11x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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11x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

JENNIFER: Each new morning commences
with a still point,

that moment when sleep ends,

when we become alert and pause,

poised on the edge of
everything the day will bring.


So much is unknown,

but we start with the familiar...

"This is where I am.

"This is what I do.

"This is the life I am given
and will love."

Every day, we strive to make
the best of what we have.

They say a smile costs nothing,

a kind word likewise.

Leave it.

The sun when it shines
on our face is free.

But what of the courage
it can take to simply live?

♪ Take the last train to Clarksville

♪ And I'll meet you at the station

♪ You can be here by four-thirty

♪ Cos I've made your
reservation... ♪

Busy day today.

Doctor Turner is holding
his monthly cytology clinic.

There's quite a few ladies
to be screened.

Attendance has been steadily
growing since it started,

so I think Sister Frances and
Nurse Franklin will be very busy.

Nurse Corrigan will stay
at the maternity home,

Sister Hilda is on district duty,

and Nurse Anderson...

Nurse ROBINSON and I will cover
home visits.

Vivien Thomson,
have I seen her before?

No-one's seen her, not this time.

She's failed to attend any of her
ante-natal appointments.

Hey, behave!

Hello, nurse. Hello.

Fuss over nothing, if you ask me.

I've done it three times before.

Good job you was quick.

I've only just come off me shift
and still haven't had breakfast.

It's important not to skip meals,

especially when your body
is running for two.

Where do you work?

I'm a cleaner at St Wilbur's.

Erm, is Mr Thomson
not around to help?

No, he's...

He's very busy.

I can't see a cot or a pram,
and Baby could arrive any day now.

Would you like to borrow anything?

I've got a drawer
and a few blankets,

and I've always had plenty
of breast milk.

It's all I need.
Your blood pressure's a little high.

Nothing to worry about, but I'd like
to pop back later in the week

to keep an eye on it.
Suit yourself.

But you needn't bother.
I know what I'm doing.

Once you've done it once,
it's like falling off a log.

And I'm good with babies.

I'd do it all again, if I could.

Let's just focus on this one
for the time being, shall we?

Mrs Amala Mohammed?

Oh, hello, Mrs Mohammed.

How are the little ones?
Very well, thank you, Sister.

The children can wait
in the toy area.

Go on through.

Date of birth is March ,

That is correct.

So, I'm going to take a small sample
of cells from your cervix.

Yes, I understand.

Well, that's a very good start.
You'd be amazed the number of women

who don't know where
their cervix is.

We even had one gentleman who
came in to have his checked,

which was a slightly
awkward conversation.

Oh, don't worry.

It's not painful and it won't
take too long, I promise.

Mrs Janis Cowper?

Follow me, please.

Special day today. I bought
a new pair of hip huggers

especially for the occasion.
Mint green.


It's not often our patients
are quite so enthusiastic

about this procedure.

Oh, no.

I just mean, it's my one-year
wedding anniversary today.


Well, in that case, I believe
a congratulations are in order.

Paper, isn't it?

Well, yes, but I shouldn't think
paper knickers would have

quite the same appeal.

Talking of topping and tailing,
my next appointment's

at the hairdressers.

We're going up west this evening.
Fancy hotel.

Might even see you in the ante-natal
clinic before the year's out.

Just relax your knees
out to the side.

I was thinking of getting a fringe,
like Jean Shrimpton.

Do you think it would suit me?

I'm probably not the best person
to ask.

Deep breath in.

Ouch...! Sorry.

There you are, you're all done.

Have you had that rash for long?

A few days only.

I think it is my new
washing detergent.

Thank you, Mrs Cowper,
you can get dressed now.

Is something wrong?

Well, hopefully, it's nothing
to worry about,

but your cervix is a
little inflamed.

So, if you don't mind, I'd like
to refer you to St Cuthbert's.

Just goes to show how important
these tests are.

Better to sort things now,
before I start a family.

Doctor, do you have a minute?

Mrs Mohammed, I'm afraid you
and your children have scabies.

It's an infection caused by tiny
mites which lay their eggs under

the surface of the skin.

That's what's causing this rash,

which can become
quite itchy and sore.

Please don't upset yourself.

I know it sounds unpleasant,
but it is completely curable.

And if you don't have adequate
bathing facilities, you can take

your children, and anyone else
who you live with, to be treated

at the cleansing station.

You take a hot bath and a nurse
will cover your body in a lotion

that you leave on the skin to dry.

If you wait here, I'll speak
to the receptionist

and write the address down.

Do we know which school
her children attend?

I'll find out and ask Miss Higgins
to give them a precautionary call.

