05x06 - Man on Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SEAL Team". Aired: September 27, 2017 – present.*
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Series follows Bravo Team an elite unit of Navy SEALs, as they plan and undertake dangerous missions worldwide.
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05x06 - Man on Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SEAL Team...

Ray, that's Mandy.

In SGS custody?
We got to do something.

Right now
we've got a train to catch.

Saidou Boukare
and an unknown number

of SGS fighters are gonna be
on that commuter train.

Thousands of lives are at stake.

I know Boukare's
our best lead to Mandy,

but our heads
have got to be here.

HVT's on the move
with two Tangos.

My team will handle the HVT.

Negative, Havoc.
It's my tactical call.

Bravo 1 out.


Your personal connection
to Ms. Ellis

has clearly impaired
your tactical judgment.

Bravo's off the Boukare hunt.

Dryden, he does not miss a step.

He is expanding his footprint.
You saying you don't trust him?

I need you to do
some digging quietly.

You ignore my advice
on how to handle Dryden,

and now you're seeking out Davis
to help you when nobody's

had your back more than I have?

Mandy's ass is in jackpot,
and you're

more concerned about your role
with Bravo Team?

Mandy's a professional liar,

one of the best
we've ever worked with.

She's capable of anything,
including gaslighting you, Jace.

I was able to identify the man
in this photo-Aziz Sankara.

You want answers,
you got to be on this op.

I get you're playing
global chess here, but do not

hang her out to dry.
Tell your men to jock up.

A strap from our team
will be going out with you.

Since when does
Bravo need a babysitter?

This will come in handy if
Boukare's memory needs jogging.

Oh, shit.

Got to bail, Jace.
No, they're trying
to smoke us out.

We step aside, we're fish
in a barrel with those AKs.

Car's still running.
I could punch it

and we can bail out
down the block.

Live to fight another day.

That's not happening.
Bravo 3, what's your status?

How copy?
we are shrimp on a barbie,

but we are good.

What's our move, Bravo 1?

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

Ground Branch are moving
toward the target building.

What's your sitrep?
Copy that.

Have Ground Branch hold.

We're making entry.

Bravo 3, stay close.

We're ramming the door.

Vehicle breach?
You sure that's...


Havoc, this is 1. Pass Aldrin.

Probably not what the
interior decorator had in mind.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
Ground Branch has launched

a thermal imaging ISR platform
over target.

I'm looking at six Tangos
on the move.

We believe Boukare's
holding strong on the north end,

second floor.

That's a good copy.

Boukare's sending in his troops.

Clay, Sonny, prep the smoke.
Enemy knows we're here.

We're gonna need a lot more
than a smoke screen.

Remington, grab the extra mags

from the back of the truck,
will you?

Okay, guys,
you want to PID everything.

Get to Boukare before
Ground Branch does. Got it?

He has the answers
to get us to Mandy?
That's right.

Any day, Remington.
All right, let's move.

Door's welded shut.
No one's coming in.

Three AKs! Mid hallway!

Clay, push forward. On me.

Move it!

Nice tackling there,
Fred Warner.

Rest of the apartment's clear.

Time for a chat.

They got a PKM in there.

Let's split.
Brock, try and flank 'em.

Stay close to the wall.

Let's go.

Nice shot.

Is that one of Ray's
secret agent-y toys?

Helps us track
any cell phone IP on target.

All right, got him alive.
Mission accomplished, boss.

Not yet.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc.

ISR shows two unknowns outside

moving toward your entry point.

They appear to be armed.

Copy that.

Ray, downstairs, help 'em clear.

b*ttlefield interrogation works
better with a partner, right?

I need you downstairs.

That's why I got Clay here.


Hey. Hey, Boukare. Look at me.

Where is this man?

Where is he?!

Never seen that man.

Get him on his knees.

Come on. Up. Get up.

Where is this man?

Where is he?


Look at me. Don't look at him.

Look at me.
This man, where is this man?

Never seen that man.

Get 'em up. Get 'em up.

On the wall, both of them.
Let's go.

Walk over here.

Put your head
against the wall.

Understand? Back.

Sidekick recognizes Sankara
from the photo.

He might know where he's at.

Unless we make ourselves
scarier than that bastard

that vaporized Thomas the Train,
his sidekick ain't talkin'.

