07x30 - End Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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07x30 - End Game

Post by bunniefuu »

There was no choice.

I had to stop the wedding.

Well, I mean,
everything was wrong.

Ellie Ewing believing she
was gonna be Dusty's mother.

Amy made the same mistake.

Clayton, you know that.

After all, how many
mothers can my son have?

It didn't make
any sense, did it?

You can see that,
can't you, Clayton?

Won't Dusty be surprised
when he comes home...

and finds us at the
Southern Cross. Oh, Clayton.

The three of us are
gonna be so happy there.

Bobby and Clayton Fallow took the
chopper and flew to Southern Cross.

Well, that's good a
place as any to start.

Yeah, well, his sister's got some
kind of fixation about that ranch.

We thought she might try
to take Mama down there.

- How's Donna?
Doctor's still with her.

- I wanna talk to her as soon as I can.
- All right.

Mr. Ewing, I can assume then...

that the situation at Southern
Cross is under control?

Yeah. The sheriff there will
do anything Fallow tells him.


The only thing we know for sure is Lady
Mumford hit Ms. Krebbs, knocked her out...

and when she came to, Lady
Mumford and your mama were gone.

- And the Krebbs' car is missing.
- And she took one of my revolvers, a .38.

Yeah, that's right.

I've alerted the Dallas County Sheriff's
Department and the Texas Rangers.

I guess I ought to put
an APB out on that car.

Why don't you do it?

There's no way she's gonna drive without
stopping, even if it's just for gas.

We only have a couple
of hours of daylight left.



- How's Donna?
- Oh, she'll be fine.

She wanted to get up, but I told
her she'd have to rest until tomorrow.

I'd better go see her.

Well, Sue Ellen and
Lucy are up there with her.

That's all right. Thanks.

J.R., any word on Miss Ellie?

Nothing yet, Harlan.

I'll check back later.

Mind if I use your phone?

Well, Fenton, you know
where it is. Go ahead, use it.

Forensic team's over
at the Krebbs' place.

- You get anything we can use?
- Not so far.

There is blood
in the living room.

Can't tell yet if it's Mrs.
Ewing's or Mrs. Krebbs'.

But there sure was a hell
of a struggle in that house.

Hello, Greg,
this is the sheriff.

I want you to put an APB out
on a 1984 blue town sedan.

Texas license plate, 6202JD.

Cliff, Jordan Lee is here.

Okay, show him in.

Hi, Jordan.

- Cliff.
- I'm glad you could come.

- Do you need anything?
- No, no. Close the door.

Have a seat, Jordan.

- You want a bourbon?
- No, thanks.


Now, fill me in.

What's happening in the Gulf?

Nothing, nothing. That's
it. That's why I called you.

I need some help and advice.

Now, look at these geologicals.

- I like what I see. Excellent.
- Yup.

Westar hit here. FourState here.

They hit over here. All around
my "act, I keep coming up dry.

Nothing. I don't understand.

- Who's your foreman down there?
- Max Flowers.

If Flowers hasn't brought in a well
yet, you should replace him and his crew.

- You got names?
- Best offshore man I know is Bull Dawson.

- Can I get him?
- He owes me a few favors.

Well, I need him right away.

Heard he was finishing up in Mexico,
been working for PEMEX down there.

Should be back in
two or three days.

If you could get him
I would appreciate it.

Because I don't think I can hold
out for much more than a week.

Ten days.

- I'll try, Cliff.
- Okay.

Listen, Fogarty. We go
back a number of years.

I know the Dallas police
are doing a hell of a job.

That's why I wanted the
Texas Rangers in on this.

- You want a drink?
- She could be holed up...

- Yes, please.
- But I don't think that's likely.

- We would've spotted her car by now.
- Anything at all.

I appreciate what
you're doing. Thanks.

Nothing from the Rangers yet.
What happened at Southern Cross?

The sheriff went through the
house and the outbuildings.

No sign of Jessica 01 Ellie.

- Driving, they wouldn't be there.
- They've got the approaches blocked...

- if she gets there, they'll stop her.
- “If.“ Wonderful. “If.“

J.R., everybody's doing
the best they can do.