Well, let's hope it's an isolated
incident and we've caught it early.

You should probably be in bed.

Brush your teeth.

If you do suspect any new cases,
you're to let Miss Higgins know

straight away, so that she can
identify close contacts

and refer them for treatment
as quickly as possible.

Those who are pregnant
or new mothers

will be treated by a midwife.

Volunteers will be needed to work at
the cleansing station if there's

a serious scabies outbreak.

Every inch of the body needs
painting in benzyl benzoate,

and it takes time.


Good morning.
Doctor Turner's surgery.

Miss Higgins?

I don't think she's arrived yet.

Well, that's odd. You can set
your watch by her, normally.

Sister Frances, has Miss Higgins
called in at all? No.

No, I did think it was
a bit unusual.

She's usually the first one here.

Baby's heartbeat sounds
nice and strong.

What will happen to the little one
when you go back to work?

I won't have to for a while.

Landlord's suspended the rent.

On account of the hole in the roof?

I knew he wouldn't have the money
to fix it, so I figured

it was worth getting a bit chilly.
You made the hole?

Well, it was going to come down
sooner or later,

so I gave it a helping hand
with a broom handle.


I'll answer it?
Yeah. Thanks.

Good morning, Nurse.

May I speak with
Mrs Thomson please?

Yes, come in.

I'm afraid your son
was caught shoplifting

earlier this morning, madam.


No, there must be some
kind of mistake.

I'm sorry, Mum.

What were you thinking?

I've begged and pleaded with
you, Antony! You numbskull!


Sit down, Mrs Thomson.

What did the boy take?
Nappies and some baby clothes.

Clearly, these are the actions of a
concerned child, not a petty thief.

I'll pay for whatever he took.

There will be a referral to the
Juvenile Liaison Department

and an officer will be in touch.

In the meantime,
try and stay out of trouble.

I thought it might be
that time of day.

Oh, you are kind, Sister.

Two biscuits!

I only ever get one
off Miss Higgins.

Have we heard from her yet?

Not so far.

Also, I wondered if you'd
managed to book in a referral

for Mrs Cowper yet?

I believe she's actually at
St Cuthbert"s today, having tests.

We'll know more when the
results come in next week.

She put a brave face on it,
but I could tell she was worried.

I'm worried.

But let's see how she gets on.

You've not been itching at all?

Well, run along and have
your lunch, then, dears.

How many are we referring
for treatment?

Nine, so far, along with
their families, of course,

which will bring the number
much higher. Next, please!

Scabies is so contagious.
We need to print out posters

and information leaflets
as soon as possible.

I'll speak to the local medical
officer this afternoon.

If we don't act quickly,
a full-scale

scabies outbreak feels inevitable.

Still no answer, I'm afraid.

I'm going to drive round to her
house en route to my rounds.

Miss Higgins!

Well, where have you been?

We were starting to worry about you.

I...| was just manning the phone.

Everything all right, Miss Higgins?

I would have thought
it was perfectly obvious

that everything is not.

I was burgled last night.

Oh, Miss Hig...

That's awful.

I... I've only just got back
from the police station.

I came downstairs this morning
to find the living room ransacked.

Ornaments smashed to smithereens,

great big muddy footprints smeared
across my Kashmir rug,

a hole in my kitchen window.

Gosh, that must have been
terribly distressing.

Now, you mustn't even think
of working today.

You need to go home.

I will do no such thing.

I don't believe I can ever set
foot in that building again.

Good afternoon, Miss Higgins.

Please, make yourself at home.

You are welcome to stay with us
for as long as you like.

Hello, love.

Sorry to bother you at work,
but I just bumped into a friend

of mine who's gone into labour.

Oh, right. I said I'd stay and mind
the children until the baby arrives.

You don't mind, do you?

Of course I don't mind.

I probably won't be back till
tomorrow morning, though, OK? OK.

There's some leftover casserole
in the fridge.

OK, bye. Love you.

I love you, too.

Would you like some ham,
Miss Higgins?

I believe Miss Higgins
has already said no.

I could prepare something else.

If there's anything
that takes your fancy.

No, thank you.

Miss Higgins has had
an eventful day.

I expect she would benefit
from some quiet repose.

Nurse Crane, would you be so kind
as to show Miss Higgins upstairs?

I've made up the spare bed
in my room.

I must admit to feeling rather...
at sixes and sevens.

I'm sure you'll feel better
in the morning.

Poor Miss Higgins.

This has quite knocked
the wind out of her sails.

I think it's absolutely disgusting
that someone should rob

an old woman like that.

Thou shalt rise up before
the hoary head

and honour the face of the old man

and fear thy God.

