Aquaman (2018)

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Aquaman (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

My son's story begins in the ocean.

Place a lot of secrets.

Very nice and very dangerous.

it takes a mystery to people in this century.

No mystery was solved Bermuda Triangle.

But you have to understand I can understand my son Triangle.

Even if one also lives in the area najmraènijoj ocean like you were born.

I hope I learned the rules of the world.

Live your life to be a good man.

But then, I got it.

1 turtle, a turtle 1.

1 Tempest Key coast guard to Turtle. Skip to, are you there?

High release.

Everything is very beautiful.

If my fortune?

More frekfencij the open.

How did you know that the system ran out an investigation.

There is nothing to say.

Father, mother showed a great sea turtle. This is the biggest ever "beautiful thing" was.

And, Dad, I can hold my breath for about 5 minutes in water.

This is incredible, son, you must be half fish.

I'll be back in an hour. get a pizza and you want to meet us.


Tom, can you hear me?

Oh my God.

Skip, baby I lost.

Skip to?

Arthur, pull.

Heart, sitting in the seat.

Aaron, if a storm outside.

No, sir. Clear skies within a radius of 500 miles.

Hang on.


My mother helped me.


My mother helped me.

I'm stuck, I can not go.

I am coming for you.

Odplivat the surface, continue to live.

I'll find you again, I promise.

You, I love Oren.



Morning as the AC had a lot of work to do this evening.

Come, come.

What will happen now, Sheriff.

Last night, 22-00 hours depends on where you are.

I have worn a watch, I can not tell you.

Neptune entry? 5 Dolphins and free.

I am the wrong man. .


Kodak moments you explain this.

Sir, come on.

"Suppress" to each of these pictures are fake child.

Come on, open it.

I Uhiæuje you're broke, released the animals that are endangered.

Which endangered?

They thanked me because I did it.

I'm just doing a favor for the dolphins.

Yes, this world is not full of shvaæenih hero.


Thank you for taking me to my father.

I'll give you your money back, I promise.

Your heart is the correct answer: C, I know.

But the third time this year.

It could not mark this day ... I think it is a

Son to sign documents related to the acquisition. Hey, kid.

How many times does not matter how lousy you ever had, this is really a record.

I will always father.

Okay, I gotta go to work.

Did you know that 10 years after my mother that disappeared today.

AC, please do not.

Making yourself.

Values ​​were flying over the Bermuda Triangle Oren called me.

He told me to tell there's a lot more than that.

If you still need to do a good thing if you say your life.

I do not see anything strange.

You should now at Stanford, and do not worry about sea animals.

It's what my mother learned that leaving Tempest Key.

Look, I miss it, but you're not a child.

There are a lot of potential.

I hate to see him lose.

I blew OK.


You're very upset.

Life becomes a child. See you later.

For sale.

A bad night.

No, no, everything's fine.

But these days is getting bigger every minute shit.

Why did you put on the table on my boat for sale.

Technically, it's still my ship.

How I noticed compensate for these losses.


I know you're angry about the accusations I made this morning.

followed by a period of 5 cardiologists ironiènog

... tell when a heart attack k*lled him.

The diving instructor in prison.

Technically, I was not planning to arrest me.

You know where you'd tell swamp. At least not to leave the boat.

There was a wedding.

You know, I have to keep an eye on everything.

For the record, he said younger, I toast a really romantic.

Maybe you left a tip you can pay the bills.

I really want to sell my boat.

AC, come on, we need to be partners.

Why did not you tell people you get to go with Greenpeace last night?

I want to know the reason why I released these dolphins?

because they feel like they told me.

Now you know fish do you say speak?

Dolphins and other mammals with others ... I do not know ...

This is really strange ...

I'll call a friend if you want to save dolphins

and we will defend together for you.

OK thanks.

Do not worry.

And go to work.

Come in and she was staring at the bottle.

someone close to me and beverage services.

It's a little early for happy hour.

Tom're Curry'oğlu. I saw the branches of Mercy Reef.

I did not know I have a fan club.

No need.

A lighthouse ...

In my opinion there is nothing.

It sounds good.

I remember one day your mother's plane crashed.

Caribbean sky and clouds.

God is very beautiful picture.

But I do not know anything from the storm.

Who are you.

My name McCaffery.

keep the rest.


If deep enough ...

One thing will be, and you poèet is what is looking.

Be careful.

Mercy Reef 25 kilometers Темпест Kee.

Here's duty to get involved, maybe the victim slupanog vehicles.

There's a lifeguard on duty obalsk neindetificiranog man for 20 years.

Pothlað that. Vital functions do not work.

Come. I have to warn you, Oren.


We're taking him to the hospital.

