05x10 - Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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05x10 - Justice

Post by bunniefuu »

"Our lives begin to end

the day we become silent
about things that matter."

These words of
Martin Luther King Jr.

hold special import today,
as our own lives begin;

as we go forth,
past these ivory towers,

into a city and a world
rife with poverty, with w*r,

and with injustice.

Be brave, be fearless...

...and most importantly,
be compassionate.

Class of ...

...we are officially graduated.

Ms. Rush... Lily...
Ms. Rush... Lily...

Lily, Lily...

We're losing her.

Another late night?

Too many margarita

Gin kills me.

Gin? You mean tequila.

I don't make 'em,
I just drink 'em.

Trouble sleeping, huh?

No, not at all.

You're here early.

Anything to get
out of PPD.

Jeffries biting
everyone's head off?

I won't even step foot
into Stillman's office.

When's the boss back?

Two more weeks.
Counting the days.

And minutes.
So, what's up?

Kid buried here--
a Mike Delaney.

College type,
shot back in ' .

Someone vandalized
his grave.

The th anniversary
of his death coming up.

University's doing some kind
of memorial service for him?

Big man on campus,
back in the day.

College police, homicide-- both
turned the place inside out.

Got nothing--
no suspects, no motives.

Hmm-- straight-A student,
varsity jock...

president of the local
"Meals On Wheels" chapter...

Making the rest of us look like lazy-ass

Had a reputation
as a womanizer.

A real Casanova.

Every girl on
campus wanted him,

every guy wanted
to be him.

But who'd want
to k*ll him?

Maybe her.

original theory ???

University's in the middle of
one of Philly's poorest hoods.

Lots of tension between
the students and the locals.

Well, no one heard
the altercation, g*nf*re.

??? Graduation night,
everyone's loaded.

Security guard found Mike's
body the next morning,

middle of the quad.

There was a

recovered three blocks
from the crime scene...

matched our victim's ballistics.

No prints.

The serial number was filled
off, making it untraceable.

No National Ballistics
Database back then.

Might be able to
sniff it out now.

Let's run it.

Sure, Boss.

We're also looking into the
cemetery surveillance footage

from this morning-- maybe
our tagger got caught on tape.

The trajectory of the b*llet
indicates the doer

was anywhere from five-two
to five-four.

Well, if the doer's a
vigilante r*pe victim,

height could
point to a woman.

Might've found our tagger.

Police report filed back in '
at West Detectives.

Alleged r*pe naming
Michael Delaney as the doer.

- Who's the victim?
- Name's left blank.

The assigned officer
was a Maggie Lafferty.

"Locked and Loaded"

Instructor at the
Academy range.

Was a real ball-buster.

Want us to have a talk?

Do you really need me
to tell you what to do?

Just checking... Boss.

Don't call me Boss.

I'm out of here at : today,
so no dilly-dallying.

You a : p.m. man now?
That Toni's doing?

Ah, figured I'd set a good
example for Andre.

Sit-down family dinners.


Know what I'm getting you
for Christmas--

tickets to the ballet.


Yep. The Nutcracker.

Is that the pit bull?

Maggie Lafferty?

Philly P.D.

Would've never guessed,
cheap suit and all.

You worked Sex Crimes at West
in ' , right, Maggie?

On the line, too.
So what?

You handle this job?

I remember the kid, sure.

Said a Michael Delaney
r*ped her?


Nothing I could do.

I thought you were
Sex Crimes.

A joke, back in the day.

I had a desk, a phone,
that's it.

Nobody cared.

Not that you'd remember.

You, maybe.

So you sent her away.

My lieutenant said
r*pe victims

were gals that just regretted it
the next morning.

My hands were tied.

Real door prize,
your lieutenant.

Men-- can't live with 'em,
can't k*ll 'em off.

Drop the battle axe.
Talk about the girl.

Name was, uh... Tess...
Tessie something or other.

Scholarship kid from Kensington,

working a job in
the school cafeteria,

raising her kid brother,
parents dead.

How'd she run into Delaney?

Knew the ass-clown from school.

Real charmer, that guy.

Gave her a paper rose
before he tore her up.

