07x10 - The Buck Stops Here

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dallas". Aired: April 1978 to May 1991.*
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The oil-rich Ewings endure daily troubles in Texas.
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07x10 - The Buck Stops Here

Post by bunniefuu »

Is Mommy sick like she
was before in the fire?

Oh, no. She just had a
headache and went to bed early.

She'll feel all right
in the morning.

Well, maybe Peter
gave her a headache.

Peter, your counselor? How could
he give your mama a headache?

- I don't know.
- Well, what happened?

Well, Peter wasn't at camp
today and nobody can find him.

- Did you tie this knot?
- Yes.

Here, hop into bed now. Come on.

Why should your mama have a headache
because Peter didn't come to camp?

Maybe because she was driving
too much to try and find him.

Did she find him?

Yes, but no one else can
find him, only Mama did.

Are you going to read to me?

No, I can't right now.

If you're not sleepy just
play with some of your toys.

That's okay, Daddy,
I'm sleepy anyway.

All right, bud.

Did your mama bring
Peter back to camp?

No, Peter was in his car
and Mama was in her car.

- And did they come back at the same time?
- Yes.

But they didn't talk to each other and I
think Mama had a headache then too.

Yes, maybe she did.

Can we have breakfast
together in the morning, Daddy?

Sure, I'll get Teresa to
make you something real nice.

You go to sleep now, huh?

Good night, Daddy.

Good night, son.

Don't you have the
courtesy to knock?

I'm not feeling very well.


What did you do? Pick up a case of
whooping cough from your teenage lover?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Come on, Sue Ellen...

John Ross told me all about it.

You carrying on with
that counselor so the

whole camp and your
son can see it. Really.

I am not “carrying on," as you
put it. And Peter is not my lover.

Well, if you're not now, you
sure as hell will be soon enough.

I didn't mind when that kid had a
crush, now it looks like a two-way street.

I don't have to account
to you for my behavior.

- Then you are involved.
- I am not involved.

Well, you sure know his habits.

Unless you've suddenly
developed the gift of ESP.

You know, Sue Ellen, your
taste in males has changed lately.

There was a time,
and not too long ago...

you would have given
your all to some cowboy.

Now, it's some schoolboy.

Just because I won't
let you in my bed...

doesn't mean I'm gonna
start behaving like you.

I just wonder how those proper folks
that run the Windsor Meadow camp...

are gonna feel
about employees...

tooling around with the mother
of one of their little campers.

Let me tell you once more.

There is nothing going on
between Peter Richards and me.

If you do anything to harm that young
man you're gonna wake up one morning...

and find out that you
no longer have a wife.

Even in name only. And
you'll no longer have a son.

So no more threats,
J.R., or I'm gonna end

this mockery of a
marriage once and for all.

Now get out.

Good sh*t.

All right, huh?

- Why don't we take a little break, huh?
- Okay.

Thanks, Jenny.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You look so graceful out there.

Why, thank you.

We're gonna be practicing, why
don't you take the car and go home?

- I'll have Buzz drop me 0”.
- You're not trying to get rid of me?

No, I thought maybe
you were getting bored.

You never have me.

It looks so exciting, I think
I'll sign up for club polo.

- I bet I could learn how.
- I bet you could.

I think that's a great idea.

Well, hello, you two.

You're still together, I see.

And I'll see you're
still shy as ever, Tracy.

I'd like you to meet
my friend Dan Fuller.

- Dan, Mark Graison and Pam Ewing.
- Hello.

Pam's becoming known around Dallas
as the lady who finally tamed Mark.

Mark used to be a
playboy, just like you.

How are you, Dan?
Do you play polo?

Pleased to meet
you. No, I don't.

Dan's interests are
more earthy than polo.

He's come up from Houston for the Good
Old Boy Charity Rodeo over at Billy Bob's.

- That's next week?
- Aren't you competing this year?

Pam, you haven't talked
him out of it, have you?

We haven't discussed it.

I think Mark prefers this
gentleman's sport here...

- to the rough and tumble of the rodeo.
- Well, that's not entirely true.

Oh, you like any excuse to get out of
it. He only came in fifth place last year.

Wait, that was only six
points behind the winner.

Well, only one point
and you're still a loser.

You know how the
charity works, Pam?

Yes, I have been there.

