08x14 - Odd Man Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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08x14 - Odd Man Out

Post by bunniefuu »

She married Marchetta again.

The one good thing, Pamela is off
on that wild goose chase of hers.

- J.R...
- No, honey.

I'm glad that woman's not around
to make a move on him.

- How do you know about Mark?
- Nothing could be done for him here.

- And what about the man I'm going with?
- He'll have to find somebody else, won't he?

The family has worked well this way
up until now.

- And I'm not willing to change things.
- That's obvious.

To Jenna Wade, and the life she's chosen
for herself, whomever she's with.


Thank you.


- Anything else, Monsieur Ewing?
- Fine, Phillip.

- Thank you very much.
- Ban appétit.

- Mandy, to you.
- Thank you. Thank you.

They don't do much business here
at cocktail time.


Oh, they don't open
for a couple of hours.

Is this another example
of the J.R. touch?

First, a private box at Texas Stadium,
and now a restaurant all to ourselves?


I hope you don't think
I'm trying to impress you.

The thought did occur to me.
You asked if we'd have cocktails.

I didn't expect champagne...

...and I certainly didn't expect
this incredible caviar.

Oh, I'll send a couple of pounds
over to you.

If I'd known you were in a generous mood,
I'd have raved about one of your oil wells.

I think I got a spare one
sitting around here some place.


Now I know you're kidding.

No woman's worth that.

There's always that one exception.

I haven't seen you in quite a while.

I was beginning to think
I didn't make much of an impression.

Uh, that's why I arranged
this little get-together.

To apologize for my neglect.

There's been a--
Well, a crisis of sons in my family.

I read about
your brother Bobby's wedding.

Or should I say the wedding
that didn't happen?

Yeah, it's really very strange.
Bobby's hurting.

You really care about him.

Yes, I do.
My family is very important to me.

We'll work it out. Let's talk about us.

- What makes you think there's an us?
- There will be.

What about the man I'm going with?

Oh, yeah.
I'm always forgetting about him.

I guess he'll just have
to find somebody else, won't he?

You're very sure of yourself.

Does that bother you?


No. No, it doesn't.

Pardon, Monsieur Ewing.
Your office, and she said it's very urgent.

Oh, all right.

Hello, J.R. here.

- J.R., I'm sorry to interrupt you.
- Oh, it's all right, Phyllis. What is it?

Well, I just got an urgent call
from Dora Mae at the Oil Baron's Club.

- She said Bobby's there drinking heavily.
- I see.

She's worried if he leaves in the condition
he's in, he could k*ll himself driving home.

All right, call the club.
Tell them I'll be right over.

- Phillip.
- Yes?

Uh. I'm sorry. Bobby needs me.

Oh, I understand.

- See if the lady will have something else?
- Sure.

I'll call.

Thanks, Dora Mae.
J.R. should be there in a few minutes.


Poor Bobby.

I feel so bad about what happened
with Jenna.

Yeah, we all do.

Bobby doesn't deserve that.

Actually, I came to surprise J.R. to see
if maybe he'd take me to dinner tonight...

...but I guess he'll be all tied up
with Bobby.

It does sound like it will take a while.

Sue Ellen, I'd love to go to dinner
with you, if you want to.

- Jamie, I'd like that very much.
- Great.

- I'll be in J.R.'s office until you're finished.
- Fine.

Phyllis, where was J.R.
when you called him?

He was in a meeting.

Thank you.


- Dora Mae.
- Oh, Mr. Ewing.

He's there at the bar.

- I see that.
- If there's anything I can do--

No, no. I'll take it from here, thank you.

George, clean that up, please.

Ahem, take that please, darling.
Thank you.

Hello, Bob. How are you doing?

Did somebody call you to rescue me?

Yeah, something like that.

What if I don't want to be rescued?


Bobby, we're working hard to find Jenna.
We're gonna have the answers real soon.

Well, I have all the answers I need
right now, J.R., thank you very much.

Oh, yeah? What are you talking about?

I got a call after you left
the office from Naldo...

