07x17 - Dinner at Eight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*
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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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07x17 - Dinner at Eight

Post by bunniefuu »

There we are.

Oh, Andy,
I can do this.

No, no, I'll do this.

You're too nervous.

Are you sure you won't
be too lonely?

No, I'm going to be fine.

If only Opie was
going to be here.

Oh, he's been
lookin' forward

to the campin' trip
for weeks now.

I know.

And the important thing
is for you

to have a good time
at your sister's.

You need
a little vacation.

Well, I'll be back the day
after tomorrow, you know.

Stay longer if you like.

I don't think I could take it.

With the things Ellen
has planned for me,

it sounds like one continuing
round of activities.

She's having some friends in
for luncheon when I arrive.

Then we're going to run out

for a handicraft exhibit
at the old people's home.


And then, in the evening,

we're going to shabab's.

That's an Armenian restaurant
they have in town.

They wrap everything
in grape leaves.


That should be

an interesting
experience, hmm?

I just hope you won't
be overdoing it.

Oh, no, no, Ellen's
thought of everything.

She wrote me there's be
an hour or two to lie down

between the old people's home
and shabab.

Oh, good.

I've got my stuff
all ready.

We're leaving soon as
you finish breakfast.

You're all set, huh?

Good, good, good.

Did you pack those five pairs
of socks I laid out?

Yes, aunt bee.
Five pairs of socks?

He's just going to
be gone overnight.

Well, supposing
the ground is soggy.

Do you want your son
walking around in wet socks?

You can't expect
the troop to stop

every two hours for him
to change stockings.

I have spoken
to the scoutmaster,

and he's agreed to a temporary
bivouac when necessary.

Oh, all right.

I'm all ready.

You barely touched
your breakfast.

I don't think I oughta eat too
much with a long hike ahead.


You need it most when
you're burning up vitamins.

But I'm not
very hungry.

The only excuse
for not eating at mealtimes

is when you're sick.

Well, I'm not sick,
but, gee, pa...

We don't waste food.

When something's served
to you, you eat it.

A lot of people in this world

would give anything to sit
down to a meal like that.

So you go ahead.

Oh, my. Oh, my.

Well, you go ahead,
aunt bee.

Yeah, but what
about the kitchen?

No, you get
your things together,

and whenever you're gone,
I'll fix the kitchen.

All right.

All right.

How am I doing, pa?

Fair. Eat.

You sure you're going
to be all right, Andy?

Oh, I'm going
to be fine.

Don't take any
offense to this,

but actually, I'm kind
of looking forward

to being around
the house by myself.

It'll be different,
you know?

I'm all finished
and ready to go.

Okay. Well,
let's go, then.

Get your bag, Opie.

Knapsack, aunt bee.

All right,
knapsack, knapsack.

I have a feeling
I'm leaving something behind.

You're not
leaving anything.

You got everything.

If I do,
I'll give you a ring.

I'll be right here.

If it'll save you
any time,

I can drop Opie off
at the scoutmaster's.

No, no, no, it's
right on my way.

I can do that.
Right on your way.

Well, now, be careful,
take your time,

and have a good time,
both of you.

We will. You won't have
to worry about that.

Andy, you will clean up
the kitchen, won't you?

Oh, I'll clean that kitchen

just as soon as I get
in the house.

Don't worry about that.

Here we go.

All you have to do is
just have a good time.

Your oil's almost to the top,
aunt bee.

It ain't plumb to the top,

mind you...
Only about that far from it.

But just to be
on the safe side,

I'd check it again before
I started back from Raleigh.

I will, goober.
That was $ . .

It was almost $ . , but since
it didn't quite make it

I ain't charging you
the extra penny.

Well, that's very thoughtful of
you, goober.

How long you planning
to be visiting your sister?

Two days. And, goober,
would you mind stopping in

and looking at Andy
from time to time

to see that he doesn't
get too lonesome, hmm?

I was planning to.

I know how lonesome a body
can be when his loved ones

ain't around
like he's accustomed to.

Oh, do you think
he'll be that lonesome?

Don't worry
your head none.

Andy ain't going
to get lonesome...

Not with
good old goober around.

Thank you very much,

You're welcome.

