08x26 - Terms of Estrangement

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x26 - Terms of Estrangement

Post by bunniefuu »

The airline is withholding information.
You're not telling me what it is.

- Bobby.
- It's Jenna's life!

Your seeing other men
is none of my business?

You're the one who's married here, not me.
You're the one who's being unfaithful.

Why would he want you to forgive me
in the first place?

He said if I didn't,
we might not have a chance...

-...of getting back together.
- What?

You're a born loser, Sue Ellen.
The only institute that works for you is this:

I don't wanna see you again.


I appreciate it, I really do.

But I just don't think
I'm gonna need your testimony in court.

But if my lawyers think so,
I'll give you a call, guaranteed.

All right, all right.


More people despise Barnes
than I thought.

Someone else with a grudge?

He's stifled a lot of people in this town,
you know that?

- J.R., you still owe these phone calls.
- All right.

Oh, get a hold of Harv right away.

And I'll talk to Dennis tomorrow.
Anything else?

Some man called about five or six times.

He wanted to talk to you and only you
about the trial.

He wouldn't leave a name or number.

- Another grudge.
- Wonderful.

We go to court next week and all I got
is a handful of personal vendettas.

Well, that does it for me.
I'm going home. You need a lift?


A week's along time.
We'll come up with something.

Say, Bobby.
anything more on Jenna's appeal?

No, nothing yet.

You know, the more I see Bobby
moping around without Jenna...

...the more I think he ought to get back
together with Pam again.

Do you mean that?
I thought you hated her.

Sometimes you have to put other people's
feelings above your own, you know.

Yeah, maybe I could help them.

Pardon me?

Well, it Pam does get back together
with Bobby...

...she might not support
that weasel Barnes.

And any support he loses
is leverage I gain.

But wouldn't Bobby and Pam
see through that in a minute?

Oh, sure, absolutely.

And they'd be mad as hell, at first.

But it would start them thinking
about getting back together again.

And the more they think...


Listen, what do you mean
this kind of leak is unavoidable?

Seals break, casings cr*ck.

The way we've pumping 340,
we're gonna wear out every working pan.

It's gonna get worse?

It's just a small leak. It'll only take
a couple of days to locate and repair.

The Texas Energy Commission
does not seem to share your confidence.

The TEC doesn't usually
shutdown production...

...every time something like this
happens, either.

What do you mean?

I mean that the leak is not the problem.

Are you telling me that they're trying
to make an example out of us?

Well, I'm saying that we ran into a guy
who got out of the wrong side of the bed.

- There's just no reasoning with him.
- I'm telling you to get that thing fixed.

I wanna be back in production
right away, and if I am not...

...then you are gonna be reasoning
with the unemployment office.

That's right.


I'll tell you, it I were paranoid,
I'd think that J.R. Ewing was behind this.

Cliff, don't you think
you're overreacting a little?

Hey, I borrowed money against
the production of those fields.

- I can't afford to shut down.
- It's not forever, it's just for a few days.

Yeah, in a few days, the bank gets
very nervous about my cash flow.

Ha-ha. Well, I don't think
you have to worry about that.

I am going to need that money when
our case for Ewing Oil comes to court.

Well, Cliff, I told you, between us,
we have more money than we need.

You still feel that way?

Well, of course I do. Why?

Because J.R. is not the only Ewing
we're fighting here.

Well, we've been through that already.

Yeah, but that was
before Jenna got sent to prison.

Well, nothing's changed.

Ah. Thank you, sis.

Hey, I want you to come
and have dinner with Jamie and me.

Well, if it's Chinese, I think I'll pass.


Better wash up. We can at least
ride down the elevator together.

Come on, Norman, you owe me one.

I owe you more than one, Bobby, but you're
asking for something I don't have.

I talked to that flight attendant.

She told me she didn't hear or see
anything unusual during that flight...

...but she made it very plain
that someone in the front office...

...knows a lot more than they're saying.

- I don't know.
- If this airline is withholding information...

- Crazy!
-...and you're not telling me--

- Bobby.
- Look, it's Jenna's life!

Now, was something found on the plane?
Did somebody overhear something?

You've gotta tell me what it was.