...and he told me
where I could find Jenna.

Yeah, and?

And I found her,
with Naldo, right after she married him.

- I don't believe it.
- Hm.

- Well, neither did I.
- No, Bob.

You must have misunderstood,
there's a mistake here.

How could I misunderstand
a marriage ceremony?

How could I misunderstand Jenna
when she looks at me says very clearly:

“Yes, I married him.“

Where did this happen?

At some justice of the peace
in Richardson.

- Well, I want to talk to that man.
- Just leave it alone.

Bobby, there is something wrong.
Honestly, I feel it in my bones.

The only thing wrong
is that I trusted her.

There's just something
about us together...

...that lets her get close to me
and then scares her...

...and she runs off with Naldo.

I mean, let's face it.

She's sick...

...OI' crazy...

What the hell.

- Let's go home. What do you think?
- I wanna finish my drink.

Yeah, sure, Bob.

All right.

I mean, maybe there's a very simple
explanation to all of this.

She's left me two times.

Or maybe...

Maybe she really loves him.

What's going on?

- What the hell do you want?
- Amare, it's our wedding night.

- Our honeymoon.
- Get out!



- Nald0, don't.
- Do you think you will stop me with that?



JENNA: Naldo, no.
- Hey, quiet down there.



- Nald0, don't. Naldo, please don't.
- Shut up. Shut up.

Ah! You bitch.

Stay away from me, I'll k*ll you.
I swear I will.

Open up.

- Who is it?
- This is the manager. Open up.

Ahem, it is all right.

My wife and I had a small disagreement,
but it is okay now.

We don't want any trouble in this place.

It is allover now.

It better be.

Thank you.

Jenna. Jenna, please calm down.

Calm down?

You told me
I was gonna see my daughter.

When am I gonna see Charlie, Naldo?

When I say so.

The boys ought to be home by now.

We“, JR. phoned onw a ha“ hum ago
to say that they were having.


Maybe that's them.

No, that's Pam.

She said she was
going to drop Christopher 0”.

Here we go.


- Hello, Pam.
- Pam.

PAMELA: Hello.
- Christopher.

- Christopher. Hello.
- Hi, Grandma.


I appreciate your taking
Christopher for me, Miss Ellie.

You know I'm always delighted
to have him.

Hi, Aunt Pam. Hi, Christopher.

Can I take Christopher up to my room?
I got some new cars for my train set.

Christopher, would you like that?

Okay, give me a kiss.
Would you take this for me?

Here you go. Bye-bye.

- Planning a trip, Pam?
- Yes.

I meta pilot who may have flown Mark to
the Caribbean. There's a private clinic there.

- Pam--
- He told me enough, I know he's not lying.

Pam, I hope you understand what the odds
are for your ever finding Mark alive.

Miss Ellie...

...when I first heard about the plane crash,
I believed that Mark was dead.

But with everything I've learned recently,
I'm convinced that he's still alive.


I better go help J.R.

I'd better go.
I've still got some packing to do.

Move up. Come on, buddy.

- I can make it.
- Okay.

Come on, come on.

Let me help you, Clayton.

- What happened?
- Jenna Wade, that's what happened.

Well, that was a few days ago.

You expect him to get over
something like this in a few days?

You don't understand, Pam.
He loves that girl.

I hadn't had any idea
how much until now.

I've never seen him
so broken up about anything.

Well, Jenna walked out on him.

Why don't you tell Bobby that?
I'm sure it will cheer him up no end.

And while you're at it, explain to him
why she completely disappeared.

Personally, I suspect foul play.

I didn't mention it because I didn't wanna
bring him down any more than he is.

Bobby has vowed to search for Jenna
until he finds her.

Like what you're doing for Mark Graison,
that ad in the paper, you know.

J.R., why are you telling me this?

Oh, I'm sorry Pam. Uh...

I don't mean to burden you with this.

I just think it's so ironic,
your both searching for people you love.

How's Bobby?

Oh, he's out cold, honey.
Gonna sleep all night.

Did Phyllis or Kendall
tell you I came by today?