Miss Higgins is not old.

No. She's mature.

That... that's what I meant.

Respect for one's elders used to
be the bedrock of civilisation.

Antony's on washing-up duty.
His idea.

He just wants to help.
He's a good lad, really.

I'm sure no-one will press charges,
in the circumstances.

You don't understand.

That hoity toity social worker
will think it runs in the family.

What runs in the family?

Colin, my eldest, he's in borstal.

Chip off the old block.

I was only a couple of years
older than Antony now

when I married my first husband.

Childhood sweethearts?
Oh, I wouldn't say that, no.

Archie was a soldier back
from Dunkirk.

Swept me off my feet,
and then across the floor.

I was never sure if he was always
just like that,

or if it was the w*r what done it.

I was pregnant with Antony when he
got sent down after a pub brawl.

Oh, it was a blessing, really.

I struggled with drink for
a few years after that,

and that's when social services
got involved.

They were dark days.

But then I met George's dad,
and he helped me dry out.

And that's all that matters now.

Precious, all anyone wants is to
help you look after your family.

I can do that by myself.

I don't need help.

I see. Well, thank you for trying.

I'm afraid Mrs Cowper wouldn't
come to the telephone

when her neighbour mentioned
I was calling from the surgery.

Is there a problem?

St Cuthbert's have telephoned.

Apparently, Janis Cowper didn't
attend her appointment this morning.

I've just finished my shift
at the maternity home.

I could pay her a visit,
if you like?

Do you have time?

I can't go this afternoon, and,
well, the sooner we can persuade her

to come to the surgery, the better.

I have her address.

If you wanted, you could deliver
Mrs Cowper's results yourself.

A good rapport goes a long way
in situations like this.

What, you'd trust me to do that?


Well, you and I can go through
the histology report together

and I'll explain the findings.

But it won't be
an easy conversation.

I'd like to do it.

Hello, Mrs Cowper.

Your neighbour told me I might
find you here.

Your new hairstyle suits you
very well.

Did the doctor send you?

Means it's serious, doesn't it?

Well, I don't have any symptoms.

I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine.

When I was little,
I was terrified of needles.

I remember hiding in a wardrobe
the morning I was supposed to have

my smallpox vaccination, only I
stood on a rusty clothes hanger,

and I ended up needing three
stitches in my foot

and a tetanus injection.

And I still had to have the smallpox
a few weeks later, by which time

it was the school holidays.
My arm ached so much,

I couldn't go swimming
in Scarborough.

Looking back...

| think that was God's way of
teaching me how important it is

to face your fears.

I'm afraid the tests confirmed

you have significant
cervical cancer.

The good news is, thanks to your
diligence, we've caught it early.

And with prompt treatment,
there's an excellent chance

that you'll make a full recovery.

What kind of treatment?

You'll need an operation.

To remove the cancer? Yes.

And then I'll be cured?

That's what we'd expect, yes.

So, I'll be able to have
children then?

The doctors need to perform a
radical hysterectomy, Mrs Cowper.

I'm afraid they need to
remove your womb.

That should do it.

Just needed a washer replacing.

Ah, very kind.

And I've left you some
vegetables on the counter there.

Cauliflower and a cabbage.

Don't agree with my digestion.

Very thoughtful.

Ta-ra. Have a good evening.
Goodnight, Fred.

Penny for them?

I know we're lucky we have
such a kind landlord,

but is it wrong to want more?

I'd like my own home, Cyril.

We work hard. We deserve it.

Of course we do...

in a just society.

But it was hard enough to
find somewhere to rent.

You know how difficult it is...
for people like us.

And how's it going to change if
we don't challenge the status quo?

We can't lay the blame on society
if we don't even try.

We'd need to save at least...
£ for a deposit.

I know.

Our own house?

Our own home.

I'll think about it.





It's all right.

It's all right.

Would it help if I locked your bag
in the trunk for safekeeping?


It's not the loss of my belongings
that upsets me.

Only small items of value
were taken in the burglary

and a little loose cash.

But all these years

I've worked so hard to
make a home for myself,

to embrace my independence.

It feels like a violation.

An intruder has entered my house
at night while I was sleeping.

How will I ever feel safe again?

How about if I lock the door?

Would that make you feel better?


Good morning,
public health information.

Public health information.

Please take the time to read.

Morning. Scabies information.

Morning! Scabies information.

Tootle pip. Have a cheery day.


Any news from Sister Frances?

I spoke to her at breakfast
this morning,

and she is bringing Mrs Cowper in
to discuss the hysterectomy

at half past nine.

