09x21 - Dire Straits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x21 - Dire Straits

Post by bunniefuu »

Did they find Pam?

Apparently, she's been kidnapped.

I couldn't bear the thought
of sharing you with anyone else.

- I had to punish you.
- So you tried to ruin me.

Going to Bobby's grave
in the middle of the night is...

Crazy? Well, why don't you
go ahead and say it? That's what you think.

I want your men to
start looking for Cantrell now.

If Senor Cantrell is behind this kidnapping,
the game is already lost.

He and the money
will be long gone by now.


"Do not look for us, we will s...

Send you more instructions. "

- What about you, what are you gonna do?
- Cliff, just calm... Calm down.

I'm gonna wait for those instructions.

And what if they k*ll my sister
in the meantime?

What if they don't?
Are you willing to risk her life?

- Are you willing to just sit here?
- We have no other choice.

They're gonna make us wait
to make us nervous.

Then they're gonna ask us
for a whole lot of money.

What, are you some kind of expert now?

He's right.
We should be prepared to pay ransom.

Well, I didn't bring a lot of cash down here.

I'm gonna have to contact
the bank in Dallas.

Well, I suggest you do that right away.

We'll need to act quickly
when they make their demands.

I have a banker friend in Bogot?...

...who can be persuaded
to cut through the red tape.

You mean he can be bought.

He can be rented.

Well, whatever you can do to help, do it.

Then I'll start making some calls.
Perhaps you should do the same.

Look, I'll call Dallas.
I'll let them know what's going on.

Whatever is going on.

You know something, Graison?
I've about had it with you.

If you can't do anything
more than point fingers...

...go back to Dallas, because you
sure as hell aren't any help to Pam.

Hey. Look.
As far as we know, Pam is okay.

We have to do anything necessary
to keep it that way.

There isn't any time for anything else.

God help you if she's hurt.

Bobby's dream.

All we want is what's best for you.

Just what's gonna make you happy.

So you call Harlan Danvers
and have him sedate me?

I am not a child.
I can make my own decisions.

Of course you can.

But, well, maybe those decisions
are being affected by things...

...that are out of your control.

You scared us last night.

You weren't in control.

Honey, don't you see?
Things have gone too far.

When you lost your baby,
did I tell you how to grieve?

I stood by you as a friend.

Gave you what you asked for,
what you wanted.

All I'm asking for
is that same consideration.

- Now, is that so terrible?
- No.

But it's not the same.

No, it's not the same.

You lost someone that you loved
but didn't know.

I lost someone that I shared
a part of my life with...

...that I was gonna share
the rest of my life with.

Why can't all of you understand that?

Listen to me.

Going to Bobby's grave
in the middle of the night is...

Crazy? Well, why don't you
go ahead and say it?

That's what you think.

There is such a thing
as too much grief, too much pain.

More than you are able to carry
by yourself.

That's why I talk to Bobby.

He always listens to me.

I know he's gone,
but I can still talk to him.

If you don't understand that,
if you don't allow me that...

...then you are not my friend.

I am your friend.
Don't you ever forget that.

All I want is to help you.

Then let me find my way,
in my own time.

I see.

Yes, I see.

All right, Sue Ellen. Yes, I'll, uh,
I'll tell everyone here.

What is it? What has she heard?

What's going on?

That was Sue Ellen.
Mark just called her from Colombia.


Did they find Pam?


Apparently, uh...

Apparently, she's been kidnapped.

- What?
- Good Lord.

Are they sure?

They're waiting
for ransom instructions now.

Is there anything we can do from here?

We can pray that this means
that she's still alive.

Maybe you can add Jenna
to those prayers too.

You've talked to her about getting help?

She wants to be left alone
to mourn Bobby.

She says she doesn't need help,
just time.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, you know as well as I do
there's a lot more to it than that.

Maybe, uh... Maybe I could say
something to her.

No, Ellie, it's time
a professional spoke to her.

Clayton, she is not gonna talk
to a doctor.

Then we'll bring the doctor to her.

Maybe here at home,
she'll feel more comfortable with the idea.

Maybe Harlan
could recommend somebody.

God knows we've got to do something.

Those are my sentiments.

Dr. Danvers, please.
Clayton Farlow calling.

Jack, I really appreciate you
taking this load off me.

No problem.

Pam usually double-checks these reports,
but they just couldn't wait any longer.

You know, I wish there were more
I could do for her.