So this Tessie comes in...

And boy, was she a wreck.

Don't you think it'd be wise
to leave your kid brother home?

I told Jimmy I got robbed,
that's why we're here.

He's scared to stay home alone.

So you, uh,
knew your attacker?

We went out
two nights ago.

So you dated this guy?

We didn't date.

We went out. Once.

And, uh, where'd
the r*pe occur?

In... in my apartment.

He dropped me off
after dinner;

he said
he had to use the bathroom,

Any witnesses
to what transpired?

My brother was asleep
in the next room.

Maybe I should've screamed,
woke him up,

so he could've witnessed it.

Look, you want to press charges,
I can do that.

But this is how
it's gonna play out.

How much did you
have to drink?

What were you wearing?

Why'd you
bring him home?

I already told you.

Do you bring guys up
to your place a lot?

Are you sexually

Get the picture?

And after that,
he'll still walk.

I've seen it time and again.

What if he comes back?

What am I supposed to do?

If he breaks in,
you can report it.

Otherwise, lock your doors.


I'm sorry; I really am.

Just give me a second.

When he was done,
you know what he said?

"You're prettier
when you smile."

I'm sorry.

Yeah... me, too.

Didn't even have a name
for date r*pe back then.

r*pe shield laws are
supposed to protect victims

from being crucified
on the stand.

Game was different if
you knew your attacker.

No one saw 'em
as real victims.

So Mike r*pes this girl,

gets off scot-free.

That's justice.

That was the law.

Tessie Bartram.

Philly Homicide.


Where were you
this morning?

Here. Home.

Getting ready for work.

Got anyone
to verify that?

No. I live alone.

What is this about?

Does the name
Mike Delaney

ring any bells?

Of course.

He went to my school.

The grave was vandalized
this morning.

- Know anything about that?
- Absolutely not.

Well, we know
what he did to you.

Look, I'm late
for an appointment.

No one believed you, so you
pretended it never happened.

But it did.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I think you do.

- What do you want from me?
- The truth.

years later-- you're kind of
late to the party.

you wanting revenge.

So, in other words,
did I k*ll that bastard?

Did you?

Graduation day I was home
with my brother, so, no.

You didn't go
to your own graduation?

I dropped out
after it happened

and I never set foot
on that damn campus again.

You grew up in Kensington.

Must've felt lucky
to be at that school.

I felt even luckier when
"the" Mike Delaney liked me.



Here's the deal:

I'm just gonna say it, so don't
think I'm a dope or whatever.


Every night, I see
you sitting here,

not messing around
like the rest of us,

or k*lling time
till the bars open,

and I'm thinking this
girl's different.

- Special.
- Yeah, right.

Just hear me out, okay?

Because every night, I'm like:
"Go over there right now,

say the perfect thing..."

But I know
whatever it is,

she'll just think it's some
dumb pick-up in a library.

Not yet, I don't.

You think
I should give it a shot?

Go for it.

I'm gonna do it then.

Okay? You ready?
Here it comes.

Would you have dinner with me?

I bought his crap,
hook, line and sinker.

You were young, he was good.

I had nightmares about it
for months afterward.

I would wake up terrified

thinking he was
in my room.

Thought I was
going crazy.

Must have been awful.

And that's why
you dropped out?

I got a job

and I put my brother
through college.

At least one
of us graduated.

If that's it, can I go?


If you find who k*lled him...

give 'em a medal.

Guys like Delaney make it hell
for the rest of us.

Your point?

My point is, sometimes women say
no when they don't mean it

'cause if they didn't,
they'd be thought of, you know...


Digging that ditch deeper.

I would never call a woman
a ho.

All I'm saying is
what's a guy to do,

back off at
the first no?

Human race would go extinct.

No means no.

How many ways you need that
spelled out?

The name of the game
is pursuit.

You run, I chase.

You ain't chasing me

We follow up
on Tess' alibi or what?

It checked out.
Doesn't mean the brother isn't lying.

'Cause "no" means "yes."

Enough, both of you.

I think I found

Mike's yearbook.

Mike gave Tessie a rose
when they met, we know that.