Each contestant
pays $1000 a point.

The higher they score, the
more they contribute to the charity.

Frankly, I'd rather make a check
out before and just send it in.

Mark, I'll add $1000 a point to
whatever you contribute to charity...

if you b*at last year's
score. Now, if you don't...

you add 1000 a
point to Dan's score.

You make that 5000 a point,
Tracy, and you got a bet.

You're on. Pam, the
man can't resist a dare.

Or haven't you told her you were
the first man to skydive in the nude?

Bye. Come on, Dan.

You know, I could actively dislike
that woman without hall trying.

- You're not going to that rodeo, are you?
- We're both going.

I've gotta get back on
the field. I'll see you later.

- Are you sure you're ready?
- I'm not scared.

All right, go.

Who's that? Who's that?

- Dad.
- It's Dad, yes.

Say hi.

Hi. Hello.


Come on, Mommy. You
can go on with me now.

- Oh, you're not getting me on that thing.
- It was fun.

Bobby, wasn't it fun?

Oh, fun, I haven't had fun like that
since I was bucked off my last horse.

- Is that a joke, Bobby?
- Yes, darling, it's a joke. It was fun.

Christopher hasn't
been on any slides.

Oh, sweetie, that's
too big for Christopher.

- He'd be afraid if he went up there.
- How about the wading pool?

I can take him in
there. It looks safe.

- I think it would be all right.
- Okay.

- Bye-bye.
- Come on.

- Take care of him, now.
- I will.

Isn't it amazing how
those two hit it off so well?

- I can't believe it.
- Believe what?

You. You've come a long
way from your bachelor days.

God, you used to be carefree. In
fact, downright irresponsible at times.

- Wait a minute.
- Now, look at you.

You really enjoy being a father.

Jenna, I've always enjoyed
children, you know that.

I used to coach Pop Warner
football, Little League baseball.

Bobby, what is it?

Why is it so important to keep
Charlie's father's name a secret?

That's my business.

Since I first saw her, you
know I thought she was mine.

You're wondering if you're Charlie's
father. Is that why you stayed all day...

when you found me? Is
that why we're dating now?

No, that's not why.

If you think you're Charlie's father
and you feel obligated to me...

I think we should stop
seeing each other right now.

Jenna, Charlie
is a wonderful girl.

But I'm with you because I
wanna be with you, okay?

Now, why don't we go in
the kiddie pool and cool off?

What's the matter?
We had a nice day.

You said you enjoyed the practice. I
don't understand this mood of yours.

Because there was
a Tracy in my life?

No, I knew there were other women.
I'm angry because you assumed...

that I was going with
you to that damn rodeo.

Well, why would that make you angry?
It's a yearly event. You've gone before.

That was a little different.

The only difference is
that you were with Bobby.

And he'll be there this year with
Donna and Ray and who knows who else.

It's not Donna, Ray or anybody
you're concerned about, it's Bobby.

- I guess so.
- Well, I know so.

What I wanna know is why?

- Mark, don't, I...
- You're still emotionally tied to him.

- I'm divorced and it's over.
- Is it?

Well, I tell you, I'm a little bit
tired of being the patient soul.

Hold hands like school kids
and do everything your way.

When is it time for you to give? When
is this gonna be a two-way relationship?

We all live in Dallas. You, your
ex-husband, your ex-husband's family.

We can't go around
trying to avoid the Ewings.

I wasn't talking about that. I
was talking about the rodeo.

This time it's the rodeo, next time
it's something else. Pam, I've had it.

Now, I am going and
I'm gonna compete.

If you don't wanna come with me,
you can damn well stay at home.

You sounded so
upset on the phone.

Katherine, I think I've
made a total mess at my life.

Oh, that's nonsense, Pam.
You've started working with Cliff...

you've moved into this house,
you've got a man who's in love with you.

That doesn't sound
like a total mess to me.

Well, I know, but
that's all on the surface.

I can't seem to let myself
go, to really start feeling again.

Katherine, I'm going through the
motions of living, but I'm not living.

It's very simple, Pam.

You're just suffering from
a post-divorce depression.

Everybody goes through that.

It's not that simple. I
think I may have lost Mark.

What did you do?
That man adores you.

It's what I haven't
done that's the problem.

Pam, I think I know what you're saying,
but I find that very hard to believe.

Well, it's true.