Ah, that's excellent.

Uh... Oh, you gave me the
notes for Miss Roper.


I have known for some time that
you are literate, Doctor Turner.

My next appointment
is with Mr Lewis?

Oh, dear me, so it is.

Still not sleeping well?

I'm afraid the bed linen
at Nonnatus House

is of a rather inferior
thread count.

Good morning. How can I help?

I wanted to talk to you
about Mrs Thomson.

My name's Ruth Palmer and
I'm the family's social worker.

If it's about the unfortunate
incident with her son,

he only had his mother's
best interests at heart.

As we all do.

Is it your opinion that
she's struggling to cope?

I think Mrs Thomson would benefit
from any additional support

we can offer. Then we're agreed.

As you may be aware, the family
contraceptive clinic are working

with local councils to trial
a new service aimed

at problem families,
like the Thomsons.

"Problem" families?

We've been asked to refer mothers
who aren't coping well

with large families for
contraceptive advice.

It's just one of the ways
we might be able to help.

Mrs Thomson might be a little
challenging at times,

but she's making the best of
a very difficult situation.

But perhaps her situation wouldn't
have become so difficult

if she'd had access
to contraception.

Many of the women I have dealt
with are extremely grateful

for the option to limit
their family size.

I'm sure they are.

But Mrs Thomson is already
nine months pregnant.

Exactly, and the months after giving
birth are very unpredictable

in terms of fertility.

When are you next seeing her?

She has a check-up
this afternoon. Why?

We haven't always found Mrs Thomson
receptive to our intervention

in the past. I wonder if you
might have a word with her?

There's nothing else you can do?

I wish there was.

And what will happen if
I don't have the operation?

The cancer would spread.


...could I live long enough
to start a family?

I can't say how quickly it would
spread, but even if you did

become pregnant, it would put a huge
additional pressure on your body.

Really, the sooner you have
this operation, the better.

All these years I've always looked
after myself so carefully.

Never smoked, watched what I ate.

Barely been off a day sick
in my life.

And then something like
this happens.

It just feels so unfair.

I know.

It must be a terrible shock.

But we're here to support you and
your husband in any way that we can.

Oh, Philip...

How am I going to tell him?

I thought I might go to
the cinema on Thursday

and catch that new film
with Jane Fonda.

Bachelor Girl Apartment?

Have you read the reviews?

I don't think it will enhance
your character.

I'm not trying to enhance
my character.

If you wanted to do that, you'd
accompany me to the medicinal baths.

Oh, it's my day off.

Try telling that to the poor
children of Poplar,

flaying their skin to ribbons while
they queue for hours to be seen.

Gentlemen present
the greatest obstacle.

They are too proud to come forward.

True, but we're still
making headway.

As a result of our
leaf letting campaign,

many more have been
referred for inspection.

If we don't all roll up our
sleeves now, it will mean

extra work for work for everyone
in the long run.

It's still a little on
the high side.

You know, you really
shouldn't smoke.

We ran a campaign on the dangers
just last month.

There wouldn't be
so many adverts for it

if it were really that bad for you.

Mrs Thomson, I wondered if
you'd given any thought

to the type of contraception you
will use after Baby has arrived?


I have not.

Why are you asking me that?

The few hours I'm awake
between working

and looking after my children,

I tend to spend worrying about
whether one's going to go to prison

and if the other one's ever
going to get out,

let alone paying the bills and
putting food on their plates.

I understand.

It's just, your social worker
came to see me...

Wait, wait, wait. You've been
speaking to my social worker?

She thinks I'm an unfit mother,
doesn't she?

You do, too.
Of course I don't.

For your information,
I've no need of contraception

because Mr Thomson walked out
on me the moment he knew

I was in the family way.

He never liked competing
for my attention,

and I think he probably
had a bit on the side, too.

I'm sorry.

You should have said... Why?

It's none of your business.

I knew if the social worker
found out I was by myself,

she'd be back asking questions.

And if people saw her coming and
going, they'd think I couldn't cope.

And I'm a proud woman,
Nurse Robinson.

I may not do a good job of
looking after meself,

but I ALWAYS put my children first.

There we go.

Get that back done.

Is it cold?

Is it tickly?


Who wants to get rid
of that itchy tum?

Sounds like they're having
a very jolly time in here.

A noisy time, certainly.

Hot off the press.

To distribute as you see fit.
Thank you.

Would you like to take your lunch?

You've been here since
the crack of dawn.

No, I'm still raring to go.

Fresh as a daisy, me.

Oh, good.


Ready. But there's
no sign of scabies.

I did run you a bath and there's
a fresh bar of soap on the sink.