Well, that is low
as a blow as it gets.

They messed
with our damn trucks.

Damn, Trent.

Got any tips?

Hey, uh, these
aren't driving anywhere, man.

We need to push
for a secondary exfil platform.

You're right.

Havoc base, this is Bravo 2.

Our vehicles are down hard.
We need a new exfil platform.

Any bright ideas? Over.

Copy, 2. I'll direct
Task Force operators nearby

to locate viable indig vehicles.

Stand by.

Bravo's moving to exfil?

Negative. Not yet, sir.

Where are they on HVT?
Eyes on Boukare?

Sir, I will have a sitrep
for you

as soon as I've coordinated
with Task Force.

Sit down. Sit down. Look at me.

Tell me where this man is.

Tell me
where this man is.

This man,
he's a prisoner of yours.

Hmm? Why are you protecting him?

Who's soldier boy
over here, huh?

You'd trade your soldier's life
in for a nonbeliever?

Is that what you would do?

'Cause if you
don't start talking,

a stray b*llet is gonna come

through that window
and blow his f*ckin' head off.

You understand?
Tell me where he is.

You got 20 seconds.
You got 20 seconds.


You got something to say,
you speak up.

All right, your boss cares more
about that prisoner

than he does you.

You understand?

b*llet's coming. Ten seconds.

Bravo 1, this is 2.

Secondary exfil vehicles
are five mikes out.

Gonna need Bravo 3's hooli
to make a clean exit. Over.

Copy, 2.

Time's up.



Tango vanished.
Must have

made a break for it during the
blast. There's no sign of him.

SGS is gonna regroup
and come at us heavy.

We gotta move, Jace.
Get him up.

Havoc, this is 1.
I pass Armstrong.

Copy, 1. Exfil vehicles

are three mikes out.

That's a good copy.
Good copy.

1, this is 2. Was that blast
near your position? Over.

Good copy, 2. We're good.

Allahu akbar!

Got our HVT. We're moving.

Consolidate on the first deck.
We'll break out there.

Building was clear.

Could have been a lone wolf
tossed that grenade.

Then there's still
enemy on target.

What's Hayes doing?
He's prioritizing.

Sonny, master key.
Roger that.

What happened to the other guy?

Lost him in the blast.
What do you mean "lost him"?

He got hit or he squirted?
What happened?

w*r happened.
We got who matters.

I take it you and the HVT

didn't have the chat
you were looking for.

Yeah. The answers he has
about Mandy

is about to vanish with him.

You did all you could do.

And it's not over.
You have to debrief.

All right. I'm gonna start
pulling cell IPs

this captured on target.

Look, there was a Tango
in the room with us and Boukare.

All right, make sure
you track his cell.

Make that a priority, will ya?

Hang on.
So, the other guy did escape?

Why didn't you have us
pursue him?

That guy was gone in a flash.

How'd he have his cell phone
if he was held prisoner?

I was too busy to ask him
questions about Mandy.

I must've had tunnel vision.

Lot of that going around.

What'd you find out
while we were gone?

Well, I was able to get
some background on Sankara,

the w*rlord in the photo
with Mandy?

Prior to being snatched up
by SGS,

he was a player in regional
arms smuggling.

He commandeered a couple
of small gold mines.

You're telling me a guy
that's dressed up

like an extra from the Predator
owns a bunch of gold mines?

It's a plentiful
resource in the area.

It's often used to support
illicit activities

like arms sales
and money laundering.

That explains why SGS is
keeping him prisoner

instead of executing him
when they swept through.

Force him to run the mines,
adds to their w*r chest.

And the fact that they kept
Mandy c*ptive, too,

means she has value to them.

Some reason to keep her alive.

Mandy's smart.

She knows how to
make herself useful.

You know, if they know
that she's CIA,

they'll want the intel
that she can offer.

I don't see Mandy
giving that up.

She was trained for that.

She knows how to walk that line.

Give 'em just enough,
buy herself another day.

Protecting the Agency when
no one's lifting a finger

to help her.

Well, let's see where we get
with these cell phone IPs.

Yo. Hey.

Held my questions long enough.
You need to fill me in.

You heard Davis. We're nowhere.