If it wasn't for Clayton
and his crazy sister...

none of this would've happened.

J.R., you can't
blame Clayton for this.

Why can't I? Did he tell
anybody she was unstable?

He let her live at Southfork
knowing she was dangerous.

That's ridiculous.

I had no idea what
her mental state was.

She's your sister,
your responsibility.

My responsibility?

On the way down to San Angelo,
I went through Jessica's diary.

It appears that you two were
working to stop the wedding.

Now, I know your techniques, J.R.
You may have pushed her over the edge.

I'd never put my
mother in danger.

- You'd walk over anyone.
- Not my family. Not my mama.

- You only care about yourself!
- Hey, settle down.

Settle down!

This isn't gonna
help Miss Ellie.

- Evening, ma'am.
- Hi. I'd like a room for the night.

Sure. I've got a
nice room for you.

Kind of late for a lady
to be traveling alone.

Oh, well, I thought
I'd be home by now.

I guess I've forgotten how
long it takes to get there.

- Oh? Where's home?
- San Angelo.

I live in a lovely ranch
a few miles out of town.

The Southern Cross.
Do you know it?

No, I don't think so.

Oh, the room will be $32.

- Cash or credit card?
- Cash.

There's a phone if you
want to call your family.

Oh, no. There's no
one there right now.

I live alone with my brother.

But he's out of town.

I expect he'll be
home very soon now.

I was wondering where you were.

Clayton's so restless. I couldn't
stay in the room with him.

Anybody get any sleep?

Sue Ellen went upstairs
a couple hours ago.

She was gonna look in on
Donna and then lie down a bit.

Lucy's asleep, I guess. I don't know.
This damn thing's been a nightmare.

J.R., there is a pan of me
that doesn't wanna believe...

what was written
in Jessica's diary.

That you and she were
plotting to stop Mama's wedding.

That you were lying, pretending to
like Clayton. Setting him up for blackmail.

- Blackmail's a pretty harsh term, Bob.
- Blackmail's what it was, wasn't it?

You had a private investigator
checking into his past.

He was a stranger.
We didn't know him.

What did you know about
Jessica? You were working with her.

You know, I always thought
that you cared for the family, J.R.

That's what kept our relationship
going, despite everything else.

Despite the way you hated Pam.
Despite the way you fought for Ewing Oil.

But if it's true...

it you only care for yourself
and the hell with the rest, it's over.

And we're through as brothers.

I love Mama. You know that.

I admit I did try to
stop that marriage.

Bobby, maybe I got a blind spot.

Just the thought of anybody
trying to take Daddy's place...

I don't think I
could live with it.

But you gotta believe me, I
didn't want it to come to this.

Well, it has, and all because
you interfered with her life.

What if something's
happened to her?

Nothing's happened
to her. I'm sure.

They found the car at
a motel in Comanche.

Come on, let's go.

- Are you Mrs. Ewing's sons?
- Yes. This is Clayton Fallow.

I'm Deputy Sheriff
Rockwell, Mr. Fallow.

Your sister appeared
alone when she checked in.

The owner of the motel
didn't see anyone with her.

- What room is she in?
- That one, by her car.

You have a chance
to check the car yet?

No. It's too close to the room.

We didn't wanna spook her.

Are you telling me you don't
know if Mama's still in there?

That's right, Mr. Ewing.

We can't get any closer. We understand
that Lady Montford may be armed.

- Did you talk to her?
- Yes, we have.

She warned us to stay
away or she'd sh**t.

- Is there a back way in there?
- A window. I have men back there.

Let me see if I can
get her to answer.

Lady Mumford.

Your brother is here now.

Please come out
with your hands up.

Here, let me have that thing.

Jessica, this is Clayton.

Now, I want you to come out of
that room, or I'm coming in after you.

- Come back, Mr. Fallow.
- She won't hurt me.

Clayton, she's sick,
she could do anything.


Now, everything's
gonna be all right.

I'm here now...

and I'm gonna take care of you.

NOW, come on out NOW.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.

Jessie, that's enough
now. Now come out.

Jessie, this is your brother.

Now, I want you
to open that door...

and come out.

It's all right, Jessie.

You're doing fine.

