Gnome Alone (2017)

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Gnome Alone (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] So, did the movers
already deliver the furniture?

Yesterday. All Chloe and I
need to do now is move in.

And in a year I'm sure
you'll be packing up and moving out!

Hey! It's different this time.
I have a new job, new house.

- We're both really excited.
- That's what you say every time.

Oh, really? When have I
ever been excited for a move?

There was Denver, Madison,
now New England.

- All right. You sound like Mom.
- Where to next?

Catherine, you can't keep moving
Chloe around the country like that.

I know.

You two need to settle into a place.
Why don't you throw down some roots?

Maybe give Chloe a chance
to make a real friend and have a life.

What do you think?
Oh, does she still have that pink hair?

Yes. She was trying to fit in
with friends. I gotta pick my battles.

You know?
It's actually kinda growing on me.

♪ They say that home
Is where the heart is ♪

♪ But I don't know
If I have ever been ♪

♪ Home long enough to want to leave it ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't know
If I've ever been home ♪

This is it, Chlo, our new house.



I know it doesn't look like much.

But it's got good bones.


I'm pretty sure there's actual bones
in there, too, Mom.

[switch clicks]

This place is wired for electricity,
right, Mom?

Of course... I think.

Phone, remind us to buy light bulbs.

[phone] I'll set the reminder.

What's with all the tiny Santas?

Look at the little hats and beards.
They're garden gnomes.

Then why aren't they in the garden?

Did you see the piano downstairs?
The last owners must have left it.

New house, new-ish piano.

The backyard looks promising.

- Where's the wi-fi in this place?
- They're installing it this afternoon.

What? I'm almost out of data.

It's okay, Chlo.

My Combat Captain hangout is starting now,
and it's an extremely important...

- [phone beeps]
- Ooh, the neighbor's wi-fi's unlocked.

Thank you, Edwards family wi-fi 5G.

[phone] Combat Captain Raid
starting in one minute.

No. I'm not signed in.

- Raid starting in five, four,
- Come on. No!

- Sign in!
- three...

Combat Captain Raid has begun.


I hate this house!

[phone beeps]

[eerie humming]


What is this?

Hey, Mom. Check out what I've fou...



Did you bring those tiny Santa statues
up here?

Gnomes, Chloe,
and I haven't touched them.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

Do you remember which box
we packed the auto vac in?

Never mind, found it.

If you see any trash up there,
bring it down. This place is a mess.


Glad to see someone's finally
moving into Frankenstein's castle.

That was rude. That's just what
some of the kids at school call it.

Which, when you think about it,
is kind of a compliment.

Frankenstein was a brilliant scientist.
Fatally flawed, but brilliant.

Okay, this is going terrible.

Come on, Liam. Come on!

The house has got great bones.
Not that you don't know that.

You know, I call it more of a Victorian,
post-modern, classical abandon.

Not Frankenstein at all, but...
Hi, I'm Liam!

Strong and silent. I like it.

Also, loving the pink hair.

Hey, may I have one
of your free garden gnomes?

Is that a yes?

I think that's a yes.

This place
is finally coming together, huh?

How was that Combat Captain?
Did you capture all the borks and glorks?

Mom, borks and glorks? Not a thing.

Plus, my team moved on without me anyway.

[phone buzzes]

Oh, it's work.

I'll take it later.

First day of school tomorrow.
That's exciting.

First day... again.

Yeah. Again.

Who was that boy
you were talking to outside?

- Ew! That guy was the worst.
- I thought he was kind of cute.


- You're going to make new friends here.
- It doesn't matter.

We're just gonna move again,

and then my new friends
will forget about me, too.

But you're sending them texts
all the time.

Yeah, sending, but not receiving.

I know it's been hard
moving around so much.

But that's what this house is for.
A place to settle down.

I know.

I'll be fine.

I'm trying, Chlo. I really am.

- I want to give you a home.
- I know, it's okay.

I'm fine.

[phone buzzes]

I'm sorry, hon.

Hello. No, I haven't checked my email.

The wi-fi just went up.

I know, can you believe it?
It took forever...

I'm fine.


Hey, do you know anything
about an attic in this house?

The realtor didn't mention anything.

And since we bought the house, that means
we own everything inside of it, right?

I suppose, yes.


Lock up before you leave. Love you.

[clattering upstairs]

Goodbye, weird house.


- Get him, get him!
- And one.

Let go! Okay, come on, come on!

- I'm open!
- Hustle, hustle!

Hey, you! Neighbor!

Cool necklace!

So sparkly. It's an emerald right?

Alexandrite? Peridot?

Stop talking about precious stones.
You're gonna weird her out, dude!

My name's Liam, in case you forgot.

- You don't talk much.
- And you talk a lot.

