Earth to Echo (2014)

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Earth to Echo (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, hey, Tuck, dude.

- Okay, we're rolling.
- Okay, hold on.

B-Before you go,
look-look at my coat.

- It's cool, huh?
- What is that?

Can we do another take
with it on, though?



- (clears throat)
- TUCK: Ready when you are.

(sniffs) Okay. How do I smell?

Or I mean, look, or you know?
Yeah, you can't smell a video.


(clears throat)

Ruckus, dude, you got to
get out of here. -(Barks)

Hi, I'm Reginald.

I don't really get friends much,

but it's probably because
I'm a bit of...

an acquired taste.

That's what my mom says.

And I'm sure whatever school
I'm forced to go to

no one will acquire it.


thanks for paving
a road over, really,

the only place I've
ever had any real friends.

Okay, we good?

- TUCK: Uh, say your name.
- I thought you knew my name.

You know what I mean;
For the video.

Dude, we've been hanging out
for years.

- Come on.
- Dude, stop fronting.

Just tell the camera.
You're upset, right?

You don't want to move.

TUCK (voice-over):
I've never gone a day

without seeing my friends.

They're, like, the only people
in the world who get me.

And now it's just all over,
you know?

Good luck finding that again.

So wherever-wherever
Munch is going, man...

look, you people listen to me,

all right?

He's-he's a really good kid.

So don't just assume

that he's weird and that's it.

And Alex,


He's a foster kid.

He's been moved all over.

I mean, it's like, why do you
have to build a freeway

right through?

You know, can't you just
go around or something?

You're going along

feeling like

your own person

with your own friends,

and then something like this
comes along...

that you have
no power to stop...

because you're just a kid.


You're just a kid.

(phone rings)

Yeah, hey, man.


Yeah, yeah, I'm up, I'm up.

Whoa, whoa, man, slow down.

What's the problem?

Yeah, my-my phone's good. Why?

What happened?

- Wait, what?
- (click)

This is when everything

started to change.

So, being me,

I kept filming.

I'm Tuck.

What you're about to see
happened to me

and my best friends
one year ago.

This is the story
of our last week together.

- (static buzzes, crackles)
- Phones all over

our neighborhood
are freaking out.

We've done everything we could
possibly do with this phone.

We threw it at the wall,

we took it to the phone guy,

we took it to the store
where we got it from,

and they say it's a problem.

So you know it's serious.

It looks like your phone
basically barfed on the screen.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

I was just eating dinner,
and all of a sudden,

all the phones in the house
just did this.

At exactly the same time.


- What? It's freaky.
- (phone rings)

De hello?

MUNCH: Hey, Alex.

Oh, Munch, you're outside.

MUNCH: Get over here, over here,
down the street.

TUCK: Ask him if
his phone barfed yet.

ALEX: Did your phone barf yet?

- Phones are still working.
- ALEX: Cool.

Keep going, and we'll meet you
in the backyard.

Okay, copy that.
I'll take swift steps.

TUCK (voice-over):
When I look back at that day,

I realize the clues
were all around us.

(chuckles) We had no idea.

Dude, they all still work.

See? (Panting)

Dude, you know if
this whole thing works,

- these phones are done.
- No, I know.

- I have spares; It's okay.
- (phone chirps)

- (scoffs) I bet you do.
- Okay.

All right, anyways,
let's spread out.

Okay. -Alex, go by the gate.
Munch, go on the far end,

- Yeah, I got it.
- And I'll stay right here.

- Just watch out!
- By my camera.

Okay, okay.

Okay, it's good.

It's good...

It's good...

- (static screeching)
- Whoa, okay, it went out.

TUCK: Whoa, whoa, it barfed!

All right, people,
if you go to Alex's house,

your phones will spew chunks
all over his screen.

My mom said the Murphys' phones
and the Churleys' changed, too.

So what do you think this is?

TUCK: Whoa!

- (Tuck chuckles)
- (doorbell rings)

(Tuck groans)

These dudes.

- (low, indistinct radio chatter)
- Hi.

- Is that on?
- I don't know.

- Maybe.
- Oh.

We had an electrical short
over at the site,

and it may be disrupting
people's phone service,

and we're wondering
if that happened

- to anybody in this house?
- Oh, no, my phone is good.

'Cause we're offering new
phone vouchers. -Uh-huh.

In exchange for any device
in this area here

- that may be displaying.
- That's weird, that's weird.

- Faulty messages or images?
- I don't know. See you.

No, listen, I...

Okay, so you-you
really don't think

this is a little bit weird?

These dudes come here
to build a freeway

- and now they want our phones?
- Well, I think it's gonna work.

No. Clean your room.

Oh, my... I'm not gonna have
a room if we don't do something.

- Right, I think...
- No, Mom, seriously.

These guys want our houses.

Maybe if expose them
for illegal property, then...

TUCK: Yo! -Aw, you don't
like how things are, do you?

What are you gonna do
about it, huh?

- (electronic chime)
- Dude, it's a map to the desert.

Like, what is that?
What do we do with this?

I guess most maps are made
to be followed.

Exactly. It could go to, like,

some crazy headquarters,
and we find out

that these construction clowns
are spies

and we expose them to the world.

It's miles away. What...

No, we're not...
we're not gonna go.

No, obviously not.

Look, whatever it is,

this Saturday,
we're going to sneak

behind our parents' backs
and find out.

I'm moving Saturday.

All right, all right,
so Friday night.

Our last night together?

It doesn't have to be;
That's what I'm saying.

Like, I don't want to move,

and these clowns
are making us do it.

Maybe we can stop them.

Now, are you in?

Yeah, all right.

- All right.
- I'm in.

Munch, don't you
bail out on us now.

Dude, I'm not. Me?

No... pfft! I'm in.

Yeah! All right!
That's what I'm talking about,

that's what I'm talking
about, all right.

Bring it in.

- Oh, oops!
- Munch!

So, why would you be
organizing your ketchups?

- Because.
- Who does that?

So I can get to them easier,
and then it's more organized,

- and it's better.
- And you are my friend.

Guys, guys, it's time
to practice the big lie.

Hey, Mom, I'm spending
the night at Alex's house

so we can play
a neat, brand-new video game.

And I'm sleeping over
at Tuck's house

so we can play a new video game.

And I'm sleeping
in your mom's bed,

- not playing a video game.
- Oh, my God, all right, dude.

Stop talking about
my mother, thank you.

All right,
the camera's are gonna be on

hours a day, nonstop.

Dude, can you stop
touching, please?

It attaches to my bike,
and it's also a pretty good way

to get footage on the fly.

Spy glasses.

I love these; I love them.

And last, camera,
but definitely not least...

What up, camcorder?

Keeping it tight.
Looking pretty good these days.

Tuck, these are the ugliest
things I've ever seen.

Dude, what? What are you...
what are you talking about?

Those are... They're sweet.

- The camera's undetectable,
- Wow.

- And the ladies love them.
- Prove it.

Prove it? (Scoffs)

This guy, all right?
Give me my glasses, man.

Those are stealth.

Now I'm gonna prove to you guys

spy glasses get you girls.

MUNCH: Oh, my gosh,
he's going over there.

- I can't see who he's talking to.
- Shut up, Munch.

TUCK: Uh, hi, uh...

Hey, um, Em-Emma, right?


I was just...

(Tuck sputters)

Okay, uh, can I borrow
a piece of paper, please?

MUNCH: He has something.

- I can't see who he got it from.
- We're about to see right now.

Look, look, look, look.

He has a paper.

You did not get her number.

Totally got her number.
Right there.

You doubted me,
and my spy glasses worked.

You, too, you're a sellout.

No, uh-uh, you didn't
get Emma's number.

Yes, I did.

Mannequin Girl?

(Alex laughs)

What kind of name is that?

What? That's what I call her.

I think mannequins are hot.

(school bell ringing) -TUCK:
I'll leave my house at : .

minutes later,
I pick up Alex.

- Munch, we'll get you at : .
- Yeah.

Okay? Tonight,
we're no longer boys.

We're men. (Grunts)

- TUCK: Dude, what the...?
- I didn't see you, man.

(Tuck sighs)

- ALEX: Tuck, you all right?
- Let's go.

TUCK (voice-over):
Our whole lives

we've been nobodies.


The good kids.

(chuckles) Not anymore.

(indistinct conversation)

All right, Ma.