Now I'm gonna...

come and get you.

You're safe now.
No one will hurt you.

Now just... do as I say.

Let me have the g*n, Jessica.


Oh, Clayton.

I'm so glad you're here.

I thought I could drive
all the way to the ranch.

But suddenly, I got so tired.

That's fine, Jessica.

You know what I wanna do first?

Let's ride down to the river.

And I'll fix a picnic
lunch. You like that.


And Dusty will join us just as
soon as he finishes working the herd.

She doesn't need those.


She's not here.

Good Lord.

Wait a minute.

Now, I'm gonna talk to Dusty.

He won't go out on that
rodeo circuit anymore.

He's gonna stay home with us...

at the Southern Cross.

Mama, are you all right?

It's all over with. Jessica's
in custody. Clayton's with her.

Easy, we'll have a
doctor look at you.

I wanna go back to Southfork, even
if all the three of you have to carry me.

Okay, come on. Come on.


Pam. What a nice surprise.

I've been meaning to come by all week.
I wanted to find out how Miss Ellie is.

She's much better now.

- Coffee?
- No, thanks.

- Why don't you sit down?
- Okay.

I must tell you...

that Miss Ellie was feisty and angry
when the men brought her home...

but then a kind
of reaction set in...

and for the next few days she was a
little shaky, but she's calmed down now.

Well, I'd like to see
her. Is she home?

No, Clayton went to see
Jessica at the sanitarium...

and Miss Ellie's gonna
meet him for lunch.

Oh, poor Clayton.

What an ordeal.

They were supposed
to be married tomorrow...

but with everything that's
happened, they might have to delay it.

Well, Sue Ellen, that's one
of the reasons I came out.

I wanted to wish Miss Ellie happiness
and thank her for the invitation.

I really wanted to
be at the wedding...

but I don't think I could handle
it. I hope she understands.

Of course, Pam.

I'm really...

sorry about Mark.

I just wish there was
something that I could do for you.

I'd ask you to stay here and
spend the day with me at the ranch...

but Jenna's here with Charlie...

and it might be
uncomfortable for you.

Well, yes, it would be.

Pam... I've got a great idea.

I'll go upstairs and change...

and you and I will go out
and spend the day together.

We'll have lunch and we'll go shopping,
catch a movie. We'll do something, okay?

- Sue Ellen, I don't think so.
- I'm not gonna take no for an answer.

It would be great for
both of us. Be right back.

- Sony. It took longer than I thought.
- That's all right.

- Would you like a cocktail, Mr. Fallow?
- My usual, Dora. Thank you.

What did the doctors
say about Jessica?

He's convinced the court that
she's not competent to stand trial yet.

- What's his diagnosis?
- He didn't wanna talk in labels.

- Would you like the menus now?
- Later, Cassie.

Thank you.

Jessica had a fixation.

First with me and
then with Steven.

She's evidently been
sick for quite a while.

She can appear to be normal
for long periods of time...

and then suddenly fly
into a murderous rage.

The first time it really surfaced
was after Steven's birth.

Did she resent you for
taking him away from her?

I didn't think so.

We had agreed that Amy
and I would take the baby.

But I guess deep
inside, she resented it.

- You thought she'd recovered.
- Yes.

Everything was fine.

She married Mumford.

And then later when Amy got
sick she came over to care for her.

And her concern seemed genuine.

Apparently, she snapped...

when she saw Amy with Steven.

And she k*lled Amy.


I can't...

tell you what those next few
days were like after her death.

I was sick with grief and I...

I couldn't bear to look at the house
in ruins. I bulldozed it to the ground.

I never even...

turned in the insurance claim.

Oh, Clayton.


when I think of what
she almost did to you...

She thought that you were
gonna be Steven's mother too.

Just like Amy.

How awful this has been for you.


Look what you went through.


maybe we better
postpone the wedding.

It's supposed to be tomorrow.


- Have you changed your mind?
- Oh, no.

With everything
that's happened...

Damn it, Ellie, I think it's time we
put all this behind us, don't you?


And I do love you, Clayton.

And I love you too.

And if you'll have me...

I wanna many you
tomorrow as we had planned.

I want that very much.