Is this really necessary?

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

I don't want people judging us.

What's got into you this evening?

Scabies isn't anything
to be ashamed of.

Surely, in your line of work,
you should appreciate that

more than anyone?
You're right.

This isn't about scabies.

I received a visit from
a social worker this morning.

She wanted me to persuade
one of my mothers

to accept contraceptive advice.

Against my better judgment,
I agreed.

It wasn't my place, and now
I've lost my patient's trust.

So, win it back.

It won't be easy.

Buying a house won't be either.

But it won't stop us, will it?


Good heavens.

Is it really necessary
to fling yourself around

quite so violently first thing
in the morning?

The reverberations might bring
another ceiling down

if you're not careful.

It's quite impossible
to concentrate on my book

with all your huffing and puffing.

The Language of Flowers.

I found it in the parlour.
It's really most fascinating,

Riveting, I'm sure.


Time to get up.

Breakfast is on the table.

There's no need to linger.

I shall be some time about
my ablutions,

as I always take a bath
on Thursday mornings.

I could draw up a rota, if it would
help to know in advance?

You not going to eat that?

I'm not hungry.

You didn't each much
yesterday either.

Or the night before.
Are you all right?

There's something I need
to tell you, Philip.

By, up.

This sounds serious.

You're not pregnant, are ya?

I mean, you've been a bit moody
the last few days.

Tired, off your food...

I'm right, aren't I?

I knew it!

Oh, wait till I tell
the lads at work.

I'm going to be a father.

I'm going to be a father!

Bye, love!


Little one must be due any day now.

Uh, yeah.

Get the door, will you, Fred?



Didn't you notice her scratching?

What, and that's a crime now?

Oh! We cannot be too careful,
Fred Buckle.

We've got a business to think about.

People don't want to be buying
their daily bread

from a shopkeeper becrusted
in pimples.

It's already three o'clock.

We're going to have to start
turning people away

if the queue gets any longer.

Oh, I've created an
overflow station.

It's not glamorous, but
there's a large basement area

we can use to speed up the process.

So, once patients have been bathed,

they go straight
downstairs for treatment.


Mum, are you sure you don't want
me to call Nurse Robinson?

I told you, I'm fine.

It smells delicious.
Thank you, Phyllis.

I might have a sandwich instead.

Cold food is served at tea-time.

I'd be happy to make you
a sandwich, if you'd rather.

Thank you, that's very kind.
Nothing extravagant.

Cheese and tomato would suffice.

On wholemeal bread with butter,
not margarine.

Right you are.

Mature cheddar or Red Leicester
would both be acceptable,

provided they're evenly sliced,

and placed between the tomato
and the bread to prevent

the bread from going soggy.

All duly noted.

Tomatoes lightly salted, of course.

Of course.

If it's not too much of
an inconvenience.

I've just had a call from
Antony Terry.

His mother is in labour.

Quite advanced, by the sounds of it.


Midwife calling.

Antony, if you open that door even
so much more than a whisker,

you'll wish you'd never been born!

She didn't want me to call you.

I don't know what to do.

How frequently are the pains
coming on? I don't know.

I know you love your mother
and you want to respect her wishes,

but it is very important
that I examine her,

for her sake and the baby's.

Scabies is nothing to be ashamed of,
nothing at all.

I know I let you down
last time I saw you.

My enquiry was insensitive
and presumptuous,

for which I sincerely apologise.

But, Mrs Thomson, all that matters
now is delivering your baby safely.

Vivien, please.

If you're going to be poking
round in me nether regions,

we should at least be
on first name terms.

I wonder if we might be able to
stick a public health poster

up in your window, Mr Romano?

Va benissimo, facia,
non c'e' problema.

Grazie. Prego.

Matthew? What brings you here?

Oh, I, uh...

had some business to attend to
at one of the warehouses.

Dressed as Inspector Clouseau?

Might I interest you in
one of our posters?

Oh, no. I didn't realise posh people
got it, too.

I feel like the Queen Mother after
Buckingham Palace was bombed,

finally able to look
the East End in the face.

You need to get yourself down
to a cleansing station.

I was on my way to a
private clinic, actually.

Do you get a better class of mite
if you pay for it?


You know they have to paint
every inch of your body?

Every inch.

Right. Erm, well, look, I...
I'd better go.

Erm... I'll see you soon.

Promise me you won't tell the
social worker about the scabies.

I promise.

Now, please, put it out your mind.
We can treat you later.

She'll use it as an excuse to
take the baby away from me.

Especially if she knows
I'm on me own.

She'll see it as neglect.
She will do no such thing.

