Here's our brochure.

But I don't belong here.

I don't like things
that are scary and painful.

Sorry, Bender.

You agreed to this when
you joined our religion.

If you sin, you go to robot hell...

for all eternity.

Aw, hell... I mean heck.

It's all right.

You can say that here.

Wait, I remember this place.

They shut it down after
all those people...

caught salmonella
from the flume ride.


It's the symbol of
Bender's old religion.


It's an actual, factual robot hell.

Who would have thought
hell would really exist?

And that it would be in New Jersey?


We know all your sins, Bender...

and for each one, we've prepared...

an agonizing and ironic
punishment. Gentlemen?

Aw, crap... singing.

Mind if I smoke?

# Cigars are evil, you won't miss 'em #

# We'll find ways
to simulate that smell #

# What a sorry fella #

# Rolled up and smoked
like a panatela #

# Here on level one of robot hell #

# Gambling's wrong and so is cheating #

# So is forging phony I.O.U. S #

# Let's let Lady Luck decide #

# What type of t*rture's justified #

# I'm pit boss here on level two #

Ooh, deep-fried robot.

# Just tell me why? #

# Please read this 55-page warrant #

# There must be robots worse than I #

# We checked around,
there really aren't #

# Then please let me explain #

# My crimes were merely boyish pranks #

# You stole from boy scouts,
nuns and banks #

# Aw, don't blame me,
blame my upbringing #

# Please stop sinning
while I'm singing #

# Selling bootleg tapes is wrong #

# Musicians need that income
to survive #

# Hey, Bender, going
to make some noise #

# With the hard drive scratched
by the Beastie Boys #

# That's whatcha, whatcha,
whatcha get on level five #

# I don't feel well #

# It's up to us to rescue him #

# Maybe he likes it here in hell #

# It's us who tempted him to sin #

# Maybe he's back at the motel #

# Come on, Fry, don't be scared #

# I'm sure at least
one of us will be spared #

# So just sit back, enjoy the ride #

# My ass has blisters from the slide #

# Fencing diamonds, fixing cockfights #

# Publishing indecent magazines #

# You'll pay for every crime #

# Knee-deep in electric slime #

# You'll suffer till the end of time #

# Enduring tortures,
most of which rhyme #

# Trapped forever here in robot hell. #

Of course, that's just for starters.

Bender, are you all right?

No. Oh, they're tormenting me...

with up-tempo singing and dancing.

All right, Beelzebot.

What'll it going to take
to get our friend back?

Sorry, but I hold all the cards here.

There's nothing you can do.

Now if you'll just sign
this fiddle contest waiver...

Wait. What fiddle contest?

the fairness in hell act of 2275...

requires me to inform you
that if you can best me...

in a fiddle contest,
you win back Bender's soul.

As well as a solid gold fiddle.

Wouldn't a solid gold fiddle
weigh hundreds of pounds...

and sound crummy?

Well, it's mostly for show.

Do you know how to play the fiddle?

No, do you?

No, but I used to play the drums.

They're sort of similar.

What happens if we lose?

You'll only win a smaller silver fiddle.

Also, I guess I'll k*ll one of you...


We'll do it.

Very well, then.

b*at this.

Well, we're boned.

Your turn.


Time for the drum solo.


Stop them!

They cheated!

# Hallelujah #

# Hallelujah #

# Hallelujah, hallelujah... #

Hurry, Bender.

I could if you dropped
the stupid gold violin.

Oh, sorry.

Don't worry, guys.

I'll never be too good
or too evil again.

From now on, I'll just be me.

Uh, do you think you could be...

just a little less evil than that?

I don't know.

Do you think you could survive
a 700-foot fall?

Ah, good old Bender.
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