09x11 - The Prize

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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09x11 - The Prize

Post by bunniefuu »

If everybody loves me, why
are they doing this to me?

Each of them wants you.

That's me and Dimitri Marinos.

Jack looks so much like him.

ANGELICA: Jack is Dimitri's son.

CLAYTON: Have you forgotten
how rough J.R. can play?

He almost destroyed you the last time
you took him to court over John Ross.

ELLIE: John Ross?

John Ross.

Are you telling me I should
hold off on closing this deal?

If I were you, I'd hold
off till you hear from me.


John Ross.

JOHN ROSS: Where are we going?

SUE ELLEN: Come on, John
Ross. Come on, we're almost there.

JOHN ROSS: Where are we going?


JOHN ROSS: We are home.

No, to our new home.
To Grandma Shepard's.

And then we'll be safe?

SUE ELLEN: That's right.
We'll never be apart again.

What is it, Mama?

Daddy's coming.



- Come on, Mom.
- John Ross, don't stop.

- Keep running.
- Come on.

No, go. I'll catch up with you.

I can't leave you.

John Ross, keep going.




JOHN ROSS: Mama, help me. Mom.

- Come on, boy. SUE
ELLEN: J.R., stop.

Help me, please, Mom.

- J.R.
- Help me, please.



Mama, help me. Please, Mom.

Help me! Help me, please.

Mama, please.

J.R., no.

JOHN ROSS: Please,
Mama, help me!


John Ross, wait. Don't.

Stop. Stop.




Calm down, Nicholas.
You're overreacting.

That's not like you.

I'm quite aware of the time
frame. The delay cannot be helped.

NICHOLAS: The deal should
already be closed with Ewing.

What's holding it up?

The deal is all but closed.

There is nothing to worry about.

NICHOLAS: Well, I am worried.

An American flew
into Athens yesterday.

He's been asking a lot of
questions about Marinos Shipping.

Now, would you care to
guess who he's working for?

We expected J.R. would
make inquiries sooner or later.

After all, he's been
asked to commit...

a tremendous amount
of money to this project.

This man is not an investment analyst
checking out our financial credibility.

He's a private detective.

Now, if he should
turn up anything...

anything that contradicts
what you've already told J.R...

we could have a problem.

I've not told J.R. anything yet.

He hasn't asked why Ewing Oil is so
essential for this co-venture to work?

I've avoided the issue.

Well, it can't be
avoided forever.

That is my problem.
This detective is yours.

I expect him to be
guarded very closely.

Suppose he stumbles
onto something?

Then you'll just have to
take care of him, won't you?

We cannot afford any
further complications.

Not now. Do I make myself clear?

Yes, Angelica.

Then this conversation is over.


Nicholas is a fool.

I don't know why I thought
he was capable of a promotion.

Has J.R.'s detective
found something?

Not yet.

But we better close
this deal before he does.

Thank you, Miss Ellie. That
was very thoughtful of you.

They're beautiful.

It's so good to have you home.

It's nice to be home.

I really need to get
these in some water.



If there's anything
that I can do to help...

while you get your
strength back, please just...

Just ask me.

I'm fine, Miss Ellie.
Just fine. Thanks.

I won't tell you that I
know what you're feeling...

but I do understand how...

How terribly painful it must be.

There's no... No
explaining the loss of a child.

I'm not looking
for explanations.

The only thing that I can
tell you is the pain will lessen.

Little by little. You... You
just have to give it time.

I don't wanna forget the pain.

I don't wanna forget any of it.

Because that would mean
I was forgetting the child.

I'm never gonna do that.

Well, as horrible
as it's been for you...

that doesn't mean that you
and Ray can't have another baby.

I won't go through this again.

Well, you may
feel that way now...

Miss Ellie, don't
you understand?

It just isn't meant to be.

You seem a little
tired. You all right?

I just didn't sleep
very well last night.

Any reason in particular?

We all have our
bad nights, Clayton.

I was thinking that the, uh...

custody fight over John Ross
might have something to do with it.

You always could read
me like an open book.

Well, that's because I
care about you very much.

Well, believe me, it wasn't
an easy decision to make.

Mrs. Ewing, Mr. Farlow.
It's nice to see you again.

Come right this way.
Your table's right here.

SUE ELLEN: Thank you.

WAITRESS: Enjoy your meal.

I wanna be with my son, Clayton.

And because J.R. and
I are legally separated...

filing for legal custody
is the only alternative.

I'm not here to question your decision,
but I am concerned about its timing.