- Maybe we should fly down there.
- Oh, I think we'd just be getting in the way.

It's more important for us to stay here
and keep everything on an even keel.

Especially with this Martinique conference
coming up so close, you know.

Do you think we should even go
while Pam is missing?

Well, I think we're gonna have to.

It seems to be very important
to our Marinos partners.

I don't know what could be that important
about that conference.

Uh, does Grace ever mention
anything about it?

Well, we don't talk too much
about business.

What do you talk about?

- Things.
- Martinique?

When Grace talks about Martinique,
she talks about suntans and sailboats and...

Ha, ha. This is not Club Med
we're going to.

It's an international business conference.

All right, I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll, uh... I'll set up a meeting with them.

Straighten out details, draw up
an itinerary. How does that sound?

- That sounds good to me.
- I find out, I'll let you know, all right?

- All right, I'll see you later.
- Mm-hm.

Sly, come in here a minute, would you?

Don't tell me. You want me
to set up a meeting with Angelica Nero.

Yes, yes, I do.

But first, I want you to dig up
every piece of information you can...

...on Dimitri Marinos.

Call the wire services, the news bureaus.

I want to see every frame
of newsreel footage there is available.

And read every article
ever written about him.

And then, dig up
the Pete Adams report on Marinos Shipping.

I must've overlooked
something somewhere.

- What are you looking for?
- I don't know.

I really don't know.

But Angelica Nero doesn't get this upset
over suntans and sailboats.

Now, that woman is up to something.

And I'm gonna find out what it is.

Here it is. This is it.

Just what the doctor ordered.
This is the best cruncher you can buy.

That thing will eat, analyze,
and spit out data at the speed of light.

Well, maybe not that fast.

She'll be okay.

- She's gotta be so afraid.
- So are you.

I can't help it.

She's being held hostage
in the middle of nowhere.

Alone, afraid.

Who knows
what those people are capable of?

And if they have any intention of letting
her go once they've gotten what they want.

Sue Ellen, I know what it's like
to be afraid for a friend...

...when there's nothing you can do to help.

You just have to keep
hoping for the best.

You're right. That's all I can do.

Isn't it funny how we take people
and time for granted?

If this were any other day...

...I probably wouldn't even have
given her a second thought.

We all do that, Sue Ellen.


But that doesn't make it right.

There were times
when Pam and I hated each other.

Our husbands and Ewing Oil didn't mix.

But there was always one thing
that we could share.

We understood what it was like
to be an outsider.

To be a Ewing without being born to it.

She's the kindest,
most gentle person that I know.

And the worst things in the world
keep happening to her.

They'll get her back.

She'll be just fine.

Mark won't let anything happen to her.

No way.
I'm not gonna let you out of my sight.

You're pretty brave
with somebody else's life.

They want Senor Cantrell to go alone.
It will be foolish to do it any other way.

I'll tell you what's foolish.

Dropping $ 100,000 in the jungle when
we don't know we're gonna get Pam back.

You want guarantees?

Hold it, hold it! Just everybody shut up.

They're right, Mark.

We have to do exactly what the note says.
We can't afford not to.

- We can follow him at a distance.
- Don't be ridiculous.

When was the last time
you stalked through the jungle?

They'd smell you out there.

I don't understand why they asked
for $ 100,000 when they could have more.

You're forgetting how poor
these people are.

That's more money
than they will ever see in a lifetime.

You sure that bank can have
that much money ready tomorrow morning?

That's been taken care of, senor.

You know where this place is?

- I know where it is.
You can make it there alone?

I can make it alone.

It's agreed. It's up to you.

If you wanna talk, darling,
you're gonna have to get the ball rolling.

Because I haven't got the slightest idea
what's on your mind.

I don't know how to start,
or how to say this.

Ha, ha. You know how much
I care for you. Just talk.

I've done something terrible.

Oh. Now, what could that be?

Try to understand.

I was hurt. I wanted to hurt back.

I waited outside Angelica Nero's hotel
all night that night.

Didn't leave until the morning.

I didn't want it to be true.
I didn't think it could be.

I thought you loved me.

I did not sleep with that woman.

J.R., I was there.

I had too much to drink
and too far to drive.

I slept on the couch. That's it.

- You didn't sleep with her?
- No, I did not sleep with her.

But that's not the point, is it?


There's no excuse for what I did.

Cliff Barnes was the one who told me
where to find you that night.

And you listened to that moron?