Are you really gonna
let me ride Darius?

If you want to.
But not for long.

I don't know if I can.

Bobby's there, he'll teach you.

He taught me.

I'll race you to the stables.

- Can I, Mom?
- Sure, go ahead.

Good morning.

Hello, Jenna.

My daughter's
obsessed with that horse.

I heard.

All she talks about
is living here full time.

She can't wait for the marriage,
so she could ride Darius every day.


I thought that Bobby
would have told you by now.

I thought you said
he wasn't ready.

I guess I was wrong.

Bobby and I are getting married.

Pam, I thought you knew.

I never would've said anything after
what you've been through with Mark.

No, it's all right.

It was cruel. I'm sorry.

Well, you didn't mean it to be.

Bobby's a wonderful man.

I'm sure the two of you
will be very happy together.

Jenna, where's Pam?

She left.

We were supposed to go out.

She didn't know Bobby
and I were getting married.

It came as a
complete shock to her.

Yeah. I'm sure it did.

By the way she acted...

it was obvious that she's
still very much in love with him.

- Yeah?
- Cliff, Mr. Wakefield...

- is here to see you.
- Yeah. Send him in.

Mr. Barnes.

Leo, look, I'm sorry to ruin your
Saturday night, but this can't wait.

Starting on Monday morning...

I want you to lay off everybody except
the drilling crew on Gold Canyon 340.

That's very drastic, Mr. Barnes.
I've already cut expenses to the bone.

It's not enough.

I made the first payment
to Vaughn Leland.

I know. But the next interest
payment is due in four days.

If we don't hit oil with that
new crew down in the Gulf...

If we don't hit in four days,
Leland's gonna shut us down...

and we don't have the
money to pay, right?

- Right.
- Lay them off.

Are you saying that's it?

In four days, Barnes-Wentworth
is out of business?


No, because there's still Pam.

And she owns a large chunk of
stock in Wentworth Industries...

and she owns a third of
the Tool and Die Company.

And I think when she
sees that I'm going under...

that I've laid off everybody,
that she'll step in.

Because after all, she's
my sister and we're family.

And she has never
let me down yet.

No, I can count on Pam.

- Mommy.
- Oh, honey.

Come here. I'll be ready
in just a few minutes.


- You don't understand any of this, do you?
- No.

I can't stay in Dallas.

I just can't.

You're daddy's gonna have a
new wife because of my stupidity.

Oh, God, I just wanted to
do what was right for Mark.

And now look what's happened.

The fact is, there's
no one left for me here.

Cliff's so preoccupied
with being the greatest...

we don't even
have a relationship.

And I trusted Katherine,
and she betrayed me.


I don't even know
where I belong anymore.

- To the groom.
- And the bride.

Yes, sir.

Well, Clayton. We better
go on out there, huh?

Oh, now or never.

Well, something like that.

Wait a minute. I
need to check you out.

- What would I ever do without you?
- You look terrific.

Clayton, I want you to
know I wish you the best.

Thank you, Bobby.

Clayton, you're one of the few
men I have never been able to b*at.

I sincerely admire that.

I just hope you make
my mama happy.

I intend to, J.R.

Let's go.

Come on.

Well, there you are.

- How's Mama doing?
- She's fine.

- Is she ready?
- Yes.

Okay. Well, let's go,
because you are first.

And I am second.

Well, you look like
a bride yourself.

Thank you.

Mama, you do look beautiful.

You sure do.

That's why I needed two
handsome men to give me away.

I guess we'd better go.

Oh, come on, come on.

Hello, Ewing residence.

Louise, is that you?
Where has everybody been?

I called all day Sunday.
I called Sunday night.

Oh, Mr. Barnes,
Sunday is my day off.

Let me speak to Mrs. Ewing.

We“, she's not home,
but she did leave a note.

Well, what did it say?

“Dear Louise, I have
taken Christopher on a

trip. I'm not sure how
long we'll be gone.

I have asked my lawyer to pay your
salary and all other household expenses.

You have his number. If I
need anything, I'M let you know."

And then she signed it.

- Where did she go?
- Well, she didn't say.

I read you the entire note.

I don't believe that.

- If you hear from her, you let me know.
- I will.