Let me guess,
Boukare wasn't talking. Huh?

So you took a gamble
on the other Tango.

Gave him a chance to escape.

Used a crash grenade?
He squirts,

you have Davis track his
cell phone in the hopes that

he contacts Sankara's captors.

Lets them know some
angry Americans are

hunting down their prisoner.
You get real lucky,

that might give you
his location,

which also might be Mandy's.

Had to put
a show on for Remington.

Yeah, and leave me watching
from the cheap seats again.

There's way too many eyes
on you right now.

I don't need you getting
caught up in all this.

So you knew it was reckless
and you did it anyway.

Look, I had to do something,
okay, Ray?

That something could
get us kicked

from the Teams, Jace.

Letting a t*rror1st loose
on some desperate long shot?

A long shot is all I had, Ray.

We're all messed-up
over Mandy, man.

And knowing what
she's going through,

I would give anything
to rescue her from

the pain and sorrow
she's feeling, but...

doesn't mean we get stupid,

Look, I had to make a call,

You weren't there.
Yeah, because you sent me off.

We gonna do this again?

Are we really gonna
do this again?! Stop.

You understand me?
Mandy needs our help. Right?

I am not gonna sit back
and do nothing about that.

She needs someone
to fight for her.

I'm gonna fight for her.
Got it?

Need to talk about what happened
on target last night.

Bagged an HVT we missed
three times before.

Enjoy the victory.

You telling me you don't have
any concerns about

the t*rror1st Jason let go?

That shitbird was a nobody.

All right?
Boukare was a dead end.

We needed a clear path to Mandy.

Look, I know why the decision
was made, Clay.

It doesn't make it a good one.

Look, with-with Jason leaning
on you more now,

it means it's your

to talk him out of
his bad ideas.

You mad because
Jason went rogue,

or that he did it without you?

I'm mad because my team
is acting like

a bunch of roided-up

not using their heads.

You worried about a personal
blowback from Command?

What the hell does Command
have to do with anything?

Well, your track record as OIC

isn't the cleanest.

My track record has
nothing to do

with you and Jason's
sloppy work.

What you call sloppy, okay,
I call a calculated risk.

It was your idea.

Look, Jason was desperate, and
this was the least bad option.

And if it fails,
he's more desperate.

What's your plan then?

Hmm. If you are gonna be
his right hand,

you have got to anticipate
every single...

Look, I know all about
looking out for Bravo 1,

all right, Ray?

I've been watching him
like a hawk

since we got home
from last deployment,

and you weren't around.
Why is that?

Because 20 years of combat

is eventually gonna catch up
with him.

I just want to make sure
we can clock it

before it's too late.

You think he's falling off?

Just... with everything
that happened,

I... I just felt like you
could use an extra hand

watching Jason's six.

Yeah, well, Bravo couldn't ask
for a better hall monitor.


Anything on the squirter?

Looks like he
turned off his cell.

Can't you use the Stingray?
Put that on

and see if you can ping
his location?

Anything to get us off
our asses here. Come on.

Look, we alert him to
our control over his device,

he sends word and shuts
the whole network down.

Patience is our ally right now.

Yeah, right, and time
is in short supply, right?

Mandy is tough.

Whatever they throw at her,
she can handle.

Yeah, she's tough.

Let's just hope that
she's still alive,

'cause we both know
the longer this goes on,

that's not good for the person
who's in captivity.

The squirter is going to
turn on his cell sooner

rather than later.

This will work.

Let me know when he does.

Yo, you got a minute?

Yeah, my baby girl's only
a few months old,

and it is pure hell
being away from her.

Got any secrets
how to get through this?

All that missing is what makes
going home so great.

Yeah, that's if home
and the kid

are in the same place.

Leaves me screwed.

You know, we can use a satellite
to guide a m*ssile

to a toad's ass wart,

and I can't get a damn signal.

You need me for something?

Yeah, um... last night,

on the op, with the squirter.

What'd you think of all that?

Well, Clay's plan fit the bill,

and Jason saw that. Why?

I just noticed Jason's
relying on Clay a lot.

I'm not-not saying Clay
can't handle it.

I just want to make sure
his ambition,

along with Jason's rage,

doesn't put us in the middle
of a shit sandwich.