Ah, no, I didn't check in with the office
when I got home tonight.

Mama said that you
took out Jamie though.

I came by the office to see
if you would take me to dinner.

But that's when Phyllis
was telling you about Bobby.

I didn't forget that you're coming
in town today, did I?

No. I was just out shopping
and I got this impulse to see you.

I do get this longing
to be with you sometimes.


Mm-hm. I hope you don't mind me
just coming by the office.

No, no. Darling, I'm flattered.

Uh, might be better
if you called first, though.

I'd hate to disappoint you...

...if I was tied up in a meeting
or something came up like it did today.

Maybe you're right.

I just have this longing
to share things with you, that's all.


What kind of meeting did you have
to leave to get to Bobby today?

I was talking to private investigators
about our next move in finding Jenna.

- I guess that's all a waste of time now.
- Why?

Didn't Mama tell you? Bobby saw Jenna.

She married Marchetta again.

- But that's impossible.
- Not according to Bobby.

One good thing, Pamela's leaving
on that wild goose chase of hers.

- J.R...
- No, honey.

I'm glad that woman's not gonna be
around to make a move on him.

Not right now.

- Are you ready for breakfast?
- In a minute.

I just want to make sure
I've got everything.

I don't want to think of some
important document after I'm on the plane.

- Have you packed?
- No.

I'll only be in Houston for the day.

Hey, why don't you come with me?

When I'm through, we'll go out
and have dinner and fly back tonight.

Oh, I can't. Clayton.
Not now, with Bobby the way he is.

- Bobby?
- Well, he's going through a terrible time.

Bobby's a grown man,
he'll handle his problems.

He doesn't need his mother
around him all the time.

Well, maybe he doesn't.

But I'll feel better it I'm here
while he's going through this crisis.

Well, what are you gonna do?
Hold his hand?

I don't know.

Ellie, sooner or later
you're gonna have to let go of the boys.


The family has worked well this way
up until now.

Maybe it has. Maybe it hasn't.

And I'm not willing to change things.


That's obvious.


Come on, Christopher.

- Here's your Daddy.
- Hi, Christopher.

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, son, how you doing?
What's he doing here?

Pam came over with him last night.

She did, when?

She was here when I brought you home.

You were in no condition
to remember, Bobby.

No, I guess I wasn't.

Yeah, she had to drop him off
before she could leave town.

She's left the country, Bobby.
to look for Mark Graison.

I just don't understand
why she's doing that.

Well, love does funny things
to people sometimes, Bob.

I find it strange how it's affecting Pam.

She saw you when you came home last
night. She was standing right over there.

But she couldn't wait for Mama
to take Christopher...

...so she could go off
and catch that plane.

I used to think that she really
cared for you, until now.

Sony, bud.


Did you order a cup of coffee, no cream
and just a little sugar?

I see you finally got the hang
of waitressing after you quit.

Listen, I could leave now
and see if I can get my old job back.

No, no, no, you're not going anywhere.

Listen, I don't expect you
to get up every morning...

...at the cr*ck of dawn
to make me coffee.

But I do like it.

Oh. It's not exactly the cr*ck of dawn.


Oh, God, look at the time.
I forgot to set the alarm clock.

You didn't forget to set it. I shut it off.

What the hell did you do that for?

Because I didn't want last night to end.

I wanna spend the whole day
in bed with you.

Terrific. I've got a job to get to,
if they haven't fired me already.

I work for a living,
you forget that little thing?

So take the day off.

Well, that's a good idea.
Are you planning to support me?

Yes, if that's what it takes
to keep you home and in bed.


You know.
I almost believe you mean that.

Of course I mean it.
Men like you are hard to find.


That's maybe the best offer
I've had in my whole life.

Good, then you can come back
in bed with me.

No, no, no, I'm...

I'm not sure I'm ready to be a kept man.

So, uh, in the meantime,
I'm gonna see if I still got a job.

I'll give you a rain check on that offer.
You think about it, huh?

Oh, come on, I gotta get to work.