There are more roses,
more girls.

There must be
ten women there.

Could be other victims or maybe
women he was zeroing in on.

Saying we got a serial r*pist?

Saying we got a new pool
of targets.

And any one of them could
have k*lled him.

Are these the other women
from Mike's yearbook?

Yeah. Picked 'em all up
at the library.

Same BS
with the paper rose.

One of the girls we couldn't
bring in-- Shaina McNulty.

She lawyer up?

Nah, she put
a b*llet in her head

a few months
before Mike was k*lled.

She was .

Rush and Miller
are doing the interviews.

Figured female cops
should talk to them.

us jerk male cops

got the security footage
from the cemetery.

Only visitor yesterday
morning, only one

who could have vandalized
Mike's grave.

Can't make heads
or tails.

I'll show it
to the groundskeeper.

The girls' yearbook
photos, too.

Might jog his memory.

So why do we even
care about this job?

The guy got what
was coming

to him, in my book--
community service m*rder.

Damn right.

'Cause we're m*rder cops.

Go do your jobs.

Mike didn't r*pe me.
That's ridiculous.

You dated him, though.

We had nothing in common.

We went our separate ways.

End of story.

Did you have sex with him?

That's really none
of your business.

Did you say no?

Well, that's what you're
supposed to say, right?

Can't be too easy.

Is that what you think,
you were easy?

I'd had too much to drink.

So it's your fault what he did?

Maybe it was.

Maybe I shouldn't have
brought him up to my room.

I think I had too much wine.

Me, too.

Um, I'm still
a virgin, Mike.

Me, too.

Seriously, I,
I don't want to.

What are you doing?!
What'd you think was gonna happen?!

No... no... Please don't! No!

I was sending
mixed signals, I guess.

No, you were
pretty damn clear.

What does it matter now?

Did you k*ll him, Melinda?

I wasn't r*ped, okay?

I wasn't some victim.

In college,
I was on top of the world.

Head of my sorority, dating
- , big-time party girl.

And then you met Mike.

After two dates, I was planning
our wedding in my head.

Pathetic, huh?

You liked him.

He said I was different,


You ever tell anyone
what he did?

The morning after it happened,
I tried to tell my best friend.

Oh, my God.

You guys totally did it.

I don't want
to talk about it.

Tore this off you.

Mike's a total animal.

Give it back, Lisa.
Come on!

What's wrong, Kar?

He r*ped me.


We were kissing,
and then... he changed.

Come on, Kar.

A guy like Mike doesn't need
to r*pe anyone.

I mean,

you wanted to do it
with him, right?

Yeah... right.

Let's just hope he calls.

I just always wondered
why he did it.

I liked him, you know?

He didn't have to force me.

Where were you
the night he was shot?

Oh, please, I didn't k*ll him.

I didn't even
press charges.

- Why not?
- I was the party girl, okay?

I knew what everybody
would say.

I didn't want to be r*ped
all over again.

A lot of anger keeping
your secret bottled up.


You wouldn't know
the half of it.

A guy like Mike deserved
what he got.

Damn right he did.

Maybe you got even.

I wanted to, believe me.

Saw him on campus

everywhere weeks after.

Always with that damn smile.

Hey, pretty lady.

Screw you.
Get away from me.

I know.
You're mad I haven't called.

You son of a bitch.

You know damn well what
happened! I said no!

But you didn't mean it...
did you?


I told the dean
and he promised to look into it.

Next thing you know,

Mike's giving
a valedictorian speech.

Hmm. And you knew
he'd never pay.

The th anniversary
of his death-- boo-hoo.

You were the one who wrote
"r*pist" on his grave,

weren't you, Regie?

I got pregnant after.

I took care of it on my own.

Never told a soul.

So, yeah, I did.

Fine me.

The world had to know
what he did to you...

to the others.


How many were there?

Did you k*ll him, Regie?

No, but I'm glad
somebody stopped him...

since you people never did.

Can I come in?

What the hell
you want?

The r*pe victim who offed herself,
Shaina McNulty?

Found something.
Turns out she used

her dad's nine-mill
to do the deed.

Same make and model
that k*lled Mike.