He told me there was a way to get even.

A spy who came in from the cold.

Oh, J.R., I'm sorry.

I was crazy. Jealous and crazy.

I knew I had to share you
with Sue Ellen...

...but I couldn't bear the thought
of sharing you with anyone else.

I had to punish you.

So you tried to ruin me.

I laid myself wide open for you,
I trusted you.

And you stabbed me in the back
by telling Cliff Barnes every word I said.

I can't take any of it back.
But I can stop before I hurt you any more.

I found an apartment.
I'll be out by the end of the week.

I promise you'll never have to see
or hear from me again.

- You don't have to leave.
- I can't stay here now.

This place is yours, always will be.

I could never set foot
through that door and not think of you.

Maybe we can't fix
what's gone wrong between us.

I'm not sure I even want to.

But I do know you love me.

Ah, good.
Let me tell you what we're gonna do.

We're gonna smear the colors together.

- Smear the colors?
- Yeah.

- What's wrong?
- I ran out of fingers.

It looks to me like you ran out of paper.

- That means I'm done?
- No, no.

It means you're gonna get
another piece of paper.

Let me see. That's pretty.

That's beautiful, very artistic.

- Beautiful.
- Thank you.

That's the first time you've talked to me.

I like that.

Most people can't understand me.

I understand you very well.

And I'm proud of you for trying.

Very important for you to talk.

- Really?
- Yes.

Makes me happy.

You don't look happy.

Do I seem sad?

Well, maybe it's because I have a friend...

...who needs help.

I don't know how to help her.

You could talk to her.

I don't need to talk to anyone.

Dr. Danvers is under the impression
that you do.

- So is your family.
- Well, they're wrong.

- They shouldn't have asked you to come.
- But they did.

They don't understand.

Well, maybe I will.

- I don't need a psychiatrist.
- I didn't say you did.

If you want to talk, we talk.

If you don't, we won't.

We all need to let off a little steam
once in a while.

It's just a matter of degree
and appropriateness.

When you lose someone that you love
very, very deeply...

...isn't it appropriate to hurt
and to feel sad?

Of course, I'd be worried if you didn't.

But that still
leaves the question of degree.

How much and how long?


The family seems to think
that it's too much for too long.


That's why you're here.

Are they right?


It could never be too much.

I did something that...

So very...

...very terrible.

Something that...

...I can't take back, I can't change.

I can't make right.

What did you do, Jenna?

It's what I didn't do.

I should've married Bobby, but I didn't.

You see, if I had married him,
he'd be alive today.

L... I k*lled him.

Even if you'd married Bobby,
the same thing could've happened.

- There's no way of knowing.
- I know.

You're punishing yourself
for something you had no control over.

But if I had married Bobby, if...

You can't live your life on a stack of ifs.

If I had done this, if I had done that.

You have to accept what is.

Thank you for coming.

I'm sure the family will feel a lot better
knowing that I talked to you.

I'd like you to consider
some form of therapy.

Whatever would be
most comfortable for you.

No, I don't think so.

I know exactly how I feel and why.

It's nice meeting you.

Well, we didn't get much
business accomplished...

...but, uh, I needed to laugh.

- Thank you.
- Anytime.

Oh, and I'll have the steak tartare,
medium-rare, please.

Ha-ha-ha. Stop it.
I can't take it anymore.

No more French menus for me.

How was I supposed to know
steak tartare is a pile of raw meat?

Where I come from,
a steak is a steak, and you cook it.

Ha-ha-ha. Thank you.

For what?

Oh, thanks for the laughs
and, uh, just being a good listener.

- Well, that's what friends are for, right?
- Right.

- I'll walk you to the door.
- Oh, that's all right.

It's a safe neighborhood.

- Good night.
- Good night.

I should've known better.

- Ah, Cliff, let's not get into this.
- I should've warned her.

I never should've let her get involved.

You can't blame yourself.
She had her mind made up.

Not to change her mind,
you don't understand.

All I was thinking about was money.

I just thought she was gonna get rich,
so I decided I'd get a little richer.

And I talked her into
letting me in on the deal...

...instead of talking her out of it.

That's all I was thinking about was money.
I never once worried about her.

There's no way for you to know
it was gonna turn out like this.

Any idiot could've seen something like this
could happen.

I was just blind.

And this bum Cantrell.

God, he pops up from out of nowhere.

The man never earned
an honest dollar in his life...

