08x28 - The Prince

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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08x28 - The Prince

Post by bunniefuu »

(fanfare plays)

Detail, halt.

There's a wagon in the
ditch up ahead, Mr. Dixon.

You better have a look at it.

I agree with you, Sergeant.

Better take a man with you.

Check the wagon and the
area on both sides of the road.


- Oh.
- Thank you.

After riding for so many hours,

it's just nice to be able to
stand up for a little while.

Yes, I know how
you feel, Countess,

but I must ask you and your
brother to stay in the coach.

Why? Because some silly old
wagon went off into the ditch?

You worry too much, Mr. Dixon.

Elena, that is his job.

I know, and he
takes it very seriously.

Looks like you got trouble.

Nothing me, a blacksmith
and ten dollars couldn't fix.

All I'm short of is the
blacksmith and the ten dollars.

Sorry we can't give
you a hand with that,

but we can't spare the time.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

You see? They're coming back.

All that worry for nothing.

When do we get to the Ponderosa?

Noon or a little after that.

(hoofbeats approaching)

Just what it looks like...

Wagon with a busted
wheel, one man trying to fix it.

Both sides of the
road are clean.

Good. All right, let's move out.

Yes, sir.

Move out.

(with Russian accent):
It worked very well.

You stopped the coach where
you said you would, I give you that.

You saw the jewels the
countess was wearing.


Could have been
beer-bottle glass.

Diamonds and rubies.

Worth more money
than you ever saw.

Now wait a minute, Peters.

No matter what the count
and countess have with them

or how much it's worth,

you ain't never
gonna get close to it,

not with those troopers

and the Ponderosa
ranch hands in your way.

(laughs) So that's
the end of that idea.

You're wrong, Hardesty.

It's only the beginning.

(theme song playing)

(hoofbeats approaching)

- Pa, they're coming.
- Oh, good.

Good. All right, now everybody,
you all know what to do.

Now when they come in here,

Hop Sing is going to show
them to the guest rooms.

The guest rooms
are ready, aren't they?

All ready, four, five day now.

- Yeah, good, good.
- Hey, here they come.

Detail, halt.

Count Alexis.

- I'm Ben Cartwright.
- How do you do?

It's an honor to
have you here, sir.

Thank you.

And this is my sister,
Countess Elena.

Countess Elena.

Oh, please, not so formal.

I am Elena, and this is Alexis.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Uh, these are my-my sons.

- Hoss.
- Howdy, ma'am.

- How do you do?
- And, uh, Joseph.

- How are you?
- How do you do?

- How do you do?
- Nice to see you. -Howdy.

Oh, and this is Mr. Dixon, the
United States Secret Service.

Mr. Cartwright.

Mr. Dixon. Nice
for you to be here.

Um, Hoss, would you look
after the horses and the troopers?

Uh... this way, please.

Well, the house is so right.

It belongs here as if
it grew like the trees.

Well, as a matter of
fact, it did, somewhat.

When your father
was foreman here,

it was about half
the size it is now.

We've added
considerably to it since then.

Speaking of my father, Stub
Jones sends his best regards.

Stub Jones.

Does your father still think
of himself as Stub Jones?

- He-he does.
- (laughter)

He still calls himself a cowboy.

Oh, gosh, there's so many things

I'd like to ask you
about your father,

but all that will have to
wait until you've changed.

Uh, Hop Sing, will you show
our guests to their rooms?

This most happy
occasion for Hop Sing.

This way, please.

San Francisco was a headache.

The countess decided that
she wanted to see Chinatown.

What she didn't realize was

that everyone in Chinatown
wanted to see her.

(chuckling): We very
nearly had a... had a riot.

(Ben laughs)

We got the troopers
all quartered,

- and everything's taken care of, Pa.
- Good.

Yeah, Mr. Dixon was
just telling us what it's like

to travel with nobility.

Yes, I've been waiting
for a chance to, uh,

discuss the problems here.

- Hmm.
- I think this is as good a time as any.

What, uh... what kind of
problems do you mean?

Well, the count and
countess are in this country

as guests of the president.

Their personal safety is of
great concern to Washington,

and it's also my responsibility.