I promise that nothing
will happen to your job...

...or to you, all right?

We've had a lot of trouble
with hijackings recently.

I know that.

Well, our security have tried
to come up with ways to prevent them.

01 ways to cope with them
once they occur.

I'm not following
what you're saying, Norman.

Obviously, we haven't come up
with a way to prevent them...

...but we have come up with a way
to monitor them once they're in progress.

- Monitor?
- A hidden camera in each section.

Very much like a bank...

...or those fast-food stores that photograph
the day's comings and goings.

You have film of that flight?

Tape. Anyway...

It's still experimental
and we don't have it on all our planes.

And I don't know whether it's
on Veronica Robinson's. I'd have to check.

- All right, check!
- But even if it were, Bobby...

...once the plane lands safely,
the tape's either destroyed or used over.

- The odds aren't good here.
- They're the only odds I've got.

Now, how soon can you find out?

Like I said, the whole thing's
very confidential for obvious reasons.

A lot of the employees here
don't even know about it.

I'd have to be very discreet, but I promise
you that I'll work as fast as I can.

Would you call and let me know
how you're doing?

Yeah, I'll keep you posted.

- I'm sorry about blowing up.
- Forget about it.


I'm sorry, Miss Jamie...

...but Mrs. Ewing says
she does not wanna see you.

Oh, is that so? Well, thank you, Teresa.

Sue Ellen, you can't hide in here.

Perhaps you didn't understand
what Teresa said.

We have to talk.

Ha. I have said everything to you
that I'm going to say.

When I first came to Dallas,
to Southfork...

...you were the first person
to treat me like a human being.

- That was a stupid mistake.
- And I appreciated that, then and now.

I'm here because I care about you.

You care about me?


And I'm mad as hell at you.

You're mad at me?

Don't you think you have it backwards?

What's backwards is your attitude.

You're blaming me for not telling you
about J.R. and Mandy Winger.

You bet I am.

You could have told me about it
before Marilee Stone did.

I didn't know how to.

The last time I spouted off to you about
J.R. and his girlfriends, I hurt you terribly.

So instead you let that woman
humiliate me in public?

I didn't let her do anything.

Oh, and you really tried to stop her,
didn't you?

That's not the point.

Oh, really? What is?

The point is you're blaming me
and Marilee Stone...

...and anyone else you can
for something that is your fault.

Oh, a lecture, hmm?

No, just a little truth.

The only one who can stop J.R.
from hurting you, Sue Ellen, is yourself.

I can't control what J.R. does.

Can't or won't?

Jamie, you just don't understand.

I understand that as long as J.R. Ewing
is your husband...

...well, that's your problem.

But burying your head in the sand
is no solution.

And blaming your friend is not fair.

Sue Ellen, you have to do something.

And when you realize that,
you can count on me to help.


Would you like to order now, Mr. Ewing?

No, I'm fine.

I just came to see the show.

I'll take another drink.

Here you are, Mr. Ewing.

NORMAN: A lot of this isn't important,
so I'll run it down to the interesting pans.

I had some of this tape blown up
so we can see it better.

I still can't believe you found it.

You guys must live right.

There's Veronica Robinson.

That's Parrish sitting next to her.

Yeah, and she's about to spill
a drink on him.

He's doing exactly what he said he did.

Nothing much happens here for a while,
except she orders a drink.

But it gets better.

NORMAN: All right, up until now,
everything seems normal, but...

Look at this.

- Who's that?
- I don't know.

- What's he carrying?
- It's a handbag of some kind.

Yeah, and it's full of surprises.

Now, they chat for a while.


She gets up and goes to the lavatory.

Now, he rings for the attendant...

...and orders a drink for them.


The drinks come.

Now, watch this.

What's he doing?

Slipping her a Mickey.

NORMAN: I think it was something
much more lethal than that.

Good Lord.

All right, now they talk and drink,
talk and drink a little bit, and...

Here, here.

Look, the drug already hither.

All right, now she gets up again
and she goes to the lavatory.

He's putting something in her bag.

NORMAN: That's probably the dr*gs
the police found in her possession.

He obviously wanted it to appear
that she'd overdosed on her own.