- Hey.
- Well, good morning.

Smells good.
You got any more of that around?

Well, I think I got a cup or two.
You were gone before I even got out of bed.

I didn't wanna disturb you.
I've put in a full day already.

I had a bunch of new steel
that needed some branding.

Well, sounds to me like you accomplished
a heck of a lot more than I did.

Did you go through
all of Sam Culver's files?

All that I had
from writing books about him.

- Nothing, huh?
- Mm-mm.

Absolutely nothing.

There wasn't even a clue
that that document of Jamie's ever existed.

Maybe what Jamie has isn't real.

Maybe it's something
Jason Ewing just made up.

Why would he have done
something like that?

He and Jock didn't get along.
Maybe he could use it in some way.

Jock would have fought that
with everything he had...

...including getting documents
out of Sam's files.


Well, then, maybe J.R. and Bobby
don't have anything to worry about.

I'd like to be sure of that.

I'd really hate for the family to be shocked
by some confirming piece of evidence...

...that shows up at the last minute
validating Jamie's claim.

Do you think maybe Dave
might be able to help?

I don't know. Why won't we call
the senator and find out, huh?

What time is it?

Well, I think he ought to still be there.
It's worth a call.

I must settle the bill.

What time does the plane leave?

- What do you mean?
- Nald0, I wanna see Charlie.

In due time, care mia.

You've done something with her,
haven't you?

Don't be ridiculous. She's my daughter.

Now, get in the car and wait for me here.


OPERATOR: That will be one dollar, please.
- Damn. Come on.

Thank you.


Answer the phone. Please.



Don't try anything like that again...

...or you will never see Charlotte.

Marchetta and Miss Wade were married by
a justice of the peace named C.J. Smith...

...just before 3:00.

- It was a legal wedding?
- Yes.

You sure he just wasn't paid off
to say that?

Absolutely. No question about it.

There was no coercion on Marchetta's pan.

Miss Wade appeared to take part
in the ceremony willingly.


I asked him that.

He said he had seen so many scared couples
getting married, he couldn't judge it.


Well, I guess they're married all right.

What about the child?
How'd she take her mother's marriage?

I was just getting to that.

Miss Wade's daughter,
Charlie, wasn't there.

- That's odd.
- I know.

We believe they haven't left the country.
At least not from DFW Airport.

By 3:00 yesterday,
we had covered all the international carriers.

- They could still be in Texas?
- It's possible.

Of course, we know the make
and license number of the rental car.

The rental agency
is about to call it stolen.

- Can't get help from the police till they do.
- Give me the information on that car.

All right, you keep the pressure on.
I want answers here.

I will.

Sergeant McSween, please.

Hello, Harry, it's J.R. here.
I want you to put an APB out on a car.

Well, it's gonna be reported stolen.

I don't know, today or tomorrow,
something like that. What--?

Harry, I've got to find that car right now.

All right. Here's the details.

Mrs. Ewing, my name is Benton.
I'm sorry you had to wait so long.

I had one emergency after the other.

Oh, well, I understand, doctor.

I'm not a doctor, Mrs. Ewing.

This is my clinic and I have doctors
from all over the world on my staff...

...but I'm not a doctor, I'm a biologist.

I discovered the method of treatment
we use, during a trip to Peru.

- I see.
- Please.

If I'd become a doctor I probably
would have stayed in the States...

...feeding people chemicals for this and that
and in the end doing more harm than good.

Well, I don't feel that way
about doctors, Mr. Benton.

Of course, many people don't.
Now, what can I do for you?

I understand that my fiance, Mark Graison,
checked in here for treatment.

You must understand, Mrs. Ewing, that
because of the nature of our work here...

...most of my patients
wish to remain anonymous.

It's very important to me.

I'm sure it is, but, Mrs. Ewing...

...sometimes relatives or friends come here
to try and talk patients into leaving.

They cast doubts on what we're doing.
I can't have that.

Faith in our methods
is part of the healing process.

It's not necessary for me
to see Mark right now.

It's just that I have to know it he's alive.