66 units here. We come by Mercy Reef hospital.

Key Sea Tempest Airport.

I remember turning Cuba, Torres appeared.

You think I accept the Recommendation. A second later he would lose.

Lieutenant Torres. Commander Street.

There's a new task. Navigation Navco me.

Mercy Reef Letitia above.

Let me talk freely. - Let's.

If you're gonna give me easy task because I believe in me

100% branch of this program ...

The LPGA, not Torres.

Here equal with men.

This command is coming out of my head.

Convinced me that my best pilots.

Areas I need a clean image.

Sun, are you ready for your flight?

Yes sir.

Now, the Coast Guard found an unknown man appeared in our Reef.

No ship, does not know whence no personal documents.

It was like eating fish.

If you see something interesting, let me know.

Poruèni by Torres reports.

Mercy Reef on the fly, there is nothing for children.

Wait, one thing followed me under the water.

Quick is coming.

Wait pauses.

Let's make a circle.

This is confusing.


This is you, welcome back.

The doctor said I can not wait until I wake up in here.

I hope the Navy a strict policy.

If what you remember?

Strong light only.

And then I signed with water.

And she fed me.

And we went fast.

Drowning brain while you were losing oxygen.

And you start to see things that are not true. Maybe now it would be good to relax.

Is that say I'm crazy?

Aircraft dropped to 700 km per hour.

nor does it make a better decision on sale painkillers.

a medical alert the nurse to tell you better.


What is your name.

Not important.

You saved my life, very important to me.

AC ...


You know, they know, you survived.

That's why you called me.

The received such a necklace.

They're coming for you.

You think whoever visits over time?

Who are you?

This badge gives me strength I'm just asking questions.

Where are you?

I wonder, where are you?

To ask you something!

Where are you?

We got him.

When you wake up?

5 minutes ago.

Aggression shows like the others.

No, he wanted the mornarièk the archives of this dosijej.

Dental records with (John Doe) Strange Man.

Gus Hansen Thompson. Flight 19 members, who lost five. December

1945 ... Bermuda Triangle.

Welcome home, Hansen Thompson.

There the past 60 years?

Son Tom here to Cali, man. Who found this morning, Mercy Reef.

... a whore ... a perfect place for women. ...Exactly.

Calm down.

Already, he said it would be an empty place. Tomorrow I will report to the ship fish and wildlife.

Finoæ not stop you. - Yeah.

I'll remind me of them police caught and released.

AC, if you keep the crap you find in prison.

O. k.

Any interesting people there was great.

Frustrating me more.

This będąc would not do something useful ocean hazards.

Maybe one day fish revenge.

I do not know that they are people, I guess ugly mug.

I'm Nadia.

I heard that the water is incredible.

If you want to dive with me, I'm free tomorrow.

I hope we can do something.

Otiðimo here. It is a good idea.

Swimming to go, and I had in mind.

You're not bad water.

years of education.

You know, we met a long time ago.

Are you sure?

Certainly she remembers.

To refresh the memory.


Just me, you're starting to fear.


I hate this thing.

What's that?

Get dressed. We need to talk.

When the sirens went my game, man nemoæ that.


Of course.

They see it always looked like.

See my fear.

Unfortunately, my hands are dirty.

The only way to k*ll them if you fire between the eyes.

Who are you?

I like an exile and mother.

Exile from?

Called various names in different cultures.

you know, the best-known name.



Atlantis always a next time

Captain Nemo and The Little Mermaid Can you say hello?

Do you think I want to be the one to tell you this.

I think I need a drink, pull out the old man.

It destroys the brain.

The truth is, you can not escape Oren.

So let's make it clear.

Atlantis family origins and ruler.

Basically it means ...

You're a prince.

I inpresionrat of.

I'll ask you something.

If you live like a normal fish or any pièce of Atlantis.

Do not bother.

Do you think I do not know that sounds ridiculous?

But I saw the horns. Is it a joke?

If you then how Atlantis

Not ever discovered?

because any technology that could explore such depths.

The Bermuda Triangle.

Your father was a peaceful man.

They want a w*r with the rest, who live on the surface.

standing against father.

And they k*lled him.

Now he wants to k*ll me.

You and your mother.

One place to make sure you here.

Mercy Reef has found you, young coastal fleet commander.

My father.

He knows.

I do not know.

Mom did not say anything he insisted.

He was going to hide the true fate.

What is true is my destiny?

to protect the Earth and ocean.

I want to fight Mermaid and oil platforms?


Okay, forget it.

Find someone else. I'm not interested.

You can not refuse your responsibilities, Oren.

There are in his blood, you know it.

This is madness.

I own Cafe.

7'm not the protector of the sea.