And that's it.
Five minutes later, the flight landed.

That's when they found the body.

Well, unless I'm crazy,
we just witnessed a m*rder.

J.R.: Hey, Billy, listen.
I really appreciate the great work you did...

...on Gold Canyon 340.


No, no, don't apologize.

It didn't have to be a big leak.


Everything worked out much better
than I thought it would.

Yeah, the environment is safe...

...and nobody's suffering
but that cretin Barnes.

Yeah, okay.

I'll be in touch.

J.R., it's that same man again.
I can't get him off the line.

All right.

Yes. JR. Ew'mg have.

MAN [ON SPEAKERPHONE]: Mr. Ewing, you're a hard man to reach.

Yeah, I know that.

- For someone about to lose so much money.
- Uh, which brings us to you, huh?

I've flown into town to meet you.

I have some information for sale.

Information that could very well
tip the scales...

...in the fight for control of Ewing Oil.

Tip the scales in whose favor?

Whoever buys it.

Who are you?

I'll tell you in person.

Over dinner Thursday night
at the Oil Baron's.

Well, I'm sorry, I really like knowing
the names of my dinner partners.

I'm someone who knew Jason Ewing
very well.

He shared a secret with me,
a secret that could save your company.

You say you knew Jason?

Yes .

Well, um, I'd like to ask you
a little personal question.

- Personal question?
- Mm-hm.

All of Jason's really close friends
had a nickname for him.

Could you tell me what that was?




What'd you say your name was?

Ha. Over dinner.

All right, the Oil Baron's Club,
7:30, Thursday.

See you then.

Do you think he's for real?

I don't know.

But he knew who Tumbleweed was.

I'd be a feel not to meet him.

Well, I think you must be early.
Sue Ellen hasn't come down yet.

Well, actually, I came a little early
hoping I'd see you.

Oh, really? Why?

Bobby, I know what you did for Charlie.

And I just wanted to tell you how wonderful
I think you are for having done it.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

The birth certificate naming you
as Charlie's father.


J.R. told me.

He did what? When?

He paid me a visit the other day.

If J.R. hadn't told me the truth, I might
never have forgiven you for lying to me.

But why would he want you
to forgive me in the first place?

He said it I didn't, we might not have
a chance of getting back together again.


Well, I'm quoting him, not me.

No, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it the way it sounded.

I know.

Why would he want us
to get back together?

My guess is
he thinks I'd change my mind...

...about supporting Cliff
in the fight for Ewing Oil.

Boy, is he out of line on that one.

Is he?

I mean, expecting you
to abandon Cliff like that.

Oh, well, I hope you understand.

Yes, I do.


Why do we always get caught
in the middle?

- I'm sorry I'm late.
- Well, you're not late.

But I am. Uh...

I'll be seeing you.

Is something wrong?

Oh, no.

Nothing at all.

How did you get in here?

- You know me, darling.
- Get out.

- Now, wait a minute.
- No, you wait a minute.

- Just who the hell do you think you are?
- What are you getting so excited about?

Expecting somebody?
- What are you talking about?

I'm talking about that cowboy...

...you gave your phone number to
yesterday afternoon at lunch.

You're sick.

You don't deny it?

I didn't give him my phone number.

I gave him the shop
where he could buy that dress.

If I'd wanted to give him my number,
I would have.

If I'd wanted to give every man my number,
I would have.

It'd still be none of your business.

- None of my business?
- You bet it isn't!

You're the one who's married here, not me.
You're the one who's being unfaithful.

- Look, Mandy.
- Don't “Look, Mandy“ me.

You make me feel cheap. I fell in love
with you, I didn't want to, but I did.

Now I'm gonna do everything
I can to forget about you.

- I don't want you to forget about me.
- I can be one of two things to you:

Either your mistress or the woman
who breaks up your marriage...

...and I won't be either.
Now, get out of my life!

I don't disagree with you at all.

I mean, that's about the closest
you can get to proof without having it.

All right.

Does this mean we can get Jenna
released from prison?

Oh, not so fast.

So far, this has nothing to do
with Jenna's case.

Well, you just saw the tape.