I do!

- My grandma says I talk too much.
- Yeah.

- Thanks again for the gnome.
- You're welcome.

And, please, take as many of those
weird Santa Clauses as you want.

They creep me out.

- I'm Chloe.
- Hey.

You wanna come hang out with me
and my friends after school?

And by friends, I mean just me.

[door slams open]

["That's Not My Name" playing]

♪ Four letter word just to get me along ♪

- Who are they?
- Brittany, Tiffany, and Chelsea.

Otherwise known as the BTCs.

- The BTCs?
- They are the power trifecta.

If they don't think it's cool,
it didn't even happen.

It's like they breathe
a special kind of air

that gets you in all the best parties

and makes you instant friends
with everyone.

- Sounds pretty great.
- You can't trust them, Chloe.

- Be careful.
- Heads up!

♪ They call me 'Bell'
They call me 'Stacey' ♪

♪ They call me 'her'
They call me 'Jane' ♪

♪ That's not my name
That's not my name ♪

Nice shot.

That's Trey.
Not very smart, exceptional DNA.

- But is he happy? I mean...
- Yo! New Girl!

Come here, we wanna talk to you.

- Take a sec and think about...
- Thought about it.

So, you're the New Girl.

- Yeah. I'm Chloe.
- That's my cat's name.

I'm Brittany.

And these are my BFFs,
Tiffany and Chelsea.

OMG, B, so true.
We're such great BFFs.

- Chelsea.
- Sorry,

So, check this, New Girl.

- It's Chloe.
- Whatever.


Totally into you.

- Me? You think?
- Absolutes.

And just so you know,

I'm not even mad 'cause you're trying
to date my ex-boyfriend.

Oh, I'm not trying to...

Girl, I can't with that necklace.
Tell me where you bought it.

- I actually made...
- I just had the best idea ever.

Why don't you come to the dance
with me, Tiff, and Chels?

- Yeah, totally.
- But on one condition.

You let me borrow that necklace.

[bell rings]

- Okay, yeah, sure.
- Yay! So excited.

And give me your number so we can text.

We really need to talk about what
you're gonna wear,

'cause I have some thoughts.

Later, New Girl.

♪ They call me 'Bell'
They call me 'Stacey' ♪

- How'd it go?
- I think I just made some new friends.

I was afraid of this.
I think the best thing to do is just...

"Thanks again for the necklace, New Girl.
Smiley face." Oh, my...

She send me a smiley face!
See ya, Liam.

Do not let him score.

Then they just asked me to go
to the dance with them.

Me, the New Girl.

That's so great, Chlo! See?

- I knew everything was gonna work out.
- Yeah, it kind of did.

- Oh, my phone's about to die.
- Okay, I'll talk to you when I get home.

Okay. I'll see you tonight, Mom.


Come on!

What do you want?
You... whatever you are!

Stay away from me!


- What? Are you trying to say something?
- Yeah! Food!

Food! Wait... wait, like me?

'Cause I am not food. Not food!

Oh, food!


Here you go.


You want more food? Have it all!


Carrots! Good for your eyesight.

Hot potato!

Fresh eggs!

- Sorry. I hate broccoli, too.
- Food!

Yes! Food!

No reason to panic! Nice little monster.

[Chloe screams]

No more food.

No food left. Your brother ate it all.

Or maybe that was your sister.

No! Stay away from me.

Trogg has been neutralized.

- When we got the ooze...
- We can't lose!

Alpha! Bravo!

The tiny Santas?

Remain calm, human.
There's no need to be scared.

They never believe me.
Get me a status check on Pinky.

Pocket, put that hammer away.
You look terrifying!

- She must have hit the snooze...
- 'Cause she's passed out.

Guys, she's fine.
Check her for the Keystone!


Ah, shave my beard!

- It's a no-go...
- On the Keystone.

Put her to bed.
We'll question her in the morning.

Until we get the Keystone back,
we're on high alert. Which means,

no poker playing, no whittling,

no singing of those sea shanties.

It's all business.

[clatter from kitchen]

I don't like the look of that.

This is worse than I thought.

You better know
where that Keystone is, Pinky.

Or it's the end.

Of everything.



Santas... Giant...


it's not Christmas.


- Who were you talking to, hon?
- What?

No one. I was...

I'm sorry I missed you last night.
Traffic was unbelievable.

- What's wrong, Chlo?
- I...

Nothing. I had a bad dream.

Oh, sweetie.

Listen, I have to fly to the city
for the day.

So, I'm gonna be home alone?

The dance is tonight.
I wanted you to meet my friends.

You'll be fine. I won't be too late.

- [horn honks]
- That's my cab. I'll see you tonight

And thanks
for cleaning up the house last night.