In all the time we've been going
together, we've never made love.

But why?

I mean, you can't expect
a man to wait forever.

This isn't the 19th century.

You know, sometimes I
don't understand you at all.

Sometimes I don't
understand myself at all.

Mark says that I'm still
emotionally tied to Bobby.

Pam, you've gotta realize that
Bobby is no longer a part of your life.

You're divorced. You've
gotta start living that way.

Mrs. Ewing? Excuse me.

What would you like me to
fix for Christopher's dinner?

Well, if Bobby ever
brings Christopher home.

Excuse me a minute, Katherine.

Louise, would you get that and I'll
see what we have for Christopher.

- Hi, Mr. Ewing. Hello, Christopher.
- Good evening, Louise.

I'll take him, he needs
a bath before dinner.

Oh, fine. Thank you,
Louise. Goodbye, partner.

Bye-bye, Daddy.

Oh, Katherine, I didn't
expect to see you here.

I think Pam was expecting
you back a little earlier.

I know. The kids were having
such a good time at the water park...

that I could hardly
drag them away.

- Kids?
- Yeah, Christopher and Charlie.

I took Jenna with me.

Those two played so well
together, you wouldn't believe it.

Oh, I bet.

Well, look, I better be going.

- Good night.
- Good night, Katherine.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Bobby, I thought you were gonna take
Christopher to spend the day at Southfork?

What I do with Christopher on my
one day with him doesn't concern you.

That's my business.

It'd be nice if he
spent time with family.

Oh, now, let me see. Donna
and Ray are in New York...

Mama's away with Clayton.

Sue Ellen, John Ross and
Lucy are away from the house.

Would you like Christopher to
spend more time with his Uncle J.R.?

I'm sorry I questioned you.

Yeah. Well, I don't think what I
did with Christopher upset you.

I think what bothers you is
that I was with Jenna Wade.

- Jenna Wade's always bothered me.
- I can understand that...

when we were
married, but why now?

I'm sorry I brought it
up, just" Never mind.

No, I'd like to know.

Because I don't think
she's right for you.

Oh, I see, she's not right
for me, you're not right for me.

- Do you have an ideal choice in mind?
- No, I don't.

Well, good, because I don't think you
have the slightest idea who or what I need.

- Good morning, J.R.
- Good morning, good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Here are your phone messages,
and Mr. Ben Kesey is here.

- I told him he could wait in your office.
- Oh, Mr. Kesey, is he?

Good, I guess he's all
primed to go on this deal.

Hey, Ben. I've looked at the
reports on your company...

and I'm prepared to
make you a sweet offer.

I appreciate that, J.R.. But
I'm afraid I can't accept it.

Well, you haven't
heard what it is yet.

I know, listen, I could have
told you all this on the phone...

but I'm the type of man that likes to
talk face-to-face, good news or bad.

You're not gonna tell me you've
taken your company 0” the market.

I won't be forced in paying
you 1 cent more than it's worth.

I wouldn't do that.

I just wanted to tell you I closed
the deal with another buyer.

Now, hold on, Joe Clooney told me that
I had first cr*ck at buying your company.

Nobody knew about this
except you and me and him.

You telling me that he's a liar?

I don't know.

The only person I
told was Joe Clooney.

And out of the blue, I got a call
with an offer too good to tum down.

I had a great meeting
with the buyers.

It was a brother and sister.
Papers were signed yesterday.


Who is this brother-sister
act that b*at me out?

It's Cliff Barnes and his sister,
Pamela. Barnes-Wentworth.


Well, I don't suppose you and I
have much to talk about, do we?


Well, now maybe
you'll understand...

why I'm so glad that
Barnes is out of your life.

You can come in.
Thanks for asking.

She and that walnut-brain brother
of hers stole a deal from us...

- and he isn't talented enough to do it.
- What are you babbling about?

Do you ever see Pam, huh?

Yeah, you do. When
you pick up Christopher.

I don't suppose you talk
Ewing Oil business with her.

You've been out in the Dallas sun too long
without a hat, you're not making sense.

For Cliff Barnes to swipe a deal right out
from underneath my nose is unheard of.

What deal? Why
wasn't I told about it?

Did you forget we're
running this together?

No, of course I
haven't forgotten.

But you haven't been in the
office a lot lately, that's all.