What we just saw was very probably
the m*rder of a woman on a plane...

...by a man who we can't identify.

And until we can identify him,
we can't find him.

Now, judging from the way
he moved around that plane...

...he's a professional hit man.

And professional hit men
are nearly impossible to find.

But we can start looking for him.

Bobby, even when you find a hit man,
it'll be a cold day in hell...

...before he ever puts the finger
on the person who paid him.

Isn't catching him enough?
Who cares who paid him?

You do.

Because your only hope is that whoever
hired him to k*ll Veronica Robinson...

...also hired him to k*ll Naldo Marchetta.

And that we can pin both crimes on him.

Bobby, I'm sorry, but I just want you
to know the odds going in.

I mean, this is a great lead,
but right now, that's all it is.

You and I go back together along way.

I don't have to tell you
how important your help is to me.

We'll make optical blow-ups.

We'll circulate them
to the FBI and to Interpol.

And believe me, if he's out there,
we'll find him.

Thank you.



I can name that tune in one note.

It really isn't a tune.

Oh, yes, it is.

I've heard it many times
when you're worried like this.

What's going to happen to us, Clayton?

What's going to happen to us as a family
if we lose two-thirds of Ewing Oil?

You've been through
tougher crises than this.

But the family...

This family wasn't built on wealth.

It was built on character.

And you have to make sure that no matter
what happens to the Ewing fortune...

...nothing happens to the Ewing spirit.

With it, the family will survive,
and without it, it doesn't stand a chance.


I don't know it I have the strength.

Well, together, we do.

Am I interrupting?

- Oh, not at all.
- No.

- How's John Ross?
- Well, he's sleeping comfortably.

Thank you for taking care of him,
Miss Ellie.

Sorry I wasn't here
when they sent him home.

It wasn't any problem.
You know I love to take care of him.

- How was your day at the group?
- The Institute for Advanced Awareness.

It was, um, very encouraging.

Well, sounds very imposing.

It's basic stuff, really.

But sometimes that's what it takes.

Just getting back to basics.


- Clayton.
- Hi, J.R.

- Mama.
- J.R.

Well, you seem troubled.

Well, yes, a little bit.

I learned from Teresa that John Ross was
sent home from school because he was sick.

Nothing to worry about.
It wasn't any more than a bellyache.

It's not his bellyache that troubles me.

It's the fact that his mother was not home
to take care of him.

When the school phoned, I saw no reason
to bother Sue Ellen at her group.

- Her what?
- The Institute for Advanced Awareness.

Oh, that's wonderful.

My son is so in
they send him home from school...

...and you're out some place
getting your awareness advanced.

- What do you care what I do?
- What are you trying to prove?

I am trying to prove
that I can survive in this marriage.

- Why don't you prove you can without it?
- J.R., stop this.

- You're protecting her again.
- I won't let you talk to her that way.

- It's none of your business!
- I won't have you talking to me that way.

I can talk any way I want to
because this is my house.

- If you--
- Why don't we go outside?

- I'll teach you some manners.
- Clayton, Clayton! J.R.!

Let's get out of here, Ellie.

- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.

Well, Sue Ellen...

You've managed to ruin my life,
now you're trying to ruin the family.

Maybe these new friends of yours
at the Institute for Advanced Awareness...

...will tell you what none
of your old friends seem willing to.

You're a loser.

You're a born loser, Sue Ellen.

The only institute
that works for you is this:

Sue Ellen, are you all right?

Just thinking.

Well, do you feel like thinking out loud?


Do you do this every night?


Uh, it's a new habit,
but one I'm becoming very fond of.

Well, maybe that's my problem.
I've been thinking on an empty stomach.

That is not brain food.

Well, on the other hand,
fish would make a terrible midnight snack.

You do have a point.

How was Hong Kong?

Hong Kong.

Poor Pam.


Poor Pam, poor you, poor me.

Do you detect a pattern?

It seems more like an epidemic.

Yeah. The curse of the Ewings.

Oh, there must be a cure.

Nothing known to man.

It wasn't supposed to happen to me.

I know.

The tone of this conversation
is very upsetting to me, Mr...?

- Waldron.
- Mr. Waldron.