Well, I don't quite
know what you mean.

If you think it has
anything to do with Dusty...

No, that's not
what I'm getting at.

Dusty told me about you two
agreeing that you would take it easy...

until this suit for
John Ross is resolved.

Then what are you getting at?

You have been
through a lot, Sue Ellen.

Not a very long time since you
left the rehabilitation program.

Now, don't take me wrong.

The way you pulled yourself
together is a tribute to your strength.

And I'm continuing to
get stronger every day.

But are you strong
enough for this?

- Supposing you lose the custody fight?
- I don't plan on losing.

But you can't
ignore the possibility.

Have you forgotten
how rough J.R. can play?

He almost destroyed you the last time
you took him to court over John Ross.

- Why should it be different this time?
- I'm different this time.

You're also alone this time.

I don't want J.R.
to hurt you again.


I must admit I'm frightened.

But I'm not gonna
let that stop me.


RAOUL: Mr. Ewing?

There's a man holding
on the phone for you.

It sounds like long-distance.

All right.

See if you can find John Ross.
Tell him to come up here, would you?

Yeah. Hello?

J.R., you're gonna have to speak
up. This connection is no good.

J.R. [ON PHONE]: All right.
What'd you come up with?

I'm still trying to put
the pieces together.

But I have a strong feeling
that something odd is going on.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- I'm not sure yet.

At this point, I've got more
questions than I've got answers.

I've arranged to meet with an
insider at Marinos Shipping late tonight.

Should have a clearer
picture after that.

Are you telling me I should
hold off on closing this deal?

I'm not telling you anything.

But if I were you, I'd hold off
till you hear from me tomorrow.

All right, I'll do it.


JOHN ROSS: You wanted
to talk to me, Daddy?

Oh, yeah, sure, son.
Come on over here, sit down.


Well, you know that, uh, your
mother has filed for custody of you.


You understand what that means?

I'll live with her
instead of you.

Well, only if the judge
decides in her favor.

But you and I, we both have
a chance to talk to him too.

And when he's heard
what we each have to say...

then he'll make his decision.

John Ross, I didn't
want this to happen.

But now that it has, there's
just nothing I can do about it.


So when you talk to the
judge, you just tell him the truth.

And when he hears how much you
care for Southfork and the family...

there's just no way in the world he'll
decide to let you live anyplace else.

I still have some
homework to finish.

Guess I'd better get back to it.

Yeah. All right.

John Ross.

Don't you worry about a thing.

Everything's gonna
work out just fine.

SUE ELLEN: If you don't wanna finish
everything on your plate, that's all right.

I can finish it.

I just don't want
you to get sick.

I won't get sick.

I'm so glad you were
able to join us for dinner.

John Ross, I know how confusing
things must seem for you right now.

It hurts me to know that what's
happening between your daddy and me...

I love you very much.

We both love you very much.

I know that doesn't make
much sense, does it?

Maybe one of these
days, you'll understand.

We're each doing what
we think is best for you.

Now, ladies and
gentlemen, the dessert.

One thing about living here, John
Ross, there's never a dull moment.

I know it's nobody's birthday,
but I love candles on a cake.

The dessert forks, I forgot
them. I'll be right back.

I hope you saved
some room, John Ross.

To us.

To our partnership.

I hope you don't mind,
but I've instructed Grace...

to arrange a meeting with
your partners to sign the papers.

My partners?

Pamela Ewing and
your cousin Jack.

Uh, we don't need
Jack's signature.

Oh, Jack must sign too.

No, it's not necessary.

There can be no
deal without him.

Angelica, if you want Jack in
your bed, that's your business.

But as far as this deal is
concerned, he's unimportant.

He's critical. Why don't you
believe me when I say that?

I don't understand why he's so critical.
He only owns 10 percent of Ewing Oil.

He has no say in
a matter like this.

Well, that looks like, that's
you and... Is that Jack?

That's me and Dimitri Marinos.

Oh, that's amazing.

Jack looks so much like him.

He should.

Jack is Dimitri's son.

Clayton told you we might be
going into business together, huh?

JENNA: Raising bulls.

JACK: No, breeding livestock.

Big business. A
man could get rich.

You already are rich.

Hey, you know what?
That's right. I forgot.


I was under the impression that you
were getting more involved with J.R...

in the oil business.

That's the impression that J.R.
would like for everybody to have...

especially Angelica Nero,
the mystery lady herself.

There's no mystery there.
She has eyes for you.


Wait. Eyes for me?

She probably collects young men.