So maybe dad found out
about the r*pe?

Figured that's why his little
girl k*lled herself.

Went looking for justice.

Dirty Harry style.

You owned a nine-millimeter
Smith & Wesson

back in ' , Mr. McNulty.

Same kind of g*n that
k*lled Mike Delaney.

And my little girl.

Can't blame you

for offing that bastard.
I would have, too.

No way he's getting away
with it.

I didn't believe her.

Shaina told you what happened
with Mike?

And I told her that nice girls

don't bring boys
up to their rooms.

That's... what I said.

Hard knowing
the right thing to say.

Shaina shut down
right before my eyes.

Stopped eating,
holed up in that

damn dorm room.

I thought it was a phase.

She'd grow out of it.

Then I got the call.

Where is Shaina?


Mr. McNulty, sir,
you can't go in there.

Where is she?!

Why didn't anyone try
and stop her?

Why didn't you help
my little girl?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

If I had just believed her

maybe Shaina would
still be here.

Mr. McNulty, you sure you saw that female cop
in her dorm room?

I never forgot her face.

Like she'd seen a ghost.

She had a book,
one of Shaina's.

Her diary.

Can we take a look at it?

I think they kept it,
the cops.

Had to pack up her
room and her stuff.

They didn't even
clean up the blood.

We'll give you a minute,
Mr. McNulty.

Didn't stop Mike when
she had the chance.

So maybe she takes
the law into her own hands.

Don't call her Locked 'n
Loaded Lafferty for nothing.


Turns out it matched
a nine mil

used in an ' North
Philly robbery.

Same year you were
working Evidence.

g*n disappeared
shortly after.

You gotta be kidding.


We're a barrel
of laughs here.

Save the smartass remarks
for the civilians.

'Cause you're a cop.
Right side of the law.

You want to take
me in, girlfriend,

go for it--
I'm calling my F.O.P. lawyer.

So you found Shaina
McNulty's diary.

Realized Mike
r*ped her, too.

Your fault, that kid

eating her g*n-- you
could have stopped him.

I went to the DA, right?

Told him I had two vics and
a serial r*pist on my hands.

He said I had no witnesses,
no evidence, no case.

So you took care of business.
Your own way.

Our job is to protect
the victims.

Sometimes you gotta bend
the rules.

More than bend
the rules.

You went off the
reservation, Lafferty.

Damn right I did.

Nothing was gonna stop that guy

except a Smith and Wesson.

So you tracked him down.
Took him out.


But I did what I had to do.

So I was thinking

we'd treat ourselves
to a flick tonight.

We got movie
money, Tessie?

Hey, don't worry about it, okay?

You're , geez,
think about girls or something.


That, uh, robbery...

think we might have
found your wallet.

Put the ice cream away, Jimmy,
before it melts.

I'll wait
for you, Tess.

Go up, already.

I'll be there
in a minute, okay?


Been, uh, thinking
about what you said.

Him coming back.

Got the right
to defend yourself.

Yeah, I remember.
Lock my doors.

Other ways to do it.

Know what I mean?

He comes at you, it's
called imminent danger.

The DA'll never
charge you.

You're telling me...

to k*ll him.

That would be, uh,
unethical of me as a cop.

Just informing you of
your rights is all.

Mail's piling up.

Might want to
check your box.

You gave her the g*n
that k*lled Mike Delaney.

Get off the high
and mighty, will you?

System wasn't gonna protect
victims like her, I had to.

By telling her how
to commit a felony.

' was a long, long time ago.

My memory's
kind of fuzzy.

Well, we'll subpoena you.
Put you on the stand.

You try to take
that kid down,

you'll get nothing from me.

Saying you're
gonna lie in court?

Saying I don't
remember squat,

so don't hold your breath,

You want to question Tessie,
I need to be present.

And you are?

My brother.
Also my lawyer.


Have a seat.

We know Sergeant Lafferty
gave your client a g*n.

Same one that was used in
the m*rder of Mike Delaney.

And this witness is willing
to testify to that?

I didn't think so.

I know what it's like.
The nightmares.

Making you relive what happened,
over and over.