Lord knows I've had my issues

with Clay's ambition
in the past,

but I don't doubt
that his head's right

when it comes
to the team anymore.

He took a b*llet for me
on the Marsden letter.

Maybe he's thinking
better of it now.
What you talking about?

Someone tipped Command
to my behavior on deployment.

Someone ratted on you?

That's not the word I'd use.

I practically invited
the team to do it.

Yeah, but not behind
your back like this.

And nobody would do you dirty
on Bravo like that.

Especially not Clay.

You know, this isn't easy
for me neither.

You know, having Bravo 1 and 6

finish each other's

I mean, I thought Stella was
my only competition

competing for Clay's other half.

But you and Jace, you--
you have that.

For much longer.

So I wouldn't... I wouldn't
beat yourself up over this.

You saying I should get used to
the way things are now?

It's not like it's new.

You know,
when you were in captivity,

Jason turned to the next man,
and Clay stepped up.

He filled in for you
as Jiminy Cricket,

and he kept J from
crossing a line

that he couldn't uncross.

Clay was in J's ear that day,

and kept him from
tanking his career.

Clay had his back
when I couldn't.

I guess he's earned
Jason's trust.

I tell you what.

Change can sting like
a honeybee on cocaine,

but I don't see
what other choice you have.

All right. Okey doke.

Get some rest, all right?
Love you.

Are you kidding me?

Not one person
up here right now

can get a signal
to save their ass,

and Blondie 5-G here
is calling home.

You want to use
my connection?

No, no. My-my window passed.

I just wanted to check in
and see

how, uh, the "Mommy and Me"
music class went.

I'm impressed by
how dialed in you are.

Well, I sense surprise
in your voice.

Just, uh, you know,
thinking back to your reaction

when you first heard
that Hannah was pregnant.

Oh, yeah, I was sweating
like a germophobe

in a public toilet.

But you kept operating
like normal.

Yeah, I guess I was just
more concerned

about how I was gonna
tell Davis,

and what business did I have

being a father
in the first place?

What about now?

Now, uh, now I just
keep thinking about

how this job could
take me away from Leanne,

and how that would
unleash a flood

of biblical proportion.

What's up with the inquisition?

Stella's pregnant.

What? You serious?

My man, look at you.

You got some strong
swimmers there.

I knew you could do it.

Why'd it take you
so long to tell me?

Aw, it's just, uh,
it's still early.

I didn't want to be
insensitive to your situation.

to my situation. What?

What, you don't think
I could handle the fact

that your life is
Norman Blondewell,

and I'm the After School

Is that it?
That's not what I meant.

Come on, man.

I-I've gotten used
to the fact that

you think that
you're better than me.

Hey, just, I don't know...

pump the brakes
on the pity thing.


Master Chief Hayes.

Good work bringing Boukare in.

Well, Bravo's all about
mission success.

I'm just happy that
we're here to assist.

Well, even a Master
of the Universe can

admit when he's wrong.

All right, so, being
the Master of the Universe,

where do we stand
with Mandy Ellis?

What are we gonna do about that?

I remember advising you
on where

the Agency stands
on that front.

But because you brought
Boukare to justice,

I can share that
I've devoted resources

to looking for her.

No leads to report.

with the manpower shortage,

I can't dig in
as deep as I'd like.

Well, Bravo can help with
the manpower problem.

Sadly, you can't.

Bravo's accomplished
its mission

of cutting the head
off the snake here.

Your work is done.

Hey, Dryden's sending us
back to Vah Beach.

So anything you have, you better
give it to me right now.

I'm working on it.

Squirter finally turned
back on his cell,

pinged one of Sankara's
gold mines.

Okay, so that's probably where
they're holding Sankara.

You got any intel
oh his phone?

Nothing that connects
to Mandy.

Then we go get this guy Sankara.

We rescue him
and ask him questions.

Sankara means nothing
to Dryden.

He's not gonna authorize
the op.

Don't you understand?
This is the only thread

that we have;
we gotta follow it.

Look, I can count
my close hands on one hand.

I don't want to lose
Mandy either.

Besides, looking for her,
it kind of helps

quiet all questions.

I actually believed her.

Believed her when she told me
she was leaving the Agency.