I haven't slept in days.

I keep having nightmares about
Antony going to prison,

about losing the baby... Precious,
you've got to try and stay calm.

You need all your energy to
manage your contractions.

If you panic, it's going to
make it so much harder.


You're home early.

I wanted to spend some more time
with my beautiful wife

and mother-to-be.

There's no baby, Philip.



Never mind.

There's plenty of time.

There'll never be any baby.

I don't understand.

I've got cancer, Philip.

The doctors need to cut out my womb.

You're doing really well, Vivien.

Short, sharp pants.

I can't do it. I can't do it...

I can't do it...!

But once you're better...
IF I get better.

Of course you're going
to get better.

The operation isn't reversible.

No, but...



...we'll never be able
to have children.

Look at me, Vivien.

You know what you're doing.

You're good at having
babies, remember?

Not many women could cope with all
that life has thrown at you.

Your baby is lucky to have such
a brave and resourceful mother.

No-one is going to take
your children away, no-one.

I can see Baby's head.

I need you to be strong now.

Antony, do you think your mum
is up to this?

My mum can do anything.

Vivien, are you ready
to meet your baby?

I'm ready.

Use this contraction
to push Baby out, precious.


I'll understand if you
want to leave me.

In some ways, it'd be a relief.

No-one would blame you.

Women are supposed to be able
to bear children.

It's what you expected
when we got married.

I've let you down.

Oh, come here, petal.

During the biopsy, I felt like a
piece of meat on the butcher's slab,

prodded and poked, bits of my
insides being scraped out

by a strange man who talked about me
like I was a collection of cells.

Not a living, breathing person.

And I did it by myself,
without telling you,

because I didn't want you
to see me like that.

I wanted to stay special.

It's too late now.

I'm not special any more.

I'm spoiled.

You should leave now, Antony.

I'm not going anywhere.
I want him to stay...!


Slowly does it.

Now, take a breath.



It's a girl, precious.

It's a beautiful baby girl.

Meet your new baby daughter.

Hello, little one...!

Leftover lunch.

I'm afraid the bread was a little
too chewy for my taste.

I'll eat it if it's going spare.

Sorry. Did you want to be
on your own?

When I'm alone, I want company.

And when I'm in company,
I want to be by myself.

Isn't that ridiculous?

Sounds like me before my monthlies.

Oh, thank goodness those days
are behind me.

I'm ever so grateful, of course,
for everyone's kindness.


...it's quite exhausting feeling
grateful ALL the time.

I fear it makes one rather

Ah, I shouldn't worry about that.

Have you ever tried to
have a conversation

with Sister Monica Joan
before breakfast?


On the one hand, it makes a very
pleasant change to be looked after.

But it's difficult too, you see,
when you reach a certain age

and you're used to your

to adapt to other people.

Different routines.

Well, yes, I suppose it must be.

I'm sorry for barging in on you.

You're a busy man,
you haven't got time.

I'm a doctor, Mr Cowper.

I make time.
Would you like to take a seat?

Tell us about Janis.

We had an appointment with
the surgeon this morning,

but she refused to get out the car.

She's really struggling with
this diagnosis, isn't she?

Yes, she is.

All I want to do is look after her,
but she won't let me -

and I don't know how to change that.

She will adjust.

But there's a lot for both of you
to take on board.

I've told her, I don't mind
about not having children.

But I do mind.

I really, really mind.

Further down the line,
you can consider adoption.

I can even talk to you about
my own experience of that.

But not now.

Things are too raw.

The most important thing is we
get your wife onto an even keel.

I need to put the thought of kids
to one side, don't I?

Just think about her,
not some dream we had.

That's right.

I'm just worried everything I say
will come out wrong.

Well, just keep talking, Mr Cowper.

And keep listening.

You're doing better than you think.


What are you doing here?

Social work.


She can't have gone far.
I'll help you look for her.


She wants me to go see a doctor
so he can stop me

having any more children.

Tell me you haven't come here
now to discuss that.

I came to see the baby and reassure
Mrs Thomson that the shopkeeper

her son stole from has agreed
not to press charges.

But that's not all.

I merely suggested referring her to
the family contraceptive clinic.

It's in everybody's best interests,
and I'm happy to come back

when her husband gets home so
we can discuss it all together.

I'd like you to leave now.

I need some privacy to make
the necessary postpartum checks.

There she is.

Janis. We've been looking
everywhere for you.

I followed them here,
like a madwoman.

I can't stop noticing all
the children and babies.

All the experiences I'll never have.

And I can't stop wondering
if anything will fill the gap

my womb leaves behind, or if
I'll just be walking round

with a big hole in my
insides forever.