I'm leaving.

Spending the night
at Alex's house

so we can play a new video game.

Have whatever you want, honey.

- (conversation continues)
- (Tuck sighs)

You know what, I lied, actually.

We're gonna ride our
bikes out into the desert

at night alone.

Without supervision.

We got that;
We're going to state.

Okay, see you then, sweetie.

- We could go.
- Also rob a bank.

- All the way. State.
- What?

TUCK: Go to Mexico.
Maybe even start a new life.

- Right, I know.
- Wrestling!

TUCK'S MOM: You're trying
to act like I don't know

what I'm talking about.

(conversation and laughter

What's up, Stumpy?

Yo, man, I told you
to stop to calling me that.

You know what, man, look,

my girl's throwing
this huge party later tonight,

if you want to come by.

(engine starts)

You serious?

Yes, I'm serious.

Because not a lady in the world
can resist

a natty old BMX bike.

What's the zero to
on that bad boy, huh?

Two, three days?

(tires squealing,
engine rumbling)


Come on, come on, dude,
you ready?

Let's go.

I can't even tell a difference.

This looks exactly the way
it looked before you packed.

All your stuff fitting
in one box?

What are you, a drifter?

Who told you?

Look, all I'm saying is,

when you get to your
new house, put a poster up,

put some shelves on the wall,
frame a photo.

Look, there's a painting
right there.

Put something on a shelf...

That's not a painting.

That looks like somebody
just took

a bunch of dirt, smudged it
and called it art.

I'm going to Munch's house
to play a video game, all right?

- Okay.
- Yeah, sure, buddy.

- Bye, Dylan.
- Have fun with your friends.

- Hey, hey, Tuck.
- TUCK: How are you?

Uh, good luck with the
move to New York, buddy.

- Maybe we'll come see you.
- All right, cool.

The moving truck
is coming at : .

Make sure you're back, okay?

TUCK: I-I don't get it.

If your foster parents already
have a baby of their own,

why do they need you?

There's no sense
in having two babies.

- Shut up, dude.
- One baby cries all the time,

the other one listens
to indie rock.

Let's go.

- (Alex whooping)
- (Tuck humming)

ALEX: Yeow!

WOMAN: Guys, would you
please help my son

with his room,
before I go crazy?

- Yeah, yeah, sure.
- I don't think he's started...

Honey, have you even started
packing your room?

MUNCH: I told you
a thousand times,

I'm alphabetizing!

(Alex chuckles)

TUCK: Yo, let's scare him,
let's scare him.


(door creaks)

(video playing indistinctly)

MAN (on video): They're
flexible, they're "dynamical,"

they can be curved,
they can bend,

and this opens up
a whole new universe

of possibilities,
and one of the possibilities

is that there can be shortcuts
through space and through time.

So that's really just
what a wormhole is.

It's taking advantage...

(boys whispering indistinctly)


What are you... Aah!

- Why don't you stop doing that?!
- I'm sorry!

You guys are gonna give me
a heart attack one day.

- I'm sorry.
- Turn that off, dude.


(beeping) -I created substation
for each of our parents' phones

that's wired to the router,

which is wired
to the transmitter,

which transmits to the
receiver, which is...

- my phone.
- TUCK: Okay, so basically,

no matter who our parents call,
it goes to your phone.

Yeah. My mom's
friends always say

that I sound just like
my mom, you know,

- when I pick up the phone...
- Yeah.

So I figured, I can be Betty.

(computers and gadgets beeping)

ALEX: Bye, Betty. Thank you.

Um, I'm going to Alex's...
or Munch's... or Tuck's house,

and we're gonna play
a video game and sleep over.

Wait, what's all that stuff?



ALEX: Good job, Munch.
You did it.

TUCK: Here we come.

. miles.

(Tuck humming happily)

¶ Going to the desert... ¶

Munch, what are you doing?

Guys, guys, just hold
on, hold on, hold on.

Dude... -I'm not backing
out or anything,

- He wants to quit right when we.
- Just-just hear me out.

- Been waiting for this forever.
- Dude, listen, come on, okay.

This is crazy what we're doing.

Dude, I don't want to punk out

or back out or anything...

it's just, my mom, you know,
she just got divorced.

Munch... -She's already had
enough guys lying to her.

If you didn't want to come,

then why didn't you
tell us earlier?

TUCK: You do understand this is
our last night together.

Yeah, I know, I know.

Look, Munch, if we don't
go now, we'll never go.

We won't even be here.

This is our last chance
to try and do something.

Even-even if it is stupid.

- Yeah.
- You know what,

I say we put a vote to it.

All in favor raise your hand.

Well, now I have
to raise my hand.

Munch, just...

Fine, fine.

Okay, whatever.

I'll go.

But only under one condition.

- TUCK: I call the black!
- ALEX: Mine! No, no!

No, give it!

MUNCH: It's so weird,
no one's gonna be

in these houses next week.

Dude, you're so full of it.

- When did you kiss her?
- TUCK: Dude, trust me.

After pre-algebra,
she pulled me into the bathroom.

Wait, wait, wait, wait...
Mannequin Girl?

- TUCK: Yeah!
- Was she good at it?

TUCK: Uh, eh, B minus.

You know, I've kissed better
in better locations.

No, how do I know
you're not lying?

TUCK: Trust me. I don't even
have to reply to you.

You're last! -MUNCH: Hey,
you got a head start!

That's not fair!

TUCK: Oh, so what,
there's a Wing Stop?

I never been to a Wing Stop.

(birds squawking)

TUCK (voice-over):
We followed a map

out in the middle of nowhere.

MUNCH: It might be, like,
a CIA prison.

TUCK (voice-over):
We were miles from home.

(boys talking indistinctly)

No one in the world knew it.

No one said it...

but we were scared.

ALEX: We haven't seen
a car in, like, half an hour.

TUCK (voice-over):
We were on our own.

This-this is the way, right?

You have the map, right?

- Can I see the map?
- ALEX: Left.

MUNCH: Left? Are you sure?

Because right looks
a little bit more promising.

- (coyotes howling, yipping)
- Did you guys hear that?

ALEX: Just a couple more miles.

(steady electronic pulsing)

TUCK: Hold on. What is that?

It's the map.

TUCK: Are we close?

MUNCH: I never understood
why people like the outdoors.

Will you stop freaking out?

(electronic pulsing continues)

Yo, this is too steep, man.

Let's go, man.

(electronic pulsing continues)

MUNCH: We're getting pretty far
from the road, guys.

ALEX: Almost there.

(electronic pulsing slows)

TUCK: Is it this thing?


(electronic trilling,
then static crackling)

ALEX: I don't think so.

(electronic pulsing
and trilling stop)

TUCK: Wait, what was that?

- ALEX: I don't know.
- Well, hold on.

What'd you see, dude?

- (pulsing resumes)
- TUCK: Over here!

ALEX: We're almost there.
Come on.

(electronic pulsing stops)


TUCK: What?

TUCK: What do you think it is?

How would I know?

Why does it look all burnt?

MUNCH: Hey, just be careful.

- Careful!
- Yeah, don't touch that thing.

Could be...

MUNCH: C-Could be...

I don't know, I don't know.

A part of a satellite?

TUCK: All right, all right,
um, Munch, film me while I'm...

- while I'm touching this thing.
- Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Let me try it. Thank you.

It's dusty.

It's a piece of crap.

MUNCH: What?

Forget about it.

Just turn off the camera.

MUNCH: Well, it's not
a national treasure,

but it could be used
for something.

(Tuck scoffs) It's crap.

What happened to filming
'cause it's our last night, huh?

Um, in case
you haven't noticed, obviously,

the map led to squat.

ALEX: Got it.
So all you cared about

was getting your stupid
hits on your stupid video?

- Dude, why don't you just...
- MUNCH: Whoa, guys, guys, guys.

Come on!
I know we're all frustrated...

- (phone ringing, gasps)
- It's Alex's mom.

- TUCK: Are you serious?
- ALEX: Um, it'll be fine.

Just, um, be Betty, okay?

- Oh, man.
- MUNCH: Oh, crap.

Yo, I thought I could
do this, but I can't.

Maybe you can answer it.

She just likes to
check up on things, okay?

All right. (Gasps)

WOMAN: Betty, are you there?

(whispering): Go.

This is Betty.

WOMAN: I was thinking
maybe I could bring over

some pizzas?