See you when I get back.


Off we go.

Bye, aunt bee.


Hi, Andy.

Well, hi, Howard.

How's it coming?

Oh, fine, fine.

Good, good,
good, good.

Hey, I see you've been doing
a little shopping.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Wild mushrooms, canned
oysters in chili sauce,

pickled avocados,

chocolate syrup,
shrimp enchiladas.

That's a rather
unusual assortment, isn't it?

Does have kind of a bounce to
it, doesn't it?

You, uh, you going
in, are you?

Oh, yeah.
Mother wants oatmeal

and two quarts
of whole milk,

a dozen brown eggs,
a container of yogurt,

and three dozen oranges.


Mother likes me to get

plenty of vitamin c
during flu season.

That's very, very
good thinking.


Andy, uh, may I...
May I ask you

a rather
personal question?


Do you usually eat things

like oysters in chocolate
syrup and shrimp and...?

No, no, no. See, uh...

Aunt bee is out of town.

She's visiting her sister
in Raleigh.

Opie's on a camping trip,
and so I'm baching it.

You mean all alone?

All alone.

I'm really looking forward
to it, too.

I can eat anything
I want to eat,

do anything I want to do.

If I feel like walking
right in the living room,

taking my shoes off,

walking around
in my stocking feet, well...

You mean you'd actually
leave your shoes

right in the middle of
the living room floor?

If I wanted to.


Well, I'd better be going
before mother thinks

I've had an accident
with the eggs.

Yeah, yeah.

Stay right with it, Howard.

See you, Andy.


Yeah, let's see.



Hey, Andy.

What are you doing?

Oh, uh, nothing.

Rehearsing for another
show at the lodge?

Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah.

What's the suitcase?

You going somewhere?



I'm there already.

You're there already?

You mean here?

Yeah. When aunt bee stopped by,

she told me about you
being alone,

and I promised
I wouldn't let you get lonesome.

That's very nice of you,
goober, but I'm not lonesome.

Of course, you ain't...
'cause I'm here.

Wha...? No, no.
No, goob.

You don't understand;
I'm real not lonesome.

Just relax, Andy;
I'm happy to do it.

Listen, I am relaxed.

I'm just as relaxed
as I can be and...

Wait, wait, wait.

Guess what I'm cooking
for our supper?

Now, goober. No...

Spaghetti. With my very own

secret spaghetti sauce.

Goob. Goob, listen.

Listen...this is
very thoughtful of you,

and I'd love to have
you move in with me

and cook for me
and everything,

but I can't let you put
yourself out this way.

Save your breath.

I ain't taking no
for an answer.

I'll see you.

Where you going?

To the office,
to the office.

What are you
going there for?

Just paperwork, goob,
just some paperwork.

Hey, Andy, while you're
doing your paperwork

guess what I'm going
to be doing?

I don't know, goob.

Making the spaghetti sauce.

Fine, goob.


Be out in a second.


Hey, pa?

In here, ope!

Oh, hi, goober.
Hey, ope.

Whatcha doin' here?

Keepin' your pa company.
He's down at the office.

I thought you was supposed
to be on a campin' trip.

I forgot my scout axe.

I'll be right out!

I'll help you look
for it.

Oh, gee, goober,
would ya?

You look down here,
and I'll look upstairs.

He'll be right out!


Oh, hey, Howard.

No, this ain't Andy,
this is goober,

and I'm in a awful...

I'll tell 'im.

This is goober.
Andy ain't here.

Oh, hey, Helen.

Yeah, I'd be glad to.


I found it, goober!

I found it!

Good, that's good.

It was in the drawer
with my underwear.

Have a good time.

I will!


You know, goob...

This is good spaghetti.

Real good.

I knew you'd like it.

Have some more.


Oh, just a little bit.

Just a little bit here.


There we are.

It's all in the
special sauce.


My very own
secret sauce.

Oh, a secret, huh?

Did you make it up
out of your own head?

It's a family

with a secret ingredient.

So it won't do any good
to ask me what it is.

Okay, I won't.



You mix in something
called oregano.

Oh, oregano.

the secret ingredient.


Mmm. Good.

Andy, did you ever
have the feeling

you was supposed
to remember something,

but you couldn't remember
what it was?