Yes, Cliff?

Pam took Christopher
and they went on a trip.

- Do you know where they went?
- No, she didn't say anything to me.

Any ideas?

This is the first
I've heard of it.

Good morning, J.R. and Bobby.

Kendal, stay right in there,
we have a little surprise for you.

Oh, good.

Ladies, a little of
Mama's wedding cake.

Oh, I bet the
wedding was beautiful.

Well, there goes my diet.

- How was the wedding?
- Oh, fine, fine.

Just fine?

Actually, it was wonderful. I think I
even detected a slight tear in J.R.'s eye.


- That was dust blowing in off the rain.
- Yes, of course it was.

Mama and Clayton are
cruising the Mediterranean...

taking a tour of
the Greek Isles.

Oh, Bobby, I almost forgot.

Katherine Wentworth
is waiting in your office.

I wonder what's that all about.

I wish we could bottle that
sex appeal of yours, Bob.

- It would be worth more than oil.
- That's not funny, J.R.

- Katherine?
- Good morning, Bobby.

I must admit, I'm a little
surprised to see you here.

I heard about your mother's wedding.
Tell her how happy I am for her.

Yes, of course.

Bobby, whatever's happened, I
want you to know it's in the past.

- Katherine...
- I wanna prove to you that I can change.

I don't believe what you're
saying. I can't forget what happened.

You act as it you didn't make that
long speech about sleeping with J.R.

I told you then exactly
how I felt about you.

Well, this is business. I have
a list of Wentworth properties...

that I'm sure I can persuade
the board of directors to sell you.

This conversation is ridiculous. You
can't buy me with a list of acquisitions.

Well, I'm not trying to buy you.
But I can be invaluable to you.

Katherine, I appreciate
what you did in the past.

But your motives are off base.
This is not business, and you know it.

There is nothing between us.
There never was, there never will be.

But I can make you happy,
Bobby. You must know that.

I'm going to many Jenna Wade.

No, you can't. Not that slut
with a child from that awful Italian.

- I won't let that happen.
- You're way out of line.

It's J.R.'s fault.

He set me up and
poisoned you against me.

I make my own decisions.
Especially concerning my love life.

Oh, really?

And shall I tell you how much
he wanted Pam out of your life?

Bobby has known
about that for a long time.

Well, I'll tell you
this, it's not over yet.

You know, she
has a nasty temper.

In your case, I'd
say it's justified.

Yeah, I have a feeling she
doesn't like me very much.

Well, I sure am glad you're marrying
Jenna instead of a barracuda like that.

I talked to more than 50 people
before I got any information.

Well, what did you find out?

Two of the guys I loaned my car
to are known to do a little dealing.

And it came as a
real surprise to me.

- So, what are you gonna do?
- I don't know.

I mean, I can't even prove it.

Who's gonna confess to leaving
coke in the car after I got busted for it?

- That's like asking to be arrested.
- We could hire a private detective.

Believe me, a private detective isn't gonna
find out any more information than I did.

I suppose the only thing
left to do is talk to J.R.

If anyone has ways of
getting information, he does.

Would you mind if I hang
around until he comes?

My hearing is only
a couple of days off.

Well, he said he wouldn't
be here until late tonight.

Would you call me and let me
know when I could talk to him?

- Of course.
- Thank you.


now, look. We're two
civilized human beings.

We've made money before
and we'll make money again.

I'm just asking you
for a little bit more time.


The interest payment must
be collected on its due date.

You read the papers.
It was very specific.

I'm just asking you to
bend the rules a little bit.

There's oil in that "act, and we're
gonna hit, then we'll all be rich.

If you don't strike 0” by midnight
tomorrow night, the bank is foreclosing.

All of the assets of Barnes-Wentworth
will belong to the bank.

Well, Vaughn,
not all the assets.

If I remember correctly...

our deal calls for me to get
control of Gold Canyon 340.

What are you doing here?

I just thought you might wanna see
the face of your other friendly banker.

No, no, no.

I got my money from Vaughn.

You got your money
from both of us.

Tomorrow night, we're
gonna tum off the faucet...

and all your cash flow
is just gonna dry right up.

You set me up?