Well, I still don't think I can help you.

Many of my patients check in
under assumed names.

Have you seen him?

This man is not in my clinic.

I know about him, though.

How do you know Mark?

Nothing could be done for him here.

- Then you did see him?
- Yes.

Despite what you may think,
we run a very ethical practice.

We will not take people
we cannot treat.

When was he here?

A month ago, maybe two.

Do you know where he was going
when he left?

No, I don't.

We suggested some facilities in Jamaica.
I presume he went there.

Oh, Mr. Benton, thank you.

At least I know he's still alive.

Now, if you'll excuse me, Mrs. Ewing.

- Thank you again for your time.
- Of course.

This is Benton. Mrs. Ewing was here.

She'll probably go onto Jamaica.


Hey, Phyllis.
Can you decipher Bobby's handwriting?

I can't make heads
or tails out of this memo.

Jamie, what are you doing
at Kendall's desk?

Oh, Kendall had to run an errand.
She didn't want to bother you.



J.R., can I talk to you for a moment?

Sure, go ahead, talk.

No, I mean in private.

Well, I don't think
we have any secrets from Phyllis.

Okay. I want to talk to you
about the document.

I didn't think we had anything to discuss.

I think we do.

Sue Ellen, Miss Ellie,
everyone's been very nice to me.

I wouldn't wanna do anything to hurt them.
Even though you don't like me.

Get to the point, Jamie.

Well, the last few days, I've seen
how much you care for your family too.

I've seen everything
that you wanna do for Bobby.

Well, I told Sue Ellen
and I'm gonna tell you.

I don't plan on using that agreement.
I'm gonna leave it in the vault.

Well, I'm glad you finally
came to your senses. I--

Phyllis, could you get me Franklin Home!
at the Cattleman's Bank, please?

Yes, sir.

Glad you could come in
before we closed shop, Bob.


- Yes, Phyllis?
- Bobby---

...Franklin Home! is in a meeting.
He 'II call you back in a little while.

Thank you.

Hey, Bob.

J.R., if you don't mind,
I have a lot of work I have to catch up on.

Oh, yeah, I know, I know. I just...

I just want to tell you
how glad I am you came in.

- Do you a world a good.
- Thank you.

Say, Pete Adams was in earlier.

He's making a lot of progress
on the case, Bob.

It's beginning to sound
like Jenna is still in the States.

Maybe even in Texas.

And I've got the make and license number
of the car that Marchetta was driving.

I've taken steps for it to be located.
How about that?

J.R., I really do believe
that you care about me.

But please just let it drop.

I'll be better off if I can forget
there ever was a Jenna Wade.


Stop it. You have driven me
clear across Texas to Laredo.

I don't know when I'm gonna see Charlie.

I've no reason to believe
you haven't hurt her.

Now you're leading me
to another hotel room. I won't go.

Jenna, I will not hurt you.
Charlotte is all right.

- Come, we must rest.
- This is ridiculous.

You tried to r*pe me. No more, Naldo.

Jenna, this is very important.

Don't touch me or I'll scream.

I won't go any further with you
until I know that Charlie's all right.

Okay. I am meeting some people here
to pick up lot of money.

We will drive across the border to Mexico,
and from there, we'll take a plane to Home.

- Please come.
- What you're telling me is no good.

Not after what you tried to do.

I will arrange for you to speak
to Charlotte from the room. Come on.

- I'm not going.
- Now, no more arguments.

- Naldo...
- Now, come.

We will be in Home soon.
Now, you will see Charlotte, do not worry.

Hey, cut it out.



So we were all there at the annual Ewing
barbecue, Jamie comes charging in with it.

You said Jamie had been staying
at Southfork for some time.

I wonder why she waited until
the barbecue before she said anything.

I wouldn't say that J.R. had been hospitable
towards he! ever since she's been here.

Then J.R. did something to her
that really teed her off.

That's in character for J.R.

- Have some com, Dave?
- Oh, thanks.

Well, things haven't changed a whole lot
in that department around here.

Do you remember your father telling
you about an agreement like that...