...and he's selling pieces of an emerald
mine in the middle of South America?

For God's sake!

I watch her falling for it, and then I see
how I can get in on the profits.

So I trip all over myself
begging her to let me in on it and...

Now she's out there.

If anybody should've stopped her,
I should have.

But I let my reasons get in the way too.

- He should have been back by now.
- We don't know that.

We don't know how far he had to go,
how long it would take him.

He should have been back by now.

Come in.

I, uh...

I just looked in on John Ross.
He's sound asleep.

I know.

Is that all you wanted to tell me?

No, no. Actually, I've been thinking.

The three of us haven't done
anything together for a long time.

I thought it'd be nice
if we went to dinner and took in a movie.

Later in the week,
if you've got nothing planned.

Come on, Sue Ellen. You don't have to
take that long to give me an answer.

I'm sorry.

It's just that I never thought
when we moved back to Southfork...

...that we'd be spending any time together
with John Ross.

Might be good for him.
It might be good for us too.


Have I missed something...

...or have the ground rules changed
without my knowing it?

No, nothing's changed.
You live your life, and I'll live mine.

But when it comes to our son, I think
we ought to put our differences aside...

...and enjoy the one good thing
that came out of our marriage.

Dinner and a movie would just be fine.

Good. Now I think I'll turn in.

Oh, by the way, uh...

...how are things going
at the research center?

Busy. I'm working on the next fundraiser.

I promised Jerry that it would be
even more successful than the auction.

You and Jerry Kenderson
seem to be getting along real well.

I hope nothing happens
to get in the way of that.

And what's that supposed to mean?

Well, surely you've seen
that he has eyes for you.

And I thought maybe
the feeling was mutual.

Don't be ridiculous.

We work well together.
And that's all there is between us: Work.

Well, that may be true for you,
Sue Ellen...

...but I've been around long enough
to know when a man is after a woman.

And I'd be willing to bet my bottom dollar
that that man is after you, honey.

Good night, J.R.

I don't know yet. I will.

Yeah, I love you too.

I got through to Jamie.
At least she's all right, that's a blessing.

Well, this is taking too long,
way too long.

I don't like waiting any more than you do,
but we don't have a choice.

Well, let's just see about that.

You grow impatient, Mr. Graison.

I left my patience behind hours ago.

Now I want your men
to start looking for Cantrell now.

And where do you suggest they look?

Well, how about the drop site
for starters?

And if he is not there,
where do they look next?

Well, I don't know that.
You're the law around here, you tell me!

If Senor Cantrell is behind this kidnapping,
the game is already lost.

He and the money
will be long gone by now.

And our efforts will be wasted
on Cantrell...

...when it is actually Mrs. Ewing
we seek to find.

So you see, I choose to believe...

...that Senor Cantrell
is not somehow involved in this.

You should do the same.

Well, if he's not behind it,
what the hell is the hang-up?

I got lost.

You made the money drop?
- I found the clearing just fine.

It was after dark on my way back
that I took a wrong turn.

I found this note where I left the money.

What does that say?

"Mrs. Ewing will be returned
to the same spot tomorrow at noon. "

Well, the kidnappers
seem to have taken a liking to you.

They make it clear
that you alone are to wait for her there.

I'm not gonna spend another day
wondering if this guy can be trusted.

I'm going out there myself.

Whether you trust me,
it'd be senseless to jeopardize her life...

...with a reckless move like that.

For once, I find myself
in agreement with Senor Cantrell.

The kidnappers have the money.

They have nothing to gain
by harming Mrs. Ewing now.

Unless we give them cause.

We have no way of telling what condition
she's gonna be in when she gets back.

As long as they don't see us,
everything's gonna be fine.

We'll just hold back a bit
when we get near the clearing.

But at least we'll be close enough
to help her if she needs it.

Very well, but I can't take responsibility
should you be discovered.

We won't be.

Does everything meet with your approval?

It looks like you planned our trip to the
oil conference down to the last detail.

I tried.

Jack, you've had a chance
to look at this itinerary.

You got any questions?

Well, I know what we're gonna be doing
while we're down in Martinique...

...but it's still a little unclear to me
as to why we're going there at all.

Well, you see, it is important
that the international oil community...

...learn how successful Marinos Shipping
has been in our alliance with Ewing Oil.

I think this conference is a perfect place
to generate that kind of publicity.

Well, it sounds like a whole lot of meetings
and not a whole lot of fun.