TUCK: Dude, go.

No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no. No coming over.

- Just hang up.
- No way.

No, it's really no trouble.
We have a coupon.

- I said no! No pizzas!
- What?

- No, uh...
- TUCK: Don't yell at her, man.

Maybe you and your husband
should go to bed.

TUCK: Stop saying words!

Are you sure everything's okay?

Have a good night. Go to sleep.

(line disconnects, beeps)

That could've gone better.

TUCK: That was horrible.

"Your husband
should go to sleep"?

Was that really
something smart to say?


Don't look at me
like I'm a hoarder.

That's rude.

(distant voices)

ALEX (whispering): Who are they?

MUNCH: I don't... I don't know.

MAN (over radio): I'm picking up
some spikes in the readings...

ALEX: Get down, get down.

- They're turning a flashlight off, dummy.
- Let's go.

Why would they be out this far?

TUCK: Who cares?

The night's blown.

(static crackles)

- Aah! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Whoa, whoa.


ALEX: Munch? (Chuckles)

- You're a character.
- There's something in there!

ALEX: What?

TUCK: Dude, are you
kidding me right now?

MUNCH: Something is in that bag.

It-it touched me.

TUCK: Go check.

MUNCH: Be-be careful.

(harsh screeching)

- TUCK: What?
- Did it poke you, too?

TUCK: What, dude? Say something!

What did you see?

There-There's something
in there.

Yeah, a bunch of crap
Munch brought.


- You guys are funny.
- All I know is it beeped.

You know, why don't you go
in there and just see.

TUCK: Beeped?
What are you talking about?

Babies. I'll do it myself.

Dang, how much stuff do you have
in your bag, dude?


Oh, boy, are you guys
talking about this?

It's garbage. It's nothing.

What are you talking about,
you heard something?

It made a noise.

Hey, hey, do something!

See, it's not doing anything.

What are you talking about?


(snarling, snapping)

(Tuck laughs)

Do that again, do that again.

Do what again?

Do what you just did.

- Beep.
- (snarling, snapping)

Whoa, hold on. Let me...

Let me try this for myself.



Why is it making noise
only for you and not me?

Make it beep again.


- (clank, hissing)
- Whoa!

MUNCH: This is it! It's a b*mb!

(fading into distance):
No, no, oh, God, no!

No, no, no!


ALEX: Guys, I think...
I think it might have defused.

I don't know.

TUCK: Man, nothing's happening.

All right, hold on, hold on.

I got an idea.

MUNCH: Tuck!


Okay, it didn't do anything,

but j-just don't do it again.

Are you insane, Tuck?!

Are you sure you guys know
what you're doing?

TUCK: Yes, trust me.

When it's a b*mb,
you have to act quick.

I seen it on some TV show
or some movie or something.

- ALEX: Saw what?
- Check it out.

MUNCH: What are you doing?!

Disarming it.

MUNCH: Are you crazy?!

It's a b*mb; That's what
you're supposed to do.

That's not what you do
with a b*mb!

Are you insane?!

- (electronic chirp, pinging)
- What was that?

It's not my phone.

It's the thing,
whatever that is.

- What are you talking about?
- It's that.

That's what just
made that noise.

(electronic pinging)

I, uh... It, like,
imitated my ringtone.

TUCK: This is what
made our phones barf?

(electronic chittering)

ALEX: Did you hear that?

- (static crackles) -Whoa!
- Whoa, whoa.

All right, so, a couple
of seconds ago,

our phones went crazy.

Bananas, insane.

I don't know
what to call it. Look.

You see that?

It's a new map,
but on my phone this time.

To me? All right, him, or...

Dude, Munch's phone got
all weird hieroglyphics

and, ugh, I don't even
know what that is.

Alex's phone, it just
turned on by itself

and started filming.
We can't even turn them off.

Oh, don't try to act
like it's not cool.

That is weird.

It's showing us where we are.

MUNCH: And you don't
find that creepy?

What do you think that is?
You think that's a road?

We should follow the map.

MUNCH: How about no.

TUCK: How about yes?

We wanted a last night together,

so what do you call this?

A trap?

MUNCH: Didn't you guys see
the "No Trespassing" sign?

Oops. I didn't see anything.

(electronic tone
pulsing, stuttering)

This is where
the map says to go.

(leaves crunching)

Stop stepping on leaves.

There's leaves everywhere.

(indistinct talking)

- (grunting)
- Shh.

What was that?

(electronic tone
pulsing, stuttering)

Where do you think
it's taking us to?

(indistinct talking continues)

(electronic tone continues)

MUNCH: Maybe another one
of those beepy things.

(tone continues, louder)

(electronic tone continues,
pulsing slows)

(electronic tone stops)

(static crackles)

(static buzzes, crackles)

(deep rumbling)

(metal creaking)

What was that?

I don't know.

(creaking continues,
rumbling fades)

(rattling, clanking,
quiet warbling)

- Whoa! Whoa!
- Get down!

Oh, geez!

Munch, watch out!

Aah! Aah!

TUCK: Aah!

ALEX: What's going on?

Dude, Munch, what was that?

(clattering, rumbling)

(boys scream)

TUCK: Where is it?

Is it over?

- Oh, geez.
- (screaming)


MUNCH: Tuck, stay back.

- TUCK: Whoa.
- MUNCH: Stay back.

- (electronic warbling)
- MUNCH: What's...

TUCK: Dude!

(whirring, beeping)

- Wait, wait, be careful.
- (electronic chittering)

Your phone just got a new map.

ALEX: What?

(electronic whirring)

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Wait, why is it opening?

TUCK: Hold on, hold on.
Did you see that just now?

- (electronic chittering)
- ALEX: What is that?

- TUCK: Whoa! What is that?
- MUNCH: What is that?

- What is that?
- Oh, my...

Dude, move, you're
blocking my shot.

ALEX: It-It's moving.

TUCK: There's something
in there right now.

MUNCH: What's in there?

Oh, don't tell me.

ALEX: Are those... eyes?

(electronic chittering)

Dude, dude, it's looking
dead at us right now.

MUNCH: Oh, God,
oh, God, oh, God.

ALEX: It's trembling
like it's hurt.

MUNCH: Good.

TUCK: My heart's beating
so fast right now.


MUNCH: Almost got us k*lled,
like, three times already.

Yeah, but it was worth it, dude.


All right, so...

I just figured out why Alex's
camera was on this whole time.

So this thing, whatever it is,

it's eyes are, like,
all screwed up, completely.

You see?

So, basically, it uses
his phone to see.

That's insane.

(Alex chuckles)

ALEX (distorted): You think
he can see us right now?

(electronic chittering)

Munch, you have
to check this out.

This is amazing.

(click, electronic snarl)

MUNCH: Is it?

Is it amazing?

'Cause I think
it's scary as balls.

I mean, obviously people
are looking for it.

- Munch...
- It has access to our voicemails

and our texts and our ringtones.

TUCK: How do you even know
it's a he?

Are you a dude?




you understood us.

(beeps, warbles)

Whoa. (Chuckles)

All right, here's how it goes.

One beep is yes,
two beeps are no.


Is one beep yes?

(beeps once)

TUCK: Yo, that's so tight.

Are we in a barn?

(beeps once)

Is Munch really a woman?

(beeps twice)

Oh, come on, man,
this thing is broken.

Everybody knows
Munch is a woman.

Okay, I have a question.

Are we gonna die tonight?

Why isn't it answering?


Well, that's not good, right?

questions with an alien.

Tuck Simms exclusive.

- Let's do this.
- Check it out.

All right, um,
are you from space?

- (beeps once)
- Ooh!

Are you a robot?

(beeps twice)

Do you eat humans?

(beeps twice)


Do you like Earth?

(beeps twice)

Why? Why doesn't he like Earth?

Do you like us?

(beeps once)

You see? I told you.

We're cool like that.

Come on.

Are you hurt?

(beeps once)

- Oh.
- He's hurt.

Well, his lights
seem brighter, so...

Did that piece help you?

(beeps once)


Can we help fix you
or something?

Or... Like, what is this?

Are-are you trying
to build something?

- (beeps once)
- Oh, he's trying to build...

Building something. Right there.

- What could he be building?
- Yeah.

So, wait, what are,
what are you building?