It's kind of hard to swallow,
thinking all this

might be a lie.

I mean, have all the postcards
that she sent me

from surf retreats been
part of her cover story?

I can't even be sure that
our friendship was real.

None of that matters, though.

Not when she's in danger.
Yeah, she's in danger.

And we have to do everything
we can in order to save her.

And the gold mine,
that's our best lead.

It is our only lead.
That doesn't make it a good one.

Look, I'm on a plane
in 12 hours, you got it?

You have to pull a rabbit
out of your hat here,

like you did for Ray in Tunisia.

If there's any way to make
this gold mine a target

that Dryden will approve...
I'll find it.

Oh, you got it up there, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Hate leaving with
unfinished business.

You weren't in the barracks
all night.

Making any headway on Mandy?


Hmm-mm. Nothing.

I can't even bring
myself to pack.

Even though Dryden's put up

the, uh,
"mission accomplished" banner.

At least it clarifies
what the real mission was.

You know, less about catching
bad guys and more about

securing a foothold
here in Africa

to compete with China
and Russia.

Hate thinking Mandy's
paying the ultimate price

for nothing more than
a land grab.

Oh, that's more than
a land grab.

Clearing out SGS,
that's just the start.

Afghanistan 2.0. Right?

Look, Jace, I, uh...

I know how much
you want to find her.

I didn't mean to add
more weight to your shoulders

by complaining about the team's
new dynamics.

It's just gotta suck knowing
that, uh, one of our brothers

dropped a dime on you
to Command.

Thought I was solid.

Maybe they were right
for speaking up.

You're solid, bro.
You're good, you're solid.

You know,
I-I value Clay's input.

As much as I hate to admit it,
he's our best sh**t right now.

I just want to do
my part for Bravo.

Yeah. It's why you became
a frogman.

That's why you can't
sit on your ass

knowing Mandy's out there.

Hey! I think
I got something.

Okay, so, I have been
trying to figure out

where SGS has been manufacturing
their expl*sives.

Based on the S-vests
we recovered from the train,

several chemicals were used.

But the propellant agent
stood out to me:

the diesel fuel.

Diesel's common in HME.

But I was able to identify

the specific brand of diesel:
Confederated Petroleum.

I tracked the supply chain
of large-scale deliveries

of Confederated diesel
to this local gold mine.

Well, the diesel was purchased
in bulk, along with other

chemicals commonly used
in mining.

That's why it didn't
raise any flags at the border.

Exactly. And I wouldn't have
caught it either except

I discovered that
even though this mine

has been defunct for months,

the Confederated shipments

So SGS is using the diesel
in the mine

to assemble their weapons.

And if you dismantle
this facility,

it's gonna give you
a foothold in the region

that you've been
trying to control.

I agree.

Does this target have anything
to do with Mandy Ellis?

It's not enough that
SGS weapons get destroyed,

and the U.S. recovers the mine
instead of Russia or China?

Sounds like a win-win to me.


This gold mine utilizes trenches
rather than caves,

so expl*sives assembly
isn't underground.

It makes clearing
the area easier.

Be easier just
to level the whole thing.

Except we're not just
taking out the expl*sives.

IMAGEINT shows diesel deliveries
are being moved

into these Conex boxes.

Bet this is the assembly site.

How many Tangos on target?

Pings confirm there are five
cell phones currently on-site.

Could be more Tangos there,
but it won't be an army.

Based on a conversation
I recorded through the Stingray,

they're only running
a skeleton crew

since we took down the train.

Our first order of business

will be dismantling
the weapons facility.

Then we move on

to looking for Sankara,
the w*rlord.

Hoping Mandy's still there
with him.

We do not have confirmation

there are any prisoners
on target.

Then this is our last shot,
so we give it all we've got.

Two high.
Rest of us in the trenches.

Hold security, lead.

Dear Lord...

What the shit?

I recognize that gold tooth
from Sankara's photo.

So much for getting his help
on the Mandy front.

They wouldn't have done that
to her, Jace.

SGS has a different type
of hell for women than men.

You sure about that?

Same height. Same build.

That body is not identifiable
in that condition,

not without a tech.

Don't let your head go there.

Still got a mission
to complete, okay?

Let's go, huddle up.