What do women do when
they don't have children?

Because the only ones I can think
of are feminists and nuns,

and my knowledge of the Bible
is sketchy at best.

I don't want to change the world.

I was happy with a small life.

Perhaps if you focus on
the things you can do,

rather than the things you can't.

You'll find you still have
plenty of choices.

It won't be the same.

I won't be the same.

You'll think me less a woman...

You're more than a collection
of body parts.

I love YOU, Janis Cowper.

Children might have been
the icing on the cake,

but you're my be-all and end-all.

And we can still have
lots of adventures.

Just not the ones we imagined.

I must have dozed off.

Don't you need to be somewhere?

Sister Julienne agreed to
cover my afternoon visits.

You needed a rest.

Do you want to have a wash
and get dressed?

The boys will be home soon.
I can make you all something to eat.

Have you thought of a name yet?

George likes Elizabeth.

Antony thinks she looks
like a Julie.

And what do you think, Vivien?

I don't know.

Maybe Miss Palmer's right.

No. I'm a terrible mother.

I can't even hold me baby.

My milk hasn't come through yet.
Try and be patient.

Worrying about it
will only make it worse.

I asked Antony to buy powder
and a bottle

so he can feed her when
he gets home from school.

I can help you with that,
if it's what you want.

I don't know what I want.

It's normal to be feeling low
a few days after giving birth.

Your body's making huge adjustments.

You mustn't take anything
Miss Palmer said to heart.

It's nothing personal.

She's just doing her job.

Oh, can you bring it round
the back, Fred?

It's a special order and
I don't want it on display

with scabies going round.

Bit much, ain't it?

I can't risk contaminated
customers unwittingly

passing scabies on to others.

Morning, Mrs Buckle.

Good morning, Lucille.
What can I get you?

I'd like a gram crochet wool
in baby pink, please.



That'll be two and three, please.

Those are for later, Fred.

I've got council surgery
straight after shop shuts.

Can anyone drop in,
or do you need an appointment?

It's a drop-in surgery
after seven o'clock.


Oh, afternoon, Sister.

Have you heard anything more
from the Cowpers?

I think Janis knows
what she needs to do.

She's just struggling to let go.

I can't help thinking it should
have happened to me instead.

Someone with no need of a womb.

Nothing like that should ever
happen to anyone, Sister.

If I might have your attention
for a minute, Sisters.

Are those recorders?

Oh, not any old recorders.

A descant, alto and rosewood bass
from my childhood days

in the Punjab.

Might I ask why you have chosen to
furnish us with this information...

...while we are engaged
in restorative quietude?

It is my intention to treat you
to a musical soiree.

Oh, it's wholly unnecessary.

It's the least I can do
to thank you

for the generosity you've shown me
over the last two weeks.

You've all been so
very patient with me.

I forgot my envelopes.

Lucille, Cyril.

What can I do for you?

Are you aware the council
is trialling a new scheme

proposed by the family
contraceptive clinic?

Yes. Now, I believe the idea
is to help to educate

vulnerable women into making...

..responsible choices.


This policy troubles us.

Well, we're simply encouraging
mothers with insufficient resources

to, well, limit their family size.

"Problem" mothers?

Hmm, I think I may have
heard that term.

Often, these families create
an avoidable drain...

...on finite resources.

One of my patients was
approached about this

not long after giving birth.

How do you think it makes her feel

that she is being blamed
in this way?

Are her babies any less deserving
of a place in the world

because their mother struggles
to pay her rent?

Of course not.

I understand many women,
rich and poor,

will benefit from better access
to contraception.

But surely it must be
at their discretion?

No-one has the right to decide
who is worthy to be born.




Thank you.

They are beautiful instruments,
I know.

Fortunately, the burglar didn't have
the sense to steal them,

as the bass is rather valuable.

It was certainly a...

...a wretched oversight on his part.

I brought them here in the hope
of playing more regularly.

When you get home.

Have you given any more
thought to when you might

return to your domicile?

We'd be very happy to help
with any moving arrangements.

I could use my car.
Or mine.

You don't have a car.

No, but, uh, I'd get one...
if necessary.

So kind of you all,
but I gave my notice

to the landlord over the weekend.

I was just calling to see

how you are after your
treatment last week?

Er, much better, thank you.

Though it took the poor nurse quite
a while to apply the lotion.

It turns out I'm impossibly

And Jonathan?

Er, he had more of a rash
around the neck, but, erm,

thankfully, he's much less vain
than his father.

You should come see us again.

He's growing up so fast.

He took his first steps this week.