- Lasers?
- (beeps twice)

- A portal?
- (beeps twice)

- Minions?
- (beeps twice)

- A cloaking device?
- (beep twice)

- It's an army.
- (beeps twice)

Ignore him.

- Spaceship?
- (deep electronic whirr)

Oh, my God!

Hold up, hold up.
So let me get this right.

So you're building a spaceship,

- He's building a spaceship.
- And you need our help

building the spaceship?

- (beeps once)
- Oh, man.

This guy is building
a spaceship.

Hold up, hold up, hold up.

Let me make sure
I don't have any plans.

We're building a spaceship!

He's building a spaceship.

TUCK (voice-over):
We asked him questions

for almost two hours.

Where he came from.

If there were others here
like him.

We found out he was lost...

and alone.

He was out in the middle
of nowhere,

on his own,

like us.

All we really knew
was that he crashed,

and now he needed us
to rebuild him.

ALEX: The map says up ahead.

Are we going the right way?

(horns honking, distorted)

Look, look, look, look,
whatever that is,

the map goes to it.

All right,
so wait-wait a minute.

Let me get this right.

Dude comes from
a million light-years away,

and he wants to come here?

I don't know, the map said so.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

You got to look both ways
before you cross the street.

ALEX: Munch.

(electronic doorbell dinging)

(Tuck chuckles)

So are you... snoopy.

CUSTOMER: Ten dollars?

- OWNER: I said no deal.
- $ . .

OWNER: I don't want it.
It's tchotchke trash.

If you give it to me as a gift,
I'd still throw it away.

- It's trash.
- CUSTOMER: No, it's vintage.

OWNER: No. You don't get
to say the word "vintage."

I'm the one who gets to say
when what is vintage.

Excuse me, sir, you have
a very, very lovely shop.

MAN: Come on, you sure?


Oh, man, look
at the hand painting.

It's all crafted right there.

- One of a kind.
- OWNER: It's trash.

(static buzzing)

(phones buzzing)

- (thumping, rumbling)
- (boys gasp)

- (rumbling)
- (sustained, high-pitched tone)

Uh, uh...

- (tone fades)
- TUCK: What was that?


- (metallic creaking)
- (horns blow, squeak)

(note fades slowly)

- (instruments popping, sounding)
- (gasping, exclaiming)

No, no, no! Come on!

ALEX: Watch out! Watch out!

(chaotic tooting, banging)

(owner exclaims
in native language)

- (Tuck laughs)
- OWNER: What was it?

MUNCH: Whoa. Is everybody okay?

(Alex coughing) -TUCK: Hey,
Nichols, Nichols, are you alive?

They broke my girlfriend's lamp!

TUCK: Wait, what is he doing?

- MUNCH: Oh. Whoa, whoa.
- TUCK: Is-is that...

- OWNER: Sweet babushka.
- (Tuck laughs)

You want to sell it?

- Tuck, let's go! Come on!
- Run! What are you waiting for?

Dude, that place was wrecked!

MUNCH: Sorry again, sir!

ALEX: Go! Go! Down here!

TUCK: Let's get somewhere
so we can look at him.

(electronic chittering)

ALEX: He's shaking.

(electronic chittering)

TUCK: Whoa,
he's letting you touch him.

- MUNCH: I wouldn't, guys.
- Hey, what about here?

Here, set him on here.

- (Alex laughs)
- MUNCH: He looks scared.

Yeah, why is he all balled up?

Can't you stand?

You all right?

- (electronic chittering)
- MUNCH: Maybe he's...

maybe he's just shy.

- Ooh, can you fly?
- TUCK: Can you do X-ray vision?

MUNCH: How? He can't see.

ALEX (chuckles): He doesn't
even know where to look.

TUCK: All right, all right,
I think the question is,

what can you do?

TUCK: Okay, so Dr. Nichols
is doing a surgical procedure

with very sophisticated

- Pen caps.
- (Tuck laughs)


MUNCH: Wait, I don't get it.
How is that sophisticated?

It's kind of just,
like, pen caps.

I got it.

(quiet electronic warbling)

TUCK: Be careful.
His legs are fragile.

- (Alex laughs)
- MUNCH: Whoa.

Get this. Are you getting this?

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

(Tuck laughs)

TUCK: Oh, that's crazy!

So you can't fly,

but you can float.

- (electronic chirp)
- TUCK: That is so crazy!

(all laughing)

I saw you.
I saw you grinning, man.

Stop trying to pretend
like that wasn't cool.

- That was hot.
- This is crazy.

I mean, it's-it's just crazy.

- (electronic chirp)
- ALEX: Whoa. Don't drop it.


(electronic chirp, low whirring)



- Can you see me?
- (chirping, pinging)

(Alex imitates pinging)

(pinging) -TUCK: Huh,
I think he likes you.

Will you show us where you live?

- (chirps)
- All right.

Beep faster
if I'm getting close.


- (rapid beeping)
- Is that it, right there?

(quiet electronic warbling)

Why don't I go first.

Hi. Um, my name's Alex, and...

you're-you're in... Munch, no...

you're in my hand right now.

You know my ringtone, which is,
like, insane and awesome.

(electronic pinging)



Okay, um...


I'm Tuck.

What's up?

I don't even know
what to say, but, uh...

but, uh, I'm from...
I'm from New York.

Uh, this is Nevada.

I don't even know, like,
I like donuts,

- um...
- ALEX: Donuts? Really?

Okay, can somebody else do this?

I know, I'm going.
My name's M...

My real name is Reginald,
but my friends call me Munch.

I hope we can be friends, too.

- (electronic chirping)
- Do you have a name?

Oh, we could call him Beep.

Dude, what-what kind
of name is Beep?

Word. We got to give him a name
that's powerful, like...

like Master Blaster.

He doesn't blast anything.

Peter. Peter. What about Peter?

Something cool, like
Space Ninja or something.

MUNCH: Well, how is
there a ninja in space?

He wouldn't be able to breathe.

- All right, all right...
- Dude, you don't know that.

Have you ever been to space?

Which name do you like?

- MUNCH: Uh, Beep. Why?
- (beeps)

There it is.

- Hello. Watch this. Watch this.
- You can't echo...

Watch this. Just...


- (beeps)
- See?

- Echo.
- (chirps)

That's what we
should call it. Echo.

- (chirps) -Oh, 'cause it echoes.
- Wait, I don't get it.

- Echo, Echo, Echo.
- Echo.

Your name...

is Echo.

ECHO (distorted):
Echo... Echo...

(voice distorting

I don't think he's supposed

to come out
of that cylinder thing.

MUNCH: He looks... dead.

TUCK (faintly): Echo?

TUCK (voice-over): So then we
didn't know how broken he was.

(electronic chirping)

The crash hurt him
worse than we thought.

- (weak chirp)
- ALEX: Okay, little guy...

where do you want us to go?


(electronic whirring)

(dog barks in distance)

MUNCH: Guys?

You know this is considered
being a burglar, right?

TUCK (voice-over):
With each new piece,

he got strong.

And that's what we were
gonna do... make him stronger.

(tone pulses briefly)

- (whispers): Which way?
- Around.

- MUNCH: In the house?!
- TUCK: Dude!

(Munch groans)

MUNCH: Maybe we should
just knock on the door and...

MAN: We just need you
to listen, sweetheart.

- TUCK (sighs): Oh, man.
- GIRL: You're grounding me?

ALEX: Tuck, what are you doing?
Munch, go.

MAN: It's the man... the man
should choose his dance partner.

GIRL: It's a stupid tradition.

WOMAN: Really,
it's about meeting new people,

and many of those
were our friends' sons.

And it's embarrassing
when you ignore them.

MEN: And these are life skills
that we are teaching you.

- MUNCH: Tuck, get back.
- Putting on this dress for you

doesn't change me into some
perfect little homecoming queen!

MAN: Okay, no one's asking you
to act like a homecoming queen.

It's at least three years away.

MUNCH: Now. Go, go, go.

WOMAN: By the company you keep.

It's a cliché for a reason.
I'm sure this all seems...

MUNCH: Guys, what are we doing?
We're gonna be trapped up here.

TUCK: Everybody be quiet.

- (electronic whirring)
- (woman continues indistinctly)

GIRL: Yeah, everyone!

(woman and man
continue indistinctly)

TUCK: You got to be kidding me.

Aw, you know what? Everyone
just follow me, all right?

Don't look at anything.
Just hurry.