Destiny has been written.

You'll never make anything up too late, you know.

This girl, Nadia, actually k*lled the little mermaid

and you wish you were in a way, Underwater Kingdom?

So in a way.

Kafiæi my thought all the fun.

He does not k*ll me, so I did not believe a mermaid.

They'll come back.

Then I suggest you escape the desert.


I think my mother att*cked.

I need to take care of her.

You're really serious.

We need a few days off and went out of town.

I do not want in the midst of danger.

What are you?

Atlas Point'm going on a tour.

McCaffery are weapons there.

It seems to be a storm.

You can visit the Tampa sisters.

I'm sorry about this.

So it requires a bit of a challenge to be friends with you.

No matter, as you give me a medal a day,

Depth Duchess.

I do not know how many of Atlantis.

But thank you for bringing me back to Oren.

Lt. foot feels good to see you, Torres.

Thank you, sir, but I'm confused.

Already I've been recording accident Allee captain of the frigate.

I understand, that I gave no order of operations.

I want to explain.

Who's going to do exactly?

Lieutenant Commander.

I am interested in seeing the light before he lost control.

Honestly, I was taken aback.

It was possible sunlight.

You want to surprise me.

I do not think you're crazy.

After all, you log on the Bermuda Triangle.

With all due respect, but this is just a myth.

I'm not so sure.

Change your mind.

Let me show you something.

Last year, these guys got on oil platform

mexièko bay intent of this air.

He was k*lled before it could.

Name Evan Corday.

He disappeared yacht.

Coast in Bermuda. July 6, 1905.

Nemoguæ to. Of course, instead of someone who is Sliem.

And I said, I agree with you, also, an ideal fingerprint match.

It was not the first, who's back.

Where back.

Know this project, there is a new requirement.

I want you to join us Lieutenant.

help us to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

I'm a pilot. I do not know what I can provide.

We have more experience than all of us.

We can say that there is an unusual thing to see and survivors.

I do not believe the pilot may experience shattered

Solar zasljepljivanje I mehanièk failure or stupid, Lieutenant.

I do, sir, I'm serving my country and flying to Mlažnjaci.

I'm not vjetrenjaè to ganja'nın.

This is a joke for entertainment.

This question necionaln security.

All this dosijej containing pictures of people disappeared Bermuda Triangle.

Here is an invisible w*r MRA. And Темпест-Ki, the last line.


I am coming.

If you want to see what is true, then come with me, Lieutenant.

Eva, we can not accomplish if we need to go from here isèupat until the storm passed.

Just lock up and leave.

I do not want to be under water when I returned to the restaurant.

I got him, I got him ...

Well, and concerns about job

We talked about the bank loan to repair the ship.


The cables were severed.

No, maybe he throws away the key.

Jacks lights are still there in the hut.

I'm sure what you're doing? Yes, trust me.

He will still k*ll you if you hold the flashlight?

Very funny, Evan.

Goodnight forever, Oren.


I'm sorry about your friend. But now I fear for your life.

McCaffery ... They set you up?

Where will he lead us?

Home. On Atlantis.

to k*ll us.

why not have us already?

Hope you're Oren symbol.

If you k*ll, but hope dies.

- I need water. There èuturic of Èizm.

Yes, sh**t!

How can I fix? - We're not doing anything.

You're going down with the ship.


No! These creatures att*cked my friend took my mother.

He is not going no place until she died.

I promised my father to protect you.

I'm not going to break words.

Do you have any weapons?


I can see it better.

- Where is Oren? - f*cking bitch!

Now ... Where Oren?

I'm here.

Your mother can protect her this time.

You did it.

You learn.

Home, Oren.



Napravljano good, Oren.

Your father would be proud of you.

Sorry, I'm Eva.

Happy 1936 - Havana Club.

How many do you remember Lieutenant Torres?

You know, this is just the beginning of a mermaid.

You can not even had my worst noæn What kind of nightmarish creatures in the depths of imagination.

Oh, that's for sure. Thank you so much.

I did not come here to make you feel good.

I came here to prepare for the worst.

Look, many years before we have to start the train.

And then let's go. Now Poèninj to.

I am ready.

Birthday gift.

There is a feeling like a book. I really read a.

Just turn it on.

Henry IV, part 1 and 2.

Shakespeare did not really know a number of units.

Reading Waiting for next week.

I stopped reading 6 books. class.

This part of the training.

When you're training well yeah, look, I thought I'd Think ...

You know, with a trident, comfortable and similar to water "cool" things.

Everything in due time.

Do not worry, the book is full of sex and v*olence, and I wonder if going to the store.

her best to tell me? And tell me, how does it end?

Course not, in the end, Oren.

O cruise.
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