- Phyllis.
- Yes, sir?

I wanna get Allan Murphy...

he was involved in
that Russell Slater deal.

- You'll find his number
in the file. Just a second.


J.R., I don't like
what I'm hearing.

What is the Allan Murphy deal and the
other deal you're talking about losing?

Deals were supposed to be
Ewing Oil's that went to other buyers.

Not what I'm talking
about. Why wasn't I told?

- If you're up to old tricks...
- I'm not doing anything.

I can't consummate a deal
until you look at it anyhow, can I?

- Yeah. I have
Mr. Murphy for J.R., line 1.


Mr. Murphy, it's J.R. Ewing here. I
know you didn't wanna to tell me...

the name of the company who bought
your land because it was unethical.

Yeah, but it I mention the name of one
company, would you confirm that for me?

Well, it's very
important to me, sir.

Yes, sir.


I am right.

Thank you, I'm
sorry to disturb you.

- Phyllis.
- Yes, sir?

Tell Sly to come in here.

J.R., I don't see why
you're upset about this.

New travels fast in
this town, and Cliff just

happened to pick up
on a deal before you.

They were confidential deals.
Barnes ended up with both of them.

Bobby, with the condition
this company is in...

we can't afford to lose any kind
of deal, don't you understand that?

Yes, sir?

Sly, I want you to set up
separate appointments...

101 Joe Clooney
and Russell Slater.

- When?
- Tomorrow morning.

Yes, sir.

Somebody is
double-crossing Ewing Oil.

And I'm damn sure
gonna find out who it is.

Here we are, two beers.

- Thank you, miss.
- Thank you.

Hello, Jenna.
Katherine Wentworth.

Oh, I thought I recognized
you. The Oil Barons Ball.


If you're on a social
call, look around yourself.

- There are no tour guides.
- No, I came to talk to you.

You're lucky. I'm on a
break as of right now.

- I know, I checked beforehand.
- Very thorough.

Let's go over here.

Since I'm sure you don't
have very much time...

- I'll get right to the point.
- Okay.

I know that Bobby Ewing
had a relationship with you...

- before he met my sister, Pam.
- A relationship?

That's a cold word. We
used to call it a love affair.

Yes, well, fine.

Anyway, I've been very
close to Bobby and Pam.

Their divorce is something that
never should have happened.

Now, I know that my sister
is still in love with him...

- and I'm sure Bobby's in love with her.
- Why are you telling me all this?

Because I think you're the one person
who stands in the way of a reconciliation.

- Me?
- Bobby appears to be infatuated with you.

Now, he's not a
man for casual affairs.

If you were out of the picture,
he'd probably go back to Pam.

I have no holds on Bobby Ewing.

If he wants to go back to
Pam tomorrow, he's free to go.

You have a child.

There's some question as to
whether or not it's also Bobby's?

I see.

Look, I'm sure your salary
here is not very large.

It's not Wentworth Industries,
but the tips are good.

I have excellent
connections in Houston.

I can guarantee that you'd make three, no.
Maybe four times what you're making here.

And to ease the change...

you and your daughter might
enjoy a month or two in Europe.

I can arrange to have
your condo sold...

and a much larger one
bought for you in Houston.

All free and clear, of course.

You're doing all that for Pam?


That's a lot of sisterly
love and a terrific offer.

But suppose things really
worked out between Bobby and me.

Suppose he really fell
in love with me again.

And suppose I was
still in love with him.

And to carry out this little
fantasy to its ultimate conclusion...

suppose we got married.
That would make me a Ewing.

And then, Katherine,
I'd be as rich as you.

But I don't have any plans
to many Bobby Ewing.

And I don't have any
plans to move to Houston.

But that doesn't mean that
Pam shouldn't be concerned.

What do you mean?

Well, if your sister, Pam.
Is still in love with Bobby...

I don't think I'm the only
one she has to worry about.


- Mark.
- Hi.

- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, I am too.

We let things get out
of hand, didn't we?

I know we did.

- I've got a surprise for you, come on.
- What?

Mark, what in the
world have you done?

If you ever expect to be Mrs. Mark Graison,
you're gonna have to go where I wanna go.

This time, that happens to be
Billy Bob's for the charity rodeo.

I have entered you in the lady's
mechanical bull competition...

and I expect you to win,
so get up there and practice.