If anything,
anything, gentlemen,

should happen to either of them,

it could cause an
international uproar.

Hmm. Yes, I could
understand that, I think,

but, uh, surely you're not
expecting anything to happen.

(Ben laughs)

The countess has
brought her, um, jewels.

A collection valued more than
a quarter of a million dollars.

- Hmm.

It's been reported in
every paper in the country.

Fat target for every
thief who can read.

Well, uh... let's see, now.

We, uh... we have
a small safe here.

That will help some.

But we'll also need, um,
round-the-clock guards.

And, uh, with your
permission, Mr. Cartwright,

I'd like to check out every
entrance in the house,

take a look at the
outbuildings, everything.

Oh, fine, certainly.

Hoss and Little Joe
will show you around.

You bet, any time you're ready.

Good. If you, uh,

would be good enough
to put this in the safe?

- BEN: Certainly.
- We can do it now.

(door opens)

(door closes)



You'll make camp
halfway up that slope

in the cluster of
trees and rocks.

I want one of you standing
guard watch every minute.

Keep the horses out of
sight and stay off the skyline.

And no campfire till it's
too dark to see the smoke.

Now, listen, with the count
and countess at the Ponderosa,

this whole country's
gonna be swarming

with troopers and lawmen.

Yes. They'll question
everyone they see.

That's why I want
you to stay out of sight.

What are you gonna be doing

while we're holed
up like prairie dogs?

Riding into Virginia City

to get what I need
to make you all rich.

I'll be back tomorrow night.

Now, come on, up the hill.

(cattle lowing, man shouting)

Yes, sir, when your
father was foreman

here at the Ponderosa,

he knew every
inch of this territory.

(cattle lowing)

And he knew every
steer and every heifer, too.

Superb cattle, Mr. Cartwright.

(cattle lowing)

Now I understand

why my father wanted
me to visit the Ponderosa.

Yeah, well, if you're
gonna take over his job

as adviser to the
Russian cattle industry,

he had a good idea
sending you over here

to see what cattle-raising is
like in this part of the world.

It's just beautiful.

Well, we think so.

There's a lot more to see, too.

(cattle lowing)

(crickets chirping)

One dollar.

I wonder what's keeping Peters.

I've been thinking
about that, too.

He said he'd be here tonight.

The night ain't over yet.

He'll be here.

He's a foreigner,
and I don't trust him.

There's no reason
not to trust him.

We've done pretty good
since he's been running things.

Why don't you shut up and bet?

Two dollars.

I fold.

Could be a sell-out.

He could be telling the
sheriff where we are.

Why would he?

For the reward money.

Makes a deal.

Sheriff gets the four of us,

and he gets a pocketful of
money and walks away free.

All those jewels waiting for us,

you think he's gonna
settle for $3,000 or $4,000?

Two thousand.

I looked at the wanted posters

in front of the
sheriff's office.

That's all you're worth...

$500 a piece, dead or alive.


You know, there's one thing
I can depend on, Hardesty.

As soon as I'm out of
sight, you try to take over.

I can use some of that
food, Slim. Fix me a plate.

Yes, sir.

A man's got a right to
think of his own neck.

There were ten of
us when I joined up.

Only five left.

Three of the men we lost
were good friends of mine.

Violent death is one
of the risks of our trade.

Look, risks I don't mind.

Banks and stages are fine.

But this Ponderosa thing...

You want to get us all k*lled.

Nobody asked you to join us.

Saddle right out
any time you like.

Here you go, boss.


(Peters sighs)

We rustle our own grub.

Why do you wait
on him like that?

Because I told him to.

Long as he rides with me,
he takes orders from me.

High and mighty, aren't you?

You think you're
better than we are.

Well, I'll tell you
something, mister.

You ain't.

Sit down, Hardesty. Shut up.

Don't you tell me what to do.

- From now on...
- Shut up!

You try that again, Hardesty,

I'll k*ll you.

(chuckles softly)

I picked up something
interesting in Virginia City.

Read that.

Listen to this.

"The jewel collection is said
by experts who have seen it

to be worth more than a
quarter of a million dollars."

A quarter of a million dollars?

That's right, Hardesty.