I'm sure there will be time
to enjoy the scenery there as well.

Anyway, we'll make time.

You know, Grace and I have talked about
going down maybe a couple of days early.

It's sounding more and more
like a good idea to me.

- You wouldn't mind, would you, J. R?
- Well, Jack, you know me.

I never believed in all work and no play...

...but in this case
I really don't think it's a good idea.

Ewing Oil and Marinos Shipping
are trying to present a united front here.

How would it look
if we all arrived at a different time?

People might get the wrong idea.
Don't you think so, ladies?

Oh, yes, of course.

Cheer up, Jack.

When the conference is over,
we'll steal a couple of days...

...and have ourselves a really good time.

All right, this is where you guys get off.

Any closer, it'd be a bigger mistake
than you coming along in the first place.

Maybe there's something else
going on you don't want us to see.

You know, I've about had it
with your suspicions, Graison.

Gentlemen, gentlemen.
This is no time for a rematch.

Well, now what?

Now we do what we've gained
so much practice at already.

We wait.

And we watch our friend very carefully
while he waits in the clearing.

You better get going.

Hopefully, our wait will not be long.

Once Pam's safe, if there's any way,
I want these bandits captured.

One thing at a time.
First, we get your lady back.

Then we worry about the criminals.

So what did the psychiatrist find out?

He said he couldn't base a diagnosis
on one conversation.

Well, he must have had some kind
of recommendation after talking to Jenna.

It was his impression...

...that she may need
some form of psychiatric attention.

May need? That's great,
that's right back where we started again.

No, no, no, it's not.

Now we're really aware of the problem...

...and it's up to us to decide
how to deal with it.

Miss Ellie, after trying to reason
with Jenna the other day...

...I do not believe that we can
handle this problem by ourselves.

We can either convince Jenna
to find help on her own...

...or we may have to consider a court order
and have her committed.

Jenna has a family
that loves her very much.

And I'm certain that with enough care
and enough patience...

...we can steer her in the right direction.

God help us.

He's coming back.

Doesn't look good, does it,
Senor Cantrell?

Don't say that. Don't even think that.

I'm sorry, Cliff.
Something must have gone wrong.

You make it sound
as though you expected this.

You're the one who risked everything
by insisting on being here.

For all I know, you were spotted
and blew the whole deal.

I never should've let you
rope Pam into this trip.

If you were so worried about it, Graison,
why the hell didn't you come with us?

She asked you to. Pam wanted you to.

- What was it that held you back?

Hold it, hold it, damn it. You hear that?




- Pam!
- Oh, ho-ho!

Oh, it's okay! You're gonna be okay!

Oh, baby. Thank God you're safe.

I'm never gonna let go of you again.

J. R? These just came in
from a news service in Great Britain.

It's everything they have on file
about Marinos.

All right. Put it wherever
you can find a place, honey.

I'd be glad to help out if you could be
more specific about what you're looking for.

Well, I would if I could,
but I won't know what it is until I find it.

Uh, it's in here somewhere.

Ewing Oil.

Oh, one moment, please.
It's a call from Los Gatos, Colombia.

A Police Chief Rueda.

Oh, yeah. All right, thank you.

Uh, J.R. Ewing here.

Good news, Mr. Ewing.

Your business partner has been returned
safely to her brother and her boyfriend.

Is she all right? I mean, uh,
she wasn't harmed or anything?

Well, she has been through
quite an ordeal.

But all in all, I would say
her health is quite good.

Oh, well, I'm glad to hear that.

And I'm very grateful to you for your help
and, of course, your discretion.

And just to show you
how much I appreciate what you've done...

...there's gonna be a little bonus
on its way to you very soon.

- How little?
- Twenty thousand dollars.

American dollars?

- Are there any other kind?
- Always happy to be of service, Mr. Ewing.

- Adi?s.
- Adi?s.

Always happy to be of service.

It does my heart good
to help our friends to the north.

They have a way of getting into such
trouble when they visit our humble country.



Jerry, I just got a call from J.R.

I thought you'd like to know
they found Pam and she's okay.

- Great, I'm sure Mark is very relieved.
- Oh, aren't we all?

It's nice to see you smile again.

Well, uh, thanks for telling me.


What just happened?

I'm sorry.

I almost got a little carried away.

- Then he was right.
- What?

Last night, J.R. Mentioned...

...that he thought there was
something going on between you and me.

- I told him it wasn't true.
- Well, it isn't true.