Squeeze up tight.
Hold on with your knees.

Hold tight with this right
hand. Get that left arm back.

- Pull your back a little bit. You ready?
- Pull my back?

Pull your back a little
bit. You ready? Let's try.

Gotta stay up on the from
here. All right, you're doing fine.

Well, I'm surprised.

No, Bobby, Ray isn't here.

Hold on a minute, Donna.
Is something wrong?

Well, I hope not, I mean...

he said that he was gonna go for
a walk and that was two hours ago.

Ray's a big boy. He
can take care of himself.

When he gets back, would
you have him give me a call?

I've got the forms for the charity
rodeo. The deadline is tomorrow.

I'll fill them out it you're
gonna get back in time.

- Yeah, Okay. I'll tell him.
- And don't worry, all right?

You take care, okay? Bye-bye.

- Who is it?
- Your adoring husband.

Can't get to my keys.

- Ray, where have you been?
- Did you think I was mugged?

- Well, I don't know, maybe.
- I guess some people might call it that...

but the mugger was just this cute salesgirl
and all she did was take my check.

And she was nice enough
to give me this in return.

What is that?

A little something for you.

A little special something I thought you
might like to wear to the theater tonight.


Oh, Ray.

It's beautiful.

- You look great, honey.
- It's beautiful.

And it's another way for me to
tell you how much I love you...

how lucky I am to
have you for my wife.

I love you.

Thank you.

Bobby called...

and wants to know if you'd like
to compete in the charity rodeo...

on Saturday night.

Well, I would kind
of like to do that.

Well, it would mean
cutting our vacation short.

I've had a wonderful time.
I've enjoyed every minute of it.

So have I.

And I understand now why you
fought so hard for me to go on this trip.

I think it's really
helped. I feel a lot better.

I think I can go back
and handle the accident...

Mickey's death and all.

New York, it's a great place...

but I don't belong here.

I'd like to go home.


- Yes?
- Mr. Russell Slater is here.

All light, show him in.

- Hey, Russell.
- J.R.

How you doing? Sit down.

I was surprised that
you wanted to see me.

Well, I was wondering...

how we let that Allan Murphy
land deal get away from us.

J.R., I honestly don't know...

and I can understand
how upset you must be.

Well, I guess I was
getting a little paranoid.

I lost another deal through a broker
named Joe Clooney, do you know him?

Oh, for years. Both
of us grew up in Waco.

Is that a fact? Well.

Look, Russell, you and I have
been through too many deals...

to let a thing like this
to stand between us...

but I'm gonna be frank with you.

Ewing Oil has got to expand.

Some of our fields over in Midland
Odessa just have to be replaced...

that's all there is to it.

Now, my daddy
made this company...

the number one independent
oil company in Dallas.

I'm not gonna
lose that position.

Well, you know, J.R.. If
there's anything I can do...

Just bring me your
next good deal.

Strictly confidential
and I want first refusal.

Of course, J.R.. That's the
way we've always worked.

- Call me as soon as you can.
- You know I will.

It's nice to know
you're so understanding.

Peter, what are you doing here?
You're supposed to be working.

John Ross just left
with Lucy a minute ago.

I know, I saw them leave.

I wanna know why you're having
Lucy drive John Ross to camp.

Why aren't you driving him?

Well, is it a problem
for John Ross?

- Is it hurting him in any way or...?
- No, I don't think so.

But I really didn't come
here to talk about John Ross.

I wanna know if
you're avoiding me.

No. Why would you
think anything like that?

I'm just very busy, that's all. And
I've been just a little tired lately.

Lucy offered to help me out and,
well, it frees me to do other things.

You know, Peter. I
am a very busy woman.

I'm involved in social
activities, charity organizations.

Is it really all of
those things...

or is it because I kissed you?

The way you feel about me...

is a complication that
I don't need in my life.

- And you don't feel anything toward me?
- I'm married.

And you're very young.

That would be wrong.

Who says falling
in love is wrong?

You think you're
in love with me.

Well, that is very immature.

You don't know
anything about me.

That is called
infatuation, not real love.

Bobby, this is great, and I
can't eat another mouthful.

- Then the evening's a success.
- Oh, yes.

A night off and I'm not cooking dinner
for Charlie and I'm not doing laundry.