I'm not some two-bit operator
in this region.

I'm a wealthy man
about to become wealthier.

I'm in the process of legally reclaiming what
should have been my family's 50 years ago.

- We understand that.
- Then what are you doing here?

We merely wanted
to express our concern...

...over the length of time
your Gull fields will be idle.

They'll be fixed in a matter of days.

Fixed, maybe, but Mr. Billings
of the Texas Energy Commission...

...has informed us that the inspection of the
repair work and the process of approvals...

...may take as long as 30 to 45 days.

Now, we consider that
a tremendous loss of income.

That's a delay. That's not a loss.

Are you calling in your loans?

No, not yet.

Well, that's good.

Because when my partner and I
take over two-thirds of Ewing Oil...

...we're gonna be needing
a bank with guts.

So how does your board feel about that?

Well, actually, the board feels
that even it you win the suit...

...which they consider a very long sh*t...

...your control of the company
will be short-lived.

What are you talking about?

They feel that as a Ewing, your partner
will eventually succumb to family loyalties.

And when she does, J.R. will control
two-thirds of Ewing Oil, not you.

And from that point on...

...he'll spend every waking hour
driving you out, Mr. Barnes.

Oh, I see, huh?
That's how your board feels.

Well, I'll tell you.

You can go back to your board
and you tell them for me that...

BOBBY: Well, what's it gonna take
to get the bureaucracy off its butt?

All right, how long is that gonna take?

Look, Lee, I'm sorry, I know how hard
you're working on this for me...

...but Jenna is not a criminal.

She's not gonna be able
to survive in prison.

Okay. Thanks, Lee.

Every hour counts.


Lee who?

Lee Spaulding.
He's a lieutenant in Homicide.

Looks like we may have a break
in Jenna's case.

Yeah, Ray told me.

He also said that you may have a long way
to go before you prove anything.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean
I should give up, does it?

Hey, Bob.

You know how much I care for Jenna.

But I'm just worried that you might be
setting yourself up to get hurt again.

What do you mean?

Well, if this plan of yours doesn't work...

...Jenna could spend the next seven years
of her life in prison.

That's along time to wait
for the wrong girl.

What are you getting at, J.R.?

I'm just saying...

...maybe you ought to start getting on
with your own life.

Now, this doesn't have anything to do...

...with why you told Pam
about Charlie's birth certificate, does it?

- She told you?
-01 course. Did you think she wouldn't?

She also said you believe
we should be back together again.

Well, I didn't exactly say that.

Well, what did you say, exactly?

I said that I knew that telling her
about the birth certificate...

...could open up that possibility.

- And I felt I had to tell her.
- Oh, you did?

Why? So you could split up her and Cliff?

Well, I don't deny
that'd make me happy, but...

Don't you deny that you love Pam
more than you do Jenna.

Bobby, I think it's great
that you saved Charlie's lite.

I think it's great
that you're trying to save Jenna's.

Don't you think it's time
you start saving your own?

Thank you, thank you.

Sue Ellen.

Why the long face?

If I didn't have along face,
I wouldn't belong here.

I don't mind you coming in with one,
but I object to you taking it home.

It's gonna take more than a two-hour
encounter session to get rid of this.

It's gonna take longer than that
if you don't try.

That's what this place is for.

Right, to solve all my problems.

To try.


I don't even know what my problems are.

You don't know what they are?

Or you don't wanna deal with them?

I'm here.

You might as well not be.


I think I'm having trouble discussing
my problems with perfect strangers.

Imperfect strangers,
who could become imperfect friends...

...if you let them.

- I don't need any more friends.
- Well.

You must be someone very special.


I hurt my friends.

I blamed them 101, um...

For my problems.

I accused them of things
that were my fault.

They'll forgive you.

They'd he feels to.

They'd be friends to.

Your dinner guest is waiting at your table,
Mr. Ewing.

Well, good, I'm hungry.

Mr. Ewing.

Hi, how you doing?

Bring me my usual, will you, Dora Mae?

I'm fine, thanks.

Well, Mr. Ewing, I'm glad you could
find time to make this meeting.

I think you'll find it time well spent.