And... with the speed of a serpent,

the trap is sprung.



What... What is going on?

Who are you?

I'll ask the questions, Pinky.

- Where's the Keystone?
- The what?

"The what?"
You stole it from our headquarters.

Powerful glowing green gem?
Where is it?

And don't even think
about lying to us gnomes!

This cannot be happening right now.

We need that Keystone
back in this house now!

It's the only thing
that can stop the portals.

For be'ith if the sacred Keystone
remains unfound,

a darkness will unfold across this realm.

Darkness means dead.

Wait, is this because I gave away
your dwarf buddy?

Dwarf? Maybe we should put you
on the side of the road.

For sale! Sassy girl: cheap.

Sorry. Santa...

- Elf thing.
- Okay

Elves wear green hats.

We are gnomes.

Okay, I can fix this.

Phone, where can I buy a gnome?

We need the Keystone. The Keystone!

[phone] Keys. Keys 24 hour locksmith.

- I hear a lady speaking...
- But where's she creeping?

Who is that tiny woman?
And how did she come to inhabit the box?

The girl is a witch!

No, I'm not.

Attack the magic box!

What is your question?

I shall release you from your bonds,
c*ptive maiden!

Whoa. Stop!

Just don't smash my phone, I'm expecting
some very important text messages.

I don't even know what that means!

We're too busy protecting you
from all the Troggs.

- What the heck are Troggs?
- You met one last night!

They're small and round,
with razor sharp teeth,

and always hungry.

So, it did happen.

You defended this house honorably.

Yeah, well, for a human.

But the only thing that will keep them
from invading our world

is the Keystone.
And without it, we will be overrun.

If this Keystone is so important,
then I'll just bring it back.

It's safe and sound...

in my locker at school.

- So, if you untie me, I can go get it.
- If those Troggs were to escape,

a ruinous darkness

of a thousand years...

My phone!

Trogg's headed for the basement.
Grab your oozers! Go!

- Wait! Aren't you going to untie me?
- Yeah.

No. I don't trust you.

I need my phone!


Pocket, open the door.


[footsteps approaching]

- Pinky!
- I can't go anywhere without my phone.

So, your ooze thingies
can k*ll that thing, right?

Ooze doesn't k*ll them. It just sends them
back to where they came from, okay?

How nice. Where does my phone go?


- Ooze him!
- Ah!

You... shall.. not...

My back.

[doorbell rings]

Now what?

That's the kid that stole Charlie.

Tell your boyfriend to give him back.

Okay, but just so we're clear.
He's not my boyfriend!


Good morning.
Wanna walk to school together?

[distant clattering, snarling]

I think I'm coming down with something.

Must be that virus
everyone's been talking about.

- Hey, I'm going to need that gnome back.
- Oh!

My grandma'll be happy to hear that.
She says he's been following her around.

A little garden gnome. She's so weird.

What? Crazy. Just bring him back.

Okay, bye.

Wait! Since you're sick, does that mean
you're not going to the dance?

No, I'm going. I'm not like sick-sick.

I'm more like sick-ish.

Just bring the gnome.

My friends are texting me!
Give me back my phone!

Nothing... gets...


me... and...

my... phone!

[phone ringing]

Oh no, it could be Brittany.

Phone, answer the call on speaker.

[Mom] Hello? Chloe!

Just checking to make sure
you got to school okay.

How many maidens are in that box?

- I can't hear you too well, hon.
- Mom! Don't hang up.

You put your mother in that phone?
That's low, Pinky.

There's a storm here. It's very possible

my flight will be delayed
until later tonight.

I really think you should be here tonight.
I'm not so sure about this house.

- All old houses are weird.
- No.

Mom, this house is really, really weird.

Sorry, honey, it's a really bad
connection, you're all garbled.


- I'll try you later. Bye.
- No!

Give me that!

Art thee damaged, young lady?

Not really.

[plays classical piano]

[Trogg wailing]

They hate this.

- Your gnome, m'lady.
- Thanks.

- What's going on in there?
- Nothing, just playing Combat Captain.

I play Combat Captain every day.
That is not...

Yeah, you're right. 'K, bye!

What is going on in here?

Oh, boy.

- Gnomes?
- Yep.



I can't breathe! I can't brea...

I'm gonna throw up! I'm gon...

All right, guys, come on out.




- We thought our trio...
- Was down to a duo.

Gnome, gnome!

Like I said,

they're alive.

Watch it, skinny. We've taken down
mushrooms bigger than you.

- Yeah.
- Okay, this was interesting, but...

I have a bio test, need to look over
the old flash cards...

No one is going anywhere!

Just let me out of here and I can get
that gem... or Keystone back.

- Me, too. I can help get the key.
- No way.