- Hey, Tuck, did you see this?
- No, don't...

Dude, Tuck,
this is Mannequin Girl's house.

Now we can ask
for permission to steal stuff,

'cause, you know,
you guys are kissing buddies.

Aw, man...

TUCK: It was
a couple of days ago.

She probably forgot
about it by now, you know?

Like, yeah, it's...
yeah, she probably forgot.

- How would she forget about it?
- I almost forgot about it...

(deep rumbling)

- TUCK: Oh, boy, get ready.
- Uh-oh.

Close the door. Close the door.

- (rumbling, clattering) -Guys...
- Dude, we just got to keep it

from going crazy.
It's gonna get loud.

We'll catch it in a blanket.

- What? (Gasps)
- Whoa!

- Get down! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- Stop letting it move!

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!

GIRL: How to unfold a napkin?!

- Who cares!
- MAN: Fine!

GIRL: And in no time in my life
am I gonna be somewhere

- that even plays the foxtrot!
- TUCK: Close the door.

- (low electronic warble)
- Yo, put it away, man.

ALEX: Shh. Be quiet.

- (door opens)
- GIRL: What the...?

Wait, I know you.

- Hey. It's okay.
- (gasps)

Hey, hey, hey, we're with Tuck.

Tuck Simms. You know?
Remember you guys kissed?

We what? -Yeah, what are
you talking about, huh?

Why is my room destroyed?

- Why are you filming this?
- (electronic chirping)

- And what is that?
- Um, it's a...

it's a-a car muffler.

No. I want to know what that is.

It's actually a spaceship.

- Munch!
- Sorry. Uh, well,

we-we were following maps,
and it just happened

to lead here, so we were trying

to help our friend Echo...
well, he's an alien.

TUCK: Oh, God... - ...that we're
trying to get him on a ship.

See, look, it used to have six symbols,
but now it has three, so that means

we're almost there.
Crazy, right?

ALEX: Munch, will you shut up?

An alien came to Earth
to give you guys maps?

- ALEX: Nope.
- TUCK: No, no.

(Echo chirps "no")

(electronic chirping)

- You did not just see that.
- Yeah, I did.

Yeah, she definitely saw it.

- GIRL: Wait.
- Whoa, whoa.

- Hey, I want to go.
- Really? Sounds great.

ALEX: What? No.

- Dude...
- You're not part of our group,

so why don't you just go play

with your super rich friends...

TUCK: That's kind of harsh...

and your ball gowns and just
go eat steak or something.

- GIRL: What the hell?
- TUCK: Go, go, go.

(dog barking in distance)

TUCK: Dang, dude,
what was that upstairs?

- What are you talking about?
- I've never seen you so mad.

MUNCH: Yeah, dude,
you did kind of snap.

ALEX: All right, let's just...
don't talk about...

Nothing happened
in there, all right?

TUCK: You know, they say
the girls you argue with

- are the ones you like.
- (Alex sighs)

ALEX: Don't go there, bro.

- (electronic whirring)
- Tuck, it's over there.

TUCK: Wait,
it wants us to go to a bar?

Man, I say we climb in a window
or find a door.

There's got to be another way.

Um, before-before we go...

I really need to get
the pee out of my body.

(Tuck groans) -Let's just hope
the next place isn't a bank.

(Echo beeping)

TUCK: I can't believe
you told that girl to get lost.

- You're so dramatic.
- ALEX: What about you?

You invented a whole
kiss, didn't you?

Uh, first of all, for your info,

it's called
aspirational thinking.

You're thinking it one moment,
you're living it the next.

- How's that working out?
- MAN: Oh, excuse me.

(indistinct radio communication)


TUCK: Go to the bikes.

MUNCH: Oh, God, oh, God.

- TUCK: Why is the construction man...
- Shut...

- MAN: Excuse me.
- TUCK: Aw...


I know you guys.

You're the guys... you're from
the construction site, right?

Uh, with the,
uh, with the camera?

Whoa-ho, wait, wait.

Why aren't you guys
at home right now?

You guys weren't
riding your bikes out

- around the desert, were you?
- No, of course not. -MUNCH: Yes.

Uh, no.

That doesn't sound too... clear.

- MUNCH: Uh...
- GIRL: Thank God. There you are.

- TUCK: What?
- MAN: Who-who are you?

Who am I?

(dramatic sobbing):
Who am I? Exactly!

It's like I don't
even know anymore.

My mom had to drag my dad
from the bar... again!

- TUCK: What?
- He likes to go there

more than he likes to tuck in
his own kids at night.

At least that's
what my mom says.

MUNCH: What's she talking about?

That's her.

Eating a burrito.

She east when she's stressed.

I ask myself if that's
gonna be me one day.

What do you think? Is it?

We make mistakes
and we get married

and we go to bars.

And these... these are my
only friends in the world,

- 'cause they see me.
- TUCK: Uh...

for who I really am.

MAN: That's your mom over there?

- Do you want to meet her?
- No. No. No, no.

Just get home safe!

Told you guys I wanted to go.

- (Echo chirps "Oh...!")
- TUCK: What the...?

TUCK (voice-over):
Okay, so this girl, man,

she'd been tailing us
since her house,

spying on us
like some creepy stalker.

- She'd overheard our whole plan.
- She... she's crazy.

- ALEX: I need the bag!
- I think I like it.

(engine revs)

- (music blaring)
- ALEX: Oh, boy, get ready.

TUCK: All right,
try to blend in. Look old.

WOMAN: That must've been
some good fake I.D.'s.

MAN: What's up, baby face?

What are you doing
in here, little man?

Oh, uh, I, uh...

- Are you Randy's kid?
- TUCK: Uh,

- yes, he is.
- Um, y-yeah, yeah,

yeah, he's my dad... or mom.

- You know, dad. Mom.
- Okay, dude, just go.

- Hurry up.
- (Echo warbling)

ALEX: Emma? Emma?

I was hanging out with
this really pretty chick.

She's almost as pretty
as you. I mean...

you're not pretty.
I mean, you are pretty.

Come over here.
Hop up on that stool.

Get him a Shirley Temple.

Oh, and one for
his buddy here, too.

TUCK: No, no, I'm all right.
Seriously, I'm all right.

- Sure, you'll like it.
- Sorry, I'm a... I'm allergic.

Oh, you're gonna love it.

- Uh, no, no.
- You're gonna get one.

So, what happens next?

- Just give me back my bag.
- No.

Give it. I'm serious.
Give me the bag.

Why are you being mean to me?

- Here, honey.
- TUCK: Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- (chuckles): Yeah.

Wow, a lot of people with beards

and mustaches in here, you know?

(deep rumbling, rattling)

ALEX: You don't understand.
Whenever you get close

to the next piece,
it goes crazy.

(people gasping, shouting)

ALEX: Oh, my God!

- Whoa! Aah!
- (gasping, shouting)

(gasping, shouting stop)

(Echo warbles)

- TUCK: Uh...
- MAN: Are you kidding me?

- (excited chatter)
- (whoops)

Do you guys just
go around town breaking stuff?

TUCK: Just keep running! Go, go!

EMMA: What was that?

I think the ship's
trying to take off!

- (whirring, clicking)
- TUCK: Whoa, whoa!

(Alex laughing)

TUCK: Are you seeing this?

This thing is flying a ship...

in your backpack?

I think he's getting better.


So, you don't know
how he crashed, or when,

or why he came here with
a spaceship in the first place?

Look, he only answers yes
or no... it's not that simple.

Is this how I talk to him?

(Echo chirping)

- So, you crashed.
- (chirps once)

Did someone cause you to crash?

- (chirps once)
- ALEX: Dude, what's she doing?

- TUCK: I don't know.
- Someone on Earth?

(chirps once)

Do you think
they're looking for you?

(chirps once)

It's not those guys in trucks

from the convenience store,
is it?

- (chirps, chitters)
- TUCK: The construction man?

MUNCH: Those are the guys
that shot you down?

TUCK: Wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute.

We got to take a step back.

This is way bigger and shadier
than before, okay?

This is not good.

If those dudes are
looking for Echo,

they're looking
for us, you know?

- (siren wailing in distance)
- (thumping in Dumpster)

- (rustling)
- (echoing whirr)

(excited chirping)

- ALEX: Echo?
- (excited chirping continues)

You need some help there, buddy?


Hey, it's okay. Shh.

Breathe like me, okay?