Good thing, because that outfit
was not made to do laundry in.

Just a leftover from
my heiress years.

I'm still the same size.

Just a couple of
million dollars lighter.

- Do you miss it?
- Being rich?

Damn right I do.

But then on the other hand, I've
had plenty of time to learn about me.

And what have you
found out about you?

That I like myself. That's more
important to me than money.

You know, I've had
offers to many rich...

but I would never
trade my self-respect.

Is that supposed to be
some kind of warning?

To you?

No, just a statement.

Well, then, would you be
trading your self-respect...

it you were to be my date for
the charity rodeo on Saturday?

You're taking me on a date
back to the place where I work.

Just happens to be the
place they're holding it.

- Hm?
- Sure, I'll go.

I'll get the night
off. It'll be fun.

But how come you're asking me and
not one of your other female admirers?

Do you know something about
some other women that I don't?

Don't tell me you've been spending your
nights alone since you and Pam split up.

As a matter of fact, I have.

I know it's none of my business, but I
saw the way Pam's sister, Katherine...

looked at you during the ball.
And the way she looked at me.

I think she'd be a lot
happier if she scheduled me...

on the next flight to space.

Katherine is my sister-in-law.

Mr. Ewing, you are fair
game for any woman right now.

Don't tell me you don't
know she wants you.

Yes, I do.

And it's one-sided?

Yes, it is.

You know, I feel like I've just taken part
in some kind of survey about my love life.

Well, I guess you have.

Well, what did you find
out in your little survey?

That there's been no other woman in
your life since you and Pam separated...

and that includes
Katherine Wentworth.


I would say you're still a
little hung up on your ex-wife.

Well, I'd say that I've had
about enough of your little survey.

You're with me now and
that's all that I care about.

Thank you.

Order me some dessert.

- What? You just told me you were full.
- I am, I just wanna see them bring it.

I love being waited
on for a change.

Evening, J.R.

Come in, Harry.

What's up?

Two very important deals were
stolen out from under me by Cliff Barnes.

They were hush-hush,
strictly confidential.

Brokers that I've known
and trusted for years...

came to me and told me I was
the only one they were talking to.

But Barnes b*at me out.

That greedy little cockroach is
getting information before I can act.

He has a spy.

Well, first thing that we
have to do is set out a trap.

All right, let's
talk about the bait.

I want that little
insect to bite...

and bite hard.

It's rodeo time again at
Billy Bob's Texas arena.

Out of chute two is world champion
contender Bobby Del Vecchio...

riding Billy Bob.

Billy Bob has never been
ridden beyond the buzzer...

and he's keeping
that record here today.

Care for a side bet, honey? That
Dan wins and Mark falls flat on his butt?

Sure, let's make it
10,000101 charity.

Unless that's too
much for you, honey.

Oh, the lady's a
fighter. You're on.

I know that lovely
gift to Dallas society...

- I hope we didn't miss Mark's ride.
- No.

So let's hear it
for Tracy and Dan.

Here comes Dan.

And there goes Dan.

Look at that bull buck.

And, ladies and gentlemen, the
next rider is going to be Mark Graison.

Mark Graison will
be riding on Fireline.

Mark is setting in, cinching
up. Getting that bull into shape...

and he should be on his way.

Mark was third last year.

And here he comes.

Here comes Mark out
of chute two, hanging on.

Look at Fire/ins.

Look at Mark Graison's form.

What a great ride.

What a ride from Mark Graison.

That's 77 points. That's
going to be tough to b*at.

Let's hear it far Mark.

Why, that man can do anything.

And next we're going to have
last year's big winner, Ray Krebbs.

Let's have a hand
for Ray Krebbs.

Ray's on Thunder Rock.

Ray's getting
ready. Getting set.

Get a grip on him.
Ray. and hang on.

Here comes Ray Krebbs.

Ray's coming nut
on Thunder Ruck.

What a great style, look at
that cowboy ride, Hay Krebbs.

He scores 82 points.

That's better than last
year, Ray-Attaboy, Ray.

Now we're going to
see who's up next.

Bobby Ewing is the last rider.

And after Bobby's ride, all you
folks are gonna drive over to Dallas...

and we're going to have the
ladies“ mechanical-bull competition...

at the Dallas Palace.

- You nervous?
- Yes.

Let's watch Bobby.