Well, I certainly hope so.
I haven't got a hell of a lot left.

First I'd like to discuss
the terms of our agreement.

All right, sh**t.

- Here you are, Mr. Ewing.
- Thank you. Thank you, Cassie.

If I could stop Jason Ewing's daughter
and Digger Barnes' son...

...from stealing two-thirds of Ewing Oil...

...I think maybe a fair compensation would
be 10 percent of Ewing Oil for myself.

Oh, really?

Well, I can give you a lot of money.

But nobody but a Ewing
is ever gonna own Ewing Oil.

Cliff Barnes is not a Ewing.

Unless you make a deal with me...

...Cliff Barnes is gonna be sitting
in your office.

No way, and I'm not gonna give you
a piece of my company.


Mr. Ewing, I'm saving you 66 percent
and asking for 10 in return.

Now, I could ask for 20, 30.
It'd still be a good deal for you.

I'm just trying to be reasonable.

And if I say no?

You lose control of Ewing Oil to Barnes.

And you lose too.

Ha-ha. Not quite.

No, I'll sell my silence to Barnes.

Let him destroy the information that would
prove he has no legal claim on Ewing Oil.

I could go to trial and win.

No, you could go to trial
and gamble away your inheritance.

Are you telling me
that the papers Barnes has are not real?

Oh, no, they're very real.

But I think I got something better.

Look at it this way.

If what I'm selling
doesn't hold up in court...

...you don't owe me a dime.

You can't lose.

Who are you?


Well, who I am doesn't really matter.

What does matter
is whether or not we have a deal.

Now, here is my number.

If I don't hear from you real soon...

...Cliff Barnes will hear from me.

See you.

I'm stuffed.

CLIFF: How about some dessert?
- Are you kidding?

Did you see what I just ate?

Come on.

You're not supposed to order seconds
in a restaurant like this.

And I already embarrassed myself once.


- Here we are.
- No, thank you.

Come on.

- Take it away.
- Yes, ma'am.

- No, no, I want you to leave it right here.
- Yes, sir.

I'm going to burst.

It's the house specialty.

- Just look.
- No.

- Look.
- Absolutely not.

- You can't get fat looking.
- I can.

The chef's gonna be hurt.

He should be tortured.

Now, just take the lid off and look...

...and then you can put the lid back on
and we'll go home, I promise you.

I'm gonna get you for this.


I want you to marry me.

Will you be my wife?




Come on, John Ross.
We're gonna be late.

You were up with the chickens.

I have to take care
of some things in town early today.

Come on, sweetheart.
Say goodbye to everybody.

I'm so glad you're feeling better.

SUE ELLEN: Hurry up.
BOBBY: Bye, partner.

Come on.


DONNA: Bye, hon.
- Bye, everybody.


- I think that group is helping her.
- Mm.

I think so too.

What group?

Mr. Ewing.
Lieutenant Spaulding is hereto see you.

Oh, Lee, come on in.

- I'm sorry to interrupt you-all like this.
- Not at all. I'd like you to meet my family.

- This is Ellie Fallow, my mother.
- How do you do?

Her husband, Clayton.

How do you do, sir?

And my sister-in-Iaw, Donna Krebbs.

- Hi.
- Hi.

this is Lieutenant Spaulding.

How do you do?
Would you like some coffee?

Uh... No, I'm sorry, ma'am.
I really can't stay.

I wanna show you something, Bobby.

Interpol ran a positive ID
on the man on the airplane.

His name is André Schumann.

A professional assassin?

As good as they come.

Oh. What are you gonna do now?

We're gonna reopen
the Veronica Robinson case.

We're gonna start an all-out search
for André Schumann.

Well, that's great news.

Well, Bobby, heh, it might be
next to impossible to find this guy.

And even if we do find him...

...there's no guarantee
that it'll lead to Jenna's freedom.

- But now we're on the right track.
- Oh, we're on the right track.

I mean, even I have to admit that.

Well, I really better be going.

And it was a real pleasure
to meet you people.

Hey, I'll show you out, come on.

I'm very grateful, Lee.

Well, I tell you what, Bobby.

When Jenna's out of prison,
you can invite me to the wedding.