(imitates breathing)


It's okay.

TUCK: Dude, h-he'll be fine.

No. We're not leaving him.

My whole life, I've been left.

I know how it feels.

(quiet electronic purr)

(crickets chirping)

ALEX: We're all he's got.

(Echo beeping, warbling)

(train whistle blows
in distance)

- MUNCH: Uh, left?
- EMMA: We could find a shortcut.

ALEX: The map says up ahead.

MUNCH: This map's confusing.
I was a mind ninja back there...

- EMMA: So, what was it like kissing me?
- Give me my camera.

- Did your legs get all wobbly?
- (Tuck scoffs)

Was there soft music playing?
Please remind me, Tuck.

I totally forgot.

- What was it like?
- You're close.

Is this your first
imaginary kiss?

TUCK: The map says for us
to go inside.

EMMA: I'm confused.

- Huh?
- Didn't you guys kiss?

TUCK (voice-over):
Anyway, the point is,

Emma was being annoying...
she kept walking off

with Echo like she owned him,
and talking to him about

I don't know what,
I don't even know.

You know what? Delete.

TUCK: Man, are we sure
there's no security guards or...

You know, that door
wasn't even locked.

Hey, uh, guys,
I was just thinking, you know,

I... haven't got to actually
hold the, you know, the ship,

before we did the thing,
so can I do it?

- You know, before it gets crazy?
- EMMA: Sure, but...

it's not a ship.

TUCK: What?
What are you talking about?

You told us it was a ship.

It's a key to your ship, right?

(Echo chirps)

(low electronic warbling)

Well, if this is just the key,

where's the spaceship?

- (clattering, crackling)
- All right, Munch, put it down.

(Echo chirps) -Okay, dude,
no, I got it, I got it.

TUCK: Okay, I'm not asking you,
I'm telling you to put it down

- before you hurt both of us.
- I need this, man.

- (electronic blipping)
- TUCK: That's weird.

- Does it know her?
- TUCK: I don't know. Munch!

(Munch gasps)

TUCK: Whoa!

MUNCH: Whoa!

- (Tuck laughs)
- ALEX: You okay?

- EMMA: Yeah.
- MUNCH: What are you guys doing?

- TUCK: Wow.
- ALEX: Um, she was gonna get hit

by the piece, so I-I saved her.

- GUARD: Hey! You four! Freeze!
- (alarm ringing)

- Run!
- Which way?

- Tuck!
- Stop right there! Stop!

TUCK: Go, go! Hurry up!

(alarm continues ringing)

EMMA: Hold up, hold up!
Did Alex get out?

(Echo chirps)

Uh, I d... I don't know.

- We have to go back.
- Uh...

- Come on, you guys.
- Okay.

Look. Whoa, whoa.
She's being stupid.

There's a guard
in there, you know?

You can't just go
running in, acting crazy.

We need a-a plan, or...

s... right?

GUARD: Breaking and entering,
destruction of property.

Those are felonies, kid.

Okay, Echo, I need your help.

Um, I need you to...
do something.

GUARD: I have a minor
here; He's .

Caught him breaking in
with his friends.

If you could send
an officer down.

GUARD: Stay put.


(Emma panting)

- (arcade game music playing)
- Anybody there?

(game music tempo accelerating)

(phone ringing)

- GUARD: Hello?
- (Echo chirps)


(echoing loudly):
Is anybody there?

Is anybody there... there...

(Echo chirping)

- (rumbling)
- (guard gasps)

GUARD: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

EMMA: Alex. Alex.

- Wh-Where's Tuck?
- We got to go.

(arcade game music continues)

- We should've gone back.
- All right, you know what?

Calm down, because if people
would've listened to me,

then Alex never
would have gotten caught.

Didn't I say there would be
security guards?

Alex! Dude!

You're all right!
Are you all right?

Hey, Alex, we're good, man.
All right?

- MUNCH: Buddy?
- We're good, man?

TUCK: Alex.

Come on, dude.


We could've gone home,
but we didn't.

- We were outside.
- Turn off the camera.

Not till you admit you're
acting mopey for no reason.

You're always freaking out if
anyone's gonna leave you behind.

TUCK: Do you know
how expensive that is?

ALEX: I'm glad I'm moving.
You were never my friend.

- Is that right? Is that right?
- MUNCH: Guys, guys,

- come on, just-just chill out.
- EMMA: Come on!

EMMA: Have you lost your mind?

TUCK (voice-over): I acted like
I didn't know what I'd done.

But I knew exactly.

MUNCH: I know we're all tired
and stuff, and hungry.

I saw this awesome diner.
We can totally just go grab

- a bite to eat or something.
- EMMA: Real awesome, guys.

- Real macho.
- (Tuck and Alex grunting)

So, that's it?

The night's over?

Doesn't have to be.


Well, I mean, if it is,

uh, we could...

I don't know, I guess we can
keep the mood going, yeah?

Or we can do it
another time, right?

Good times,
the continuation, part two.


(Tuck scoffs)

(sighs) Hmm.

You know what?

I'm gonna talk about Sandra.

Man, that girl used
to beat the crap out of you.

Me, too.

We were both little,
small and scrawny.

She was a big girl,
and she knew it.

But then I had a growth spurt,

and you didn't,
and I finally did something.

You remember that?

You told her I had polio.

Yeah, I told her that, and did
she beat you up after that?

MUNCH: She still beat me up.

'Cause I-I always
get your back, man.

I never let you down;
I always get your back.

(Tuck sighs)

Most of the time.

Just when I'm not freaked out

about security guards,
all right?

I'm sorry, man.

Are we good?

(softly): Yeah.

(Echo warbles weakly)


(electronic chittering)


(radio hisses, blips;
Static crackles)

Sure are doing some
traveling tonight.

My parents are in the bathroom.


(rhythmic beeping)

(Echo beeping back)

(Echo chittering)

(chittering continues)

Let it go.

TUCK: What are you doing?

- Dude! Hey, what are you doing?!
- MUNCH: Oh, God!

Don't grab our stuff like that!

- Stop!
- Hey, give me the backpack!

- Who do you think you are?
- The police have been instructed

to come and pick up these
kids and take them home.

He can't just walk away.

- (phone rings)
- ALEX: What was it?

EMMA: The phone.

- No, no, no!
- Munch!

- Munch! Munch!
- Munch!


Oh, my... Munch!

(engine revs, tires squeal)

TUCK: This is not real,
this is not real,

this is not real right now.

- (sirens wailing)
- ALEX: Don't let them see you.

- (siren chirps)
- Now!

ALEX: Munch!

Do you see the truck?

TUCK: Munch!

ALEX: Munch!

That guy is not
a construction worker.

(phone ringing)

- It's Munch.
- MUNCH: I need help, guys.

I really didn't
think this through.

TUCK: We're here, we're here.
Are you hurt?

Can you guys hear me...?

- EMMA: Are you okay?
- ALEX: Where are you, Munch?

TUCK: We'll find you, all right?
I promise.

(staticky): I think I'm
at the construction site.

- ALEX: Come on, buddy.
- TUCK: Munch!

I can see the big lights

and up at those...

- the white trucks...
- (line disconnects)

How far is your neighborhood?

It's way over an hour.

TUCK: All right, I think
I got a faster way.

Who wants to go to a party?

Are you sure he'll even be here?

Better be.

His girlfriend's throwing it.

(music thumping from distance)

¶ ¶

EMMA: I can't believe
we're doing this.

TUCK (sighing): Sophomores.

Hey, sweet party. Sweet jams.

Guys, what are we doing here?
We can't be...

Just look for my brother.
Look for his keys.

- Oh, my gosh, it's the cops.
- (laughter) -Okay.

Oh, God, the keys, the keys.

TUCK: I lost my keys.

I have a Porsche.

Marcus! Oh, not you, sorry.

I wasn't trying to stop
the fun... I like it.

- Whoa...!
- (laughter)


Uh, sorry to bother everyone.

Have you seen
my brother, Marcus?

Tall guy? You seen his car keys?

- Uh, anyone?
- Guys, the cops are here!

- What?
- Yeah, the cops are here.

- Turn it down, turn it down.
- GUY: Dude, stop...

No, I'm serious,
the cops are here right now.

Alex! Alex!

- (siren wailing)
- We have to go now.

TUCK: All right,
just come on, come on.

We got to move.