I trust you about as far as I can
throw you with my teeny tiny arms.

You go to school and get the Keystone.

Then you can have your boyfriend back.
Floss him, gnomes.

Watch yourself, Liam.

These little guys are cranky and mean.

- But you get to skip school.
- But I like school.

Hey, guys.

New girl, did you totally,
like, skip classes this morning?

I think I have to skip all day, actually.

Too epic.

Listen, so awkward,
but I need that necklace back.

- That's literally so funny, NG.
- The funniest, B.

Right? But I'm kind of being serious,

It's at my house.

I'll be right back.

[Chloe screaming]

Okay, no problem
about that necklace thing.

Can you just bring it
to the dance tonight?

- You should totes come to yoga with me.
- For sure!

- I've always wanted to...
- Yeah. We're done talking.



Tiny Santas?

[Liam] Chloe!

You're back!

How did you? Where did you get...


Check out this oozer. The gnomes
were actually stealing my water g*ns

from my house all these years.
Bunch of sneaks!

We talked about it,
reached an understanding.

- So where's the Keystone?
- Well...

We caught two Troggs while you were gone.
Oh, and I almost got eaten.

Twice. Chloe, where's the Keystone?

Yeah, I ran into a little snag.

I lent it to Brittany.
She didn't have it at school.

But it's okay. She promised
she'd give it back after the dance.

There are monsters attacking your house!

Our savior hath returned!

Now, I shall restore the Keystone

She lent it to a girl
who won't give it back.

I take back all the nice things I said.

I'm sorry, but I'm new.

I'm trying to make friends, and Brittany
asked to borrow it. And she's cool.

Oh, okay. Hold on.

You lent out the Keystone

because you wanted to make friends?



No! I'm sick of these humans.

They don't care about stopping the Troggs,
then why should I?

Go ahead, take the house.

I'm out! ¡Adiós!

- Wait!
- Farewell.

- I can't do this.
- Good night.



Auf wiedersehen!

In the cabinet.



How is it doing that?

- Wait, there's three of them!
- I count four!

That's a code red! Fall back!

Fall back!

Everyone in, come on. You, too, Pinky.

I knew it.

It is Frankenstein's castle!

[alarm wails]

What's happening?

All right, boys, keep your eyes peeled
for any portal activity.

Locking us inside with the Troggs?

Yeah, sure, that's a great plan.

What's your plan, Pinky? You failed
at getting the Keystone, and...

until the situation is contained,
no one enters or exits.

I have a dance to get to.

Quick question.

Why are the Troggs here?

Well, quite simply, my boy.

For your destruction.

Many, many years ago,

long before humans walked the earth,

we gnomes made this land
a green, fertile place.

Then one dark day, the Troggs invaded.

Using a magic crystal,
they opened a portal...

and swarmed into our world.

They became our mortal enemies.
We gnomes grew life

and the Troggs devoured it.

The insatiable beasts ate everything!

Using our own magic,

we beat back the Troggs
into their own dimension.

And then some genius human
decided to build this house

directly over the spot
where they first came out.

On top of an intersection
of time and space...

a doorway of endless portals
connected our worlds.

Yeah, the realtor left that part out.

With the Keystone, we were able
to control the portals from opening

and protect the world from destruction.

We six, with our fearless leader Zamfeer,
took a sacred oath

to guard this house, just in case.

- In case of what?
- Oh, I don't know.

Say some kid with mixed up priorities

stumbled upon the Keystone
and decided it would make a nice necklace

to give away to a girl
she thought was cool.

I didn't ask for any of this.

I never wanted to move here.

I hate this house.

[alarm blares]

- Portal opening in Sector R-4!
- The basement again.

An inter-dimensional doorway? Sick!

Stand back.

Whatever gets sucked in there
doesn't come back.

Is he okay?

Where six are before you now,

there once stood seven.

- Well, who's missing?
- Zamfeer.

Our leader.

He journeyed alone
into the depths of the Trogg world

to destroy it forever.

He never returned.

Then we'll just have to get the Keystone
back from Brittany.

Yeah, Liam's right.

I have to get out of this house to get
to the dance... to get to the Keystone,

that's why I need to get out.
Definitely not the dance.


I'll lift the lockdown. Go to the dance.

- Yes!
- And get the Keystone.

We won't be able to restart the lockdown,
but we will contain...

What are you doing?


So, ooze, what is it?
Don't exactly know.

Why does it work? Couldn't tell you.
Where does it come from? This plant.

We only have as much ooze
as this plant can produce.

Who knows how long it will last.
And when it's gone...

It's gone.

That plant makes a horrible stink, huh?

I lay claim to that foul stench.

All this action
fills me with a mighty wind.