Oh, how wonderful.
Isn't it?


Well, perhaps I could drop in
later this week.

He'd love to see you.

Erm... we both would.


Oh, Colette can play
that on recorder, too.

Next time we should all sing along.

I only know the first verse,

but I could just repeat
that over and over.

If you don't mind,
I might just leave it there.

I must confess, I'm a
little out of practice,

and it... it's left me
rather breathless.

So, if you...

Good evening.



Someone has to say something
to Sister Julienne.

And secure alternative lodgings
for Miss Higgins forthwith.

I couldn't.

It'd hurt her feelings.

Don't be so soft!

And don't get me wrong, I know how
it feels to start over with nothing

but a suitcase to call your own,
but the longer you keep

giving her special treatment,
the more she'll feel she needs it.

She needs to get back
on her own two feet

before she forgets how
good it feels.

Well, I think that's us told.

Being juvenile is a fault...

...that improves daily.

Sister Frances?

I brought a few donations
for the toy area.

That's very kind.

Just a few of my favourite toys.

I was holding on to them for
when I had my own children.

You know, there are still other
ways to have a family.

I know. And I promised Philip
I'll consider adoption.

But these toys belong to my past

and a different future.

I've been trying to do
what you suggested,

thinking about all the things
I could do after the operation.

And if recovery goes well, I think
I might train as a hairdresser.

I know it's not as noble a calling
as a nurse or a midwife,

but, having a good haircut
can make you feel a lot better

about yourself, and that's got
to be worth something.

I think it's worth a great deal.

I've just been to see the rector
and have good news to report.

He's agreed to let Miss Higgins
stay in the cottage.

Tom and Barbara's cottage?

It seems strange to think of anybody
but them living there.

But we can't live in the past.


It's the perfect compromise.
Thank you.

That's settled, then.

All that remains is for you
to inform Miss Higgins.


Oh, look!

Oh, boys, look!

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I can see Baby's putting
on weight beautifully.

No sign of a rash.

And you've all had your treatment
at the baths? We have.

I've had mine, too.

Thankfully, numbers are
finally on the decline,

so it looks like the worst is over.

You might like to open this.

What's it say?

It's from the social worker,

agreeing to remove me
from her referral list...

...in response to a letter
from Nurse Robinson,

pastor and a local councillor.

It means no-one is going to
make your mother do anything

she doesn't want to.

Hear that, Antony?

From now on, you're going to be
changing Connie's nappies.


Short for Constance.

Cos she never gave up on me.


That doesn't mean I have to have
another baby though, does it?

No, it does not.

And she's got permission from
the rector for you to live there,

and it's a lovely little cottage,
just across the forecourt,

so you'd only be a stone's throw
from Nonnatus House

if ever you needed a cup of sugar,

or even a cheese
and tomato sandwich,

and you'd be able to enjoy
your own space

and a lot more independence.

So, how does that sound?

Or, of course, if you'd rather not,

you can stay here for as long
as you like.

You misunderstand.

The tears are tears of relief.


Truth be told, I fear I was rather
hot-headed giving notice

to my landlord, but I didn't
want to say anything

for fear of sounding ungrateful.


You've all been so terribly
kind to me, but...

...I'm afraid you're impossible
to live with.


Nurse Corrigan leaves all
manner of flotsam and jetsam

in the bathroom, Sister Hilda
listens to endless drivel

on the wireless,
you talk in your sleep,

and Nurse Franklin's perfume
gives me a terrible headache.

I mean, after the burglary
I couldn't imagine ever living

on my own again, but...

...staying here these past two weeks
has reminded me just how happy

I was in my own company.

Oh, well...

...I'm glad to have been of service.

Hello, over here!

One more's enough.

Oh, careful of the china.



I have to tell you all this is
the happiest day of my life.

JENNIFER: We can be courageous
when we stand on solid ground,

when we know who our friends are,

when we know what we should do,

when we are able to say
"This is who I am.

"This is what I cherish.

"This is what I take,
and what I give back in exchange.

"Sometimes, we can choose our paths.

"Sometimes, our only choice is
how we make our journey.

"Alone and resolute, or trusting in
those who can uphold and guide us."

"Solitude is not armour,

"and the need for others
is not weakness.

"We are all at our strongest
when we find our self hood

"and embrace it.

"Just enough company,
just enough space.

"And always, always the
exact amount of friendship

"and of love."


Sister, what's the matter?

She can't be setting events in train
from her couch of anguish,

and I am content to step
into the breach.

Come away.

The likes of him shouldn't
even be around here.

Meths drinkers are like rats.

If I can just keep it a secret
for a bit longer...
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