EMMA: Hurry, hurry.

ALEX: We can't hide here.

Look, look, just stay here.

He's my brother; I'll find him.

Just... don't let the cops take
the footage.

All right?

You live here, right?

ALEX: The cops!

TUCK: Marcus?

Marcus, we're here.

- (lock clicks)
- (knocking on door)

(indistinct police
radio communication)

MALE OFFICER (distant):
The party's shut down.

That's enough. Come on.

(indistinct police
radio communication)


ALEX: Oh, my God.


ALEX: Tuck's gonna freak.

Uh, here, check his pockets.

- Yes.
- EMMA: Oh, yeah.

Cops are gone.

- Uh, Tuck, Tuck?
- I have no idea where Marcus is.

(snoring continues)

ALEX: Yeah.

Tell me you got that on tape?

(wind howling)

My name
is Reginald "Munch" Barrett.

This is my...
kind of my final message.

To my best friends...



I love you, guys.

- (brakes squeak)
- (Munch gasps)

(footsteps approaching)

(Munch screams, grunts)

(indistinct radio communication)

(engine starts)


You're Googling it? Really?

Oh, come on, this is what
the Internet is for.

Um, "step one,
get a driver's license."

- Do we have one of those?
- Oh, wow.

All right, am I good?

- (engine roaring)
- Stop! Stop!

All right, all right.

EMMA: Dude, do you even know
what you're doing?

No, I don't.

"Step two, be calm."

- (engine roaring)
- What are you doing?!

- Sorry, sorry.
- Be calm is step two?

All right, all right, all right.

I got it, I got it.

- Hold on a sec..
- (engine revs, tires squeal)

- EMMA: Stop!
- ALEX: Tuck, Tuck, turn!

- Whoa!
- Oh, I'm sorry about that.

- Uh...
- EMMA: Oh, my God.

ALEX: We're good, we're good.

All right, I'm excited.
Should I g*n it?

- EMMA: No, no, no, don't.
- No, Tuck.

I need, I need music.
Somebody just play some music.

- All right.
- (music blaring)

- Oh, my!
- Oh, my God.

(different music playing)

Change it.

(different song playing)

(another melody playing)

(music changes
to a different song)

¶ ¶

TUCK (voice-over):
Everywhere we'd been that night,

shot by us like a rocket.

All we wanted
was our friends back.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

I'm gonna miss it here, man.

ALEX: Yeah, me too.

(music stops)

(brakes squeak)

(engine stops)

Here we go.

I don't know about this.

(equipment rumbles, clatters)

Did you hear that?


- (thumps)
- (grunts)

(indistinct announcement
over P.A. in distance)

(indistinct shouting)

EMMA: That does not
look like a freeway.

(Tuck scoffs)

(indistinct announcement
over P.A.)

(indistinct conversation
in distance)

(indistinct announcement
over P.A.)

- (Tuck exhales anxiously)
- ALEX: Get down.

Shh, shh.

TUCK: All right,
so what's the plan?

ALEX: I don't know. Get him out?

So, in other words,
we don't have a plan.

(indistinct radio communication)

(Tuck groans)


TUCK: Go, go, go.

I'm just gonna call
Munch's phone

and see if his phone rings.


(phone ringing)

Wait a minute.

(ringing continues in distance)

(Tuck gasps)

(indistinct conversations
in distance)

TUCK: Dude,
my camera's not a doorstop.

(various indistinct
radio conversations)

TUCK: I hear his voice.

(Munch crying,
talking indistinctly)

(machines beeping)

(crying continues)

TUCK: Shh.

MUNCH: I-I knew it was you guys

'cause I saw the same truck
from my neighborhood.

MAN: Tell us the truth.

MUNCH: I-I had a lot
of adrenaline rush,

and... (sobs) I...

I didn't want the night to end.

And I... and it was
the last night with Alex.

ALEX: Oh, shit, Munch.

MAN: Stop crying and talk to us.

TUCK: This is not good.

I'm not... (sobs)
I'm not crying!

EMMA: What? Where is that?

TUCK: We got to find him
and get him out of there, man.

- (electronic chittering)
- MUNCH: Just don't k*ll me!

MAN: Did he access
your phones at all?

Were there others like it or
was this the only one you found?

(electronic buzzing)

What are they doing?

(electronic chittering)

TUCK: Dude, they're
breaking him!

(frantic chittering)

EMMA: Guys?

Guys, someone's coming.
We should go.

TUCK: Go, go.

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Hey, construction man!

- Give me the camera.
- Listen...

This is not your camera.
Hey, guys, go!

- And find Munch!
- Let go of me!

Get off of us, man,
this isn't...

- My camera!
- Let go.

Is that thing still on?

MAN: Okay, no more lies.

No more sneaking around.

No more cameras, understand?

Son, look at me.

Look at me.

TUCK: Oh, I-I see better
with my glasses on,

you know?

- (sighs)
- (electronic tone stuttering)

This signal
has been transmitting

for a very long time,
from a ship that we believe

is located right here
in your neighborhood.

ALEX: What? -TUCK: Wait,
what-what's he talking about?

MAN: Six days ago,

an object entered our atmosphere

at , miles an hour,

on a direct course
for that ship.

We shot it down.

(Tuck sighs)

What you found activates
the ship,

and if that ship takes off,
it could k*ll everyone.

He just wants to go home.

MAN: Okay, that will not happen.

He is far too valuable.

This is crazy, this is crazy.


we are gonna follow this map

and you are gonna help us
get that thing operational,

and it will lead us
back to its ship,

and we will
disable it permanently.

Am I clear?

- (thumps)
- Am I clear?



TUCK: Check the doors,
check the doors.

It's locked;
It's not just locked.

They don't have a handle on it.

- Someone help!
- EMMA: Where are they taking us?

- (engine starts)
- Hey, yo!

Let us out, man!

MUNCH: Someone!

TUCK (sighs):
Well, the sun's up.

MUNCH: Our parents
are gonna find out.

(indistinct radio communication)

I think we got bigger problems
than our parents.

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

(indistinct radio communication)

EMMA: Where are we?

(radio communication continues)

Let's go!

All right,
everybody knows the drill.

Let's set it up.

(electronic tone stuttering)

- MUNCH: He's not moving.
- ALEX: Stop!

¶ ¶

Can you see me?

(weak electronic chirping)


(electronic chittering)

We're all here.

We're gonna get you home,
all right?

We'll find a way.

(electronic chittering)

Nichols, man, it's not there.


Please, you have to work.

Just try.

(power whirring, slowing down)

ALEX (voice-over): Echo?



You can't go; You can't!

(slowly powering down)

(whirring stops)

MAN: It's over.

Let's keep them quiet.

Come on, man. It's...

It's time to go.

(Alex hums ringtone)

(Alex repeats the ringtone)

(electronic chittering)

(hums faster,
Echo chitters in response)

MAN: What's happening?

(electronic warbling)

(Alex hums, Echo warbles)

(deep rumbling)

MAN: What is that?


(buzzing, whirring)

- (warbling)
- (clattering)

TUCK: Here he goes.

MAN: Back up. Get ready.

(warbling, pinging)

TUCK: Whoa.

(Alex laughs)

MAN: Okay, now!

- (clanking, whirring)
- (indistinct shouting)

(shouting continues)

MUNCH: Where are we going?

TUCK: Home! His ship's
in Mulberry Woods.

(engine starts)

(electronic warbling)

MUNCH: Dude, go!

How do I drive?

TUCK: Will you drive?!

Please drive! Just hurry up!

MUNCH: Alex, dude, you don't
have your seat belt on!

- Just speed up!
- Just go!

- (tires squealing)
- Go, go, go, go, go!

They're right there!
You have to speed!

- I'm trying!
- You're driving...!

- Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!
- Tuck, you're gonna

- get us k*lled!
- (horn blares)

- Where do I go?
- Just go around them.

- No, hold on.
- Don't go on the wrong side!

Dude, stop, stop!

(truck horn blaring,
all shouting)

- Oh!
- What the...?


- ALEX: Oh, my gosh.
- TUCK: Whoa, whoa!

Are you... Are you seeing this?

(tires squealing)

(metal creaking, rattling)

(brakes hiss)

- (engine revs)
- (Echo warbles)

Thanks, buddy.

I need an Advil.

(tires squealing)

We can't afford this right now.

We really can't afford
this right now.