Is that a question
or a monologue?

And until you tell someone
what really happened,

the nightmares won't stop.

Believe me, Tessie.

I know.

He used me...

like a...


You don't have
to talk to her.

And every time
he smiled at me,

I was right back on
that kitchen floor,


his smell...

My client's done talking.

- No, no, we're not done here.
- Oh yeah, we are.

Yeah, you k*lled him,
didn't you, Tessie?

- Oh, I wanted to.
- Tessie, shut up.

Nightmares won't stop,
till you tell me what you did.

Tell me.

We're done here.

Justifiable homicide,
you ask me.

I hear that.
Loud and clear.

Moot point.
Struck out on this one.

Nice try, Lil.

Yeah. Way to go, Lil.

It's not our jobs
to decide

which murders we
like or don't like.

Nah, our job

is to put away some kid
for doing the right thing.

So we let every vigilante walk?
That what you're saying?

Saying, maybe let this one.

Well, I need
to talk to her again.

Not gonna happen.
She's lawyered up.

What is it with you
and this case?

Why do you even care
about that scumbag?

It's not about him.

Then what?

'Cause I can't figure out
why you're wasting our time.

There's got to be a way
to talk to her, right, Boss?

Go home, Lil.

All of you. Please.

Quite a spread
you got here, John.

Wasn't expecting you.


So how's it going
back at the ranch?

Say we take her out,
hit the high seas,

come back next year.

That bad, huh?

Well, chasing our
tails on this one.

Doer's gonna walk.
Rush won't let it go.

Well, she's got
good instincts, Will.

Let her follow them.

Sometimes being the boss means
staying out of their way.

I'm done playing

I'm not cut out for it.

We need you back, John.

I got years
on the job, Will.

Maybe it's time to have a life.

Ah, sunstroke
talking there.

I think I've lost
my taste for it.

The politics,
or the job?

There a difference?

Doing some reading?

Shaina's diary.

A few months before she
k*lled herself, this entry:

"I know I'm not alone

"in my pain.

"There are others
who wrote on The Wall.

He won't get away
with what he did."

Shaina knew about
the other girls?

Sounds like it.

So what's this "wall"
they wrote on?

Place on campus
where they could

leave messages.

Well, we know he picked up
his victims at the library.

Maybe there?

No internet chat rooms
back in ' .

A bulletin board maybe?

Some place girls could
communicate... privately..

Like a bathroom stall?

Old school chat room.

For men and women both.

Worth following up?

Do it.

You coming, Will?

Glad you asked.

I always wondered what
you ladies had in here.

Everything you got.

Not quite.

Think they'd clean
up this stuff,

time to time.

Got it.

"MD." Michael Delaney.

"I told my dad and he said
it was my fault."

- Shaina.
- There's more.

Other girls.

"I told the Dean..."

...and nothing happened.

"I told the cops..."

...and nothing happened.

He r*ped me, too.

I told my roommate,
and she said I asked for it.

Karin wrote that.

"He r*ped me too and
I never told anyone..."

He r*ped me, too,
and I never told anyone

'cause it was my fault.

They lied.

They knew about each other.

And they made a plan.

To k*ll him.

Got Karin and Melinda here, too.

One of them's
gonna break.

You want to make a deal,
now's the time.

I didn't k*ll
Mike Delaney.

You did it together.

With Tessie, too.
We know that.

That is ridiculous.

Writing on the wall
says different, Regie.

Remember now?

I told you.

I wasn't r*ped.

Your handwriting gonna
match the wall, Melinda?

That was just...
stupid writing.

It didn't mean

Sure it did.

Then Shaina
k*lled herself.

You had to make him pay.

I never even met her.

"No matter how much I try,
I just want it to end.

"I hope you won't
be mad at me.

I'm just not
as strong as you."

Shaina's last entry
in her diary.

It was dedicated
to you.

"The women on The Wall."

She was barely .

A kid.

It isn't fair
what he did to her.

What he did to all of you.

So you made a plan together.

Waited on the quad
till nightfall.

Please, stop this.

And then you
saw him-- alone.

Coming from a party?

Or maybe another girl's room?