You'll ride with us now or not?


I'm in.

For a share of that kind of
money, I'll ride even with you.

(chuckles softly)

Well, tomorrow I
ride to the Ponderosa.

The Ponderosa?

That's right.

Pete, I don't know
what you have in mind,

- but I'm riding with you.
- Mm.

No, I ride alone.

There isn't that much money
in the whole world to r...

Not just the money, Slim.

I've got an old score to settle.

I'm not gonna miss the chance.

Howdy, stranger.
Something we can do for you?

If this is the Ponderosa, yes.

You got the right place.

I've come a long way
to see my old friends

Countess Elena and Count Alexis.

Your old friends?

And who are you?

Prince Vladimir
Pavelovitch Presnov,

at your service.

The fellow here
says he's a prince.

- Vladi. Oh!
- (chuckles)

How good it is to see you.

You don't know how
good it is to see you again.


Oh, what a wonderful meal.

And how wonderful
it is to see you here.

Your father said you were
someplace in America,

but we'd given up all
hope of seeing you.

When I read you were
coming to the Ponderosa,

- I rode day and night.
- (chuckles)

- And you'll stay as long as we do?
- Mm.

Well, of course he will. We
have plenty of room here.

I'm in your debt, sir.

BEN: Not at all.
It's our pleasure.

Oh, I think we're
being urged to, uh,

move into the living
room and have our brandy.

More better. Everybody
more comfortable.

(Ben chuckles)

That prince moves pretty
quick, don't he, little brother?

The countess ain't had
eyes for nobody else but him.

You can say that again.

A toast to our reunion,
your warm welcome,

and to beauty.

Hear, hear.

Mr. Cartwright, your brandy is
as superb as your hospitality.

(chuckles) Thank
you, Your Highness.

No, call me Vladi, please.

In all America,
you and your sons

are the only people who
know I was born a prince.

I should like to
keep it that way.

But you are still a
prince, aren't you?

Well, of course he is.

No, not here, Elena.

All that was... long
ago and far away.

Vladi was the youngest
colonel in the czar's army.

He won the Medal
for Valor in the Crimea.

Purely accidental, I assure you.

Vladi was also known as one
of the finest horsemen in Russia.

Yes, you remember when you won

the Cossack's Cup
in St. Petersburg?

Oh, barely, Elena. All that
happened in a different world.

ELENA: The Winter Festival,

the czar's palace,
the birthday ball.

Remember, Vladi,

that's the first time you
ever danced with me.

Yes, I remember.

Magnificent uniforms,
glittering decorations,

beautiful women.

And you outshone them all.

Mind if I join you?

Not at all.

You seem, uh, rather
interested in the prince.

Any special reason?

He's what he says he is.

Alexis tells me he and
Elena have, uh, known him

since they were children.

But he is an unexpected visitor.

You'd do well in the Secret
Service, Mr. Cartwright.

Pa, I'm gonna go out and see
if the troopers need anything.


If you'll excuse me,
I think I'll join him.

(door opening)

LITTLE JOE: Countess,
would you care for some more?

- (door closes)
- ELENA: No, thank you.


Vladi, it sounds like you've
been over in this country

quite a while. I thought a
prince had to stay around home

and keep acting like
a prince all the time.

Only if you are a firstborn son.

Under the law of primogeniture,

the first son
inherits the estates

and the responsibilities.

But I'm a second son,

so I was not burdened with that.

I was free to seek a
career in the military

or to roam the world.

And you picked the military?

Until the fighting was over.

Then I decided to seek
Dame Fortune in other lands.

Thus far she has been
a fickle and elusive jade.

Don't you miss your home?


I'd forgotten how good
that word could sound.

You seem to have
forgotten an awful lot.

But not everything.

I've something in my
saddlebag I'd like to show you.

- If you'll excuse me.
- Certainly.

(crickets chirping)


Time we had a little talk.

Of course. Come in.

- Come in.
- Thank you.

You know, Vladi, I really
wasn't surprised to find you here.

I knew you'd catch up
with us sooner or later.


And this brief encounter
can be most pleasant,

as long as you
remember it must be brief.

I would have it no other way.