[farts] Ah, mighty wind indeed.

Okay. We should be able
to keep things in check.

Spoken like a true gnome.

Let's lock and load. Ready, Pinky?


Sorry! Texting with Britt. How long do you
think the Trogg oozing thing's gonna take?

'Cause the dance is in 3 hours,

and I haven't figured out
what I'm wearing yet.

["Our House" plays]

♪ You ♪

♪ Don't know what we're made of
You ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪

♪ This is our house
You know we're bringin' it ♪

♪ Watch us get loud
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ Go ahead and take a shot
We can show you what we got ♪

♪ 'Cause this is our house
We won't let you forget ♪

♪ Built from the ground up ♪

♪ Like a champion
A little messed up ♪

♪ But not broken
We've come too far to ♪

♪ Let this go
We're gonna stand up ♪

♪ Gonna fight on ♪

♪ You underestimate us
Think you're untouchable ♪

♪ And you don't know what we're made of
But now we're gonna let you know ♪

♪ Oh, that you're not the greatest
We won't hide anymore ♪

♪ So, don't underestimate us ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪

♪ This is our house
You know we're bringin' it ♪

♪ Watch us get loud
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ Go ahead and take a shot
We can show you what we got ♪

♪ 'Cause this is our house
We won't let you forget ♪

♪ Gave you some tough talk ♪

♪ Hurt your ego
Tripped up the cool walk ♪

♪ Was it all show
How does it feel down ♪

♪ On the floor? ♪

♪ That's just how it goes ♪

- ♪ When you don't know ♪
- I got one!

♪ You underestimate us
Think you're untouchable ♪

♪ And you don't know what we're made of
Now we're gonna let you know ♪

♪ Oh, that you're not the greatest
We won't hide anymore ♪

- Pull me up!
- ♪ So, don't underestimate us ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪

Strong stuff.

♪ You ♪

♪ Don't know what we're made of
You ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪


♪ This is our house
You know we're bringin' it ♪

♪ Watch us get loud
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ Go ahead and take a shot
We can show what we got ♪

♪ 'Cause this is our house
We won't let you forget ♪

You did good today, Pinky.

- Thanks.
- You know,

you and Liam,
you guys make a great team.

He must be a really good friend.

We're not friends. Yeah, not really.

Excuse me a moment.
Just need to check a mezz.

I hate that contraption!

- 7:00 p.m.? That's in an hour!
- Ah, that's plenty of time.

You've never gotten ready
for a junior high dance, have you?

- I'll be back in five.
- I got it.

- Let's get it.
- Well...

What do you know?

Hey, Chloe, gonna do another round
downstairs. Cover me?

Sorry, I gotta get ready.

We gotta get the Keystone.

I'm going to get the Keystone by myself.

All I'm saying is, we just oozed
the heck out of those Troggs

and that we obviously make a great team.

You have a pot on your head.


Are you sure
you couldn't use a friend out there?

I can do it myself.

And I'm meeting the BTCs,
and they're not your friends.

Is that what this is about? The BTCs?

Or Trey?

- What's that supposed to mean?
- The BTCs don't know how to be friends.

I mean, not real friends.

What do you know about friends?
Your only friend is your grandma.

That's not true. My grandma's made it
very clear she's not my friend.

I've never had a real friend,
and I don't think you have either.

Okay, Liam. I don't have any real friends.
Is that what you wanna hear?

My mom and I,
we move around all the time.

We never settle, and I never have time
to get to know anyone.

- I didn't know that.
- Now you do.

- Chloe, I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

It's fine.

I'm fine.

[piano key chimes]

We'll hold off as many Troggs as possible.

We only got enough ooze
to last us a couple of hours.

- Be back here by nine.
- Nine o'clock. Got it.

And, Pinky...

well, the boys and me

wanted to say that even though
you're human and all, you look

pretty nice tonight.

Oh, guys.

- Thanks.
- Oh, and...

- get the Keystone!
- You can count on me.

Perhaps, one day,
we can return

to our garden.

I hope so, old timer. I hope so.

Okay. Here we go.

[upbeat dance music plays]


- What are you doing here?
- I can't say.

Sorry. Zook told me to follow you.
Did you get my text?

Yeah, I don't need your help.
I don't need anyone's help.

Yo, NG!

Okay. There they are.

Party time.

"Party" as in code
for "get Keystone," right?

Is that nerd bothering you?


Being cool can be really hard sometimes.

Hey, Britt,
you're not wearing the necklace.

Yeah, no-go. Total clash-fest.

OMG, Brittany, that was such a good call.
I mean, that necklace with those flats?

- Selfie!
- Selfie!


Après-dance, we swing by my place
and grab the necklace, okay?

I'm bored.