Clay, Sonny,

let's get the ordnance.
BIP everything.

Trent, Brock,
clear the trenches.

Ray, you're with me.

Yep. Eyes up.

Let's go, baby.

That Conex box wasn't
on the satellite image.

Yeah, the netting must've
hid it from view.

Windows. A/C unit.

Could be where the bad guys
are kicking it.


We got three Tangos,
three o'clock.

One of the squirters
from earlier.

Carrier pigeon play worked.

Say when.

Fire in the hole.

Smoke 'em out the hive.


Damn. Jace!

Jace, you okay?

I'm good, I'm good.
I'm going in.

No, let me check you
out first. Come on!

I said I'm f*cking good.
I'm going in.

Guy's got the drop on us
in there, Jace.

He's Winchester.

Hold security here.

I don't want to get mudsucked.

You son of a bitch.


Don't sh**t!



What are you doing here?

I'm here to rescue you.

Oh, you're wounded.

It's just a flesh wound.



Glad you're alive.
You okay?

I will be.

So how long you been back in?

I'm not.

This was a...

An unfortunate coincidence?

A rogue operation.

Truth is, once you're in
the CIA, you're never truly out.

So they pulled you back in?

It's more like I-I asked...

What? I'm not getting

the math here.
You asked to be needed?

An old friend needed help.

Look, ten years ago,
I was in the region

working undercover
as a French national

who worked with Sankara.

I helped him move arms
up through North Africa

and into Europe.

He had a younger sister.

She was my asset, but...

We got close.


when I learned
she was in trouble...

It was personal.

She always did right by me.

My conscience wouldn't let me
leave it alone.

What kind of trouble?

Her brother was going
to k*ll her

if she didn't marry
one of his foot soldiers

and pledge her allegiance
to the family.

And you chose to help.

There was no choice.

After all the assets I burned
when I was in, I thought maybe

this would help balance
the scales a little.

But if you were
under official cover,

why'd the CIA disavow you?

I was allowed
to reactivate my cover,

but the Agency wouldn't
fully sanction the mission.

Said it was too hot
in the region

for such a "low priority."

Basically, I was on my own
once I was in-country.

But you went anyway.

I take no for an answer
about as well as you do.

I managed to get her out,
I just...

My exit got stalled

when SGS wrapped up her brother.

Do we even want to know
how you survived?

Well, I am--

I was pretty good at my job.

So I proved my worth
by sharing my knowledge

of Sankara's trade routes.

So you showed you were
more valuable than him.

I sold him out to save my ass.

Karma's a bitch-he had it
coming one way or another.

You spooks

sure know how to spin that yarn,
don't you?

I'll give you that.

It's the truth. I swear.

All of it.

I have to commend you,
Master Chief.

Your team's work here
was incredibly fruitful.

Yeah, well, that's...
Tell you what,

I'm just glad that we were able
to move the pieces

around the chessboard for you.

The foothold
you've helped establish

extends the blast radius
in the region.

Pay dividends
for years to come.

Well, victories in this, uh, w*r

are getting harder to come by,
that's for sure.

But I'll savor this one.

Well, as Chief of Station,

I look forward to
Bravo's next rotation through.

That's right.

No operational malpractices.

Maybe a little bit.

All right, listen,
next time you miss

hanging out with us,
just swing by Vah Beach

so we don't got
to run through this again.

You can count on it.
All right. Be good.

You sure you don't want to fly
back with us like old times?

Gotta jump through
some CIA hoops

before they'll let me leave.

Yeah. Take care.

Drinks at the Bulkhead
whenever you're ready.


I hear he's pleased
you delivered him a gold mine.

Well, SGS took it
from the w*rlord

who took it from locals

who took it
from Burkina Faso, so...

It really should go back
to the state.

Same as 20 years ago
in Afghanistan.

CIA comes in, stirs the pot,
lets the chips fall.


Well, good luck
on your debrief.

I think you may be taking
this "man of few words" thing

a little far.

I'm just happy you're safe.


Look, Sonny's right.

I am a professional liar.

But I have never lied to you.


I'll... I'll let you know
when I'm back stateside.

Hey, I got stabbed for you,

so none of
this texting bullshit.

I want a phone call.

Yeah, I'll call you. I promise.

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