Mm-hmm. I guess everybody
has that once in a while.

That what's bothering you?

Sort of,
but it couldn't be too important

or I'd remember it.

Yeah, I guess so.

Mm. Well, goob...

I hate it,
but that's about...

Just about all I can hold.

Now for a nice,
relaxing evening.

Sit down, put the feet up,
look at a little TV,

then a nice night's sleep.

Mm. Good.

I'll have
a little more.


Oh, boy,
that was good.


Full, full, full.

Andy, I've still
got a feeling

there's something
I ought to tell you.

Oh, it'll come to you,

It'll come to you.

You really and truly
enjoyed the spaghetti?

Oh, I really did.

Good food,
good food. Boy.

Food. That's it,
Andy... dinner.

What are you
talking about?

What I was trying
to remember.

Somebody called here
while I was helping Opie

hunt for his scout axe
and invited you to dinner.

Somebody invited me to dinner?

Well, give me a second, now.

There was two calls;
I remember that.

Yeah, good. What

now I remember...
Howard sprague called

and invited you to dinner.

Helen called about
a young people's club meeting.

Oh, I ran into Howard
on the street this morning.


You mean you're going
to eat another meal

after eating three
helpings of spaghetti?

I got no choice.

They've probably gone
to a great deal of trouble,

and Howard sprague is
a very close friend of mine.

So I've been invited to dinner,
and I better show up.


You're welcome.

That was an excellent
dinner, mother.

Thank you, Howard.

Oh, Howard.

Oh, you've gone back to
your father's old habit

of not rinsing the
backs of the plates.

Oh, dear. I wonder
who that can be.

I'll get it, mother.

Oh, hi, Andy.

Evening, Howard.

It's a nice evening.

Oh, yes, it is.

Very nice.

Very nice.

I hope I'm not late.


Oh, no. No, no.

Uh, uh, won't you come in?

Oh, fine, fine, fine.

Won't you have a seat?

Well, thank you. Yeah.


Well, whatever we're
having for dinner

certainly does
smell good.

Uh, yes, it does, doesn't it?

Uh, would you excuse me
for a minute, please, Andy?

Of course.

Mother, mother!

It's Andy Taylor.

And somehow
he has the idea

he's been invited
to dinner.



Where did he get
an idea like that?

I don't know.

I saw him at the grocery
store this morning,

and later I called
and left a message

that the young people's
meeting had been changed,

but I never
mentioned dinner.

Dear. You must
have said something.

No, no, I didn't;
I didn't say anything.

Well, what...What
are we going to do?

Well, thank heavens
we have plenty of leftovers.

Now, you go out there
and set the table for three

while I get things
started in here.

Yes, three.

If Andrew thinks
he's been invited to dinner

we can't very well
let him eat alone, now go.


Dinner will be ready
in just a minute, Andy.

Fine, fine, fine.

Oh, uh...

Yeah, I'll, uh...

Excuse me.
Excuse me.

That certainly is delicious
spaghetti, Mrs. Sprague,

that sauce of yours.

Oh, thank you, Andrew.

It's something of
a secret recipe

handed down through
five generations

of the sprague family.

Oh, a secret.

Oh, well,
whatever it is in there,

it certainly is

I really shouldn't
tell you, Andrew,

but it's a Greek
spice called...



Oh, well, who in the world
would ever think

of putting oregano
in a sauce?

That's what makes it
a secret recipe, Andy.

I guess it would,
wouldn't it?

Oh, Andrew, your
plate's almost empty.

Really, I couldn't eat...

How'd you handle it?

I ate.

What'd they have?

I said what'd
they have to eat?



After you just had it here?

That's funny, Andy.

Andy, I really am sorry

about not remembering Howard
inviting you to dinner.

That's all right, goober.

You're not mad at me, are you?

No, I'm not mad.

'Cause it's
just that I...

I'm not mad, goober.

I just want
to go to sleep.

You're mad. I can tell.

I'm not mad.

I just got spaghetti
up to my eyeballs,

and I want to go to sleep.

Well, just as long
as you're not mad.

I'm not mad!

What time you want
breakfast, Andy?


Just a minute, Helen.