MUNCH: Dude, look,
there's a new map.

A what?

TUCK: Here, here,
give me the phones back.

EMMA: I think that's his ship.

TUCK: Whoa, that's a big ship.

MUNCH: Alex, I don't want to
stress you out or anything,

but they're right there!

- (phone rings)
- TUCK: Oh, my God.

Alex, it's your mom.

- Don't answer it.
- Why would I answer it?

- (tires squeal)
- (thump, bang)

- JANICE: Betty?
- TUCK: Dude.

- ALEX: Munch. -JANICE: Betty?
- MUNCH: Hi.

- Sorry about my tone last night.
- Oh, I just thought

it would be nice to have
the boys have a nice night

- together before we're all uprooted.
- You're crying.

- Munch, it's your mom.
- What?!

Look, look, look, look. Dude.

JANICE: You okay? -MUNCH: So, uh,
Janice, gotta go... on my jog.

Can we act like we never had
this conversation?

Uh, uh, just come
over this wall.

Are you up?

- Guys, they're here.
- ALEX: Jump.

- TUCK: Move!
- MUNCH: Faster!


TUCK: They can't catch us
in our own backyard.

- MAN: Let's cut them off.
- (pursuers shouting)

(Echo chattering)

Munch, hurry up!

- Okay, okay.
- Munch!

Well, I don't jump walls
very much, man!

Here, hold my camera.

Dude, come on, come on, come on.

- No, no, no, no, no!
- Tuck, wait!

(dog snapping, barking)

EMMA: They're right behind us!

Come on, guys, we got to go,
we got to go.

Let's go, right now.

ALEX: It's down the hill.
Come on, let's go!

(indistinct radio communication)


TUCK: Go, go, go.

It says the ship is up ahead.

TUCK: This is the way
to your house, man.

- Go, go, go, guys!
- Are your parents awake?

I think we...

I think we lost them.

- (panting)
- Okay.

I don't... I don't get it.

(electronic whirring)

ALEX: I...

This is where the map ends.

(Echo chittering)

Spaceship, spaceship, spaceship.

(Echo chitters)

MUNCH: Maybe it's invisible.

(Echo chittering)

What is it?

Wait, what-what's
he talking about?

What do you want us to...

TUCK: Dude, what? Whoa, whoa.

MUNCH: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Whoa, whoa...
- TUCK: Oh.

Everybody good?

MUNCH: What's down there?

Be careful, man.


ALEX: That's it.

TUCK: Dude, it-it's underneath.

(Echo chittering)

TUCK: So this whole time...

ALEX: That's why they
want all our houses.

(electronic whirring)

They were digging.

TUCK: Yo, Alex, I know
what you're thinking.


Alex, man!

Th-The only way that
thing can take off

is to come up out of
the ground through us.

That's a really bad idea.

MUNCH: Dude, what are you doing?

TUCK: This is not just
about us anymore.

It's about other people now,

a whole community still
asleep in their beds.

MUNCH: Let's just think
this through first.

- I trust him.
- EMMA: Listen to us.

TUCK: Alex! Alex! Alex!



(Echo warbles, chitters)


(Alex sighs)

¶ ¶

¶ ¶

Is this where
we're supposed to be?

- (Echo warbles)
- MUNCH: Make up a plan.

- TUCK: No, we got to run.
- What are you talking about?

- If the ship's right under...
- We can't leave.

- I know we can't leave him.
- What about Alex?

TUCK: What about everyone
up here that's gonna die?


Dude, say something!

(Echo chittering)

(quietly): Oh, my God.

¶ ¶


(electronic trilling)

(whirring, clicking)

(clicking, whirring, hissing)

(Alex gasping)

(Echo chittering)

(Echo warbling)

TUCK: I left you behind once.

I'm not doing it again.

(chittering continues)

ALEX: Hi, guys.

TUCK (softly): Whoa.

TUCK: Whoa.


this is in-insane.

(Echo chitters, warbles)

(Tuck laughs)


¶ ¶

¶ ¶

(Echo warbles)

So, um, beep.


(Echo chirps)

Uh, um,

I don't really know
how to say good-bye...

so I'm not gonna.

And, um...

(creaking, rumbling)


You're my friend, you know?

Even when I'm old,

even when... even when
you think I've forgotten...

I'm always gonna be there.

(electronic chittering,

(imitates ringtone)

(ringtone echoing)


TUCK: Do you feel that?

(hissing, thudding)

ALEX: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

EMMA: Guys, we need to go now!

TUCK: We have to go.

(Echo chitters)



(chittering continues)

TUCK: Go, go, go!

Wait, wait, wait, my camera!

- (groans)
- EMMA: Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah.
- MUNCH: Dude, are you all right?

- Everybody good?
- Are you all right? Okay.

ALEX: That was so close.

(all gasping)

MUNCH: What the heck?

(rumbling, cracking)

- Oh, my...
- What the...?


(thudding, clanking)



Yeah! (Whoops)

ALEX (chuckles): Oh, my God.

(rumbling, thudding, clanking)

TUCK: Dude, this is amazing.

I think you're gonna want
to get this.




(birds singing,
car alarms blaring)

We did it, dude.

We did it.

(dogs barking in distance,
car alarms continue blaring)

Dude, it...

Did you see that?

Did you see...

- Wow. We did that!
- You're like...

That's insane. We just did that!

That's... Look, come on.

Look, look, people want
to know what happened.

(shouting in distance)

If we told them what happened,
they wouldn't believe us.

MUNCH: Guys,

it's morning.

Oh, crap, I gotta get home.

- My dad is gonna k*ll me.
- EMMA: I think I need a ride.

ALEX: We should go because
people, they'll start asking...

Hey, buddy... Did you guys
feel that earthquake?

- Were you okay?
- No, Mom, I'm fine.

- Let me see.
- He's fine. Honey, he's fine.

Did no one just
see the giant spaceship?!

- Oh, my God!
- Yeah, a spaceship.

What just happened?!

JANICE: Oh, oh, okay, okay.

I know it's been
really hard lately,

- and we've all been really overwhelmed.
- Just...

Why don't we... why don't
we just go in and relax.

Maybe we can, um, go get
that-that pizza we talked about.

- All right? Yeah.
- Pizza?

- If we don't play along,
- Yeah, his mom saw the ship.

- Nobody's gonna get it okay?
- How could I play along?

- So just...
- Yes, I'm sure.

I found them here at Alex's.

Yeah, yeah.

ALEX'S DAD: Uh, no, no.

Actually, uh, we found him here.

TUCK'S DAD: I thought he
was staying with you.

ALEX'S DAD: No, I was told
they were at Munch's.

I'll call you back, babe.

Yeah, yeah,
they were at my house.

We-we played this game
where you play as a guy

with the soul of a dragon,
and it had really good voices.

The voices were great, so...

JANICE: Who's this?

That's Emma.

I'm, uh, he's my boyfriend.

I mean, friend who's a boy.

- ALEX: Um...
- TUCK: Awkward.

She's hot, right?

JANICE: Knock it off, you.

¶ ¶

TUCK (voice-over):
Six hours later, Alex moved.

I just got grounded for,
like, life.

(chuckles) Me, too.

TUCK: Might as well move now.

Not gonna be seeing anyone
for a while.

ALEX: Yeah.

But this...

what really happened tonight...

no one knows but us.

ALEX'S DAD: Hey, Alex!

Time to go, buddy.

¶ ¶

I'm gonna miss you guys.

You guys smell really bad.


TUCK (voice-over):
Our last night together,

we did a lot.

A whole lot.

But there's some things
we couldn't do.

Alex's parents had already
bought a new home.

Most of the neighborhood had.

Munch's, too.

So, one by one,

people started to move.

My parents hadn't,

so we got to stay.

New people started moving in,

and Mulberry Wood started again,

but not the one that had
my friends in it.

When you're a kid,

you think you're invisible.

You think you can't make
a difference.

We're not kids anymore.

We know now...

that we can do anything.

¶ ¶

Having a friend light-years away
taught us

that distance
is just a state of mind.

If you're best friends,
then you always will be...

no matter where you are
in the universe.

(ringtone chirping)

(electronic chittering)

(ringtone echoing)

(electronic whirring)

¶ ¶

(music fades)

(electronic whirring, buzzing)

ALEX: Guys, my just...
my phone just...

You guys got to see this.


(electronic warbling)
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