(Alexis chuckles)

Oh, you still have great charm.

You're a liar and a rogue,

but you have great charm.

That performance
downstairs. (chuckles)

Prince Vladi, second son.

Too proud to live on
his brother's charity.

Too much the dashing
hussar to remain in uniform

once there was no
more w*r to fight,

no headlong charge to lead.

(chuckles) You did it very well.

You flatter me.

We both know that a second
son does not inherit wealth,

but he can marry it.

My sister is a wealthy woman.

She's also a romantic.

She was once very fond of you.

And you're afraid she still is?

Don't worry.

All that is long since dead.

Yes, well, she doesn't know
about the gambling debts,

the looted mess fund...

the hushed up court-martial
which very nearly ended

with you facing a firing squad.

20 crimes you were charged with.

Twenty...? No.




Well, she doesn't
know about that.

But you will tell her.

Only if I must.

With great delight, I'm sure.

No, Vladi, with great regret.

Because, you see, it
would hurt her deeply,

and I'd like to spare
her that if I can.

Shall we say three days?

Then you'll remember
urgent business elsewhere.


has it occurred to you
I might have changed?

(chuckles) You have?


In the years since you last
saw me, I have changed.

I'm now a cowboy.

I work with my hands.

I'm as penniless as I
was in St. Petersburg,

but now I'm free to
come and go as I please.

And I take orders from no one.

Well, Vladi, if it's money
that you need, I certainly can...


I don't want your money.

Now, that's interesting.

Perhaps you have changed.

That's Elena's locket
you have there, isn't it?

You were going to show it to her

to prove how much
you've loved her

all through the
years of your exile.

Three days.

ELENA: Winter is the
time to be in St. Petersburg.

There are snow palaces
and the tinkling of sleigh bells.

And slush and wind
and frostbite. (chuckles)

The water in the basin freezes

before you have
a chance to shave.

That's one of the
reasons that, uh,

so many of my
countrymen wear beards.

(chuckles) Don't tell all these
nice people such big fat fibs.

I'll tell them about the
day the ladies of the court

- came to the ranch to visit you.
- Oh, don't you dare.

She was being considered
as a lady-in-waiting.

These two bristling
dowagers came to the ranch

- to give their final approval.
- Yes, my darling brother

sent them down to
the branding corral.

ALEXIS: They arrived just
in time to see Elena rope, tie,

and brand a calf.

A superb performance but
hardly the thing to qualify her

as one of the delicate
ladies of the court.

- (door opens)
- (Ben chuckles anxiously)

- (door closes)
- What'd the two dowagers say?

Oh, nothing. They fainted.

(Ben laughing)

(Alexis chuckles)

Excuse me.

(crickets chirping)


(sighs) You went upstairs to get
something you wanted to show me.

A trinket. I couldn't find it.

And so you walked right
past me and come out here?

(Elena sighs)

Hm. I remember a time

that you used to like
to show me the stars...

tell me the names of them.

Look. There's Andromeda.


Andromeda's behind you.

You were so happy
a few moments ago.

And now you've turned to ice.

What happened, Vladi?

I was remembering, too.

The night we looked at the
stars from your father's garden.

I asked you to marry me.

And I said I would.

And the next day you
were on your way to Paris.

Well, you know why.

(sighs) You talked it
over with your parents

and decided you could do better
than... a penniless prince, hm?

Oh, Vladi, that's not true!

You swore to love me forever,

no matter what your
parents said or did.

Brave words; I
remember them well.

(wry chuckle)

"Forever" turned out to be
a little less than 12 hours.

My... mother and
dad had heard things.


They wanted me to
be very sure, and they...

they asked me to wait for
three months without seeing you.

Then if we hadn't
changed our minds,

they wouldn't have objected.

(rustling nearby)

MAN: Halt!


Elena, get down!




- Joe! You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

(Slim groans in pain)

Search the grounds...
See if there's anybody else.

Yes, sir.

(Slim coughs)

(panting weakly)


He's dead.

(hoofbeats approaching)

Well, if it ain't the
big man himself.

Get down and pour
yourself a drink.

Slim Rivers is dead.


Sorry to hear that.

What was he doing
at the Ponderosa?