...that divided the company up
between Jock, Jason and Digger?

No. But even if there is such a document,
he'd have no reason to discuss it with me.

Of course, I did know that he was close to
the Ewing brothers and Digger at one time.

In fact, he remained friendly
with Jock until he d*ed.

That's right.

Sam took me up
to Jock and Eliie's one time.

I didn't even know
you were related then.

Well, neither did I.
What's that got to do with it?

Well, nothing.

Donna, if you wanna pursue
the validity of this document...

...you're welcome
to go through Sam's old records...

...I still have at the house.

Well, the thing is, I went through most
of them when I was writing those books.

If there'd been a document dividing
Ewing Oil, I would have remembered.

Yeah, I guess so.

You know, I just remembered something.

A number of years ago,
I think it was before you married Sam...

...there was an attempt
to start a Sam Culver library.

I remember, but nothing happened.

I think Dad was a little embarrassed by it.

At the time he was on the cuts politically,
there were no funds to get started.

What was gonna be in this library?

A lot of personal papers, letters.

And, of course, the day-to-day records
from his law practice.

But where's all that stuff now?

They appointed an old friend
of Dad's custodian.

Everything's stored in a warehouse
down in Austin.

I've got the man's name at home.
I can call you with it.

Look, Dave, you are a lawyer.

Do you really think a document like that
could hold up in a court of law today?

If my father wrote it,
the chances are it would.


Well, the Dallas branch of the Ewing family
stands to lose two-thirds of Ewing Oil.

Tsk, I can't begin to imagine
how many millions of dollars that's worth.




What are you doing here?

Waiting for you.

- I picked us up some sandwiches.
- I'm not hungry.

Well, maybe it was a bad idea to wait.
But I thought you'd be pleased.

Look, Lucy, it has not been a good day.

When I got to work, my uncle jumped
all over me for being late.

He kept up all daylong.

I finally told him
what he could do with his job.

- You mean you quit?
- Yeah, I quit.

But he's your uncle,
he'll give you the job back if you want it.

I don't want it.

Then you'll get another job.

Not so fast if word gets around
I'm a hothead.

Oh, Eddie, I'm so sorry.

Oh, baby, what I did this morning
was really dumb, shutting off the alarm.

I'm sorry.

I won't starve.
I'm real good at what I do, you know.

Don't forget my offer still stands.

Oh, Lucy, look, I don't mind the fact
that you have a lot of money.

I don't get upset when you buy presents
but I'm not gonna let you support me.

I got my pride, you know.

Well, if the roles were reversed, you
wouldn't think it was wrong to support me.

Look, Lucy, as I said I don't mind
that you're rich, but just--

Don't push it, huh?

Okay. Okay.

Look, maybe you better go home.
I really need a good night's sleep tonight.


- Are you hungry?
- Huh?

Are you hungry? We haven't had dinner.

I forgot.


That was obvious.

I'm gonna go make a sandwich.
You want something?

No, soft drink. Maybe a soft drink.


- Hello.
PAMELA [ON PHONE]: 0h, Cliff, it's me.

Pam, where are you?

I'm still in San Serrano.

CLIFF [ON PHONE]: Oh, how's it going?

Cliff, I was at the clinic today.

I found out that Mark was here.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

I talked to the man who owns the clinic.

I don't believe that.

Well, I showed him a picture of Mark
and he said that he'd seen him.

They couldn't do anything for him here.

So they suggested
that he go on to Jamaica.

Somebody saw Mark.

- Who's there?
- Ah, ah, Mandy's here.

Wow, so you're headed for Jamaica.

Of course I am.

You take care of yourself.
That is really incredible news.

I know.

Oh, Cliff, I'm going to find him.

Okay, good luck. Bye.

All right. Goodbye.

Well, I'll be darned.

It's just possible that we were
all wrong and Pam was right.

That Mark Graison is still alive.

That would be something.

But it may be a mixed blessing.
I think Pam's in for a lot of heartache.

Why? Why do you say that?
Did you read that in your tarot cards?