The wedding, sure.

- Thanks again.
- So long.

PAM: Jamie, it's beautiful.
I'm so happy for you.

Really? I was awake all night worrying.

Worried? About what?

Worried about making a good wife.

About being a good sister-in-Iaw.

About being accepted
into a brand-new family.

Oh, that.

Jamie, Cliff and I are lucky to have you.

Thank you.

Isn't it wonderful?
Just what I always wanted.

It's great.

- What a surprise.
- Hmm? Oh, uh, you know me.

I know, that's what worrying me.
Aren't you rushing into this a little bit?

Hmm? No, no, no.
I've given it a lot of thought.

- Yeah.
- Mm.

Do you love her?

Uh-- What kind of question is that?

Well, I was just wondering if this
has anything to do with the court tight.

I thought you'd be happy for me.

I love her.

The fact that we're involved in a lawsuit
together has nothing to do with it.

Well, good, because I'd hate to see
somebody else hurt over Ewing Oil.

No one's gonna get hurt, sis. I swear.

SUE ELLEN: Hi, Jamie.
- Sue Ellen.

Oh, what's she doing here?

Sue Ellen.

Hi, Sue Ellen. What a nice surprise.

Hello, Pam.

I was just in town doing a little business.

Um, how would you like
to have lunch with me?


How's 1:00, Oil Baron's?

- Great, I'll be there.
- Good.

Nice to see you. Bye-bye.



- How you doing?
- Hi.

Say, did you ever write Mitch
that letter?


I thought you might have.

Was it hard?


Well, in a way.

I mean, how do you tell someone
you finally figured out...

...where the relationship went wrong
two years after the fact...

...and then make it sound
like an astute observation?

What'd you figure out?

Well, that despite all my efforts
to do otherwise...

...I finally grew up.

And in the process, I became someone
that Mitch always wanted me to be.

Who's that?

Me. I became myself.

Older and wiser?

Older and different.

I don't really need to be the belle
of the ball anymore, you know.

I like myself.

That's older and wiser.

Why were you so sure I wrote to Mitch?
Is my behavior that obvious?


A letter came from him in today's mail.


Well, goodness, what do you know.

I told you not to come here.

Honey, you don't understand.

The police have reopened
the Veronica Robinson case.


You don't understand.

I don't wanna see you again.

Jenna, you're not listening to me.

They believe she was m*rder*d
by this man on the plane.

I don't care about Veronica Robinson.

He probably k*lled Naldo too.

Why don't you leave me alone?

Oh, Jenna, you've gotta hold on.

You have to have faith.

I had faith in the trial.

I let you build up my hopes.

Oh, no, but this time, it's different.


This time it is different.

Because I'm not gonna let you
do that to me again.


Look where my hopes got me.


I don't wanna see you again.


Jenna, please stop!


J.R., is everything all right?

What do you mean?

Well, it's been a couple of hours
since you asked me to hold all your calls.

That fella I had dinner with,
has he called?

No. Was he supposed to?


Can he help you?


He says he can.

Do you believe him?

I can't afford not to, honey.

Who is he?


I wish I knew.


Who is it?


What are you doing here?


That's the way you're gonna greet me?

Go away.


After all this time?

Believe me, it hasn't been long enough.

Well, hey.

Heh. Look at this.

Are we coming 01 going here?

What does it look like?

Well, looks like
we're moving uptown, maybe, hmm?

New wardrobe, new hairdo,
new you.

- Mm.
- You got it.

So why don't you just leave?

Oh, look at this. Mm.


Come into a little money?

My life is none of your business.

Oh, now, come on, don't be so sure.

Look, if you've come to town
to munch off me, forget it.

You're not gonna do that to me anymore.


Listen to you. I come into town
and I could be sick, in trouble, broke.

And what do I get, hmm?

Nothing. Get lost.

Get lost? Just like that?

Your own brother.

I stopped thinking of you as a brother
when you stranded Daddy and me in Alaska.

Oh, come on. That was along time ago.

Not long enough.

So why don't you just crawl back
to wherever you came from?

You make me sick.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.

Because I kind of like it here in Dallas.

I'll see you around, sis.
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