So, Trey...

like "very" in French.

No. Was that French?

- Like, très bien.
- I don't speak French.

- Cool.
- I mean, I like French fries.

And French toast, obviously.
And French onion soup.

So... food.

Yeah. Love food. Food is so good.

Nice. Me, too. Food's...

- good.
- I know, right?

Imagine how much dinner
would suck without food.

- I gotta go, my friends need me.
- I'm gonna keep dancing.

Thank you.

- This dance is the worst.
- Totally.

Maybe we should head over to your place.

Do I look like a loser?

- No. I just...
- Then why would I miss the dance?

- You just said...
- Pardon me, ladies.

- I need to borrow Chloe for one moment.
- The losers are everywhere.

Does she have the Keystone?

No, she left it at home.
Clashed with her outfit.

- What?
- I know, right?

- I think it would have looked great.
- Chloe!

We've got less than an hour
to get back to the house.

The world is running out of time!

Liam, take a chill pill.
It's gonna be fine.

Zook and the guys have it all
under control. Trust me.

[clock bells chime]



What is happening?

You need to go home right now
and get Chloe's necklace.

No wonder New Girl's
been so desperate for it.

It's a gift... from her boyfriend.

Ew, no! He's not my boyfriend.



Liam, go home!

Just go home.


- [camera shutter snaps, phone dings]
- Posted.


Let me guess. No Keystone.

Chloe... couldn't get it.

How much worse can it get?


New Girl, you're still here.

- Did you get rid of your boyfriend?
- I want my necklace back now.

- Chill.
- I'm very chill!

Is this girl for real right now?

I lent my necklace to you
because I thought we could be friends.

But you know what? I don't wanna
be friends with someone like you.

Even if I still had it,
I wouldn't give it back.

- What does that mean?
- I tossed it. Supes ugly.

You... you threw away my necklace?

Liam was so right about you.

And I was wrong about you, NG.
You're a loser.

Just like your loser boyfriend.

If you call him a loser again,
I'm gonna go full blow gnome on you.

He's my friend.

And my name is Chloe.

♪ I'm sorry for what I did ♪

♪ I'm sorry for who I was ♪

♪ I really messed it up ♪

♪ This time ♪

♪ I had to push away ♪

♪ 'Cause I got scared again ♪

♪ Did I lose a friend
This time? ♪


♪ I just wanna fit in ♪

Pocket! Guys!

Just open the door!


♪ I just wanna fit in ♪

[Mom] Hi, Chlo.
My flight got delayed again.

I'm so sorry. You're probably having fun
at the dance right now

with all those new popular girls.

I am so happy
you're actually making friends.

I wish I could be there, Chloe.
I'll see you soon. Love you.



Doors! Now!

- Pinky.
- I made a terrible mistake.

Listen, I know
you didn't get the Keystone.

- But we got bigger problems now.
- Where's Liam?

A portal just opened up.
There was no time to grab him before...

I'm going after him.

Time to get flushed.

[toilet flushing]


- There should be a portal here.
- But where could...

I'm going in.

This is really brave of you, Chloe.
Stupid, but brave.

BRB. Promise.




Where are you?

[Trogg] Yoo-hoo!

Oh, boy.

[Chloe screaming]

- Liam!
- Be quiet!

I think they're all sleeping.

Thank goodness I found you.

What are you doing here?

- I'm saving you.
- Don't waste your time.

I guess this stuff does send them back
to where they came from.

That's what I was trying to say.

Besides, I thought
I was too "ew" to be saved.

Liam, I should've listened to you.

You were right about everything.

I was so worried
about making new friends

that I didn't realize
that I already had one.

I know you totally hate me right now,

and you should because I was the worst.
And I'm sorry.

I guess what I'm trying to say...

is will you be my friend again?

[Liam sobbing]

Of course I will, Chloe.

You know I will. And just so you know,
I never cry like this.

Okay, I cry like this all the time.

It's okay.

I'm here.

[loud growling]

- We need to get out of here. Pronto.
- But how?

This isn't Combat Captain. We can't just
cash in twelve hero badges and magically...

- [pipe blowing]
- Okay, what was that?



Is... that you?

I think he's trying to communicate.

How do you do?

Maybe he can't speak.

He sure can smell though.

Get out! Back, man!
This flute is a w*apon.

You better watch yourself!
I'm coming at you, watch out now.

You can speak! I'm Chloe.
This is my friend Liam.

Listen, we really need to get out of here.
Can you help us?

A getaway!

Liam, come on. Hurry!

Remember I'm holding a w*apon!

Hey, I win!

You do stink!

How could you get here?

I gave the Keystone to Zook
to stop any more portals from opening.

So, there's an answer.

You're not real.

Eyes open. She's still here!