From the very beginning.

But I didn't do it alone. In
addition to Vaughn Leland here...

I had a great assist from your
massive ego and unbelievable stupidity.

I had those tracts
checked, there's oil in there.

Sure, there is, millions of dollars'
worth. Oh, it was a fair setup.

It was the fairest setup I've ever
had the pleasure of engineering.

I couldn't lose.

Because I knew you were
just too dumb to find that oil.


Huh? Why did you do that?

Because you needed
slapping down, Cliff.

You'd been stealing deals right
out from underneath my nose.

And after all these years, you know
better than to butt heads with me.

But I got all that property
back. I got Kesey and Murphy...

and tomorrow night, I'll
own Gold Canyon 340.

You needed a lesson, you see.

The only way I could get the message
through that thick skull of yours...

was to have you bankrupt
your mama's company...

while I just sat back
and watched you.

You're out of my life for good.

No. Uh-uh.

No, I'm not finished yet.

Sure, you are.

Tomorrow, the janitor's gonna come
here and sweep you out with the trash.

Unless, of course, you
do the honorable thing...

get in the elevator, go
up to the roof and jump off.

Oh, come on, Vaughn.
I'll buy you a drink.

- Bob?
- Well, hi.

I'd like to stick around and
have a cup of coffee, but I'm late.

That's all right. I wanted to tell you
about a telephone call Donna got.

I tried to call you. We
also tried to reach J.R.

I was out with
Jenna till real late.

And from the size of J.R.'s hangover,
he was celebrating pretty good.

- Is he still here?
- No, he crawled out ahead of me.

Look, Martha Randolph
called me last night.

She said Edgar was very despondent,
that he had been drinking heavily...

and he's on his way to Dallas for
some kind of a confrontation with J.R.

She also said he has a g*n.

Why? What happened?

J.R. did blackmail
Randolph. Edgar told us that.

But J.R. didn't use that information,
he bid low on those leases.

We know that. But Martha
Randolph is worried sick.

There's no way I can
get in the office till later.

Try and get J.R. I'll
keep checking with you.

All right, well, if you hear from
him, give me a call, will you?

Thanks, bye.

- Who is it?
- Who do you think it is?

Good Lord, where's your key?

I don't know where my key is.

I was frantic. I checked every place I
could think of. Where have you been?

Where have I been?

I've been drinking.

- I've been out getting drunk.
- Cliff, what happened?

What happened? I just destroyed
my mama's company, that's all.

She trusted me, you know that?

She trusted me to run an oil
company. Me, the world's biggest loser.

That damned offshore
scheme of yours.

That's what I need
now, is a lecture.

Words of wisdom from
Dallas oil expert Afton Cooper.

You missed the point.

You missed the point,
because I could have made it.

I could have made it if I had a little
help from my friends and my family.

And where were you, huh, expert?

You were off in Biloxi spending money
buying cars and houses for your mama.

- Cliff, that money wouldn't have helped.
- Might have.

Just might have
made the difference.

When those drills stop
turning tonight at midnight...

and I'm that far from oil, that money
just might have made the difference.

J.R. knew that.


J.R., that's right.

He set me up. Set me up,
counted on my inexperience...

and people turning
their backs on me.

That's it. Dangled all those riches in
front of my nose and then pulled them away.

And I think he got me
this time. I think he got me.

I think he got me for good!

Oh, please, Cliff, it's always J.R. It's
always him. It's never your fault, is it?

Listen to me, you
have to forget about J.R.

Don't let him destroy you.

Don't let him destroy
our relationship.

Relationship, that's a joke.

I can't have a relationship
as long as he's alive!

- Cliff.
- Get out of here. Just get out of here!

I don't want you. I
don't want anybody!

- May I help you?
- Yes, is Mr. and Mrs. Ewing here yet?

- Yes, this way.
- Good.

Well, that's the kind
of business I'm in.

You hit some, some you don't hit.
You know as well as I do about that.

- Hello, Peter.
- Hi, I'm sorry I'm late.

That's all right. We
haven't been here long.

- Would you like something from the bar?
- No. No, thanks.

Oh, Peter, I hate to say this
but you don't look too good.