But I'd be lying if I didn't tell you
that I wish it were.

Sue Ellen, I admire you.

L... I admire what you've done
for Graison Research...

...and what you've done
with your life.

The more I work with you
and the more I learn about you...

...the more I see that smile...

...the more I am attracted to you.

Guess we have a problem, huh?

I don't know.

I guess it depends
on where we go from here.

Where do you wanna go?

Jerry, I love my job.

I love working with you. Very much.

We've become friends
and I value that friendship.

But that's all you want it to be,
a friendship.

It's not that I'm not attracted to you.

I am.

And there was a time in my life when that
was reason enough to take things further.

- It's not anymore.
- I understand.

But I'm not so sure
I'm gonna give up on you that easily.

And I'm not so sure
that I'd like it if you did.

I'll see you tomorrow.


You were so quiet,
I didn't hear you coming.

Miss Ellie could use your help.

She's planning a special dinner
to celebrate the good news about Pam.

I'll be in in a minute, honey.

Charlie, what is it?

Oh, Mom, I'm so scared.

Why are you scared, honey?

Because I'm afraid
that I'm gonna lose you.

Everyone's so worried.
They don't know what to do.

Neither do I.

Charlie, there's nothing wrong with me.

- But you seem so far away.
- It's something I have to go through.

But you don't have to go through it
all by yourself.

The family wants me
to keep seeing a psychiatrist, don't they?

What do you think?

I just want you to feel better.

Do you think seeing a doctor could help?

I don't know.

All right.

If it makes everyone happier.

I promise I'll...
I'll think about seeing him again, hmm?

Thank you, Mom.


What time is it?
Almost 11.

Why haven't you come back to bed?

I just needed to think, that's all.

I hope you're thinking about
how to get us out of here.

I can't wait to get back home.

Back to Christopher.
Back to things that are normal.

We're not going back.
Not... Not right away.

What do you mean,
we're not going back?

Look, things got pretty hot between Matt
and me when you were being held.

He asked me why I didn't come down
on this trip with you in the first place.

You had the fundraiser to deal with.

Sue Ellen had that well in hand.
I really didn't have to be there.

No, I didn't take this trip because I...

I felt that this would be the big test.

That once and for all
I was gonna find out...

...if this was the last that your past
with Bobby would separate us.

Oh, Mark.

You don't know how hard it was
to let you go.

You're with Bobby's best friend.
You're living out Bobby's biggest dream.

I mean, that almost just ripped me apart.

But the biggest mistake I made
was thinking you had to do it alone.

- I never wanted to.
- I know that.

I know that.

I just don't wanna
compound that mistake...

...by letting you go home
before you finish what you came here to do.

So we're gonna go
to Bobby's mine together.

We'll see what promise it holds together.

And then maybe...

Well, somewhere along the way we can
discover what kind of future we have.


I want that more than anything.

So do I.

In a closely contested match,
Worcester defeated Surrey by three runs.

On the international scene, an exclusive
transport contract was confirmed...

...in a joint announcement by Europe's
five leading petroleum companies.

According to a source
from Marinos Shipping...

...their fleet of tankers will be doubled
to accommodate the agreement.

Marinos, you are one slippery devil.

What is the purpose
of your trip to Monsieur Marinos' island?

I'm sorry. No comment.

Is there any truth in the rumor...

...that Dimitri Marinos is planning
to reorganize the management structure?

Gentlemen, I have a helicopter to catch,
if you'll excuse me.

- Mr. Garrett, could you elaborate on the...?
- Well, I'll be damned.

Who said it was an emergency?

You were called away from a
critical test case in the States to be here.

Gentlemen, please. You're looking
for news where there is none.

Then I ask you, why all the secrecy?

Well, as Mr. Marinos' personal counsel...

...I am not prepared
to make a statement at this time.

But when I come back, perhaps I may
be able to have a chat with all of you.

Excuse me, please.

- Sly, you still out there?
- I was just about to leave.

I want you to put in a call
to Alex Garrett.

He's an international lawyer
I've had some dealings with in the past.

Main office is in New York.
Leave a message.

Tell him to get in touch with me
just as soon as he can.

Yes, sir.

Statement at this time.

But when I come back...

...perhaps I may be able to have a chat
with all of you.

Excuse me, please.

Ha, ha. Alex, my friend...

...we are going to have one hell
of a chat about Dimitri Marinos.

Of that, you can be damn sure.
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