The Keystone's gone.
It's not in the house anymore.

Then we got no time before these Troggs
rise from their siestas and eat us whole!

Criminy Johnson's pipe!

[loud growling]

- Guys, what was that?
- A Mega-Trogg!

Did you just say Mega-Trogg?

Good God! I'm deaf!

You hear me now?

That, my friends, is a Mega-Trogg.

The evil culmination of all Troggs
into a heap of pure destruction!

That's a lot of Trogg.

It will eat everything and everyone!

There's nothing to stop it.

- There's gotta be something we can do.
- Everybody just calm down!

Of course there's something we can do,
there's always a way.

- I'm out of ooze!
- I fear I am as well.

- These Troggs can't stop...
- Won't stop.

Fall back!

Form a tight perimeter!

- That's the giant crystal!
- Just like Quicksilver's story.

If we got another piece of it,
we could replace the Keystone!

[Liam] Uh-oh.

Okay, long legs, slide across!

- [thud]
- [Liam] Ow!

- But what about you?
- Go!

Your phone!

[crystal warbles]

This might be the answer.

Oh, Lord Almighty!

Help... me!

I got him.

I think I have a plan!

You really stink.

I smother myself in Trogg poop.
Hides the scent.



Remember at school, the Keystone sparkled
when you gave your phone to Brittany?

- I get it. Brittany was a terrible friend.
- No. This battery is made of lithium.

Very volatile
when next to a lot of energy.

And this crystal is made entirely
of energy.

Hey there, fella, you got yourself
a good idea. I can break off...


A portal! It's a portal!

This is perfect! If we leave the battery
to react with the crystal,

a lithium-based expl*si*n focused here

could destroy the entire Trogg world!

That's crazier than I am. And I'm crazy.

But wait a minute. We'll blow up too!

Not if we ride out of town
with the cavalry!

And here she comes.
Let's go kids, hop onto one!

Drop the battery!

Hold on, it's gonna blow!

Sweet succulent tomatoes.

Liam! Chloe!

Nobody flush.

Zamfeer. Attention!

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Quicksilver.

You, I've forgot your name,
but I missed you so dang much.

Sir, in your absence, I lost the Keystone,

and I also depleted
our supply of ooze, and...

At ease, fellas. Let me introduce you
to my new friends here.

This here is Chloe and Liam.

- But we already know...
- Play along.

Yes, siree! They helped me destroy
the Trogg world once and for all.

No more Troggs, guys!

- I just wish I would have went down...
- Zook.

I've been gone a long time.

Taught myself the flute,

covered myself in poop.

But one thing gave me strength
through all of it.

Knowing that my best friend

was taking care of my gnome brothers
right up here.

We can finally build that garden!

[doorbell rings]

And here I am at New Girl's house,

AKA Frankenstein's castle.

That's her mother?

No. Her mother lives
in that tiny pink box.

Well, shave my beard.

- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry, is somebody talking?

Nope. Just a weird loser freak.

{\an8}And her loser boy toy.

I don't think so, NG.

Nobody rejects the BTCs.

Ever! I decide
if we're not friends anymore.

You don't even know
what a friend is, Brittany.

The moment someone more sparkly
comes along,

those two will delete you
like a creepy friend request.


look what I still have.

I think I'll give it to...

my cat.

You do that. I don't need it anymore.

I am the ruler around here, okay?
You listen to everything...



What was that?


- Didn't we blow up the Trogg world?
- We did.


Unless what?

You tricked me. You sneaked.
Everything you said...

You are not...

So is your clothes, so is your hair.
I never liked you.

You're jealous that I have real friends.

- Brittany?
- Shut up!

Gnomes, I... Gnomes, I...

Pocket, put the hammer away.

- Did you see...?
- This is all a dream.

We're trapped!

Game over, man. Game over.

- Fall back!
- Let's go!

I got this.

Okay, maybe not.

Chloe, hurry!

Here. And don't drop it.

Crimeny John...

Oh, Lord Almighty!




Yeah, I'm talking to you.

Oh, no!

Chloe, what are we gonna do?

You can do it, Chloe!

- You go, girl!
- Help!

New Girl! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry for everything.

Or mostly everything. Please!

What are you doing?

[crystal hums]

What are you doing? That's my phone!

Turn off the data!

Send that Mega-Trogg
back to where he came from!

She's gonna do better than that.
She's blowing it up for good!

Go, girl, go!

This is my house.

And you've gotta go.

- Chloe!
- Pinky!

- Quick, up the chimney!
- Huzzah!

Back, foul beast,

from whence you came!



I tried calling all night.

I found this in the bathroom?

What happened?


Are you okay?

- Mom, I want to stay.
- Okay, sure.