Uh, no.

Cliff, Pam seems
to be avoiding the obvious.

Mark was a very sick man.

If he did stage that plane crash
to protect her...

...what could she hope to find
if she does locate Mark?

A sick and dying man.

Maybe it would have been better
it Pam had just left things alone.

Hey, Bob.

Say, it's time to go home.

You've increased the family fortunes
enough for one day.

J.R., I'm not nearly done
with the work I have.

- I'm gonna be here for hours yet.
- Oh?

Well, Sue Ellen and I were planning
on going out tonight to eat.

We'd like you to join us.

Just to show you how bighearted I am,
I asked Jamie to come.

Can you believe that?

Look, I think I understand what you're
trying to do but not tonight, all right?

Life goes on, Bob.

I don't need your platitudes either.

Hear me out for a minute, will you?

Do you remember what happened to me
when Daddy d*ed?

All meaning went out of my life.

Everything I'd done,
every move I'd made was to please him.

- There was no reason to go on.
- I remember.

And slowly it dawned on me
that there was a reason.

That it was important that I go on.

I had a little boy that needed me.
I had John Ross.

Now, you have your Christopher
at home at Southfork.

The boy needs his Daddy,
and whatever you believe Jenna did...

...he is there and he needs you
one hundred percent, Bobby.

Unless, of course,
you don't think he's worth it.

You know...

...you never fail to surprise me.

Let's go.



Good evening.

Good evening.

- How was your trip?
- I got there just in time.

We were on the verge of losing
one of our big suppliers.

The meeting took all day,
but we finally came to terms.

Well, you must be exhausted.
Maybe you should have stayed overnight.

I thought about it.
But I promised I'd come back tonight.

Is that the only reason you came back?


Where's the family?

J.R., Sue Ellen and Jamie took Bobby
to dinner to try and cheer him up.

Well, didn't they invite you?

Yes. But I knew
you were coming back tonight.

You stayed because of me?

Because of what you said.

Well, I guess
I was a little harsh this morning.

I know how close you are to the boys.

Yes, but you were right.
I can be too possessive.



...I was wrong too.

And I realized it on the flight home,
after I had a time to think about it.

I was jealous.

I was jealous of the time
they demand of you.

And I don't like that feeling.

I'm not proud of it.

Oh, Clayton, I need you very much.

And my sons are no substitute
for that need.

I need you too.

J.R: And there wasn't anything
I could do about it.

Frankly, it was just in the cards.
One of those deals, you know.

- I'm sorry I forgot yours.
- That's fine. Thank you.

- Anything else?
- No, that's fine. We'll order later.

- Jamie said you and she had a talk today.

Oh, yes, we did, we did.

Yes, she told me that since I was so good
to Bobby and my mother and you...

...and presumably small animals that she
wasn't gonna try to take over Ewing Oil.

I didn't say that.

- Thought this was settled between you two.
- Oh, it is.

- I just couldn't resist, that's all.
- Oh, I'm glad that's all out of the way.

However, I'd feel lot better...

...it you'd bum that little paper
in the Southtork fireplace.

- I mean, short of that--
- J.R.

This was supposed
to be a happy evening.

Don't put any undue pressure on him
on my account, Sue Ellen.

Yeah, remember it's my idea.
A fun evening.

Bobby, we're delighted you agreed
to join us for dinner.

Well, how could I resist,
escorting my beautiful cousin?

Thank you.

Jamie, I'm real glad there's not gonna be
a big family fight.

The last thing we need right now
is Ewing against Ewing.

I think my daddy would agree.

He always wanted
to reconcile with Jock...

...but somehow, he could never
bring himself to do it.

Well, I think
this evening demands a toast.

J.R., it you don't mind,
I'd like to make the first toast.

There's something
I like to get out the way.

Sure. Sure, go ahead.

And may this be the last time that anyone
at this table mentions Jenna's name.

To Jenna Wade,
and the life she's chosen for herself.

Wherever she is
and whomever she's with.

Freeze, lady, drop the g*n. Drop it.

What happened?


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