Helen, for you.

Now, I remember.

She was the one.

She was the one, what?

You better talk
to her, Andy.

Hello, Helen.

Where am I?

Andy Taylor, do you realize
you're an hour late already?

I am?

I invited you to
dinner last week,

and you didn't
show up at all.

Well, I was working, honey.

It seems you could be a
little more considerate.

Uncle Edward's been
here since : .

I've been trying to keep the
food warm without ruining it.

Goober told you : ;
Are you coming or not?


Yes, I am.

Well, if it's convenient

would you please come
right away?

Uh, yes.

Now, don't-don't-don't be mad.

Don't be mad.

I-i-I'm coming right away.

I got hung up at the office.

Yes, I'm leaving.

I'm leaving now.

Yes. Well, bye.

I remember now.

It was Howard that called
about the young people meeting

and Helen who called...

I guess you know
that already.

Yes, I know that already.

Now, I'm going over to Helen's
and eat my third supper...

And then I'm coming back...

And I'm going to k*ll you.

Hi. I'm sorry
I'm late.

Well, just
come on in.

Uh, you remember
my uncle Edward?

I certainly do.

How are you, sir?

Andy, my boy.

Well, dinner's

I hope you're

Well, you know me...
Always just starved.

Well, what do you know...

Well, I can't
take credit

for the entire meal.

Uncle Edward
supervised the sauce.


Yeah, I got the recipe

from a famous Italian chef
in New York City.

Is that right?

Yeah, it took me all evening
to wheedle it out of him.

Bet it did.

You're not kidding,
but I used my wits.

Actually, it all centers

around one
secret ingredient.



How do you know?

I guessed.

Is something
the matter, Andy?

Oh, no. It looks
like delicious spaghetti,

but, uh, the fact is, uh...

I'm on a diet.

When did that start?

Well, I've been thinking
about it for just weeks

but boy, that...


That is
delicious spaghetti,

and that Italian chef
really knew

what he was talking about.

Told you, didn't I?

Come on, Andy.

Now dig in. Dig in.

Dig in.

Dig right in. Yes, sir.


Coming, coming.

Well, ope.

What are you doing back?

It was pouring down rain
in the mountains.

So Mr. Stevens decided
to call off the camping trip

and bring us all home.

Well, that's a shame.

And I'll bet
you're starved.

Boy, I sure am.

We already eat
our supper.

Hey. Wait a minute.

Sarah? Get me Helen crump.

I know she's having company.

Just get her, will you?

Excuse me.


Oh, hi, goober.

Well, yes, certainly.

Yes, I'd be delighted.

No, no, we have plenty.

Sure. Send him right over.

Okay, fine. Bye-bye.

Now, you just
sit there

and eat to your
heart's content.

Boy, spaghetti...
I love spaghetti.

Your father doesn't
seem to care for his.

Well, a diet
is a diet.

Well, what you need
is more sauce.

Oh, well...

You mean you're
going to leave

all that food
on your plate, pa?

Well, uh...

What about what you
told me this morning?

What was that?

About people in the world
not having enough to eat

and how it's almost
a crime for us

not to finish everything
on our plates.

There are
extenuating circumstances.

I even told our
scoutmaster what you said,

and he said if more
people felt that way

it would be
a better world.

He's a fine man.

If this food weren't here,
it might be in India.

We should eat
and not let it go to waste.

Well, ope...





Now, tell us,
how was your trip?

Just fine!

Opie, you mean you were
away just that one day?

Yeah, but it was fun.

We learned how to put hot rocks

in a sleeping bag to keep warm.

Oh, how wonderful!

And Mr. Stevens was plannin'

to show us how to make pancakes

out of powdered eggs,
oatmeal mix, and water

over an outdoor fire...

Before we got rained out.

Well, as a cook,
I think it was fortunate

the rains came
when they did.

Well, now,
how was your trip?

Oh, not a dull moment.

Ellen's invited me back
for the strawberry festival.

But I said, "no."

Andy, it's not fair
to leave you alone.

You're looking very pale.

I don't think you had
enough to eat.

He says he's on a diet.

Oh, what nonsense.

I'm going to get something
together right now.

Some hamburger... no!

that won't take long.
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