- I'll let school know you're not feel...
- No. I mean here.

In this house. I...

I really like it here.

Feels like...


I'm fine.

Shave my beard!
I gotta get ready for school!

Hey, Mom?

I love you.

Then there's no room for zucchini.

I spent 50 years talking to Troggs
covered in poop.

I think I earned it.

Tomatoes or zucchini,
it matters not to me.

I simply wish for a small patch
to plant my petunias.

No. The tomato plants have to go here.

There's no room for flowers.

- I want my petunias!
- Now, hold on.

- Gotta decide if we want 'em row by row...
- [doorbell rings]

...or just scatter the seeds.

Yo, Liam.

- Let me get your opinion on something.
- Okay.

- I think I'm ready to change out the pink.
- Oh, would you really?

I would.

What color?

I don't know,
something a little brown...

a little blond.

A little more me.

["Our House" plays]

Subtitles by explosiveskull

♪ Built from the ground up ♪

♪ Like a champion
A little messed up ♪

♪ But not broken
We've come to far to ♪

♪ Let this go
We're gonna stand up ♪

♪ Gonna fight on ♪

♪ You underestimate us ♪

♪ Think you're untouchable
And you ♪

♪ Don't know what we're made of
And now we're gonna let you know ♪

♪ Oh, that you're not the greatest
We won't hide anymore ♪

♪ So, don't underestimate us ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪

♪ This is our house
You know we're bringin' it ♪

♪ Watch us get loud
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ Go ahead and take a shot
We can show you what we got ♪

♪ 'Cause this is our house
We won't let you forget ♪

♪ Gave you some tough talk ♪

♪ Hurt your ego
Tripped up that cool walk ♪

♪ Or was it all show
How does it feel down ♪

♪ On the floor? ♪

♪ That's just how it goes ♪

♪ When you don't know ♪

♪ You underestimate us
Think you're untouchable ♪

♪ And you don't know what we're made of
And now we're gonna let you know ♪

♪ Oh, that you're not the greatest
We won't hide anymore ♪

♪ So, don't underestimate us ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪

♪ This is our house
You know we're bringin' it ♪

♪ Watch us get loud
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ Go ahead and take a shot
We can show you what we got ♪

♪ 'Cause this is our house
We won't let you forget ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Don't know what we're made of
You ♪

♪ Underestimate us
You ♪

♪ Don't know what we're made of
You ♪

♪ Underestimate us ♪

♪ This is our house
You know we're bringin' it ♪

♪ Watch us get loud
You ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ Go ahead and take a shot
We can show you what we got ♪

♪ 'Cause this is our house
We won't let you forget ♪

["Found My Way" plays]

♪ Looking out
For something else ♪

♪ Lost in my thoughts
Trying to find myself ♪

♪ Seems so far
From where I stand ♪

♪ But I know I gotta run
As fast as I can ♪

♪ That's me in the corner
Through the window looking in ♪

♪ Feeling out of order
In a place that I don't fit in ♪

♪ I need a change of atmosphere ♪

♪ Anywhere but here
Anywhere but here ♪

♪ Trying to find where I belong
Looking for a place called home ♪

♪ Took a while, but I have
Found my way ♪

♪ Tired of knocking when no one's there
Calling out with no one to hear ♪

♪ Finally I'm seeing clear
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Found my way
Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Found my way
Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Been so far since yesterday ♪

♪ But time makes me stronger
Each step I take ♪

♪ I'm finding out what's best for me ♪

♪ A work in progress, gonna solve it
I gotta believe, yeah ♪

♪ That's me in the corner
Through the window looking in ♪

♪ Feeling out of order
In a place that I don't fit in ♪

♪ I need a change of atmosphere ♪

♪ Anywhere but here
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Trying to find where I belong
Looking for a place called home ♪

♪ Took a while, but I have found
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Tired of knocking when no one's there ♪

♪ Calling out with no one to hear ♪

♪ Finally, I'm seeing clear
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Found my way
Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Found my way
Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ I know that if I stay ♪

♪ I'll never find my way ♪

♪ I can't wait for what's ahead
But I promise I won't forget ♪

♪ I'm finally seeing clear
I'm running without no fear ♪

♪ Trying to find where I belong
Trying to find this place called home ♪

♪ Looking out for something else ♪

♪ Lost in my thoughts
Trying to find myself ♪

♪ Yeah, trying to find where I belong ♪

♪ Looking for a place called home ♪

♪ Took a while, but I have found
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Tired of knocking when no one's there ♪

♪ Calling out with no one to hear ♪

♪ Finally I'm seeing clear ♪

♪ On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Found my way
Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪

♪ Found my way
Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way ♪

♪ Found my way
On my way, on my way, on my way ♪♪
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