Let's watch Bobby Ewing.

Bobby Ewing's on Cutthroat.

You think he can b*at Ray?

I don't think it's Ray
he wants to b*at.

I think he'd like
to put Mark away.

Tell me something, Jenna.

Would it make you happy if you could b*at
Pam in the mechanical-bull competition?

I'm not sure I can.

Get set. Get a grip.

Get a grip. Bobby
signals that he's ready.

And here he comes.

You ride that bull, Bobby.

Look at the style
on Bobby Ewing.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Can I order you something?

Iced tea.

Excuse me, can I have
an iced tea, please?

- Sure, just a second.
- Thank you.

- You really surprised me when you called.
- You haven't been at camp for days.

Not since I saw
you at Southfork.

- Why?
- Do you really have to ask me that?

You can't quit because
of what happened.

Well, in a few weeks it would
have all been over anyway.

And what then?

- Back to the university?
- I don't know.

Do you know how
this makes me feel?


it's not your fault...

that you don't feel the
same way about me...

that I feel about you.

- You don't know how I feel.
- Well, then, tell me.

- How I feel is beside the point.
- No, it's important to me.

All that really matters...

is that you go back to work, continue
your education and achieve your goals.

- You do care.
- Yes, I care.

I care that you find the
right career for yourself.

I care that you're happy.

Don't read more into it, please.




Competition is heating up
at The Dallas Palace Ranch.

Tracy Anders is an the
monster mechanical bull.

Oh, too bad, Tracy, but
the charity drive thanks you.

Stick around, folks.
The fun is just beginning.

You were wonderful in the rodeo.

I thought so, even though your
ex-brother-in-law and ex-husband b*at me.

They just pulled better bulls.

Well, you know you took the
words right out of my mouth.

Dance with me,
Mark, I need consoling.

Oh, Tracy, of course.

You don't mind, do you, Pam?

Well, go ahead. Wouldn't you like
to have one dance with him, Pam?

Come on.

She's very generous.

Are you having a good time?

I wasn't going to come.

- Mark changed your mind.
- Mm-hm.

- I think he cares about you a great deal.
- Yes.

How are you and
Jenna getting along?

Terrific. We've had
a lot of fun together.

I'm sorry about what I said to you
about you and Jenna the other day.

Forget it.

It's okay.

Time for the second round, in the
ladies' mechanical bull-riding contest...

so gather round.

Bobby, let's go, the
competition's starting.

Yeah, I wouldn't
miss it. Come on.

Hide him, Desiree. Uh-ah.


Too bad, Desiree.

And now the next one
up is Donna Krebbs.

Let's see how the other half
of the Krebbs family does.

Hay won the real
bull-riding contest.

Now let's see how Donna
handles that mechanical bu...

Look at that lady ride.

Look at the form.

Look at her poise.

She's doing a fabulous
job on the mechanical bu...

We just got the vote. That's
a 77 for Donna Krebbs.

That was an outstanding
score, absolutely fabulous.

She's pretty good.
I can't believe it.

Wow, congratulations.

And the next one to try
her luck is Pam Ewing.

Pam's been trailing just
behind Donna Krebbs.

Let's see if she can better the
score of that lovely Krebbs lady.

We understand that Pam Ewing
has been doing a little practicing.

Now she climbs up onto the hull
with a little assist from Mark Graison.

That's a nice sendoff, Mark.

Now let's see if she can
come close to Donna Krebbs.

Well, that's beautiful style.

Pam, great, all right.

Pam Ewing is really
handling that bull like a pro.

- She has terrific, terrific form.
- Come on.

Let's see what the score is.

That's a 76.

We", now, let's see who's up.

Jenna Wade is next
on the mechanical bull.

You did well on your first try.
You'd be a tough act to follow.

I am a tough act to follow.

We'll see.

It's the lovely Jenna Wade.

Well, she's following
some great riding.

Let's see what Jenna Wade
can do on the mechanical bu...

Okay, she's all set.

Hey, Jenna's doing nicely
but that ride is a mite slow.

Jenna's not going to be
able to fill that many points.

At least not for riding.

But it was pretty, Jenna, sorry we
can only give you a 58 for that ride.

I hope you're not
disappointed in me.

I think you're wonderful.

Are you sure?

This time I wanna make sure we finish
what we started a long time ago in France.
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