Oh, I... sent him in to see
if you needed any help.

We were wondering what you
were doing about the jewels.

The jewel chest is kept
locked away in a safe

24 hours a day.

You make it sound so tough...

Your Highness.

(chuckles) You see, I
was at the Ponderosa, too.

Andy Peters...

a real genuine 14-karat prince.

The countess and you were
gonna get married one day.

She still seemed
pretty fond of you.

So I'll tell you, we won't
worry about that safe...

not when you got the
countess there in your pocket.


(grunting continues)

(grunting continues)


(continues panting)


(sighs deeply)

ALEXIS: Vladi...
still the wild man.

That horse of his puts his foot
in a hole, he'll be a sorry one.

Ah, Alexis.

What a wonderful day for riding.

We wondered what
had become of you.

I awakened early.

I thought if that man in
the barnyard last night

was truly an outlaw,
he would have friends.

I rode out, looking for tracks.

By yourself?!

That's a good way to get k*lled.

That wouldn't occur to Vladi...

He used to lead chargers
into the jaws of enemy a*tillery.

But the little man in
the barnyard was alone.

I searched, uh...

from this grove to those hills.


Saves us the trouble.

You ready to go back, sir?

On a day like this,
when I came out to ride?

No. What about you, Vladi?

We'll ride, of course.

You know, there is at least one
advantage to being a second son.

I'm not burdened with an escort.

I envy you that.

Everywhere I go, it
seems the view is...

flooded with soldiers.

Suppose we shake
them up a little, huh?

Show them how Cossacks ride.

As we used to do at home?

Fox and hounds! Hyah! Hyah!



Hyah, hyah!


Ah, confusion to the troopers.

(chuckles) Not
very nice, perhaps,

but I can't remember when
I've enjoyed myself more.

Well, we'd better start back.

Not just yet.

I have some friends
I want you to meet.

What do you hope
to gain by this?

Elena's jewels.

And a great deal of
personal satisfaction.

You know, Vladi, I really
hoped that you had changed.

But I suppose once
a thief, always a thief.

Spoken like a true first son.


All I want back from you
is a little of what I lost.

You know what
this will do to Elena.

She's one of the few...
Perhaps the only one...

Who still believes in you.

For what she did to me...

I want to see her hurt.

Your Royal Highness... let's go.

It was like the glorious
days of our youth again.

Alexis and I were the fox,

and the troopers were
the confused hounds.

Alexis and I separated...
Which is part of the game...

And I lost him.

But there's no need
to be concerned.

I'm sure he'll find
his way back soon.

Oh, sure, but you've been back
for more than an hour already.

He could have had an accident,
his horse could've thrown him,

- Mr. Cartwright...
- he could be lying somewhere

with a broken leg...

Mr. Cartwright, Alexis
is a superb horseman.

Well, he doesn't
know this country.

It's very easy for a horse
to step into a gopher hole...

All right, since
you're so worried,

I'll join you on a search...
We'll look where I last saw him.

- BEN: I think we should.
- Wait a minute.

Mr. Cartwright, that area's
being covered by my men.

Did you happen to see anyone
else while you were out riding?

No. No, I didn't.

Well, that's at
least some comfort.

(horse neighing in distance)

- Well?
- (sighs) No luck.

We're gonna try again
as soon as the troopers

- can saddle some fresh mounts.
- You saddle up my horse.

- I'm going along with you.
- Yes, sir.

Uh, no, Mr. Cartwright, I'd...

rather you stay here
with the countess.

Let's get back to the ranch.

They got Alexis.

French carriage
pistols. (wry laugh)

You know, I once
owned a pair like this.

They were very popular with
friends who were challenged

to a duel and had a
choice of weapons.

Mm. That's because
they're so inaccurate.

Yeah. You know,
even at 20 paces,

you couldn't hit a
barn, let alone a man.

But both parties could fire,

honor satisfied, no
blood drawn. (chuckles)

Still no word of Alexis?

Not yet.

But... he used to get
lost often, you remember?

Sooner or later, he came home.

This is strange country.

Why, yes, but

the North Star is still
in the same place.

He always used
that to guide himself.


Well, I suppose you're right.