I'm very worried, Mr. Ewing.

Yeah, I can understand that.

The prospect of spending several years in
prison is a chilling one, that's for sure.

Well, I tell you, drug
dealing is a nasty business.

In my day, people used to think that only
hardened criminals did something like that.

But, well, nowadays,
it could be anybody.

Kid next door...

even a line-looking
fellow like yourself.

Mr. Ewing...

is there anything
you can do to help?

I don't wanna go to prison.

And Mrs. Ewing says
you're my only hope.

Well, I'm afraid Mrs.
Ewing got that backwards.

There's nothing I
could do to help you.

But she can solve your problem.

I don't know what you mean.

Well, let me explain it to you
so that even you can understand.

I know that you bedded my wife.

And I also know that you felt that
you were the father of the child she lost.

- You knew.
- Yeah.

And I can understand the
reason why it happened.

But I don't like it any better
than any husband would.



Sue Ellen...

there's only one way
he's gonna stay out of jail.

I want you back in my room
and I want you back in my bed.

From now on, you'll be where I
want you and when I want you.

- You planned this whole thing.
- Of course I did.

Well, it's up to you, honey.

Either I send him to jail...

or I see that all the charges
are dropped against him.

- What's it gonna be?
- Don't do it, Sue Ellen.

So now it's “Sue Ellen“?


I have to.

No, you don't. I'd
rather go to jail.

- How noble of you.
- I love her.

- Wonderful.
- You lousy pig.

- Get this kid 0” me.
- Come here.

You want us to call the police?

Just hold him a minute.

I trust we all understand the
terms of our little agreement here.

No, Sue Ellen.

It's no use, Peter.

Yes, I understand.

All right, throw
him out, no police.

- Yes, sir.
- I'll k*ll you. I swear I'll k*ll you.

We", shall we toast to
our new life together?


I expect to find you
in my bed tonight.

I'll probably be late.

Wait up for me.

He was apprehended after a
high-speed chase early this morning...

on the North Central Expressway.

Police reported the stolen
cash was still in the car...

and will be returned
to Mrs. Young.

To repeat an earlier bulletin...

there's a report of another
rich oil strike in the Gulf.

Linden; Oil has
brought in a test well...

and the first indications are
that the find is very substantial.

That makes three
important oil! discoveries...

in tracts leased by the federal government
in the last offshore-oil! auction.

Oil experts are
surprised that so far...

no oil has been discovered in
the most expensive tract of all...

the one leased for $157 million by
independent Barnes-Wentworth Oil.

Damn you, J.R.

It's anticipated there
will be a strike shortly.

Now, in other news...

You're not gonna
do this to me again.

Never again.

- Phyllis, you ready to go?
- Oh, I sure am.

- Good.
- There we go.

Sly, do you wanna
join us for a drink?

Yeah, I'll probably
just be a few minutes.

You two go on and I'll meet you.

- Okay.
- See you then.

- Okay.
- Sure.

Sly, why don't you go on home? We
can take care of this in the morning.

- All right. There's some messages for you.
- Yup.

- Thank you. Good night.
- Good night.




Sue Ellen?

Hey, Sue Ellen, I tried to
reach Peter, but he wasn't home.

What happened today at
lunch with you and J.R.?

Sue Ellen?

Miss Lucy?

What happened?

Miss Sue Ellen and I moved all
of her things into Mr. Ewing's room.

Why? Where is she?

I don't know. She
was very upset.

Suddenly she dropped everything,
grabbed something from a drawer and left.

- Well, did she say where she was going?
- No.

I told you, he's not here.

- Is he home?
- I tried, there's no answer.

Well, I suppose I can wait till
tomorrow morning to padlock the place.


It's Bull Dawson at the Gulf.
Let me talk to Mr. Barnes.

He's not in.

We", find him, honey. We
just brought in a test well.

- You struck oil?
- We sure did.

And it's big one. Maybe
the richest strike in the Gulf.

The richest strike in the Gulf.

I'll try and find
him. Thank you.

Cliff's tract came in.

After what I did to him,
Cliff Barnes will crush me.

And he's got the money to do it.

J.R. and his lousy schemes.

The man has crucified me.
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