No one was going to stop him.

Except us.

He had that stupid smile
on his face.

Always that damn smile.

But then he saw us.

And he knew.

It was...

...payback time.

Say what you did to us.

- What is this?
- You can't pretend

it didn't happen--
what you did

to all of us.

Why? Why'd you do it?

I didn't do anything.

You r*ped us.

Right. You're crazy.

Say it.

I don't have to listen to this.

Say it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Say it.

Tessie, what are
you doing? Huh?

Say it, you son of a bitch.

Say what you did?

Say it!

He wet his pants.

That little piece of crap
wet his own pants.

How does it feel, huh?

- k*ll him.
- Oh, my God, Tessie, don't.

- Please...
- k*ll him, Tessie, now, do it.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, I did it.

Say it!

I r*ped you.


I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, please...
please don't sh**t me.


I can't.

What? k*ll him
now, Tessie, do it!

I won't do it.

- I won't become him.
- Let's go home.

Please, Tessie.

Let's go home.

Then we left him there.

We went back

to my dorm room and stayed
there until dawn.

And that's when we heard.
He was dead.

I was glad.

Thought it would make us better.

But it didn't.

You were together until
the next morning?

All of you?
Even Tessie?

No one left that room
until we got the news.

Then why'd Tessie's
brother lie?

Said she was with
him that night.

'Cause he was her alibi.

And she was his.

My client isn't saying
another word.

This isn't about
your client.

Trajectory of the b*llet
indicates the sh**t

was five-four, five-two,
average sized female.

Or a -year-old boy.

Real protective,
weren't you, Jimmy?

Parents were dead...

Making you the
man of the family.

You people are pathetic...

Tessie, don't
talk to them.

Kids know more
than we think.

Hear things,
see things.

Bottle it all up inside.

But it's k*lling you.

He was just a kid.

This is ridiculous.

Tell them, Jimmy.
You were home, right?



I saw him.

Leave the apartment.

I saw... everything.

Okay, I k*lled him.
I did it. Arrest me.

He wasn't sorry.

On the quad.

I followed you that night.

I was supposed
to protect you...

Jimmy, shut up!

I am confessing, okay?
I k*lled that animal.

No, you didn't.

Jimmy, don't do this.

I picked up the g*n...

Stupid b*tches...


Then what happened?

I had to protect you, Tess.

Please don't do
this to him.

He was just a little boy.

Don't do this to us,
not again.

You picked up the g*n
because you were scared.

You thought you
were in danger.

Imminent danger,
didn't you, Jimmy?

Is she doing what I
think she's doing?

Didn't you...

I'm not hearing it. You?

Tell them yes, Jimmy.

You picked up the g*n

because you thought
you were in danger.

Jimmy, do it
for me, please.

Just tell them the truth.

Tessie's little brother?

Jimmy, right?

She told me about you.

Come on, bud,
give me the g*n.

So what you're saying
then is he came at you, right?

Grown man coming
at a -year-old boy,

who knows what he'd do?

Threat to your life.

Say yes, Jimmy. Please.

I know what you did to her.
To Tessie.

You got it all wrong, buddy.

No, she said no.

They all say that.

But they don't mean it.

You'll see one day.

I was there.
I heard everything.

Between you and me, kid?

Your sister was one
hell of a lay...

Shut up!

Then he moved in
for you, right?

Left you no choice.

You know the law.

You won't go away
for defending yourself.

Because you had to sh**t,
didn't you, Jimmy?

You're all I got left.

Tell them.

I couldn't let him hurt you
ever again...

* You saw me standing
by the wall *

* Corner of a main street *

* And the lights are flashing
on your windowsill *

* Take a chance *

* Like all dreamers can't
find another way *

* You don't have
to dream at all *

* Just live a day *

* Don't say a prayer
for me now *

* Save it till
the morning after *

* No, don't say a prayer
for me now *

* Save it till
the morning after *

* Save it
till the morning after *

* Save it till
the morning after *

* Save it
till the morning after *

* Do-do-do-do-do *

* Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do *

* Save a prayer
till the morning after *

* Save a prayer till
the morning after... *
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