Many years ago, when
he was 21 years old...

Dimitri inherited his fortune.

He ran wild all
over the world...

jet-setting from here to
there, to there to Texas.

He was making oil deals and
connections with everyone.

Mm-hm. Go on.

Around 1950, a grubby little
man by the name of Jason Ewing...

approached him with a
get-rich-quick scheme.

He wasn't interested
in Jason or his deal...

but then he met Jason's wife.

Her name was Nancy Shaw Ewing.

He fell in love with her,
and they had an affair...

while Jason was
piecing together a deal.

She became
pregnant with his child.

Do you really expect
me to believe this?

He wanted her to divorce Jason
and to marry him, but she wouldn't.

Despite Dimitri's wealth,
she was in love with Jason.

And, actually, she was
ashamed of her indiscretion.

- What'd Jason have to say about all this?
- He never knew.

Then they moved to Montana, and
Dimitri finally went back to Greece.

The following spring,
she gave birth to Jack.

Jason kept track of them regularly
and sent them money all the time...

which she never refused.

Well, now, tell me.

Why would a billionaire like Dimitri
Marinos care so much about Jack?

Because he never
had another child.

Ten years later,
Nancy Shaw d*ed.

Dimitri was
heartbroken even then.

Jason left Montana with the children,
and, uh, Dimitri lost track of them.

Until a few months ago when
he saw a picture of Jack...

in the Dallas society column.

Your family was celebrating
the legal victory over Jack's sister.

Well, I'll be damned.

Ironic, isn't it?

Yes, it certainly is.

Now Dimitri's very sick.

And before he dies, he
would like his real son...

to have what is his, and that
is where our deal comes in.

You want it to look like Jack
struck it rich with our oil deal...

make it seem as if he earned it?

- Exactly.
- Ah.

For helping him, Dimitri will make
sure that you also earn a fortune.

I'm not one to look a
gift horse in the mouth...

but what do you need me for?

Well, you said it yourself.

Jack doesn't know much
about the oil business, really.

And he wouldn't believe me if I told
him that Dimitri needed his expertise.

- So I pull him in.
- Yes.

You must convince
him to become a partner.

But you cannot tell
him what you know.

If Jack discovers the
truth, the deal is off.

How much is Jack
really gonna be worth?

When all is said and
done, your cousin Jack...

is gonna be one of the
richest men in the world.

Will you help him, J.R.?

Well, what are cousins for?

You and Jamie don't
look very much alike.

Yeah, I always thought
she looked more like Daddy.

And you look more
like your mother?


What was her name?


Do you remember much about her?


I remember a lot about her, even
though I was young when she d*ed.

How young?

Oh, Charlie's age. No.

No, younger.

What was she like?

I could trust her.

As long as she was there,
nothing could hurt me.

And she was strong.

Not physically.


And I remember her voices.

Her speaking voice,
which was clear...

and filled with truth.

And her singing voice.

It seemed to come from
a deeper part of her soul.

A sadder part.

I could never
quite figure that out.

When she sang...

she seemed so far away.

And I would put my
head on her lap...

and I would close my eyes.

And I would try...

Try to dream with her.

You remember a lot for
having been so young.

I loved her.

ELLIE: Good morning, Teresa.

morning, Miss Ellie.

Where's John Ross?

Oh, I thought you were
gonna wake him up.

No. You said that you
were gonna wake him.

- Do you want me to get him?
- No, thank you, Teresa.

You know, I think he's gonna
find this day quite a strain...

with the court hearing and everything,
and he probably just doesn't wanna face it.

I have the feeling today is going
to be a strain on a lot of people.

John Ross?

John Ross?

John Ross, it's time to get up.

John Ross?

John Ross.

ELLIE: Any sign of him?
- Not yet.

I talked to the
helicopter pilot.

I'm gonna meet him right now
and see if we can spot John Ross.

JENNA: Call the sheriff.
- I already have.

He's got his men all
over Braddock County.

JENNA: Anyone checked the
stables to see if his horse is there?

RAY: Yeah, his
horse is still there.

J.R.: I'll check South Creek
with the helicopter pilot.

You and Clayton take the
boys out to the east perimeter.

- Have you found him yet?
- No.

What did you do to make
John Ross run away?

What did I do to him? I
didn't do a damn thing to him.

I'm the only stability that boy's got,
and what kind of a mother are you?

You wouldn't know what's going
on if somebody didn't telephone you.

That's enough. This isn't
gonna help us find John Ross.