I'd like to lock these
in the chest, if I may.

Yes, certainly.

g*ns. Why do they
fascinate men so much?

I suppose because
they make such...

nice, loud noises.

- Ah, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Uh, you won't mind if I
keep this for a minute.

I want to show Vladi
something that's in it.

Oh, sure.

Oh, excuse me.

(door closes)

It's my, uh, most
prized possession.

You remember?

Yes, I remember.

It's your medal for valor,

given to you by
the tsar himself.

And you gave it to me in
place of an engagement ring.

And you kept it all this time.


Because it was given
to me by the only man

I've ever loved or ever will.

I told you that
in a letter I wrote

the morning I left for Paris.


I had no letter.

I know that now.

It's why you've been so remote.

You thought I turned my
back on you and ran away.

There was a letter,
Vladi, I swear it,

I gave it to Alexis
and he promised me,

faithfully, he'd mail it.

And he didn't.

Yes, that could be.

Alexis never liked me much.

- Oh, he liked you.
- Oh, I, uh...

I was not the
man for his sister.

When I came back,

you were gone and I-I couldn't

find out why or where.

I just knew that you had
gotten into some kind of trouble.

Come home with me, Vladi.

No, I can't.

No matter how much I
want to, I can't go home.

But why?

Whatever you did has long
ago been forgotten and forgiven.

Elena, it is not that simple.

Well, then... I'll stay here.

I'll stay here or anywhere.

We can start a new life
together in a new country.

You would give up your family,

your rank, for me?

Of course.

A penniless man?

(soft chuckle): No.

You don't know what
you're saying, Elena.

But you're not penniless.

You have these.
They're my gift to you.

That's enough.

It's more than enough
for a new start anywhere.

It's too late, Elena.

No matter how much
I want, it cannot be.

Not here, not anywhere.

But you do love me.


In spite of what I
thought you did.

I guess I've always loved you.

Well, then it can be.

(door opens)

You have news of Alexis?

Yes, Countess. Bad news.

The, uh,

the man that we-we
found here last night, he...

apparently, he
was part of a g*ng.

They have Alexis and...

they want your jewels or...

Or they'll-they'll k*ll him?

Yes, Your Highness.

Well, give them the jewels.

How are they to be delivered?

One man rides out
alone at moonrise.

He rides straight
east, until he's stopped.

If he's followed, the
count will be k*lled.

I am your messenger.

I'm afraid not.

The count's safety
is my responsibility.

But it is my fault.
If it hadn't been

for that foolish game
of fox and hounds...

Sorry. It's my job.

You gave me the jewels,
Elena, tell them that.

With all my heart
and all my love,

I ask that I be the messenger.

It's Vladi's wish...
and it's mine.

Moonrise in an hour.

I shall be ready.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Hurry back, Vladi, please.

Until I see you next,

remember that I love you.

(hoofbeats galloping away)

They say they'll
release the count

when they get the jewels.

(scoffs) Outlaw's promise.

Hardly to be counted on.

My sons and I know this country

probably better
than anyone else.

I think we could
track Prince Vladi

without being seen.

I suggest you do it, then.


Hoss is saddling the horses now.

(hoofbeats approaching)

The moon's been up an hour.

Where is he?

You don't hear too good.

He's ridin' in now.

All right, scatter.

You're late, Prince.

Put the chest on the
ground and step back.

Not till you cut him loose.


He stays tied.

Three g*ns say he stays tied.

Three g*ns?

(footsteps approaching)

So you finally talked them
around to your side, hm?

We decided we
could use your share.

Now, Prince...

put the chest on the
ground and step back.



Get rid of him.

Let's get out of here.

All right, hold it!



(deep sigh, raspy breathing)

She asked me to come home.

It would have been nice.

I wish... Elena...
would not have known.

She won't.

Mr. Dixon.

Mr. Cartwright,
thank you very much.

Ben, thank you for everything.

It was good to have you here.

I, uh, hope you have
a safe journey back.

And give your father
my very best regards.

Tell him I'd like to see him.

Elena, I'm...

I find it hard to tell you

how we feel about what happened.

Thank you.


OFFICER: Move out!
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