Miss Ellie, we're gonna go out
and look for him again right now.

We'll find him.
Don't worry about it.

When I discovered John Ross
missing, I figured you'd have taken him.

I just wish to God
it'd be that simple.

I'm gonna meet the pilot.

There's a phone call for you,
Mr. Ewing. It's Mr. Adams from Greece.

Take a message. I haven't
got time for that now.

SUE ELLEN: I can't stand around.
Let's take the jeep and find him.

I'll go with you.

I'll have to take a
message, Mr. Adams.

ADAMS: I need to talk to him.

I'm sorry, Mr. Adams. If
you'll just get me a number.

Tell him to meet me at the Dallas
Airport tomorrow morning, 10 a.m.

I'm coming in from Athens.

PAMELA: How long
has she been waiting?

SLY: About 15 minutes.

Do you want me to
reschedule her appointment?

No. I'll meet with her.

Miss Nero.

Mrs. Ewing. I've
been waiting for J.R.

Yes, I know.

I'm sorry. It's not like
him to miss a meeting.

Would you tell him...

that when he's ready to do
business, he could call me at home?

Yes, but as long as you're
here, maybe I can help you.

As I told you the other day, I
am an equal partner in Ewing Oil.

So you did.

Please forgive my impatience.

It's just that I'm not used
to being kept waiting.

Oh, well, I understand. Would
you like some coffee or tea?

No, thank you very much.


I understand that J.R. gave you all
the information regarding our co-venture.

Yes, he did.

Did you have an
opportunity to look it over?

Yes. It's a very
exciting proposal.

And lucrative for
all parties involved.


But I'm afraid that it may be too great of
an investment for Ewing Oil at this time.

That's quite the opposite
impression that J.R. gave me.

Well, we're two different people
running the same company.

Anyway, we haven't
discussed it fully yet.

But if you want an answer from me,
at this point, my answer would be no.

Well, perhaps we can
reach a compromise...

once we all have a
chance to get together...

J.R. and you and
Jack and myself.

Jack has nothing to do
with running Ewing Oil.

He is a partner, is he not?

Yes, but only on paper.

I can assure you that
Jack has no interest...

in any involvement in
Ewing Oil beyond that.

In fact, he's about to go into
ranching on a full-time basis.

I see.

Miss Nero, if you would excuse
me, I have some work to get to.


Thank you very much for your
time. It's been most informative.

It's a pleasure doing
business with another woman.

Women always manage to
dispense with subterfuge, do they not?

What do you think about a
house with a tennis court?


- You don't play tennis.
- I'll learn.

I'll get that guy John
McEnroe to give me lessons.

- That, from the cheapest man in Dallas?
- Why not?

What do I bust my butt for to have all
this money if we can't have a good time?

Oh, I'm having a
good time right now.

What would you say if I told you I
was gonna get out of the oil business...

and then you and I were
just gonna travel the world?

I tell you to stop lying or else
your nose is going to grow.

No, I'm serious. I mean,
what do I need it for?

You know, I'm relatively young.

I'm rich, got a beautiful wife.

I mean, why am I busting my
head against the wall every day?

Okay. We'll turn the company
over to somebody else.

We can close this
place up and take off.

We can go to Paris,
to London, to China.

We can take a cruise. And
then what are we gonna do?

Take another cruise, I don't know.
Things. There are lots of things to do.

Cliff, I don't think
we're the kind of

people that can be
happy not doing anything.

I mean, I wasn't raised that
way and neither were you.

Okay, spoilsport,
what do you wanna do?

What do I really wanna do?

What do you really want to do?

I wanna go to work with you.

I want you to teach me everything
to know about the oil business...

and I wanna stand by your
side every step of the way.

Cliff, I'm not the type of girl that can
be happy living in a big fancy home...

and having her nails
done all day long.

That might be fine for some
people, but it's just not my way.

Well, what do you say?

It's been a long time since
anybody wanted to stand by my side...

and be a part of my life.

And if that's honestly
what you want...

nothing could make me happier.

I'm going up to the house,
see if anybody's heard anything.

HAL: I'll ride on to that dry
creek bed, take a look around.

RAY: Hey, Rocky, Charlie,
you go on along with Hal.

Come on, the rest of you
men, you stay with me.

Everybody stay in touch.

SUE ELLEN: John Ross could be
anywhere. He may not even be at Southfork.

What if he went on the road
and got a ride with someone?

JENNA: Stop thinking like that.
We're gonna find him, Sue Ellen.

John Ross?

John Ross?

John Ross, are you up there?

Oh, sweetheart.

Please come down.


Come on, please.


I'm so glad you're all right.


Everybody was so
worried about you.

JOHN ROSS: How did
you know where I was?


I know a lot about where
little boys go and hide.

Your Uncle Bobby used to
come here when he ran away.

Tell me what it is, John Ross.

Tell me what it is.

I'm scared, Grandma.

Of what?

What are you scared of?

I want things to be
like they used to be...

when we all lived together.

I don't wanna pick
between Mama and Daddy.

I love them.

Now, you listen
to me, John Ross.

Nobody's gonna make
you do any such thing...

and nobody's gonna
do anything to hurt you.

Because we all love
you very, very, very much.

If everybody loves me, why
are they doing this to me?


This is hard to understand,
but I want you to try.

Your mommy and daddy are having a
very hard time being together right now...

and because they love you so
much, each of them wants you.

Can you understand that?

I know it's a very painful
way to work things out.

But I promise you
that they will work out.

Will you believe me?

Have I ever lied to you?


And do I love you?


How much?

How much?

How much?

Oh, John Ross.

JUDGE: This isn't like school.

There are no right or wrong answers
to the questions I'm gonna ask you.

But I don't wanna
have to choose.

Choose between your parents?
You don't have to do that, John Ross.

It's my job to decide, after
I talk to all three of you.

Now, why don't you tell me
what it's like living at Southfork?

Who do you play with? What
kinds of things do you do?

Well, I have my own pony.

Sometimes I go
riding with Charlie.

She's this girl
who lives with us.

And I won a prize at the rodeo.

Who helped you
train for the rodeo?

Clayton did. He's sort
of like my grandfather.

What about your father? Do
you ever do things with him?

Well, usually he works a lot.

He's very smart.

When I get older, I'm going
to help him at Ewing Oil.

He knows the answers to all
the questions I ever ask him.

He taught me how to tie my tie,
and he taught me how to swim.

Are you a good swimmer?

Just going to ask
about my mother now?

Well, what do you
wanna tell me about her?

Well, she helps me
with my homework.

She always wants to make sure that
I'm not watching too much television.

That's if I'm real good.

She takes me places, and...

I don't know, just have fun.

Well, sir, she would
have you believe...

that she's made some
miraculous recovery, but...

Well, the truth is that she
hasn't proven to anybody yet...

that she's fit to
take care of the boy.

It wasn't two months ago that she
was in the drunk t*nk at the county jail.

JUDGE: I'm well aware of
Mrs. Ewing's recent history.

What I would like to discuss with you
here is what you feel you specifically...

can offer John Ross
as the custodial parent.

Well, a stable home
life, for one thing.

John Ross was brought up at Southfork,
and he has me and his grandmama...

and his whole family that love
him and wanna take care of him.

How much time do you
personally spend with your son?

Oh, we spend a
lot of time together.

We have breakfast
together every morning...

and on weekends, we go swimming,
and I'm teaching him how to dive.

I suppose he told
you about that.

And I always try to be
there at night to tuck him in.

But I have a huge
company to run...

a company that I'm building as a
legacy for John Ross, you understand.

Wouldn't hold that
against me, would you?

Certainly not,
Mr. Ewing. Certainly not.

No, yeah.

I realize that I've only been out
of the rehabilitation program...

a short time now, Your Honor.

But I've sworn to myself that I'll never
take another drink as long as I live.

And I mean it.

JUDGE: I'm sure you do.

That wasn't the first time you were
in treatment for alcoholism, was it?


But I never understood why I
had the problem, and now I do.

I was always so worried about
what everyone thought about me...

that I never built my
own self-confidence.

That's never gonna happen again.

John Ross means
the world to me...

and I'm gonna make a new
life for myself and for him.

Where do you intend to live?

I'm gonna buy a nice
house right here in Dallas...

with a big backyard and
neighbors close enough...

so that John Ross will
have children to play with.

- Just the two of you?
- Yes.

There's nothing wrong
with that, is there?

Of course not, Mrs. Ewing.

Thank you all for
your cooperation.

Now, I'm going to
review the legal petitions

and everything that
I've heard here today.

And I'll make my decision
as quickly as I can.

I know how difficult
this is for you...

and I want you to know that
I'll do everything in my power...

to make a fair and just
determination of custody.

Did I receive any calls?

Yes, the London office, and, uh, the
gown you ordered is being sent from Paris.

It's about time. They
certainly took long enough.

Would you cancel my dinner
reservations this evening?

I'm going to have
my meal in my room.

I'm expecting a
call from Nicholas.

What would you like?

Oh, you choose something.

Order something wonderful.

Or as close as you can
come to it here in Dallas.

Did your meeting
with J.R. go badly?

I didn't meet with J.R. at all.
He spent the afternoon in court.

Then what are you
going to tell Nicholas?

I don't have to say
anything to Nicholas.

He takes orders from me.

But if I were to say
anything at all to him,

it would be that as far
as J.R. is concerned...

we have nothing to worry about.

He's highly motivated
to see things my way.

And Pamela Ewing?

Huh. Pamela Ewing.

She thinks she's more
important than she really is.

She actually thinks she can
put a halt to our co-venture.

If she becomes too much of a problem,
we can deal with her rather simply.

Can we not?

J.R.: Yeah, I was there for that one.
One of the best games I ever saw.

Dallas Cowboys,
the American's team.

I can't remember the last
time I went to a football game.

Well, you're just gonna have to drop
into our crown suite at Texas Stadium.

Set me back, what, a million
and a half dollars. Ha-ha-ha.

JACK: A million and a half?
J.R.: Well, what the hell, huh?

Jack, you're just gonna have
to get used to having money.

That's all there is to
it. Say, you know what?

We haven't started to talk about the salary
you're gonna be pulling at Ewing Oil.

- Salary?
- Yeah, give me a bourbon and branch.

- What you having, Jack?
- I'll have a beer, thanks.

No, J.R., I never said anything
about coming to work for you.

Not me, us. Us.

I'm setting up a deal with Clayton and Ray.
We're thinking about taking Ray's land...

What, punching cattle?
Now, we talked about that.

Ha, ha. Look, I'm just not interested
in juggling piles of paper, J.R.

And meetings? No, thank you.

I don't like meetings. I hate
them, as a matter of fact.

I appreciate the offer
but I'm not your man.

Wait, you got the rest
of your life to ranch.

I'm just asking for, what?
Six months of your time.

You'd be doing me favor if
you helped me out on this.

- What? You can't find anybody else?
- I can't find anybody else in time.

This Marinos deal is moving
too fast. It's important to me, Jack.

How does Pam feel
about me coming in on this?

What difference does it make?

Because I just don't wanna
get stuck in the middle, J.R. No.

Nope, I wanna talk to her
before I give you my answer.

- What can I do? CLIFF: Nothing.

It's all done. Just
come and get it.

No, Mark, leave the glasses
there. We have fresh ones here.

Different vintage.

PAMELA: Now, when are you going to make
the announcement you invited us over for?

Patience, just patience.
In time, after dinner.

GRAISON: Come on, Cliff.
What's all this mystery about?

No mystery. Drama.


I'm gonna get the soup.

Well, I'm not gonna eat until
you tell us what the surprise is.




Jamie and I are
engaged to be married.

- You're already married.
- Legally, technically, we are.

We just didn't do it right the first time.
So we're gonna do it all over again.

With the dress, the veil, the cake,
the honeymoon, the entire works.

GRAISON: Been sounding like
you're already on your honeymoon.


Pam, will you be
my matron of honor?

- Thank you. CLIFF:
Mark, the best man?

You got it.

I can't wait to
have this wedding.

Just to let the whole world know
that Jamie and I are together for keeps.

Southern passengers...

you can claim your baggage
at Carousel Number 10.

Air Southern passengers, you can claim
your baggage at Carousel Number 10.

Hello, Sly. It's me.

Has Pete Adams checked in?

No, he hasn't. But it's
a good thing you called.

You're supposed to
go to the courthouse.

The judge is ready to
hand down his decision.

I'm on my way.

I got here as soon as I could.

JUDGE: Sorry about
the short notice...

but I presumed you'd wanna
hear as quickly as possible.

All things being equal, precedent
gives substantial weight...

to the value of a child
of John Ross's age...

being given over to
the care of his mother.

Of course, things are
never quite equal...

so I want to assure both of
you that I have taken pains...

to judge each of you on your
abilities and qualifications...

to raise the child.

And I must say that
while your abilities...

and qualifications
are distinctly different...

I am convinced you
both love your son.

My decision will
not be a reflection...

on the depth of feeling
you each have for him.

But it falls to me...

to award custody of John
Ross to only one parent.

So I have therefore made my
decision to award that custody...

to Mrs. Ewing.

Mr. Ewing, the court will require that
you relinquish custody of your son...

to his mother no later
than one week from today.
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